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The number of mature eggs carried by a female parasitoid at any given moment (egg load) is a fitness‐related parameter affecting reproductive potential and impacting upon host population dynamics. Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid wasp of several noctuid pests, including Spodoptera littoralis. The number of mature eggs carried by females at emergence is approximately 50. The rate of egg maturation is strongly affected both by feeding status and access to host larvae. In early adult life, egg maturation rates are lower for 6–72 h in fed wasps compared with food‐deprived wasps. When given access to hosts, honey‐fed wasps live for approximately 9 days with high lifetime fecundity (226 eggs). By contrast to early adult life, the total realized fecundity is positively affected by feeding status, where water‐fed and starved females have 140 and 107 eggs, respectively. Egg resorption is most pronounced in the later life of females. The results suggest, in addition to confirming the effect of honey‐feeding on total fecundity, that fecundity of starved wasps includes rapid egg maturation early in life, which potentially could improve the performance of the parasitoid as a biological control agent.  相似文献   

We investigated under outdoor conditions and inside a climate chamber: (i) whether Anaphes nitens Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of the Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus scutellatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), experienced egg resorption, and (ii) how various treatments (location, food, and/or host supply) and body size influenced egg load, egg resorption, fecundity, and longevity. One‐day‐old females were mated and randomly assigned to five groups: (A) honey + hosts, (B) water + hosts, (C) only honey, (D) only water, and (E) control females killed at emergence. We compared the egg load of the newly emerged females, which represent the control group (egg load = ovarian eggs present at emergence), with the lifetime egg load (i.e., ovarian eggs + emerged offspring + not emerged offspring) of the females with various host and diet treatments, by dissection of the ovaries to find evidence of egg resorption. All groups reared outdoors had fewer eggs than the control, while indoors there was no significant difference. Outdoors, starved but host‐provided wasps (B) experienced the highest reduction of the lifetime egg load (51%). Groups without access to food (B + D) resorbed more eggs than groups provided with honey (A + C). Females with honey and hosts (A) had the highest lifetime fecundity, but those with water and hosts (B) showed a higher daily realized fecundity. Host‐deprived females with access to food (C) attained the longest lifespan. Our results suggest that under stress conditions, such as low temperature and food shortage, A. nitens females practice egg resorption, probably to save energy.  相似文献   

The diet of adult females of the parasitoid Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) includes host insects and sugar-rich foods such as nectar and honeydew. We compared the contributions of host feeding to longevity and fecundity in A. melinus females in the presence and in the absence of honey meals. First, we assessed the longevity of females that were not allowed to oviposit. While the longevity of females fed honey was significantly increased by host feeding (median ages were 30.5 days for host-fed females and 17 days for females not allowed to host feed), the lifespan of parasitoids not fed honey did not exceed 3 days for any individual and there was no effect of host feeding on longevity in this group. In the second set of experiments, we assessed the fecundity and longevity of females allowed to oviposit. We conducted two experiments, one in which honey was continuously available, and one in which honey was not available. In both experiments, daily observations were made of females that were either allowed to host feed or manually prevented from host feeding. In the presence of honey, host feeding significantly increased both fecundity and longevity, and in the absence of honey, parasitoids died within 2 days and host feeding had no significant effect on either fecundity or longevity. The lifetime fecundity of females fed honey but not hosts exceeded the initial egg complement by 60% on average. Approximately one host per day was used for host feeding whether honey was supplied or not, and each host-feeding meal contributed approximately 3.9 eggs to the lifetime fecundity of honey-fed females. In the last experiment, we compared the rate of egg resorption over a 36-h period in A. melinus females that were deprived of hosts and either fed honey or starved. While no egg resorption was detected in honey-fed females over this time period, starved females resorbed approximately 9 eggs. Thus, the availability of a sugar-rich food interacts strongly with host feeding in influencing longevity and fecundity and has a strong direct effect on egg resorption.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps have long been considered excellent organisms in studies examining the evolution of reproductive and life-history strategies. In examining the lifetime reproductive success of parasitoids in the laboratory, most investigations have provided the insects with excess hosts and food, where they exist in a relatively constraint-free environment. Importantly, these conditions may not accurately reflect the true heterogeneity of natural systems, where suitable hosts and food sources are likely to be limiting. This study examines the influence of differences in host and food availability on reproductive and life-history parameters in an asexual strain of the solitary endoparasitoid, Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Lifetime reproductive success in V. canescens was measured in response to temporal variations in host and food (honey solution) access. Cohorts of parasitoids were provided with 200 fifth-instar larvae of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and food for variable periods daily after eclosion. V. canescens is synovigenic, and host-deprived wasps continued to mature eggs over the first few days after eclosion until the egg storage capacity was reached in the oviducts. When these wasps were subsequently provided with hosts, oogenesis resumed and continued until later in adult life. Constantly fed wasps lived longer and produced more progeny than wasps from cohorts which were alternately fed and starved or were starved from eclosion. Moreover, wasps with constant host and food access produced most progeny early in life and usually experienced prolonged periods of postreproductive survival. In contrast, the reproductive period of wasps with limited host access was more evenly distributed throughout the adult life. Consequently, the cumulative progeny production by V. canescens with constant food access was fairly uniform irrespective of host availability. Longevity and fecundity in V. canescens were positively correlated with adult size. However, variable host access had little effect on the longevity of wasps which were constantly supplied with honey. Over the first 2 days of adult life, variation in food access also had no effect on progeny production by V. canescens. We argue that manipulating temporal host and food access to parasitoids in the laboratory more closely approximates natural conditions, where these resources are likely to be spatially separated. Moreover, our findings suggest that many highly synovigenic parasitoids like V. canescens, which produce microtype (=hydropic) eggs, have a considerably higher reproductive potential than ovary dissections have revealed. Our findings are discussed in relation to life-history evolution in the parasitic Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

In most animals, the optimal phenotype is determined by trade-offs in life-history traits. Here, I compare development and reproductive strategies in two species of solitary secondary hyperparasitoids, Lysibia nana and Gelis agilis, attacking pre-pupae of their primary parasitoid host, Cotesia glomerata. Parasitoid larvae of both species exploit a given amount of host resources with similar efficiency. However, adults exhibit quite different reproductive strategies. Both species are synovigenic, and female wasps emerge with no mature eggs. However, G. agilis must first host-feed to produce eggs, while L. nana does not host-feed but mobilizes internal resources carried over from larval feeding to initiate oogenesis. Further, G. agilis is wingless, produces large eggs, has a long life-span, and generates only small numbers of progeny per day, whereas these traits are reversed in L. nana. Given unlimited hosts, the fecundity curve in L. nana was “front-loaded,” whereas in G. agilis it was depressed and extended over much of adult life. In L. nana (but not G. agilis), wasps provided with honey but no hosts lived significantly longer than wasps provided with both honey and hosts. Differences in the fecundity curves of the two hyperparasitoids are probably based on differing costs of reproduction between them, with the wingless G. agilis much more constrained in finding hosts than the winged L. nana. Importantly, L. nana is known to be a specialist hyperparasitoid of gregarious Cotesia species that pupate in exposed locations on the food plant, whereas Gelis sp. attack and develop in divergent hosts such as parasitoid cocoons, moth pupae and spider egg sacs. Consequently, there is a strong match between brood size in C. glomerata and egg production in L. nana, but a mismatch between these parameters in G. agilis.  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids and herbivores must balance the risk of egg limitation and time limitation in order to maximize reproductive success. Egg and time limitation are mediated by oviposition and egg maturation rates as well as by starvation risk and other determinants of adult lifespan. Here, we assessed egg load and nutritional state in the soybean aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis under field conditions to estimate its risk of becoming either egg‐ or time‐limited. The majority of female B. communis showed no signs of egg limitation. Experimental field manipulations of B. communis females suggested that an average of 4–8 eggs were matured per hour over the course of a day. Regardless, egg loads remained constant over the course of the day at approximately 80 eggs, suggesting that egg maturation compensates for oviposition. This is the first case of such “egg load buffering” documented for a parasitoid in the field. Despite this buffering, egg loads dropped slightly with increasing host (aphid) density. This suggests that egg limitation could occur at very high host densities as experienced in outbreak years in some locations in the Midwestern USA. Biochemical analyses of sugar profiles showed that parasitoids fed upon sugar in the field at a remarkably high rate. Time limitation through starvation thus seems to be very low and aphid honeydew is most likely a source of dietary sugar for these parasitoids. This latter supposition is supported by the fact that body sugar levels increase with host (aphid) density. Together, these results suggest that fecundity of B. communis benefits from both dynamic egg maturation strategies and sugar‐feeding.  相似文献   

1. Competition for food at high densities during larval development leads to reduced adult weight in the northern temperate dung beetle Aphodius ater. 2. Analysis of female beetles caught in the field showed that numbers of eggs and total egg load per female were correlated positively with beetle size. 3. Female beetles reared at different population densities during larval development in the laboratory were analysed with regard to their lifetime fecundity and reproductive lifespan. 4. High population densities during development had a negative influence on the number of eggs per female and on reproductive lifespan. Lifetime fecundity was correlated positively with female weight. 5. It was concluded that competition during larval development in the first generation of offspring will result in a lower number of offspring in the second generation in Aphodius ater, and thereby reduce parental fitness.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in the laboratory to determine the most suitable diet for adults ofChrysopa scelestes Banks that would result in the maximum fecundity and longevity, without adversely affecting hatchability. Out of 6 adult diets tested, the died containing 40% honey and pollen grains of castor,Ricinus communis L. has influenced upon the female for production of more eggs. On an average, 796 eggs were laid in 36.83 reproductive days, this was followed by Protinex? + fructose + pollen grains and honeydew of mealy bug,Planococcus citri (Risso) + pollen grains. The diet consisting of 40 % honey had little effect either on the per day reproduction or on the effective ovipositional period for total number of egg production. Pre-ovipositional period was observed to be extended in 40% honey followed by honeydew ofP. citri + pollen grains. Hatching of larvae was found to be not affected by various diets.
Résumé Des études de laboratoire ont été menées dans le but de mettre au point un régime pourChrysopa scelestes Banks assurant une fécondité et une longévité maximales et n'affectant pas l'éclosion des jeunes larves. Parmi les 6 régimes essayés, celui qui contient 40 % de miel et du pollen de ricinRicinus communis L. a donné lieu à la ponte la plus abondante de la part des femelles. En moyenne, chaque femelle dépose alors 796 œufs en 36,8 j de ponte. Viennent ensuite les régimes constitués de Protinex, fructose et pollen, puis du miellat de la cochenille farineusePlanococcus citri (Risso) et de pollen. La nourriture à base de 40% de miel aboutit à une fécondité totale très réduite, tant par une incidence sur la fécondité quotidienne que sur la durée de la ponte. La durée de la période de pré-oviposition subit l'allongement le plus considérable dans le cas de l'alimentation avec 40% de miel, suivi par celui que provoque le miellat deP. citri additionné de pollen. L'éclosion des jeunes larves n'a pas été influencée par les divers régimes imaginaux testés.

Contribution No. 350/83 of I.I.H.R., Bangalore-89.  相似文献   

Adult size, longevity, egg load dynamics and oviposition ofMicroplitis rufiventris Kok. which began their development in the first, second, third (preferred hosts) or fourth (non-preferred hosts) instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) were studied. The parasitoid size was largely determined by the initial host size at parasitism. Non-ovipositing females derived from older hosts lived for longer periods than those derived from younger ones. However, the ovipositing females, irrespective of their size, lived for almost the same periods. At emergence, the oviducts of adult females contain a significant amount of mature eggs available for oviposition for a few hours on eclosion day. Egg load increases during the early phase of adult life. The amount of additional mature eggs and rate of egg maturation per hour was greater for wasps derived from preferred hosts compared with those in females derived from non-preferred hosts. The pattern of egg production in M. rufiventris females depended on the availability of hosts for parasitization. Host-deprived females depleted the egg complement with aging; the longer the host deprivation, the lower the oviduct egg load. Marked reduction in both realized or potential fecundity of host-deprived females was observed following host availability. Host privation for more than 3 days induced a marked deficit fecundity pattern through the female' s life. The realized fecundity was determined by the interaction among host availability, the number of eggs that are matured over the female' s life span, oviposition rate and host size from which the female was derived. These results suggest that: (i) M. rufiventris wasp is a weak synovigenic species; (ii) the maturation of additional eggs is inhibited once the maximum oviduct egg load is reached; (iii) the egg load of the newly emerged female is significantly less than the realized fecundity; and (iv) because M. rufiventris females oviposit fewer eggs when they begin depleting their egg supply at 3 days, augmentative releases will require release immediately following emergence to ensure the highest parasitization rate in the field.  相似文献   

  • 1 Adult female Eulophus pennicornis require a source of nutrition, provided by sources such as pollen, nectar and honeydew or by host feeding, to promote longevity and facilitate egg production. There is potential for parasitoids to be exposed directly to contaminants, including gene products in transgenic crops, through feeding on plant materials, honeydew or hosts. Among such potential contaminants are lectins such as Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and concanavalin agglutinin (Con A).
  • 2 The effect of direct exposure to honey diets containing GNA and Con A on the longevity and fecundity of E. pennicornis was examined. These lectins have been expressed in a number of plant species for the control for various insect pests. Both GNA and Con A significantly reduced longevity and fecundity at the highest concentration used (0.5% w/v). The effect on fecundity was shown to be related to a reduction in longevity.
  • 3 Examination of the gustatory response of adult female E. pennicornis to honey diet containing 1% w/v GNA or Con A revealed no significant differences in consumption rate on first exposure. A significant reduction in the time spent feeding on diet containing 1% Con A was found on the second exposure to the diet. This could have been the result of either a conditioned aversion response or the intoxication of the insect. The effect of Con A on longevity and fecundity could have been, in part, a result of reduced food intake.
  • 4 Studies on nutrition and egg resorption demonstrated that the availability of honey solution prolongs the longevity of E. pennicornis and the lack of a source of nutrition promotes oosorption.
  • 5 A greater understanding of feeding behaviour and ovigeny is required to understand fully the potential ecological consequence of transgenic crops on parasitoid species through routes of direct exposure to transgene products.

The tachinid Celatoria compressa, a parasitoid of adult Diabrotica species in North America has been studied as a candidate classical biological control agent for the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, in Europe. Prior to its potential importation, a thorough understanding of the parasitoid's reproductive biology is essential, and is an important component in the evaluation of a species as a biological control agent. In this study it has been clarified that C. compressa belongs to a group of a few tachinid species characterised by having eggs that contain fully developed larvae which are laid directly into the host. After mating, the egg load of females increased steadily from day 1 to a maximum egg load on day 4. Thereafter eggs containing fully developed first instar larvae reached a maximum of 31 in 69 eggs. At the first day of larviposition, females laid on average only five eggs into multiple hosts, which is in contrast to the availability of 18 eggs containing fully developed first instars in the uterus per female at that time. During a mean female's larviposition period of 23 days, a total of 33 first instars were larviposited into the hosts, which is only half of the female's egg load. Lifetime fecundity of C. compressa was significantly correlated with longevity. However no relationship was found between body size and either lifetime fecundity or longevity. In this study, an inverse host density-dependent pattern of percent parasitism was shown for C. compressa under 24-h fixed-time laboratory conditions, reflecting a Holling type II response. The number of host parasitized per C. compressa female reached an upper limit of 10 hosts with an increasing host density, which can be explained by the long host handling time of C. compressa.  相似文献   

Codling moth is the main pest affecting apples and pears worldwide. Most pest control strategies used against this insect have relied on the use of broad‐spectrum insecticides which have led to non‐desirable effects like pesticide resistance, residues in the environment, human health concerns and the reduction of access to international markets. Therefore, alternative pest control strategies that would result in sustainable fruit production systems while taking care of the environment are strongly promoted. The use of the sterile insect technique has proven to be a valuable pest control tactic within area‐wide integrated pest management strategies, and its synergistic effect for Lepidoptera pests when combined with other biological control tactics such as parasitoids has been documented. The purposes of this research were to evaluate the response of an Argentinean codling moth strain to a sub‐sterilizing radiation dose of 100 Gy and to assess the acceptability and suitability of sterile codling moth eggs by the egg parasitoids, Trichogramma cacoeciae (Marchal) and Trichogramma nerudai (Pintureau and Gerding). Irradiated female moths survived better than irradiated male moths and non‐irradiated male and female moths. Also, the fecundity of irradiated female moths was reduced by more than 30% as compared to non‐irradiated ones whereas their fertility was close to zero. The F1 generation was male biased with a lower fertility (inherited sterility) than the parental generation. Trichogramma cacoeciae and T. nerudai parasitized both fertile and sterile eggs. However, there was a significant reduction in acceptability for sterile eggs. Trichogramma nerudai parasitized more eggs than T. cacoeciae, but egg acceptability for this species was proportionally lower than for T. cacoeciae especially on eggs oviposited by irradiated females. Development to adult of both parasitoids species was not substantially affected by the origin of the eggs and the wasps had acceptable levels of adult emergence, survival and fecundity. These results provided useful information on the potential for controlling the codling moth using egg parasitoids and the sterile insect technique in Argentina.  相似文献   

New cultivars of alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., have been released with glandular trichomes for resistance to potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Yet, the impact of the glandular trichomes on the primary natural enemy of the leafhopper, Anagrus nigriventris Girault, is unknown. We compared the host searching behavior of the egg parasitoid on four alfalfa clones varying in trichome characters. Female wasps were videotaped on Ranger, a susceptible clone with relatively sparse trichomes, B14, a resistant clone with dense but nonglandular trichomes, and FG12 and FG18, two resistant clones with glandular trichomes. Although the number of leafhopper eggs per stem exposed to wasps did not significantly differ among the four clones, the frequency of foraging and total foraging time were less on the two clones with glandular trichomes than on the two clones with nonglandular trichomes. In addition, an analysis of covariance demonstrated that, although the number of ovipositional probes increased with egg density on a stem, the number of probes on stems with glandular trichomes was significantly less than that on stems without glandular trichomes. The allocation of time by wasps among drumming, probing, and grooming behaviors was similar among the clones. Wasps tended to fly off of clones with glandular trichomes more often than off of clones with nonglandular trichomes. This study suggests that cultivars with glandular trichomes may interfere with host searching by A. nigriventris.  相似文献   

椰子木蛾的产卵节律及其对寄主植物的产卵选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】椰子木蛾是近年来新入侵我国棕榈科植物的害虫,研究其产卵习性可为监测和防治该虫提供参考。【方法】在室内条件下,观察、记录了椰子木蛾雌成虫的产卵节律及其对不同寄主植物的产卵选择性。【结果】椰子木蛾最高日产卵量可达34.4粒·头-1,且主要集中在羽化后4 d内产卵,占总产卵量的54.1%;产卵活动主要发生在夜间23:00到次日8:00;在椰子、蒲葵、大王棕、槟榔和散尾葵等寄主植物上的产卵量无显著差异,为89.3~147.7粒·头-1,但产卵位置存在差别。【结论与意义】椰子木蛾雌成虫具有较强的繁殖能力和产卵节律性,且在不同寄主植物上的产卵量一致。  相似文献   

Reproductive biology including mating, adult longevity, fecundity and development of the tachinid fly Zenillia dolosa was investigated for optimizing rearing procedures using Mythimna separata as a host in the laboratory. Females lay microtype eggs containing a first instar larva on food plants of the host and then the eggs must be ingested by the host for parasitization. Mating success was 58.5% with mating duration of 80.7 min. Mating was most successful when day 0–1 females were kept with day 2–4 male flies. Female body size was positively correlated with its fecundity but not with longevity. However, females that survived longer produced more eggs during their lifetime. Parasitoids successfully developed in 4th to 6th instar host larvae. Host instars at the time of parasitoid egg ingestion significantly influenced development time of the immature parasitoid, but did not affect body size of the emerging parasitoid. We suggest that pairing newly emerged females with day 2–4 males should result in higher mating success and using the last instar hosts for parasitization should minimize development time of the parasitoid for rearing.  相似文献   

  • 1 We tested the hypothesis that females of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), could adjust their fecundity schedule according to host availability and that there was a negative correlation between reproduction and survival in these wasps.
  • 2 Newly-emerged females were provided with an unlimited or limited number of hosts in the first trial and with either unlimited, limited or zero hosts in the second trial.
  • 3 When hosts were unlimited, wasps had the highest rate of reproduction in the first day, which decreased dramatically thereafter. When hosts were limited, wasps from the two trials differed in their response. In Trial I, females with limited hosts had lower first-day fecundity than, and the same subsequent-day fecundity as, those with unlimited hosts. However, in Trial II, females with limited host had a lower first-day but a higher subsequent-day fecundity than those with unlimited hosts. This indicates variation in Trichogramma's ability to shift its fecundity schedule in response to host availability.
  • 4 There was a positive (rather than a negative) correlation between reproduction and survival. Wasps that oviposited (in host-unlimited treatment) had greater longevity than those that could not (in host-unavailable treatment).
  • 5 The sex ratio of the progeny produced by wasps in both host-unlimited and limited treatments shifted gradually from a female to a male bias as the wasps aged.
  • 6 We consider the ability of parasitoids to adjust their fecundity schedule as an adaptation to changing host resources and discuss our findings with regard to theories of life history evolution.

玉米螟赤眼蜂雌蜂繁殖力与年龄的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以米蛾卵作为繁育寄主,通过系统解剖不同发育期(0~144 h)玉米螟赤眼蜂的卵巢,探讨了雌蜂抱卵量、繁殖力与其年龄和个体大小之间的关系。结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂在羽化初期(0~3 h),卵巢中只有部分卵处于成熟状态,随着雌蜂年龄的增加,其抱卵量不断增加,至72 h时接近其卵巢容纳量。抱卵量与雌蜂年龄之间的关系可以用以下公式来表示:y =a{1-exp[-b(x+c)]}。用后足胫节长度(HTL)来表示雌蜂个体大小时,HTL短于0.150 mm、介于0.150~0.159 mm之间以及长于0.160 mm的个体羽化后24 h的平均抱卵量分别为40.4、50.5和58.2粒,各占其卵巢容纳量的72.8%、79.3%和86.9%,占整个成虫期总产卵量的49.4%、47.9%及51.9%。玉米螟赤眼蜂羽化后24 h内的产卵量接近于羽化后24 h的抱卵量。雌蜂个体大小与抱卵量及总产卵量之间关系密切,抱卵量与总产卵量随着雌蜂个体的增大而不断增加,呈线性正相关。个体大小可以作为评估玉米螟赤眼蜂生殖潜能高低的一个良好的指标。  相似文献   

Longevity and fecundity of female wasps are two decisive factors for the effectiveness of parasitoid species as biological control agents. Accessibility and suitability of nutrient sources determine parasitoid survival and reproduction. Host, nectar and honeydew feeding are frequent adult parasitoid behaviors to cover nutritional needs. Here we postulate that especially parasitoid species of endophytic herbivores might use plant tissue as a nutrient source that becomes accessible upon herbivory. We investigated the influence of plant consumption and host feeding on longevity and fecundity of Hyssopus pallidus, a gregarious ecto-parasitoid of caterpillars of the codling moth that feed inside apple fruits. Longevity of unmated and mated ovipositing female parasitoids was highest in treatments with fruit pulp. While longevity in this treatment was not significantly different from that with honey, it was significantly higher than in treatments without food, with water or with a host alone.Reproduction was significantly increased by these sugar-rich nutrient sources compared to the control with a host alone. In contrast, host feeding did not yield any significant contribution to longevity and fecundity in a series of bioassays with different host–parasitoid ratios and with differently aged and sized hosts, compared to controls without food.We conclude that in this synovigenic species host feeding does not contribute to longevity and fecundity, but females can increase survival and reproduction in the field relying solely on the plant tissue damaged by their host caterpillar.  相似文献   

Summary Pteromalus puparum is a gregarious parasitoid of many butterfly pupae. Adult size, mortality, and sex ratio of P. puparum, as a parasitoid of Papilio xuthus, were unit weight of the host. Effects of female size on fecundity, wing load, and longevity were also examined.The highest total weight of progeny from the host was attained when the number of eggs per gram of the host was approximately 150. Positive correlations were observed between the size of the females and their fecundity and wing load. The maximum longevity of the female kept with honey but without hosts was attained when the initial number of parasitoids per g of the host was 150.Considering the total fecundity of all female progeny, the reproductively most efficient number of eggs to be deposited per g of the host was estimated to be approximately 300. However, as shortage of food for the adult females strongly affects their fecundity, the reproductively most efficient number of eggs to be deposited per g of the host was about 70 when the adult female progeny was not provided with food.The optimal number of eggs to be deposited when the emale oviposits in the host under field conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids lay their eggs in arthropods. Some parasitoid species not only use their arthropod host for oviposition but also for feeding. Host feeding provides nutrients to the adult female parasitoid. However, in many species, host feeding destroys an opportunity to oviposit. For parasitoids that attack Homoptera, honeydew is a nutrient‐rich alternative that can be directly imbibed from the host anus without injuring the host. A recent study showed that feeding on host‐derived honeydew can be an advantageous alternative in terms of egg quantity and longevity. Here we explore the conditions under which destructive host feeding can provide an advantage over feeding on honeydew. For 5 days, Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitoids were allowed daily up to 3 h to oviposit until host feeding was attempted. Host feedings were either prevented or allowed and parasitoids had ad libitum access to honeydew between foraging bouts. Even in the presence of honeydew, parasitoids allowed to host feed laid more eggs per hour of foraging per host‐feeding attempt than parasitoids that were prevented from host feeding. The higher egg‐laying rate was not compromised by survival or by change in egg volume over time. In conclusion, host feeding can provide an advantage over feeding on honeydew. This applies most likely under conditions of high host density or low extrinsic mortality of adult parasitoids, when alternative food sources cannot supply enough nutrients to prevent egg limitation. We discuss how to integrate ecological and physiological studies on host‐feeding behavior  相似文献   

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