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Aim  To provide an objective geographic framework displaying the distribution patterns of freshwater fishes from Argentina.
Location  Argentina, southern South America.
Methods  Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and similarity and cluster analyses were applied to presence and absence data on 440 fish species from 52 localities in Argentina. Both 50% majority consensus and strict consensus analyses were undertaken in the first case, and the Jaccard similarity index was used in the second.
Results  Five ichthyogeographic provinces are described based on a PAE of the 52 localities. A cluster analysis provided similar results.
Main conclusions  The following zoogeographic provinces are proposed for Argentine freshwater fish fauna following the International Code of Area Nomenclature: Andean Cuyan, Patagonian, Aymaran, Great Rivers and Pampean. The former two are placed within the Andean Subregion of the Austral Region, and the latter three within the Neotropical Subregion of the Holotropical Region. These provinces, based on results coinciding with PAE and cluster analysis, represent the first classification of Argentine provinces based on objective methods. Some small regions of endemism and some localities remain separated from the proposed regions. The new scheme includes valuable empirical information from previous schemes, and is in agreement with ecological zones and other environmental arrangements proposed earlier.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish communities in Ecuador exhibit some of the highest levels of diversity and endemism in the Neotropics. Unfortunately, aquatic ecosystems in the country are under serious threat and conditions are deteriorating. In 2018–19, the government of Ecuador sponsored a series of workshops to examine the conservation status of Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Concerns were identified for 35 species, most of which are native to the Amazon region, and overfishing of Amazonian pimelodid catfishes emerged as a major issue. However, much of the information needed to make decisions across fish groups and regions was not available, hindering the process and highlighting the need for a review of the conservation threats to Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Here, we review how the physical alteration of rivers, deforestation, wetland and floodplain degradation, agricultural and urban water pollution, mining, oil extraction, dams, overfishing, introduced species and climate change are affecting freshwater fishes in Ecuador. Although many of these factors affect fishes throughout the Neotropics, the lack of data on Ecuadorian fish communities is staggering and highlights the urgent need for more research. We also make recommendations, including the need for proper enforcement of existing environmental laws, restoration of degraded aquatic ecosystems, establishment of a national monitoring system for freshwater ecosystems, investment in research to fill gaps in knowledge, and encouragement of public engagement in citizen science and conservation efforts. Freshwater fishes are an important component of the cultural and biological legacy of the Ecuadorian people. Conserving them for future generations is critical.  相似文献   

The largest marine biodiversity hotspot straddles the Indian and Pacific Oceans, driven by taxa associated with tropical coral reefs. Centred on the Indo‐Australian Archipelago (IAA), this biodiversity hotspot forms the ‘bullseye’ of a steep gradient in species richness from this centre to the periphery of the vast Indo‐Pacific region. Complex patterns of endemism, wide‐ranging species and assemblage differences have obscured our understanding of the genesis of this biodiversity pattern and its maintenance across two‐thirds of the world's oceans. But time‐calibrated molecular phylogenies coupled with ancestral biogeographic estimates have provided a valuable framework in which to examine the origins of coral reef fish biodiversity across the tropics. Herein, we examine phylogenetic and biogeographic data for coral reef fishes to highlight temporal patterns of marine endemism and tropical provinciality. The ages and distribution of endemic lineages have often been used to identify areas of species creation and demise in the marine tropics and discriminate among multiple hypotheses regarding the origins of biodiversity in the IAA. Despite a general under‐sampling of endemic fishes in phylogenetic studies, the majority of locations today contain a mixture of potential paleo‐ and neo‐endemic fishes, pointing to multiple historical processes involved in the origin and maintenance of the IAA biodiversity hotspot. Increased precision and sampling of geographic ranges for reef fishes has permitted the division of discrete realms, regions and provinces across the tropics. Yet, such metrics are only beginning to integrate phylogenetic relatedness and ancestral biogeography. Here, we integrate phylogenetic diversity with ancestral biogeographic estimation of lineages to show how assemblage structure and tropical provinciality has changed through time.  相似文献   

Historical biogeography of South American freshwater fishes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim To investigate biogeographical patterns of the obligate freshwater fish order Characiformes. Location South America. Methods Parsimony analysis of endemicity, likelihood analysis of congruent geographical distribution, and partition Bremer support were used. Results Areas of endemism are deduced from parsimony analysis of endemicity, and putative dispersal routes from a separate analysis of discordant patterns of distribution. Main conclusions Our results demonstrate the occurrence of 11 major areas of endemism and support a preferential eastern–western differentiation of the characiforms in the Amazonian region, contrasting with the southern–northern differentiation of terrestrial organisms. The areas of endemism identified seem to be deeply influenced by the distribution of the emerged land during the 100‐m marine highstand that occurred during the late Miocene and allow us to hypothesize the existence of eight aquatic freshwater refuges at that time. The raw distribution of non‐endemic species supports nine patterns of species distribution across the 11 areas of endemism, two of which support a southern–northern differentiation in the eastern part of the Amazon. This result shows that the main channel of the Amazon limited dispersal between tributaries from each bank of the river. The levels of endemism further demonstrate that the aquatic freshwater refuges promoted allopatric speciation and later allowed the colonization of the lowlands. By contrast, the biogeographical pattern found in the western part of the Amazon is identified as a result of the Miocene Andean foreland dynamic and the uplift of the palaeoarches that promoted allopatric divergence across several sedimentary basins by the establishment of disconnected floodplains. The assessment of conflicting species distributions also shows the presence of seven putative dispersal routes between the Amazon, Orinoco and Paraná rivers. Our findings suggest that, rather than there being a single predominant process, the establishment of the modern South American freshwater fish biotas is the result of an interaction between marine incursions, uplift of the palaeoarches, and historical connections allowing cross‐drainage dispersal.  相似文献   

Aim  To test whether distributional patterns of Neotropical freshwater taxa fit the generalized tracks already postulated for terrestrial groups occurring in the Mexican Transition Zone.
Location  The study units comprised 17 hydrological basins located along the Pacific coast of the Americas from Mexico to Panama, and in the Gulf of Mexico from the Papaloapan to the Grijalva–Usumacinta basin.
Methods  Distributional data for 22 fish species, 34 crab species of the tribe Pseudothelphusini, and 22 strictly freshwater species of angiosperms were analysed. Parsimony analysis of endemicity is based on presence/absence data of these taxa and uses the computer programs Winclada and NONA.
Results  Three generalized tracks were obtained: (1) Mexican North Pacific, (2) Mexican Central Pacific, and (3) Southern Mexico–Guatemala. A node resulted at the intersection of the first two tracks, coinciding with the Neovolcanic Axis in central Mexico.
Main conclusions  Freshwater generalized tracks with an altitudinal distribution below 1000 m, mainly including fishes and angiosperms, are close to the Tropical Mesoamerican generalized track. Generalized tracks above 1000 m, including freshwater crabs, have a stronger affinity with the Mountain Mesoamerican track. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec represents a node for the Neotropical freshwater and terrestrial biota. These results seem to indicate that common geobiotic processes have induced these patterns.  相似文献   

Aim To use the method of parsimony analysis of endemism to identify areas of endemism for passerine birds in the Atlantic Forest, South America, and to compare the locations of these areas with areas previously identified for birds as well as other taxa. Location The Atlantic Forest, eastern South America. Methods We analysed a matrix composed of the presence (1) or absence (0) of 140 endemic species in 24 quadrats of 1 × 1 degree distributed along the Atlantic Forest to find the most parsimonious area cladogram. Results Fourteen most parsimonious cladograms were found and then summarized in a single consensus tree. Four areas of endemism were identified: Pernambuco, Central Bahia, Coastal Bahia, and Serra do Mar. Main conclusions Avian areas of endemism in the Atlantic Forest have significant generality, as they are highly nonrandom and congruent with those of other groups of organisms. A first hypothesis about the historical relationships among the four areas of avian endemism in the Atlantic Forest is delineated. There is a basal dichotomy among areas of endemism in the Atlantic Forest, with Pernambuco forming a northern cluster and Coastal Bahia, Central Bahia and Serra do Mar comprising a southern cluster. Within the southern cluster, Central Bahia and Serra do Mar are more closely related to each other than to Coastal Bahia.  相似文献   

Distribution of the freshwater fishes of Japan: an historical overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Japanese freshwater fishes, including lampreys, comprise 15 orders, 35 families, and 96 genera, with 211 species and subspecies. Most belong to the families Cyprinidae (29% of species and subspecies), Gobiidae (21%), Salmonidae (10%), and Cobitidae (8%). Cyprinids and cobitids presumably originated from east Asia, gobiids from southeast Asia, and cottids and salmonids from the north Pacific. Japanese freshwater fishes include 88 endemic species and subspecies, of which three have been extirpated. Fishes introduced into natural rivers and lakes for inland commercial fisheries and sport fishing, and by accident, include many exotic species, of which 23 now inhabit natural freshwaters. These often have destroyed the local fish fauna by predation, and caused genetic pollution by hybridization with local strains. Destruction of freshwater environments by land development also poses a threat to Japanese freshwater fish communities. In addition Japanese freshwater systems have been markedly altered by development of rice paddy fields which have caused some species to decline but others to flourish, and changed the distribution patterns of fishes between upstream and downstream areas. To conserve endangered species and declining communities of Japanese freshwater fishes, we need to clarify the characteristics of their original habitats and the effects of developing paddy fields, from both the ecological and historical points of view.  相似文献   

Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar toBagarus and/orGlyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so theGlyptothorax-like andBagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated fromGlyptothorax-like fish under this environment. The presentGlyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift intervals of the plateau, the water system of this region was separated gradually andGlyptosternum-like ancestor was isolated in different rivers and evolved into various species. All this resulted in the speciation and formation of the biogeographical pattern of glyptosternoids.  相似文献   

Diadromous fishes can exhibit interesting evolutionary and population-level patterns given their use of freshwater and marine environments as part of their life histories. The River goby genus Awaous are prominent members of riverine ichthyofaunas and occur throughout Atlantic and Pacific slopes of the Americas from the southern United States to Ecuador and Brazil. Here we study the widespread and polymorphic Awaous banana complex to assess phylogeographic patterns and test previous hypotheses that all populations of this species in the Americas belong to the same species. Analysis of sequence data based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene shows multiple clades within the Atlantic and Pacific basins, which correspond to previously described species. Additionally, haplotype analysis demonstrates unique and unconnected networks between these species. Within these clades we document biogeographic patterns that are congruent with results of other co-occurring diadromous species, as well as a novel biogeographic pattern for the region. Our results support the recognition of distinct species of Awaous in the Atlantic (A. banana and A. tajasica) and Pacific (A. transandeanus) basins. These results are concordant with previously established morphological characters permitting the separation of these species.  相似文献   

Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar to Bagarus and/or Glyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so the Glyptothorax-like and Bagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated from Glyptotho-rax-like fish under this environment. The present Glyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift inte  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Prochilodus species in the Paraná, Amazonas, Orinoco, and Magdalena basins. Sequences of ATPase subunits 6 and 8 (total 840 bp) were obtained for 21 Prochilodus specimens from the four river systems. Using Semaprochilodus as an outgroup, phylogenetic analyses showed that: (i) each river basin contains a monophyletic group of mtDNA lineages; and (ii) the branching order places Magdalena in a basal position with subsequent branching of Orinoco, Amazon and Paraná. The mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 26 P. lineatus (from the Paraná basin) and six other Prochilodus specimens from the Magdalena, Orinoco and Amazon. All 26 control region haplotypes were unique with sequence divergence ranging from 0.3 to 3.6%. The control region phylogeny is well resolved but phylogenetic structure is not associated with geography. For example, mtDNA haplotypes from the upper Paraná (Mogui Guassú) and the upper Bermejo, separated by at least 2600 km, have close genealogical ties. Phylogeographic analyses, including nested clade analysis, suggest high levels of gene flow within this basin.  相似文献   

Aim The genus Kniphofia contains 71 species with an African–Malagasy distribution, including one species from Yemen. The genus has a general Afromontane distribution. Here we explore whether Kniphofia is a floristic indicator of the Afromontane centre of endemism and diversity. The South Africa Centre of diversity and endemism was explored in greater detail to understand biogeographical patterns. Location Africa, Afromontane Region, southern Africa, Madagascar and Yemen. Methods Diversity and endemism for the genus were examined at the continental scale using a chorological approach. Biogeographical patterns and endemism in the South Africa Centre were examined in greater detail using chorology, phenetics, parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and mapping of range‐restricted taxa. Results Six centres of diversity were recovered, five of which are also centres of endemism. Eight subcentres of diversity are proposed, of which only two are considered subcentres of endemism. The South Africa Centre is the most species‐rich region and the largest centre of endemism for Kniphofia. The phenetic analysis of the South Africa Centre at the full degree square scale recovered three biogeographical areas that correspond with the subcentres obtained from the chorological analysis. The PAE (at the full degree square scale) and the mapping of range‐restricted taxa recovered two and six areas of endemism (AOEs), respectively. These latter two approaches produced results of limited value, possibly as a result of inadequate collecting of Kniphofia species. Only two AOEs were identified by PAE and these are embedded within two of the six AOEs recovered by the mapping of range‐restricted taxa. All the above AOEs are within the three subcentres found by chorological and phenetic analysis (at the full degree square scale) for the South Africa Centre. Main conclusions The centres for Kniphofia broadly correspond to the Afromontane regional mountain systems, but with some notable differences. We regard Kniphofia as a floristic indicator of the Afromontane Region sensu lato. In southern Africa, the phenetic approach at the full‐degree scale retrieved areas that correlate well with those obtained by the chorological approach.  相似文献   

Abstract Aims Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Baja California peninsula are poorly known, with information based largely on scattered museum and literature records. We provide the first comprehensive account of ant species occurring on the peninsula, we examine distribution patterns, and we assess the ‘peninsular effect’ which predicts that species richness declines from the base to the tip of a peninsula. Location Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico. Methods Data collection involved examining, identifying and recording label data from c. 2350 series of ants. These records provide a provisional, if incomplete, species list. We applied the incidence‐based estimator, Chao‐2, to our data base of specimen records to estimate the total number of ant species on the peninsula. We assessed endemism by comparing our peninsular species list to those from adjacent states. The peninsular effect was tested by comparing genus and species level richness between the two states of Baja California, and across five latitudinal blocks. Results We document 170 native ant species in thirty‐three genera, plus six non‐native species, in Baja California. It seems likely that additional species remain to be discovered: the Chao‐2 estimator of species richness, at 206.0 species, is about 20% higher than our observed species richness. About 30% of the species and 20% of the genera are restricted within Baja California to the relatively mesic California Floristic Province of north‐western Baja California. Nearly all of these species also occur in California. Forty‐seven species (27.6%) are peninsula endemics. Using our entire data set, the peninsular effect appears to be strong, with about twice as many species in the northern state of Baja California than are recorded from the southern state of Baja California Sur; the ratio of genera is 33 to 24. However, this effect becomes weak at the species level and absent at the genus level when minimizing habitat effects by omitting species restricted to the California Floristic Province. At a finer scale, across latitudinal blocks of about 1.9°, the number of species declines towards central portions of the peninsula and then increases in the Cape Region. Nine ant species display strongly disjunct distributions, and these occur in two general patterns: peninsula disjuncts and peninsula–mainland disjuncts. Main conclusions The Baja California peninsula supports a diverse and distinctive ant fauna, with the proportion of endemic species similar to that displayed by plants. Patterns of species and genus richness across the five latitudinal blocks provide poor support for the peninsular effect. Moreover, habitat diversity, especially that related to topographic relief, appears to be the most important factor affecting the gradient of ant species richness in Baja California. Additional collections are needed to develop a more complete species list and to determine the boundaries and status of many species. Nevertheless, the present data base provides a useful starting point for understanding the evolution of ant assemblages in Baja California and for comparison with peninsular patterns in other taxa.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Determining large-scale distribution patterns for mosquitoes could advance knowledge of global mosquito biogeography and inform decisions about where mosquito inventory needs are greatest.
2. Over 43 000 georeferenced records are presented of identified and vouchered mosquitoes from collections undertaken between 1899 and 1982, from 1853 locations in 42 countries throughout the Neotropics. Of 492 species in the data set, 23% were only recorded from one location, and Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann is the most common species.
3. A linear log–log species–area relationship was found for mosquito species number and country area. Chile had the lowest relative density of species and Trinidad-Tobago the highest, followed by Panama and French Guiana.
4. The potential distribution of species was predicted using an Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) approach. Anopheles species had the largest predicted species ranges, whereas species of Deinocerites and Wyeomyia had the smallest.
5. Species richness was estimated for 1° grids and by summing predicted presence of species from ENM. These methods both showed areas of high species richness in French Guiana, Panama, Trinidad-Tobago, and Colombia. Potential hotspots in endemicity included unsampled areas in Panama, French Guiana, Colombia, Belize, Venezuela, and Brazil.
6. Argentina, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cuba, and Peru were the most under-represented countries in the database compared with known country species occurrence data. Analysis of species accumulation curves suggested patchiness in the distribution of data points, which may affect estimates of species richness.
7. The data set is a first step towards the development of a global-scale repository of georeferenced mosquito collection records.  相似文献   

Abstract. Using raw geographic distributions for Neotropical species and subspecies of the perching birds (Order Passeriformes), we present an hypothesis of area-relationships for twelve avian areas of endemism in the lowland Neotropics. With 1717 characters (distributions of species and subspecies) we find a single most parsimonious tree of area-relationships. This topology does not match area-relationships determined from phylogenetic studies of morphologic characters in some Neotropical birds. Analyses of data partitions representing major taxonomic subdivisions within Passerine birds provide many different hypotheses of area-relationships. These results suggest that a single set of Neotropical area-relationships is not likely. In the future, we suggest greater emphasis be placed on research to document patterns in the Neotropics, particularly phylogenetic patterns, than on speculation about what processes have been important for diversification.  相似文献   

A compilation of historical and recent collections and observations of shore fishes yielded 154 recorded species for Trindade and 67 for Martin Vaz. Twelve taxa, mostly small cryptobenthic species with limited dispersal capabilities and low ecological amplitude, are endemic to this insular complex. In several cases, the seamounts of the Vitória‐Trindade Chain appear to have acted as stepping stones between the mainland and islands in periods of low sea level.  相似文献   

Although mountain ranges are often recognized as global biodiversity hotspots with a high level of endemism, diversity and biogeographic connections of isolated and weakly explored mountains remain poorly understood. This is also the case for Shirkuh Mts. in central Iran. Here, Yazdana shirkuhensis gen. & spec. nov. (Caryophylleae, Caryophyllaceae) is described and illustrated from the high alpine zone of this mountain. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data show that Y. shirkuhensis is related to Cyathophylla and Heterochroa (tribe Caryophylleae). The newly described genus and species accentuate Shirkuh Mts. as a center of endemism, which harbors a high number of narrowly distributed species, mostly in high elevations reaching alpine habitats. As this area is currently not protected, a conservation priority is highlighted for high elevations of Shirkuh Mts.  相似文献   

Historical biogeography seeks to explain contemporary distributions of taxa in the context of intrinsic biological and extrinsic geological and climatic factors. To decipher the relative importance of biological characteristics vs. environmental conditions, it is necessary to ask whether groups of taxa with similar distributions share the same history of diversification. Because all of the taxa will have shared the same climatic and geological history, evidence of shared history across multiple species provides an estimate of the role of extrinsic factors in shaping contemporary biogeographic patterns. Similarly, differences in the records of evolutionary history across species will probably be signatures of biological differences. In this study, we focus on inferring the evolutionary history for geographical populations and closely related species representing three genera of primary freshwater fishes that are widely distributed in lower Central America (LCA) and northwestern Colombia. Analysis of mitochondrial gene trees provides the opportunity for robust tests of shared history across taxa. Moreover, because mtDNA permits inference of the temporal scale of diversification we can test hypotheses regarding the chronological development of the Isthmian corridor linking North and South America. We have focused attention on two issues. First, we show that many of the distinct populations of LCA fishes diverged in a relatively brief period of time thus limiting the phylogenetic signal available for tests of shared history. Second, our results provide reduced evidence of shared history when all drainages are included in the analysis because of inferred dispersion events that obscure the evolutionary history among drainage basins. When we restrict the analysis to areas that harbour endemic mitochondrial lineages, there is evidence of shared history across taxa. We hypothesize that there were two to three distinct waves of invasion into LCA from putative source populations in northwestern Colombia. The first probably happened in the late Miocene, prior to the final emergence of the Isthmus in the mid-Pliocene; the second was probably coincident with the rise of the Isthmus in the mid-Pliocene, and the third event occurred more recently, perhaps in the Pleistocene. In each case the geographical scale of the dispersion of lineages was progressively more limited, a pattern we attribute to the continuing development of the landscape due to orogeny and the consequent increase in the insularization of drainage basins. Thus, the fisheye view of LCA suggests a complex biogeographic history of overlaid cycles of colonization, diversification, sorting and extinction of lineages.  相似文献   

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