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All species that have been described in Apicalia , except the type-species, are transferred to other eulimid genera. Three species earlier included in other genera and four new species are placed in Apicalia , viz. A. angulata sp.n. A, cicatricosa sp.n. A. echinasteri sp.n. (all three Queensland), and A. habei sp.n. (Japan). Those of which the hosts are known are all ectoparasites of asteroids. Two of the seven species previously included in Stilapex are excluded and four species earlier placed in other genera are transferred to Stilapex . The members of the latter genus are parasites of ophiuroids. Tropiometricola gen.n. is erected to include Stilifer sphaeroconcha Habe, a crinoid parasite. Parvioris gen.n. is described with Eulima fulvescens A. Adams as type species. A list of species described in eulimid genera and fitting Parvioris is given. P. australiensis sp.n. (W. Australia), P. blakeae sp.n. (Mauritius), P. mortoni sp.n. (Hong Kong), and P. noumeae sp.n. (New Caledonia) are described. Those species of which the host is known, are all ectoparasites of starfishes.  相似文献   

Abstract The anatomy of the neopilinoid limpet Micropilina arntzi (Warén & Hain, 1992, The Veliger 35: 165–176) is described on the basis of graphic reconstructions of semithin serial sections. Hard parts, anatomical features and reproductive biology of the minute species differ considerably from those of all other anatomically known neopilinoid species. Therefore, Micropilinidae fam. nov. is erected for this genus. Micropilina arntzi may be considered as partly paedomorphic with respect to the seriality of ventilatory (ctenidia), excretory or genital organs, or may represent an archaic condition within the Tryblidiida. Ontogenetic and comparative anatomical data strongly suggest that the serial repetition of the various organ systems should be regarded as one of several autapomorphic features of the Neopilinoidea (Tryblidiida).  相似文献   

Ivanova  E. P.  Mikhailov  V. V. 《Microbiology》2001,70(1):10-17
The taxonomic positions of the marine genera Alteromonas, Pseudoalteromonas, Idiomarina, and Colwellia within the gamma subclass of the class Proteobacteria were specified on the basis of their phenotypic, genotypic, and phylogenetic characteristics. Gram-negative aerobic bacteria of the genera Alteromonas, Pseudoalteromonas, and Idiomarina and facultatively anaerobic bacteria of the genus Colwellia were found to form a phylogenetic cluster with a 16S rRNA sequence homology of 90% or higher. The characteristics of these genera presented in this paper allow their reliable taxonomic identification. Based on the analysis of our experimental data and analyses available in the literature, we propose to combine the genera Alteromonas, Pseudoalteromonas, Idiomarina, and Colwellia into a new family, Alteromonadaceae fam. nov., with the type genus Alteromonas.  相似文献   

茧蜂亚科中有些类群复眼具毛,种数稀少,标本较难采到。本文记述中国茧蜂亚科中复眼具毛的3属及1新种,它们分别为:宽凹茧蜂属ChelonogastraAshmead,1900;埃茧蜂属EctemnoplaxEnderlein,1920和集点茧蜂属PycnobraconCameron,1902,及西藏埃茧蜂Ectemnoplaxxizanginensis,sp.nov.,其中1属未发现标本。同时提供3属检索表,另附各属及新种的形态特征图,所有标本保存在浙江大学昆虫科学研究所。埃茧蜂属EctemnoplaxEnderlein,19201.西藏埃茧蜂Ectemnoplaxxizanginensis,新种(图1a~f)正模:♀,西藏墨脱,背崩,1980-Ⅱ-02,金根桃,吴建毅。该种与粒腹毛眼茧蜂EctemnoplaxperuliventrisEnderlein较为相似,但可通过如下特征区别:翅脉cu-a微弱后叉;第2腹背板具微弱中基三角区,后端延伸至第2~3腹背板间沟缝;第4腹背板中基具月牙形黑色区,剩余区域淡黄。分布:中国(西藏)。2.白腹埃茧蜂EctemnoplaxperuliventrisEnderlein,1920分布:中国(海南、台湾)和日本。宽凹茧蜂属ChelonogastraAshmead,1900据报道,该属有2种中国台湾曾有分布,但本次研究中未发现其标本。3.台湾宽凹茧蜂ChelonogastraformosanaWatanabe,1937分布:中国(台湾)和日本。4.山岳宽凹茧蜂ChelonogastrakoebeleiAshmead,1900(图2a~e)分布:中国(台湾)和日本。集点茧蜂属PycnobraconCameron,1902,中国新记录5.黑集点茧蜂PycnobraconnigerCameron,1902,中国新记录(图3a-h)研究标本:1♂,浙江古田山,1990-Ⅴ-01,马云,No.906148。分布:中国(浙江);印澳区。  相似文献   

Ten species of lagenophryid peritrichs in three genera are redescribed or described for the first time. Based on this information, the family Lagenophryidae was found to consist of five genera: Lagenophrys, Paralagenophrys, Clistolagenophrys n. g., Setonophrys, and Operculigera. Lagenophryid genera differ in gross structure of the lorica aperture and the peristomial sphincter associated with it. Shape of the lorica and mode of attachment to the host are not generic characteristics in the Lagenophryidae. Differences in shape evolved within each of the three largest lagenophryid genera merely as adaptations for attachment to different parts of a host. Usconophrys, formerly in the Lagenophryidae, and Cyclodonta are assigned to the family Usconophryidae n. fam., which is characterized by possession of a lorica, lack of a closure apparatus operated by the peristomial sphincter, and possession of an operculariform peristome. Lagenophrys, Setonophrys, and Paralagenophrys appear to have evolved separately and convergently from ancestors within Operculigera. Lagenophryid lorica apertures consisting of opposing lips probably evolved as tight seals to prevent water loss when the host is temporarily out of water. The greater diversity and wider distribution of Lagenophrys compared with other lagenophryid genera may result from an advantage in recolonizing hosts conferred by second-type division.  相似文献   

Twelve new species of Polycystididae Graff, 1905 are described from the Australian east coast. Nine of them could not be placed in any of the existing genera, and therefore six new genera are erected. Alchoides n. gen. differs from all other polycystidid genera by the presence of a bundle of glands that opens into the distal part of the male atrium (accessory vesicle type V). Two species are included in the genus, A. alchoides n. sp. and A. dittmannae n. sp., which differ from each other in the shape of the stylet. Ametochus gehrkei n. gen n. sp. can be distinguished from other polycystidids by the presence of a prostate vesicle type III associated with a prostate stylet type III, combined with the presence of an accessory stylet type III, while a prostate stylet type II is lacking. Typical for Arrawarria inexpectata n. gen n. sp. is the combined presence of an armed cirrus with a prostate vesicle type II connected to a prostate stylet type II. Two species are assigned to the new genus Duplexostylus n. gen.: D. rowei n. sp. and D. winsori n. sp. These two species have two unique features: a prostate vesicle type IV directly connected to a prostate stylet type III and an asymmetrical septum that surrounds the proximal part of the male atrium. They can be distinguished from each other by differences in the detailed construction of their stylets. Two new species are placed in the new genus Stradorhynchus n. gen.: S. caecus n. sp. and S. terminalis n. sp. They have unpaired gonads and a prostate vesicle type IV connected to a prostate stylet type IV, which combination of characters makes them unique within the Polycystididae. The two species differ from each other in the shape and size of the stylet. Triaustrorhynchus armatus n. gen., n. sp. is the first species of the Polycystididae to have three types of stylet in the male atrium: a prostate stylet type II, a prostate stylet type III and an accessory stylet type III. Three new species could be placed in existing genera: Cincturorhynchus monaculeus n. sp., Paraustrorhynchus caligatus n. sp. and Polycystis australis n. sp. All three differ from their congeners in the form and dimensions of their stylets. All newly described species are discussed, giving their similarities and differences with resembling species. Austrorhynchus hawaiiensis Karling, 1977 is reported for the first time in Australia, and the Australian population is compared with populations from other regions. The presence of Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831, one new species of Paulodora Marcus, 1948 and a new genus of Typhlopolycystidinae Evdonin, 1977 is mentioned.  相似文献   

Entodiniomorph ciliates, belonging to the family Cycloposthiidae, are described from the stomach contents of Hippopotamus amphibius. Monoposthium acanthum gen. n., sp. n., with typical cycloposthiid structure, differs from other genera in having only 1 caudalium. Parentodinium gen. n., represented by P. africanum sp. n. and P. ostrea sp. n., although superficially resembling Entodinium, is considered to be a relatively unspecialized cycloposthiid.  相似文献   

Distributed in tropical and warm-temperate waters worldwide, Lobophora species are found across the Greater Caribbean (i.e., Caribbean sensu stricto, Gulf of Mexico, Florida, the Bahamas, and Bermuda). We presently discuss the diversity, ecology, biogeography, and evolution of the Greater Caribbean Lobophora species based on previous studies and an extensive number of samples collected across the eastern, southern, and to a lesser extent western Caribbean. A total of 18 Lobophora species are now documented from the Greater Caribbean, of which five are newly described (L. agardhii sp. nov., L. dickiei sp. nov., L. lamourouxii sp. nov., L. richardii sp. nov., and L. setchellii sp. nov.). Within the Greater Caribbean, the eastern Caribbean and the Central Province are the most diverse ecoregion and province (16 spp.), respectively. Observed distribution patterns indicate that Lobophora species from the Greater Caribbean have climate affinities (i.e., warm-temperate vs. tropical affinities). In total, 11 Lobophora species exclusively occur in the Greater Caribbean; six are present in the western Atlantic; two in the Indo-Pacific; and one in the eastern Pacific. Biogeographic analyses support that no speciation occurred across the Isthmus of Panama, and that the Greater Caribbean acted as a recipient region for species from the Indo-Pacific and as a region of diversification as well as a donor region to the North-eastern Atlantic. The Greater Caribbean is not an evolutionary dead end for Lobophora, but instead generates and exports diversity. Present results illustrate how sampling based on DNA identification is reshaping biogeographic patterns, as we know them.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Composition of rumen ciliate fauna in five Zambian, sassaby antelopes was determined. Six genera, 18 species, and four forms were identified. One new species and form, belonging to the subfamily Diplodiniinae, were found, then labeled Ostracodinium damaliscus n. sp. and Diplodinium bubalidis f. aspinosum n. f., respectively. Only ophryoscolecid species were present while isotrichids were absent. Twelve of 18 total species are commmonly found in African antelopes. Three of those 12 species, Entodinium fyferi, Enoploplastron garstangi and Opisthotrichum janus , are only found in African antelopes. Percentage composition was low in the genera ml of rumen fluid, and the average number of ciliate species per host was 17.2.  相似文献   

Eight species of loricate choanoflagellates (Acanthoecidae), Acanthoecopsis spiculifera Norris, Bicosta antennigera Moestrup, Bicosta spinifera Throndsen, Calliacantha multispina Manton & Oates, Calliacantha simplex Manton & Oates, Crinolina aperta Leadbeater, Diaphanoeca multiannulata n. sp., and Parvicorbicula socialis (Meunier) Deflandre, have been observed, by light and electron microscopy, in samples obtained from the Weddell Sea during the austral summer of 1977. Diaphanoeca multiannulata is described for the first time from these samples: the other organisms are discussed. The distribution of most species within the Weddell Sea was widespread. Habitats in which choanoflagellates were found included the water column, the edge of (or ponds on) ice floes, and the interior of ice floes. The distributional, environmental, habitat, and/or morphological range of all previously described species is expanded. Methods of variation of transverse costal diameters between genera may be potentially useful to the understanding of taxonomy and phylogeny of this family.  相似文献   

Using standard methods, we studied the morphology and 18S rDNA sequence of some peritrich ciliates from tank bromeliads of Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Ecuador. The new genus Orborhabdostyla differs from Rhabdostyla by the discoidal macronucleus. Two species from the literature and a new species from Ecuadoran tank bromeliads are combined with the new genus: O. previpes (Claparède and Lachmann, 1857) nov. comb., O. kahli (Nenninger, 1948) nov. comb., and O. bromelicola nov. spec. Orborhabdostyla bromelicola is a slender species with stalk-like narrowed posterior half and operculariid/epistylidid oral apparatus. An epistylidid relationship is also suggested by the gene sequence. Vorticella gracilis, described by Dujardin (1841) from French freshwater, belongs to the V. convallaria complex but differs by the yellowish colour and the number of silverlines. The classification as a distinct species is supported by the 18S rDNA, which differs nearly 10% from that of V. convallaria s. str. Based on the new data, especially the very stable yellowish colour, we neotypify V. gracilis with the Austrian population studied by Foissner (1979). Vorticella gracilis forms a strongly supported phyloclade together with V. campanula, V. fusca and V. convallaria, while Vorticellides astyliformis and Vorticella microstoma branch in a separate, fully-supported clade that includes Astylozoon and Opisthonecta. The new genus Vorticellides comprises five small (usually < 60 μm), barrel-shaped species with two epistomial membranes: V. aquadulcis (Stokes, 1887) nov. comb., V. astyliformis (Foissner, 1981) nov. comb., V. platysoma (Stokes, 1887) nov. comb., V. infusionum (Dujardin, 1841) nov. comb., and V. (Spinivorticellides) echini (King, 1931) nov. comb. Two of these species are redescribed in the present study: V. astyliformis and V. aquadulcis, which is neotypified with a Costa Rican population. Pseudovorticella bromelicola nov. spec. differs from the congeners by the location of the two contractile vacuoles and the number of silverlines.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Juvenile specimens of opahs (Lampridae) from the Southwest Atlantic, southeastern Pacific Ocean, and Gulf of Guinea are described. A taxonomic review of the composition of...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Two populations of Paracichlidotherus (Ciliophora. Nyctotheridae) were collected from the intestines of the Surgeon-fishes, Zebrasoma flavescens. and Acanthurus nigricans , from waters around the island of Guam. They were examined after Protargol staining and compared with the type population for 14 morphological characters. Right and left posterior short kinetal rows of very close kinetosomes and apparently fused cilia are described based on light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. They often appear to be part of a second posterior suture system on each side. From transmission electron microscopic studies, kinetid structures of somatic dikinetids are described and compared for normal and fused cilia. They are similar, but in the latter, a fibril connects adjacent dikinetids. The buccal overture is V shaped at its posterior aspect. The genus is described more fully based on these characteristics.  相似文献   

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