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Summary Wide chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) diversity has been reported in the Andean cultivated tetraploid potato, Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena. Andean diploid potatoes were analyzed in this study to elucidate the origin of the diverse ctDNA variation of the cultivated tetraploids. The ctDNA types of 58 cultivated diploid potatoes (S. stenotomum, S. goniocalyx and S. phureja), 35 accessions of S. sparsipilum, a diploid weed species, and 40 accessions of the wild or weed species, S. chacoense, were determined based on ctDNA restriction fragment patterns of BamHI, HindIII and PvuII. Several different ctDNA types were found in the cultivated potatoes as well as in weed and wild potato species; thus, intraspecific ctDNA variation may be common in both wild and cultivated potato species and perhaps in the higher plant kingdom as a whole. The ctDNA variation range of cultivated diploid potatoes was similar to that of the tetraploid potatoes, suggesting that the ctDNA diversity of the tetraploid potato could have been introduced from cultivated diploid potatoes. This provided further evidence that the Andean cultivated tetraploid potato, ssp. andigena, could have arisen many times from the cultivated diploid populations. The diverse but conserved ctDNA variation noted in the Andean potatoes may have occurred in the early stage of species differentiation of South American tuber-bearing Solanums.  相似文献   

A potential novel method of producing high-quality potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) nuclear seeds is through the process of somatic embryogenesis (SE). Somatic embryo formation has been successfully reported in many plant species, but in potato, reliable SE systems are still at the experimental stage. A key factor in the success of any SE system is the ability to discriminate SE-specific cellular structures from those emerging through an organogenic route. In the investigation reported here we attempted to discriminate the progression of specific stages of potato SE by histological means. Internodal segment (INS) explants from 4- to 6-week-old cv. Desiree in vitro cultures were successively cultured on SE induction (for 2 weeks) and expression/regeneration media (for 3 weeks) with and without 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (5 M). Microscopic examination of histological slides prepared using INS explants at different stages revealed the presence of characteristic globular, heart and torpedo stages in the potato SE system along with other associated unique features such as protoderm development and discrete vascular connections. These results confirm the occurrence of potato SE as per the accepted definition of the term.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - ELS Embryo-like structure(s) - INS Internodal segment(s) - PEM Proembryo mass - SE Somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to simplify existing somatic embryogenesis systems in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Desiree. The project targeted the agar-based induction phase of the potato somatic embryogenesis process as the key area for improvement. Experiments were established to ascertain the effect of a 2,4-D (2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) pulse, applied to the primary internodal section explant source and its subsequent effect on embryo induction. Parameters tested were the duration of the auxin pulse in a range from 0 to 300 min, and the concentrations of 2,4-D applied, in a range from 0 to 5,120 μM. The mean number of somatic embryos formed per explant was recorded after 4 and 8 weeks culture. Our findings indicated that the somatic embryogenesis in potato internodal segments could be evoked by an auxin (2,4-D) pulse treatment over a wide concentration and duration range. The results further suggested that a simple 20 μM 2,4-D pulse treatment could replace a lengthy 2 week induction phase in potato somatic embryogenesis and thus improve the system’s practicability for wider uptake.  相似文献   

K. J. Oparka 《Protoplasma》1986,131(3):201-210
Summary Potential pathways for sucrose unloading in the potato tuber were examined by light and electron microscopy. Abundant plasmodesmata connected sieve elements with surrounding parenchyma elements and also sieve elements with companion cells. Plasmodesmata were rarer, however, between companion cells and parenchyma elements. These observations suggest that sucrose may leave the sieve elements and enter the storage parenchyma cells directly via the symplast and that transport through the companion cell may not be a prerequisite for unloading. Plasmodesmata, grouped together in primary pit fields, were also abundant between storage cells, and isolated storage cells, separated enzymically, showed considerable variation in plasmodesmatal distribution between cells and also on different faces of a single cell. Deposition of starch was found to occur in the tuber cortex while an endodermis with Casparian strip was present external to the phloem, suggesting that assimilates initially enter the cortical storage cells by an entirely symplastic pathway. The possible involvement of ATPase in the unloading process was examined cytochemically, using a lead-salt precipitation method. By contrast with previous findings for phloem no evidence was found for ATPase activity that was unique to the sieve element-companion cell complex. The present observations favour the view that phloem unloading in the potato tuber is a symplastic and passive process.  相似文献   

Effect of maltose on the response of potato anthers in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anthers of the Solanum tuberosum genotype H3703 were cultured on medium containing equimolar concentrations of sucrose or maltose. It was found that significantly more pollen embryos became plants after culture on maltose and hence the yield of plants per 100 anthers cultured increased significantly. Mechanisms by which carbohydrate source may influence response to anther culture are discussed.  相似文献   

ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is one of the major enzymes involved in starch biosynthesis in higher plants. We report here the molecular cloning of two cDNAs encoding so far uncharacterized isoforms (AGP S2 and AGP S3) of the potato enzyme. Sequence analysis shows that the two polypeptides are more homologous to previously identified large subunit polypeptides from potato and other plant species than to small subunit isoforms. This observation suggests that AGP S2 and AGP S3 represent novel large subunit polypeptides. agpS2 is expressed in several tissues of the potato plant, including leaves and tubers. Expression was stronger in sink leaves than in source leaves, indicating developmental regulation. In leaves, agpS2 expression was induced 2- to 3-fold by exogenous sucrose; therefore, agpS2 represents a new sucrose-responsive gene of starch metabolism. Expression of agpS3 was restricted to tubers: no agpS3 expression could be seen in leaves of different developmental stages, or when leaves were incubated in sucrose. Therefore, agpS3 represents the only AGPase gene so far characterized from potato, which is not expressed in leaves. Conversely, all four AGPase isoforms known from potato are expressed in tubers.  相似文献   

The effect of media manipulatioss, temperature pretreatment, carbohydrate source, and seasonal variation on tetraploid potato anther cultures was investigated. The anther culture responses of three commercial Nordic potato varieties from Scandinavia and two from Germany were compared on different media manipulations. With most of the varieties, solid MS media gave better yields than other published media manipulations. Pretreatments at +6°C and at +30°C were studied on Pito and Danva varieties. The +6°C pretreatment and no pretreatment had the same effect on the anther culture response of cv. Pito, while with cv. Danva pretreatment at +6°C promoted embryogenesis. The +30°C pretreatment had no positive effect on anther culture response on either cultivar. The effect of maltose, melibiose and mannitol individually and in combination with sucrose were compared to normal sucrose medium in cv. Pito anther cultures. Anthers incubated on normal sucrose medium gave the highest embryoid and plant yields; the second highest plant yields were obtained on pure maltose medium. Strong seasonal variation was observed throughout the year in cv. Pito anther cultures. The percentage of anthers producing embryoids ranged from 15–20% during September and October to just 1–3% from February through May. The annual average embryoid production rate was 6.18%.  相似文献   

The effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a key precursor in the biosynthesis of porphyrins such as chlorophyll and heme, on development and salt tolerance of microtubers of two potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Jingshi-2 and Zihuabai were examined under in vitro conditions. ALA at 0.3–3 mg/l promoted microtuber formation by increasing the average number, diameter, and fresh weight of microtubers especially under 0.5% NaCl stress conditions, but further increase in ALA concentration resulted in a reduction of microtuber yield irrespective of NaCl stress. Under 1.0% NaCl stress conditions, microtuberization was seriously repressed and could not be restored by the addition of ALA. The accumulation of malondialdehyde in the microtubers treated with 30 mg/l ALA increased by 22% compared to the controls (no salinity), while only a 7% increase was observed when the microtubers were exposed to 0.5% NaCl, indicating that ALA functions as a protectant against oxidative damages of membranes. Under 0.5% NaCl stress conditions, the highest activities of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase were detected in microtubers treated with ALA at 0.3 and 3 mg/l, being by 73% and by 28% greater than those in the untreated controls, respectively. These results demonstrate that ALA at lower concentrations of 0.3–3 mg/l promotes development and growth of potato microtubers in vitro and enhances protective functions against oxidative stresses, but ALA at 30 mg/l and higher concentrations seems to induce oxidative damage probably through formation and accumulation of photooxidative porphyrins.  相似文献   

Three somaclonal populations of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), each comprised of at least 1,000 plants, were regenerated from the cultivars Kennebec, Russet Burbank, and Superior. The frequency of formation of adventitious meristems from tuber disc explants varied significantly between these potato genotypes. Only 1.0–1.3% of each somaclonal population exhibited morphological aberrations. Regenerated populations of Kennebec and Superior, when compared to respective control populations over three asexual generations, were similarly enriched with somaclones having more elongated tubers, a higher total tuber number and weight, a higher cull tuber number and weight, and earlier maturity. Somaclones of Russet Burbank also produced more elongated tubers, a higher total tuber number, and a higher cull tuber number and weight but, in contrast, these somaclones were lower in total tuber weight, lower in U.S. 1 tuber number and weight, shorter in stem length, and lower in vigor. Of the three cultivars, Russet Burbank somaclones possessed the greatest variability for most traits. Besides this significant genotype effect, quantitative traits differed amongst each other in respect of relative changes resulting from somaclonal variation. Observed differences among genotypes and quantitative traits will undoubtedly affect the success or failure of plant improvement programs attempting to utilize somaclonal variation.Research supported by a grant from NPI, 417 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA  相似文献   

Five chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) types (W, T, C, S, and A) have previously been identified in the Andean tetraploid cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena) and three types (C, S, and A) in diploid cultivated potatoes (S. stenotomum). In this study, ctDNA types were determined for an additional 35 accessions of S. stenotomum and 97 accessions of putative ancestral wild species (15 of S. brevicaule, 26 of S. bukasovii, 4 of S. candolleanum, 25 of S. canasense, 17 of S. leptophyes, and 10 of S. multidissectum). The first five ctDNA types were also identified in S. stenotomum. The wild species were also polymorphic for ctDNA types except for S. brevicaule, which had only W-type ctDNA. T-type ctDNA was not found in any of the wild species and could have originated from W-type ctDNA after S. stenotomum arose. The other types of ctDNA evolved in wild species. The geographical distribution of each ctDNA type indicated that A-type ctDNA arose in central Peru and T-type ctDNA in the Bolivia-Argentine boundary. It is implied that potatoes were successively domesticated and that, in parallel, several wild species were differentiated from time to time and place to place from the ancestral species complex. Subsequent sexual polyploidization formed a wide ctDNA diversity among the Andean tetraploid potatoes, and selection from them formed the limited ctDNA diversity found in Chilean tetraploid potatoes (ssp. tuberosum).Hawkes' (1990) classification system is tentatively adopted throughout this text. Synonyms indicated by Hawkes (1990) for the species names described by various authors are presented in parentheses.  相似文献   

Among the multiple environmental signals and hormonal factors regulatingpotato plant morphogenesis and controlling tuber induction, jasmonates (JAs)andgibberellins (GAs) are important components of the signalling pathways in theseprocesses. In the present study, with Solanum tuberosum L.cv. Spunta, we followed the endogenous changes of JAs and GAs during thedevelopmental stages of soil-grown potato plants. Foliage at initial growthshowed the highest jasmonic acid (JA) concentration, while in roots the highestcontent was observed in the stage of tuber set. In stolons at the developmentalstage of tuber set an important increase of JA was found; however, in tubersthere was no change in this compound during tuber set and subsequent growth.Methyl jasmonate (Me-JA) in foliage did not show the same pattern as JA; Me-JAdecreased during the developmental stages in which it was monitored, meanwhileJA increased during those stages. The highest total amount of JAs expressed asJA+Me-JA was found at tuber set. A very important peak ofJA in roots was coincident with that observed in stolons at tuber set. Also, aprogressive increase of this compound in roots was shown during the transitionof stolons to tubers. Of the two GAs monitored, gibberellic acid(GA3) was the most abundant in all the organs. While GA1and GA3 were also found in stolons at the time of tuber set, noothermeasurements of GAs were obtained for stolons at previous stages of plantdevelopment. Our results indicate that high levels of JA and GAs are found indifferent tissues, especially during stolon growth and tuber set.  相似文献   

马铃薯花芽分化与内源激素动态变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马铃薯2个开花品种YS205和HZ88以及未开花品种YS304为材料,采用石蜡切片法观察花芽分化的解剖学特征,并用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定开花与未开花品种不同时期叶内4种内源激素——生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA3)、玉米核苷素(ZR)、脱落酸(ABA)含量的动态变化,探讨成花过程中叶片内源激素含量和比值的变化与成花的关系,为马铃薯花期调控、栽培和杂交育种提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)马铃薯花芽内部发育与外部形态之间有相对稳定的时序性对应关系,从花芽分化初期生长锥逐渐向上凸起,到雌雄蕊原基形成,完成整个花芽分化仅用了1周左右的时间,此阶段YS205和HZ88的花芽分化过程无明显差异,而YS304未成花。(2)随着花器官的不断发育,HZ88子房形成2室,每室多个胚珠,而YS205的子房在发育过程中发生了变异,形成完整的3室;YS205和HZ88都先后经历了授粉受精过程,HZ88具有一定的自交结实率,YS205无坐果率。(3)马铃薯3个品种的IAA、GA3、ZR和ABA含量在花芽分化前期均较低,且无明显差异性;随后,3个品种的IAA和GA3含量均呈先升后降的单峰变化曲线,但YS304上升和下降的速度较2个开花品种快,而且YS205和HZ88的ZR和ABA含量则始终高于YS304。(4)开花品种YS205和HZ88的ABA/IAA、ABA/GA3、ZR/IAA、ZR/GA3比值均高于未开花品种YS304,且随生育期变化趋势不同。研究表明,较低水平的IAA、GA3和高水平的ABA、ZR均有利于促进马铃薯花芽分化,反之则抑制花原基形态的建成。  相似文献   

Sharma SK  Bryan GJ  Winfield MO  Millam S 《Planta》2007,226(6):1449-1458
The stability, both genetic and phenotypic, of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar Desiree plants derived from alternative propagation methodologies has been compared. Plants obtained through three clonal propagation routes—axillary-bud-proliferation, microtuberisation and a novel somatic embryogenesis system, and through true potato seeds (TPS) produced by selfing were evaluated at three levels: gross phenotype and minituber yield, changes in ploidy (measured by flow cytometry) and by molecular marker analysis [measured using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism)]. The clonally propagated plants exhibited no phenotypic variation while the TPS-derived plants showed obvious phenotypic segregation. Significant differences were observed with respect to minituber yield while average plant height, at the time of harvesting, was not significantly different among plants propagated through four different routes. None of the plant types varied with respect to gross genome constitution as assessed by flow cytometry. However, a very low level of AFLP marker profile variation was seen amongst the somatic embryo (3 out of 451 bands) and microtuber (2 out of 451 bands) derived plants. Intriguingly, only AFLP markers generated using methylation sensitive restriction enzymes were found to show polymorphism. No polymorphism was observed in plants regenerated through axillary-bud-proliferation. The low level of molecular variation observed could be significant on a genome-wide scale, and is discussed in the context of possible methylation changes occurring during the process of somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

[目的]比较果实颜色分别为红色和黄色的番茄植株茎部内生细菌群落组成及代谢功能特征,旨在探究番茄果色形成与植株内生细菌的关联,为构建番茄育种新型的评价体系,以及开发利用有益微生物功能提供理论依据和技术支撑.[方法]基于MiSeq高通量测序技术,分析果实颜色分别为红色和黄色番茄品种植株茎部内生细菌群落组成及相关代谢功能生物...  相似文献   

The effect of auxin, GA and BAP on potato shoot growth and tuberization was investigated under in vitro condition. The shoot length of potato explants increased with the increasing of concentrations (0.5 – 10 mg dm−3) of IAA treatment especially with the addition of GA3 (0.5 mg dm−3), but was inhibited by BAP (5 mg dm−3). The root number and root fresh weight of potato explants increased with the increasing of IAA levels either in the presence of GA3 (treatment IAA+GA) or not (IAA alone). However, no root was observed in the treatment IAA+BAP, instead there were brown swollen calli formed around the basal cut surface of the explants. The addition of GA3 remarkably increased the fresh weight and diameter of calli. Microtubers were formed in the treatments of IAA+BAP and IAA + GA + BAP but not observed in the treatments of IAA alone or IAA + GA. IAA of higher concentrations (2.5 – 10 mg dm−3) was helpful to form sessile tubers. With the increasing of IAA levels, the fresh weight and diameter of microtubers increased progressively. At 10 mg/L IAA, the fresh weight and diameter of microtubers in the treatment of IAA + GA + BAP were 409.6 % and 184.4 % of that in the treatment of IAA + BAP respectively, indicating the interaction effect of GA and IAA in potato microtuberization.  相似文献   

Antiserum against a potato Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor (PKPI) expressed in Escherichia coli was produced. In immunoblotting assays of proteins from potato tubers cultured in vitro, three proteins reacted to the antiserum, two of 20 kDa and one of 10 kDa. Their N-termini were sequenced. While the 20 kDa proteins showed 59 and 90% identity to PKPI, the 10 kDa one had 65% identity to soybean C-II proteinase inhibitor. Characterization of the temporal expression of these proteins showed that both could be detected from 10 days after induction of tuberization (DAI) in vitro, but the times when maximum amounts of PKPI and 10 kDa protein could be detected were different, corresponding to 22 and 32 DAI, respectively. The amounts of these proteins decreased in the following stages, and no positive reaction of the antiserum with mature tuber proteins could be found. The 20 kDa proteins were also detected in early stages of development of potato tubers grown in the field, indicating that these proteins are expressed during normal tuber development, and differ from the PKPIs reported previously.  相似文献   

Summary A number of unselected potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) clones were grown at two locations (a seed site and a ware site) in three consecutive years. The repeatability of total yield and yield components in the first two clonal years was compared with the same characters recorded in the third clonal year. Selection for yield in the first clonal year was only marginally more effective than a random reduction in number of genotypes, while selection in the second clonal year appeared to be somewhat more effective as judged by performance in the third clonal year. The inefficiency of selection in the first clonal year was ascribed, at least in part, to the inaccuracy of yield assessment as well as the carry-over effect of the mother tubers. Correlations of total yield were higher between different years in the same location than between different locations. Selection under growing conditions suitable for production of seed tubers tended to result in selection of early maturing clones which would not necessarily be optimal for ware growing conditions.  相似文献   

At harvest, and for an indeterminate period thereafter, potato tubers will not sprout and are physiologically dormant. Abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to play a critical role in tuber dormancy control but the mechanisms controlling ABA content during dormancy as well as the sites of ABA synthesis and catabolism are unknown. As a first step in defining the sites of synthesis and cognate processes regulating ABA turnover during storage and dormancy progression, gene sequences encoding the ABA biosynthetic enzymes zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) and 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) and three catabolism-related genes were used to quantify changes in their relative mRNA abundances in three specific tuber tissues (meristems, their surrounding periderm and underlying cortex) by qRT-PCR. During storage, StZEP expression was relatively constant in meristems, exhibited a biphasic pattern in periderm with transient increases during early and mid-to-late-storage, and peaked during mid-storage in cortex. Expression of two members of the potato NCED gene family was found to correlate with changes in ABA content in meristems (StNCED2) and cortex (StNCED1). Conversely, expression patterns of three putative ABA-8′-hydroxylase (CYP707A) genes during storage varied in a tissue-specific manner with expression of two of these genes rising in meristems and periderm and declining in cortex during storage. These results suggest that ABA synthesis and metabolism occur in all tuber tissues examined and that tuber ABA content during dormancy is the result of a balance of synthesis and metabolism that increasingly favors catabolism as dormancy ends and may be controlled at the level of StNCED and StCYP707A gene activities Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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