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Summary Cephalopods generally are thought to have only static iridophores, but this report provides qualitative and quantitative evidence for active control of certain iridescent cells in the dermis of the squidLolliguncula brevis. In vivo observations indicate the expression of iridescence to be linked to agonistic or reproductive behavior. The neuromodulator acetylcholine (ACh) induced dramatic optical changes in active iridophores in vitro, whereas ACh had little effect on passive iridophores elsewhere in the mantle skin. Bath application of physiological concentrations of ACh (10-7M to 10-6M) to excised dermal skin layers transformed the active iridophores from a non-reflective diffuse blue to brightly iridescent colors, and this reaction was reversible and repeatable. The speed of change to iridescent in vitro corresponded well to the speed of changes in the living animal. Pharmacological results indicate the presence of muscarinic receptors in this system and that Ca++ is a mediator for the observed changes. Although ACh is present in physiological quantities in the dermal iridophore layer, it is possible that ACh release is not controlled directly by the nervous system because electrophysiological stimulation of major nerves in the periphery resulted in no iridescence inL. brevis; nor did silver staining or transmission electron microscopy reveal neuronal elements in the iridophore layer. Thus, active iridophores may be controlled by ACh acting as a hormone.  相似文献   

Stress is an important potential factor mediating a broad range of cellular pathways, including those involved in condition‐dependent (i.e., honest) color signal expression. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying the relationship between stress and color expression are largely unknown. We artificially elevated circulating corticosterone levels in male tawny dragon lizards, Ctenophorus decresii, to assess the effect of stress on the throat color signal. Corticosterone treatment increased luminance (paler throat coloration) and decreased the proportion of gray, thereby influencing the gray reticulations that produce unique patterning. The magnitude of change in luminance for corticosterone‐treated individuals in our study was around 6 “just noticeable differences” to the tawny dragon visual system, suggesting that lizards are likely to be able to perceive the measured variation. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of iridophore cells indicated that luminance increased with increasing density of iridophore cells and increased spacing (and/or reduced size) of crystalline guanine platelets within them. Crystal spacing within iridophores also differed between skin colors, being greater in cream than either gray or yellow skin and greater in orange than yellow skin. Our results demonstrate that stress detectably impacts signal expression (luminance and patterning), which may provide information on individual condition. This effect is likely to be mediated, at least in part, by structural coloration produced by iridophore cells.  相似文献   

The wavelength of the light reflected from iridophores depends on the thickness and the spacing of intracellular reflecting platelets. Here, we show that the rapid color change from blue to red of the chameleon sand tilefish Hoplolatilus chlupatyi is mediated by adrenergic stimulation of a novel type of iridophore in which reflecting platelets are concentrated selectively in the periphery of the cell, near the plasma membrane. The color changes are not only observed in vivo but also in pigment cells of isolated scales which respond to increases in K+ ion concentrations in 0.5 s and to addition of norepinephrine within 1 s. The norepinephrine effect can be blocked by addition of the alpha‐adrenergic antagonist phentolamine. The results suggest that adrenergic stimulation leads to changes in reflecting platelet organization in Hoplolatilus chlupatyi iridophores and represents the major mediator of the rapid color change in this fish in vivo.  相似文献   

Color constancy is the term given to the ability to recognize the color of objects correctly under different conditions of illumination. For this purpose the visual system must determine the character of the illumination, introduce a correction for it into the spectal composition of the light received from the object, and hence recreate the true color of its surface. Behavioral experiments on fish showed that they possess constant color vision of objects. Electrophysiological experiments on ganglion cells of the color type showed that the simplest mechanisms of correction for illumination are found at the retinal level. An investigation of model algorithms providing for color constancy showed thatthe presence of color vision makes it much easier to recognize the three-dimensional form of objects. This fact compels a reexamination of established views regarding the place and role of color vision in functions of the animal visual system as a whole.Institute for Problems in Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 21–26, January–February, 1975.  相似文献   


In this article, we pointed out that understanding the physiology of differential climate change effects on organisms is one of the many urgent challenges faced in ecology and evolutionary biology. We explore how physiological ecology can contribute to a holistic view of climate change impacts on organisms and ecosystems and their evolutionary responses. We suggest that theoretical and experimental efforts not only need to improve our understanding of thermal limits to organisms, but also to consider multiple stressors both on land and in the oceans. As an example, we discuss recent efforts to understand the effects of various global change drivers on aquatic ectotherms in the field that led to the development of the concept of oxygen and capacity limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT) as a framework integrating various drivers and linking organisational levels from ecosystem to organism, tissue, cell, and molecules. We suggest seven core objectives of a comprehensive research program comprising the interplay among physiological, ecological, and evolutionary approaches for both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. While studies of individual aspects are already underway in many laboratories worldwide, integration of these findings into conceptual frameworks is needed not only within one organism group such as animals but also across organism domains such as Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Indeed, development of unifying concepts is relevant for interpreting existing and future findings in a coherent way and for projecting the future ecological and evolutionary effects of climate change on functional biodiversity. We also suggest that OCLTT may in the end and from an evolutionary point of view, be able to explain the limited thermal tolerance of metazoans when compared to other organisms.  相似文献   

Iridophores isolated from bullfrog tadpoles were successfully cloned. In primary culture, the iridophores showed contraction of cell bodies by the addition of alkali-treated ACTH. The disappearance of reflecting platelets occurred in proliferating iridophores and many small black melanin granules were synthesized in the cells. The chromatophores now showed melanin dispersion by the addition of the above hormone. The findings suggest that iridophores transform into melanophores in vitro.  相似文献   

A long-lasting birefringence change (the delayed response) was found to be produced in a tetanically stimulated squid giant axon. The change was independent of the concurrent membrane potential change, summated on repetitive stimulation, and always had a sign representing a decrease in resting birefringence. The axon was placed between a polarizer and an analyzer with their polarizing axes crossed, making an angle of 45° with the longitudinal direction of the axon. The light beam that passed through the axon and the other optical elements was received by a photodiode. The change in light intensity evoked by repetitive stimulation was composed of brief initial responses, which took place in response to individual stimuli, and a delayed response, which developed gradually and lasted for several hundred msec. It was necessary to differentiate the effect of birefringence change from that of turbidity change. Formulas were derived on the assumption that the optical properties of the axon could be represented by a model of a uniaxial crystal that was not only birefringent but also dichroic, its extinction coefficients and the angle of retardation being changed independently on excitation. Calculations with them yielded the resting retardation, which agreed well with those obtained by the Sénarmont's method, and the change in birefringence, which agreed well with the other calculated value derived from experiments using a quarter-wave plate. The results of the calculation confirmed the existence of the long-lasting birefringence change in the tetanically stimulated axon.  相似文献   

Summary Reflecting chromatophores in the dermis of the skin of a freshwater goby, Odontobutis obscura, are of an iridophore type. These chromatophores contain numerous reflecting platelets, which are similar to those in iridophores of other fish and amphibian species. It was found that these iridophores are motile, i.e., these cells respond to certain stimuli with translocation of the platelets within the cells. K+ ions induced dispersion of the platelets in excised scale preparations, but not in excised scales from chemically denervated fish. Norepinephrine and melatonin also induced dispersion of the platelets. Alpha-MSH was effective in aggregating these organelles into the centrospheres of the cells. The conclusions reached are: (1) iridophores of O. obscura are motile; (2) the movement of the iridophores is under nervous and hormonal control.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - In many haplochromine cichlids, body coloration is an important communication cue during social interactions. In some cichlids, individuals can change color, but we have little...  相似文献   

Summary The skin of the lizard, Anolis carolinensis, changes rapidly from bright green to a dark brown color in response to melanophore stimulating hormone (MSH). Chromatophores responsible for color changes of the skin are xanthophores which lie just beneath the basal lamina containing pterinosomes and carotenoid vesicles. Iridophores lying immediately below the xanthophores contain regularly arranged rows of reflecting platelets. Melanophores containing melanosomes are present immediately below the iridophores. The ultrastructural features of these chromatophores and their pigmentary organelles are described. The color of Anolis skin is determined by the position of the melanosomes within the melanophores which is regulated by MSH and other hormones such as norepinephrine. Skins are green when melanosomes are located in a perinuclear position within melanophores. In response to MSH, they migrate into the terminal processes of the melanophores which overlie the xanthophores above, thus effectively preventing light penetration to the iridophores below, resulting in skins becoming brown. The structural and functional characteristics of Anolis chromatophores are compared to the dermal chromatophore unit of the frog.This study was supported in part by GB-8347 from the National Science Foundation.Contribution No. 244, Department of Biology, Wayne State University.The authors are indebted to Dr. Joseph T. Bagnara for his encouragement during the study and to Dr. Wayne Ferris for his advice and the use of his electron microscope laboratory.  相似文献   

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