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A comparison of the genetic structure of Chimaera monstrosa populations from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea was carried out using mitochondrial DNA analysis. Results indicate high and significant pairwise ΦST values with no shared haplotypes between the two areas. Furthermore, migration rate estimates suggested absence of gene flow between the two basins. These findings, coupled with the species vertical distribution, suggest that the shallow depth of the Strait of Gibraltar may act as a barrier limiting the dispersal capabilities of these populations, which likely became separated at the end of the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

In the framework of the R.V. Nautilus exploration programme, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveys were conducted at bathyal depths in the Gorringe Bank. Video transects revealed the presence of the chimaerids Chimaera opalescens and Hydrolagus affinis in the region. An identification key for the north‐east Atlantic species of the family Chimaeridae is proposed.  相似文献   

New data are presented on the occurrence in the Russian waters of the Barents Sea of 30 species of rare fishes. These data significantly change knowledge on their geographic distribution. For the first time, the presence in the Russian zone of seven species is indicated: Raja lintea (Rajidae), Chimaera monstrosa (Chimaeridae), Gadiculus argenteus thori and Micromesistius poutassou (Gadidae), Gaidropsarus argentatus (Lotidae), Sebastes viviparus (Sebastidae), and Lycodus luetkeni (Zoarcidae).  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the lateral-line neuromasts in the ratfish, Chimaera monstrosa is described. The neuromasts rest at the bottom of open grooves and consist of sensory, supporting, basal and mantle cells. Each sensory cell is equipped with sensory hairs consisting of a single kinocilium and several stereocilia. There are several types of sensory hair arrangement, and cells with a particular arrangement form patches within the neuromast. There are two types of afferent synapse. The most common afferent synapse has a presynaptic body and is typically associated with an extensive system of anastomosing tubules on the presynaptic side. When the tubules are absent, vesicles surround the presynaptic body. These synapses are often associated into synaptic fields, containing up to 35 synaptic sites. The second type of afferent synapse does not have a presynaptic body and is not associated with the tubular system. The afferent synapses of the second type do not form synaptic fields and are uncommon. The efferent synapses are either associated with a postsynaptic sac or more commonly with a strongly osmiophilic postsynaptic membrane. The accessory cells are similar to those in the acoustico-lateralis organs of other aquatic vertebrates. A possibility of movement of the presynaptic bodies and of involvement of the tubular system in the turnover of the transmitter is discussed. A comparison of the hair tuft types in the neuromasts of Ch. monstrosa with those in the labyrinth of the goldfish and of the frog is attempted.  相似文献   

Length–weight regressions for five chimaerid species, Chimaera monstrosa Linnaeus, 1758, Chimaera opalescens Luchetti, Iglesias & Sellos, 2011, Hydrolagus affinis de Brito Capello, 1868, Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 and Hydrolagus mirabilis Collett, 1904, and two Rhinochimaerid species, Rhinochimaera atlantica Holt & Byrne, 1909 and Harriotta raleighana Goode & Beane, 1895, are calculated from data collected during a series of deepwater surveys conducted by the Irish Marine Institute from 2006 to 2009. This work was carried out on the continental slope to the west and northwest of Ireland and the northern slope of the Porcupine bank. Samples were measured fresh at the end of each haul. Due to the fragility of the tails of many of these species, length measurements for Chimaerids were made to the pre supra caudal fin, while for Rhinochimaerids they were made to the second dorsal fin. Lengths were measured to the nearest centimetre below and weights were recorded to the nearest gram. Outliers were removed from the dataset according to difference in fits (DFFITS) (Belsley et al., Regression diagnostics: Identifying influential data and sources of collinearity, John Wiley & Sons; 1980). b values for the Chimaeridae ranged from 2.915 to 3.075, while r2 values ranged from .981 to .995. b values for H. raleighana and R. atlantica were 2.764 and 3.505 and r2 values were .977 and .976 respectively.  相似文献   

In the present ultrastructural study we have extended previous reports on the histological organization and cell components of the lymphohaemopoietic masses occurring in the cranium, mainly in the orbit, the preorbital canal, and the suprapalatal and coiacoid areas of the holocephalan Chimaera monstrosa. Mature and developing granulocytes, monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells occur in a reticular and/or fibroblastic supporting stroma inside the cartilaginous skeleton. Heterophils, which are the most abundant granulocytes in the cranial tissue, contain two distinct cytoplasmic granular populations, whereas eosinophils show one uniformly electron dense granule type. Heterophils and eosinophils may differentiate from a common precursor producing granules of each cell type in relation to the activity of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. The presence of macrophages, lymphocytes and developing and mature plasma cells suggests an important role of the cranial lymphohaemopoietic tissue in eliciting the immune responses. A phylogenetical relationship between this tissue and the higher vertebrate bone marrow is proposed on the basis of histological similarities between the cell microenvironments governing haemopoietic differentiation in these organs.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of Chimaera monstrosa at a depth of 550?m was studied off S??ac?k Bay, Eastern Mediterranean, in 2008. Forty males and 57 females with a length between 7.80 and 45.5?cm were caught. 33 stomachs contained food items. The diet was composed of 11 prey items belonging to 6 groups: Bryozoa, Cnidaria, Crustacea, Mollusca, Tunicata, and Teleostei, of which Crustacea (IRI% [Index of Relative Importance]=80) and Mollusca (IR%=16) were the most abundant prey groups. The trophic level was estimated at 3.50, which is similar to the results from other studies in the western and northern part of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean but is higher than in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Chimaera carophila (n = 45) and Hydrolagus homonycteris (n = 11), two deep‐sea chimaerids rarely caught in the waters off New Zealand, were collected from research trawl catches and commercial fishery catches around New Zealand at depths between 400 and 1300 m, between 2014 and 2016. Additional preserved specimens of both species (n = 58) from museum collections were analysed for size, sex and maturity. External assessment of male claspers and a combination of internal assessments of female gonad mass and oviducal gland width, were used to determine maturity. For both species, length at first maturity was 0·70–0·82 of their maximum observed chimaera length (LC), with females maturing at a larger size. Length at maturity for C. carophila (LC range: 28·7–103·9 cm) was estimated at 72·5 cm LC for males (n = 163) and 82·5 LC for females (n = 58). In H. homonycteris, length at maturity (length range: 78·6–99·8 cm LC) was estimated at 79·1 cm LC for males (n = 51) and 80·1 cm LC for females (n = 17). Ovarian fecundity was up to 31 for C. carophila and sperm storage was confirmed in the oviducal gland of this species. Both species preyed on benthic invertebrates. Some C. carophila and H. homonycteris inhabit depths beyond most current fisheries, but both species appear to be relatively rare and have reproductive parameters characteristic of low productivity, which may make these species vulnerable to population decline if mortality was to increase in the future.  相似文献   

A new species of chimaeroid, Chimaera opalescens n. sp., was described from 31 type specimens caught in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean at 950-1400 m depth. This species differed from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: body uniformly pale brown to bronze, iridescent on fresh specimens; unpaired fins brown to purple, uniformly coloured or with pale or whitish edges; iris black; claspers tripartite and divided for a third of their length, not extending beyond the pelvic fins in adults; dorsal spine equal to or shorter than first dorsal fin; ventral caudal lobe equal to or deeper than dorsal caudal lobe. Comparison of DNA sequences of the CO1 gene with those of related species supported C. opalescens n. sp. as a distinct species. Specimens of C. opalescens n. sp. were previously misidentified as Chimaera monstrosa, a species sharing a similar geographical distribution. Chimaera opalescens n. sp. lives in deeper water and is a larger-bodied species than C. monstrosa. The two species were newly exploited by deep-sea fisheries and confused under a single landing name.  相似文献   

Morphological and morphometric development of the upper jaw (UJ) and lower jaw (LJ) and arm crown of Chiroteuthis cf. veranyi, Liocranchia reinhardti (oceanic species), and Doryteuthis opalescens (neritic species) paralarvae were analyzed in order to verify whether or not they are determined by developmental modes. Jaw measurements were taken, correlated with mantle length (ML) by multiple linear regression to determine relative influences on growth, and compared between species by ANOVA to identify differences. Development was expected to be similar between oceanic species, but was morphologically similar between L. reinhardti and D. opalescens, and morphometrically similar between the latter and C. cf. veranyi. UJ and LJ measurements with highest correlation with ML are larger in L. reinhardti, indicating greater beak development in this species. Rostrum robustness is higher in L. reinhardti, intermediate in D. opalescens, and lower in C. cf. veranyi, hinting at the respective prey type. Teeth (LJ) and slit, characteristics of ancestral cephalopods, are present, disappearing completely and partially on the largest specimens of L. reinhardti and D. opalescens, respectively, and remaining in all sizes of C. cf. veranyi. The results suggest that their presence in early paralarvae reflects an adaptation to sucking the pre-digested internal fluids of prey.  相似文献   

A palatal organ, possibly used for food sorting and processing, has previously been identified among the vomerine toothplates of the chimaeroid Chimaera monstrosa. In this study, the palatal organ was described in six additional species, confirming it is a widespread trait among holocephalans. It is proposed that this palatal structure, which appears to differ in shape according to each chimaeroid's degree of durophagy and is not homologous to the palatal structure described in teleosts, be hereby referred to as Vacchi's organ.  相似文献   

Moura, C. J., Cunha, M. R., Porteiro, F. M., Yesson, C. & Rogers, A. D. (2011) Evolution of Nemertesia hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Plumulariidae) from the shallow and deep waters of the NE Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 79–96. Hydroid species from the genus Nemertesia develop some of the largest and most complex hydrozoan colonies. These colonies are abundant and ecologically important in both shallow and deep waters worldwide. Here, we analyse the systematics of most Nemertesia species from the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean using morphology and phylogenetic inferences of 16S rRNA haplotype data. Phylogeographical analysis revealed multiple movements of taxa to and from the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis through shallow and deep waters. The nominal species Nemertesia belini and Nemertesia antennina revealed multiple genetic lineages representing cryptic species diversity. Molecular phylogenetic evidence was supported by consistent phenotypic differences between lineages, and three and seven putative species were resolved within the N. belini and N. antennina complexes, respectively. Three putative species of the N. antennina complex found at different seamounts of Azores grouped in a clade clustered amongst the other four cryptic species present at neighbouring bathyal localities of the Gulf of Cadiz. These cryptic species, mostly from the deep sea, form a clade distantly related to the typical N. antennina from European coastal waters. Depth or environmental correlates of depth seem to influence the reproductive strategies of Nemertesia colonies and ultimately speciation. In particular, speciation of these hydroids must have been influenced by hydrography, habitat heterogeneity, isolation by distance and larval dispersal capacity. The deep sea is shown as an important environment in the generation and accumulation of lineages that may occasionally invade coastal waters in the NE Atlantic. Glacial cycles of cooling, along with changes in sea level, and eradication of some coastal faunas likely facilitated speciation and evolutionary transitions from deep to shallow waters.  相似文献   

Holocephalans (chimaeras) are a group of marine fishes comprising three families: the Callorhinchidae (callorhinchid fishes), the Rhinochimaeridae (rhinochimaerid fishes) and the Chimaeridae (chimaerid fishes). We have used X‐ray microcomputed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to characterise in detail the nasal anatomy of three species of chimaerid fishes: Chimaera monstrosa, C. phantasma and Hydrolagus colliei. We have shown that the nasal chamber of these three species is linked to the external environment by an incurrent channel and to the oral cavity by an excurrent channel via an oral groove. A protrusion of variable morphology is present on the medial wall of the incurrent channel in all three species, but is absent in members of the two other holocephalan families that we inspected. A third nasal channel, the lateral channel, functionally connects the incurrent nostril to the oral cavity, by‐passing the nasal chamber. From anatomical reconstructions, we have proposed a model for the circulation of water, and therefore the transport of odorant, in the chimaerid nasal region. In this model, water could flow through the nasal region via the nasal chamber or the lateral channel. In either case, the direction of flow could be reversed. Circulation through the entire nasal region is likely to be driven primarily by the respiratory pump. We have identified several anatomical features that may segregate, distribute, facilitate and regulate flow in the nasal region and have considered the consequences of flow reversal. The non‐sensory cilia lining the olfactory sensory channels appear to be mucus‐propelling, suggesting that these cilia have a common protective role in cartilaginous fishes (sharks, rays and chimaeras). The nasal region of chimaerid fishes shows at least two adaptations to a benthic lifestyle, and suggests good olfactory sensitivity, with secondary folding enhancing the hypothetical flat sensory surface area by up to 70%. J. Morphol. 274:987–1009, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the heart in Chimaera monstrosa L. is described. The endocardial and the epicardial cells are similar in the three cardiac regions. Myocardial cells show small variations.The myofibre, 4–6 m thick, contains one or a few myofibrils. Each myosin filament is surrounded by six actin filaments. The sarcomere banding pattern includes the Z-, A-, I-, M-, N-, and H-band. End-to-end attachments between myofibres are composed of alternating desmosomes and fasciae adhaerentes. Desmosomes and nexuses occur between longitudinally oriented cell surfaces. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed but well defined. Peripheral coupling-like structures are common, T-tubules are absent. Membrane bound dense bodies occur in all regions. Areas with ribosomes and single myosin filaments are often seen.The epicardial cells have a regular hexagonal surface and are much thicker than the endocardial cells. Numerous short and a few longer cytoplasmic extensions face the pericardial cavity.The fiat endocardial cells contain a large nucleus and small amounts of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Over the past decade diatom blooms of domoic acid (DA)-producing Pseudo-nitzschia spp. have been responsible for numerous marine mammal and bird mortalities in Monterey Bay, CA. One possible toxin vector is the market squid, Loligo opalescens, a small pelagic mollusk that plays an important role in the near-shore food web of the California Current ecosystem as a favored vertebrate prey species. This study examined the trophic link between toxic Pseudo-nitzschia and L. opalescens using toxin and stomach content analyses of animals collected from Monterey Bay, CA in 2000. Receptor binding assay data (confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry), demonstrated the presence of DA in squid during a toxic Pseudo-nitzschia event, with P. australis frustules observed in stomach samples. Though DA levels were low (<0.5 μg DA g−1 tissue) in L. opalescens during the study period, it is now clear that this potent neurotoxin can occur in squid and is likely delivered through its krill prey species, which are known to retain DA after feeding on toxic Pseudo-nitzschia. Our findings suggest that further study of the relationship between Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and DA contamination of squid is warranted to better evaluate the potential health risk to humans and wildlife associated with this major commercial seafood species and important prey item.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationship parameters of the form W = aLb are presented for 24 fish species from the North Aegean Sea: Scyliorhinus canicula, Mustelus mustelus, Squalus acanthias, Torpedo marmorata, Dipturus oxyrinchus, Raja clavata, R. miraletus, Dasyatis pastinaca, Gymnura altavela, Myliobatis aquila, Chimaera monstrosa, Conger conger, Argentina sphyraena, Chlorophthalmus agassizi, Caelorinchus caelorhincus, Gadiculus argenteus argenteus, Phycis blennoides, Hoplostethus mediterraneus, Capros aper, Macroramphosus scolopax, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Peristedion cataphractum, Lesueurigobius friesii and Lepidopus caudatus.  相似文献   

Deep-sea cephalopods are still poorly studied worldwide. In the case of the Mexican Pacific there is a general lack of basic information concerning their distribution and biology. A series of 132 specimens of pelagic and benthic deep-water cephalopods was obtained during the TALUD project. Samples were mostly obtained with benthic sampling gear that operated as mid-water trawls during the ascent of the nets. Micronekton and Isaacs-Kidd samplers were also occasionally used. The specimens (77 lots in total) were obtained at localities off western Mexico at depths between 122 m and 2200 m and belong to 31 species. Considering material identified to species level only, a total of 13 species were found only at a single station, while five others occurred in 5–6 stations (i.e., Leachia dislocata, Abraliopsis [Pfefferiteuthis] falco, Pterygioteuthis giardi, P. holeyi and Benthoctopus robustus). The most widespread species was Japetella diaphana, collected in 11 stations. Twenty-two of the 31 species are strictly pelagic, eight strictly benthic and one is benthopelagic. Significant new distribution records were obtained for seven species: Doryteuthis opalescens, Gonatus berryi, Todarodes pacificus, Opistoteuthis californiana, Benthoctopus leioderma, B. robustus and Graneledone boreopacifica.  相似文献   

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