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It is now well known that many bumblebee species are threatened in Europe and in N. America. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain this regression. Some of the hypothetical factors act at a continental level, as the general restructuration of the agriculture toward the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilisation, in place of leguminous crops. The landscape fragmentation is typically a local factor the fusion of which also leads to large-scale effects. Since 2002, we observed a great number of situations where local droughts and heat waves occurred in France, UK, Scandinavia, Turkey, leading to very strong local reductions of the bumblebee’s fauna. We observed so many local cases in 2007–2009 that we could hypothesise that a merger of these local effects could lead to a new general threat. As they are the most exposed to heat waves, the species with a late (summer) phenology should be the most sensitive to this risk.  相似文献   

The latest progress of the taxonomy is the use of integrative approach for species delimitation based on a multisource dataset. However, the taxonomic decision that should be made when convergence between the different lines of evidence is not observed remains debated. Here, we investigate the consequences of the application of an ‘integration by cumulation’ approach on the taxonomic statuses within the Bombus lapidarius complex when using an integrative taxonomic framework (i.e. nuclear and mitochondrial markers along with reproductive traits) compared with a strict ‘integration by congruence’ method. Our results show similar taxonomic conclusions whatever the decision-making approach used except for one taxon. According to the differentiation observed in our integrative taxonomic framework, recent divergence time and other field observations for this taxon, we assume that a too strict decision-making method could fail to detect recently diverged species. This is exemplified by the new species Bombus bisiculus sp. n. occurring in South Italy and Sicily.  相似文献   

Three bumblebee species, foraging on Aconitum spp. have been commonly observed in Eyne (France, East Pyrénées): Bombus gerstaeckeri, B. hortorum and B. wurflenii. We estimated the population of these three species. For B. hortorum and B. wurflenii, the total workers populations foraging on Aconitum spp. ranged from 101 to 523 and 156 to 270, respectively. These two species also forage on other plants while B. gerstaeckeri visits only Aconitum spp. The population of B. gerstaeckeri observed was extremely small, founded by 33 queens only in 2001. With a total number of workers estimated from 40 to 102, the observed workers/queens ratio, 1 to 3 workers for each queen, is very unusual for a eusocial species. Also we observed queens foraging during the whole life of the colony. This kind of social organisation is similar to that of some high arctic species. It could be interpreted as the result of an insularity syndrome.  相似文献   

Do bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) really forage close to their nests?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper questions whether bumblebees really forage as close to their nests as has commonly been assumed in the bumblebee literature. Three experiments are described that involved marking and reobservation bumblebees. None of these experiments showed any tendency for bumblebees to concentrate their foraging close to (e.g., within 50 m from) the nest. Rather, the results suggested that bumblebees may prefer to forage at some distance from their nest. Further, a closer review of the bumblebee literature showed that similar findings were quite common. Some possible explanations to the observed behavior patterns are given as outlines for further research.  相似文献   

A study of the most important polliniferous plants for European and Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was made in Quintana Roo state. Comparisons were made between the plants visited by both bee types in order to determine whether there were qualitative or quantitative differences in their choice of plant species. Also some foraging strategies of the honeybees were analysed. Pollen from pollen load samples was acetolysed and mounted on slides. Subsequently the pollen grains were identified, counted and photographed. A total of 206 pollen load samples were collected at Palmas and St. Teresa during two years. The most frequent species in the pollen load samples from European and Africanized honeybees were Cecropia peltata, Metopium brownei, Lonchocarpus sp. 2, Viguiera dentata, Eragrostis sp. 1, Bursera simaruba and Eupatorium albicaule. Both types of honey bees show a high reliance on pollen from only a few species, the first five named above comprised around 50% of all the mean percentage frequencies. Families that contributed with the largest number of pollen species were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapindaceae, Poaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae and Tiliaceae. C. peltata, Trema micrantha, B. simaruba, Eugenia sp. 1, Thouinia canesceras, Pouteria sp. 1, Mimosa bahamensis and V. dentata, were the pollen species with the largest percentages of occurrence in both European and Africanized bee pollen load samples, and also represent a "long-term" food resources during the year.  相似文献   

The introduced Bombus terrestris has recently been naturalized in Japan and become dominant in some local communities. We investigated potential niche overlaps between introduced and native bumblebees in terms of morphological characteristics, seasonal flight activity, foraging and nesting habitat use, and plant species visited. There were considerable niche overlaps in flower resource use between B. terrestris and B. hypocrita sapporoensis/B. pseudobaicalensis. Bombus terrestris also potentially competes for nest sites with B. hypocrita sapporoensis. During 3-year monitoring, B. pseudobaicalensis showed no noticeable change, but B. hypocrita sapporoensis decreased while B. terrestris increased. Abundant flower resources provided by exotic plants may buffer native bumblebees from competition for food with introduced species. By contrast, the number of nest usurpers found in B. terrestris nests increased between 2003 and 2005, indicating that availability of nest sites was limiting and queens strongly competed for nest sites. Our findings suggest that competition for nest sites rather than flower resources is the major ecological mechanism for displacement of native bees. The large reduction of B. hypocrita sapporoensis queen indicates that B. terrestris may cause local extinction of native bumblebees. Control of established B. terrestris populations and prevention of further range expansion are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Summary. Some insects can develop immune resistance to koinobiont parasitoids. Reciprocally, adaptation to host immunology is critical for parasitoid success. Phylogenetic inertia and correlations between virulence against different hosts can act as constraints preventing these adaptations. Insights on these constraints may be obtained from the analysis of patterns of variations in the interactions at the species or genus level. Multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods were applied to virulence traits of 13 parasitoid strains of Leptopilina spp. (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) on five host strains of the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup (Diptera Drosophilidae). Independent contrasts of virulence were calculated and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the independent contrasts to estimate the dimensionality of the interactions. Most of the variation of virulence was associated with the first component of the PCA (62.2%). But a significant proportion was explained by the second and third components, suggesting specific interactions. Strain–strain reciprocal specificity was observed in several pairs of host–parasitoid species. Significant phylogenetic inertia was observed on parasitoid virulence, but only at the genus level and only against hosts of intermediate resistance (phylogenetic R2 between 0.62 and 0.85). Some parts of the interaction matrix exhibited specific interactions and others were fixed due to ancestral non-specific virulence (or avirulence). The results were interpreted viewing virulence as a threshold trait determined by underlying liability. When liability is far from the threshold, virulence is fixed. When liability is close to the threshold, virulence varies specifically and reciprocal adaptations can take place. These phylogenetic constraints may lead to a scenario of escape and radiation coevolution in the host–parasitoid system.  相似文献   


A taxonomic study of midges collected in the subantarctic islands of New Zealand yielded 22 species of Chironomidae and 4 of Ceratopogonidae. Only four of the chironomids occur elsewhere, three on ‘mainland’ New Zealand and one on The Snares islands. Of the 15 species found on the Auckland Islands, 11 on Campbell Island, and 5 on the Antipodes Islands, respectively 9, 4, and 2 are endemic. Nine new species are proposed in existing genera: Parochlus rennelli, P. reductus, P. gressitti, P. brevis, Telmatogeton antipodensis, Eukiefferiella heveli, Cricotopus aucklandensis, Chironomus antipodensis, and C. subantarcticus. Gressittius n.gen. is proposed for Corethra antarctica Hudson (type-species). Semiocladius n.gen. is proposed for Camptocladius crassipennis Skuse, and S. kuscheli n.sp. is described. Eight further new genera are proposed, with the following new species as type-species: Kuschelius dentifer, Mecaorus elongatus, Pterosis wisei, Hevelius carinatus, Gynnidocladius pilulus, Nesiocladius gressitti, Nakataia cisdentifer, and Maryella reducta. Genera Halirytus Eaton and Psamathiomya Deby are synonymised with Telmatogeton Schiner. Gressittius antarcticus (Hudson), Ablabesmyia mala (Hutton), Telmatogeton magellanicus (Jacobs), T. amphibius (Eaton), T. macquariensis (Brundin), Semiocladius crassipennis (Skuse), S. endocladiae (Tokunaga), and Calopsectra funebris (Freeman) are new combinations. Of the ceratopogonids, only one species occurs elsewhere in New Zealand. Three species, only one of them endemic, were found on the Auckland Islands; two were found on Campbell, of which only one is endemic. Forcipomyia kuscheli and Dasyhelea aucklandensis are proposed as new species.  相似文献   

Melipona capixaba, popularly known as “uruçu preta”, is a stingless bee restricted to the mountainous Atlantic Rainforest areas of Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Due to the endemism and small population size, this species discovered in 1994 is now considered “vulnerable to extinction”. Using ISSR, PCR–RFLP and microsatellites markers, we studied the genetic variability and structure of M. capixaba from 88 colonies collected throughout the distribution area of the species within Espírito Santo State. The microsatellite, ISSR and mitochondrial haplotype analyses showed that M. capixaba has low genetic variability compared to other insect species. The molecular analyses also indicated a high genetic similarity among the M. capixaba samples, with no clear pattern of structuring. The analyses of molecular variance results indicated that most of the total genetic variation in M. capixaba was explained by the genetic diversity within local populations. Results suggest that the analyzed samples could be treated as a single population for preservation purposes. Thus, given its endemism, local adaptation and low number of natural colonies, efforts for the conservation of M. capixaba should focus on preservation and increasing the number of colonies in the wild, so that M. capixaba can support constant captures and the effects of habitat deforestation in Espírito Santo State.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is a major driver of bee declines worldwide, and is of key relevance in the tropics given high deforestation rates, but we continue to have a poor understanding of the impact of land-cover change on tropical bee communities. Orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini) are critical long-distance pollinators and may be highly susceptible to forest fragmentation given their reliance on forest habitat. Previous studies on the impact of forest fragmentation on euglossines have been geographically limited, have largely ignored β-diversity, and have not compared fragments with continuous forest. To contribute to addressing these gaps, we sampled male euglossine bees in 18 forest fragments (area range: 2.5–33 ha) and at eight locations within a large (3500 ha) continuous forest in the Chocó biodiversity hotspot of Ecuador during the dry season in 2014. We assessed how euglossine abundance, richness, and evenness related to fragment area, isolation, and edge:area ratio. We also compared fragments to continuous forest, in terms of α- and β-diversity. In fragments, a single species (Euglossa tridentata) comprised 78% of captures, and we found no significant effect of fragment area, isolation, or edge on abundance, richness, or evenness among fragments. Forest fragments and continuous forest differed in both community composition and evenness, but not in abundance or species richness. Spatial turnover (β-diversity) showed a non-significant trend toward changing more rapidly in continuous forest relative to fragments. These results underscore the conservation value of continuous forest for orchid bee diversity.  相似文献   

Stocker AJ  Madalena CR  Gorab E 《Genetica》2006,126(3):277-290
The chromosomal response to temperature shock in Rhynchosciara americana is similar to that observed in other Diptera. After a 33 degrees C/90 min or a 36 degrees C/30 min shock the reaction for RNA polymerase II (RpII) is enhanced at five loci. The most prominent of these was identified by in situ hybridization as the site of the hsp70 gene. At 33 degrees C, an accumulation of heat shock factor (HSF) and an increase in the level of RpII was observed at some heat shock loci after 5 min and reached a maximum after 15 min at most loci. The pattern of accumulation of HSF and RpII at individual heat shock loci was similar and their increases were generally coordinated among the loci. RpII gradually decreased at sites active prior to shock, the rate of decrease varying with the site. The B2 DNA puff retained RpII for a significant length of time while the histone locus still contained RpII after a shock of 90 min. With a 36 degrees C/30 min shock, the size of the heat shock puffs and the intensities of HSF and RpII peaked at 1-4 h post stress. The level of HSF declined rapidly after 1 h while the level of RpII remained high for an additional 4 h. The reaction of the DNA puffs to heat shock varied. Usually they did not regress completely and retained traces of RpII. BrdU incorporation continued at both amplifying and non-amplifying bands after shock but on average it appeared depressed for about 24 h post stress.  相似文献   

To replace deceased colonies or to increase the colony numbers, beekeepers often purchase honey bees, Apis mellifera L., in a package, which is composed of 909-1,364 g (2-3 lb) of worker bees and a mated queen. Packages are typically produced in warm regions of the United States in spring and shipped throughout the United States to replace colonies that perished during winter. Although the package bee industry is effective in replacing colonies lost in winter, packages also can be an effective means of dispersing diseases, parasites, and undesirable stock to beekeepers throughout the United States. To evaluate the quality of packages, we examined 48 packages representing six lines of bees purchased in the spring 2006. We estimated levels of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman and the percentage of drone (male) honey bees received in packages. We surveyed for presence of the tracheal honey bee mite, Acarapis woodi (Rennie), and a microsporidian parasite, Nosema spp., in the shipped bees. We found significant differences in both the mean Varroa mite per bee ratios (0.004-0.054) and the average percentage of drones (0.04-5.1%) in packages from different producers. We found significant differences in the number of Nosema-infected packages (0.0-75.0%) among the six lines. No packages contained detectable levels ofA. woodi. Considering the observed variability among honey bee packages, beekeepers should be aware of the potential for pest and disease infestations and high drone levels in packages.  相似文献   

Retention of habitat fragments within the urban matrix can provide critical resources for the maintenance of regional biodiversity while still providing socio-economic value. Euglossini bees are important components in a community as they are important pollinators for economically valuable plants as well as hundreds of orchid species. However, some species are very sensitive to environmental impacts like urbanization. This study presents the role of antique urban fragments in a historical city in Brazil and compares it with a conservation area on the aspects of orchid bee assemblage, such as richness, composition, and abundance. Four fragments inside the city of Ouro Preto and three inside Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (PEIT) were sampled for Euglossini bees. Sorensen similarity index was used to compare community composition. The Mantel test was applied to verify the hypothesis that an urban center is a barrier for the mobility of the individuals. Fourteen Euglossini species from the region were registered. Close to 75% of the sampled bees were collected from the PEIT sampling areas. The fragments presented differences in Euglossini richness and abundance. A majority of the sampled fragments were dominated by the Eulaema cingulata Fabricius, Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, and Euglossa securigera Dressler species. We found differences on community composition between the fragments localized in PEIT and those located in the urban center. The data suggest that there is a possible flux of individuals between the sampled fragments. The various small forest fragments in Ouro Preto, primarily in backyards, may also serve as stepping stones between sampled fragments.  相似文献   

The study was planned to evaluate the inter, and intra population genetic variation in general protein banding pattern in Oestrus ovis larvae, by using 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The larvae were collected from slaughtered goats head from five different locations (AAS, PN, LA, GM, and BC) of Karachi, Pakistan. The data obtained was subjected to POPGENE (Population Genetic Analysis) software for analysis. The polymorphic loci within populations ranged from 45.45% to 90.91%. Polymorphic loci observed in all populations were 90.91%. The expected heterozygosity observed was 0.182 ± 0.096 in all populations. The chi-square test showed 5 out of 11 loci at H-W equilibrium. The overall fixation index (FST) value was 0.108, showing that the likelihood of subpopulations being differentiated from one another is about 11 percent. The gene flow value (Nm = 2.065) was higher, showing that genes flow occurs between populations. The values of genetic identity were greater, and genetic distance were smaller among all the populations, which means that all the populations were more alike and closer to each other. It was concluded that there was no sympatric and parapatric population differentiation observed among all the population of O. ovis and the populations of the five different locations were not genetically and reproductively isolated from each other.  相似文献   

Acute 7-day toxicity tests evaluating adverse effects from contact and ingestion exposure to light brown apple moth (LBAM) pheromones and time-released microencapsulated LBAM pheromones in CheckMate® LBAM-F (Checkmate) were conducted on newly emerged honeybees (less than 24 h old). Contact studies exposed bees to 1× and 10× the CheckMate label application rate. Ingestion studies exposed bees to CheckMate formulations, and active (pheromone) ingredients (a.i.) at 0.1%, 1.0%, and 10% concentrations by weight in solid food. Bees ingested approximately 39% of their body weight during the tests. Mortality ranged from 2–10% in three of four contact and ingestion exposure trials. Trial 1, which utilized a different feeding design, showed higher mortality in both control and test replicates (9–28%). One-way ANOVA tests indicated no significant difference in mortality between control and treatment replicates in the four trials. Bees were subjected to one-time CheckMate contact exposures of up to 0.49 mg/kg-bee, and average pheromone and formulation ingestion exposures of up to 56 (0.1%), 611 (1.0%), and 6,282 (10%) mg/kg-bee-day. LBAM pheromones and microencapsulated pheromones proved to be non-toxic to honeybees when sprayed with 10× the field application rate, or when ingested in food at concentrations of up to 10% by weight.  相似文献   

Effects of the fungal endophytes Beauveria bassiana (isolates ICIPE 279, G1LU3, S4SU1) and Hypocrea lixii (isolate F3ST1) on the life-history of Phaedrotoma scabriventris and Diglyphus isaea, parasitoids of the pea leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis, were studied in the laboratory. Parasitoids were allowed to parasitize 2nd and 3rd instar L. huidobrensis larvae reared on endophytically-inoculated faba bean, Vicia faba. In the control, parasitoids were reared on non-inoculated host plants. Parasitism, pupation, adult emergence and survival were recorded. No significant difference was observed between the control and the endophyte-inoculated plants in terms of parasitism rates of P. scabriventris (p = 0.68) and D. isaea (p = 0.45) and adult'' survival times (p = 0.06). The survival period of the F1 progeny of P. scabriventris was reduced (p<0.0001) in B. bassiana S4SU1 to 28 days as compared to more than 40 days for B. bassiana G1LU3, ICIPE 279 and H. lixii F3ST1. However, no significant difference (p = 0.54) was observed in the survival times of the F1 progeny of D. isaea. This study has demonstrated that together, endophytes and parasitoids have beneficial effects in L. huidobrensis population suppression.  相似文献   

The aim of this note was to record for the first time the finding of Hemilucilia segmentaria acting as biological vector of Dermatobia hominis, during a study of the diversity of Calliphoridae at Reserva Biol gica do Tinguá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The insects were captured using traps baited with chicken vicera, for a period of 28-30 h twice per month. In the period of one year, 1987 insects were collected, 7.5% of which belonged to the H. segmentaria; of these a female was captured in May 2001, carrying a mass of 20 eggs on the left side of its abdomen.  相似文献   

The subterranean termites in the genus Reticulitermes have a complex and plastic life cycle, which has been the subject of a number of publications over the past century. Given the inherent difficulties in studying such cryptic, eusocial organisms it is not perhaps surprising that the literature on their biology has failed to reach a consensus. An overview of the literature is given, which is followed by a discussion of the various theories on the life cycle of Reticulitermes spp. A substantial proportion of the review focuses on the French literature, which constitutes the majority of the primary sources and can be difficult to access. There are many discrepancies in the literature in terms of the number of instars, the definition of workers and the question of whether they should be termed pseudergates or, potentially, an additional terminology used to differentiate between pseudergates and the true workers seen in the higher termites (Isoptera: Termitidae). It remains very difficult to compare publications as there is little conformity; a problem that is aggravated by a general absence of drawings of the relevant instars. Further work on the biology of Reticulitermes is clearly required. There is also a need for researchers to agree on a standard terminology for this genus. A glossary is provided for the various synonyms and definitions.  相似文献   

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