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The general female bias in body size of animals is usually attributed to fecundity selection. While many studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between body size and fecundity, the most common interpretation of fecundity selection is that larger females have larger abdomens and can hold more eggs, yet the relationship between abdomen size and fecundity has rarely been examined. For the waterstrider, Aquarius remigis, we find a significant relationship between body size and fecundity and demonstrate that the target of fecundity selection is abdomen size. Thus, larger females have higher fecundities because they have larger abdomens and not because of their total size per se. The rate at which fecundity increases with increasing abdomen size exceeds that which would be expected due to a simple volume constraint and suggests that other factors, such as increased ability to obtain resources, may contribute to the increase in fecundity with body size. Selection intensities estimated from our data indicate that fecundity selection could be a significant selective force on both total and abdomen lengths. Previous studies have found that abdomen size increased faster than body size and thus, larger females had relatively larger abdomens. The relationship of abdomen length and thorax length in A. remigis is hypoallometric and indicates that larger females have relatively smaller abdomens. We hypothesize that this may reflect conservation of abdomen size in females developing under poor conditions. Finally, while egg size is not directly related to body size, we find a trade-off between egg size and number when female abdomen length is held constant, suggesting that selection on egg size may influence abdomen length only indirectly through its effects on fecundity.  相似文献   

In cichlid fishes, fighting ability, success at nest defense, and fecundity are all positively correlated with body size. Selection should therefore favor the evolution of strategies for the assessment of relative body size during intraspecific interactions. The effect of relative body size on agonistic behavior in the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) was tested using dummies. As predicted by game theory models, attack was strongly correlated with the size of the dummy relative to the subject. The most intense aggression occurred when dummy size was approximately 75% of subject size. These data support the prediciton that perceived body size asymmetries are important determinants of agonistic behavior in these fishes. Further, the results suggest that oscars can visually assess relative body size, and may estimate relative fighting ability without tests of strength. Subject size was positively correlated with intensity of aggressive behavior. Attack and display frequencies were positively correlated with a subject's body size, while latencies to approach and attack dummies were negatively correlated with subject size.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the marine, Indo-Pacific cowry, Cypraea caputserpentis, involves clinal variations that parallel the ontogenetic development of adult shell characteristics. Cypraea caputdraconis, a closely related species endemic to Easter Island and Sala y Gómez, is morphologically similar to juvenile C. caputserpentis. Using multivariate measures of size and shape, I examine these patterns as a possible outcome of heterochrony, or changes in the timing of developmental events in ontogeny. Whorl-expansion rates of juvenile shells are significantly higher in C. caputdraconis when compared to C. caputserpentis and are negatively correlated with surface seawater temperatures among populations of C caputserpentis. High expansion rates, often associated with slow growth, result in a delay in the onset of lateral callus development and subsequent paedomorphosis. Ontogenetic trajectories calculated from growth series of adult and preadult shells indicate that paedomorphosis results from the combined effects of neoteny and post-displacement. Paedomorphosis among cowries may result from the advantages of larger body size relative to shell size under reduced predation intensities and associated increases in fecundity.  相似文献   

In a model group of giant reptiles, we explored the allometric relationships between male and female body size and compared the effects of sexual and fecundity selection, as well as some proximate causes, on macroevolutionary patterns of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Monitor lizards are a morphologically homogeneous group that has been affected by extreme changes in body size during their evolutionary history, resulting in 14‐fold differences among the body sizes of recent species. Here, we analysed data concerning the maximum and/or mean male and female snout–vent lengths in 42 species of monitor lizard from literary sources and supplemented these data with measurements made in zoos. There was a wide scale of SSD from nearly monomorphic species belonging mostly to the subgenus Odatria and Prasinus group of the Euprepriosaurus to apparently male‐larger taxa. The variable best explaining SSD was the body size itself; the larger the species, the higher the SSD. This pattern agrees with the currently discussed Rensch's rule, claiming that the relationship between male and female body size is hyperallometric, i.e. the allometric exponent of this relationship exceeds unity and thus SSD increases with body size in the case of male‐larger taxa. All our estimates of the reduced major axis regression slopes of this relationship ranged from 1.132 to 1.155. These estimates are significantly higher than unity, and thus unequivocally corroborate the validity of Rensch's rule in this reptilian group. In spite of our expectation that the variation in SSD can be alternatively explained by variables reflecting the strength of sexual selection (presence of male combat), fecundity selection (e.g. clutch size and mass) and/or proximate ecological factors (habitat type), none of these variables had consistent effects on SSD, especially when the data were adjusted to phylogenetic dependence and/or body size. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 293–306.  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the direct and correlated responses to selection for developmental time in order to discern differences between lines in several preadult and adult life history traits of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). Selection for fast development was about five times as effective as selection for slow development, as judged by realized heritabilities. The correlated responses on the following life‐history traits were studied: egg size, hatching success, embryonic developmental time, egg‐to‐adult viability, body weight, first day of egg laying, total fecundity, and longevity. Analyses of the terminal generation of selection showed that all life history traits examined, except for hatching success, were affected by selection. The findings suggest that body weight, total fecundity, and longevity traded off to preadult developmental time. Unlike the adult traits, none of the preadult traits showed negative correlations with developmental time. We also present data concerning the underlying genetic basis that produces changes in preadult developmental time, body weight, and egg‐to‐adult viability in the lines selected for fast and slow preadult developmental time. Additive‐dominance genetic architecture for both preadult developmental time and body weight was found. In addition, it appears that the responses to selection for preadult developmental time involved between 10 and 28 loci, which were correlated with at least one to four genes for body weight. Epistasis makes a significant contribution to genetic divergence between fast and slow selected lines only with respect to preadult viability. The observed levels of dominance and epistasis underscore the important role of nonadditive genetic effects to the adaptive diversifications of bean weevil populations.  相似文献   

Abstract The empirical study of interpopulation variation in life history and other fitness traits has been an important approach to understanding the ecology and evolution of organisms and gaining insight into possible sources of variation. We report a quantitative analysis for variations of five life history traits (larval developmental time, adult body weight, adult lifespan, age at first reproduction, total fecundity) and flight capacity among populations of Epiphyas postvittana originating from four localities in Australia and one in New Zealand. These populations were compared at two temperatures (15° and 25°C) after being maintained under uniform laboratory conditions for 1.5 generations, so that the relative role of genetic divergence and phenotypic plasticity in determining interpopulation variation could be disentangled. Genetic differentiation between populations was shown in all measured traits, with the greatest divergence occurring in developmental time, fecundity and adult body size. However, these traits were highly sensitive to changes in environmental temperatures; and furthermore, significant interactions between population and temperature occurred in all traits except for flight capacity of female moths. Thus, phenotypic plasticity may be another cause of interpopulation variation. The interpopulation variation for some measured traits was apparently related to climatic differences found where the populations originated. Individuals of the populations from the warmer climates tended to develop more slowly at immature stages, producing smaller and less fecund moths but with stronger flight capacity, in comparison to those from the cooler regions. It seems, therefore, that natural populations of E. postvittana have evolved different strategies to cope with local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Four types of laboratory populations of the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) have been developed to study the effects of density-dependent and age-specific selection. These populations have been selected at high (K) and low larval densities (r) as well as for reproduction early (Y) and late (O) in life. The results presented here suggest that the r- and K-populations (density-dependent selection regimes) have differentiated from each other with respect to the following life-history traits: egg-to-adult viability at high larval density (K > r), preadult developmental time (r > K), body weight (r > K), late fecundity (K > r), total realized fecundity (r > K), and longevity of males (r > K). It was also found that the following traits responded in statistically significant manner in populations subjected to different age-specific selection regimes: egg-to-adult viability (O > Y), body weight (O > Y), early fecundity (Y > O), late fecundity (O > Y), and longevity of females and males (O > Y). Although several life-history traits (viability, body weight, late fecundity) responded in similar manner to both density-dependent and age-specific selection regimes, it appears that underlying genetic and physiological mechanisms responsible for differentiation of the r/K and Y/O populations are different. We have also tested quantitative genetic basis of the bean weevil life-history traits in the populations experiencing density-dependent and age-specific selection. Among the traits traded-off within age-specific selection regimes, only early fecundity showed directional dominance, whereas late fecundity and longevity data indicated additive inheritance. In contrast to age-specific selecton regimes, three life-history traits (developmental time, body size, total fecundity) in the density-sependent regimes exhibited significant dominance effects. Lastly, we have tested the congruence between short-term and long-term effects of larval densities. The comparisons of the outcomes of the r/K selection regimes and those obtained from the low- and high-larval densities revealed that there is no congruence between the selection results and phenotypic plasticity for the analyzed life-history traits in the bean weevil.  相似文献   

Elevational gradients provide powerful natural systems for testing hypotheses regarding the role of environmental variation in the evolution of life‐history strategies. Case studies have revealed shifts towards slower life histories in organisms living at high elevations yet no synthetic analyses exist of elevational variation in life‐history traits for major vertebrate clades. We examined (i) how life‐history traits change with elevation in paired populations of bird species worldwide, and (ii) which biotic and abiotic factors drive elevational shifts in life history. Using three analytical methods, we found that fecundity declined at higher elevations due to smaller clutches and fewer reproductive attempts per year. By contrast, elevational differences in traits associated with parental investment or survival varied among studies. High‐elevation populations had shorter and later breeding seasons, but longer developmental periods implying that temporal constraints contribute to reduced fecundity. Analyses of clutch size data, the trait for which we had the largest number of population comparisons, indicated no evidence that phylogenetic history constrained species‐level plasticity in trait variation associated with elevational gradients. The magnitude of elevational shifts in life‐history traits were largely unrelated to geographic (altitude, latitude), intrinsic (body mass, migratory status), or habitat covariates. Meta‐population structure, methodological issues associated with estimating survival, or processes shaping range boundaries could potentially explain the nature of elevational shifts in life‐history traits evident in this data set. We identify a new risk factor for montane populations in changing climates: low fecundity will result in lower reproductive potential to recover from perturbations, especially as fewer than half of the species experienced higher survival at higher elevations.  相似文献   

Identifying the molecular markers for complex quantitative traits in natural populations promises to provide novel insight into genetic mechanisms of adaptation and to aid in forecasting population dynamics. In this study, we investigated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using candidate gene approach from high‐ and low‐fecundity populations of the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) divergently selected for fecundity. We also tested whether the population fecundity can be predicted by a few SNPs. Seven genes (ACE, fizzy, HMGCR, LpR, Sxl, Vg and VgR) were inspected for SNPs in N. lugens, which is a serious insect pest of rice. By direct sequencing of the complementary DNA and promoter sequences of these candidate genes, 1033 SNPs were discovered within high‐ and low‐fecundity BPH populations. A panel of 121 candidate SNPs were selected and genotyped in 215 individuals from 2 laboratory populations (HFP and LFP) and 3 field populations (GZP, SGP and ZSP). Prior to association tests, population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) among the 3 field populations were analysed. The association results showed that 7 SNPs were significantly associated with population fecundity in BPH. These significant SNPs were used for constructing general liner models with stepwise regression. The best predictive model was composed of 2 SNPs (ACE‐862 and VgR‐816) with very good fitting degree. We found that 29% of the phenotypic variation in fecundity could be accounted for by only two markers. Using two laboratory populations and a complete independent field population, the predictive accuracy was 84.35–92.39%. The predictive model provides an efficient molecular method to predict BPH fecundity of field populations and provides novel insights for insect population management.  相似文献   

The assumption of a trade‐off between development time and fecundity, resulting from a positive correlation between body size and fecundity and between body size and development time, is a common feature of life history models. The present paper examines the evidence for such a trade‐off as indicated by genetic correlations between traits. The genetic covariances between traits are derived using a model in which maturation occurs when the organism achieves a genetically variable size threshold, and fecundity is an allometric function of body size with one genetically variable parameter (excluding body size itself). This model predicts that the heritabilities of the life history traits (growth rate, development time, fecundity) will not necessarily be less than the heritability of adult size (i.e. morphological traits). It is shown that if growth rate is genetically correlated with adult size then it is not possible, in general, to predict the sign of the genetic correlation between development time and fecundity. For particular cases the signs of the covariances between traits can be predicted. These predictions are tested using data drawn from the literature.  相似文献   

Darwin's fecundity advantage model is often cited as the cause of female biased size dimorphism, however, the empirical studies of lifetime selection on male and female body size that would be required to demonstrate this are few. As a component of a study relating sexual size dimorphism to lifetime selection in natural populations of the female size-biased waterstrider Aquarius remigis (Hemiptera: Gerridae), we estimated coefficients for daily fecundity selection, longevity selection, and lifetime fecundity selection acting on female body size and components of body size for two consecutive generations. Daily fecundity was estimated using females confined in field enclosures and reproductive survival was estimated by twice-weekly recaptures. We found that daily fecundity selection favored females with longer total length through direct selection acting on abdomen length. Longevity selection favored females with smaller total length. When daily fecundity and reproductive longevity were combined to estimate lifetime fecundity we found significant balancing selection acting on total length in both years. The relationship between daily fecundity and reproductive longevity also reveals a significant cost of reproduction in one of two years. We relate these selection estimates to previous estimates of sexual selection on male body size and consider the relationship between contemporary selection and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Fecundity selection is a critical component of fitness and a major driver of adaptive evolution. Trade‐offs between parasite mortality and host resources are likely to impose a selection pressure on parasite fecundity, but this is little studied in natural systems. The ‘fecundity advantage hypothesis’ predicts female‐biased sexual size dimorphism whereby larger females produce more offspring. Parasitic insects are useful for exploring the interplay between host resource availability and parasite fecundity, because female body size is a reliable proxy for fecundity in insects. Here we explore temporal changes in body size in the myiasis‐causing parasite Philornis downsi (Diptera: Muscidae) on the Galápagos Islands under conditions of earlier in‐nest host mortality. We aim to investigate the effects of decreasing host resources on parasite body size and fecundity. Across a 12‐year period, we observed a mean of c. 17% P. downsi mortality in host nests with 55 ± 6.2% host mortality and a trend of c. 66% higher host mortality throughout the study period. Using specimens from 116 Darwin's finch nests (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) and 114 traps, we found that over time, P. downsi pupae mass decreased by c. 32%, and male (c. 6%) and female adult size (c. 11%) decreased. Notably, females had c. 26% smaller abdomens in later years, and female abdomen size was correlated with number of eggs. Our findings imply natural selection for faster P. downsi pupation and consequently smaller body size and lower parasite fecundity in this newly evolving host–parasite system.  相似文献   

Fecundity is a primary component of fitness. Theory predicts that the evolution of fecundity through increased brood size results from fecundity selection favouring larger female size to accommodate more offspring and to store more energy. This is expected to generate asymmetric selection on body size between the sexes, ultimately driving evolution of female-biased sexual size dimorphism. Additionally, it has been predicted that the intensity of fecundity selection increases when the opportunities for reproduction are reduced by the limiting thermal effects of increasing latitude-elevation (i.e. decreasing environmental temperatures) on the length of the reproductive season. This later factor would be particularly strong among ectotherms, where reproduction is heavily temperature-dependent. However, this integrative perspective on reproductive evolution by fecundity selection has rarely been investigated. Here, we employ a comparative approach to investigate these predictions in Liolaemus, a prominent lizard radiation. As expected, Liolaemus reproductive output (i.e. offspring number per reproductive episode) increases predictably with increasing female size. However, contrary to predictions, we found that increased fecundity does not translate into female-biased SSD, and that combined latitude-elevation does not impose a detectable effect on fecundity. Finally, our allometric analyses reveal that SSD scales with body size, which supports the occurrence of Rensch’s rule in these lizards. We discuss the evolutionary implications of our results, and the assumptions of the investigated hypotheses.  相似文献   

Aim  Our aim was to test whether extinction risk of frog species could be predicted from their body size, fecundity or geographical range size. Because small geographical range size is a correlate of extinction risk in many taxa, we also tested hypotheses about correlates of range size in frogs.
Location  Global.
Methods  Using a large comparative data set ( n  = 527 species) compiled from the literature, we performed bivariate and multiple regressions through the origin of independent contrasts to test proposed macroecological patterns and correlates of extinction risk in frogs. We also created minimum adequate models to predict snout–vent length, clutch size, geographical range size and IUCN Red List status in frogs. Parallel non-phylogenetic analyses were also conducted. We verified the results of the phylogenetic analyses using gridded data accounting for spatial autocorrelation.
Results  The most threatened frog species tend to have small geographical ranges, although the relationship between range and extinction risk is not linear. In addition, tropical frogs with small clutches have the smallest ranges. Clutch size was strongly positively correlated with geographical range size ( r 2 = 0.22) and body size ( r 2 = 0.28).
Main conclusions  Our results suggest that body size and fecundity only affect extinction risk indirectly through their effect on geographical range size. Thus, although large frogs with small clutches tend to be endangered, there is no comparative evidence that this relationship is direct. If correct, this inference has consequences for conservation strategy: it would be inefficient to allocate conservation resources on the basis of low fecundity or large body size; instead it would be better to protect areas that contain many frog species with small geographical ranges.  相似文献   

The evolution of life history is shaped by life expectancy. Life‐history traits coevolve, and optimal states for particular traits are constrained by trade‐offs with other life‐history traits. Life histories contrast among species, but may also diverge intraspecifically, at the level of populations. We studied the evolution of female reproductive allocation strategy, using natural populations of two sympatric species of African annual fishes, Nothobranchius furzeri and Nothobranchius orthonotus. These species inhabit pools in the Mozambican savanna that are formed in the rainy season and persist for only 2–10 months. Using 207 female N. furzeri from 11 populations and 243 female N. orthonotus from 14 populations, we tested the effects of genetic background (intraspecific lineage) and life expectancy (position on the aridity gradient determining maximum duration of their temporary habitat) on female fecundity traits. First, we found that variation in female body mass was small within populations, but varied considerably among populations. Second, we found that fecundity was largely defined by female body mass and that females spawned most of their eggs in the morning. Third, we found that the trade‐off between egg size and egg number varied among lineages of N. furzeri and this outcome has been confirmed by data from two separate years. Overall, we demonstrate that local conditions were important determinants for Nothobranchius growth and fecundity and that eggs size in arid region was less limited by female fecundity than in humid region.  相似文献   

Comparison of biological characteristics between diapausing and non‐diapausing strains of insects provides some insights into the mechanisms regulating diapause. In this study, biological characteristics, especially diapause characteristics and life‐history traits, of a non‐photoperiodic‐diapause (NPD) strain of the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi were compared with those of a normal, high‐diapause (HD) strain that enters diapause in response to either long day length or low temperature. The NPD strain did not enter diapause at any photoperiod at 22°C or higher, but still had a capacity to enter diapause at low temperatures. Although diapause could be induced in both strains by exposure to 20°C, the proportion of individuals having shorter diapause duration was greater in the NPD strain compared to the HD strain. The NPD strain had significantly lower hatching and larval survival rates, longer developmental duration of immature stages, smaller body size and lower longevity and female fecundity compared to the HD strain. The NPD strain of this species is a promising model for investigating diapause regulation in insects in general.  相似文献   

Variation in food availability impacts the performance of insects in terms of their size and age to maturity and fecundity. Age at maturity determines how quickly individuals in a population can start to reproduce and how much they can reproduce. Results from studies on various insect species show that food availability influences the size and fecundity of adult females. It is predicted that under poor growth conditions, variation in size is low, but variation in age at maturity is considerable. This prediction was examined in a widely distributed lady beetle species, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a predator of aphids and coccids. Using a food gradient from low to high aphid prey density, performance of females that were reared on excess food was recorded for pre‐reproductive duration, size at reproductive maturity, number of aphids consumed, and fecundity in the first 10 days of their reproductive period. Results suggested that female H. axyridis that were reared on surplus food when kept at low prey density (poor growth condition) took, on average, three times longer to attain maturity and produced, on average, 14 times fewer eggs than females that were also reared on surplus food, but kept at high prey density (good growth condition). Females performed best at a prey density of 30 aphids per female per 150 cm2. Results suggested that the current food availability significantly influenced the age and size of females at maturity and their fecundity. Age and size at maturity of female lady beetles showed non‐linear responses to prey density as well as the occurrence of a minimum size of females, below which H. axyridis females fail to mature. The steep slope recorded at lower prey densities suggests relatively high variation in age at maturity but low variation in size.  相似文献   

Many organisms with complex life cycles show considerable variation in size and timing at metamorphosis. Adult males of Megarcyssignata (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) are significantly smaller than females and emerge before females (protandry) from two western Colorado streams. During summer 1992 stoneflies from a trout stream emerged earlier in the season and at larger sizes than those from a colder fishless stream, and size at metamorphosis did not change over the emergence period in either stream. We performed two experiments to determine whether variation in size at metamorphosis affected the fecundity, reproductive success and longevity of individuals of this stonefly species and if total lifetime fecundity was affected by the number of matings. In the first experiment, total lifetime fecundity (eggs oviposited) was determined for adult females held in small plastic cages in the field. Males were removed after one copulation, or pairs were left together for life and allowed to multiply mate. Most copulations occurred in the first few days of the experiment. Females in treatments allowing multiple matings had significantly lower total lifetime fecundity and shorter adult longevity than females that only mated once. Multiple matings also reduced longevity of males. Fecundity increased significantly with female body mass at emergence, but only for females that mated once. While multiple matings eliminated the fecundity advantage of large female body size, number of matings did not affect the significant positive relationship between body mass at metamorphosis and longevity of males or females. In a second experiment designed to determine if body mass at emergence affected male mating success, we placed one large and one small male Megarcys in an observation arena containing one female and recorded which male obtained the first mating. The large and the small male had equal probabilities of copulating with the female. Copulations usually lasted all night, and the unmated male made frequent, but unsuccessful attempts to take over the copulating female. Our data suggest that selection pressures determining body size at metamorphosis may operate independently on males and females, resulting in evolution of sexual size dimorphism, protandry, and mating early in the adult stage. We emphasize the importance of interpreting the fitness consequences of larval growth and development on the timing of and size at metamorphosis in the context of the complete life cycle. Received: 1 July 1997 / Accepted: 12 November 1997  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between family (female parentage), body size of females, brood retention time between mating and parturition, female fecundity, and early growth of offspring in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. Mature, virgin females from a single brood were mated with a single male. Results of generalized linear models indicate that the effect of the family on female fecundity and offspring growth was significant, which suggested that these traits are genetically determined to a certain extent. Larger females at the time of mating produced larger broods, although female body size at the time of parturition did not affect brood size, in contrast to the results of some previous studies in guppies. Brood size was negatively associated with the body size of neonates. Results highlighted significant associations between brood retention time and female fecundity as well as offspring growth. In addition, the interaction between the family and brood retention time was significantly associated with female fecundity and offspring growth. Females of some families had longer retention times of larger broods, whereas those of other families had shorter retention times of smaller broods. On the other hand, females with longer brood retention times produced smaller neonates with slower growth. Since the family also affected the brood retention time, selection may work against the duration of brood retention of females via the size, growth and number of offspring, depending on environmental factors such as the intensity of predation or competition in neonates.  相似文献   

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