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郑维艳  曾文豪  唐一思  石慰  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8676-8687
以中国大陆北热带及亚热带地区优势科樟科、壳斗科植物为研究对象,利用专著发表大量的样方数据和物种分布数据,分析樟科、壳斗科与群落构建的关系、它们各大属的地理分布格局,探讨影响其分布的可能历史原因。结果表明:中国大陆北热带及亚热带地区森林乔木层优势科为樟科、壳斗科、山茶科、杜鹃花科。樟科、壳斗科物种丰富度均与其所在群落的物种丰富度呈现一定的正相关,樟科对群落构建的贡献较大。樟科、壳斗科植物种的空间多样性分布中心均出现在我国亚热带中部偏南地区。樟科的厚壳桂属、琼楠属以及壳斗科的锥属物种多样性分布中心主要在南亚热带及北热带区域,以广西、云南省份的南部为主。樟科的樟属、新木姜子属、润楠属、木姜子属及壳斗科的柯属、青冈属主要分布在我国大陆北热带及亚热带中部偏南的地区,其多样性分布中心与樟科、壳斗科科水平的物种多样性分布中心极为相似。樟科的山胡椒属、楠属、黄肉楠属,壳斗科的栎属主要分布在研究区域中部以西的地区。研究结果佐证物种的生态学特性以及生物地理学历史综合作用导致目前樟科和壳斗科植物的生物多样性分布格局。  相似文献   

In this study, thirty-six individuals of Acheilognathus macropterus were collected from the Heilongjiang River,the Yangtze River,and the Nandujiang River.Partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene region (636 base pair) was sequenced to these samples and 22 haplotypes were found.With A.chankaensis and A.tokinensis as outgroups,their relationships were analyzed.The p-distances were calculated with Mega software and a molecular phyiogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method.The proportions of main morphological characters were compared as well.P-distances showed that the genetic differences in A.macropterus samples were far smaller than those between these samples and the outgroups.The molecular phylogenetic tree shows that samples with barbels and those without barbels were intermingled.There was no distinctive difference in proportions of morphological characteristics among them.These results suggested that samples with barbels and those without barbels (formally identified as A.taenianalis) are the same species;A.taenianalis is synonymous with A.macropterus.The thirtysix individuals were grouped into five clades and the positions of the samples in the clades were correspondingly grouped within their geographical distributions.Among the five clades,clades 1 and 5 included samples from the Heilongjiang River and Nandujiang River respectively.The samples from the Yangtze River scattered into clades 2,3,and 4.There were distinctive genetic differences (> 5%)among them.Interestingly,the distributions of the 21 samples in these three clades were not correlated to their geographical distributions.It is postulated that these genetic differences were due to the bitterlings' mating choice mechanism,the prozygotic isolation.The genetic differences between the fish from Nandujiang River and those from the mainland indicated that they were separated early.However,the small genetic differences among the samples and the positions of the fish from the Heilonjiang River in the molecular phylogenetic tree indicate that fish in Heilongjiang River might have dispersed from the Yangtze River to that area much later.  相似文献   

Aims To assess the impact of various fire regimes over the past 30 years on land snail communities and to analyse the role of recent landscape history and the influence of biogeography in shaping the response patterns of gastropod communities following disturbances by fire. Location South-eastern France (Provence) and Mediterranean region. Methods Stratified sampling within 12 sites was undertaken with regard to fire regime (i.e. number of fires, fire intervals and age of the last fire) occurring over the past 30 years. The study was complemented by a historical analysis using aerial photographs, old maps of vegetation cover and an analysis of the biogeographical composition of malacofaunas. Data were investigated using Correspondence Analysis and Sørensen coefficient of similarity. Results When a disturbance regime (land use or fire disturbances) has been maintained over decades or centuries, land snail communities appear highly modified and tend to be composed of only Mediterranean and xerophilous species. However, low fire regimes, since the 1970s, do not seem to greatly affect the composition of gastropod communities. Indeed, shade-loving, mesophilous and European range species persist even after successive fires within some sites. In addition, the malacofaunas have a higher component of European range species with increasing distance from the Mediterranean sea. Main conclusions Analysis of the response patterns of gastropod communities to fire shows a response to numerous different factors. The composition of current land snail communities is not only the result of (more or less) recent patterns of fire regimes but also of anthropogenic disturbances, of landscape changes over the last centuries and of subsequent structure of the pre-fire habitat, as well as of the influence of a biogeographical gradient. However, the response patterns observed and the persistence of pre-fire communities imply the presence of cryptic refuges located within burned areas.  相似文献   

In the temperate climate zone in Europe the composition of the diet of predatory vertebrates shows evident variability between the warm and cold season. However, the recently observed climate warming can mitigate the effect of snow cover and low temperatures on the winter foraging ecology of raptors, thus affecting trophic webs in ecosystems. We analysed diet variability in the tawny owl Strix aluco, between the warm and cold seasons of four unusually warm years (as compared to reference years of 1950–2000) in two habitats (forest vs. farmland) in Central Poland. The most important prey group in the tawny owl’s diet were mammals, constituting over 80% of prey items. There were distinct diet differences between the two seasons: insectivorous mammals, birds and amphibians were caught more often during the warm season, and Muridae and Arvicolidae during the cold season. The proportion of insectivorous mammals, voles and amphibians was significantly higher in forest than in farmland. Diet diversity, analysed with rarefaction methods and expressed as the expected cumulative mammal species number for a given number of randomly sampled preyed mammals, was independent of season and higher in forest than in the agricultural habitat. We conclude that even during unusually warm years tawny owls change significantly their feeding habits between the warm and cold season. The effect of season, habitat and weather factors on diet variability in raptors are discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental correlates of avian diversity in lowland Panama rain forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The composition of communities is known to be influenced by biogeographical history, but also by local environmental conditions. Yet few studies have evaluated the relative importance of the direct and indirect effects of multiple factors on species diversity in rich Neotropical forests. Our study aims to assess drivers of change in local bird species richness in lowland tropical rain forests. Location Thirty‐two physiographic subregions along the corridor of the Panama Canal, Panama. Methods We mapped the distributions of all forest‐dwelling bird species and quantified the environmental characteristics of all subregions, including mean annual rainfall, topographic complexity, elevational variability, forest age and forest area. Plant species richness, believed to be correlated with structural complexity, was estimated by interpolation through kriging for subregions where data were unavailable. Results The study region has a strong rainfall gradient across a short distance (65 km), which is also accompanied by steep gradients in plant and bird species diversity. Path analysis showed that precipitation strongly affected plant species diversity, which in turn affected avian diversity. Forest age and topography affected bird diversity independently of plant diversity. Forest area and its proportion occurring in the largest two fragments of each subregion (habitat configuration) were also positive correlates of bird species richness. Main conclusions Our results suggest that plant species richness, known to be influenced in part by biogeographical history and geology, also affects bird species assemblages locally. We provide support for the hypothesis that bird species richness increases with structural complexity of the habitat. Our analysis of the distributions of the region's most disturbance‐sensitive bird species showed that subregions with more rainfall, more complex topography and older forests harboured not only richer communities but also more sensitive species; while subregions with the opposite characteristics usually lacked large fractions of the regional forest bird community and hosted only common, widely distributed species. Results also emphasize the importance of preserving forest diversity from habitat loss and fragmentation, and confirm that larger, continuous forest tracts are necessary to maintain the rich avian diversity in the region.  相似文献   

  1. Predation may significantly control number and density of coexisting species. The effects of predation on species diversity have traditionally been tested in experiments and theoretical models of simple trophic systems. In complex natural ecosystems, however, disentangling multiple sources of variation is difficult. In groundwater-fed environments, a significant effect of predation can be expected due to the relatively stable environmental conditions; however, it has never been properly examined.
  2. We analysed species diversity and total abundance of macroinvertebrate assemblages in 48 Western Carpathian spring fens, separately for whole sites and mesohabitat/season, and partitioned the effects of predation intensity from those of environmental variables in robust models using a bootstrapping technique. We verified our results by accounting for taxa resistant to predation.
  3. The assumption that predation-mediated coexistence of species is the main mechanism responsible for the relatively species-rich assemblages in the Western Carpathian spring fens was not supported. However, predation may significantly influence abundance of non-predatory species and, under some conditions, it may contribute to explaining patterns in species diversity.
  4. The effect of predation did not differ between the mesohabitats with different stability. However, we found higher environmental control in spring and a stronger effect of predators in autumn, which suggests that different mechanisms influence fen assemblages in different seasons.
  5. Our study provides a new robust approach how to test the effect of predation on natural macroinvertebrate assemblages. The importance of predation was lower than expected in equilibrium assemblages but it may vary in time.

生物多样性的空间分布及其相关机制一直是生态学、生物地理学和保护生物学研究的热点问题。山地生态系统生境异质性和生物多样性高, 适合研究生物多样性空间分布及其相关机制。喜马拉雅山脉位于青藏高原南缘, 是全球生态热点区域。其地形复杂, 海拔落差大(100-8,844 m), 具有明显的垂直气候带。本研究通过整合野外调查和文献资料, 系统地分析了10目23科160属313种喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物物种多样性的垂直分布格局, 发现该区域哺乳动物总体及其子集的物种多样性垂直分布格局都为左偏倚的中峰格局, 物种多样性在海拔900-1,400 m之间最高, 不同物种子集的物种多样性垂直分布格局的模式有所不同。UPGMA聚类分析表明, 喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物群落沿海拔梯度可以划分为5个聚类簇(海拔100-1,500 m、1,500-2,000 m、2,000-3,000 m、3,000-4,200 m以及4,200-6,000 m的地区), 大致与该地区植被的垂直带分布相吻合。喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物物种多样性在中低海拔最为丰富, 可能跟东洋界与古北界生物群扩散后的交汇地带相关。喜马拉雅山区贯通南北的沟谷是生物扩散和迁移的通道, 沟谷内水热资源较好, 气候稳定性高, 为高山生态系统内各种生物创造了栖息条件。综上, 喜马拉雅山沟谷地区是生物多样性热点地区, 也是生物扩散和交流关键的“生态走廊”, 应加强对喜马拉雅山沟谷地区的保护, 以维系该区域较高的生物多样性。  相似文献   

Pacific sleeper sharks Somniosus pacificus were captured near Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus rookeries during the period when Steller sea lion pups are most vulnerable to Pacific sleeper shark predation (first water entrance and weaning). Analysis of stomach contents revealed that teleosts were the dominant prey in August and cephalopods were the dominant prey in May ( n = 198). Marine mammals were found in 15% of stomachs regardless of season, but no Steller sea lion tissues were detected. Molecular genetic analysis identified grey whale Eschrichtius robustus and harbour seal Phoca vitulina remains in some Pacific sleeper shark stomachs. Most mammals were cetacean and at least 70% of the cetaceans were probably scavenged. Although Pacific sleeper shark and Steller sea lion ranges overlapped, so predation could potentially occur, the diet study suggested that predation on Steller sea lions is unlikely, at least when pups first enter the water or during weaning. Harbour seals were infrequent prey and may have been consumed alive. Pacific sleeper sharks consume fast-swimming prey like Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus sp., most likely live animals rather than scavenged animals. Pacific sleeper sharks appeared to be opportunistic consumers of the available prey and carrion, feeding both on the bottom and in the water column, and their diet shifted to teleosts and cetacean carrion as the fish grew larger.  相似文献   

We here attempt to show, using three broad insect groups – Lepidoptera (mainly leaf‐chewing larval herbivores and nectar‐sucking adults), parasitic Hymenoptera (mainly endoparasitoids, especially of other insects) and aphids (sap‐sucking plant parasites) – how the terms ‘generalist’, usually equated with levels of phagy (oligo‐ and polyphagy), and ‘specialist’ (monophagy), still in widespread parlance, have often been misrepresented. Probably, the reality of generalism, be that herbivorous, predatory and parasitic, can only be demonstrated by detailed empirical field observations plus the use of high‐resolution molecular (DNA) markers, including sequencing, and thereby determining whether the organism in question is really a homogeneous species population over a wide geographical range, or rather comprises a series of morphologically similar/identical cryptic, host‐adapted specialist populations. In the case of insects, the largest group of terrestrial animals on the planet, even if it can be shown that certain species are indeed polyphagous and feed on a variety of plant hosts (herbivores) or prey species (predators and parasitoids), nevertheless, the range of these food items may be highly selective and restricted, depending on morphological–genetical (biochemical/chemical)–behavioural constraints. In the end, while some animals appear to be generalist, this situation may well be illusory. Our present recognition of the term is at best inappropriate, and at worse, inaccurate, as we demonstrate in the examples given, mostly insects. In the meantime, we suggest that the terms used should be re‐defined as four broad classes of specialism–generalism, although the apparent ‘generalism’ is itself conditional on proof following further empirical analyses.  相似文献   

Global patterns of plant diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Using 94 data sets from across the globe, we explored patterns of mean community species richness, landscape species richness, mean similarity among communities and mosaic diversity. Climate affected community species richness primarily through productivity while other climatic factors were secondary. Climatic equability affected species richness only in temperate regions where richness was greatest at high levels of temperature variability and low levels of precipitation variability. Landscape species richness correlated positively with community species richness. A global gradient in mean similarity existed but was uncorrelated with community species richness. Mean similarity was least and mosaic diversity was greatest between 25 and 30° latitude. The most diverse landscapes (low mean similarity) correlated with warm temperatures, high elevations, large areas and large seasonal temperature fluctuations. The most complex landscapes (high mosaic diversity) correlated with large areas, high productivity and warm winters. We compared diversity measures among continents and found only one significant difference: Australian landscapes have greater mosaic diversity than African landscapes. Based on our analyses we propose two hypotheses: (1) for plants, biotic interactions are more important in structuring landscapes in warmer climates and (2) longer isolated landscapes have more clearly differentiated ecological subunits.  相似文献   

Temporal variation of antipredatory behavior and a uniform distribution of predation risk over refuges and foraging sites may create foraging patterns different from those anticipated from risk in heterogenous habitats. We studied the temporal variation in foraging behavior of voles exposed to uniform mustelid predation risk and heterogeneous avian predation risk of different levels induced by vegetation types in eight outdoor enclosures (0.25 ha). We manipulated mustelid predation risk with weasel presence or absence and avian predation risk by reducing or providing local cover at experimental food patches. Foraging at food patches was monitored by collecting giving-up densities at artificial food patches, overall activity was automatically monitored, and mortality of voles was monitored by live-trapping and radiotracking. Voles depleted the food to lower levels in the sheltered patches than in the exposed ones. In enclosures with higher avian predation risk caused by lower vegetation height, trays were depleted to lower levels. Unexpectedly, voles foraged in more trays and depleted trays to lower levels in the presence of weasels than in the absence. Weasels match their prey's body size and locomotive abilities and therefore increase predation risk uniformly over both foraging sites and refuge sites that can both be entered by the predator. This reduces the costs of missing opportunities other than foraging. Voles changed their foraging strategy accordingly by specializing on the experimental food patches with predictable returns and probably reduced their foraging in the matrix of natural food source with unpredictable returns and high risk to encounter the weasel. Moreover, after 1 day of weasel presence, voles shifted their main foraging activities to avoid the diurnal weasel. This behavior facilitated bird predation, probably by nocturnal owls, and more voles were killed by birds than by weasels. Food patch use of voles in weasel enclosures increased with time. Voles had to balance the previously missed feeding opportunities by progressively concentrating on artificial food patches.  相似文献   

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