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IL-10 is a pleiotropic cytokine with stimulatory and inhibitory properties, and is thought to have a protective role in rheumatoid arthritis and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). In this study, we investigated how IL-10 deficiency affects CIA and anti-collagen type II (CII) Ab-transferred arthritis in C57BL/10.Q (B10.Q) mice. The B10.Q.IL-10(-/-) mice had an 8-cM 129/Ola fragment around the IL-10 gene. The mice were treated with antibiotics, appeared healthy, and had no colitis. T cells from IL-10(-/-) mice expressed similar levels of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and IL-4 after mitogen stimulation; however, macrophages showed a reduced TNF-alpha production compared with IL-10(+/-) littermates. IL-10(-/-) mice had an increased incidence, and a more severe CIA disease than the IL-10(+/-) littermates. To study the role of IL-10 in T cell tolerance, IL-10(-/-) were crossed into mice carrying the immunodominant epitope, CII(256-270), in cartilage (MMC) or in skin (TSC). Both IL-10(-/-) and IL-10(+/-) MMC and TSC mice were completely tolerized against CIA, indicating that lack of IL-10 in this context did not break tolerance. To investigate whether IL-10 was important in the effector phase of CIA, arthritis was induced with anti-CII Abs. Surprisingly, IL-10(-/-) were less susceptible to Ab-transferred arthritis, as only 30% showed signs of disease compared with 90% of the littermates. Therefore, IL-10 seemed to have a protective role in CIA, but seemed to exacerbate the arthritogenicity of anti-CII Abs. These data emphasize the importance of studying IL-10 in a defined genetic context in vivo, to understand its role in a complex disease like arthritis.  相似文献   

Platelet adhesion on and activation by components of the extracellular matrix are crucial to arrest post-traumatic bleeding, but can also harm tissue by occluding diseased vessels. Integrin alpha2beta1 is thought to be essential for platelet adhesion to subendothelial collagens, facilitating subsequent interactions with the activating platelet collagen receptor, glycoprotein VI (GPVI). Here we show that Cre/loxP-mediated loss of beta1 integrin on platelets has no significant effect on the bleeding time in mice. Aggregation of beta1-null platelets to native fibrillar collagen is delayed, but not reduced, whereas aggregation to enzymatically digested soluble collagen is abolished. Furthermore, beta1-null platelets adhere to fibrillar, but not soluble collagen under static as well as low (150 s(-1)) and high (1000 s(-1)) shear flow conditions, probably through binding of alphaIIbbeta3 to von Willebrand factor. On the other hand, we show that platelets lacking GPVI can not activate integrins and consequently fail to adhere to and aggregate on fibrillar as well as soluble collagen. These data show that GPVI plays the central role in platelet-collagen interactions by activating different adhesive receptors, including alpha2beta1 integrin, which strengthens adhesion without being essential.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules are considered to be pivotal elements required for proper embryo development. The transmembrane glycoprotein CD44, which is expressed in numerous splice variants on the surface of many different cell types and tissues, has been suggested to be involved in several physiological processes such as cell-cell interactions, signal transduction, and lymphocyte homing and trafficking during embryogenesis and in the adult organism. Some splice variants are thought to play an important role in tumor progression. To investigate the physiological roles of CD44 in vivo, we abolished expression of all isoforms of CD44 in mice by targeted insertion of a lacZ/neo cassette into the reading frame of the leader peptide. CD44-deficient mice are viable without obvious developmental defects and show no overt abnormalities as adults. However, CD44-deficient lymphocytes exhibit impaired entry into the adult thymus, although lymphocyte development is apparently unaltered. Our data indicate that all splice variants of CD44 are dispensable for embryonic development and implicate a critical function for CD44 in lymphocyte recirculation.  相似文献   

The peptidyl prolil cis/trans isomerase Ess1/Pin1 is essential for mitosis progression in yeast cells and is hypothesized to perform the same role in mammalian cells. To investigate the function of Pin1 in mammalian cells, we created mice lacking Pin1. These mice underwent normal development. Although the embryonic Pin1-/- fibroblasts grew normally, they proved significantly deficient in their ability to restart proliferation in response to serum stimulation after G(0) arrest. These results suggest that Pin1 is required for cell cycle progression from G(0) arrest as well as mitosis progression in normal mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Wilms' tumor 1 gene, WT1, cause pediatric nephroblastoma and the severe genitourinary disorders of Frasier and Denys-Drash syndromes. High levels of WT1 expression are found in the developing kidney, uterus, and testis--consistent with this finding, the WT1 knockout mouse demonstrates that WT1 is essential for normal genitourinary development. The WT1 gene encodes multiple isoforms of a zinc finger-containing protein by a combination of alternative splicing and alternative translation initiation. The use of an upstream, alternative CUG translation initiation codon specific to mammals results in the production of WT1 protein isoforms with a 68-amino-acid N-terminal extension. To determine the function in vivo of mammal-specific WT1 isoforms containing this extension, gene targeting was employed to introduce a subtle mutation into the WT1 gene. Homozygous mutant mice show a specific absence of the CUG-initiated WT1 isoforms yet develop normally to adulthood and are fertile. Detailed histological analysis revealed normal development of the genitourinary system.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species, especially hydrogen peroxide, are important in cellular signal transduction. However, excessive amounts of these species damage tissues and cells by oxidizing virtually all important biomolecules. Peroxiredoxin 6 (PRDX6) (also called antioxidant protein 2, or AOP2) is a novel peroxiredoxin family member whose function in vivo is unknown. Through immunohistochemistry, we have determined that the PRDX6 protein was widely expressed in every tissue examined, most abundantly in epithelial cells. It was found in cytosol, but not in membranes, organelles, and nuclei fractions. Prdx6 mRNA was also expressed in every tissue examined. The widespread expression of Prdx6 suggested that its functions were quite important. To determine these functions, we generated Prdx6-targeted mutant (Prdx6-/-) mice, confirmed the gene disruption by Southern blots, PCR, RT-PCR, Western blots, and immunohistochemistry, and compared the effects of paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, and t-butyl hydroperoxide on Prdx6-/- and wild-type (Prdx6+/+) macrophages, and of paraquat on Prdx6-/- and Prdx6+/+ mice. Prdx6-/- macrophages had higher hydrogen peroxide levels, and lower survival rates; Prdx6-/- mice had significantly lower survival rates, more severe tissue damage, and higher protein oxidation levels. Additionally, there were no differences in the mRNA expression levels of other peroxiredoxins, glutathione peroxidases, catalase, superoxide dismutases, thioredoxins, and glutaredoxins between normal Prdx6-/- and Prdx6+/+ mice and those injected with paraquat. Our study provides in vivo evidence that PRDX6 is a unique non-redundant antioxidant that functions independently of other peroxiredoxins and antioxidant proteins.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the main component of the intermediate filaments in cells of astroglial lineage, including astrocytes in the CNS, nonmyelin forming Schwann cells and enteric glia. To address the function of GFAP in vivo, we have disrupted the GFAP gene in mice via targeted mutation in embryonic stem cells. Mice lacking GFAP developed normally, reached adulthood and reproduced. We did not find any abnormalities in the histological architecture of the CNS, in their behavior, motility, memory, blood-brain barrier function, myenteric plexi histology or intestinal peristaltic movement. Comparisons between GFAP and S-100 immunohistochemical staining patterns in the hippocampus of wild-type and mutant mice suggested a normal abundance of astrocytes in GFAP-negative mice, however, in contrast to wild-types, GFAP-negative astrocytes of the hippocampus and in the white matter of the spinal cord were completely lacking intermediate filaments. This shows that the loss of GFAP intermediate filaments is not compensated for by the up-regulation of other intermediate filament proteins, such as vimentin. The GFAP-negative mice displayed post-traumatic reactive gliosis, which suggests that GFAP up-regulation, a hallmark of reactive gliosis, is not an obligatory requirement for this process.  相似文献   

Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) is a transmembrane zinc metallopeptidase found mainly in the nervous system, prostate and small intestine. In the nervous system, glia‐bound GCPII mediates the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter N‐acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) into glutamate and N‐acetylaspartate. Inhibition of GCPII has been shown to attenuate excitotoxicity associated with enhanced glutamate transmission under pathological conditions. However, different strains of mice lacking the GCPII gene are reported to exhibit striking phenotypic differences. In this study, a GCPII gene knockout (KO) strategy involved removing exons 3–5 of GCPII. This generated a new GCPII KO mice line with no overt differences in standard neurological behavior compared to their wild‐type (WT) littermates. However, GCPII KO mice were significantly less susceptible to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI). GCPII gene KO significantly lessened neuronal degeneration and astrocyte damage in the CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus 24 h after moderate TBI. In addition, GCPII gene KO reduced TBI‐induced deficits in long‐term spatial learning/memory tested in the Morris water maze and motor balance tested via beam walking. Knockout of the GCPII gene is not embryonic lethal and affords histopathological protection with improved long‐term behavioral outcomes after TBI, a result that further validates GCPII as a target for drug development consistent with results from studies using GCPII peptidase inhibitors.


P Peghini  J Janzen    W Stoffel 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(13):3822-3832
Four L-glutamate neurotransmitter transporters, the three Na(+)-dependent GLAST-1, GLT-1 and EAAC-1, and the Cl(-)-dependent EAAT-4, form a new family of structurally related integral plasma membrane proteins with different distribution in the central nervous system. They may have pivotal functions in the regulation of synaptic L-glutamate concentration during neurotransmission and are believed to prevent glutamate neurotoxicity. To investigate the specific physiological and pathophysiological role of the neuronal EAAC-1, which is also expressed in kidney and small intestine, we have generated two independent mouse lines lacking EAAC-1. eaac-1(-/-) mice develop dicarboxylic aminoaciduria. No neurodegeneration has been observed during a period of >12 months, but homozygous mutants display a significantly reduced spontaneous locomotor activity.  相似文献   

A microinjection procedure to introduce "paternal" mitochondria from a source other than spermatozoa into fertilized mouse eggs is described. When a mitochondrial suspension isolated from the testes or liver of Mus molossinus mice was microinjected into fertilized eggs of CD1 mice, the microinjected zygotes survived, developed normally, and offspring were produced. Mus molossinus mitochondrial DNA can be distinguished from CD1 mitochondrial DNA by Southern blot analyses using restriction enzymes such as Eco R1, Xba 1, or Spe 1. Although up to 120 viable mitochondria were injected, no exogenous mitochondrial DNA was detected in fetal samples or in the brain, liver, heart, testis, or ovary of the mature progeny. Under the experimental conditions used, similar results were obtained when mitochondria from the testes of New Zealand black mice or from testes of Syrian hamsters were microinjected into fertilized CD1 mouse eggs. Failure to detect the exogenous mitochondrial DNA under our assay conditions suggests that microinjected mitochondria from testis or liver did not selectively replicate during embryonic development. The "foreign" mitochondria appear to have the same fate during early embryogenesis as the mitochondria of the spermatozoon.  相似文献   

Collagen plays a critical role in hemostasis by promoting adhesion and activation of platelets at sites of vessel injury. In the present model of platelet-collagen interaction, adhesion is mediated via the inside-out regulation of integrin alpha2beta1 and activation through the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-Fc receptor (FcR) gamma-chain complex. The present study extends this model by demonstrating that engagement of alpha2beta1 by an integrin-specific sequence from within collagen or by collagen itself generates tyrosine kinase-based intracellular signals that lead to formation of filopodia and lamellipodia in the absence of the GPVI-FcR gamma-chain complex. The same events do not occur in platelet suspensions. alpha2beta1 activation of adherent platelets stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of many of the proteins in the GPVI-FcR gamma-chain cascade, including Src, Syk, SLP-76, and PLCgamma2 as well as plasma membrane calcium ATPase and focal adhesion kinase. alpha2beta1-mediated spreading is dramatically inhibited in the presence of the Src kinase inhibitor PP2 and in PLCgamma2-deficient platelets. Spreading is abolished by chelation of intracellular Ca2+. Demonstration that adhesion of platelets to collagen via alpha2beta1 generates intracellular signals provides a new insight into the mechanisms that control thrombus formation and may explain the unstable nature of beta1-deficient thrombi and why loss of the GPVI-FcR gamma-chain complex has a relatively minor effect on bleeding.  相似文献   

Zhou S  Zong Y  Lu T  Sorrentino BP 《BioTechniques》2003,35(6):1248-1252
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) express Mdr1a/1b and Bcrp1/Abcg2, which are members of the ATP binding cassette transporter family. Mice lacking both Mdr1-type genes (Mdr1a and Mdr1b) or Bcrp1 had normal hematopoietic development, but it has been unclear whether Mdr1a/1b and Bcrp1 play redundant roles in hematopoiesis. We generated a mouse model lacking both Mdr1a/1b and Bcrp1 expression (M-/-B-/-). The M-/-B-/- mice had normal numbers of peripheral blood cells, bone marrow colony-forming cells (CFCs) and colony-forming units-spleen (CFU-S), and demonstrated normal hematopoietic development. There was a near total elimination of side population (SP) cells in the bone marrow of M-/-B-/- mice compared to M+/+B-/- mice, primarily in the subpopulation lacking other HSC markers, which indicated that Mdr1a/1b was responsible for a small portion of SP cells that were mainly mature cells. Hematopoietic progenitor cells from the bone marrow of M-/-B-/- mice were more sensitive to mitoxantrone in vitro compared to either M-/-B+/+ or M+/+B-/- mice, suggesting that Mdr1a/1b and Bcrp1 may provide additive protection to HSCs against genotoxic agents. These studies demonstrate the lack of functional redundancy between these transporters for HSC development and further clarify their contributing role to the SP phenotype in HSCs and to intrinsic drug resistance within hematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

The influence of alpha1-acid glycoprotein on the formation of fibrous long spacing fibers of collagen has been investigated. It was observed that addition of the glycoprotein to dialyzed collagen solutions caused a significant decrease in the intensity of the circular dichroic spectrum of collagen. This phenomenon, which displays an optimum with respect to glycoprotein, is consistent with previous observations of fibrous long spacing fiber formation. Changes in viscosity of collagen initially dissolved in acetic acid were monitored during dialysis. It was found that a significant increase in viscosity must occur during dialysis of collagen before fibrous long spacing formation could take place. This increase in viscosity can be related directly to removal of acetic acid from the collagen solution. Removal of all sialyl residues from the alpha1-acid glycoprotein with neuraminidase prevents fibrous long spacing formation while removal of up to 35% of the sialyl residues has no effect on the interaction of glycoprotein with collagen. Amino acid composition and radioactivity studies suggest that 45-55% of the insoluble fibrous long spacing fibers is glycoprotein. In contrast to native collagen fibers, reduced fibrous long spacing fibers do not contain histidinohydroxymerodesmosine or hydroxylysinonorleucine. Instead, they contain significant quantities of allysine aldol and epsilon-hydroxynorleucine.  相似文献   

Intratracheal injection of FITC results in acute lung injury and progresses to fibrosis by day 21 postchallenge. In response to FITC, BALB/c mice produce IL-4 and IL-13 in the lung. To investigate whether IL-4 and/or IL-13 were important profibrotic mediators in this model, we examined the fibrotic response to FITC in mice that were genetically deficient in IL-4 (IL-4(-/-)), IL-13 (IL-13(-/-)), or IL-4 and IL-13 combined (IL-4/13(-/-)). Baseline levels of collagen were similar in all mice. In response to FITC, both BALB/c and IL-4(-/-) mice developed fibrosis, whereas the IL-13(-/-) and IL-4/13(-/-) mice were significantly protected, as measured by total lung collagen levels and histology. Total leukocyte recruitment to the lung was similar in all four strains of mice when measured on days 7, 14, and 21 post-FITC. BALB/c mice showed prominent eosinophilia on day 7 that was absent in IL-4(-/-), IL-13(-/-), and IL-4/13(-/-) mice, suggesting that eosinophilia is not necessary for development of a fibrotic response. There were no significant differences in the percentages of any other leukocytes analyzed between the genotypes. Similarly, protection in IL-13(-/-) mice was not associated with alterations in cytokine or eicosanoid profiles. Interestingly, TGF-beta1 production was not reduced in IL-13(-/-) mice. Analyses of fibroblasts isolated from the four genotypes demonstrated that although there were similar numbers of fibroblasts present in cultures of lung minces, fibroblasts from IL-13-deficient strains have reduced basal and stimulated levels of collagen production. IL-13Ralpha1 expression increases on fibroblasts during fibrotic responses in vivo, and IL-13 increases collagen synthesis in fibroblasts. Thus, IL-13 mediates its profibrotic actions through direct effects on fibroblast production of extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that the sequence of amino acids asp-gly-glu-ala represents an essential determinant of the site within the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment of collagen recognized by the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin cell surface collagen receptor (Staatz et al., 1991). Studies employing chemical modifications of collagen amino acid side chains confirm both the essential nature of the acidic side chains of aspartic acid and glutamic acid residues and the nonessentiality of lysine epsilon-amino groups in supporting adhesion mediated by the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin. The approach also indicates the presence of a distinct determinant on collagen separate from the alpha 2 beta 1 recognition site that contains essential lysine side chains and that is necessary for subsequent interactions with the platelet surface that give rise to collagen-induced platelet activation and secretion. The two-step, two-site model for cellular signaling involving both an integrin and a signal-transducing coreceptor suggested by these data may be common to other integrin-mediated processes.  相似文献   

The haematopoietic-specific RhoGTPase, Rac2, has been indirectly implicated in T-lymphocyte development and function, and as a pivotal regulator of T Helper 1 (T(H)1) responses. In other haematopoietic cells it regulates cytoskeletal rearrangement downstream of extracellular signals. Here we demonstrate that Rac2 deficiency results in an abnormal distribution of T lymphocytes in vivo and defects in T-lymphocyte migration and filamentous actin generation in response to chemoattractants in vitro. To investigate the requirement for Rac2 in IFN-gamma production and TH1 responses in vivo, Rac2-deficient mice were challenged with Leishmania major and immunized with ovalbumin-expressing cytomegalovirus.Despite a minor skewing towards a T(H)2 phenotype, Rac2-deficient mice displayed no increased susceptibility to L. major infection. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses to cytomegalovirus and ovalbumin were also normal. Although Rac2 is required for normal T-lymphocyte migration, its role in the generation of T(H)1 responses to infection in vivo is largely redundant.  相似文献   

Neuromedin U (NMU) is a highly conserved neuropeptide with a variety of physiological functions mediated by two receptors, peripheral NMUR1 and central nervous system NMUR2. Here we report the generation and phenotypic characterization of mice deficient in the central nervous system receptor NMUR2. We show that behavioral effects, such as suppression of food intake, enhanced pain response, and excessive grooming induced by intracerebroventricular NMU administration were abolished in the NMUR2 knockout (KO) mice, establishing a causal role for NMUR2 in mediating NMU's central effects on these behaviors. In contrast to the NMU peptide-deficient mice, NMUR2 KO mice appeared normal with regard to stress, anxiety, body weight regulation, and food consumption. However, the NMUR2 KO mice showed reduced pain sensitivity in both the hot plate and formalin tests. Furthermore, facilitated excitatory synaptic transmission in spinal dorsal horn neurons, a mechanism by which NMU stimulates pain, did not occur in NMUR2 KO mice. These results provide significant insights into a functional dissection of the differential contribution of peripherally or centrally acting NMU system. They suggest that NMUR2 plays a more significant role in central pain processing than other brain functions including stress/anxiety and regulation of feeding.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein VI (GPVI) is a platelet-specific glycoprotein that has been indicated to react with collagen and activate platelets. Its structure was recently identified by cDNA cloning (Clemetson, J. M., Polgar, J., Magnenat, E., Wells, T. N., and Clemetson, K. J. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 29019-29024). However, the mechanism of the interaction between collagen and GPVI has not been analyzed in detail because both collagen and GPVI are insoluble molecules. In this study, we expressed the extracellular domain of GPVI as soluble forms as follows: the monomeric form (GPVIex) and the dimeric form of GPVI fused with the human immunoglobulin Fc domain (GPVI-Fc(2)). Purified GPVIex strongly inhibited convulxin (Cvx)-induced platelet aggregation but only weakly inhibited that induced by collagen-related peptide. However, only GPVI-Fc(2), and not GPVIex, inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The dimeric form of GPVI exhibits high affinity for collagen, as concluded from measurements of GPVI binding to immobilized collagen by both the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and surface plasmon resonance methods. GPVI-Fc(2) bound to the surface of immobilized collagen with a dissociation constant (K(D)) of 5.76 x 10(-7) m, but the binding of GPVIex was too weak to allow estimation of this parameter. Cvx did not inhibit the binding of dimeric GPVI to collagen, indicating that the binding site of GPVI to collagen was different from that to Cvx. Taken together, our data indicate that the high affinity binding site for collagen is composed from two chains of GPVI. Furthermore, they suggest that the binding sites for Cvx are different from the collagen-binding sites and do not need to be formed by two GPVI molecules. Because dimeric GPVI is the only form that shows high affinity to fibrous collagen, our results indicate that GPVI would be present as a dimeric form on the platelet. Moreover, surface plasmon resonance indicated that there is no detectable interaction between soluble collagen and GPVI, supporting our previous observation that GPVI only reacts with fibrous collagen.  相似文献   

Resolution of Leishmania infection is T cell-dependent, and B lymphocytes have been considered to play a minimal role in host defense. In this study, the contribution of B lymphocytes to the response against Leishmania donovani was investigated using genetically modified IgM transmembrane domain (muMT) mutant mice, which lack mature B lymphocytes. When compared with wild-type mice, muMT mice cleared parasites more rapidly from the liver, and infection failed to establish in the spleen. The rapid clearance of parasites in muMT mice was associated with accelerated and more extensive hepatic granuloma formation compared with wild-type mice. However, the liver of infected muMT mice also showed signs of destructive pathology, associated with the presence of increased numbers of neutrophils. The role of neutrophils in controlling parasite growth in the viscera was determined by depletion with the mAb RB6-8C5. This treatment led to a dramatic enhancement of parasite growth in both the liver and spleen of muMT and wild-type mice. As assessed by transfer of both normal and chronic-infection serum, Ig protects microMT mice from destructive hepatic pathology, but minimally alters their resistance compared with wild-type mice. However, adoptive transfer of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells into recombinase activating gene 1 (RAG1-/-) recipients, suggested that T cell function was not altered by maturation in a B cell-deficient environment. Taken together, these data suggest an inhibitory role for B lymphocytes in resistance to L. donovani unrelated to the presence or absence of Ig. However, Ig protects muMT mice from the exaggerated pathology that occurs during infection.  相似文献   

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