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Synodontis denticulatus sp. nov. is an endemic from the middle Lufira Basin and its associated tributaries and lakes. The species shows close morphological resemblance to Synodontis greshoffi and Synodontis unicolor, which are widespread Congo Basin and Bangweulu-Mweru endemic species, respectively. However, it differs from both S. greshoffi and S. unicolor by its non-villous skin (v. villous skin), strong and numerous serrations on the posterior margin of the dorsal spine (v. weak and fewer serrations), weak and few serrations on the posterior margin of the pectoral spine (v. strong and numerous serrations), relatively short maxillary barbels (v. long) and its small maximum standard length (89.1 mm LS v. 148.0 and 190.7 mm LS respectively). A DNA barcoding study (coI, mtDNA) revealed that S. denticulatus forms a distinct genetic clade with a genetic distance of 2.18% with S. greshoffi and 0.84% with S. unicolor. Synodontis denticulatus is caught regularly and abundantly as a by-catch in the gillnet fisheries in the middle Lufira lakes. Owing to its small overall size and large bony head, the species has usually no real commercial value but is an important food fish for the fishermen's families.  相似文献   

A new minnow species, Enteromius thespesios, is described from the south-eastern part of the upper Congo River; that is, the Kalule Nord, the Luvilombo and the Chambeshi Rivers. Enteromius thespesios belongs to the group of the soft-rayed species of Enteromius from the Congo Basin; that is, those with a weakly ossified, flexible last unbranched dorsal-fin ray that lacks serrations along its posterior edge. Within this group, E. thespesios is most similar to E. humeralis, from which it is distinguished by a higher number of circumpeduncular scales and shorter anterior and posterior barbels. Enteromius thespesios is a rheophilic and territorial species. It exhibits a marked sexual dimorphism, with males having: a red band towards the distal edge of dorsal, caudal and, to a lesser degree, anal fin; nuptial tubercles; a longer snout; longer pectoral fins; a shorter anal fin. This study gives extensive consideration to sexual shape differences for a species of Enteromius and also briefly reviews the current knowledge of sexual dimorphism in the species of Enteromius from the Congo Basin. Some conservation issues related to the new species are also highlighted.  相似文献   


We present a morphological feature-based key for the genus Otostephanos and describe two new species, O. jolantae sp. nov. and O. ukrainicus sp. nov. For O. jolantae sp. nov. we analysed the intraspecific morphological variability and provided the barcodes of mtCOX1 mitochondrial gene. Further, we developed a method to standardize measurements for the Philodina type of corona and trophi measurements of bdelloids. Otostephanos jolantae sp. nov. is a large rotifer with a smooth cuticle and bright red-orange gut; it can be distinguished from the known species by a high triangular upper lip with a tongue-like tip not divided into lobes, spade-shaped swollen rump, and 6/6 dental formula. It is found in Sphagnum collected in Poland, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. Otostephanos ukrainicus sp. nov. has a long body covered with coarse-grained cuticle on the last two neck segments, trunk and rump; it is distinguished by long narrow head and neck, saccular-like swollen trunk, spade-like rump, and a tiny foot. Unlike the other species of this genus, it has band-like upper lip with two narrow, sharp protrusions separated by an interspace, unusually small spurs and trophi with 5/5 major teeth. Thus far, it is only found in Ukraine, in pine and oak forest litter. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9FC484E3-67F5-43A9-8478-A7BE14FBE5E33  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101974
The two resin assassin bugs belonging to the tribe Ectinoderini (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) occurring in China are documented: Amulius malayus Stål, 1867 is redescribed and Ectinoderus sinicus Chen & Cai, sp. nov. is described as new. The discovery of the new species extends the distribution of the genus and the tribe northwards from tropical Southeast Asia to southern mainland China. A key to the two ectinoderine genera and species from China is provided to facilitate their identification. DNA barcodes and bionomic data are provided for the species concerned, and their conservation is briefly discussed.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A7F7402E-E9A8-4FAD-B72A-4B1C9B2A7276.  相似文献   

A synopsis of the P. amatista species-group in Colombia is provided. Five taxa are considered valid at species level, male and female phenotypes are associated, diagnosed and data on their distribution are given. The geographic variability of the species is discussed, and Penaincisalia celosia new species is described from specimens collected in an isolated branch of the central range in Colombian Andes. We present evidence to consider P. galeraensis (Salazar, Schmidt-Mumm, & Johnson) as a junior synonym of P. albalineata (Johnson). DNA barcodes provided additional information, which was in perfect agreement with the external characters in two of the five species. Interspecific distances were found to range from 0.6% to 6.6% (average 4.3), whilst their mean intraspecific variation ranges from 0.0% to 3.3% (average 0.7%).  相似文献   

Japanese species of the lygaeid–orsilline genus Nysius were revised, and five species including a new species, N. hidakai, were recognized. Male and female genitalia of all the species were illustrated, and a key to species of Japanese Nysius was provided. The DNA barcoding information of each species except N. expressus were recorded.  相似文献   

A specimen of the African weakly electric fish genus Petrocephalus (Osteoglossomorpha, Mormyridae) collected in the Congo River at Yangambi, Orientale Province, Democratic Republic of Congo, is described as a new species. Petrocephalus boboto sp. n. can be distinguished from other Central African species of Petrocephalus by a combination of the following characteristics: three distinct black spots on the body, one at the origin of the pectoral fin, one at the origin of the caudal fin and one below the anterior base of the dorsal fin; Nakenrosette and Khelrosette electroreceptor clusters distinct on head but Augenrosette cluster reduced in size; 23 branched dorsal rays, 34 branched anal rays, and electric organ discharge waveform triphasic. Petrocephalus boboto sp. n. most closely resembles the holotype of Petrocephalus binotatus but is easily distinguished from it by its smaller mouth. A comparative molecular analysis including 21 other Petrocephalus species shows Petrocephalus boboto sp. n. to be genetically distinctive and to represent a deep lineage in the genus. Two specimens of Petrocephalus collected at Yangambi are morphologically similar and genetically closely related to specimens previously assigned to Petrocephalus binotatus, collected in the northwestern Congo River basin within Odzala-Kokua National Park, Republic of the Congo. This prompts us to formally describe a new species from these collections, Petrocephalus arnegardi sp. n., that, although similar to the holotype of Petrocephalus binotatus, can be distinguished from it by its smaller mouth and shorter interorbital width.  相似文献   

Chrysobrycon mojicai sp. nov. is described from forest streams that are part of the Amazon River basin in Colombia. It is distinguished from all congeners by having most of the maxillary teeth with distal tips lateroventrally curved (v. teeth straight along their lengths) and a greater number of dentary teeth (20–27 v. 11–19, except in Chrysobrycon yoliae). The posterior margin of the ventral process of the quadrate does not reach the vertical through the posterior margin of the symplectic and these features differentiate C. mojicai from Chrysobrycon myersi and C. yoliae (v. posterior margin of ventral process of quadrate reaching vertical through posterior margin of symplectic). In species of Chrysobrycon, the frontals are extensively contacting each other along the midline, resulting in an absent frontal fontanel and a reduced parietal fontanel. This extensive contact between the frontals modifying the fontanels is a condition rarely found within the Stevardiinae and hence is proposed as an additional diagnostic characteristic for the genus. An updated identification key for all Chrysobrycon species is provided.  相似文献   

A new species, Gonystylus othmanii Tawan (Thymelaeaceae) from Sarawak (Borneo) is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to Sarawak. The morphological differences between the new species and related taxa are included.  相似文献   

The new sand goby species Pomatoschistus nanus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) is described from the northern coast of the Levantine Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea) based on both morphological and DNA barcoding data. The new species is the smallest fish in the Mediterranean Sea and may be distinguished from congeners by the following features: predorsal area, first dorsal‐fin base and breast naked; δ‐pore missing; anterior point of the suborbital row b not reaching level of posterior point of suborbital row d; slightly emarginated caudal fin and nape coloration pattern. DNA barcode data clearly discriminate Pomatoschistus spp. in the neighbour‐joining tree with an average of 17·7% interspecific K2P distance. The most closely related taxon to P. nanus sp. nov. is Pomatoschistus bathi and the most distantly related is Pomatoschistus tortonesei with 11·9 and 21·9% K2P distances respectively. Morphometric and genetic data are also provided for Pomatoschistus bathi.  相似文献   

The freshwater mussel Contradens contradens (Lea, 1838) occurs in most types of freshwater habitats throughout Thailand. The species shows extensive variation in shell morphology, which has led to the recognition of six different subspecies. In this study, the validity of these six subspecies plus one unknown species was assessed using an integrative taxonomic approach. Geometric morphometric analyses revealed significant differences in shell shapes among these six nominal morphological subspecies, although a considerable degree of overlap was detected in some groups. In contrast, the phylogenetic tree obtained from the concatenated data of mitochondrial COI and nuclear H3 gene sequences and molecular species delimitation analyses revealed only three supported clades. These clades are proposed herein as three distinct species, and strongly corresponded to the biogeographically disjunct drainage systems in Thailand. They consisted of the (i) C. contradens clade found in the Chao Phraya Basin and other rivers that drain into the Gulf of Thailand, (ii) C. crossei clade that is restricted to the Middle Mekong Basin, and (iii) a clade containing only the newly discovered species from Huai Luang River in the north-east of Thailand, which is described herein as Contradens rolfbrandti Jeratthitikul & Panha, sp. nov. Speciation among these congeners was probably caused by the restriction of gene flow due to the past geomorphology of the river systems. The intraspecific variation in the shell shape detected here does not reflect the evolution of the mussel, but rather is evidence of phenotypic plasticity.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:649B6093-E1DD-4FD8-8185-A4696C43AD36; http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:777DDE86-8397-4FF3-AA78-0BE0F34611F4  相似文献   

Pomatoschistus anatoliae sp. n. is described from estuary of Göksu River on the Mediterranean coast of the Anatolia. It is distinguished from its congeners by the suborbital papilla pattern, meristic, and ecological features. DNA barcoding based on COI sequences revealed that there is a high nucleotide sequence divergence to the nearest neighbour. Kimura’s two parameter distances between P. anatoliae sp. n. and other species of Pomatoschistus and Knipowitchia have found to be at least 5.1%.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4592CF50-07B5-4C25-892F-5D009057675B  相似文献   

The subgenus Epicterodes Wehrli, 1933 of Arichanna Moore, 1868 is reviewed. Six species are recognized, of which, A. (E). denticularia sp. nov. is described as new to science from China. One new synonym is established based on morphological and genetic similarity: A. (E.) flavomacularia Leech, 1897 (=A. (E.) perimelaina Wehrli, 1933 syn. nov.). Results of DNA barcoding for Epicterodes are briefly discussed. Diagnoses for all the species are provided and illustrations of adults, genitalia and distribution map are presented.  相似文献   

Both the genus and the species Gypsochroa renitidata (Hübner, 1817) are reported for the first time from Iran. Diagnostic characters of the species including figures of the wing and genitalia are presented. The record is confirmed by means of DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

In this study, a first comparative investigation of all four species of Petrocephalus ( P. bovei , P. bane , P. soudanensis and P. cf. pallidomaculatus ) present in the Upper Volta system and their electric organ discharges (EOD) was conducted. It was found that P. bovei was the most widespread (in terms of habitat use), but in several places P. bovei , P. soudanensis and P. cf. pallidomaculatus occurred syntopically. All species emitted a triphasic signal, and with very few exceptions, the Petrocephalus species of the Upper Volta system could clearly be identified on the basis of their EOD waveforms. The most obvious differences between species in EOD waveforms were in amplitude of the last phase, total duration and fast Fourier transformation (FFT) peak frequency. No sexual dimorphism was present in the EOD of any species although external dimorphism, i.e. an indentation at the base of the anal fin of mature males, was common. The EOD waveform diversity in the Upper Volta principally resembled that found in four sympatric Petrocephalus species from the Ogooué system (Gabon) and might play a role in species recognition and speciation processes.  相似文献   

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