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Aim  To investigate the influence of Holocene climatic and human-induced changes on a region of high biodiversity in southern Peruvian Amazonia.
Location  Four palaeoecological records from separate lakes within a lake district close to the modern city of Puerto Maldonado, Peru.
Results  The lakes provide a palaeoecological record spanning the last 8200 years. A mid-Holocene dry event is documented in all of the records that extend back > 6000 years. The dry event appears to have lasted from c . 7200 yr bp until c . 3300 yr bp . The onset of wetter conditions coincides with the formation of the youngest of the four lakes. The earliest occupation of these sites is inferred from the presence of charcoal at 7200 yr bp , and the first crop pollen is found at 3630 yr bp . Lakes that were regularly occupied were colonized soon after they formed. A reduction in charcoal concentration and the absence of crop pollen after c . 500  bp in all lakes is consistent with site abandonment following conquest.
Main conclusions  The mid-Holocene dry event is suggested to be part of a time-transgressive drying that tracked from north to south in both the Andes and the Amazon lowlands. The last millennium may represent the period of highest sustained lake levels within the Holocene. The proximity of the four lakes allows a landscape-scale analysis of the spatial extent of human disturbance centred on a known site of human occupation and reveals the highly localized nature of pre-Columbian anthropogenic disturbance in Amazonian landscapes. Inferences regarding widespread pre-Columbian landscape modification by indigenous peoples must take into account key site attributes, such as seasonality and proximity to rivers.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether fire contributed to the expansion and compositional change of evergreen forests in the Mediterranean region during the Holocene. Location The peri‐Adriatic region, encompassing the Italian peninsula, Sicily and the western and southern Balkans between latitudes 46° and 37° N. Methods New high‐resolution pollen and microscopic charcoal data from Lago dell’Accesa (Tuscany, Italy) were used to estimate the response of the evergreen oak, Quercus ilex L., to fire during its expansion phase at 8500 cal. yr bp . The data were compared with the pollen and charcoal series from other Mediterranean sites (Lago di Massaciuccoli in Tuscany, Malo Jezero in Croatia, Biviere di Gela in Sicily) and analysed using numerical techniques (redundancy analysis, detrended canonical correspondence analysis) to identify long‐term fire–vegetation linkages and the degree of compositional change. Results Microscopic charcoal and pollen of evergreen oaks were negatively correlated during the period of quasi‐natural fire regime (Mesolithic, 10,000–8000 cal. yr bp ). In addition, there was no such positive correlation during periods when the fire regime was potentially more influenced by people (Neolithic–Bronze Age, 8000–3000 cal. yr bp ). Compared with inland sites, coastal sites that are currently located at a distinct ecotone showed more compositional change. Main conclusions The analyses suggest that climatic change, without an additional effect of fire regimes, favoured the expansion and compositional change of evergreen forests across the peri‐Adriatic region. Strikingly different patterns occurred along a north–south gradient. In the north (Tuscany and Croatia, meso‐Mediterranean belt), Q. ilex replaced deciduous forests when conditions became drier; in the south (Sicily, thermo‐Mediterranean belt) the species replaced maquis or steppe vegetation when climatic conditions became moister. We conclude that the projected increase in fire activity may lead to the loss of most of the remaining relict forests of Q. ilex in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Abstract A discontinuous record of vegetation over the past 7500 years was obtained through pollen analysis of pond sediments from an extensive treeless plain on the relatively dry Central Plateau of Tasmania. The results demonstrate continuity of treeless conditions, which probably persisted from the Pleistocene throughout the Holocene, up to the present day. Some changes to the structure of the grassland were observed, especially over the past 200 years. Analysis of carbonized particles showed that fires had been infrequent over the period examined. It seems that this area, close to the altitudinal tree limit, has remained a natural grassland, and the hypothesis of Jackson (1973), that unreliable summer conditions may be a major factor in maintaining open conditions, is supported. Parts of the Central Plateau may thus preserve plant communities with some of the floristic elements and structure of widespread Bassian grasslands of the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Previous studies based on fossil pollen data have reported significant changes in vegetation on the alpine Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene. However, since the relative proportions of fossil pollen taxa are largely influenced by individual pollen productivities and the dispersal characteristics, such inferences on vegetation have the potential to be considerably biased. We therefore examined the modern pollen–vegetation relationships for four common pollen species on the Tibetan Plateau, using Extended R-value (ERV) models. Assuming an average radius of 100 m for the sampled lakes, we estimated the relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) to be 2200 m (which represents the distance from the lake). Using Poaceae as the reference taxa (Pollen Productivity Estimate, PPE = 1), ERV Submodel 2 derived relative high PPEs for the steppe and desert taxa: 2.079 ± 0.432 for Artemisia and 5.379 ± 1.077 for Chenopodiaceae. Low PPEs were estimated for the Cyperaceae (1.036 ± 0.012), whose plants are characteristic of the alpine Kobresia meadows. Applying these PPEs to four fossil pollen sequences since the Late Glacial, the plant abundances on the central and north-eastern Tibetan Plateau were quantified using the “Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites” (REVEALS) model. The proportions of Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae were greatly reduced compared to their original pollen percentages in the reconstructed vegetation, owing to their high productivities and their dispersal characteristics, while Cyperaceae showed a relative increase in the vegetation reconstruction. The reconstructed vegetation assemblages of the four pollen sequence sites always yielded smaller compositional species turnovers than suggested by the pollen spectra, as revealed by Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analyses (DCCA) of the Holocene sections. The strength of the previously reported vegetation changes may therefore have been overestimated, which indicates the importance of taking into account pollen–vegetation relationships when discussing the potential drivers (such as climate, land use, atmospheric CO2 concentrations) and implications (such as for land surface–climate feedbacks, carbon storage, and biodiversity) of vegetation change.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns are presented for selected aquatic algae, and terrestrial algae, mosses and lichens, at three large, coastal ice-free regions on Ross Island. Each region is unique in certain aspects of its vegetation. The variation in areal and quantitative occurrence of different components of the vegetation in diverse ponds and streams, and over exposed ground surfaces, is related to the levels of marine salts in the environment, fertilisation by birds, water availability, substratum type and degree of exposure. A comparison is made with other antarctic, coastal, ice-free regions where similar broadscale patterns have been recognised.  相似文献   

The impact of Holocene drought events on the presumably stable Central African rainforest remains largely unexplored, in particular the significance of fire. High‐quality sedimentary archives are scarce, and palynological records mostly integrate over large regional scales subject to different fire regimes. Here, we demonstrate a direct temporal link between Holocene droughts, palaeofire and vegetation change within present‐day Central African rainforest, using records of identified charcoal fragments extracted from soil in the southern Mayumbe forest (Democratic Republic of Congo). We find three distinct periods of local palaeofire occurrence: 7.8–6.8 ka BP, 2.3–1.5 ka BP, 0.8 ka BP – present. These periods are linked to well‐known Holocene drought anomalies: the 8.2 ka BP event, the 3rd millennium BP rainforest crisis and the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly. During and after these Holocene droughts, the Central African rainforest landscape was characterized by a fragmented pattern with fire‐prone open patches. Some fires occurred during the drought anomalies although most fires seem to lag behind them, which suggests that the open patches remained fire‐prone after the actual climate anomalies. Charcoal identifications indicate that mature rainforest patches did persist through the Early to Mid‐Holocene climatic transition, the subsequent Holocene thermal optimum and the third millennium BP rainforest crisis, until 0.8 ka BP. However, disturbance and fragmentation were probably more prominent near the boundary of the southern Mayumbe forest. Furthermore, the dominance of pioneer and woodland savanna taxa in younger charcoal assemblages indicates that rainforest regeneration was hampered by increasingly severe drought conditions after 0.8 ka BP. These results support the notion of a dynamic forest ecosystem at multicentury time scales across the Central African rainforest.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct the last c. 7000 years of vegetation and climate change in an unusual region of modern Great Plains grassland and scarp woodland in south‐east Colorado (USA), and to determine the late Holocene biogeography of Colorado piñon (Pinus edulis) at its easternmost extent, using a series of radiocarbon‐dated packrat (Neotoma sp.) middens. Location The West Carrizo Canyon drains the Chaquaqua Plateau, a plateau that projects into the western extent of the southern Great Plains grasslands in south‐eastern Colorado, USA. Elevations of the study sites are 1448 to 1525 m a.s.l. Today the plateau is mostly Juniperus scopulorumP. edulis woodland. Methods Plant macrofossils and pollen assemblages were analysed from 11 14C‐dated packrat middens. Ages ranged from 5990 yr bp (6839 cal. yr bp ) to 280 yr bp (485 cal. yr bp ). Results The results presented here provide information on the establishment and expansion of JuniperusP. edulis woodland at its eastern limits. The analysis of both plant macrofossils and pollen from the 11 middens documents changes in plant communities over the last 7000 years, and the establishment of P. edulis at its easternmost limit. Though very minor amounts of P. edulis pollen occur as early as the middle Holocene, plant macrofossils were only recovered in middens dating after c. 480 cal. yr bp . Main conclusions Originally, midden research suggested a late glacial refuge to the north‐east of the Carrizo Canyon site, and a middle Holocene expansion of P. edulis. Results reported here are consistent with a late Holocene expansion, here at its eastern limits, but noted elsewhere at its northern and north‐eastern limits. In general, this late Holocene expansion is consistent with pollen data from sediments in Colorado and New Mexico, and suggests that P. edulis is still expanding its range at its present extremes. This has implications for further extension of its range due to changing climatic conditions in the future.  相似文献   

New information about the vegetational history of the Balearic Islands during part of the Holocene derives from the results of a pollen study of a 20‐metre‐deep core from Cala Galdana on the SW coast of Minorca.

The lower part of the pollen diagram at the beginning of the Atlantic Period records significant quantities of pollen of Corylus and also local taxa indicating swamp vegetation. In the middle part, Corylus is greatly reduced, AP percentages decrease appreciably and Olea and Ericaceae reach important values, while Plantago Poaceae and Cerealia increase significantly. In the upper part, a rise in Chenopodiaceae occurs, during which a slight increase of the arboreal taxa takes place with greater dryness. Most recently, vegetation changes reflect human activity.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lakes in the Boreal Transition Zone (BTZ) in Alberta, Canada are naturally productive systems that provide important breeding and moulting habitat for many waterfowl (Anseriformes). To examine the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors on waterfowl population densities, species richness and community composition, we surveyed 30 shallow lakes and evaluated the relationships among fish communities, lake characteristics and waterfowl in both breeding and moulting habitat. Shallow lakes were either fishless (n = 15), contained only small‐bodied fishes (n = 10) or contained large‐bodied, mostly predatory, fish in addition to small‐bodied fish (n = 5). 2. Environmental factors, including water colour, submerged aquatic vegetation, lake area and potassium, explained 24.3% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities. Fish assemblage contributed independently to a small but significant proportion (13.4%) of the variation, while 13.8% of the explained variation was shared between environmental factors and fish assemblage. In total, 51.5% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities was explained. 3. Overall, 55.5% of the total variation in moulting waterfowl communities was explained. Environment alone [especially total phosphorus, lake area, maximum depth and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] and variation shared by fish and environment similarly accounted for most of the explained variation in moulting waterfowl communities (21.7% and 25.7% respectively), while fish assemblage was only one‐third as important (8.1%). 4. Both breeding and moulting waterfowl densities increased with lake productivity, even in eutrophic and hypereutrophic lakes. Breeding waterfowl density was also twice as great in fishless lakes than in lakes with fish, after accounting for lake area. 5. Certain waterfowl taxa were linked to fishless lakes, especially in the moulting season. Canvasback and moulting ring‐necked ducks were linked to small‐bodied fish lakes, whereas moulting common goldeneye were indicators of large‐bodied fish lakes. Knowledge of fish presence and species composition can therefore help guide conservation and management of waterfowl habitat in western Canada. Our results suggest that management efforts to maintain the most productive waterfowl habitat in the BTZ should focus on smaller, shallow, fishless lakes, particularly given that larger fish‐bearing systems have greater regulatory protection.  相似文献   

依据位于燕山南部迁安盆地蚕姑庙村和余家洼村具放射性碳年代测定支持的埋藏泥炭剖面的孢粉分析资料,揭示了迁安盆地5 000 a BP以来自然植被变化和人类活动对自然环境的影响.在4 600~3 100 a BP期间,迁安盆地曾经生长着以栎为主的落叶阔叶林,至3 100 a BP以后,森林中阔叶树成分显著下降,喜凉耐干的松树比例增加,1 600 a BP后,迁安盆地人类农耕活动进一步加剧,森林遭受到大规模的破坏.孢粉分析资料揭示迁安盆地人类栽培板栗的历史可以追溯到1 600 a BP左右,种植水稻的历史可以追溯到700 a BP左右.  相似文献   


High-resolution pollen, macrofossil and charcoal data, combined with multivariate analysis, were used to reconstruct Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics at Manaderos. The studied mire is located in a highly valued location in the supra-Mediterranean belt of the Gredos Range (central Iberian Peninsula). The record started at 1260?calendar years (cal yrs) BP, according to eight radiocarbon dates, with the occurrence of an open Quercus pyrenaica forest and Pinus nigra stands. The palynological data show a dramatic change ~380?cal yrs BP, when the oak forest was progressively replaced by a maritime pine one. The interpretation of this record is related to an increase in agricultural and livestock activities and changes in the role of fire, thus Pyrenean oak canopy was consumed by fires providing openings for Pinus pinaster, better adapted to fire. The results are compared with other sequences from the Spanish Central System in order to better understand the past dynamics of the main forest constituents and to provide a critical view of the role of fire, anthropic dynamics and climatic events.  相似文献   

Ecological and environmental evidence suggests that Rapa Nui was among the most marginally habitable islands in Eastern Polynesia, with only a fraction of the biotic diversity found on archipelagos to the west, and capable of sustaining many fewer cultigens traditionally transported by Polynesian colonizers. However, archaeological evidence for human dietary adaptations under such restrictions is limited. Little is known about the particulars of the subsistence base and dietary changes on Rapa Nui that may be associated with a hypothesized late prehistoric decline in the quality and diversity of food sources. To better understand prehistoric Rapa Nui diet we examined stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of human teeth along with archaeological faunal material thought to comprise the Rapa Nui food web. Our results indicate that contrary to previous zooarchaeological studies diet was predominantly terrestrial throughout the entire sequence of occupation, with reliance on rats, chickens and C3 plants. While a few individuals may have had access to higher trophic level marine resources, this is evident only later in time (generally post–AD 1600). A decline in δ15N through time was observed, and may be attributed to declines in available terrestrial proteins; however, presently we cannot rule out the effect of changing soil and plant baseline δ15N. Our results also suggest differential access to higher trophic level marine resources among contemporaneous populations, but more research is required to clarify this observation. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:173–185, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Rainforest streams in eastern Madagascar have species‐rich and diverse endemic insect communities, while streams in deforested areas have relatively depauperate assemblages dominated by collector‐gatherer taxa. We sampled a suite of benthic insects and their food resources in three primary rainforest streams within Ranomafana National Park in eastern Madagascar and three agriculture streams in the park's deforested peripheral zone. We analysed gut contents and combined biomass and stable isotope data to examine stream community responses to deforestation in the region, which is a threatened and globally important hotspot for freshwater biodiversity. 2. Gut analyses showed that most taxa depended largely on amorphous detritus, obtained either from biofilms (collector‐gatherers) or from seston (microfilterers). Despite different resource availability in forest versus agriculture streams, diets of each taxon did not differ between stream types, suggesting inflexible feeding modes. Carbon sources for forest stream insects were difficult to discern using δ13C. However, in agriculture streams dependence on terrestrial carbon sources was low relative to algal sources. Most insect taxa with δ13C similar to terrestrial carbon sources (e.g. the stonefly Madenemura, the caddisfly Chimarra sp. and Simulium blackflies) were absent or present at lower biomass in agriculture streams relative to forest streams. Conversely, collector‐gatherers (Afroptilum mayflies) relied on algal carbon sources and had much higher biomass in agriculture streams. 3. Our analyses indicate that a few collector‐gatherer species (mostly Ephemeroptera) can take advantage of increased primary production in biofilms and consequently dominate biomass in streams affected by deforestation. In contrast, many forest stream insects (especially those in the orders Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera) depend on terrestrial carbon sources (i.e. seston and leaf litter), are unable to track resource availability and consequently decline in streams draining deforested landscapes. These forest‐specialists are often micro‐endemic and particularly vulnerable to deforestation. 4. The use of consumer biomass data in stable isotope research can help detect population‐level responses to shifts in basal resources caused by anthropogenic change. We also suggest that restoration of vegetated riparian zones in eastern Madagascar and elsewhere could mitigate the deleterious effects of deforestation on sensitive, endemic stream taxa that are dependent on terrestrial carbon sources.  相似文献   

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