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Nucleolar cycle in Physarum polycephalum was studied using EDTA preferential stain for RNP. We have been able to establish the following.
1. 1. The nucleolar remnants that are observed during mitosis correspond to the fibrillar zones of the interphase nucleolus.
2. 2. In prometaphase and metaphase the nucleolar remnants lie peripherically around the chromosomal mass with which they are only superficially associated.
3. 3. Preribosomal granules appear 10–15 min after metaphase in the prenucleolar bodies.
The results shown that the interphase nucleolus is an assembly of multiple subunits. The relationship between the nucleolar remnants and chromosomes is discussed in the light of the recent understanding of the extrachromosomal nature of rDNA.Le cycle nucléolaire de Physarum polycephalum a été étudié en microscopie électronique après réaction régressive à l'EDTA qui met préférentiellement en évidence les RNP. Nous avons suivi ainsi la dispersion du nucléole en prophase, le devenir des restes nucléolaires au cours de la métaphase et de la télophase, puis l'apparition des corps prénucléolaires en début d'interphase.  相似文献   

In Ailanthus altissima, carbohydrate and protein reserves are mainly localized in the tap-root. Under drought stress they are very quickly hydrolysed. Despite the water deficiency, an increase in starch synthesis is observed in the leaves and stem during the first stages of stress. Stimulation of the cambial activity of the stems and an increase in protein content have also been observed. Chemical analyses have shown a high proline content which increases markedly following drought stress, especially in the tap-root.  相似文献   

The interstitial stygobiont distributions of two rivers in the western High Atlas is analyzed in relation with sediment granulometry. Sixteen stations were sampled along the rivers N'Fis and Zat and their tributaries. Granulometry analyses were performed. Three grain size sediment types constitute the subterranean biotopes and reflect the local hydrodynamical conditions. The main rivers stations, which undergo frequent natural or human disturbances, are characterized by a high content of fine sediment; in contrast, tributaries stations show coarse and well-classified sediments due to more stable biotopes and more regular hydrological conditions. The 92 taxa group 28 stygobiontic species with 11 crustaceans species. PCA. based on 16 stations, three faunistic richness indexes and three granulometric factors display a high correlation between coarse grain-size content and the richness of stygobiontic taxa. A high silt content both limits the interstitial taxa and excludes crustaceans that occur only in coarse gravels. The granulometric preferenda in the species of the amphipod genus Metacrangonyx and isopods Microcerberus. Microcharon and Typhlocirolana are shown on Shepard triangular diagrams. Cohabitation of several species of the same genus could be explained by the occupancy of different ecological niches resulting from the grain-size proportion.  相似文献   

Physicochemical studies of calf thymus chromatin were performed on micromicellar suspensions by thermal denaturation. These diluted suspensions were obtained, by a controlled shearing method, from a compact gel chromatin. Sedimentation and free-flow electrophoresis determined the size distribution of these particles. The most important result is a new transition on the melting profiles corresponding to a sudden increase of solution turbidity. This chromatin solution transition occurs at a higher temperature than usual DNA transition. The degree of « turbidity transitiondiminishes with micelle size but disappears when they are very mildly degraded by DNAases and when F1 histone fraction is removed.This transition is not only size dependent but also depends on the micellar structure. This phenomenon is interpreted as an excluded volume effect by contact between compact and native regions of nucleoprotein micelles and denatured coils of DNA. Our study tried to show that the degree of turbidity transition can be a criterion of chromatin native structure.  相似文献   

Résumé Des papillons de carpocapse Cydia pomonella L., mâles et femelles séparés, sont soumis au contact des résidus secs du CGA 184'699, un inhibiteur de croissance d'insectes (ICI) et du fenoxycarb, un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI). Ils sont ensuite regroupés dans boîtes non traitées pour l'accouplement et la ponte. La fécondité du carpocapse n'est pratiquement pas affectée par ce conditionnement mais sa fertilité diminue avec l'augmentation de la concentration des produits et avec la durée d'exposition. Avec le CGA 184'699, l'efficacité ovicide induite atteint environ 50% suite à un contact de trois jours avec les résidus d'un traitement à 100 mg/l, alors qu'avec le fenoxycarb elle s'élève à 87% dans les mêmes conditions. Avec le CGA 184'699, seul le contact des femelles avec les résidus provoque cette réduction de fertilité, alors que le fenoxycarb agit sur les deux sexes.
Summary Codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., males and females were exposed separately to contact with dry residues of CGA 184'699 an insect growth inhibitor (IGI) and fenoxycarb, an insect growth regulator (IGR), The sexes were then grouped together in non treated boxes for mating and egglaying. Fecundity of codling moth was little affected by this treatment but its fertility decreased with increases in the concentration of products and the duration of contact. Induced ovicidal efficacy was about 50% after three days contact with the residues of a 100 mg (a.i.)/l application of CGA 184'699, whereas the same conditions led to about 87% efficacy with fenoxycarb. With CGA 184'699, only contact by females affected egg eclosion whereas fenoxycarb acted on both sexes.

Advantages are given to illustrate the possibilities of resonance Raman spectroscopy in the studies of biological systems.A relation giving the size of porphinato-core of metalloporphyrins from resonance Raman frequency is proposed. It can be applied to heme, even in lived state.By illuminating the sample through a microscope, resonance Raman effect can be collected from 1 (μm)2 of sample. Spectra of a vegetal-cell wall (pimento) and of a red corpuscle (hemoglobin) are shown as examples.  相似文献   

Two classes of low-affinity Ca2+-binding sites have been shown to exist. One type dissociates as pH rises, thereby increasing the amount of bound Ca2+. The other type, which does not change in number, has an affinity for Ca2+ which is dependent on ionic strength. The former is possibly a phospholipid, the latter possibly a protein.Under our experimental conditions, the inner mitochondrial membrane contained binding sites of the second class ony while other membranes contain both types. Rough endoplasmic reticulum contains yet another class of sites at the ribosomal level.


L'existence de deux catégories de sites de fixation de faible affinité du Ca2+ a été mise en évidence. Les uns se dissocient de plus en plus quant le pH s'éléve permettant une augmentation des quantités de Ca2+ fixé, les autres sont invariables en nombre, mais leur affinité pour le Ca2+ est dépendante de la force ionique du milieu. Les premiers pourraient étre de nature phospholipidique, les seconds de nature protéique.Dans nos conditions expérimentales, la membrane interne des mitochondries possède uniquement des sites de la seconde catégorie. Les autres membranes renferment simultanément les deux sortes de sites. Le réticulum endoplasmique rugueux possède des sites supplémentaires au niveau des ribosomes.  相似文献   

Polarographic study of the mobilization of ferritin ironPolarographic study allows to propose a model for mobilization of ferritin iron: an equilibrium exists between iron core and small quantities of iron outside the protein.These iron atoms would be lying on electron acceptor sites including SH groups. The number of sites is dependent on iron content of ferritin.Therefore, the iron could be removed by the action of reducing agents such as xanthine oxidase or ascorbic acid, and then chelated by a complexing agent.  相似文献   

Degradation of Amino Acids at a Simulated Water-sediment Interface of a Mediterranean Lagoon Environment, Golfe du Lion The degradation of two 14C and 3H labelled amino acids at the simulated water-sediment interface of a Mediterranean lagoon was studied. The four day experiments included the respiratory activity measurement and the study of incorporation processes of the radioactivity in specific organic fractions of the 14C arginine. After active mineralization occurred during the first day, the radioactivity in the acid-soluble fraction decreased and polycondensed products were progressively incorporated. The radioactivity of the 3H lysine was included mainly in the acid soluble fraction. The nature of the substrate, and the reducing conditions in the environment affect the radioactivity distribution in the organic fractions. The identification of amino acids in the acid-soluble and base soluble fractions shows that the labelled arginine and lysine and other amino acids in the acid soluble and base soluble fractions shows that the labelled arginine and lysine released from the initial compounds are important quantitatively.  相似文献   

The use of the NMR spectra (250 MHz) of cellulose triacetate allows the determination of the percentage of deuterium bonded to each of the six carbon atoms of the monomer residue (except for H?1 and one of the protons bonded to C6 where the signals overlap). Deuterated derivatives of D -glucose and/or deuterated water were used for the biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose by Acetobacter xylinum. Analysis of NMR spectra of acetylated samples gives the following results. About 90% of the protons linked to C1 and C6 come from the D -glucose used in the nutrition medium, whereas 10% are exchanged with other sources of protons. Over 40% of the protons linked to C2, C3, C4, and C5 arise from the water of the nutrition medium. Discrepancies between results of biosynthesis from deuterated water and from deuterated D -glucose can only be explained if more than one enzymatic process is involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose.  相似文献   

Résumé L'analyse (acides aminés et sucres) d'extrait de feuille, de 5 variétés de manioc (Manihot esculenta), du Faux caoutchouc (Hybride deM. esculenta x M.glaziovii), du Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrina) et du Talinum (Talinum triangularae), caractérisés par différents degrés de résistance par antibiose à la cochenille du manioc (Phenacoccus manihoti (Mat. Ferr.)) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), a été réalisée sur des extraits obtenus par centrifugation du matériel foliaire. Les teneurs en acids aminés, très différentes d'une plante à l'autre, apparaissent aussi importantes entre les variétés de l'espèce manioc qu'entre les différentes espèces végétales avec respectivement un rapport de variation de 4,5 et 5,5. De même, les teneurs en sucres (exprimées en équivalent saccharose), sont très différentes d'une plante à l'autre avec un rapport de variation de 1 à 33 entre les deux extrêmes, si l'on ne considère que l'espèceM. esculenta, il n'est plus que de 3,5.Des différences dans les proportions relatives des acids aminés libres d'extrait de feuille sont observées aussi bien entre les variétés de manioc qu'entre les espèces végétales. Cependant pour toutes les plantes étudiées l'acide glutamique, la glutamine, l'ethanolamine, et l'alanine représentent près de 50% des acides aminés de l'extrait de feuille; l'acide aspertique, l'asparagine et la sérine près de 20% tandis que la tyrosine, la méthionine, l'isoleucine, la leucine et la lysine sont présents en très faibles pourcentages.Le degré de résistance à la cochenille du manioc des différentes plantes-hôtes n'a pu être relié, ni à la teneur de leur extrait de feuille en acides aminés et en sucres, ni à leur composition relative en acides aminés. Il n'a pu être non plus relié au rapport Sucres/Acides aminés Nos résultats suggèrent que des caractéristiques biochimiques autres que celles étudiées dans ce travail interviennent dans les mécanismes de résistance vis-à-vis de la cochenille du manioc.
Summary The levels of sugars and amino acids were determined in leaf extracts from a number of plants showing different levels of resistance to the cassava mealybug,Phenacoccus manihoti (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). There were five varieties of cassava (Manihot esculenta), as well as a hybrid obtained by crossingM. esculenta andM. glaziovii, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrina) and talinum (Talinum triangularae). The variability in the total concentration of amino acid concentrations was as great between varieties of cassava as at the species level. In contrast, there was much less variability in the concentration of sugars at the intervarietal that at the interspecies level.While there were both intervarietal and interspecific differences in the amino acid composition, glutamic acid, glutamine, ethanolamine and alanine represented nearly 50% of the total in all plants examined. Aspartic acid, asparagine and serine accounted for approximately 20%, while tyrosine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine are present at low levels.The different levels of resistance noted in the different plants were not associated with the concentrations of either amino acids or sugars, the ratios of sugar/amino concentrations or the amino acid compositions obtained from leaf extracts. This suggests that other aspects of plant chemistry confer resistance to cassava mealybugs.

Les analyses physico-chimiques d'extraits hexaniques de glandes à phéromone de femelles vierges de T. jacobaeae, associées à des études du comportement sexuel et à l'électroantennographie, ont permis d'identifier le composé majoritaire (98%) comme étant l'époxy-9S,10R-(Cis)-hénéicosadiène-3Z,6Z (no 1) et de déterminer sa configuration absolue. Les analogies entre les spectres du composé no 2 (1,5%) et ceux de l'époxy-9S,10R éicosadiène-3Z,6Z de synthèse nous conduisent à proposer cette structure pour ce constituant minoritaire. Le troisième produit (0,5%) possède les caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l'hénéicosatriène-3Z,6Z,9Z (no 3). Les produits 1 et 3 ont déjà été identifiés comme constituants de phéromones d'Arctiidae tandis que le produit 2 est décrit ici pour la première fois dans une sécrétion phéromonale de Lépidoptère.  相似文献   

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