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On the basis of previous findings of behavioural discrimination of amino acids and on the knowledge of electrophysiology of the catfish (genera Ictalurus and Ameiurus) olfactory organs, behavioural experiments that investigated olfactory discrimination of amino acid mixtures were carried out on the black bullhead Ameiurus melas. Repeated presentations of food‐rewarded mixtures released increased swimming activity measured by counting the number of turns >90° within 90 s of stimulus addition. Non‐rewarded amino acids and their mixtures released little swimming activity, indicating that A. melas discriminated between the conditioned and the non‐conditioned stimuli. Two questions of mixture discrimination were addressed: (1) Are A. melas able to detect components within simple and complex amino acid mixtures? (2) What are the smallest differences between two complex mixtures that A. melas can detect? Three and 13 component mixtures tested were composed primarily of equipotent amino acids [determined by equal electroolfactogram (EOG) amplitude] that contained L‐Cys at ×100 the equipotent concentration. Ameiurus melas initially perceived the ternary amino acid mixture as its more stimulatory component alone [i.e. cysteine (Cys)], whereas the conditioned 13 component mixture containing the more stimulatory L‐Cys was perceived immediately as different from L‐Cys alone. The results indicate that components of ternary mixtures are detectable by A. melas but not those of more complex mixtures. To test for the smallest detectable differences in composition between similar multimixtures, all mixture components were equipotent. Initially, A. melas were unable to discriminate the mixtures of six amino acids from the conditioned mixtures of seven amino acids, whereas they discriminated immediately the mixtures of four and five amino acids from the conditioned mixture. Experience with dissimilar mixtures enabled the A. melas to start discriminating the seven‐component conditioned mixture from its six‐component counterparts. After fewer than five training trials, A. melas discriminated the mixtures of nine and 10 amino acids from a conditioned mixture of 12 equipotent amino acids; however, irrespective of the number of training trials, A. melas were unable to discriminate the 12 component mixture from its 11 component counterparts.  相似文献   

In the present study we examined and compared external morphology as well as osteological characters of two species of the genus Ameiurus (Teleostei, Ictaluridae): the black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) and brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), two catfish species that are invasive to Europe. In total 83 (53 and 30) individuals were captured in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic and further analysed. For genetic screening of both Ameiurus species were chosen three DNA regions: part of nuclear Recombination activating gene 1 (RAG-1), mitochondrial gene for cytochrome b (cyt b) and mitochondrial sequence which includes 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes. The results presented in this paper concern specific osteological characteristics (original scheme of pectoral spine and pectoral girdle) used for the determination purposes and also verification that mathematical multivariate methods for external morphology analysis can be used for the determination of Ameiurus species. The summary of 80 out of 83 fish (96.4 %) was correctly classified using the discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

The North American catfish, the black bullhead Ameiurus melas, is recorded for the first time in Poland. The origin of these fish is not clear, but their presence may be associated with unregulated introductions by anglers.  相似文献   

Benthivorous fish in shallow, aquatic systems have been correlated with increased turbidity and declines in macrophyte production and wildlife use. Bullheads have been credited with increasing turbidity, but this has been seldom tested and has not been studied in a diked marsh. To assess the relationships of black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) and turbidity, we assembled mesocosmsin the Show Pool Management Unit of The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, OH, U.S.A. We stocked treatment enclosures with different biomasses of black bullhead at weekly intervals. Mean turbidity within treatment enclosures was significantly higher than within controls but remained lower than that of the open marsh. Both surface and bottom turbidity increased with adult and juvenile black bullhead biomass. Turbidity increased with fine sand concentration only in the presence of juvenile fish. Wind speed and direction were significant influences on the turbidity of the open marsh, but not within control enclosures. That treatment turbidity – even at extreme biomasses – remained significantly lower than the turbidity of the open marsh implicates fetch in having a greater influence on a marsh's turbidity than the presence of black bullhead. The greater impact of benthivorous fish on turbidity within shallow systems may be an indirect one through the destruction of macrophytes and subsequent destabilization of unconsolidated substrates.  相似文献   

External morphology in black bullhead Ameiurus melas, a fish species considered to have high invasive potential, was studied in its four non‐native European populations (British, French, Italian and Slovak). The aim of this study was to examine this species' variability in external morphology, including ontogenetic context, and to evaluate its invasive potential. Specimens from all non‐native populations reached smaller body size compared to individuals from native populations. Juvenile A. melas were found to have a relatively uniform body shape regardless of the population's origin, whereas adults developed different phenotypes depending upon location. Specimens from the U.K., Slovak and French populations appeared to be rather similar to each other, whereas the Italian population showed the most distant phenotype. This probably results from the different thermal regime in the Italian habitat. Ameiurus melas from non‐native European populations examined in this study showed some potential to alter the body shape both within and between populations. The phenotypic plasticity of A. melas, however, was not found to be as significant as in other invasive fish species. The results suggest that morphological variability itself is not necessarily essential for invasive success. The invasiveness of A. melas is therefore probably favoured by variations in its life‐history traits and reproduction variables, together with some behavioural traits (e.g. voracious feeding and parental care) rather than by phenotypic plasticity expressed in external morphology.  相似文献   

The influence of the invasive black bullhead Ameiurus melas on the predatory efficiency of the pike Esox lucius was investigated using an additive experimental design. Pike predatory success on 0+ years roach Rutilus rutilus was significantly reduced in the presence of black bullhead. Among the different hypotheses that may explain such a pattern, the hypothesis of direct competition between pike and black bullhead was not verified, as black bullhead hardly fed on roach. Similarly, pike predatory efficiency did not decrease with turbidity, rejecting therefore the hypothesis of an indirect effect through black bullhead-generated turbidity. Therefore, the reduced predatory efficiency of pike was probably related to behavioural interference between pike and black bullhead. These laboratory results confirm the potential negative impact of black bullhead on native European fauna, with a particular emphasis on pike, which is a top predator considered as vulnerable in some European regions.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the exotic invasive black bullhead Ameiurus melas was conducted in the Iberian Peninsula for the first time. Dietary analysis based on the stomach contents of individuals caught in several Iberian basins was carried out as a first step to evaluate its potential threat for the native Iberian ichthyofauna. Aquatic macroinvertebrates (mainly Chironomidae) dominated the black bullhead's diet in all size-classes and sites, irrespective of natural riverine or artificial lentic habitats. Secondary prey items were responsible for the observed between-sites (microcrustaceans in artificial lentic habitat; oligochaeta and caddisfly larvae in natural riverine habitats) and ontogenetic diet differences (from microcrustaceans to larger prey). These diet variations were also detected in trophic diversity values and feeding strategy plots. Black bullheads consumed plant material, terrestrial prey and co-occurring fish species (native or exotic) and thus they could be considered as generalist or opportunistic, foraging on the most abundant and available prey. There was no positive relationship between black bullhead size (total length) and fish prey size, probably indicating piscivory on dead or dying vulnerable fishes as well as predation on smaller-sized active fishes. The results showed that the black bullhead could negatively affect native Iberian ichthyofauna throughout direct predation and competition. Aspects of potential conservation and management implications of fishes resulting from the undesirable presence of the black bullhead in Iberian water bodies are discussed.  相似文献   

Following i.p. mercuric chloride injections, the mercury was deposited primarily in the kidneys. Simultaneous selenium injections prevented mercury induced osmoregulatory failure even though selenium strongly promoted the movement of mercury to the kidneys and its deposition in an approximate 1:1 mercuric selenite ratio. Whole-body retention of mercury was not altered by simultaneous subcutaneous injections of sodium selenite.  相似文献   

The relationship between coelomic injections of mercuric chloride doses and osmoregulatory responses was measured. Response parameters were weight increases and blood osmolarity decreases 72 hr after dose administration. Massive edema and large decreases in blood osmolarity could be completely prevented by subcutaneous injections of equimolar sodium selenite. Mercury induced damage did not involve alterations of either selenium-dependent or non-selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activities.  相似文献   

Carcass decomposition largely depends on vertebrate scavengers. However, how behavioral differences between vertebrate scavenger species, the dominance of certain species, and the diversity of the vertebrate scavenger community affect the speed of carcass decomposition is poorly understood. As scavenging is an overlooked trophic interaction, studying the different functional roles of vertebrate species in the scavenging process increases our understanding about the effect of the vertebrate scavenger community on carcass decomposition. We used motion‐triggered infrared camera trap footages to profile the behavior and activity of vertebrate scavengers visiting carcasses in Dutch nature areas. We grouped vertebrate scavengers with similar functional roles. We found a clear distinction between occasional scavengers and more specialized scavengers, and we found wild boar (Sus scrofa) to be the dominant scavenger species in our study system. We showed that these groups are functionally different within the scavenger community. We found that overall vertebrate scavenger diversity was positively correlated with carcass decomposition speed. With these findings, our study contributes to the understanding about the different functional roles scavengers can have in ecological communities.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Sciadicleithrum variabilum on the gills of discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus larvae 7 days after hatching is reported for the first time. This suggests that altricial larvae are susceptible to Monogenea following gill differentiation and before complete yolk resorption.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to use geometric morphometry as a helpful tool to clarify the overlap between meristic characters (such as the number of anal fin rays) of different fish identification keys employed for the two sister species, Ameiurus melas and Ameiurus nebulosus. Geometric morphometry included shape analysis of 15 landmarks on 432 specimens. The analyses showed significant differences among groups based on the sampling site, while there was no difference among groups based on the number of anal fin rays (used to distinguish species). This suggests that the use of meristic characters for the determination of these two sister species is rather questionable.  相似文献   

1. Mercuric chloride injections (10 μmol/kg) caused renal nonprotein sulfhydryls (NPSH) to decrease within 3 hr and then increase by 72 hr after injection.2. Selenium injections (10 μmol/kg) caused renal NPSH increases.3. The Se-promoted increases in renal NPSH more than compensated for the Hg-induced decreases when the two elements were simultaneously injected.4. This Se-promoted increase in renal NPSH may explain why Se promotes renal uptake of Hg when the two elements are simultaneously injected.5. Glutathione accounted for most (77–95%) of the NPSH.  相似文献   

Yellow bullhead (Ictaluridae: Ameiurus natalis) is the most abundant ictalurid catfish in the Everglades of southern Florida, USA, and, as both prey and predator, is one of many essential components in the ecological‐simulation models used in assessing restoration success in the Everglades. Little is known of its biology and life history in this southernmost portion of its native range; the present study provides the first estimates of age and growth from the Everglades. In total, 144 yellow bullheads of 97–312 mm total length (TL) were collected from canals and marshes of the Everglades between April 2000 and January 2001, and from October 2003 to February 2005. Fish were aged using cross‐sections of pectoral spines and ranged from 1–12 years, with the maximum age almost twice that of any yellow bullhead previously reported. Yellow bullheads from south Florida grew relatively rapidly during their first 3 years, but after age 5 growth slowed and fish approached an asymptote of ~214 mm TL. Compared to other populations in the United States, yellow bullhead in the Everglades grew relatively slowly, were smaller at age overall, but survived to older ages.  相似文献   

The high non-bicarbonate buffer capacity of brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) plasma was postulated to function as an alternative mechanism for the protection of red blood cell (RBC) intracellular pH (pHi) in the absence or attenuation of a RBC adrenergic response. The requirement for protecting RBC pHi arises from the presence of a Root effect haemoglobin in bullhead. In support of this hypothesis, bullhead RBCs incubated in vitro with isoproterenol (10(-8)-10(-5) mol l(-1)) or forskolin (10(-4) mol l(-1)) exhibited significant cyclic AMP accumulation, but failed to exhibit cell swelling or significant Na(+) or Cl(-) accumulation; plasma pH (pHe) was also unaffected. Similarly, no significant effect on RBC water content, Na(+) or Cl(-) concentration, or pHe was detected in bullhead blood incubated with 8-bromo cyclic AMP (10(-4)-10(-2) mol l(-1)) in vitro. These results suggest that while bullhead RBCs possess a beta-adrenoreceptor linked to cyclic AMP formation, stimulation of this adrenergic receptor does not result in measurable activation of a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger.  相似文献   

We identified four new polymorphic microsatellite loci in bluefin killifish (Lucania goodei) and five loci in yellow bullheads (Ameiurus natalis). We screened 400 killifish from 20 populations and 180 bullheads from nine populations, finding a high degree of polymorphism (nine to 54 alleles per locus; average expected heterozygosity 0.678–0.976). We found no evidence for linkage disequilibrium. Three of the loci found in bluefin killifish show heterozygote deficiency; the other loci do not deviate from Hardy–Weinberg expectations.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the relationship of muscular and skeletal scores taken on the live animal and carcass conformation and fat scores with carcass composition and value. Bulls (n = 48) and heifers (n = 37) of 0.75 to 1.0 late-maturing breed genotypes slaughtered at 16 and 20 months of age, respectively, were used. At 8 months of age (weaning) and immediately pre-slaughter, visual muscular scores were recorded for each animal and additionally skeletal scores were recorded pre-slaughter. Carcass weight, kidney and channel fat weight, carcass conformation and fat scores, fat depth over the longissimus dorsi muscle at the 12th (bulls) or 10th (heifers) rib and carcass length were recorded post-slaughter. Each carcass was subsequently dissected into meat, fat and bone using a commercial dissection procedure. Muscular scores taken pre-slaughter showed positive correlations with killing-out rate (r ≈ 0.65), carcass meat proportion (r ≈ 0.60), value (r ≈ 0.55) and conformation score (r ≈ 0.70), and negative correlations with carcass bone (r ≈ -0.60) and fat (r ≈ -0.4) proportions. Corresponding correlations with muscular scores at weaning were lower. Correlations of skeletal scores taken pre-slaughter, carcass length and carcass weight with killing-out rate and the various carcass traits were mainly not significant. Carcass fat depth and kidney and channel fat weight were negatively correlated with carcass meat proportion and value, and positively correlated with fat proportion. Correlations of carcass conformation score were positive (r = 0.50 to 0.68) with killing-out rate, carcass meat proportion and carcass value and negative with bone (r ≈ -0.56) and fat (r ≈ -0.40) proportions. Corresponding correlations with carcass fat score were mainly negative except for carcass fat proportion (r ≈ 0.79). A one-unit (scale 1 to 15) increase in carcass conformation score increased carcass meat proportion by 8.9 and 8.1 g/kg, decreased fat proportion by 4.0 and 2.9 g/kg and decreased bone proportion by 4.9 and 5.2 g/kg in bulls and heifers, respectively. Corresponding values per unit increase in carcass fat score were -11.9 and -9.7 g/kg, 12.4 and 9.9 g/kg, and -0.5 and -0.2 g/kg. Carcass conformation and fat scores explained 0.70 and 0.55 of the total variation in meat yield for bulls and heifers, respectively. It is concluded that live animal muscular scores, and carcass conformation and fat scores, are useful indicators of carcass meat proportion and value.  相似文献   

Sound production during reproductive behaviour, dyadic encounters and distress situations was investigated in the callichthyid catfish Corydoras paleatus. Sounds were broad-band, pulsed, acoustic signals produced during abduction of the pectoral spines. Only males emitted trains of sounds during courting and trains of sounds of shorter duration during dyadic encounters. Several males, which are usually smaller than females, courted one gravid female without obvious cooperation or competition between them. During mating, one previously vocalizing male clasped the female's barbels with one pectoral spine and inseminated the eggs. The number of successful spawnings, days until spawning, and number of eggs laid was not related to the number of males (one, two or three) combined with one female. Males did not behave aggressively towards each other during courting or in dyadic encounters. In distress situations, when fish were hand held, both sexes and juveniles produced single sounds. The dominant frequency was negatively correlated with body size and the sound duration was positively correlated with relative length of pectoral spines (standardized to body length). This acoustical behaviour in C. paleatus differs considerably from Hoplosternum thoracatum, a representative of the callichthyine subfamily, in which vocalization was observed during territorial behaviour in males and aggressive behaviour in both sexes. This is the first report of a major difference in vocalizing behaviour within one teleost family.  相似文献   

1. The effects of spawning coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) on the limnephilid caddisfly Ecclisomyia conspersa were evaluated by experimentally excluding salmon from the upper 14‐m stretch of a spawning channel by a wire‐meshed fence. Density, and development and growth rates, of larvae upstream of the fence (without salmon) were compared with those downstream (with salmon). 2. Larval density in the stretch with salmon declined during spawning, but increased again after spawning subsided and the carcasses of dead fish became available. In the stretch with salmon, larval density on salmon carcasses was seven to 37 times greater than on the adjacent channel substratum. The rate of larval development in the stretch with salmon was greater than that in the stretch without salmon. Two months after carcasses became available, 98% of larvae sampled from the stretch with salmon were in the fifth instar, compared to only 23% from the stretch without salmon. Body weight of E. conspersa in the stretches with and without salmon increased by an average of 3.04 and 2.38 mg, respectively, over a 6‐month period. 3. 15N values of larvae from the stretch with salmon increased following the arrival of the fish, suggesting that the larvae were feeding on salmon‐derived material, such as eggs and carcasses, which contain a high proportion of the heavier stable isotope. In contrast, 15N values of larvae from the stretch without salmon remained relatively constant throughout the experiment. The availability of salmon carcasses as a high‐quality food source late in larval development may increase survival and fecundity of E. conspersa. 4. These substantial differences were consistent with the view that they were due to the experimental exclusion of salmon and salmon carcasses from the upstream stretch, though the study was un‐replicated and thus precludes ascribing causation more definitely.  相似文献   

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