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Natal and breeding dispersal have a major impact on gene flowand population structure. We examined the consequences of nataldispersal on the reproductive success (proportion of pairs rearingchicks) of colonial-breeding Thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia).Reproductive success increased with distance dispersed for thefirst and second breeding attempt. The increase in breedingsuccess leveled off at natal dispersal distances above 7 m.Our results were consistent with the idea that the relationshipbetween dispersal and reproductive success is caused by siteavailability and mate choice as birds willing to disperse fartherhad a greater choice of potential sites and mates. This hypothesiswas supported by the fact that birds dispersing farther weremore likely to pair with an experienced breeder, which increasesthe likelihood of breeding success for young breeders. Explanationsfor increasing breeding success with increased dispersal basedon inbreeding effects were unlikely because most breeding failureswere caused by egg loss rather than infertility or nestlingdeath. However, we could not explain why >50% of birds returnwithin 3 m of the natal site, despite having an up to 50% lowerreproductive success than birds dispersing 7 m or more.  相似文献   

Philopatry over the lifetime and its relationship with reproductivesuccess were examined using longitudinal records of nest locationand reproduction of individual blue-footed boobies. Males showedshorter natal dispersal than females, and natal dispersal distanceof both sexes were unrelated to either first reproductive successor lifetime reproductive success. Throughout the early lifetime,males and females nested closer to their first breeding sitesthan to their natal sites, and comparison with a simulationof successive breeding dispersals in random directions showedthat male and female blue-footed boobies are philopatric tothe first breeding site. Therefore, throughout the early lifetime,the first breeding site seems to function as a point of referencefor breeding site use together with the previous season's site.Males and females with shorter natal dispersal distances showedstronger lifetime philopatry to their first breeding sites,suggesting stable individual variation in competitive abilityor dispersal phenotype. However, early lifetime philopatry tofirst breeding sites was unrelated to annual breeding success.Compared with simple fidelity to previous breeding sites, lifetimephilopatry to first breeding sites should result in increasedkin interactions and greater selection for kin recognition,altruism and inbreeding avoidance, as well as long-term familiaritywith neighbors.  相似文献   

To study quantitatively the relationship between immigration rate and gene flow we used 9-year data from a willow tit Parus montanus population in a continuous forest habitat. We compared components of lifetime reproductive success, and parental survival rate between immigrant and resident (‘status’) birds by taking individual age into consideration also. Of the fitness components, survival was independent of status and sex, averaging 0.60 annually. Of the male and female breeders, on average 63.1% and 75.6%, respectively, originated from unknown natal areas, implying extensive immigration. Pair formation was nonassortative with respect to the origin of partners. The effect of status on reproductive success was significant only for females: immigrants produced larger clutches and hatched more young in all age classes studied. However, the difference between the groups diminished until fledging and the offspring produced by the immigrant females showed lower local survival rate (4.6% of the young) than did those by the residents (5.9%). Therefore, the contribution of immigrant females to the local gene pool was lower than expected on the basis of immigration rate. However, we propose that the result implies differential propensities to long-distance dispersal rather than overall survival prospects, since we detected no quality differences suggesting reduced survival chances among descendants of immigrant females. Therefore, gene flow into the population was slightly lower than immigration rate. It is possible that immigrant females are more prone to invest in progeny that effectively disperse further to search for new vacancies. The conditions prevailing during nestling growth may be crucial in determining whether an individual will later become a resident or leave the natal area, but the genetic component of this trait should also be considered. We suggest that widespread propagules is a better strategy than philopatry for a short-lived species to minimize the risk of losing all descendants in temporally and spatially varying conditions.  相似文献   

A 4 year mark–recapture study examined the pattern of nesting site fidelity of parental‐type male bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. The study results indicated that iteroparous male L. macrochirus choose new nest sites near their own previously used sites. The scale of site fidelity varied, but generally males choose to renest within shoreline areas rather than specific or exact nest locations (94% within‐year, 86% among‐years). Iteroparous males also displayed no preference to nest in proximity to neighbouring males from previous colonies to suggest social fidelity. Contrary to expectation, manipulating males' reproductive success had no significant effect on the pattern or scale of male reproductive site fidelity.  相似文献   

Sex-biased natal dispersal in long-lived species may resultin interactions between parents and mature young of the philopatricsex. To investigate the evolutionary basis of natal philopatryin a noncooperative species, the common goldeneye Bucephalaclangula, we studied possible costs and benefits of simultaneousbreeding of females and philopatric daughters. We did not find any fitness consequences of a daughter's breeding on their mother'sbreeding in terms of nest-site selection, body weight, clutchsize, hatching date, or hatching success. Our results, therefore,did not support the assumption of the local resource competitionhypothesis, that the natally philopatric sex should be morecostly to a breeding parent. As possible benefits for daughters returning to their natal area, we tested inheritance of nestsites from mothers and explored whether daughters utilize thepresence of their mother by parasitically sneaking into hermother's nest. Daughters' nest-site selection was not associatedwith the presence of their mothers. A comparison between daughtersand control females revealed that daughters chose their nestsite closer to their natal nest than expected by nest-siteavailability alone. Daughters could not expect to inherit anest site from their mother, and we did not find other indicationsof cooperation between relatives either. The mother's clutchsize did not increase in the year breeding with the daughter, indicating daughters do not parasitize their mother's nest.We suggest that benefits such as decreased nest predation riskassociated with nesting close to the natal nest site may beimportant in the natal philopatric behavior of the species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   In territorial species, increased density is often linked to an increase in aggressive interactions, which may result in trade-offs between competitive behavior and nest construction. We examined the impact of nesting in areas of high-density versus low-density nest boxes on conspecific interactions and nest-building effort in a population of Tree Swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor ). We also examined whether expected differences in behavior related to variation in nest quality and reproductive success in high-density and low-density areas. No differences in either nest-building behavior or reproductive success were observed between areas of high-density and low-density boxes, but there was a tendency of more frequent behavioral interactions at high density. Similarly, there was a significant difference between pairs defending single nest boxes and those defending multiple nest boxes in the number of interactions with conspecifics. These results suggest that although there may be more competition with conspecifics for Tree Swallows nesting at high density, this does not appear to affect either nest quality or reproductive success.  相似文献   

The kin structure and dispersal pattern of polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ) of the Barents Sea was investigated during the spring mating season using two complementary approaches. First, individual genotypes based on the analyses of 27 microsatellite loci of 583 polar bears were related to field information gathered from 1146 bears in order to reconstruct the animals' pedigrees and to infer geographical distances between adult bears of different relatedness categories. According to the data, the median natal dispersal distance of the male animals was 52 km while that of the females was 93 km. Second, the relatedness of pairs of adult bears was estimated and correlated to the geographical distance between them. The female dyads had a much stronger kin structure than the male dyads. The 'pedigree approach' revealed a male kin structure which could not be detected using the 'relatedness approach'. This suggests that, on a broader scale, effective dispersal is slightly male biased. Despite fidelity to natal areas, male-mediated gene flow may nevertheless prevent genetic differentiation. Males might occasionally shift their home range which could therefore lead to a male-biased breeding dispersal. Our results showed that a nonterritorial species such as the polar bear that has a high dispersal potential, lives in a highly unstable environment and migrates seasonally is still able to exhibit a distinct kin structure during the mating season.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key process in population and evolutionary ecology. Individual decisions are affected by fitness consequences of dispersal, but these are difficult to measure in wild populations. A long‐term dataset on a geographically closed bird population, the Mauritius kestrel, offers a rare opportunity to explore fitness consequences. Females dispersed further when the availability of local breeding sites was limited, whereas male dispersal correlated with phenotypic traits. Female but not male fitness was lower when they dispersed longer distances compared to settling close to home. These results suggest a cost of dispersal in females. We found evidence of both short‐ and long‐term fitness consequences of natal dispersal in females, including reduced fecundity in early life and more rapid aging in later life. Taken together, our results indicate that dispersal in early life might shape life history strategies in wild populations.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the variation in T-cell-mediated immune function of blue tit nestlings affected their fledgling success and the probability of local survival. We studied the relationship between immune function and survival under two rearing conditions: control, unmanipulated, and experimentally enlarged broods. Brood enlargement had negative effects on nestling immune response. Immune response was positively related to fledgling success and it predicted the probability of local recruitment. However, the relationship between immune response and the probability of recruitment was significantly positive only among control broods and nonsignificant among enlarged broods. The effect of immune response on the recruitment probability was not affected by variation in body mass. Our study suggests that selection for immune responsiveness seems to be weak or even absent under unfavourable rearing conditions as simulated by brood size enlargement. Therefore, year-to-year environmental variation and environmental heterogeneity may constrain evolution towards higher immune responsiveness.  相似文献   

We examined how interactions between an individual's phenotype and its environment affect natal dispersal at multiple scales and the effects on lifetime reproductive success using a 22‐year study of green‐rumped parrotlets (Forpus passerinus). Dispersal increased or decreased lifetime reproductive success depending upon an individual's natal environment and phenotype. Many of the phenotypic traits and environmental conditions that influenced lifetime reproductive success also influenced dispersal, such as clutch size and competition, and this differed with scale. By examining phenotype–environment interactions, we observed both positive and negative effects of rainfall, habitat quality and competition on dispersal depending upon phenotype. The dispersal behaviours of juveniles typically resulted in higher lifetime reproductive success. Thus, individuals commonly exhibit ideal free behaviour and results provide support for the occurrence and maintenance of dispersal polymorphisms. This study highlights the long‐term, carry‐over effects of natal environment, natal phenotype and dispersal tactic on lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dispersal and philopatry may be influenced by habitat, intraspecific and interspecific interactions, and resource quality. Dispersal may vary substantially between urban and rural wildlife populations due to differences in urban-rural habitat and trophic relationships. We examined effects of environmental, body condition, and social influences on dispersal and philopatry of urban and rural red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in east-central Illinois and western Indiana, USA. We recorded 96 dispersal events and 66 cases of philopatry in juvenile foxes. We used Akaike's Information Criterion to evaluate regression models of dispersal probability, initiation date, distance, and days spent dispersing. Habitat (i.e., urban-rural), sex, row-crop percentage in natal home ranges, family home-range overlap, and social interactions with family members all influenced dispersal probability. Juvenile foxes with fewer row crops in their home ranges, individuals with high intra-familial overlap of summer range, females, and urban foxes were associated with philopatry. Dispersals began mid-September and ended in March. Rural juveniles dispersed 23 days earlier than did urban conspecifics. Heavier foxes (capture wt) and those with heavily row-cropped home ranges dispersed earlier. Littermates dispersed at similar times, although in different directions. Dispersal distances averaged 44.8 km for all foxes (range = 1–478 km). Male and urban foxes dispersed farther than female and rural foxes, respectively. Time between dispersal and settlement averaged 41.2 days (range = 2–114 days), with urban foxes dispersing over longer time periods. Dispersal direction between the sexes had different directional distributions, though mean vectors for both were oriented north. Dispersing foxes selected cropland in proportion to availability, whereas grassland was selected preferentially. We demonstrate influences of habitat, resource availability, familial social interactions, and interspecific interactions on dispersal and philopatry of juvenile red foxes in an intensively row-cropped region of the Midwest. Our findings demonstrate red fox dispersal ecology differences in urban and rural environments. In intensively row-cropped regions of the Midwest where landscape crop harvest alters dispersal timing, minimizing seasonal habitat changes with permanent vegetative structure (e.g., crop food plots, native grass fields) would likely delay dispersal activity, and increase survival.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a free-living tagged population of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was investigated for two consecutive years (1990 and 1991) using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. A specific social behaviour, the formation of stable breeding groups, influenced the genetic structure of the population. These breeding groups were shown to constitute genetically differentiated units with low levels of gene flow between them. The average relatedness among members of a social group was higher than within the population as a whole. As a result of female philopatry coupled with male-biased natal dispersal, the relatedness of females was higher than that of males, both within social groups and in the whole population. Furthermore, the average relatedness of females within groups was twice the relatedness of females between groups. This study reveals marked fine-scale, intrapopulation genetic structure, which is attributable to the social behaviour of the European wild rabbit.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban landscapes vary greatly across North America and long-term data on the nesting biology of Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii) from a variety of urban environments will improve our understanding of these poorly studied populations. We studied Cooper's hawks nesting in the metropolitan Milwaukee area, Wisconsin, USA, over a 12-year period, 1993–2004. Nesting success for 254 first nesting attempts averaged 64.6% with means of 2.27 young per laying pair and 3.53 young per successful pair. For 8 second nesting attempts (i.e., re-nests), nesting success averaged 87.5% with means of 2.57 young per laying pair and 3.00 young per successful pair. Productivity for first nesting attempts did not vary over the 12-year period, and productivity for re-nests did not differ from first nesting attempts. We documented evidence of nest predation by raccoons (Procyon lotor) and red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). On average, second year (SY [i.e., 1-yr-old]) Cooper's hawks comprised 14.6% (43 of 295 breeding birds; 21.5% [37 of 172] of F and 4.9% [6 of 123] of M) of the known breeding population. The percentage of SY breeders within this population declined over the 12-year period, suggesting a relatively young population. Cooper's hawks consistently reoccupied nest sites annually after initial discovery over an estimated 2 generations of breeding adults, suggesting that population density for our study was at least stable. We trapped 105 breeding adults, including 5 natal dispersal birds. Based on long-term, relatively high reproduction, repeated re-occupancy of nest sites, and confirmed recruitment from within this population, we suggest that these nesting areas were not marginal or inferior habitats and that urban Cooper's hawks in this study area were not a sink population. We recommend no active management of this population at this time; however, additional information for nesting Cooper's hawks from other urban environs will expand our knowledge base for these populations.  相似文献   

Hatching failure within clutches of eggs occurs to varying degrees in many avian species. We investigated predictors of hatching failure in a population of Florida Scrub‐Jays, for which hatching success has been monitored for 15 years. We assessed whether hatching failure was related to parental traits (e.g. age, experience as a pair or body condition), lay date, social structure (e.g. number of helpers), environmental conditions, or some combination of these. We used linear mixed models and Akaike’s information criterion to determine the models that best explain observed patterns of hatching failure. The best model showed that increased hatching failure was associated with below‐average rainfall during the breeding season, and was more common for newly established breeding pairs than for pairs that had previously produced one or more clutches together. Other contributing models suggested that hatching failure was greatest for the youngest and oldest female breeders. Some aspects of our findings are consistent with conclusions drawn from other species. However, as a whole, our analyses suggest that hatching failure in the Florida Scrub‐Jay is influenced by a complex set of environmental and parental factors.  相似文献   

The genotype of an individual for allozymes such as phosphoglucoisomerase (Pgi) is often not neutral with regard to fitness. Studies of several taxa have found consistent fitness differences among Pgi genotypes expressing different allozymes. We conducted a greenhouse experiment with Clarkia unguiculata to determine whether allelic variation at the Pgi-C1 locus may affect components of male and female function. We found significant differences in siring success between pollen donors homozygous for different Pgi alleles. When a mixture of pollen was applied to stigmas under conditions of gametophytic competition (more pollen deposited on stigmas than there are ovules available to fertilize), donors homozygous for the C allele of Pgi sired more seeds per fruit than B-allele donors. Differences between genotypes with respect to female fertility per fruit contrasted with the male advantage associated with the C allele. Recipients homozygous for the C allele produced fruits with more aborted seeds and fewer viable seeds than recipients homozygous for the B allele. These results suggest that allelic variation at a single locus may have opposing effects on male and female reproductive success in C. unguiculata, and that trade-offs between the two types of reproductive success could contribute to the maintenance of variation at the Pgi-C1 locus.  相似文献   

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