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Compelling evidence exists that non-haematopoietic stem cells, including mesenchymal (MSCs) and neural/progenitor stem cells (NPCs), exert a substantial beneficial and therapeutic effect after transplantation in experimental central nervous system (CNS) disease models through the secretion of immune modulatory or neurotrophic paracrine factors.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs)-based therapy is a promising attempt to improve the recovery after stroke. Our experiments were carried out on inbred Wistar-Kyoto rats. MSCs were isolated, expanded in culture, and labeled with vital fluorescent dye PKH-26. Animals were subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). After three days, MCAO 5 × 106 isolated MSCs were injected into the tail vein of the experimental rats. The control animal group received PBS injections (negative control). Therapy results were evaluated by the following parameters: behavioral and neurological testing, the inured brain areas, damaged brain structures, neuron state, and vessel quantity in the region close to with necrosis zone. It was shown that control animals (PBS injection) did not return to their initial behavioral and neurological state within 6 weeks, while the experimental animals (MSCs injection), within 2–3 weeks after MCAO, had parameters like intact rats. The size of the damaged region in the control group was larger than in the experimental group by a factor of approximately 1.3. The damage in MSC-treated rats was limited to the neocortex; caudate nucleus, capsula externa and piriform cortex remained uninjured. The small vessel quantity in the “border” regions was twice as high as compared to the control group and approximately equal to the number of vessels in an intact brain. For the first time, we demonstrated that the vessel quantity in the neocortex and caudate nucleus of the contralateral hemisphere after MSC transplantation was twice as high as in control rats. It is concluded that the MSC transplantation exerts a beneficial influence upon the brain tissue reparation after stroke.  相似文献   

成熟的神经细胞属于终末分化细胞,具有不可再生性。神经退行性疾病以及其他脑损伤引起的神经元缺失,难以自发修复取代。如何修复大脑中受损的神经细胞、补充神经细胞已成为治疗各类神经系统疾病的关键。本综述将通过干细胞移植和诱导星形胶质细胞去分化两种途径来介绍针对神经退行性疾病和脑损伤的最新疗法。  相似文献   

Neurological disorders, such as stroke, are triggered by a loss of neurons and glial cells. Ischemic stroke remains a substantial problem for industrialized countries. Over the previous few decades our understanding about the pathophysiology of stroke has enhanced, nevertheless, more awareness is required to advance the field of stroke recovery. Existing therapies are incapable to adequately relief the disease outcome and are not appropriate to all patients. Meanwhile, the majority of patients continue to show neurological deficits even subsequent effective thrombolysis, recuperative therapies are immediately required that stimulate brain remodeling and repair once stroke damage has happened. Cell therapy is emergent as a hopeful new modality for increasing neurological recovery in ischemic stroke. Numerous types of stem cells from various sources have been identified and their possibility and efficiency for the treatment of stroke have been investigated. Stem cell therapy in patients with stroke using adult stem cells have been first practiced in clinical trials since 15 years ago. Even though stem cells have revealed a hopeful role in ischemic stroke in investigational studies besides early clinical pilot studies, cellular therapy in human is still at a primary stage. In this review, we summarize the types of stem cells, various delivery routes, and clinical application of stem cell-based therapy for stroke treatment.  相似文献   

Homogeneous repair of nuclear genes after experimental stroke   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The repair of oxidative DNA lesions (ODLs) in the nucleus of ischemic cortical brain cells was examined following experimentally induced stroke by occluding the right middle cerebral artery and both common carotid arteries for 60-90 min followed by reperfusion in male long-Evans hooded rats. The control group consisted of sham-operated animals undergoing the same surgery without vessel occlusion. Using a gene-specific assay based upon the presence of Escherichia coli Fpg protein-sensitive sites, we noted that animals with stroke exhibited six and four ODLs per gene in the actin and DNA polymerase-beta genes, respectively. This was increased from one per four copies of each gene in the sham-operated control (p < 0.01). One half of the initial ODLs was repaired within 30 min, and 83% of them were repaired as early as 45 min of reperfusion. There was no further increase when gene repair was measured again at 2 h of reperfusion. The rates of active repair within 45 min of reperfusion were the same in these two genes (p = 0.103, ANOVA). BrdU (10 mg/kg) was administered via intraperitoneal injection at least one day before surgery. We observed that there was no significant incorporation of BrdU triphosphates into genomic DNA during active repair, but there were significant amounts of BrdU triphosphate in nuclear DNA after active repair. The result indicates that genomic repair of ODLs in the brain did not significantly incorporate BrdU, and the initiation of neurogenesis probably starts after the completion of repair in the brain.  相似文献   

Brain diseases, including brain tumors, neurodegenerative disorders, cerebrovascular diseases, and traumatic brain injuries, are among the major disorders influencing human health, currently with no effective therapy. Due to the low regeneration capacity of neurons, insufficient secretion of neurotrophic factors, and the aggravation of ischemia and hypoxia after nerve injury, irreversible loss of functional neurons and nerve tissue damage occurs. This damage is difficult to repair and regenerate the central nervous system after injury. Neural stem cells (NSCs) are pluripotent stem cells that only exist in the central nervous system. They have good self-renewal potential and ability to differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes and improve the cellular microenvironment. NSC transplantation approaches have been made for various neurodegenerative disorders based on their regenerative potential. This review summarizes and discusses the characteristics of NSCs, and the advantages and effects of NSCs in the treatment of brain diseases and limitations of NSC transplantation that need to be addressed for the treatment of brain diseases in the future.  相似文献   

Myocardial infarction results in loss of cardiomyocytes, scar formation, ventricular remodelling, and eventually heart failure. In recent years, cell therapy has emerged as a potential new strategy for patients with ischaemic heart disease. This includes embryonic and bone marrow derived stem cells. Recent clinical studies showed ostensibly conflicting results of intracoronary infusion of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells in patients with acute or chronic myocardial infarction. Anyway, these results have stimulated additional clinical and pre-clinical studies to further enhance the beneficial effects of stem cell therapy. Recently, the existence of cardiac stem cells that reside in the heart itself was demonstrated. Their discovery has sparked intense hope for myocardial regeneration with cells that are obtained from the heart itself and are thereby inherently programmed to reconstitute cardiac tissue. These cells can be detected by several surface markers (e.g. c-kit, Sca-1, MDR1, Isl-1). Both in vitro and in vivo differentiation into cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells has been demonstrated, and animal studies showed promising results on improvement of left ventricular function. This review will discuss current views regarding the feasibility of cardiac repair, and focus on the potential role of the resident cardiac stem and progenitor cells. (Neth Heart J 2009;17:199–207.)  相似文献   

Glioma stem-cells are associated with the brain vasculature. However, the way in which this vascular niche regulates stem-cell renewal and fate remains unclear. Here, we show that factors emanating from brain endothelial cells positively control the expansion of long-term glioblastoma stem-like cells. We find that both pharmacological inhibition of and RNA interference with the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway reduce their spheroid growth. Conversely, the endothelial secretome is sufficient to promote this mTOR-dependent survival. Thus, interfering with endothelial signals might present opportunities to identify treatments that selectively target malignant stem-cell niches.  相似文献   

内源性神经干细胞与脑老化的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十几年研究发现成年人脑神经元可以再生,使人们重新认识老年脑神经细胞的可塑性,它为脑损伤的修复带来新的希望。最新研究表明,神经再生可被调控,是一种新的修复机制。这使得利用内源性神经干细胞治疗老龄相关的神经退行性疾病成为可能。  相似文献   

Brain repair, especially axonal sprouting, is critical to restore motor function in disabled stroke patients. Liraglutide (LG) is a new kind of long-acting analogue of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and has potential protective effects in stroke. The mitochondria participate in brain repair after cerebral injury. However, the mechanism of the effect of LG on brain repair and its potential influence on mitochondria in stroke remains obscure. Here, in focal cerebral cortical ischemic mice model, LG improved the motor functional recovery and promoted axonal sprouting by restoring the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and succinate dehydrogenase. Moreover, LG remarkably increased the cell survival rate and revived the NeuN and GAP-43 levels in cortical neurons under hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) exposure. It was also observed that LG reduced the generation of reactive oxygen species, stabilized the mitochondrial membrane potential, enhanced the levels of adenosine triphosphate, enhanced activities of mitochondrial complex-I, and decreased protein expression levels of fission-1 in H2O2-injured cortical neurons. Additionally, LG suppressed the expressions of sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) in cortical neurons exposed to H2O2. Furthermore, knockdown of Sirt1 by short interfering RNA facilitated the LG-mediated mitochondrial protection in cortical neurons under H2O2. Collectively, this data from the present study illustrated that LG exerted a promoting influence on brain repair, after cerebral ischemic injury, through Sirt1-mediated mitochondrial improvement.  相似文献   

干细胞的基础研究和临床应用是近几年国内外的热点之一。但是因为没有产业化的明确途径,这个领域的产业化发展缓慢,很有可能像基因治疗和肿瘤疫苗的产业化一样无疾而终。本文探讨了干细胞治疗能够产业化之前需要解决的几个问题。从技术层面,我们比较了胚胎干细胞和成体干细胞,自体干细胞和异体干细胞的优缺点和国内外公司采取的一些途径。从政策方面,我们探讨了把干细胞治疗作为一种医疗技术还是一类医药产品的优缺点,比较了美国FDA和国内监管部门的相关政策,也提出了进一步的问题。最后,我们以美国FDA刚刚批准的Provenge为例,对细胞治疗和干细胞治疗的产业化提出了一些希望和想法。  相似文献   

Alternatively activated macrophages (M2) have regenerative properties and shown promise as cell therapy in chronic kidney disease. However, M2 plasticity is one of the major hurdles to overcome. Our previous studies showed that genetically modified macrophages stabilized by neutrophil gelatinase‐associated lipocalin (NGAL) were able to preserve their M2 phenotype. Nowadays, little is known about M2 macrophage effects in diabetic kidney disease (DKD). The aim of the study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of both bone marrow‐derived M2 (BM‐фM2) and ф‐NGAL macrophages in the db/db mice. Seventeen‐week‐old mice with established DKD were divided into five treatment groups with their controls: D+BM‐фM2; D+ф‐BM; D+ф‐NGAL; D+ф‐RAW; D+SHAM and non‐diabetic (ND) (db/‐ and C57bl/6J) animals. We infused 1 × 106 macrophages twice, at baseline and 2 weeks thereafter. BM‐фM2 did not show any therapeutic effect whereas ф‐NGAL significantly reduced albuminuria and renal fibrosis. The ф‐NGAL therapy increased the anti‐inflammatory IL‐10 and reduced some pro‐inflammatory cytokines, reduced the proportion of M1 glomerular macrophages and podocyte loss and was associated with a significant decrease of renal TGF‐β1. Overall, our study provides evidence that ф‐NGAL macrophage cell therapy has a therapeutic effect on DKD probably by modulation of the renal inflammatory response caused by the diabetic milieu.  相似文献   

Issues in stem cell plasticity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Experimental biology and medicine work with stem cells more than twenty years. The method discovered for in vitro culture of human embryonal stem cells acquired at abortions or from?surplus” embryos left from in vitro fertilization, evoked immediately ideas on the posibility to aim development and differentiation of these cells at regeneration of damaged tissues. Recently, several surprising observations proved that even tissue‐specific (multipotent) stem cells are capable, under suitable conditions of producing a while spectrum of cell types, regardless, whether these tissues are derived from the same germ layer or not. This ability is frequently called stem cell plasticity but other authors also use different names ‐?non‐orthodox differentiation” or?transdifferentiation”. In this paper we wish to raise several important questions and problems related to this theme. Let us remind some of them: Is it possible to force cells of one‐type tissue to lool and act as cells of another tissue? Are these changes netural? Could these trans‐formations be used to treat diseases? What about the bioethic issue? However, the most serious task “still remains to be soloved ‐ how to detect, harvestand culture stem cells for therapy of certain diseases”.  相似文献   

We previously reported a new in vivo model named as "GFP/CCl(4) model" for monitoring the transdifferentiation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) positive bone marrow cell (BMC) into albumin-positive hepatocyte under the specific "niche" made by CCl(4) induced persistent liver damage, but the subpopulation which BMCs transdifferentiate into hepatocytes remains unknown. Here we developed a new monoclonal antibody, anti-Liv8, using mouse E 11.5 fetal liver as an antigen. Anti-Liv8 recognized both hematopoietic progenitor cells in fetal liver at E 11.5 and CD45-positive hematopoietic cells in adult bone marrow. We separated Liv8-positive and Liv8-negative cells and then transplanted these cells into a continuous liver damaged model. At 4 weeks after BMC transplantation, more efficient repopulation and transdifferentiation of BMC into hepatocytes were seen with Liv8-negative cells. These findings suggest that the subpopulation of Liv8-negative cells includes useful cells to perform cell therapy on repair damaged liver.  相似文献   

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Until recently, it was thought that myocardium was not able to repair itself, but studies have now shown that resident cardiac stem cells have regenerative capacity, and stem cell therapy may be a novel approach for cardiac muscle repair and regeneration. Stem cell-derived paracrine factors have been shown to regulate ventricular remodeling, inflammation, apoptosis, cardiomyocytes regeneration, and neovascularization in regions of infarcted cardiac tissue. In this review, we summarize the evidence from cellular, animal, and clinical studies supporting the potential clinical significance of stem cell therapy as a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of MI.  相似文献   

Cell therapy is one of the important therapeutic approaches in the treatment of many diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Among various cell types, which could be used as cell therapies, stem cell therapy has emerged as powerful tools in the treatment of several diseases. Multipotent stem cells are one of the main classes of stem cells that could originate from different parts of the body such as bone marrow, adipose, placenta, and tooth. Among several types of multipotent stem cells, tooth-derived stem cells (TDSCs) are associated with special properties such as accessible, easy isolation, and low invasive, which have introduced them as a good source for using in the treatment of several diseases such as neural injuries, liver fibrosis, and Cohrn’s disease. Here, we provided an overview of TDSCs particular stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth and clinical application of them. Moreover, we highlighted molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of dental stem cells fate.  相似文献   

Brain ischemic stroke is one of the most common causes of death and disability, currently has no efficient therapeutic strategy in clinic. Due to irreversible functional neurons loss and neural tissue injury, stem cell transplantation may be the most promising treatment approach. Neural stem cells (NSCs) as the special type of stem cells only exist in the nervous system, can differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, and have the abilities to compensate insufficient endogenous nerve cells and improve the inflammatory microenvironment of cell survival. In this review, we focused on the important role of NSCs therapy for brain ischemic stroke, mainly introduced the methods of optimizing the therapeutic efficacy of NSC transplantation, such as transfection and overexpression of specific genes, pretreatment of NSCs with inflammatory factors, and co-transplantation with cytokines. Next, we discussed the potential problems of NSC transplantation which seriously limited their rapid clinical transformation and application. Finally, we expected a new research topic in the field of stem cell research. Based on the bystander effect, exosomes derived from NSCs can overcome many of the risks and difficulties associated with cell therapy. Thus, as natural seed resource of nervous system, NSCs-based cell-free treatment is a newly therapy strategy, will play more important role in treating ischemic stroke in the future.  相似文献   

The mammalian intestinal epithelium constitutes the largest barrier against the external environment and makes flexible responses to various types of stimuli. Epithelial cells are fast-renewed to counteract constant damage and disrupted barrier function to maintain their integrity. The homeostatic repair and regeneration of the intestinal epithelium are governed by the Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs) located at the base of crypts, which fuel rapid renewal and give rise to the different epithelial cell types. Protracted biological and physicochemical stress may challenge epithelial integrity and the function of ISCs. The field of ISCs is thus of interest for complete mucosal healing, given its relevance to diseases of intestinal injury and inflammation such as inflammatory bowel diseases. Here, we review the current understanding of the signals and mechanisms that control homeostasis and regeneration of the intestinal epithelium. We focus on recent insights into the intrinsic and extrinsic elements involved in the process of intestinal homeostasis, injury, and repair, which fine-tune the balance between self-renewal and cell fate specification in ISCs. Deciphering the regulatory machinery that modulates stem cell fate would aid in the development of novel therapeutics that facilitate mucosal healing and restore epithelial barrier function.  相似文献   

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