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Sea running Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta (420–2030 g) tagged with externally attached data storage tags (DST) had a higher total recapture rate (39 of 44, 89%) due to entanglement in bag nets at sea (90% of all recaptures), compared with internally tagged fish (12 of 18, 67%) that were mostly trapped when returning to their home river (75% of all recaptures). The internally tagged fishes therefore spent longer time at sea before recapture (median 33 days) than externally tagged fishes (median 8 days), and more DST‐data were collected. Therefore, in areas with high net fishing intensity, external tagging increases the chances of recapture, but less data may then be recorded by the tags due to a generally shorter period of data sampling. 相似文献
The upstream migratory behaviour of wild and ranched Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in a small Irish coastal spate river was investigated using acoustic telemetry. Prespawning migratory behaviour was investigated including movement patterns at a large natural waterfall in the lower reaches of the river. A strong diurnal pattern was observed for upstream migrants at the waterfall indicative of the need for daylight to ascend this complex natural obstacle to migration. Successful passage of the waterfall was also associated with distinct environmental conditions and no difference in migratory ability was detected between wild and ranched origin S. salar. Wild S. salar tended to exhibit a non‐erratic, stepwise upstream migration pattern after ascending the waterfall while ranched S. salar had an increased probability of displaying more erratic migratory behaviour. Wild S. salar penetrated further into the river catchment than ranched S. salar, although male ranched S. salar exhibited the greatest cumulative distance moved prior to the spawning period. The management implications of escaped or released ranched S. salar and movement at natural obstacles are discussed. 相似文献
Brown trout Salmo trutta were most active in a small stream at night, dusk and dawn when drift rate was highest, but correlations between hourly drift rates and the trout's activity varied substantially between individuals, between different dates for a single individual, and between different periods of the daily cycle. On some occasions, the trout were responsive to the total drift rate, either at night or during the day, and on others to the largest drifting organisms only (terrestrial organisms, adults of Ephemeroptera, Diptera and Trichoptera). The study supports the idea that trout adapt their activity pattern to the abundance of drifting prey, either as generalists towards any organism, or as specialists towards the largest ones. 相似文献
By use of acoustic telemetry, the present study showed that both riverine anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in a north Norwegian river descended the river within the first 4 months after spawning in late September and spent long parts of the remaining winter period in the estuary and also possibly partly in salt water. This contradicts the general assumption, based on studies of lake‐dwelling populations, that both species, and in particular S. alpinus, overwinter and spend 9–11 months in fresh water at northern latitudes and the rest of the year in salt water. 相似文献
Matthew J. Smukall Steven T. Kessel Bryan R. Franks Kevin A. Feldheim Tristan L. Guttridge Samuel H. Gruber 《Journal of fish biology》2019,94(1):173-177
An intact and uncompromised internal acoustic transmitter was non-lethally recovered from a lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris, after 13 years at liberty. The shark, first tagged at an estimated age of 2 years old near South Bimini, Bahamas in 2004, was recaptured in 2017 with a total length of 264 cm. The tagged shark displayed typical growth rate, pregnancy, natal homing and pupping behaviour of other individuals in this population. This observation provides important evidence regarding the effects from long-term retention of implanted acoustic transmitters in a carcharhinid shark. 相似文献
J. Marcus Drymon Matthew B. Jargowsky Michael A. Dance Mitchell Lovell Crystal LouAllen Hightower Amanda E. Jefferson Andrea M. Kroetz Sean P. Powers 《Conservation Science and Practice》2021,3(2):e331
Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus, hereafter tarpon) are facing a multitude of stressors and are considered Vulnerable by the IUCN; however, significant gaps remain in our understanding of tarpon space use and movement. From 2018 to 2019, citizen scientists facilitated tagging of 23 tarpon with SPOT tags to examine space use and movement across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Movement-based kernel densities were used to estimate simplified biased random bridge-based utilization distributions and a joint move persistence model was used to estimate a behavioral index for each fish. Tarpon showed consistent east–west movement from the Alabama/Florida border to Louisiana, and utilization distributions were highest in the Mississippi River Delta. Move persistence was highest in Alabama and Mississippi and lowest in Louisiana. Our examination of tarpon space use and movement indicates that Louisiana is a critical, yet understudied, part of their range. 相似文献
J. G. Davidsen E. B. Thorstad H. Baktoft S. Aune F. Økland A. H. Rikardsen 《Journal of fish biology》2013,82(4):1411-1418
In this study, 34 anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta were equipped with acoustic transmitters in order to examine whether they performed avoidance behaviour in response to a CFT Legumin (rotenone) treatment in the Norwegian River Vefsna. Migratory behaviour of the S. trutta was monitored by use of 15 automatic listening stations and manual tracking in the lower part of the river, in the estuary and in the fjord. None of the studied S. trutta survived the rotenone treatment and no indications of successful avoidance behaviour were observed. 相似文献
F. Økland† C. J. Hay‡ T. F. Næsje N. Nickandor‡ E. B. Thorstad 《Journal of fish biology》2003,62(3):735-739
Radio tagged common carp Cyprinus carpio in a Namibian reservoir, where this species has been introduced, experienced 100% mortality or tag loss ( n = 13) with surgically implanted transmitters and 100% survival ( n = 5) with externally attached transmitters at water temperatures of 24–25° C. It seems that the negative effects of the tagging were greater for surgical implantation than for external attachment. The body shape of common carp make them well suited for external tagging, and this tagging method is recommended for common carp studies at high water temperatures or under other stressful conditions. 相似文献
The impact of devices attached to animals remains a challenge in telemetry studies of dolphins. It was hypothesized that the hydrodynamic design of a tag could provide stable attachment to the dorsal fin by means of resultant hydrodynamic force appearing when a dolphin is swimming. To verify this hypothesis the computer fluid dynamics (CFD) study of tag performance was carried out. A virtual model presenting authentic geometry of a dolphin with tag attached to the dorsal fin was constructed. The same model without tag was used as a reference object to calculate tag impact as regards drag, lift, and moments coefficients. Flow around the models was simulated for the range of velocities as well as the ranges of pitch and yaw angles. It was shown that in 33 of 35 CFD scenarios the streamlined shape of a tag generates the lift force that facilitates keeping a tag attached to the fin. Throughout the set of calculations the tag‐associated drag coefficient does not exceed 4%, which indicates low impact. Data obtained present a baseline for the further development of non‐invasive dolphin telemetry tags. 相似文献
Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen Even Moland David Villegas-Ríos Katinka Bleeker Halvor Knutsen Esben Moland Olsen 《Evolutionary Applications》2021,14(7):1807-1815
Marine reserves can protect fish populations by increasing abundance and body size, but less is known about the effect of protection on fish behaviour. We looked for individual consistency in movement behaviours of sea trout in the marine habitat using acoustic telemetry to investigate whether they represent personality traits and if so, do they affect survival in relation to protection offered by a marine reserve. Home range size had a repeatability of 0.21, suggesting that it represents a personality trait, while mean swimming depth, activity and diurnal vertical migration were not repeatable movement behaviours. The effect of home range size on survival differed depending on the proportion of time fish spent in the reserve, where individuals spending more time in the reserve experienced a decrease in survival with larger home ranges while individuals spending little time in the reserve experienced an increase in survival with larger home ranges. We suggest that the diversity of fish home range sizes could be preserved by establishing networks of marine reserves encompassing different habitat types, ensuring both a heterogeneity in environmental conditions and fishing pressure. 相似文献
While PIT-tag tracking using mobile antennas is being increasingly used to study fish movement and survival in streams, little is known about the limitations of the method, especially over longer periods of time and under different environmental settings. We used 6 years of data combining tagging, mobile antenna tracking and recaptures of Salmo trutta in multiple small streams in the Lake Lucerne drainage area in Switzerland to evaluate the relative importance of different environmental and intrinsic factors affecting the efficiency of the method. Our study system and experimental design allowed us to accurately verify the continuous presence and survival of recaptured fish in the stream after tracking, which meant that we could estimate detection probability with high confidence. The mean detection probability of tagged trout was 43%, but we found that fish length had a strong negative effect on detection probability, especially in males. Multivariate axes of stream environmental features did not predict efficiency but stream width alone was significantly positively correlated with efficiency. Additionally, stream temperature when tracking had a positive effect on fish detectability. Tag loss at recapture was globally rare (<8%) but common in large postspawn females (>30%). Based on the escape response of fish after detection, we could estimate the proportion of ghost tags, which reached a plateau of around 80% 2 years after tagging. We finally showed that our models of tag loss, fish detection and escape response are needed to interpret detection events. Our results highlight that individual variation in detection probability and tag loss is high and has to be considered for analysis. 相似文献
Josh Adams Darren Scott Sam McKechnie Grant Blackwell Scott A. Shaffer Henrik Moller 《New Zealand journal of zoology.》2013,40(3):355-366
Abstract We attached 11 g (1.4% body‐mass equivalent) global location sensing (GLS) archival tag packages to tarsi of 25 breeding sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus, titi) on Whenua Hou (Codfish Island), New Zealand during the chick‐rearing period in 2005. Compared with chicks reared by non‐handled adults that did not carry tags, deployment of tags on one or both adult parents ultimately resulted in 35% reduction in chick body mass and significantly reduced chick skeletal size preceding fledging (19 April). However, body mass between chick groups was not significantly different after controlling for skeletal size. Effects on chicks were more pronounced in six pairs where both parents carried tags. Chick mass was negatively related to the duration that adults carried tags. In this study, none of the chicks reared by pairs where both parents were tagged, 54% of chicks reared by pairs where one parent was tagged, and 83% of chicks reared by non‐handled and non‐tagged parents achieved a previously determined pre‐fiedging mass threshold (564 g; Sagar & Horning 1998). Body mass of adults carrying tags and returning from trans‐equatorial migration the following year were 4% lighter on average than non‐tagged birds, but this difference was not statistically significant. Reduced mass among chicks reared by adults carrying tags during the chick‐provisioning period indicated that adults altered “normal” provisioning behaviours to maintain their own body condition at the expense of their chicks. Population‐level information derived from telemetry studies can reveal important habitat‐linked behaviours, unique aspects of sea‐bird foraging behaviours, and migration ecology. Information for some species (e.g., overlap with fisheries) can aid conservation and marine ecosystem management. We advise caution, however, when interpreting certain data related to adult provisioning behaviours (e.g., time spent foraging, provisioning rates, etc.). If effects on individuals are of concern, we suggest shorter‐term deployments, smaller and lighter tags, and alternative attachment techniques, especially when investigating threatened or endangered species. 相似文献
Natalie V. Klinard Jordan K. Matley Aaron T. Fisk Timothy B. Johnson 《Journal of fish biology》2019,95(6):1512-1516
Bloater Coregonus hoyi (n = 48) were implanted with V9DT-2x predation transmitters and monitored on 105 acoustic receivers in eastern Lake Ontario for >6 months. Twenty-three predation events were observed, with predator retention of tags ranging from ≤1 to ≥194 days and 30% of retentions lasting >150 days. Long tag retention times raise concerns for acoustic telemetry analysis and the health of piscivorous predators retaining tags. 相似文献
The marbled lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus, a recent introduction into Lake Baringo, Kenya is now an important commercial species there. Because little is known about its behaviour, we used ultrasonic telemetry to investigate its movements and use of habitat as part of a broader biological study. Twelve marbled lungfish were implanted with ultrasonic tags and tracked for variable periods between September 2001 and 2002. Two individuals were tracked for most of the study period. Daily movement ranged from little or none to 5.2 km. Mean hourly rates of movement for three fish located twice a day (morning and late afternoon) over several days suggested that individuals were active throughout the diel period. Maximum lake depth was about 3 m and fish utilized all depths greater than 1 m. Six home ranges described for four lungfish varied in size from 5.8 to 19.8 km 2 and were occupied for between 2 and 4.5 months. Use of habitat and the movement of marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo appeared to be influenced more by biotic than abiotic factors. 相似文献
A Comparison of Floy and Soft VIalpha tags on Hatchery Arctic Charr, with Emphasis on Tag Retention, Growth and Survival 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Audun H. Rikardsen Mary Woodgate Daniel A. Thompson 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》2002,64(1-3):269-273
The Floy FTF-69 'fingerling' tag and the soft VIalpha tag are designed to be used on small salmonid fishes (> 100 and > 150mm, respectively). The two tags were compared for 160 days on hatchery-reared Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, (170–209mm). Tag retention and effects on growth rate and survival were analysed. VIalpha-tagged and untagged control fish had similar growth rates and grew significantly faster than Floy-tagged fish during the experiment. Tag retention was significantly higher for Floy tags (94%) than for VIalpha tags (78%). Most VIalpha tag loss (11%) took place within the first 10 days of tagging while there were no Floy tags lost during this period. Survival rates were about equal for all three groups (96–98%), and thus the tags did not seem to affect the survival of charr under hatchery conditions. 相似文献
J. M. Kasper B. Bertelsen H. G. Ólafsson J. C. Holst J. Sturlaugsson S. P. Jónsson 《Journal of fish biology》2014,84(6):1958-1963
Growth and postspawning survival of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus are described by mark‐recapture experiments using juveniles in offshore areas in the north‐east Atlantic Ocean and spawning adults in coastal Norway and Iceland. A female fish tagged as a juvenile and recaptured as an adult matured in a period of 18 months, providing the first observation on development in a wild C. lumpus. The von Bertalanffy growth function, fitted to data from recaptured fish, was used to estimate K and L∞ and recaptured fish spawning after a year at liberty indicated a postspawning survival of c. 10% in Iceland. 相似文献
Methods for estimating tag loss and sightability of tags are presented. Rates of tag loss were estimated for metal and several varieties of plastic cattle ear tags in a long-term population study of Weddell seals. Tags were lost at a higher rate in the first year after application than in subsequent years, and pups lost tags at a higher rate than older seals given the same tag types. Medium-sized plastic tags (Dalton, Allflex and Fearing) were retained at higher rates and were overlooked less frequently than metal tags on adult seals. Dalton Jumbo Rototags showed the lowest loss rates on pups in comparison to larger, flexible plastic tags, but were harder to read in the field. 相似文献
Jeremy J. Vaudo Bradley M. Wetherbee Guy Harvey Richard S. Nemeth Choy Aming Neil Burnie Lucy A. Howey‐Jordan Mahmood S. Shivji 《Ecology and evolution》2014,4(10):1768-1786
Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are a wide ranging, potentially keystone predator species that display a variety of horizontal movement patterns, making use of coastal and pelagic waters. Far less, however, is known about their vertical movements and use of the water column. We used pop‐up satellite archival tags with two data sampling rates (high rate and standard rate tags) to investigate the vertical habitat use and diving behavior of tiger sharks tagged on the Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands platform and off Bermuda between 2008 and 2009. Useable data were received from nine of 14 sharks tagged, tracked over a total of 529 days. Sharks spent the majority of their time making yo‐yo dives within the upper 50 m of the water column and considerable time within the upper 5 m of the water column. As a result, sharks typically occupied a narrow daily temperature range (~2°C). Dives to greater than 200 m were common, and all sharks made dives to at least 250 m, with one shark reaching a depth of 828 m. Despite some similarities among individuals, a great deal of intraspecific variability in vertical habit use was observed. Four distinct depth distributions that were not related to tagging location, horizontal movements, sex, or size were detected. In addition, similar depth distributions did not necessitate similar dive patterns among sharks. Recognition of intraspecific variability in habitat use of top predators can be crucial for effective management of these species and for understanding their influence on ecosystem dynamics. 相似文献
CODY E. DEANE Jay J. Rotella Jeffrey M. Warren Robert A. Garrott David N. Koons 《The Journal of wildlife management》2021,85(4):723-739
Nasal discs have been used to identify ducks in studies of survival and reproduction. To date, there has not been a comprehensive assessment of nasal-disc effects on the vital rates of wild ducks. We applied nasal discs to 603 juvenile and 784 adult lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) females from a population breeding in southwest Montana, USA, and released 1,399 juvenile and 71 adult females wearing only metal leg bands between June 2005 and September 2016. Using resighting, recapture, and hunter-recovery data collected from those individuals, we estimated survival and recovery probability with multistate capture-recapture models in Program MARK. We also assessed if recovery distance from our study site and pre-breeding and brood-rearing body condition were diminished for females wearing nasal discs. Model-averaged survival probabilities were 0.231 ± 0.035 (SE) for juveniles and 0.482 ± 0.019 for adults released with nasal discs. Survival was 1.8–3.4 times higher for females released with metal leg bands when compared to those released with nasal discs; survival of these juveniles was 0.433 ± 0.049 and 0.693 ± 0.039 for adults. We did not find evidence for recovery probability or recovery distance varying between females that wore nasal discs and those that did not. During the pre-breeding and brood-rearing seasons, we did not find females wearing nasal discs to be in lower body condition when compared to unmarked females. Our comprehensive assessment of nasal discs on wild lesser scaup suggests that survival probabilities estimated from nasal-marked study populations should be cautiously interpreted as minimum estimates. © 2021 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献