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Catch and effort data for the period 1973–1990 demonstrate a dramatic decline of lungfish in the Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria. Bottom trawl catches in the Mwanza Gulf showed a decline in catch rates from 67.5 kg h−1 in 1973 to 5.5 kg h−1 in 1986. Trawling of commercial vessels in the Speke Gulf revealed a decline in lungfish catches from 1.3 kg h−1 in 1986 to 0.07 kg h−1 in 1990. The development of anoxia in the deeper waters of Lake Victoria, the algal blooms, and the decline of water transparency, all associated with eutrophication, are not likely to have contributed to the decreased catch rate. However, the lungfish decline may reflect the interaction of overexploitation by the fishery and a low level of Nile perch predation that restricts lungfish to wetland refugia. We suggest that this may have been reinforced over the past few decades by large-scale conversion of wetlands to agricultural land and harvesting of nest-guarding male lungfish leading to decreased recruitment of young.  相似文献   

Pancreatic enzymes of the African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus in Lake Victoria and two nearby smaller lakes were found to have high levels of DNA sequence variation in their mitochondrial control regions (35 haplotypes in 61 fish) but no population genetic structure (ΦST= 0·00). In contrast, marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo, Kenya, appeared to be fixed for a single control region haplotype, which occurred at low frequency in the other lakes. Using FLUCTUATE software, the female effective population size in Lake Victoria during the late Pleistocene was estimated to be c. 500 000, similar to the value estimated for the present-day population. These observations suggest that, during the late Pleistocene dry period, a large marbled lungfish population survived either in wet refugial areas within the lake basin or in surrounding areas. Marbled lungfish were reported to have been introduced into Lake Baringo 30 years ago with a founding population of only three individuals. The lack of control region variation in the Lake Baringo population is consistent with that situation.  相似文献   

Summary The lung of the African lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) is paired, long and cylindrical. It is situated on the dorsal aspect of the coelomic cavity ventral to the ribs. Much of the gas exchange tissue is found in the proximal aspect of the lung with the caudal part largely taken up by a centrally situated air-duct with a few large peripherally located alveoli. Interalveolar septa, arranged at differing hierarchical levels from the air-duct, subdivide the lung into alveoli, the gas exchange compartments. The alveolar surface is covered by some cells characterized by microvilli on their free surface, while others are devoid of such structures. The general organization of the lung of Protopterus aethiopicus is similar to that of the other genera of Dipnoi, Neoceratodus and Lepidosiren, with the interalveolar septa increasing the surface area for gas exchange through pulmonary compartmentation. The abundant septal smooth muscle fibres and elastic tissue may contribute to the physiomechanical compliance of the lung. The undifferentiated alveolar pneumocytes and the double capillary system, observed in Protopterus, in general appear to characterize the very primitive lungs of the lower air-breathing vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Growing oocytes of Protopterus, like those of some amphibians and teleosts, show an impressive development of the nucleolar apparatus. Numerous nucleolus-like bodies establish close spatial relationships with the nuclear envelope by extending pedicels and streams of finely dispersed material towards the inner membrane.At such contact points, gaps in the perinuclear cistern are more frequent than elsewhere along the nuclear boundary. Expansion of the outer nuclear membrane gives rise to blebs, with or without visible content, and these become pinched off to form small vesicles in the perinuclear cytoplasm.Small, electron dense aggregates, indistinguishable from nucleolar material occur on both sides of the nuclear envelope opposite to each other, some being connected by a slender portion of the same material within a nuclear pore. Such accumulations are interpreted as detached parts of nucleolar bodies in transit to cytoplasmic sites where they presumably participate in the biogenesis of ribosomes. At the height of nucleolar emission, nucleoplasm and perinuclear cytoplasm are so rich in small electron dense particles that they are almost indistinguishable from each other.At this stage of massive transport, the route provided by the nuclear pores seems to be insufficient and another, more spacious, gateway may be in operation. The latter involves direct passage of material across the nuclear membranes preferentially where these form blebs.This view is supported not only by the overt spatial relationships between nucleolar pedicels and blebs, but by the occurrence within perinuclear lacunae and blebs of particles that seem to be derived from nucleolar bodies. Furthermore, frequent interruptions in the nuclear membranes preferentially located where they expand into outpocketings suggest that at these sites temporary gateways may exist in the living cell that permit easy access of intranuclear components to the cytoplasm.Supported by grants AM-3984, NB-00840, and NB-05219 from the U.S.P.H.S.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the relationship between respiratory allocation (air vs. water) and the standard rate of metabolism (SMR) in the primitive air-breathing lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus. Simultaneous measurements of oxygen consumed from both air and water were made to determine the SMR at ecologically relevant aquatic oxygen levels for juveniles 2 to 221 g. Total metabolic rate was positively correlated with body mass with a scaling exponent of 0.78. Aerial oxygen consumption averaged 98% (range=94% to 100%) of total respiratory allocation under low aquatic oxygen levels. Measurements of oxygen consumption made across a gradient of dissolved oxygen from normoxia to anoxia showed that P. aethiopicus maintains its SMR despite a change in respiratory allocation between water and air.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide life history characteristics for an introduced marbled lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) population in Lake Baringo, Kenya, including their length–weight relationship, body condition, fecundity, sex ratio, reproduction and food. These data are compared with those of other populations. Samples were obtained from the commercial fishery between January and October 2001. The lungfish exhibited positive allometric growth, with the length–weight relationship described by the equation: logW = ?6.41 + 3.52 logTL. The mean relative condition factor was close to unity, did not vary much between months and was not significantly different between sexes. The overall sex ratio was skewed in favour of females. The size of fish at first maturity was 70–76 cm total length (TL) for females and 82–88 cm TL for males. Fish in maturity stages III–IV occurred in all monthly samples suggesting year round spawning. The marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo is largely piscivorous and its impact on other fishes certainly warrants further research.  相似文献   

The translocation of the marbled African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus into Lake Baringo created a new fishery for the local community, who capture them primarily in a bottom-set long line fishery. Its introduction, development and current fishery status in the lake are documented. Annual catch data were obtained from the District Fisheries Office, while catch and effort data of the long line fishery were recorded at one active fish-landing site between February and October 2001. Lungfish comprise a significant component of commercial landings, sometimes exceeding catches of the Baringo tilapia Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis as the most landed species by weight. Daily catch rates and effort varied considerably, ranging from 5.51–15.18kg day?1 and from 50–590 baited hooks day?1, respectively. Daily catch per fisher ranged from 0–35.72kg, while the overall mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) was only 0.003kg per hook-hour. This study provides the only baseline CPUE data for a lungfish long line fishery that the authors are aware of, for comparison with future studies in this or other lakes where lungfish are similarly exploited. Recommendations for improved management and the maintenance of a viable lungfish long line fishery in Lake Baringo are presented.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the potential for microcystin (MC) production by cyanobacteria in the Mwanza Gulf (Lake Victoria, Tanzania), nutrients, phytoplankton and microcystins were sampled inshore (3 m depth) and offshore (18 m depth) from May to August 2002. Significant differences in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and nitrate concentrations between offshore and inshore indicated eutrophication via terrestrial run-off. Though the concentrations of SRP and nitrate ranged between 36–127 and 35–726 μg l −1 each, the phytoplankton biovolume was generally low. The phytoplankton community was dominated by diatoms (Nitzschia acicularis), a number of cyanobacterial species (Aphanocapsa sp., Anabaena sp., Planktolyngbya spp., Microcystis sp.) and cryptomonads. The water column was completely mixed and Nitzschiapeaked in abundance during July. All cyanobacteria were low in abundance during the entire study period (0.1–1.6 mm 3 l −1). Microcystins were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD) and in most samples no microcystins were detected. The highest concentration of [Asp 3]-MC-RR was found in open water at the surface on July 2nd, 2002 (1 μg l −1). MC concentrations did not pose a potential health risk in the Mwanza Gulf during the study period, however, it is possible that the period of higher cyanobacterial biovolumes has been missed during the sampling period of this study.  相似文献   

The marbled lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus, a recent introduction into Lake Baringo, Kenya is now an important commercial species there. Because little is known about its behaviour, we used ultrasonic telemetry to investigate its movements and use of habitat as part of a broader biological study. Twelve marbled lungfish were implanted with ultrasonic tags and tracked for variable periods between September 2001 and 2002. Two individuals were tracked for most of the study period. Daily movement ranged from little or none to 5.2 km. Mean hourly rates of movement for three fish located twice a day (morning and late afternoon) over several days suggested that individuals were active throughout the diel period. Maximum lake depth was about 3 m and fish utilized all depths greater than 1 m. Six home ranges described for four lungfish varied in size from 5.8 to 19.8 km 2 and were occupied for between 2 and 4.5 months. Use of habitat and the movement of marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo appeared to be influenced more by biotic than abiotic factors.  相似文献   

The dipnoan heart is only in part structurally developed to support a separated circulation in pulmonary and systemic circuits. In the present investigation biplane angiocardiography has been used to describe the extent of such a double circulation and the factors which may modify it in the African lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus. Contrast injections in the pulmonary vein revealed a clear tendency for aerated blood returing from the lungs to be selectively dispatched to the anterior branchial arteries giving rise to the major systemic circulation. Contrast injections in the vena cava delineated the sinus venosus as a large receiving chamber for systemic venous blood. Contraction of the sinus venosus discharged blood into the right, posterior part of the partially divided atrial space. Contrast injection in the pulmonary vein showed that vessel to pass obliquely from right to left such that blood was emptied distinctly into the left side of the atrium. During contraction the atrial space tended to retain a residual volume in its anterior undivided part which minized mixing. Ventricular filling occurred through separate right and left atrio-ventricular connections. Right-left separation in most of the ventricle was maintained by the partial ventricular septum, the trabeculated, spongelike myocardium and the mode of inflow from the atria. Mixing in the anterior undivided portion of the ventricle during the ejection phase was slight due to a streamlined ejection pattern. The outflow through the bulbus cordis occurred in discrete streams which in part were structurally separated by well developed spiral folds. In the anterior bulbus segment the spiral folds are fused and make completely separate dorsal and ventral outflow tracts. The ventral bulbus channel provides blood to the three anterior branchial arteries. The second and third branchial arteries are large and represent direct shunts to the dorsal aorta. The fourth and fifth branchial arteries are gill bearing and receive blood form the dorsal bulbus channel. The most posterior epibranchial vessels give rise to the pulmonary arteries.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) isolated from plasma of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, contains four amino acid substitutions compared with BK from mammals (Arg(1)-->Tyr, Pro(2)-->Gly, Pro(7)-->Ala, Phe(8)-->Pro). Bolus intra-arterial injections of synthetic lungfish BK (1-1000 pmol/kg body wt.) into unanaesthetised, juvenile lungfish (n=5) produced a dose-dependent increase in arterial blood pressure and pulse pressure. The maximum pressor response occurred 2-3 min after injection and persisted for up to 15 min. The threshold dose producing a significant (P<0.01) rise in pressure was 50 pmol/kg and the maximum increase, following injection of 300 pmol/kg, was 9.3 +/- 2.3 mmHg. Injection of the higher doses of lungfish BK produced a significant (P<0.05) increase in heart rate (2.8 +/- 0.8 beats/min at 100 pmol/kg). In contrast, bolus intra-arterial injections of mammalian BK, in doses up to 1000 pmol/kg, produced no significant cardiovascular effects in the lungfish. The data support the existence of a functioning kallikrein-kinin system in the lungfish and demonstrate that the ligand-binding properties of the receptor(s) mediating the cardiovascular actions of lungfish BK are appreciably different from mammalian B1 and B2 receptors.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from the reproductive tubules and epididymis of the African lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus , were examined by scanning, transmission and scanning-transmission electron microscopy. The biflagellate nature of lungfish spermatozoa was confirmed as a general rule by examining large numbers of specimens in the scanning mode. All have two flagella with attached undulating membranes, a short middle piece and a large sperm head without condensation of the nucleus. The various portions of the sperm have been subjected to analysis of the X-rays emitted upon electron bombardment, and the relative concentrations of several elements have been determined.  相似文献   

Samples of Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.) were collected for stomach analysis from trawl catches conducted in the Mwanza Gulf from September 1986 to September 1988. Initially haplochromine cichlids formed the main food item for the Nile perch. Despite their decline, haplochromines still formed the major part of its diet in 1986. After the virtually complete disappearance of the haplochromines in 1987 and 1988, the benthic shrimp Caridina nilotica, the pelagic cyprinid, Rastrineobola argentea and juvenile Nile perch became the main food of Nile perch. Twenty-four trawl sessions were conducted to determine the relative quantities of respective prey taken. When present, Caridina is the major prey, mainly taken by day. If absent, juvenile Nile perch constitute the main part of the diet. Seasonal differences in diet composition probably reflect seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of the main prey species.  相似文献   

We report a morphologic study of the heart inflow tract of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi. Attention was paid to the atrium, the sinus venosus, the pulmonary vein, and the atrioventricular (AV) plug, and to the relationships between all these structures. The atrium is divided caudally into two lobes, has a common part above the sinus venosus, and appears attached to the dorsal wall of the ventricle and outflow tract through connective tissue covered by the visceral pericardium. The pulmonary vein enters the sinus venosus and runs longitudinally toward the AV plug. Then it fuses with the pulmonalis fold and disappears as an anatomic entity. However, the oxygenated blood is directly conveyed into the left atrium by the formation of a pulmonary channel. This channel is formed cranially by the pulmonalis fold, ventrally by the AV plug, and caudally and dorsally by the atrial wall. The pulmonalis fold appears as a wide membranous fold which arises from the left side of the AV plug and extends dorsally to form the roof of the pulmonary channel. The pulmonalis fold also forms the right side of the pulmonary channel and sequesters the upper left corner of the sinus venosus from the main circulatory return. The AV plug is a large structure, firmly attached to the ventricular septum, which contains a hyaline cartilaginous core surrounded by connective tissue. The atrium is partially divided into two chambers by the presence of numerous pectinate muscles extended between the dorsal wall of the atrium and the roof of the pulmonary channel. Thus, partial atrial division is both internal and external, precluding the more complete division seen in amphibians. The present report, our own unpublished observations on other Protopterus, and a survey of the literature indicate that not only the Protopterus, but also other lungfish share many morphologic traits.  相似文献   

The presence of components of a renin-angiotensin system was investigated in the heart of an African lungfish Protopterus annectens. A renin-like activity is present in heart homogenates. The activity reaches its maximum after 90 min of incubation at 20°C. By a spectrophotometric assay, an angiotensin converting enzyme-like activity was detected. By immunohistochemistry Ile5-Angiotensin II immunoreactive cardiocytes were demonstrated in the atrium and bulbus. Our data indicate that probably a local renin-angiotensin-like system is present in the heart of Protopterus annectens.  相似文献   

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