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To analyse the survival, pathway and time of embryo development in the annual fish Austrolebias nigrofasciatus eggs were monitored in four liquid media and two damp media under experimental conditions for 130 days until their development was complete. Eggs kept in the same breeding water from oviposition remained in diapause I (DI) during all experiments. In constrast, up to the stage prior to entering diapause II (DII), the other media had no influence on development. Embryos at this stage (DII), however, show longer development time when treated in medium with water and powdered coconut shell so that about 80% of embryos remained in DII at 100 days. In contrast, all other treatments had a significantly lower proportion of embryos remaining in DII. When treated with Yamamoto's solution in humid media, embryos showed the fastest development. The first fully developed embryos (DIII) were seen at 27 days after oviposition. It took an average of 46–58 days for 50% of eggs in each treatment to reach DIII. Compared with other studies, survival in all incubation media was high at between 70 and 98%. Taken together, it can be concluded that all incubation media were found to be viable for maintaining embryos. Altering developmental trajectories through the manipulation of diapauses in different media makes this species a potential model organism for laboratory studies.  相似文献   

The Roman conquest of Britain was previously shown to have negatively impacted health, particularly for children, older adults, and men. We build upon this previous research by investigating the effect that status had on risks of mortality within the Roman Britain populations of Dorset. This study incorporates a sample of 291 individuals excavated from several cemeteries in the county of Dorset dating between the first to early fifth centuries AD. To assess the effect of status on risks of mortality, burial type was used as a proxy for status and modeled as a covariate affecting the Siler and Gompertz-Makeham models of mortality. The results of these analyses indicate that high-status individuals, particularly children, had a lower mortality risk compared to lower-status groups; and for those buried in urban cemeteries, higher-status individuals of all age-groups had a lower mortality risk. As with our previous study (Redfern and DeWitte: Am J Phys Anthropol 144 (2011) 269-285), we found that male mortality risk was higher than females, which we consider to reflect underlying sex-differences in immunity and disease response.  相似文献   


Contribution from the Department of Fisheries, Kyoto University.

Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 201.  相似文献   

1. In many animals immunity is not fully developed until adulthood but the young still need protection against various sets of pathogens. Thus, bird nestlings are highly dependent on antibodies received from their mother (in the eggs) during their rapid early growth period. The relationship between maternal immunity and the development of neonates' own immunity has been poorly studied. 2. It has been suggested that immune function plays an important part in mediating resource competition between different life-history traits, e.g. growth and reproduction. Maternal investment of antibodies has potentially permanent effects on offspring phenotype. Thus, the trade-offs between the immune function and other important life-history traits in the offspring will also affect the fitness of the mother. 3. Our supplemental feeding experiment in the magpie Pica pica indicates that the immunoglobulin levels of offspring at hatching are dependent on a mother's nutritional condition. In addition, the amount of maternal immunoglobulins transferred to offspring increases along the laying order within a nest. 4. We also found that at the age of 8-10 days the immunoglobulin production of the offspring has already begun. Furthermore, the maternal immunoglobulin levels of the offspring at hatching were positively related to their immunoglobulin levels on day 10. 5. Maternal immunoglobulins did not significantly affect offspring growth, but there was a negative relationship between self-produced immunoglobulins and growth over the first 10 days, indicating a trade-off between these traits. Nestlings' weight, however, had a positive relationship with immunoglobulin production suggesting that the observed trade-off between growth and immunoglobulin production is due to catch-up growth of nestlings with a low hatching weight. We found that within nests nestlings with higher maternal antibody levels had higher survival rate until day 20, but between nests there was an opposite relationship. 6. Evidently, there is a trade-off, in magpies, between maternal resources, immune function and growth, shaping the evolution of maternal investment in offspring immunity.  相似文献   

杭州石荠苎(Mosla hangchowensis)种群密度制约实验的统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了我国特有、分布区极狭窄的一年生草本植物——杭州石荠苎(Mosla hangchowensis)种群的密度制约规律。结果表明:在生长季内,种群的死亡率与密度密切相关。种群的最适密度为200~1000株/m2左右。不同密度种群的平均株高、开花数等性状随时间的动态关系均符合“logistic”模型。高密度种群中60%左右的个体能完成生活史;低密度种群中80%以上的个体能完成生活史。种群密度较高制约杭州石荠苎的植株形态和繁殖投资。  相似文献   

Sex-biased marine survival and growth in a population of coho salmon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Examination of historical records for coho salmon in Big Beef Creek, in western Washington, U.S.A., indicated that more adult males than females returned to spawn, and that the mean length of the females exceeded that of males. Sex-biased survival and faster growth among females are unusual among salmonids but precedented in some other coho salmon populations. To help determine the stage of life at which sex-biased mortality might occur, the sex-linked GH-ψH pseudogene was used to determine the sex of smolts emigrating from Big Beef Creek in 1995–1997. In each of the 3 years the sex ratio was indistinguishable from 50:50, indicating similar survival rates in fresh water, and implying that the male and female coho salmon follow different foraging strategies when they are at sea. The female strategy apparently results in greater mortality, but benefits survivors with greater size. The male strategy appears to allow greater survival at the cost of reduced size.  相似文献   

The degree to which population fluctuations arise from variable adult survival relative to variable recruitment has been debated widely for marine organisms. Disentangling these effects remains challenging because data generally are not sufficient to evaluate if and how adult survival rates are regulated by stochasticity and/or population density. Using unique time series for a largely unexploited reef fish, we found both population density and stochastic food supply impacted adult survival. The estimated effect of variable survival on adult abundance (both mean and variability) rivalled that of variable recruitment. Moreover, we show density‐dependent adult survival can dampen impacts of stochastic recruitment. Thus, food variability may alter population fluctuations by simultaneously regulating recruitment and compensatory adult survival. These results provide an additional mechanism for why intensified density‐independent mortality (via harvest or other means) amplifies population fluctuations and emphasises need for research evaluating the causes and consequences of variability in adult survival.  相似文献   

Female longevity is observed in humans and much of the animal kingdom, but its causes remain elusive. Using a genetic manipulation that generates XX and XY mice, each with either ovaries or testes, we show that the female XX sex chromosome complement increases survival during aging in male and female mice. In combination with ovaries, it also extends lifespan. Understanding causes of sex‐based differences in aging could lead to new pathways to counter age‐induced decline in both sexes.  相似文献   

Seven ephemeral pools on the coastal plain of southern Brazil were found to be inhabited by three annual and 22 non‐annual fish species. Two common annual species (Austrolebias minuano and Cynopoecilus fulgens) exhibited clear seasonal dynamics, with the appearance of young fishes in the austral autumn (May to June) and a decline in abundance over the seasonal cycle. The third annual species, Austrolebias wolterstorffii, was rare. No seasonal dynamics were observed in non‐annual fishes. The relative abundance of non‐annual fishes compared with annual fishes increased over the seasonal cycle, but they coexisted widely. The size structure of annual fishes suggested the presence of a single age cohort in most pools though a second age cohort was registered in one pool in August, coinciding with a large flooding. Strong sexual dimorphism in body size was found in C. fulgens throughout the seasonal cycle, while no sexual dimorphism in body size was found in A. minuano. Female‐biased sex ratios were recorded in both common annual fish species in the last three sampling dates (in spring), but not during the first two sampling dates (in winter). The natural lifespan of annual fishes was <8 months. Annual fishes disappeared before habitat desiccation in half of the pools, while non‐annual fishes were still present.  相似文献   

The female survival advantage is a robust characteristic of human longevity. However, underlying mechanisms are not understood, and rodent models exhibiting a female advantage are lacking. Here, we report that the genetically heterogeneous (UM‐HET3) mice used by the National Institute on Aging Interventions Testing Program (ITP) are such a model. Analysis of age‐specific survival of 3,690 control ITP mice revealed a female survival advantage paralleling that of humans. As in humans, the female advantage in mice was greatest in early adulthood, peaking around 350 days of age and diminishing progressively thereafter. This persistent finding was observed at three geographically distinct sites and in six separate cohorts over a 10‐year period. Because males weigh more than females and bodyweight is often inversely related to lifespan, we examined sex differences in the relationship between bodyweight and survival. Although present in both sexes, the inverse relationship between bodyweight and longevity was much stronger in males, indicating that male mortality is more influenced by bodyweight than is female mortality. In addition, male survival varied more across site and cohort than female survival, suggesting greater resistance of females to environmental modulators of survival. Notably, at 24 months the relationship between bodyweight and longevity shifted from negative to positive in both sexes, similar to the human condition in advanced age. These results indicate that the UM‐HET3 mouse models the human female survival advantage and provide evidence for greater resilience of females to modulators of survival.  相似文献   

Sex ratios can influence mating behaviour, population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories; yet the causes of natural sex ratio variation are often uncertain. Although secondary (birth) sex ratios in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are typically 1:1, we recorded female-biased tertiary (adult) sex ratios in about half of our 48 samples and male-biased sex ratios in none of them. This pattern implies that some populations experience male-biased mortality, perhaps owing to variation in predation or resource limitation. We assessed the effects of predation and/or inter-specific resource competition (intraguild predation) by measuring the local catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of species (Rivulus killifish and Macrobrachium prawns) that may differentially prey on male guppies. We assessed the effects of resource levels by measuring canopy openness and algal biomass (chlorophyll a concentration). We found that guppy sex ratios were increasingly female-biased with increasing CPUE of Macrobrachium, and perhaps also Rivulus, and with decreasing canopy openness. We also found an interaction between predators and resource levels in that the effect of canopy openness was greatest when Macrobrachium CPUE was highest. Our study thus also reveals the value of simultaneously testing multiple environmental factors that may drive tertiary sex ratio variation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Previously unexposed ‘naive’ cattle were infested with between 500 and 20,000 larvae of the tick Boophilus microplus, to observe whether density dependent mortality of the tick occurs on cattle which have not acquired resistance. Similar proportions of larvae matured at different densities, which contrasts with previous findings of increased mortality at higher densities on cattle with acquired resistance to B. microplus. Major differences were observed between the proportions of larvae maturing in different experiments.  相似文献   

种群密度和培养体积对发头裸腹溞生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同培养密度(D1=100 ind·L-1,D2=150 ind·L-1,D3 =300 ind·L-1)和培养体积(V1 =50 mL,V2=100 mL,V3 =400 mL)对发头裸腹溞生长和生殖的影响.结果表明:在相同培养密度下,发头裸腹溞首次怀卵体长、雌体第一窝幼溞数和后代总数均随着培养体积的增大而减少,而雌体所产后代的性比(雄体∶雌体)随着培养体积的增大而增大.在相同培养体积下,雌体产出后代总数随着培养密度的增加而减少.雌体最大首次怀卵体长(0.95±0.10 mm)和最大后代总数(171.3±19.8 ind)均出现在D1V1组合,最大性比(0.54±0.05)出现在D3V2组合.培养密度和培养体积及其协同作用对发头裸腹溞雌体后代总数、后代性比均具有显著影响(P<0.001).  相似文献   

Three hundred and thirty-eight plants ofAcer rufinerve Sieb. et Zucc. were monitored in a secondary deciduous forest for 5 years in terms of their sex expression and fruiting habit. Two types of flowers, functionally male and female, were recognized. The adult population consisted of constant males, inconstants and constant females. Constant males, plants that bore exclusively male flowers throughout the study period, accounted for 87% of the adult population. Thirty-four inconstant plants (11%) changed their sex in various ways. Constant females which accounted for only 2% of the population, were significantly smaller plants than the other two morphs, and suffered greater mortality. Fruit set was consistent and generally high for plants bearing female flowers. Thirteen juvenile plants out of 17 began reproduction during the 5 years, and all became male. For inconstant plants, fluctuation in sex expression tended to be more frequent and/or greater in magnitude for smaller plants. However, there was no evidence of the directional sex transition predicted by the size advantage hypothesis. Plant health and the successional stage of the stand should be taken into account as well as resource allocation problems to explain the proximate mechanisms of sex expression.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that only precipitation levels (through increased primary production) determine irruptions of small mammals in semi-arid areas of western South America. Nevertheless, density-dependent factors may also drive population fluctuations. To test statistically these putative effects we analysed 11 years of population records on three sympatric species of small mammals at two different habitat types in north central Chile. We applied the classical diagnostic tools of time series analysis (the autocorrelation function: ACF) to the observed time series of three neotropical small mammals. We also used simple linear autoregressive time series models to reconstruct the endogenous dynamics of these populations. The analysis strongly suggests that population fluctuations of the three species have an important density-dependent component, with the most irruptive species (Phyllotis darwini, Waterhouse 1837) displaying stronger second order population feedbacks than the other two (Akodon olivaceus, Waterhouse 1837 and Thylamys elegans, Waterhouse 1839). The latter two species showed direct density-dependent feedbacks. We hypothesize that the frequent population outbreaks of P. darwini (and perhaps of other species) in semi-arid regions of western South America, may be the result of population-level (direct density- dependence) and community-level processes (delayed density-dependence), interacting with exogenous perturbations (rainfall and associated primary production).  相似文献   

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