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Identifying factors influencing the demographics of threatened species is essential for conservation, but a lack of comprehensive demographic data often impedes the effective conservation of rare and mobile species. We monitored breeding of critically endangered and semi‐nomadic Regent Honeyeaters Anthochaera phrygia (global population c. 100 pairs) over 3 years throughout their range. Overall nest success probability (0.317) was highly spatially variable and considerably lower than previous estimates for this (and many other honeyeater) species, as was productivity of successful nests (mean 1.58 juveniles fledged). Nest surveillance revealed high predation rates by a range of birds and arboreal mammals as the primary cause of nest failure. An estimated 12% of pairs either failed to establish a territory or their nests did not reach the egg stage. We also found a male bias to the adult sex ratio, with an estimated 1.18 males per female. Juvenile survival for the first 2 weeks after fledging was high (86%). Management interventions that aim to increase nest success in areas of low nest survival must be investigated to address an apparent decline in reproductive output and avoid extinction of the Regent Honeyeater. We show that temporal and spatial variation in the breeding success of rare and highly mobile species can be quantified with robust population monitoring using sampling regimens that account for their life histories. Understanding the causes of spatio‐temporal variation in breeding success can enhance conservation outcomes for such species through spatially and temporally targeted recovery actions.  相似文献   

利用天然树洞繁殖的五种鸟的巢位特征及繁殖成功率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王海涛  高玮  万冬梅  刘多  邓文洪 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1377-1385
对吉林省左家自然保护区次生阔叶林中的大山雀 ( Parusmajor)、沼泽山雀 ( Paruspalustris)、普通跓( Sitta europacea)、白眉姬? ( Ficedula zanthopygia)和灰椋鸟 ( Sturnus cineraceus) 5种利用天然树洞繁殖的次级洞巢鸟进行了巢位选择和繁殖成功率研究。本研究中共发现 1 41巢。五种鸟对树洞类型的选择存在种间差异 ,普通跓不利用裂洞 ,沼泽山雀不利用啄洞 ,其它 3种鸟对 3种洞均有利用 ,但有一定的倾向性。对 5种鸟 9个巢位变量的比较中 ,只有洞口方向差异不显著 ( p >0 .0 5 ) ,其它 8个变量均差异显著 ( p<0 .0 5 ) ,该结果说明 5种次级洞巢鸟对巢位的选择具有其各自的需求。洞口横径、洞口纵径、洞处树直径、洞内径、巢距地高是巢位选择重要变量 ,它们决定不同种类对树洞的利用。巢损失多数出现在产卵之前和孵化阶段 ,44个繁殖失败的巢中有 35个在这两个阶段损失。大山雀的巢成功率最低 ,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。 5种鸟的孵化率都超过 90 %。人为破坏和动物捕食是繁殖失败的主要原因 ,占总数的 61 .4%。洞巢鸟巢位选择中的重要变量影响繁殖成功。普通跓繁殖是否成功受洞口横径和巢高影响 ,沼泽山雀受洞口纵径、树胸径和洞内径影响 ,大山雀受洞口横径、巢高和洞内径影响 ,灰椋鸟受洞内径和洞深影  相似文献   

Ocotea porosa has been extensively exploited over the past few decades because of the quality of its wood. Today, populations are reduced and the species is now included in the Red List of threatened species by the International Union for Nature Conservation. For conservation and management purposes, it is extremely important that we understand its reproductive ecology. Floral morphology was described based on field and scanning electron microscopic examination. The reproductive system was determined through experimentally controlled pollination along with observations of pollen tube growth. Pollinators were identified through field observations. Flowers of O. porosa are small, shallow, inconspicuous, asynchronous and grouped in inflorescences. This species presented self‐compatibility, but did not reproduce through apomixy and spontaneous self‐pollination was very rare (5%). Despite being monoclinal, flowers were protogynic, and the gynoecium was receptive after the first day of anthesis when the anthers were closed. Spontaneous self‐pollination was avoided by the extrorse position of the anthers of the internal stamens. Frankliniella gardeniae (Thysanoptera) was the only pollinating species observed and, after visiting several asynchronous flowers in the same inflorescence, favors geitonogamy. Together the small distance supposedly achieved by thrips in flight and the small population density of O. porosa can reduce the chances of cross‐pollination in this species. If so, conservation measures must include preservation of the current population and possibly planting to increase population density. This would reduce the distance between individuals and increase genetic variability. Thrips as pollinators must be included in conservation planning for O. porosa.  相似文献   

  • Individuals of Aechmea bracteata show inflorescences with red scape bracts and odourless, yellow, tubular diurnal flowers, with closely arranged sexual organs, producing a large amount of fruits.
  • In order to investigate the reproductive system of this species, a suite of characters was assessed: phenology, floral morphology and biology, nectar production dynamics, and fruit and seed production and germination, as a result of controlled pollination crosses. The study was conducted during two flowering seasons in wild populations in Yucatán, Mexico.
  • Results suggest an annual flowering pattern with one flowering peak; flowers were diurnal, showing partial dichogamy (protandry)‐herkogamy, anthers and stigma become mature before floral aperture, which could lead to self‐pollination, nectar is produced during anthesis, varying in volume and total sugar concentration during the day; fruits and seeds were produced in all experimental crosses (cross‐pollination, obligated cross‐pollination, assisted and unassisted selfing, geitonogamy and apomixis), as well as high percentage seed germination.
  • Several species of Aechmea are reportedly self‐compatible and autogamous, as suggested by results of selfing and non‐assisted selfing crosses, but these results are negated by the presence of apomixis, indicating that the species is apomictic. This is the first report of this breeding system for subgenus Aechmea and the sixth for Bromeliaceae. Polyembryony is here suggested for the first time in this genus and family based on the fact that more seeds were recorded that expected based on ovule numbers. Finally, when performing experimental crosses, estimating reproductive success based on number of seeds is a better approach than number of fruits, due to the effect of pseudogamy.

Floral biology, reproduction, pollinator specificity, and fruit set of Cirrhaea dependens were recorded in forest areas of Southeastern Brazil. Cirrhaea dependens is a lithophytic or epiphytic herb occurring very sparsely below dense canopies. Nearly all the flowers of a single plant open simultaneously before dawn. They are short-lasting and offer floral fragrances as rewards, which are collected by male euglossine bees. Observations carried out in mesophytic forests at Serra do Japi revealed that Euglossa VIRIDIS is their principal pollinator, with Eufriesea violacea a sporadic co-pollinator. Visitation started soon after flower opening, and attractiveness remained high for about 2 h, decreasing abruptly at sunrise. Flower anthesis with subsequent fragrance release seems to be correlated with bee attraction. Observations using chemical baits were carried out at Serra do Japi, and in the Atlantic Rain Forest of Picinguaba. Three euglossine species were captured with pollinaria of C. dependens in Picinguaba, whereas only E. violacea was attracted in Serra do Japi. In Picinguaba, C. dependens occurs sympatrically with C. saccata and C. loddigesii. Each species attracted different pollinators. The specificity and resulting reproductive isolation are due to the production of different odours by each orchid species. Cirrhaea dependens is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. The reproductive success was low and appears to result from a combination of factors discussed here, such as the production of short-lived flowers, presence of floral mechanisms avoiding self-pollination, non-synchronization of flower phases among plants, and populations with few and sparsely distributed individuals.  相似文献   

Besides its importance as an ornamental plant, Justicia betonica L. is also used as a medicinal plant for the treatment of several human disorders. However, the population size and abundance of the plant species are very low in Indian states, including West Bengal. The breeding system and pollination ecology of J. betonica are still unclear. Therefore, some reproductive aspects were investigated in order to provide important information for the sustainability of the species. The flowering duration spanned from December to May, with its peak in February–March. Flower opening time was much earlier (5.00–8.00 a.m.) on a hot day (in April–May) than on a cold day (10.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. in December–January). The time of anther dehiscence coincided with the flower opening time; however, the stigma became receptive later. The plant species is self-compatible but dependent on pollinators for fruit and seed sets. Members of different insect groups like ants, bees, butterflies, flies, moths and wasps visit the flowers. Among them, Allorhynchium metallicum and Halictus acrocephalus are the primary pollinators (based on the “relative pollinator service”). The plant species showed a significant pollination deficit (coefficient of pollination deficit [D] = 0.32) in the open condition. Larvae of the florivorous moth Gatesclarkeana erotias significantly reduced reproductive success by eating their floral parts, ovules and immature seeds. In conclusion, combining the pollination deficit and the feeding activity of phytophagous insects (moth larvae) may reduce the reproductive fitness of J. betonica in the study regions.  相似文献   

Cyrtopodium punctatum (Linnaeus) Lindley is an endangered epiphytic orchid restricted in the USA to southern Florida. This species has been extensively collected from the wild since the early 1900s, and today only a few plants remain in protected areas. As part of a conservation plan, a reproductive biology study was conducted to better understand the ecology of this species in Florida. Cyrtopodium punctatum relies on a deceit pollination system using aromatic compounds to attract pollinators. Nine aromatic compounds were identified as components of the fragrance of C. punctatum inflorescences, including two compounds that are known to be Euglossine bee attractants. However, this group of bees is not native to Florida. Of the four bee species observed to visit C. punctatum flowers in the present study, carpenter bees ( Xylocopa spp.) are likely to be the main pollinators. Pollination experiments demonstrated that C. puntatum is self-compatible, but requires a pollinator and thus does not exhibit spontaneous autogamy. In addition, the rates of fruit set were significantly higher for flowers that were outcrossed (xenogamy) than for those that were self-crossed. Thus, the species has evolved a degree of incompatibility. Examples of natural pollination and fruit set were observed during the present study (2007–2008), but the rates of reproduction were modest as a consequence of the low plant numbers and possible changes in insect densities as a result of anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

Abstract Banksia brownii is an endangered species, now limited to ~ 15 disjunct populations in southwestern Western Australia. Data on flowering phenology, plant size, fruit set, pollination and the mating system were gathered for two of these populations between March and October 1993. Flowering for both populations followed a similar pattern, with open flowers first evident in April, and the number of inflorescences with open flowers peaking in June. At both locations, trees differed considerably with respect to their size, the total number of inflorescences produced and the length of their flowering season. Fruiting success was typically low, with approximately half of all inflorescences failing to develop into infructescences. Only 1. 8% of the flowers originally present on inflorescences developed into follicles. The distribution of follicles along each infructescence was non-random, with most forming in the middle third of the infructescence for reasons relating to nutrient supply and pollinator behaviour. More flowers opened during the day than at night, although pollen was lost from individual flowers during both periods. Honeyeaters such as Phylidonyris novaehollandiae were common at the two study sites, and often carried large loads of B. brownii pollen. Though less frequently caught, the nocturnal mammals Rattus fuscipes and Tarsipes rostratus also bore substantial amounts of pollen. Most inflorescences from which these mammals and birds were excluded remained barren. Fruiting success was further reduced when invertebrates such as Apis mellifera were also prevented from visiting inflorescences. The ability of B. brownii to set at least some fruit in the absence of biotic poli-nators indicates that the species is partially self-compatible. Honeyeaters foraged preferentially at inflorescences with one to two thirds of their flowers open, probing mainly along the ‘advancing front’ of open flowers. These animals moved more frequently between inflorescences on the same plant than between those on different plants, and were often recaptured in the same locations. Mammals also appeared to be sedentary. Both B. brownii populations had mixed mating systems, with genetically determined outcrossing rates of ~0.7. The unusually high level of selfing in each population is presumably a reflection of the species’ self-compatibility and the foraging behaviour of its pollinators.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades wild population of Chitala chitala (HamiltonBuchanan) has been declined more than 50% due to various reasons and is presently listed under endangered (EN) category due to reduced abundance. In the present communication wild C. chitala were collected from natural habitats and induced to spawn under captivity during July 2002 by injecting three different doses of synthetic hormone Ovaprim. Intramuscular injections were administered to fishes using three different doses (1.5, 1.0 and 0.5 ml/kg body weight). Artificial breeding pool was prepared for each set by encircling area (20 × 5 m) with mosquito net, where wooden country boat (8 × 4 × 2.5 feet with surface area 48.5 sq. feet) was placed inside the breeding pool. Distinct spawning behavior was noticed in the experimental sets with different hormonal dose whereas no spawning activity was noticed in control set. The fertilization rate varied from 48.8680.2% and total numbers of spawned eggs in two sets of experiments were estimated to be 81,034. The average number of eggs deposited 15 ± 2.1/square inches. The fertilized eggs were large in size (4.5 ± 0.05 mm), adhesive and attached to the hard substratum. The eggs hatch out between 168192 h after fertilization and about 33,639 hatchlings were produced. Newly hatched larvae measured 10.23 ± 0.03 mm and 0.031± 0.008 gm in weight and the mean diameter of yolk sac was 4.1 ± 0.08 mm. The yolk sac remains attached up to a week. The percentage survival of hatchlings varied from 42.2 to 65.60. Statistical analysis was worked out to determine the relation between the hormone dosage with different breeding parameters like latency period, fertilization rate, egg output, hatching rate and hatchling production.  相似文献   

Conditions during early life can have dramatic effects on adult characteristics and fitness. However, we still know little about the mechanisms that mediate these relationships. Telomere shortening is one possibility. Telomeres are long sequences of DNA that protect the ends of chromosomes. They shorten naturally throughout an individual's life, and individuals with short telomeres tend to have poorer health and reduced survival. Given this connection between telomere length (TL) and fitness, natural selection should favor individuals that are able to retain longer telomeres for a greater portion of their lives. However, the ability of natural selection to act on TL depends on the extent to which genetic and environmental factors influence TL. In this study, we experimentally enlarged broods of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to test the effects of demanding early‐life conditions on TL, while simultaneously cross‐fostering chicks to estimate heritable genetic influences on TL. In addition, we estimated the effects of parental age and chick sex on chick TL. We found that TL is highly heritable in Tree Swallow chicks, and that the maternal genetic basis for TL is stronger than is the paternal genetic basis. In contrast, the experimental manipulation of brood size had only a weak effect on chick TL, suggesting that the role of environmental factors in influencing TL early in life is limited. There was no effect of chick sex or parental age on chick TL. While these results are consistent with those reported in some studies, they are in conflict with others. These disparate conclusions might be attributable to the inherent complexity of telomere dynamics playing out differently in different populations or to study‐specific variation in the age at which subjects were measured.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows ( Ammodramus nelsoni ) that breed along the Atlantic coast of North America (Acadian subspecies subvirgatus ) are considered saltmarsh specialists. However, these sparrows occasionally use upland habitats, such as hayfields. To evaluate the importance of hayfields as breeding habitat, we studied populations of A. n. subvirgatus in saltmarsh and hayfields in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 2004 and 2005. We monitored relative abundance and breeding phenology at 64 point-count stations (48 in hayfields and 16 in saltmarsh) and used an ordinal (0–5) observational index to quantify reproductive activity. A. n. subvirgatus showed more evidence of reproductive activity in saltmarsh (44% of point-count stations) than hayfields (28%; P = 0.07). However, there was no difference in either mean reproductive activity (saltmarsh = 0.83, hayfields = 0.53; P = 0.69) or mean relative abundance (saltmarsh = 0.27, hayfields = 0.26; P = 0.93). Although A. n. subvirgatus apparently breeds primarily in saltmarsh, hayfields appear to be an alternative breeding habitat. Use of hayfield habitat by A. n. subvirgtus , however, seems to vary between southern Maine and eastern Canada, suggesting that management plans will require approaches uniquely tailored to specific regions.  相似文献   

Amitostigma hemipilioides is an endangered terrestrial orchid endemic to China. In the Southwestern China, the species is found restricted growing in the karst limestone or rock in the edge of farmland, moist hillsides or river. In the present study, the genetic diversity and differentiation was estimated within and among habitats, populations and groups of this species by ISSR markers. Using 13 polymorphic primers, an intermediate level of genetic diversity was found at the species level and population level with the percentage of polymorphic bands (P) of 64.7 and 50.9 %, Shannon index of diversity (I) of 0.3873 and 0.2949, respectively. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the high level of population differentiation was presented with 45.63 % relative to the total genetic variation residing among eight populations. It was noteworthy that as much as 69.17 % of the total diversity was most likely attributed to the difference among the populations in fragmentation habitat conditions, while 16.32 % of the total diversity could be attributed to the difference among the populations in stable and favorable habitat conditions. The in situ conservation is a top strategy, thus the mycorrhizal fungi and pollinators are protected by protecting habitat and avoiding fragmentation which is helpful to the cycle of this endangered orchid species and recovery of its wild populations. In addition, to maintaining the germplasm bank of this species, the ex situ conservation by habitat simulation and reintroduction has been considered in the living collection at Kaili University ecological garden and Yuntai Mountain scenic spot using the plants collected in this study.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys are typically seasonal breeders but can be induced to extend the timing of their mating and births under captive conditions. The following analyses evaluated the potential impact of extending their pregnancies and deliveries year-round. Birth records from a large breeding colony housed in an indoor facility with a constant 14-hr light/10-hr dark cycle were analyzed across 25 years to examine seasonal trends in monkeys that mated in one of two ways: spontaneous in social groups or with a scheduled, timed-mating protocol. The dates of delivery and birth weights for 2,084 infants were used in these analyses. Younger nulliparous females mating in social groups evinced a clear seasonal peak when birthing their first infant. However, older females, both primiparous and multiparous, could be bred continuously, which enable the birth of infants in every month of the year. Based on the live birth rate, infant birth weights, high survival rates, and the normal sex ratio of infants birthed year-round, there were no adverse effects of breeding rhesus monkeys in this way. The continuous availability of infant births can be very advantageous for many types of research programs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Competition for nest sites by sympatric species can lead to resource partitioning among species. We examined the partitioning of cavity resources by Red-and-green Macaws ( Ara chloropterus ), Blue-and-yellow Macaws ( A. ararauna ), and Scarlet Macaws ( A. macao ) in the lowland forest of southeast Peru. Red-and-green Macaws nested primarily in cavities in emergent Dipteryx trees, and Blue-and-yellow Macaws nested predominantly in palm snags. Scarlet Macaws had the broadest nesting niche, and their use of cavities overlapped that of the other two species. These differences in cavity use may be related to differences in size, with Red-and-green Macaws the largest of the three species (90 cm long, 1050–1320 g), followed by Scarlet Macaws (85 cm long, 1060–1123 g) and Blue-and-yellow Macaws (70 cm long, 1086 g). We did not observe interspecific conflicts between Blue-and-yellow Macaws and the other two species. However, Scarlet and Red-and-green macaws frequently compete for cavities, perhaps contributing to the use of a wider range of cavity resources by the smaller, less competitive Scarlet Macaws. For the three macaw species combined, 40 of 84 nests (48%) were successful, fledging either one or two young (mean = 1.4 ± 0.43). The overall reproductive output (including failed nests) was 0.60 ± 0.68 fledglings per nesting pair, with no difference between macaw species ( P > 0.18). A lack of alternative nest substrates for large macaws may drive resource partitioning by sympatric species, with specialization on either emergent trees or palm snags, whereas less competitive species like Scarlet Macaws need to be flexible and use a variety of nest sites.  相似文献   

We use the information provided by 36 RAPD loci and 15 morphological traits to describe and construe the population differentiation in A. arbuscula, a Canarian endemic Asteraceae threatened with extinction that exhibits a disjunct distribution in the islands of Gran Canaria (var. schizogynophylla) and Lanzarote (var. arbuscula). Our evaluation of morphological characters and the extent of RAPD differentiation found sets the stage for a taxonomic restructuring to hoist both var. arbuscula and var. schizogynophylla to subspecies category. Our genetic results suggest that fragmentation and generally low population sizes are jeopardising the survival of this species through a predominance of stochastic processes in microevolutionary dynamics, especially in Gran Canaria, where subpopulations exhibit the lowest levels of genetic variation and gene flow. If, as most Asteraceae, these plants have a sporophytic self-incompatibility system, the scarce reproductive turnover observed in the much smaller subpopulations from Gran Canaria (ssp. schizogynophylla) is possibly more influenced by a deficiency of S-alleles (that would be provoking the unavailability of compatible mating types, and a cascade of deleterious effects associated with the Allee effect) than by a reduced pollinator visitation frequency. Based on the depauperated values of genetic parameters for this subspecies, urgent mixed subpopulation reinforcements and reintroductions (with specimens belonging to the same subspecies) seem advisable on the grounds that they might allow the isolated habitat remnants to retrieve from inbreeding through the introduction of a new stock of S-alleles and the subsequent production of genotypes that may have a higher selective value.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variations of lifetime reproductive succes (LRS) of both male and female individuals of a coreid bugColpula lativentris were measured and analyzed using the multiple regression method of Arnold and Wade (1984a, b). The standardized variance of LRS was larger in males than that in females as males often to secure mates for a long period whereas females could easily find mates and oviposit simply dependent on ovarial maturation. LRS was partitioned into 4 consecutive fitness components: (1) reproductive lifespan, (2) copulating efficiency, (3) guarding efficiency (for males) or oviposition efficiency (for females), and (4) number of eggs per clutch. In males copulating efficiency was the largest determining factor of LRS, whereas in females reproductive lifespan was the most important factor. Such tendencies were stable on both a yearly and local basis. Patterns of relative contribution of natural selection (reproductive lifespan and number of eggs per clutch) and sexual selection (copulating efficiency and guarding or oviposition efficiency) to LRS were clearly different between males and females. This sexual difference is, at least to some extent, thought to be brought about by sexual selection among males for mating opportunity, though no physical fight was observed among males. Directional selection on body length was found only in relation to the clutch size of females because large females tended to lay larger clutches. No significant directional selection was found in other fitness components.  相似文献   

The life-history characteristics of the river blenny Salaria fluviatilis in a Mediterranean stream in north-east Spain have been studied. The maximum age observed was 4+ years in both sexes, although only age groups 0+ and 1+ years were well represented. For both sexes, growth was rapid between April and June (before the summer drought) and in October. The instantaneous rate of monthly growth (April to October) was positively correlated with water depth. All fish attained sexual maturity during their first year of life. Females spawned multiple times. Spawning occurred mainly from June to August, although older females (2+ years old) began in May. The relationship between fecundity and total length recorded for older females in the spring was not significantly different from that obtained for 1 year-old females in the summer. The mean diameter of ripe oocytes, however, was greater in older females. Larger eggs that were laid during a period of good food supply (spring) might have a higher probability of survival. The results suggest that female fecundity is affected by environmental conditions. The species is characterized by fast growth, early maturity, multiple spawning and limited longevity. This may be a good life-history strategy for small fish species in unstable environments, where adult mortality is high, variable or unpredictable. Some life-history traits of the river blenny suggest that this species might be vulnerable to more severe drought conditions than those associated with the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

The Oriental fruit moth, Cydia molesta (Busck, 1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a key pest of fruit and is widely distributed around the world. There are important connections between its behavior and biology and its management in agriculture, but few studies have investigated the associations between adult behaviors and oviposition. In this study, adult emergence, mating, and reproduction were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. The ratio of females to males at eclosion was approximately 1:1. When one virgin female had access to one virgin male, 66% and 34% of the couples copulated just once and twice, respectively; and the infertility rate of eggs (21.39 ± 1.25%) did not vary daily. Males, given access to one new female daily, could copulate multiple times, whereas females seldom mated more than once, indicating a male-biased operational sex ratio, but mating status of the male parent had no effect on progeny egg reproduction. Also, the number of eggs that hatched by all female partners of a male was inversely proportional to copulation duration for the female laying the eggs for total female reproductive success; and the number of eggs laid by all female partners of a male was proportional to their number of matings for total male reproductive success. However, the total number of eggs that hatched did not significantly differ for eggs laid by a female given new virgin males daily for mating (17.75 ± 4.28) versus eggs laid by virgin females (19.17 ± 7.51) presented daily with a male that re-mated daily with the series of females. Therefore, our results showed that females engaged in mate choice and males engaged in mate competition, affecting egg production, a factor that may be used to enhance mating disruption technology against Cydia molesta.  相似文献   

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