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Seven species of snakeheads (Channidae) are known from Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, viz. Channa bankanensis, C. gachua, C. lucius, C. marulioides, C. melasoma, C. micropeltes and C. striata. Up-to-date distribution maps of each species are presented, including new records. Their systematics is reviewed and partially revised. The taxonomic status of C. marulioides and C. melanoptera is clarified. Specimens from Peninsular Malaysia identified as C. melanoptera sensu Weber & de Beaufort, 1922, proved to be the adult form of C. marulioides s.str. The real C. melanoptera appears to be restricted to Borneo and possibly Sumatra. The life history of a blackwater species C. bankanensis is also documented, with regards to the morphological and colour-pattern changes associated with growth. An updated key to the seven species based on morphometric measurements and meristic counts is presented.  相似文献   

A study of freeliving freshwater Cyclopoida of Malaysia and Singapore yielded 15 species. Some remarks are made on the morphology including a species belonging to the schmeili group of Thermocyclops. Shallow and vegetation-bearing habitats had the largest numbers of species. Most of the species are cosmopolitan. The three common species, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Thermocyclops crassus and Microcyclops varicans are eurytopic. M. leuckarti and T. crassus are the only species occurring commonly in limnetic situations in contrast to a much wider limnetic Cyclopoida species spectrum in temperate lakes. There appears to be a reduction in Cyclopoida from temperate to tropical latitudes, but the data on which this are based are at present fragmentary.  相似文献   

Damselfishes show significant biodiversity in the coral reefs. To better understand such diversity, an ecomorphological approach was investigated in the trophic morphology of eight species of Pomacentridae (Chromis acares, C. margaritifer, Dascyllus aruanus, D. flavicaudus, Pomacentrus pavo, Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus, Pl. lacrymatus and Stegastes nigricans) belonging to different trophic guilds (zooplankton, algal, coral polyp feeders and omnivores). Geometric morphometrics were used to quantify size and shape variations in four skeletal units: (1) neurocranium, (2) suspensorium and opercle, (3) mandible and (4) premaxilla. This method allowed us to reveal shape and size differences correlated to functional diversity both within and between trophic guilds. Among zooplanktivores, C. margaritifer, D. aruanus and D. flavicaudus have a high and long supraoccipital crest, short mandibles forming a small mouth and high suspensoria and opercles. These three species can be considered to be suction feeders. In the same guild, C. acares shows opposite characteristics (long and thin mandibles, lengthened neurocranium and suspensorium) and can be considered as a ram feeder. Among herbivores and corallivores, the two species of Plectroglyphidodon and S. nigricans can be considered as grazers. Differences in skeletal shape are mainly related to improving the robustness of some skeletal parts (broad hyomandibular, short and high mandibles). The shapes of P. pavo, which feeds largely on algae, strongly differ from that of the other three grazers exhibiting similar morphological characteristics to C. acares (e.g., long and shallow suspensorium, lengthened neurocranium). This highlights likely differences concerning cutting or scraping method. Finally, no strong correlations exist between size and shapes in the eight studied species. Size difference among species having a very similar shape could be viewed as a factor optimizing resource partitioning.  相似文献   

The species of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) occurring in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore are revised, updating the previous taxonomic treatment by James Sinclair, published in 1955. A total of 18 species is recognized, including a new species, G. tomentosus . Collections referrable to G. tomentosus were previously determined as ' G. marcanii '; examination of the types of G. marcanii reveals that the two taxa are not conspecific, however, and a new name is accordingly validated here. Goniothalamus tomentosus has closest affinities with the Javan/Sumatran species G. costulatus . Other important nomenclatural changes include the reduction of G. umbrosus to synonymy with G. tapis .  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 142 , 321−339.  相似文献   

Agonistic sounds of two pomacentrid species, Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus and Dascyllus aruanus , were recorded in captivity. Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus produced trains of 2–5 pops, each composed of 18–25 cycles, with an average duration of 56 ms; most energy ranged from c. 100 to 1000 Hz. Dascyllus aruanus produced pops and chirps. Pops were generally composed of a single pulse, with 2–14 peaks and an average duration of 6·7 ms. Pops contained energy >4 kHz, and peak frequency ranged from 680 to 1300 Hz. Chirps consisted of trains of 12–42 short pulses of three to six cycles, with durations varying from 0·6 to 1·27 ms; peak frequency varied from 3400 to 4100 Hz. Sound production in P. lacrymatus suggested that pomacentrids are derived from an ancestral taxon capable of sound production and that this capacity is a synapomorphy for the family. Although in the Pomacentridae, pops are typically composed of a single pulse, which is longer and higher pitched than chirps composed of a series of shorter pulses, D. aruanus chirps were higher pitched than its pops. Thus, acoustic variation in the genus Dascyllus is probably not more restricted than in the Pomacentridae.  相似文献   

One of the most extreme freshwater habitats in Peninsular Malaysia is the peat swamp forest, with dark-coloured and highly acidic waters. Surprisingly, little is known about blackwater fishes in Peninsular Malaysia. Until 1968, only 26 fish species were known from blackwaters throughout Peninsular Malaysia, of which only one can be regarded as stenotopic. A recent intensive survey of part of the North Selangor peat swamp forest yielded 47 species, of which 14 are probably stenotopic taxa. These include four undescribed species and several new records for western Peninsular Malaysia. These discoveries are significant in that they include the family Chaudhuriidae which until 1985, was not reported from Sundaic Southeast Asia, and the rare genus Encheloclarias which had not been encountered for over 50 years. The rapid rate of destruction of the peat swamp forest owing to development, forestry and agricultural activities must be halted or slowed significantly to enable the proper zoological surveys and studies to be conducted. Conservation plans and environmental impact assessments based on inadequate sampling and knowledge of species present is acutely dangerous. There are no longer substantial undisturbed blackwater peat swamp forests left in most of Peninsular Malaysia. Conservation of the remaining blackwater biotopes is critically important if extinction of many species, here regarded as economically valuable renewable resources, is to be prevented.  相似文献   

Four species of otters have been recorded from Malaysia and Singapore in the past: Lutra lutra (Common or Eurasian Otter), Lutra sumatrana (Hairy-nosed Otter), Lutrogale perspicillata (Smooth Otter) and Amblonyx cinereus (Oriental Small-clawed Otter). All four are listed in the Threatened Species Categories of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals: L. lutra is designated Vulnerable and the status of the other three Asian species are Insufficiently Known due to lack of information. From a review of the available literature and collation of museum records from Malaysia and Singapore, the past status of the four species are examined. Presently, only L. perspicillata and A. cinereus are common in Peninsular Malaysia where they are widely distributed, but both are rare in Singapore. L. sumatrana is rare but apparently still found in East Malaysia. It is possible that L. lutra did not range in Malaysia this century. Information about the habitat types, group size, range, diet and behaviour for all the species is poorly known. The available information allows a discussion of the Smooth and Small-clawed Otters only. This dearth of knowledge has hampered maintenance and breeding efforts of zoos and conservation activity.  相似文献   

The Rotifera of Malaysia and Singapore with remarks on some species   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
Summary An intensive and extensive sampling of all types of Malaysian and Singaporean freshwaters for zooplankton gave 165 species, sub-species and varieties of Rotifera, mainly belonging to the Monogononta. Bdelloida were rarely identified. The present records bring Malaysia and Singapore in line with other well studied tropical countries as far as Rotifera records are concerned. 7 new genera and over 50 species, subspecies, varieties and forms have been added to the Malaysian and Singaporean Rotifera records and interesting and marked morphological and size variation in species from previous records, have been noted.The richest (in species) fauna of Rotifera occurs in rice fields and ponds which have a seasonal succession of dry to wet conditions and vegetation which shelters the rotifers.The Malaysian and Singaporean Rotifera fauna is typically tropical with a dominance of the genus Brachionus over temperate genera like Keratella. Also very rare or missing are typical temperate genera like Ploesoma, Notholca and Synchaeta. The dominance of Brachionus in Malaysia is less evident than expected because only a very small proportion of samples were taken in limnetic situations where Brachionus clearly dominates in the tropics.  相似文献   

When comparing karyotypic diversification between freshwater and marine fish, a notable increase in modifications associated to the former environment can be noticed in relation to the latter one. This fact is related to the great number of physical partitions (barriers) that exist in continental waters. Furthermore, in the marine environment, the barriers to the gene flow are complex and not always identifiable, especially when considering the participation of dynamic factors such as currents and winds associated to the dispersive potentialities of a living group. Within Perciformes fish, the Pomacentridae family stands out from the others for its intimate relation with the coral reefs, as well as for its diversity of forms and biological characteristics, providing an adequate model for studying the influence of the pelagic period of the larval stage upon the karyotypic evolution. In the present work, cytogenetic analyses were carried out on three Pomacentridae species, typical representatives of the coral reefs, Abudefduf saxatilis (2n=48, FN=52, 2 m+2sm+44a), Microspathodon chrysurus (2n=48, FN=64, 6 m+10st+32a) and Amphiprion frenatus (2n=48, FN=92, 14 m+22sm+8st+4a) that have different pelagic larval periods. The analyses between subfamilies showed a trend that the lower the dispersive potential, the greater the quantity of fixed pericentric inversions based on the basal karyotype of the Perciformes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were inferred for representative Bulbophyllum species of 13 sections from subtribe Bulbophyllinae (Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia. The combined data matrix consists of sequences from ITS nuclear gene region and trnL-F, matK, and rbcL plastid gene regions with 3114 characters. Molecular data were analysed using parsimony and Bayesian inference. The results show that several recognized sections are monophyletic. Section Hirtula with paraphyletic status must split up and section Desmosanthes contain misplaced elements. Furthermore, generic status of Cirrhopetalum and Epicrianthes cannot be supported, because they are deeply embedded within the genus Bulbophyllum. Section Desmosanthes is recognized as the closest group to section Cirrhopetalum; therefore, they can be merged in some aspects.  相似文献   

The mangrove brachyuran fauna of Singapore and Malaysia is generally regarded as well studied. This is not the case. Over a hundred brachyuran species are now known from mangroves in Peninsular and East Malaysia, a substantial part of the known fauna in these waters. In Singapore, for example, of the approximately 350 brachyurans known, 76 (i.e. ca 22%) are mangal species. The systematics of several groups remain very unsatisfactory. The taxonomy of the Sesarminae, the largest subfamily of the Grapsidae and the dominant group in most mangroves, is still very unstable, with the identities of many ecologically important genera and species still unclear. A revision is still unavailable. Until recently, representatives of the families Hymenosomatidae and Leucosiidae were unknown from mangroves. Detailed collections and studies have resulted in the discovery of new genera and species from areas as purportedly well explored as Singapore. The Sarawak mangrove brachyuran crab fauna is based almost entirely on one paper written 40 years ago whilst that of Sabah is almost unknown. Although the state of mangal brachyuran systematics in Malaysia and Singapore is still in an exploratory phase, the mangroves in these two countries are relatively well-known compared to those of the surrounding regions. The present annotated checklist of mangal brachyuran species is intended to guide future systematic work in these countries, as well as to assist ecologists and other mangrove biologists. This is especially in view of the important role of crabs in mangroves.  相似文献   

Phenetic analyses of 24 morphological characters, collected in the field for 150 trees of Widdringtonia in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and northern South Africa, show two distinct clusters. One can be identified as W. whytei , a tall, wide-crowned forest tree endemic to Mt Mulanje in Malawi, while the other is W. nodi/bra , a multi-stemmed shrub or narrow-crowned tree, which is common on Mulanje and widespread in southern Africa. These two sympatric species are distinct on phenetic, phylogenetic, ecological and biological grounds. The distinguishing characters of the two species are analysed and discussed and the differences are related to different responses to fire. Widdringtonia whytei is a forest pioneer with limited fire survival ability, while W. nodiflora coppices after fire and is common in fire-prone heathlands. To date it has been assumed that there is a single species of Widdringtonia on Mt Mulanje, and this has led to faulty management and exploitation decisions. Extensive plantations of the economically useless W. nodiflora have been established, in the belief that they are the economically desirable Mulanje cedar, W. whytei , which is now in danger of extinction.  相似文献   

The systematics and geographical distribution of Malaysian and Singapore freshwater calanoid copepods are discussed in details. Neodiaptomus handeli Brehm, N. laii Kiefer, N. blachei (Brehm), N. botulifer Kiefer, N. mephistopheles Brehm, Pseudodiaptomus (Schmackeria) dauglishi Sewell, P. (S.) tollingerae Sewell and Tropodiaptomus spp. Kiefer are all present in the northwestern part of the Peninsula. There are only 4 species, namely, N. handeli, N. botulifer, N. meggitti Kiefer and Tropodiaptomus sp. in the southern half of the Peninsula. The whole of the east coast also has 4 species, i.e. N. handeli, N. malaindosinensis (n.n.), P. (S.) tollingerae and one species of Tropodiaptomus. The only species that cut across a wide range of geographical barriers are N. handeli and Tropodiaptomus.  相似文献   

  • 1 The stripe‐backed weasel Mustela strigidorsa is one of the rarest and least‐known mustelids in the world. Its phylogenetic relationships with other Mustela species remain controversial, though several unique morphological features distinguish it from congeners.
  • 2 It probably lives mainly in evergreen forests in hills and mountains, but has also been recorded from plains forest, dense scrub, secondary forest, grassland and farmland. Known sites range in altitude from 90 m to 2500 m. Data are insufficient to distinguish between habitat and altitudes which support populations, and those where only dispersing animals may occur.
  • 3 It has been confirmed from many localities in north‐east India, north and central Myanmar, south China, north Thailand, north and central Laos, and north and central Vietnam. Given the limited survey effort, the number of recent records shows that the species is not as rare as hitherto believed. Neither specific nor urgent conservation needs are apparent.

Damselfishes in the family Pomacentridae represent one of the few families of reef fishes found on coral reefs irrespective of location. At a local scale, damselfishes are often the most abundant coral reef fish, and their study has provided much of our current understanding of the ecology of tropical reef animals. The study of phylogenetic relationships among the Pomacentridae has lagged ecological investigation of the group, thus limiting historical perspective on the remarkable species richness of the family. In this study, we used 1989bp of DNA sequence representing three mitochondrial genes and 1500bp of the single copy nuclear RAG1 region to infer hypotheses of relationship for the group. Our analysis includes 103 Pomacentridae species in 18 genera, and three of the four named subfamilies: Amphriprioninae, Chrominae, and Pomacentrinae. The Bayesian method of phylogenetic reconstruction was applied to the data, because even with a large number of sequences it is an efficient means of analysis that provides intuitive measures of support for tree topologies and for the parameters of the nucleotide substitution model. Four Pomacentridae clades were identified with high statistical support whether the data were analyzed from a mtDNA, RAG1 or combined perspective, and in all analyses the current subfamilial classification of the Pomacentridae was rejected. At the genus level, Amphiprion, Chromis, and Chrysiptera were also rejected as natural groups. Abudefduf, Amblyglyphidodon, Dascyllus, Neoglyphidodon, Neopomacentrus, and Pomacentrus were each strongly supported as monophyletic genera but the support for monophyly is nonetheless compromised by sample size, except in the case of Dascyllus and Abudefduf for which we have sampled almost all of the described species.  相似文献   

This paper presents quantitative data on blowpipe hunting among the Semaq Beri, a group of the aboriginal peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, with special reference to daily activity rhythms, space use, efforts, and efficiency of hunting. The role of hunting is examined in the diet of the population studied, which is in transition from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle. The special hunting focus on a few species (the leaf monkeys, Presbytis spp.) is examined in relation to ecology of prey items and using the optimal diet breadth model. Technological efficiencies of the Semaq Beri blowpipe and dart are compared with the Waorani of Ecuador.  相似文献   

Two species of benthic damselfishes from the Gulf of California, Mexico, use contrasting behaviors when feeding on benthic algal communities. The small (±70 g) Cortez damselfish, Eupomacentrus rectifraenum (Gill, 1862), feeds selectively from a multi-species algal mat, eats fleshy red and green algae and ignores brown and calcareous algae. The giant blue damselfish, Microspathodon dorsalis (Gill, 1862), is a large (±450 g), lethargic, nonselective feeder which grazes on a near monoculture of a fleshy red alga, Polysiphonia sp. Feeding activity for both species is low in the morning peaks during late afternoon, and drops sharply as night approaches. Based on feeding rates, gut-filling times, and weights of gut contents, Cortez damselfish process six to eight full guts of food and giant blue damselfish three full guts of food per day. The algal mat exhibits high standing crops (291–618 g dry wt · m?2) and low productivity, but the preferred food of the Cortez damselfish (Ulva) appears to colonize the mat frequently and grow rapidly. The Polysiphonia dominated community on giant blue damselfish territories exhibits low standing crops (23 g · m?2) and high productivity (34–47 times that of the mat per gram algae). Even though the feeding behaviors and resources used by the two damselfishes differ, both species eat similar food (delicate red and green fleshy algae, and depend on rapid colonization and/or high productivity to maintain their primary foods in the grazed algal community.  相似文献   

A total of 54 bed bug‐infested sites (hotels, public accommodations, and residential premises) in Malaysia and Singapore was surveyed between July, 2005 and December, 2008. Only one species of bed bug was found, the tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius). Bed bug infestations were common in hotels and public accommodations when compared to residential premises. The three most common locations of infestation within an infested premise were the bedding (31.1%), the headboard (30.3%), and cracks and crevices surrounding the baseboard, wall, or floor (23.5%). We speculate that the route of movement of bed bugs in hotels and public accommodations is more direct than in residential premises.  相似文献   

Ong Jin-Eong 《Hydrobiologia》1995,295(1-3):343-351
Despite the recent better understanding and awareness of the role of mangroves, these coastal forest communities continue to be destroyed or degraded (or euphemistically reclaimed) at an alarming rate. The figure of 1% per year given by Ong (1982) for Malaysia can be taken as a conservative estimate of destruction of mangroves in the Asia-Pacific region. Whilst the Japanese-based mangrove wood-chips industry continues in its destructive path through the larger mangrove ecosystems of the region, the focus of mangrove destruction has shifted to the conversion of mangrove areas into aquaculture ponds and the consequences of the unprecedented massive addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by post industrial man.Mangroves are non-homogeneous; characterised by distinct vegetative zones that occupy the interface between land and sea and dynamically interacting with the atmosphere above as well as with the influences of the adjacent land and sea. The conservation of mangroves should thus include not only the various vegetation and tidal inundation zones but also the adjacent marine and terrestrial areas (including the water catchment area).On the current concern with global climate change, it is pointed out that relative sea level change is very much site dependent. For effective planning and management, it is vital to know if a particular site is stable, rising or sinking so efforts should be directed to find suitable methods for determining this. However, should rapid relative sea level rise take place, there is very little likelihood of saving mangroves whose landward margins have been developed by man, a fact to bear in mind when selecting sites for conservation. The Matang mangroves of Malaysia is rare case of successful sustainable management of a tropical rain forest. Although the tools of management are available they are not widely applied. We particularly urge the Japanese mangrove wood-chips industry to look to long term sustainable use rather than short term gains. A suggestion is made to appeal to the new Government of Japan to take the lead in environmental friendliness especially to the rain forests of the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

All four nightjar species resident in Peninsular Malaysia are vocally distinct, yet they remain little studied. Conventional field methods based on visual cues to study diurnal species may be impractical for nightjars. Alternatively, aural survey can potentially be applied on nightjars provided that individuality in their vocalisations can be proven. Our study aimed to determine the vocal individuality of the common, large-tailed nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) in oil palm smallholdings and an isolated forest patch located in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. From the call recordings obtained from 22 individuals, results of the Kruskal-Wallis analysis revealed significant differences in all the nine vocal parameters (call length, interquartile range bandwidth, low, high, average, centre and peak frequencies as well as first and third quartile frequencies) measured among individual nightjars (p < 0.001) regardless of study sites. Discriminant Function Analysis showed that more than 94.5% of original grouped cases were correctly classified. This implied that the majority of vocalizations can be assigned to individual birds based on the parameters measured. This study demonstrated the occurrence of vocal individuality in the large-tailed nightjar and such a finding pertaining to distinct vocalisations at the individual level will compensate for the limited access to visual cues in field surveys, as with the case for all nocturnal birds.  相似文献   

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