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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study on reproductive biology examines the stigmatic morphology of 12 Brazilian Malpighiaceae species with regard to their pollination and breeding system. METHODS: The species were studied in natural populations of a semi-deciduous forest fragment. Style tips were processed for observation by SEM and pollen-tube growth was analyzed under fluorescence microscopy. The breeding system was investigated by isolating flowers within waterproof bags. Floral visitors were recorded through notes and photographs. KEY RESULTS: Flowers are yellow, pink or white, protogynous, herkogamous and sometimes lack oil glands. While Banisteriopsis pubipetala has functional female flowers (with indehiscent anthers), 11 species present hermaphrodite flowers. Stigmas of these species may be terminal, with a slightly concave surface, or internal, consisting of a circular cavity with a large orifice, and are covered with a thin, impermeable cuticle that prevents pollen from adhering, hydrating, or germinating. Malpighiaceae have a special type of 'wet' stigma, where a secretion accumulates under the cuticle and is released by mechanical means-mainly rupture by pollinators. Even though six species show a certain degree of self-compatibility, four of them present a form of late-acting self-incompatibility, and the individual of B. pubipetala is agamospermous. Species of Centris, Epicharis and Monoeca bees pollinate these flowers, mainly collecting oil. Some Epicharis and Monoeca species collected pollen by vibration. Paratetrapedia and Tetrapedia bees are pollen and oil thieves. CONCLUSIONS: The Malpiguiaceae species studied are pollinator-dependent, as spontaneous self-pollination is limited by herkogamy, protogyny and the stigmatic cuticle. Both the oil- and pollen-collecting behaviours of the pollinators favour the rupture of the stigmatic cuticle and the deposition of pollen on or inside the stigmas. As fruit-set rates in natural conditions are low, population fragmentation may have limited the sexual reproduction of these species.  相似文献   

围绕入境台湾果蔬涉及的重要有害生物,在收集文献资料基础上,从传入和扩散、传入后的危害以及在中国大陆的适生区预测等3个方面阐述了橘小实蝇、三叶草斑潜蝇和螺旋粉虱在中国大陆的灾变过程。橘小实蝇、三叶草斑潜蝇和螺旋粉虱等3种有害生物相继传入台湾之后,分别经历了22年、17年和8年时间又相继传入中国大陆,且两者相距时间有缩短的趋势。橘小实蝇和三叶草斑潜蝇传入大陆后,得到迅速扩散蔓延,给大陆果蔬生产和贸易造成重大影响;而螺旋粉虱目前分布局限在海南,并在局部地区造成较严重的危害。台湾发生的有害生物在中国大陆均有较大范围的适生区,即便是已传入数十年的橘小实蝇,因气候等条件的变化,其在中国适生区也在扩大之中。根据分析结果,从有害生物风险分析、口岸查验和检疫、入侵害虫的监测与防控等方面提出有效管控入境台湾果蔬有害生物的对策措施。  相似文献   

Soil-dwelling predatory mites are natural enemies of various soil pest insects and mites. Both Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini) and Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley) are commercialized natural enemies of thrips, but there is little information on the predation rate of these predatory mites on different thrips species. We compared their predation capacities on three thrips species, Frankliniella occidentalis, F. intonsa, and Thrips palmi, which are major pests of various horticultural plants. The predatory rate of G. aculeifer was higher than that of S. scimitus. Both predator species fed on more T. palmi thrips than F. occidentalis or F. intonsa thrips, which may be attributable to the smaller body size of T. palmi than the other thrips. Predation rates of female adults were 2.6–2.8 times higher than those of deutonymphs in both species. Predation rates were not separated according to the various developmental stages (i.e., second instar larva, pupa, or adult) of thrips; however, deutonymphs fed on fewer adults than larvae or pupae of F. occidentalis. Our results suggest that both G. aculeifer and S. scimitus are active predators that can prey during any of their developmental stages and on any species of thrips tested.  相似文献   

Parasitism by the braconid wasp Dolichogenidia tasmanica of first instar larvae of the lightbrown apple moth Epiphyas postvittana, established on four different species of potted host plants, was assessed after 2 weeks of field exposure in an apple orchard. Parasitism varied significantly between larval host plants (apple 58%, broom 59%, clover 30%, poplar 19% ). Parasitism on potted apple seedlings of the co-evolutionary host, E. postvittana, was compared in a field trial with that of two native New Zealand leafroller species (to which D. tasmanica has had exposure for 5 decades only). Parasitism varied significantly with larval host (E. postvittana, 83%; Ctenopseustis herana, 58%;Planotortrix octo, 26% ). Larval collections were made from mature apple trees and identification of larvae was achieved by DNA analysis for the leafroller species using PCR-RFLP of ITS1 + ITS2, and for the parasitoid by specific PCR of partial 18S. Parasitism under natural field conditions on mature apple trees was not different between larval hosts (mean 32.5% ). In laboratory studies, more P. octo larvae departed in response to parasitoid probing behaviour than E. postvittana, which is likely to contribute to the difference in parasitism rates. This study conclusively shows that D. tasmanica parasitises native New Zealand leafrollers, despite their different evolutionary origins.  相似文献   

A field experiment of 4 years’ duration was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of combining the mating disruption (MD) formulation Dismate ZETA ((9Z,12E)‐tetradecadienyl acetate), with the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor against the Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella in a chocolate factory. The experimental period began early in 2011 and ended in late 2014. Begane Dismate dispensers were placed in the facility from 2011 to 2014 and H. hebetor was released in 2014. Pheromone‐baited traps were used to monitor the flight activity of the male moths and oviposition Petri dish traps were placed to assess the progeny production of P. interpunctella females. Following the start of MD, a decrease in the number of P. interpunctella males caught in monitoring traps was observed from 2011 to 2013. A further decline in the moth population was noted in 2014, when MD was combined with the release of parasitoids. The presence of larvae in the oviposition cups was occasionally observed throughout the monitoring period, from 2011 to 2014. This study demonstrates that the combined system of MD and parasitoids is an effective and reliable technique that can be used to successfully control P. interpunctella.  相似文献   

Parasitism of two host species by five Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) was studied in the laboratory. The host species were: i) the bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), an important pest of many crops in the tropics and subtropics, and ii) one of its natural enemies, the lacewing Chrysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae), a predator often used as a biological control agent. The proportion of H. armigera eggs parasitized from the total number of parasitized hosts differed between Trichogramma species. The average number of parasitized eggs per female in 24 h by Trichogramma pintoi and T. bourarachae was 10 of H. armigera and about 0.5 of C. carnea. For the other three Trichogramma species (T. cordubensis, T. evanescens and T. turkestanica) these averages varied from 6 to 11 H. armigera eggs and from 3 to 4 C. carnea eggs. Total adult offspring production, contacts with hosts, secondary clutch size and sex-ratio of each Trichogramma species were determined as well. The results show that sympatric Trichogramma may parasitize target and non-target species in different proportions. If this difference corresponds to the field situation, simple laboratory tests could be performed to select not only efficient biogical control agents, but also species which are the least detrimental to non-target hosts.  相似文献   

为明确水稻品种和施肥时间对白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horvath)卵被稻飞虱缨小蜂Anagrus spp.寄生率的影响,采用产卵苗诱集法和田间双因子设计进行实验研究。与秀水11水稻品种相比,协优413品种上的白背飞虱卵块位置较高且卵块较大。诱集实验表明白背飞虱卵的被寄生率显著受用于诱集的产卵水稻品种的影响, 在协优413上所产卵的被寄生率(24%)显著高于秀水11上的相应值(12%),而不受由田间品种和氮肥施用时间组合而形成的诱集苗所置放的栖境条件的影响。田间种植的水稻品种对其稻株上的白背飞虱卵被寄生率的影响大于施肥时间, 在卵高峰期,这种影响更为显著, 协优413上的被寄生率(17%)显著高于秀水11上的相应值(9%)。田间寄生率和诱集寄生率二者的反正弦平方根转换值间存在着极显著的直线相关。这些结果表明,水稻品种是加强白背飞虱自然生物防治的重要因子。  相似文献   

  1. The abandonment of historical land‐use forms within forests, such as grazing or coppicing, and atmospheric nitrogen deposition, has led to an increasing overgrowth of forest gaps and canopy closure in forest ecosystems of Central Europe. From 1945 to 2015, 81% of the forest gaps greater than 150 m2 within the study area transitioned into a closed forest.
  2. This study investigated how the overgrowth process affects flower supply, flower visitors, and reproduction of Campanula species. Six native Campanula species with different light requirements were used as phytometers.
  3. The forest gaps in the studied area are a feature of the historical European cultural landscape. We compared large gaps caused by human activities, small gaps caused by habitat conditions, and closed forests. In eight blocked replicates, each with the three habitat categories, we recorded the flower cover and number of indigenous flowering species in the immediate surroundings, and, of six Campanula species, flower visitors and seed production.
  4. Forest gaps and their size positively affected the number of flowering plant species in the surrounding area, the number of all flower visitor groups, and the number of seeds produced by all six Campanula species. Flower cover in the surrounding area was higher in large gaps, but there was no difference between small gaps and closed forests. Among flower visitors, small bees varied the most between the three habitat categories, and flies varied the least. The effect on the number of seeds produced was particularly strong for three light‐demanding Campanula species.
  5. The overgrowth of forest gaps negatively affected flower supply, flower‐visiting insects, and seed sets of six Campanula species. Forest gaps should be managed to maintain the reproduction of open forest plants and their pollinators.

Tetranychus urticae is a polyphagous mite which is an important pest of citrus worldwide. This mite can be found feeding on many plant species occurring in the citrus agrosystem moving from weeds to trees. Because field samples consist of a mixture of different Tetranychidae species, as a first step necessary to further implement population characterisation of T. urticae, species‐discriminating criteria based on molecular techniques are needed. In this study, the nucleotide variation of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2 and the intergenic 5.8S fragment of nuclear rDNA of T. urticae, Tetranychus turkestani, Tetranychus evansi, Tetranychus ludeni and Panonychus citri have been determined. Results demonstrate that for these species, the rDNA ITS2 regions are much more conserved than the corresponding rDNA ITS1. The high homogeneity of the ITS2 sequence observed among the specimens of T. urticae obtained from the same ecoregion makes this DNA sequence an excellent tool for species discrimination. ITS sequences differentiate not only species but also specimens from different geographical origin. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the ITS2 proved adequate for a quick screening of high numbers of field samples.  相似文献   

  • 1 A method for area‐wide risk assessment of pea moth infestation in commercial pea‐growing areas based on spatial and temporal analyses of pea moth abundance and the phenological distribution of pea fields was investigated.
  • 2 In a commercial pea‐growing region in Saxony, Germany, all pea fields were identified, mapped and characterized, recording the pea plant phenology, pea moth flight and larval infestation of each field in the years 2006–2008.
  • 3 The relationship between pea moth flight and pea plant phenology was studied in detail in small‐scale field experiments in Hesse, Germany, using different pea cultivars and sowing dates.
  • 4 In the study area, the abundance of Cydia nigricana Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in organic green peas increased linearly with the pea‐cropping area of the previous year in the surroundings of the current fields according to the continuous abundance index.
  • 5 Considering solely the early flowering period (= early pea sowing dates) of the organic green peas, we calculated that a minimum distance of the current pea field to the nearest pea field of the previous year of 500 m was necessary to significantly reduce pea moth flight and larval infestation.
  • 6 In small‐scale field experiments, a correlation between pea moth flight and larval investation, as well as the importance of the pea flower for the pea moth occurrence, was demonstrated.
  • 7 The spatio‐temporal findings are discussed in relation to the development of a coincidence avoidance strategy in pea‐growing areas.

There is growing concern among governments, scientists, agricultural practitioners and the general public regarding the negative implications of widespread synthetic chemical pesticide application for the control of crop pests. As a result, baculovirus biopesticides are gaining popularity as components of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes in many countries despite several disadvantages related to slow speed of kill, limited host range and complex large scale production. In South Africa, baculoviruses are incorporated into IPM programmes for the control of crop pests in the field, and recent bioprospecting has led to the characterisation of several novel isolates with the potential to be formulated as commercial products. This contribution will provide an overview of the use of baculoviruses against insect pests in South Africa, as well as research and development efforts aimed at broadening their application as biocontrol agents. Challenges faced by researchers in developmental projects as well as potential users of baculoviruses as biopesticides in the field are also discussed.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) has been reported to enhance plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stressors and also benefit plant growth. These effects are more pronounced in grass species, especially with soil‐applied Si. This study investigated the effects of Si application on rice resistance to Spodoptera frugiperda development and plant vegetative growth. Effects of Si on rice were assessed via soil and foliar applications and compared with untreated plants (control). Si was soil‐ and foliar‐applied as 1% silicic acid solution at a dosage equivalent to 1.4 t Si per ha. After application, leaf material was collected from Si‐treated and untreated plants and placed in Petri dishes with individual S. frugiperda neonate larvae, where development was followed to adult emergence and biological parameters recorded. Vegetative growth parameters recorded in rice plants were the height, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weights of shoots, and shoot Si content. No effects of Si application were observed on the durations of larval and pupal stages, larval and pupal survival, and sex ratio of S. frugiperda. Insects fed leaves from Si‐treated plants exhibited lower leaf consumption, larval and pupal weights, longevity of males and females, number of eggs, and egg viability. The negative effects were correlated with higher rice Si content. Si application to rice increased plant height, chlorophyll content and dry weight. Our study demonstrates that foliar‐applied Si is as efficient as soil‐applied Si in negatively affecting S. frugiperda development and providing beneficial effects on rice plant growth.  相似文献   

Petalonia fascia (O. F. Müll.) Kuntze, P. zosterifolia (Reinke) Kuntze and Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngb.) J. Ag. have been cultured in white, blue and red light of equal quantum irradiance at 15°C. Hairs, knot-filaments and Ralfsia-like crusts were formed only in blue light, whereas the prostrate system of red-grown plants consisted entirely of sparingly-branched and mostly uniseriate filaments. The production of erect thalli from the prostrate system was controlled or stimulated by red light, but these erect thalli became fertile only in the presence of blue light. All three species exhibited all of these types of response, although specific differences in the degree of certain types of response were observed.  相似文献   

The Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes suturicallus Kuschel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the most damaging potato (Solanum spp.) pests in the Andes. The objective of this study was to get a better understanding of weevil infestation sources and its distribution in potato fields as well as on the effect of potato cropping intensity and farmers’ harvest practices on weevil infestation to provide better clues for its management. For this purpose, a methodology was developed to assess weevil field densities in potato. A Taylor’s power law indicated that 177 and 69 samples are necessary to assess low (0.5 weevils/m2) and high (5 weevils/m2) weevil densities for a moderate reliability or precision level (D = 0.5). In potato fields, overwintering weevil densities were highest at field borders with 3.5 weevils/m2 at a distance of <2.5 m compared to 0.7 weevils/m2 at distances >10 m from the field border. No effects of time of harvest could be detected on soil overwintering weevil densities. The quantification of the larval density per potato plant after harvest showed that fields after 2‐year potato rotations had eight times more overwintering weevils compared to 1‐year rotations. Weevil infestation sources were mainly potato fields with the highest infestation (89%) followed by olluco (Ullucus tuberosus) and oat (Avena sativa) fields having volunteer potato plants (35%). The results confirm and support previous assumptions about the importance of the cropping systems for Andean potato weevil infestation and management. The confirmation that weevils do not occur or only in neglected numbers on fallow fields supports the use of plastic barriers to effectively exclude migrating flightless adult weevils to potato fields cultivated after fallow. The distribution of overwintering weevils indicates that farmers could concentrate efforts to control adult weevils mainly to the first meters of potato fields.  相似文献   

The association of resistant crop varieties and biological pest control has great potential for pest management, as resistant cultivars may affect herbivore population dynamics by interfering with their biology and search behaviour for host plants. In addition, resistant varieties can also affect the efficiency of natural enemies. The aims of this work were to evaluate the influence of the soybean cultivars Dowling (resistant), IAC 100 (resistant) and Silvânia (susceptible) under field conditions on: (i) the abundance of parasitoids in the Platygastridae family and the stink bug Euschistus heros and (ii) the parasitism of stink bug eggs by these natural enemies. There was no difference between cultivars in stink bug distribution in the field. The parasitoids Telenomus podisi, Trissolcus teretis, Tr. urichi and Tr. brochymenae emerged from the sentinel eggs of E. heros, and T. podisi was the most abundant species observed during the reproductive stage R6. The cultivars Dowling and IAC 100 attracted a higher number of Platygastridae parasitoids, T. podisi and Tr. teretis, and the abundance of these parasitoids during the period from R1 to R7 might have being sufficient to control the stink bug population. These results suggest that the cultivars Dowling and IAC 100 have important attributes that should be taken into account in the implementation and development of new cultivars in breeding programmes that aim to obtain plants more resistant to stink bugs and more attractive to natural enemies.  相似文献   

Results from a series of crop sequence and single-year experiments that tested different straw and cultivation treatments in a total of 11 site–season combinations confirmed previous evidence that the development of eyespot disease in cereals can be decreased by debris in the seed bed even if that debris includes eyespot-infected stem bases, which are the principal sources of primary inoculum. Two of the experiments, which followed non-cereal break crops and tested the effects of crop debris applied after ploughing or tining on eyespot in winter wheat that was artificially inoculated with Oculimacula spp., provided convincing evidence that the effects can be attributed to the debris per se, and not to any associated husbandry practices. There were often larger effects on disease in summer than in spring or on severity than on incidence suggesting that the effects of debris cannot be explained solely by effects on inoculum or initial infection, and that debris has a disease-suppressive effect.  相似文献   

Several factitious foods were assessed for rearing the anthocorid predators Orius thripoborus (Hesse) and Orius naivashae (Poppius) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) in the laboratory. Developmental and reproductive traits of both Orius species were examined when offered frozen eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, frozen processed eggs of the medfly, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, or mixed motile stages of the astigmatid mites Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) or Carpoglyphus lactis (L). Whereas C. lactis and T. putresecentiae proved to be an inferior food for rearing O. thripoborus and O. naivashae, eggs of C. capitata fully supported development and reproduction of both predators. Results on medfly eggs were similar or slightly inferior to those on E. kuehniella eggs, which is the standard food for culturing these anthocorid bugs. O. thripoborus could be maintained for 4 consecutive generations on C. capitata eggs indicating that processed medfly eggs can be a suitable and cheaper alternative to E. kuehniella eggs for prolonged rearing of these Orius spp.  相似文献   

通过有机磷杀虫剂毒死蜱与生物源农药阿维菌素混配制剂对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae室内毒力实验,测定共毒系数为165~234,处于明显增效范围内。据此确定最佳配比和次佳配比,配制该增效混剂30%渗透型可湿性粉剂-1和-02,在山东防治美洲斑潜蝇幼虫的田间试验表明药效优良。制剂用量50 g/667m2药后3,7,11天,两可湿粉的校正防效分别为90.43%~91.71%和87.09%~90.53%,可湿粉-1用量25 g/667m2防效为85.96%~88.28%,可湿粉-2用量37.5 g/667m2相应校正防效为84.01%~85.38%,两增效混剂防治斑潜蝇速效性和持效性皆佳,成本有所下降,且对南美洲斑潜蝇L. huidobrensis亦有较好防效。使用可湿粉与乳油相比较可减少投放入环境的化学品数量。  相似文献   

Insecticide‐based management programmes targeting codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), in apple orchards in southern France have incurred increasing levels of fruit injury in recent years. An alternative programme incorporating the use of exclusion netting named Alt'carpo has been developed. This study aimed at studying its efficiency and gaining more insight into its mode of action. This was achieved through laboratory and field behavioural tests and observations in a network of commercial orchards in southern France. The moths were able to lay eggs through the nets and escape from net cages in the laboratory. Male moths released in the netted rows were poorly recaptured using sexual pheromone trapping, whereas over 20% of the released males were recaptured in unprotected rows. The netting reduced fruit injury by up to 91% compared to the unprotected rows in the experimental orchard. The efficacy of this netting was even higher in commercial orchards in which fruit injury did not exceed 0.1% without any application of specific insecticide. These results lead us to assume that netting alters the reproduction of the pest, mainly by preventing it from flying over the canopy to find mates.  相似文献   

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