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ABSTRACT. Distant olfactory orientation of female adult Delia antiqua (Meigen) to the host-plant Allium volatile dipropyl-disulphide (DPDS) was examined in the field using mark-release-recapture experiments and observations of flight behaviour. Onion-reared, post-diapause, virgin females from a laboratory colony dispersed upwind when released in the centre of 25, 50 and 100 m radius circles of eight 50 μl UDPDS baits. Percentage recapture and dispersal directedness did not decrease as a function of increasing distance to baits. In all cases the mean flight direction of recaptured flies closely correlated with mean wind direction. However, modes of the circular distributions of recaptured flies were located further crosswind when odour-baits were more distant. When distance was held constant (25 m) and DPDS concentration serially reduced (500–0.05 μ/bait), flies dispersed randomly in the absence of DPDS, crosswind in response to 0.05 μl baits and upwind in response to all other baits. Percentage recaptures on DPDS-baited traps of all concentrations were significantly greater than unbaited traps. Results from markrecapture studies were corroborated by observations of flight behaviour downwind. Flies located 100 m downwind from 50 μl DPDS baits flew upwind on take off while take-off flights in the absence of DPDS were random. Our data indicate that Allium volatiles like DPDS are involved not only in the acceptance phase of host-selection, but also in the first and probably most important stage when onion flies are initiating search long distances downwind. We conclude that D. antiqua orients to host-plants using olfactory cues from distances that should be classified as long-range ( sensu Kennedy , 1977  相似文献   

A high-moisture infection chamber was used for the in vivo transmission of Entomophthora muscae within laboratory populations of the onion fly, Delia antiqua. This cadaver-to-fly transmission procedure provided an average experimental infection rate well above 95%. Laboratory infection and temperature-dependent incubation rates of E. muscae were further examined in adult populations of D. antiqua. The time from initial exposure until host death and pathogen sporulation was accurately predicted using a second-order function of the incubation temperature. A developmental base temperature of approximately 5°C was estimated, with 105 degree-days being the average number of heat units required between host infection and death. E. muscae transmission between D. antiqua and D. platura, two insect pests typically associated with Michigan onion production, was verified under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD) of the onion maggot, Delia antiqua, was purified to apparent homogeneity by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and gel filtration chromatographies. Native molecular mass was estimated as 32,000 daltons. SDS-PAGE revealed only one subunit of 16,000 daltons, indicating that SOD is a homodimer. Isoelectric focusing revealed 3 charge isomers of pls 5.3, 5.5, and 5.7. The specific activity of purified SOD was 4,250 U/mg protein. A monoclonal antibody (MAb, aSOD2B7) raised against Delia SOD recognized only SOD of the same genus, but another MAb (aSOD1H11) recognized SOD of Drosophila melanogaster as well. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The oviposition deterrent properties of pine oil (Norpine 65, Northwest Petrochemicals, Anacortes, Washington) for the onion maggot, Delia antiqua (Meigen), were verified using a two-choice bioassay with onion oil as an attractive control. The principal deterrent property of this pine oil was found to reside in three monoterpenes, 3-carene, limonene, and p-cymene, which were the primary constituents identified in the most deterrent of two fractions made by preparative gas chromatography of steam-distilled pine oil. At release rates of 220, 320 and 320 g per 24 h in two-choice bioassays these monoterpenes respectively caused 73.2, 65.4 and 56.3% deterrency of oviposition, while the ternary mixture released at 320 g per 24 h caused 88.6% deterrency. The ternary mixture also caused 62.5% deterrency in a no-choice bioassay. Of eight other monoterpenes tested, myrcene, -phellandrene, -terpinene, -phellandrene, -terpinene, terpinolene, and -pinene were significantly deterrent in declining order, while -pinene was inactive. The ternary mixture was released from glass capillary tubes or flexible plastic cylinders in further bioassays that challenged caged females to oviposit around the base of 35 potted onion seedlings with release devices placed on the soil surface. The most effective deterrency (85.3%) was achieved at a release rate of 280 g per 24 h per pot if plastic cylinder devices were deployed 24 h before the treated pot was exposed to D. antiqua females. If female D. antiqua were given only a treated pot, deterrency of oviposition on potted onion seedlings was significant, but low (11.7–63.2%). Because of incomplete efficacy, a monoterpene-based deterrent formulation would be best used operationally if combined with other deterrents, or if it were integrated with some other tactic.  相似文献   

Bean seed fly and onion fly are significant pests of alliaceous crops in the UK. Their activity was monitored using yellow water traps at three field sites in England in 2002 and 2003. Bean seed fly were not split between Delia platura or Delia florilega because from the growers point of view control measures are independent of species. The traps were effective at catching bean seed fly, which was present from April until September. A total of 1729 bean seed fly were trapped in 2002 and 4501 in 2003, with peak activity in May in both years. In 2003, there appeared to be three to four peaks in abundance of the pest. Only 113 onion flies were trapped in 2002 and 23 in 2003. More male onion fly were trapped than females. Pot experiments were carried out to evaluate efficacy of a range of insecticides, garlic and two parasitic nematode species (Steinernemafeltiae and Steinernema kraussei) against bean seed fly and onion fly. Pots of salad onions were exposed to natural oviposition by bean seed fly, but the onion fly experiment was carried out in a glasshouse with eggs of the pest being inoculated into the pots. Tefluthrin seed treatment appeared to be especially effective at preventing bean seed fly damage and produced the most robust seedlings but did not appear to kill the larvae. A drench of chlorpyrifos at the ‘crook’ stage gave 100% control of bean seed fly larvae. A chlorpyrifos drench was the only treatment to give effective control of onion fly. There was some evidence that the parasitic nematode S. feltiae reduced numbers of bean seed fly larvae by about 50%. Guidelines for control of both bean seed fly and onion fly are discussed.  相似文献   

Entomophthora muscae was identified as a common fungal pathogen of the onion fly, Delia antiqua, and the adult seed corn maggot, D. platura. Low infection levels also were found in populations of the cluster fly, Pollenia rudis (Diptera: Muscidae), and the tiger fly, Coenosia tigrina (Diptera: Muscidae). The disease cycle, as it affects D. antiqua in the onion agroecosystem, is described, including the etiology, symptomatology, and phenology. Natural infection levels approaching 100% were noted early in the spring and in late fall, impacting the 1st and 3rd generations of the D. antiqua population significantly. A lagged density-dependent disease response was noted at the gross population level, although more specific biological interactions may be involved in regulating the disease intensity.  相似文献   

海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶(trehalose-6-phosphate synthase, TPS)是昆虫海藻糖合成途径中的关键酶之一。本研究通过对葱蝇Delia antiqua海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶基因的克隆、 序列分析及滞育相关表达的分析, 旨在证明该基因在能源合成以及抵御高温和低温环境方面发挥重要作用, 为进一步弄清葱蝇滞育分子机制提供理论依据。根据葱蝇抑制消减杂交文库中的EST序列信息, 设计特异性引物, 并通过RACE技术克隆了葱蝇海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶基因全长cDNA, 命名为DaTPS1 (GenBank登录号: JX681124), 其全长为2 904 bp, 开放阅读框2 448 bp, 编码815个氨基酸, 推测其相对分子质量为91.2 kD, 等电点为5.96。生物信息学分析表明, 该基因编码的氨基酸序列具有两个保守结构域, 与其他物种TPS具有较高的同源性, 其中和黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster亲缘关系最近, 氨基酸序列一致性为92.1%; 其蛋白质三维结构有15条大的α螺旋和11股反向平行的β链折叠。RT-PCR分析表明, DaTPS1在葱蝇非滞育、 夏滞育和冬滞育期蛹中都有表达, 但是非滞育期各时期表达量基本没有变化, 而在夏滞育和冬滞育蛹的滞育前期表达量较高, 滞育保持期表达量较低, 滞育期后期表达量又有所升高。推断在葱蝇蛹夏滞育和冬滞育期前期, TPS1开始催化合成较多的海藻糖以提高滞育期抵御不良环境的能力, 滞育保持期蛹的新陈代谢降低, 所需能量较少, 所以TPS1处于低水平表达状态, 而滞育期结束后, 蛹生长发育逐渐恢复, 所需能量有所增加, TPS1的表达量再次升高。本研究对揭示昆虫TPS在能量代谢通路中的作用及昆虫滞育的分子机理具有一定的科学意义。  相似文献   

葱蝇非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹发育和形态特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎万顺  陈斌  何正波 《昆虫学报》2012,55(7):816-824
昆虫非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹具有不同的生理和发育过程。本研究以葱蝇Delia antiqua作为模式种, 以黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster蛹的发育形态特征和命名为参照, 用解剖、 拍照、 长度测量和图像处理等方法系统地比较研究了非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹的发育历期和形态变化, 重点在头外翻和滞育相关发育和形态特征, 目的在于弄清非滞育、 冬滞育和夏滞育蛹发育和形态特征差异, 为滞育发育阶段的识别、 滞育分子机理研究奠定形态学基础。冬滞育蛹的滞育前期、 滞育期和滞育后期分别为4, 85和27 d, 夏滞育蛹的滞育前期、 滞育期和滞育后期分别为2, 8和22 d。从化蛹至头外翻完成为滞育前期, 头外翻完成约10 h内复眼中央游离脂肪体可见。头外翻的完成是滞育发生的前提, 非滞育、 夏滞育和冬滞育蛹头外翻发生在化蛹后的48, 36和83 h, 在头外翻过程中发育形态没有差异。头外翻的过程为: 首先, 头囊和胸部附肢从胸腔外翻, 头部形态出现; 然后, 腹部肌肉继续收缩, 将血淋巴和脂肪体推进头部及胸部附肢。葱蝇蛹在完成蛹期有效积温约15%时进入冬滞育或夏滞育。在滞育期, 蛹的形态一直停留在复眼中央游离脂肪体可见这一形态时期, 且冬滞育和夏滞育的蛹在形态上没有区别。在体长、 体宽和体重上, 冬滞育蛹最大, 夏滞育蛹次之, 非滞育蛹最小。在滞育后期, 在黄色体出现期间, 非滞育蛹的马氏管清楚可见, 呈绿色, 而滞育蛹的马氏管几乎不可见。本研究为认知昆虫滞育生理、 从发育历期和形态上推断滞育发育进程提供了依据。  相似文献   

葱蝇冬滞育蛹的全长cDNA文库的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葱蝇Delia antiqua(Meigen)具有冬滞育的特性且与黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster近缘。该研究目的在于构建葱蝇冬滞育蛹的全长cDNA文库,为进一步的冬滞育专化基因筛选、克隆、和表达分析奠定基础。利用RNAiso试剂盒提取葱蝇冬滞育蛹的总RNA,采用SMART技术合成全长cDNA,经SfiⅠ酶切消化后,将cDNA克隆到质粒载体pDNR-LIB。经鉴定,原始文库的滴度为2.4×107cfu/mL。随机挑取15个克隆,经PCR快速鉴定,插入片段大小在0.5~3kb之间,平均大小在1kb左右,重组率达100%。结果表明该研究获得高质量的葱蝇冬滞育蛹cDNA文库。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When presented with dishes containing a range of 'foliar' shapes, the onion fly, Delia antiqua (Meigen), laid the most eggs around narrow (4 mm) vertical cylinders. Response to cylinders diminished when their diameter was increased or decreased, when cylinder height was reduced to less than 2 cm, and when cylinder/substrate angle deviated from 90. Differences in egg numbers on stimulatory and non-stimulatory forms reflected primarily differences in post-alighting pre-ovipositional behaviours. Females alighting on narrow vertical cylinders initiated and completed stem runs rapidly and without interruptions, and frequently went on to probe and oviposit. Females alighting on other shapes, or larger, smaller, or non-vertical cylinders, either did not initiate or did not complete stem runs, or did not go on to probe after completing a stem run. Such females rarely oviposited. Possible causes of such examining behaviours are discussed.  相似文献   

郝友进  胡文霞  陈斌 《昆虫学报》2014,57(2):161-167
【目的】比较分析葱蝇Delia antiqua非滞育与夏滞育蛹的蛋白表达差异, 为进一步揭示昆虫滞育的分子调控机理和昆虫防治提供理论基础。【方法】以非滞育和夏滞育的蛹为材料, 提取总蛋白; 进行双向凝胶电泳和凝胶图像分析, 对并差异蛋白质进行MALDI-TOF MS质谱鉴定, 获得该点的质量指纹图谱; 利用MASCOT软件在NCBI和SWISS PORT蛋白质数据库中进行搜索鉴定。【结果】非滞育和夏滞育蛹的蛋白表达存在显著差异。通过质谱鉴定和生物信息学分析, 13个差异表达的蛋白质分别为胶原蛋白、 纺锤丝组装非正常蛋白6(SAS6)、 5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸合成酶(MTHFS)、 Bnb蛋白(bangles and beads)及其他功能未知蛋白。【结论】葱蝇在夏滞育时期, 蛹体内的某些蛋白被上调或下调表达。本研究所鉴定的蛋白中, 部分可能是参与滞育相关的蛋白质网络中的成员, 它们可能在抗高温、 染色体分离、 叶酸代谢等生理过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

[目的]低分子量(12 ~43 kDa)热激蛋白(sHSPs)具有抗逆应答的功能,滞育是昆虫抵抗不良环境的特殊发育形式,但sHSPs在昆虫滞育发育过程中的作用仍不清楚.本研究克隆和特征化葱蝇Delia antiqua sHSP基因,并研究它在夏滞育和冬滞育发育过程中的表达模式,为阐明sHSPs在滞育发育上的功能奠定基础.[方法]通过RACE-PCR方法克隆了葱蝇HSP23基因,通过相似性比较分析了其特征、结构域及与双翅目代表性同源基因的系统发育关系;采用实时荧光定量PCR研究了该基因在葱蝇冬滞育蛹和夏滞育蛹发育过程中的表达情况,通过表达的差异比较揭示了该基因与滞育发育的关系.[结果]克隆出了葱蝇HSP23基因,命名为DaHSP23(GenBank登录号:HQ392521.1),其cDNA全长序列为904 bp,编码186个氨基酸,推测蛋白分子量为20.9 kDa,等电点为6.42.该基因的编码蛋白与其他双翅目昆虫的sHSPs有超过66%的氨基酸序列一致性,与已报道的其他双翅目昆虫的滞育相关HSP23基因同源.基因组测序显示该基因无内含子.DaHSP23基因在葱蝇非滞育蛹的发育过程中一直保持在较低的水平,各发育阶段间的表达量不存在显著差异.但在冬滞育和夏滞育蛹中,该基因从滞育起始期开始逐渐显著升高表达,到滞育维持期的中后期达到峰值,在滞育终止期逐渐降到较低的水平.[结论]DaHSP23基因在葱蝇冬滞育和夏滞育发育过程中明显上调表达,但存在差异,它在滞育期的调控可能是种专化的.DaHSP23可能在葱蝇两种类型的滞育上起重要作用.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between age and sexual receptivity for male and female onion flies, Delia antiqua (Meigen) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), and factors affecting ovarian development were examined under various conditions. Confinement in small arenas had a significant negative effect on the rate of oogenesis over the first 10 days of adult life and, in some cases, on the percentage of females inseminated. The rate of oogenesis was not affected by male population density, but high density of females in large arenas appeared to have a priming effect. Few males in single-pair mating bioassays conducted over 24 h were sexually mature at 3–4 days post-eclosion, but > 50% mated when aged 6–7 days. Although females first mated at 3–4 days post-eclosion when confined for 24 h with sexually mature males, most females mated at 6–7 days of age when oocytes in the terminal ovariole position comprised 50% of total egg volume (stage 7 or greater on a 10-stage scale). No females aged 3 days were mated in no-choice and two-choice bioassays with sexually mature males over 24 h. Previtellogenic females (stage 3) were not inseminated, and ovarian development was only correlated weakly ( r = 0.48) with mating. Frequency of mating in mixed-sex groups of twenty flies was comparable with that in single pairs. However, more females were inseminated at 3–4 days, probably as a result of multiple matings by a few precocious males. These results do not support the hypothesis that females mate only when ovarioles are mature.  相似文献   

Pesticide-induced differential mortality betweenDelia antiqua(MEIGEN)and several other organisms associated with its natural control [D. platura(MEIGEN),Coenosia tigrina (F.),Entomophtora muscae (COHN), andAphaereta pallipes (SAY)] were evaluated under simulated field conditions. Direct and residual differential mortalities were described for 3 herbicides (Chloro-IPC, nitrofen, and CDAA), 3 fungicides (maneb, chlorothalonil, and copper sulfate), and 1 insecticide (malathion). The recommended field application rates of these chemicals produced high positive differential mortality levels betweenD. antiqua and some of the natural mortality agents. Chloro-IPC, a preplant and midseason herbicide, induced 100% mortality ofA. pallipes over the 3-day residual test period. Modifications in behavioral orientation and death patterns ofD. antiqua adults infected withE. muscae were also noted in malathion-treated flies such that subsequent conidial dispersal was highly restricted. Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Article Number 10133.  相似文献   

Brassica and Allium host‐plants were each surrounded by four non‐host plants to determine how background plants affected host‐plant finding by the cabbage root fly (Delia radicum L.) and the onion fly [Delia antiqua (Meig.)] (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), respectively. The 24 non‐host plants tested in field‐cage experiments included garden ‘bedding’ plants, weeds, aromatic plants, companion plants, and one vegetable plant. Of the 20 non‐host plants that disrupted host‐plant finding by the cabbage root fly, fewest eggs (18% of check total) were laid on host plants surrounded by the weed Chenopodium album L., and most (64% of check total) on those surrounded by the weed Fumaria officinalis L. Of the 15 plants that disrupted host‐plant finding in the preliminary tests involving the onion fly, the most disruptive (8% of check total) was a green‐leaved variant of the bedding plant Pelargonium × hortorum L.H. Bail and the least disruptive (57% of check total) was the aromatic plant Mentha piperita × citrata (Ehrh.) Briq. Plant cultivars of Dahlia variabilis (Willd.) Desf. and Pelargonium×hortorum, selected for their reddish foliage, were less disruptive than comparable cultivars with green foliage. The only surrounding plants that did not disrupt oviposition by the cabbage root fly were the low‐growing scrambling plant Sallopia convolvulus L., the grey‐foliage plant Cineraria maritima L., and two plants, Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv. and Lobelia erinus L. which, from their profuse covering of small flowers, appeared to be white and blue, respectively. The leaf on which the fly landed had a considerable effect on subsequent behaviour. Flies that landed on a host plant searched the leaf surface in an excited manner, whereas those that landed on a non‐host plant remained more or less motionless. Before taking off again, the flies stayed 2–5 times as long on the leaf of a non‐host plant as on the leaf of a host plant. Host‐plant finding was affected by the size (weight, leaf area, height) of the surrounding non‐host plants. ‘Companion plants’ and aromatic plants were no more disruptive to either species of fly than the other plants tested. Disruption by all plants resulted from their green leaves, and not from their odours and/or tastes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Extracts of testes and male accessory (paragonial) glands made from three species of Delia (onion fly {D.antiqua) , seedcorn fly (D.platura) , and cabbage fly (D.radicum)) were injected into conspecific virgin females. Extracts of paragonial glands, but not testes, from onion, seedcorn and cabbage fly males stimulated oviposition and suppressed mating when injected into conspecific virgin females. When extracts of paragonial glands from males of these species were injected into heterospecific virgin females, the extracts of D.antiqua and D.platura were fully cross-reactive with respect to oviposition; interspecific injection stimulated oviposition at the level of the conspecific mated controls. Injection of D.radicum extract fully activated the D.antiqua and D.platura ovipositional response. D.antiqua extract caused mating inhibition and partial oviposition in D.radicum; that of D.platura had no effect on either oviposition or mating inhibition in D.radicum. These results suggest that D.antiqua and D.platura are more closely related to one another than either is to D.radicum , and agree with published anatomically-based phylogenies and a genetic distance calculation based on eight enzyme loci. The occurrence of sex peptide cross-reactivity, though asymmetrical, between D.radicum versus D.antiqua and D.platura indicates that, functionally, sex peptides have changed little during the evolution of this genus. An emerging pattern of broad cross-reactivity within genera suggests that sex peptides are not an initiator of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

司风玲  何正波  陈斌 《昆虫学报》2016,59(4):402-410
【目的】低分子量(12~43 kDa)热激蛋白(sHSPs)具有抗逆应答的功能,滞育是昆虫抵抗不良环境的特殊发育形式,但sHSPs在昆虫滞育发育过程中的作用仍不清楚。本研究克隆和特征化葱蝇Delia antiqua sHSP基因,并研究它在夏滞育和冬滞育发育过程中的表达模式,为阐明sHSPs在滞育发育上的功能奠定基础。【方法】通过RACE-PCR方法克隆了葱蝇HSP23基因,通过相似性比较分析了其特征、结构域及与双翅目代表性同源基因的系统发育关系;采用实时荧光定量PCR研究了该基因在葱蝇冬滞育蛹和夏滞育蛹发育过程中的表达情况,通过表达的差异比较揭示了该基因与滞育发育的关系。【结果】克隆出了葱蝇HSP23基因,命名为DaHSP23(GenBank登录号:HQ392521.1),其cDNA全长序列为904 bp,编码186个氨基酸,推测蛋白分子量为20.9 kDa,等电点为6.42。该基因的编码蛋白与其他双翅目昆虫的sHSPs有超过66%的氨基酸序列一致性,与已报道的其他双翅目昆虫的滞育相关HSP23基因同源。基因组测序显示该基因无内含子。DaHSP23基因在葱蝇非滞育蛹的发育过程中一直保持在较低的水平,各发育阶段间的表达量不存在显著差异。但在冬滞育和夏滞育蛹中,该基因从滞育起始期开始逐渐显著升高表达,到滞育维持期的中后期达到峰值,在滞育终止期逐渐降到较低的水平。【结论】DaHSP23基因在葱蝇冬滞育和夏滞育发育过程中明显上调表达,但存在差异,它在滞育期的调控可能是种专化的。DaHSP23可能在葱蝇两种类型的滞育上起重要作用。  相似文献   

Characteristics of summer diapause in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua, were clarified by laboratory experiments. Temperature was the primary factor for the induction of summer diapause in this species. The critical temperature for diapause induction was approximately 24 degrees C, regardless of the photoperiod. At 23 degrees C, the development of the diapausing pupae was arrested the day after pupariation, when about 7% of the total pupal development had occurred in terms of total effective temperature (degree-days). The most sensitive period for temperature with regard to diapause induction was estimated to be between pupariation and "pupation" (i.e., evagination of the head in cyclorrhaphous flies). Completion of diapause occurred at a wide range of temperatures (4-25 degrees C): The optimal temperature was approximately 16 degrees C, at which temperature only five days were required for diapause completion. The characteristics of summer diapause in D. antiqua are discussed in comparison with those of summer dormancy in a congener D. radicum and those of winter diapause in D. antiqua.  相似文献   

Over their 47.2±1.9 (mean±SEM) day lifespan, mated onion flies, Delia antiqua, oviposited more uniformly than did virgins. Mated females began ovipositing at 6.4±0.2 days old and regularly deposited 14.2±0.6 eggs/day for 3-4 weeks. Thereafter, oviposition slowed and stopped at about 1 week before death. Virgin flies began ovipositing 24.7±1.5 days into their 59.0±3.8 day lifespan, and deposited eggs at an increasing rate for 3-4 weeks, generating a mean overall ovipositional rate of 5.8±0.5 eggs/day. The later onset of virgin oviposition (ovipositional activation) and not a shorter ovipositional period largely accounted for the disparity between virgin and mated female lifespans. Mean lifetime egg production of mated females was 475±27 eggs versus 179±30 eggs for virgins. Ovipositional and post-ovipositional periods (34.4±1.8 and 7.2±1.0 days) for mated females were not significantly different from those of virgin females (30.9±3.6 and 6.7±1.2 days). Over 90% of virgin females laid eggs. The distinction between mated and virgin ovipositional patterns may be specifically attributed to differences in: (1) egg maturation, (2) age at ovipositional activation, and (3) egg-laying rate.  相似文献   

The repertoire of courtship behaviors of male onion maggots,Delia antiqua (Meigen), in a laboratory bioassay chamber, was analyzed by direct observation and by video recordings, in conjunction with a multichannel event recorder. Seven courtship behaviors were categorized: inspection from the substrate, aerial inspection, contact from the substrate, contact from the air, genital alignment, copulation, and male-male interaction. The frequency distribution of copulation bouts was best described by a Poisson distribution; peak mating activity occurred about 1 h into the bioassay. The duration in copulo, however, was extremely variable. On average, males spent 30 sin copulo (n=183); <30% of bouts were >50 s. The ability of males to discriminate between sexes, sexually immature and mature females, and between females ofD. antiqua and the cabbage maggot,Delia radicum (L.), was most pronounced in the elements of genital alignment and attempted copulation. The courtship and mating behavior inD. antiqua is consistent with a sequence that relies initially primarily on indiscriminate visual recognition of a potential mate, followed by species-and sex-specific semiochemical recognition upon contact.  相似文献   

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