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Waterfowl management is more effective when based on detailed information on population connectivity between breeding, wintering, and stopover sites. For the American black duck (Anas rubripes), a species of conservation concern, estimates for the fall age ratio at harvest differed depending on whether harvest data were derived from Canada or the United States, suggesting regional differences. Within Canada, hunters in Atlantic Canada were more likely to harvest black ducks from nearby breeding locations compared to hunters in southern Ontario and Quebec, Canada, who were more likely to harvest individuals from the Boreal Softwood and Taiga Shield of eastern Canada. Black ducks harvested in the United States are thought to originate predominantly from northern portions of the breeding range, leading to the flyover hypothesis, which postulates that black ducks produced in the Boreal Softwood and Taiga Shield region are less susceptible to harvest by hunters in Atlantic Canada and northeastern United States. To test the flyover hypothesis, we examined regional and temporal differences in the origins of harvested black ducks using feathers from wings (n = 664) submitted by hunters to the species composition and parts collection surveys across 3 hunting seasons (2017–2018, 2018–2019, 2019–2020). We used a likelihood-based assignment method that relied on feather stable-hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) and stable-carbon isotopes (δ13C) to determine the natal or molt origin of individuals harvested within eastern Canada and the United States. We also used a spatial clustering technique to group harvested individuals by area of origin without a priori knowledge of such regions. Adult female black ducks originated farther south compared to males and juveniles. All sexes and ages of black ducks harvested in Atlantic Canada showed predominantly southern origins, while those harvested in the United States and other Canadian provinces primarily originated farther north within the boreal, supporting the flyover hypothesis. By contrast, we found no relationship between timing of harvest or peaks of migration and individual origin. After combining band returns and stable isotopes, we inferred 2 distinct stocks: the Mississippi flyway stock and the Atlantic flyway stock. We recommend that regional demographic parameters, particularly for Atlantic Canada, be directly measured to promote more effective conservation of black ducks and optimize harvest opportunities in the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fishers (Martes pennanti) were extirpated from much of southern Ontario, Canada, prior to the 1950s. We hypothesised that the recent recolonization of this area originated from an expansion of the population in Algonquin Provincial Park, which historically served as a refuge for fishers. To test this hypothesis, we created a sampling lattice to encompass Algonquin and the surrounding area, and we collected contemporaneous DNA samples. We sampled fishers from each of 35 sites and genotyped them at 16 microsatellite loci. Using a Bayesian assignment approach, with no a priori geographic information, we inferred 5 discrete genetic populations and used genetic population assignment as a means to cluster sites together. We concluded that the Algonquin Park fisher population has not been a substantial source for recolonization and expansion, which has instead occurred from a number of remnant populations within Ontario, Quebec, and most recently from the Adirondacks in New York, USA. The genetic structure among sampling sites across the entire area revealed a pattern of isolation-by-distance (IBD). However, an examination of the distribution of genetic structure (FST/1- FST) at different distances showed higher rates of gene flow than predicted under a strict IBD model at small distances (40 km) within clusters and at larger distances up to 100 km among clusters. This pattern of genetic structure suggests increased migration and gene flow among expanding reproductive fronts.  相似文献   

The Florida mottled duck (Anas fulvigula fulvigula) inhabits a relatively small range of approximately 90,000 km2 within peninsular Florida, USA, and is threatened by habitat loss and genetic introgression with feral mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Moreover, the Florida mottled duck population status has not been assessed for more than a decade. We used band-recovery and recapture data from 2000–2013 to examine geographic and demographic factors that influence the survival of Florida mottled ducks and to determine whether survival and harvest probabilities have changed over time. Mean survival probabilities were higher for birds banded in the southern portion of their Florida range than for those banded in the northern portion and higher for adult males than for adult females in both areas. Harvest probabilities increased in the northern extent of its range in Florida for adults and juveniles and remained relatively constant in the southern portion of its range during the study period. Mean harvest probabilities for adult males in both areas were higher than for adult females. Mean harvest probability for juvenile females was higher than that for juvenile males in the north but was similar between the sexes in the south. Our results suggest that mortality rates are generally greater in the northern portion of the Florida mottled duck range because of regional differences in habitat distribution and permanence and in how mottled ducks and humans use wetlands in these areas. We suggest increasing conservation efforts in the north portion of the Florida mottled duck range and improving inferences from leg banding by incorporating live recapture data. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Understanding the population dynamics of migratory animals and predicting the consequences of environmental change requires knowing how populations are spatially connected between different periods of the annual cycle. We used stable isotopes to examine patterns of migratory connectivity across the range of the western sandpiper Calidris mauri. First, we developed a winter isotope basemap from stable‐hydrogen (δD), ‐carbon (δ13C), and ‐nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes of feathers grown in wintering areas. δD and δ15N values from wintering individuals varied with the latitude and longitude of capture location, while δ13C varied with longitude only. We then tested the ability of the basemap to assign known‐origin individuals. Sixty percent of wintering individuals were correctly assigned to their region of origin out of seven possible regions. Finally, we estimated the winter origins of breeding and migrant individuals and compared the resulting empirical distribution against the distribution that would be expected based on patterns of winter relative abundance. For breeding birds, the distribution of winter origins differed from expected only among males in the Yukon‐Kuskokwim (Y‐K) Delta and Nome, Alaska. Males in the Y‐K Delta originated overwhelmingly from western Mexico, while in Nome, there were fewer males from western North America and more from the Baja Peninsula than expected. An unexpectedly high proportion of migrants captured at a stopover site in the interior United States originated from eastern and southern wintering areas, while none originated from western North America. In general, we document substantial mixing between the breeding and wintering populations of both sexes, which will buffer the global population of western sandpipers from the effects of local habitat loss on both breeding and wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Fundamental to effective management of migratory waterbird populations is an understanding of their flyway delineation. Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalis wintering in NW Denmark, Scotland and England are considered to originate from northern and central Sweden, southern and central Norway (‘Western flyway’), those wintering in southern Sweden, NE and southern Denmark are considered to originate from northern Fennoscandia and western Russia (‘Central flyway’), and those wintering in eastern Germany and Poland (which show far less favourable conservation status) are thought to come from western Siberia (‘Eastern 1 flyway’), although evidence to demonstrate this has largely been lacking. Evidence for different natal and moult origins of Taiga Bean Geese was investigated using stable isotope analyses of feathers of four elements (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N and δ34S). There were significant differences in isotopic composition of feathers from Swedish (Central) and German (Eastern 1) wintering populations and those moulting in Sweden in late summer (Western), which validated the three proposed major management flyway units above. The strong continental gradient in the stable hydrogen isotope ratios in precipitation (δ2Hp) across the region was used to assign wintering birds geospatially to natal and moulting origin, indicating separate natal and moulting areas for German (= 37, from western Siberia) and Swedish (= 20, Fennoscandia and more western Russia) wintering birds. These results confirm the largely discrete nature of these three flyways and contribute significantly to our ability to deliver effective targeted and appropriate research, monitoring and management actions throughout the ranges of these flyways.  相似文献   

Canada Warblers (Cardellina canadensis) are long‐distance Neotropical migrants, but little is known about their migratory behavior and ecology. We examined the fall migration of Canada Warblers at two sites, Darién and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in northern Colombia from 2011 to 2015 using constant‐effort mist‐netting. Our objectives were to determine: 1) breeding origins and connectivity patterns, 2) migratory pathways, 3) the phenology of migration, 4) possible differences in movements between ages and sexes, 5) their body condition when arriving in Colombia, and 6) evidence of stopover and refueling. Stable hydrogen isotopes (δ2Hf) in flight feathers were analyzed to estimate breeding origins of captured Canada Warblers in North America. The δ2Hf values revealed that most Canada Warblers captured in the Darién likely originated from the central and northeastern regions of their breeding range. The capture of all but one of 162 Canada Warblers in the Darién also indicates a migration route through Central American rather than across the Caribbean Sea. Most captured birds were hatch‐year birds (91% vs. 9% after hatch‐year birds), and we captured more females (67%) than males (33%). Canada Warblers migrated through the Darién from 20 September to early November, with most arriving in mid‐October. Most (89%) individuals arrived with low fuel reserves. These results combined with estimated flight ranges revealed that 46% of the individuals captured in the Darién likely needed to refuel to continue migrating, whereas 31% could continue 50 to 200 km beyond our capture site. However, no individuals were recaptured so stopover duration could not be determined. Canada Warblers may adopt a strategy of 1‐d stopovers and short flights or, alternatively, the Darién may represent low‐quality habitat and birds quickly left our study site in search of suitable habitat. Further study is needed to determine the possible importance of other (montane) habitats for Canada Warblers in the Darién region to prioritize conservation actions.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic Iberian wetlands in southern Europe are well known for supporting large numbers of migratory Palaearctic waterbirds each winter. However, information on the geographical origin of dabbling ducks overwintering in these wetlands is scarce and mostly limited to data from ringing recoveries. Here, we used intrinsic isotopic markers to determine the geographical origin of male and female Northern Pintails Anas acuta and Eurasian Teal Anas crecca in Extremadura, inland Iberia, a key site for overwintering dabbling ducks. Additionally, we fitted six Northern Pintails with GPS‐GSM tags to complement the data derived from stable isotope analysis. Most (> 70%) first calendar‐year Northern Pintails were assigned to regions above 55°N, flying 2600–5600 km from their main natal regions to Extremadura. Mean values of δ2Hf varied significantly between male and female Northern Pintails, suggesting that the sexes had different geographical origins. Data from tagged adult Northern Pintails supported the isotopic data, one male flying more than 5000 km to the coast of the Pechora Sea (Russia). Most (> 70%) first calendar‐year Eurasian Teal were assigned to the region between 48° and 60°N, travelling 1500–4500 km to arrive in Extremadura. Male and female Eurasian Teal showed marginal differences in mean values of δ2Hf. In migratory dabbling ducks, pairing typically occurs on the wintering grounds, and ducks in their first winter can breed the following spring. For Northern Pintails, pair formation in Extremadura could occur between individuals with different geographical origins, which could contribute to the genetic variability of their offspring.  相似文献   

1. Many important insect pests undertake seasonal migrations at continental scales in response to changes in resource quality and availability. The frequency and timing of these events could be influenced by the impact of climate change on the suitability of the different sites exploited throughout the year, yet, in many cases, little is known about the origin of seasonal populations, as tracking insect movements is extremely challenging due to their small body size. 2. The use of stable isotope measurements in insect tissues combined with the development of tissue‐specific ‘isoscapes’ of modelled geographic isotope patterns presents a potentially valuable but rarely used approach for obtaining such information on important pest species. In this paper it is illustrated how stable hydrogen isotope analyses (δ2H) in wing chitin of the true armyworm (Mythimna (Psuedaletia) unipuncta Haworth), a seasonal migrant, clearly delineated between 2016 spring immigrants and later locally produced moths in southern Ontario, Canada. 3. It is shown that adult moths captured in early fall in Texas were immigrants from farther north, the first direct confirmation of a southward return migration of this species. Stable carbon isotope (δ13C) measurements indicated that spring immigrants in Ontario and autumn immigrants in Texas were from exclusively C3 biomes. Stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N) measurements also provided information on the probability of individuals coming from agriculturally intensive (i.e. higher δ15N) sites. Finally, several recommendations are provided regarding future research that could improve the Bayesian assignment models and thus improve assignment accuracy.  相似文献   

Declining numbers of Blackpoll Warblers (Setophaga striata) have been documented at long‐term migration monitoring sites as well as in breeding areas. However, the “loop migration” of Blackpoll Warblers makes it difficult to ascribe population change at migration monitoring sites to specific breeding populations. Individuals from all populations across the breeding range of Blackpoll Warblers concentrate in fall along the Atlantic coastline of eastern North America prior to initiating a transoceanic flight to wintering areas. In spring, Blackpoll Warblers return along a different route, moving north into the southeastern United States where birds from eastern and western breeding populations then diverge during migration to reach their respective breeding areas. To monitor breeding populations outside of breeding areas and identify factors potentially affecting those populations, we must be able to identify where birds captured during migration breed and map seasonal variation in population‐specific flyways. To “map” population‐specific migration movements of Blackpoll Warblers, we used feather deuterium (δ2Hf) values and a spatially explicit model to assign molt origins of 289 Blackpoll Warblers moving through sites in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) region and at three locations further west and south (northern Great Lakes area, Pennsylvania, and Florida). The assignment method was validated with feather samples from 35 birds captured during the breeding season at Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. As predicted, the spatial pattern of movement within and between seasons reflected “loop migration.” Blackpoll Warblers captured during fall migration in the GOM region included birds from across their breeding range, whereas birds captured during the spring were exclusively from northeastern populations. During fall migration, Blackpoll Warblers captured at two sites west of the GOM were from breeding areas further northwest than those from western Canada that were captured in the GOM. Blackpoll Warblers captured in eastern Florida during spring migration were assigned exclusively to breeding areas in the northeast, suggesting that eastern and western populations diverge soon after entering the United States. Finally, most Blackpoll Warblers sampled at Manomet Bird Observatory originated from breeding populations in Alaska and western Canada that have shown a similar (70–90%) decline over the same period. Our results, therefore, not only document the “loop migration” pattern of Blackpoll Warblers, but, by mapping patterns of connectivity between breeding and non‐breeding areas, may help target conservation efforts for breeding populations of Blackpoll Warblers where most needed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In many urban metropolitan areas, resident Canada goose (Branta canadensis) populations have grown to nuisance levels in spite of increasing harvest opportunity. To document differences in demographic parameters between urban and rural geese, I estimated probabilities of survival, recapture, recovery, and fidelity for adult resident Canada geese between 2001 and 2006 using banding, live recapture, and dead recovery data from 2 distinct banding locations in Georgia, USA. Adult survival rates were higher for urban geese (0.958, SE = 0.020) than for rural geese (0.682, SE = 0.049). Using estimated recovery probabilities of 0.505 (SE = 0.107) for urban and 0.463 (SE = 0.045) for rural geese, along with current estimates of crippling loss and reporting rate, the estimated mean harvest rate for urban geese was 0.029 (SE = 0.006) and for rural geese was 0.202 (SE = 0.020). Fidelity rates were similar between urban (0.730, SE = 0.033) and rural geese (0.713, SE = 0.069). This information suggests that urban segments of the Canada goose population have substantially higher survival than rural geese and are harvested at a very low rate, and that liberalizing hunting regulations may have little impact on Georgia's urban goose population. Wildlife managers may need to consider options other than sport hunting to control nuisance goose populations in urban areas.  相似文献   

Assessing spatial variation in waterfowl harvest probabilities from banding data is challenging because reporting and recovery probabilities have distinct spatial patterns that covary temporally with harvesting regulations, hunter effort, and reporting methods. We analyzed direct band recovery data from American black ducks banded on the Canadian breeding grounds from 1970 through 2010. Data were registered to a 1‐degree grid and analyzed using hierarchical logistic regression models with spatially correlated errors to estimate the annual probabilities of band recovery and the proportion of individuals recovered in Canada. Probability of harvest was estimated from these values, in combination with independent estimates of reporting probabilities in Canada and the USA. Model covariates included estimates of hunting effort and factors for harvest regulation and band reporting methods. Both the band recovery processes and the proportion of individuals recovered in Canada had significant spatial structure. Recovery probabilities were highest in southern Ontario, along the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec, and in Nova Scotia. Black ducks breeding in Nova Scotia and southern Quebec were harvested predominantly in Canada. Recovery probabilities for juveniles were correlated with hunter effort, while the adult recoveries were weakly correlated with the implementation of stricter harvest regulations in the early 1980s. Mean harvest probability decreased in the northern portion of the survey area but remained stable or even increased in the south. Harvest probabilities for juveniles in 2010 exceeded 20% in southern Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. Our results demonstrate fine‐scale variation in harvest probabilities for black duck on the Canadian breeding ground. In particular, harvest probabilities should be closely monitored along the Saint Lawrence River system and in the Atlantic provinces to avoid overexploitation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We studied movements and survival of 250 female giant Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) marked during incubation with either satellite-monitored platform transmitting terminals or very high frequency radiotransmitters at 27 capture areas in southern Michigan, USA, in 2000–2003. We destroyed nests of 168 radiomarked females by removing eggs after day 14 of incubation, and we left nests of 82 incubating hens undisturbed after capture and marking. Of females whose nests we experimentally destroyed, 80% subsequently migrated from breeding areas to molt remiges in Canada. Among 82 nests left undisturbed, 37 failed due to natural causes and 51% of those females departed. Migration incidence of birds that nested in urban parks was low (23%) compared with migration incidence of birds that nested in other classes of land use (87%). Departure of females from their breeding areas began during the second and third weeks of May, and most females departed during the last week of May and first week of June. Based on apparent molting locations of 227 marked geese, birds either made long-distance migratory movements >900 km, between latitudes 51° and 64° N, or they remained on breeding areas. Molting locations for 132 migratory geese indicated 4 primary destinations in Canada: Western Ungava Peninsula and offshore islands, Cape Henrietta Maria, Northeast James Bay and offshore islands, and Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay, Canada. Following molt of remiges, Canada geese began to return to their former nesting areas from 20 August through 3 September, with 37% arriving on or before 15 September and 75% arriving on or before 1 October. Migration routes of geese returning to spring breeding areas were relatively indirect compared with direct routes taken to molting sites. Although overall survival from May through November was 0.81 (95% CI: 0.74–0.88), survival of migratory geese marked on breeding sites where birds could be hunted was low (0.60; 95% CI: 0.42–0.75) compared with high survival of birds that remained resident where hunting was restricted (0.93; 95% CI: 0.84–0.97). Nest destruction can induce molt migration, increase hunting mortality of geese returning from molting areas, and reduce human-goose conflicts, but managers also should consider potential impacts of increasing numbers of molt migrants on populations of subarctic nesting Canada geese.  相似文献   

The origins of the ghost shiner, Notropis buchanani, in Ontario, Canada is not known. It has been assumed that the species was recently introduced because of the discontinuous geographic distribution between populations in Ontario and other more southern locales. To evaluate this assumption, we completed a systematic morphological study of ghost shiner collected from Ontario, Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Morphological similarity among specimens along this northeast–southwest gradient supports the assumption that the Ontario populations are not the result of a recent introduction. Dissimilarity along this axis would support the hypothesis that the species has been isolated in Ontario. Based on the pattern of morphological differentiation among populations and locales considered in our analysis, the Ontario populations appear to represent a species native to Canada. These fish were likely overlooked during earlier biotic surveys. The degree of morphological differentiation, characterised particularly in the head morphology, suggests that the ghost shiner in Canada is at the racial level of segregation, and does not warrant further subspecific designation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fleshy fruit is a key food resource for both game and nongame wildlife, and it may be especially important for migratory birds during fall and for resident birds and mammals during winter. Land managers need to know how land uses affect the quantities and species of fruit produced in different forest types and how fruit production varies seasonally and as young stands mature. During June 1999-April 2004, we quantified fleshy fruit abundance monthly in 31 0.1-ha plots in 2 silvicultural treatments: 1) young 2-age stands with low basal area retention, created by shelterwood-with-reserves regeneration cuts (R; harvested 1998–1999); and 2) uncut mature closed-canopy stands (M) in 2 common southern Appalachian, USA, forest types (upland hardwood and cove hardwood [CH] forests). Over the 5-year study period, total dry pulp biomass production was low and relatively constant in both M forest types (x̄ = 0.5-2.0 kg/ha). In contrast, fruit production increased each year in R, and it was 5.0 to 19.6 times greater in R than in M stands beginning 3–5 years postharvest. Two disturbance-associated species, pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) and blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis), produced a large proportion of fruit in R but showed different patterns of establishment and decline. Huckleberry (Gaylussacia ursina) recovered rapidly after harvest and was a major producer in both silvicultural treatments and forest types each year. Several herbaceous species that are not associated with disturbance produced more fruit in CHR. Few species produced more fruit in M than in R. Fruit production by most tree species was similar between R and M, due to fruiting by stump sprouts in R within 1–3 years postharvest. Fruit availability was highest during summer and early fall. American holly (Ilex opaca), sumac (Rhus spp.), and greenbriar (Smilax spp.) retained fruit during winter months but were patchy in distribution. In the southern Appalachians, young recently regenerated stands provide abundant fruit compared to mature forest stands and represent an important source of food for wildlife for several years after harvest. Fruit availability differs temporally and spatially because of differences in species composition, fruiting phenology, and the dynamic process of colonization and recovery in recently harvested stands. Land managers could enhance fruit availability for many game and nongame species by creating or maintaining young stands within forests.  相似文献   

Here we characterize genetic patterns across the range of House Sparrows in Kenya using six microsatellite markers. We screened House Sparrows from two remote locations in northern Kenya, Marsabit (n = 24) and Wajir (n = 27), which are separated from other colonized areas in Kenya by minimally developed, arid habitat, and then compared these birds with House Sparrows in 10 more central and longer established Kenyan cities (n = 233) in this range. House Sparrows from Marsabit and Wajir originated from a separate source, probably Somalia and/or Ethiopia, from other Kenyan House Sparrows, probably Mombasa. Furthermore, the genetic characteristics of northern and southern populations indicate that they have not yet mixed, supporting a hypothesis that the large, minimally (human) developed, arid landscape spanning nearly all of northern Kenya, including the 100 000 km2 Chalbi Desert, is a barrier to dispersal for House Sparrows.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fishers (Martes pennanti) were almost extirpated in Ontario, Canada, south of the French and Mattawa rivers by the 1940s but have recolonized much of their former range over the past several decades. We assessed the effect of the current harvest quota on a fisher population in eastern Ontario by estimating home range size and population density from a sample of radiocollared animals. Mean (± SD) adult home ranges (based on annual 95% min. convex polygons) were consistently smaller than those reported in the literature (M: 11 ± 4.4 km2; F: 2.1 ± 0.8 km2), with up to 71% overlap of adjacent intrasexual home ranges. This yielded an estimated adult fisher population density of 32.7/100 km2 of suitable habitat, as defined by the habitat composition within observed home ranges. We further estimated that between 2003 and 2005, trappers harvested 17.8-42.3% of the pretrapping population. These results suggest that although current fisher population density is high in our study area compared to reported densities in other areas, harvest rate is also high and an increase in quota is unwarranted.  相似文献   

The world's oceans have undergone significant ecological changes following European colonial expansion and associated industrialization. Seabirds are useful indicators of marine food web structure and can be used to track multidecadal environmental change, potentially reflecting long‐term human impacts. We used stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of feathers from glaucous‐winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) in a heavily disturbed region of the northeast Pacific to ask whether diets of this generalist forager changed in response to shifts in food availability over 150 years, and whether any detected change might explain long‐term trends in gull abundance. Sampled feathers came from birds collected between 1860 and 2009 at nesting colonies in the Salish Sea, a transboundary marine system adjacent to Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. To determine whether temporal trends in stable isotope ratios might simply reflect changes to baseline environmental values, we also analysed muscle tissue from forage fishes collected in the same region over a multidecadal timeframe. Values of δ13C and δ15N declined since 1860 in both subadult and adult gulls (δ13C, ~ 2–6‰; δ15N, ~4–5‰), indicating that their diet has become less marine over time, and that birds now feed at a lower trophic level than previously. Conversely, forage fish δ13C and δ15N values showed no trends, supporting our conclusion that gull feather values were indicative of declines in marine food availability rather than of baseline environmental change. Gradual declines in feather isotope values are consistent with trends predicted had gulls consumed less fish over time, but were equivocal with respect to whether gulls had switched to a more garbage‐based diet, or one comprising marine invertebrates. Nevertheless, our results suggest a long‐term decrease in diet quality linked to declining fish abundance or other anthropogenic influences, and may help to explain regional population declines in this species and other piscivores.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fishers (Martes pennanti) have recolonized eastern Ontario, Canada, but little is known about the survival of this harvested population. We estimated fisher survival and cause-specific mortality in Leeds and Grenville County, Ontario, from 2003–2005. The overall 2-year survival rate (95% CI) was 0.35 (0.21-0.56, n = 59). We attributed observed mortality rates mainly to natural causes (28.6%) and nuisance trapping (21.4%). Given reported recruitment rates, our estimated fisher mortality has likely led to population declines in the study area, especially during 2003. Thus, we do not recommend an increase in fisher harvest quotas in the study area at this time.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial linkages between areas used by migratory animals during the annual cycle is fundamental to their conservation. Stable isotope measurements of animal tissues can be a valuable tool in understanding spatial connectivity and migration phenology of migratory wildlife. We inferred natal origins of two migratory passerines, European Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and European Robin Erithacus rubecula, captured during autumn migration in the Italian Alps, by combining feather δ2H (δ2Hf) and ring recovery data. We used a spatially explicit likelihood-based method to assign individuals to a precipitation δ2H surface calibrated to represent feather δ2H, together with the directional probability of origin from ring recoveries. The highest probabilities of origin for most individuals of both species were in central and north-eastern Europe. Seasonal trends in δ2Hf, which described the species’ migratory phenology through the Italian Alps, were correlated with feather δ13C, δ15N and δ34S values, indicating strong spatial discrimination related to continental patterns for these isotopes. We demonstrate how this combined information can define catchment areas and migratory connectivity of birds intercepted in the Alps. We highlight the importance of ringing data in defining directional priors to define Bayesian-based probability surfaces using continental δ2Hf isoscapes, and how such information can be used to inform estimates of migratory connectivity.  相似文献   

The range of the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) has contracted substantially from its historical range. Using harvest records, we found that the southern range of the lynx in Ontario in the late 1940s collapsed and then, in a short period of time, increased to its largest extent in the mid‐1960s when the lynx range spread south of the boreal forest for a decade. After this expansion, the southern range contracted northwards beginning in the 1970s. Most recently, there has been a slight expansion between 2010 and 2017. We have attributed these dynamics on the southern range periphery to the fluctuation of the boreal lynx population in the core of the species'' range. In addition, connectivity to boreal lynx populations and snow depth seemed to condition whether the lynx expanded into an area. However, we did not find any evidence to suggest that these changes were due to anthropogenic landscape disturbances or competition. The boreal lynx population does not reach the peak abundance it once did, without which we would not expect to see large expansions of the southern lynx range as in the mid‐1960s. Our results suggest that the southern lynx range in Ontario has been driven by the magnitude of the boreal lynx population cycle, connectivity to the boreal forest, and snow conditions. Future persistence of lynx in the southern range periphery will likely depend on dynamics in the range core.  相似文献   

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