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Homeostasis relies heavily on effective cell-to-cell communication. In the central nervous system (CNS), probably more so than in other organs, such communication is crucial to support and protect neurons especially during ageing, as well as to control inflammation, remove debris and infectious agents. Emerging evidence indicates that extracellular vesicles (EVs) including endosome-derived exosomes and fragments of the cellular plasma membrane play a key role in intercellular communication by transporting messenger RNA, microRNA (miRNA) and proteins. In neurodegenerative diseases, secreted vesicles not only remove misfolded proteins, but also transfer aggregated proteins and prions and are thus thought to perpetuate diseases by ‘infecting’ neighbouring cells with these pathogenic proteins. Conversely, in other CNS disorders signals from stressed cells may help control inflammation and inhibit degeneration. EVs may also reflect the status of the CNS and are present in the cerebrospinal fluid indicating that exosomes may act as biomarkers of disease. That extracellular RNA and in particular miRNA, can be transferred by EV also indicates that these vesicles could be used as carriers to specifically target the CNS to deliver immune modulatory drugs, neuroprotective agents and anti-cancer drugs. Here, we discuss the recent evidence indicating the potential role of exosomes in neurological disorders and how knowledge of their biology may enable a Trojan-horse approach to deliver drugs into the CNS and treat neurodegenerative and other disorders of the CNS.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid membrane vesicles released by live cells that carry a variety of biomolecules, including nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins. Recently, proteins in plasma-derived EVs have emerged as novel biomarkers with essential functions in the diagnosis and prognosis of human diseases. However, the current methods of isolating EVs from plasma often lead to coisolated impurities in biological fluids. Therefore, before performing any research protocol, the process of extracting EVs from plasma for proteomic analysis must be optimized. In this study, two EV isolation strategies, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and SEC combined with ion exchange adsorption (SEC + IEA), were compared in terms of the purity and quantity of protein in EVs. Our results demonstrated that, compared to single-step SEC, SEC combined with IEA could produce plasma-derived EVs with a higher purity by decreasing the abundance of lipoprotein. Additionally, with MS analysis, we demonstrated that the combination approach maintained the stability and improved the purity of EVs in many plasma samples. Furthermore, by combining SEC with IEA, more cancer-associated proteins were detected in the plasma of various cancer samples.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid‐bilayered vesicles that are released by multiple cell types and contain nucleic acids and proteins. Very little is known about how the cargo is packaged into EVs. Ubiquitination of proteins is a key posttranslational modification that regulates protein stability and trafficking to subcellular compartments including EVs. Recently, arrestin‐domain containing protein 1 (Arrdc1), an adaptor for the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases, has been implicated in the release of ectosomes, a subtype of EV that buds from the plasma membrane. However, it is currently unknown whether Arrdc1 can regulate the release of exosomes, a class of EVs that are derived endocytically. Furthermore, it is unclear whether Arrdc1 can regulate the sorting of protein cargo into the EVs. Exosomes and ectosomes are isolated from mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from wild type and Arrdc1‐deficient (Arrdc1?/?) mice. Nanoparticle tracking analysis–based EV quantitation shows that Arrdc1 regulates the release of both exosomes and ectosomes. Proteomic analysis highlights the change in protein cargo in EVs upon deletion of Arrdc1. Functional enrichment analysis reveals the enrichment of mitochondrial proteins in ectosomes, while proteins implicated in apoptotic cleavage of cell adhesion proteins and formation of cornified envelope are significantly depleted in exosomes upon knockout of Arrdc1.  相似文献   

Ceru S  Zerovnik E 《FEBS letters》2008,582(2):203-209
We report that a mutant of human stefin B is in a molten globule conformation. It has all the spectroscopic characteristics for such a state. We also demonstrate that the molten globule is oligomeric, eluting on SEC within a similar MW range than the higher order oligomers of the wild type protein, which is confirmed by DLS and AFM. Both, the higher oligomers and the molten globule state bind ANS, implying a high degree of hydrophobic patches exposure and partial opening of the structure. Finally, we demonstrate that the oligomeric molten globule is as toxic as the prefibrillar aggregates obtained at acid pH or the higher order oligomers prepared at neutral pH.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EV) can transfer cellular molecules for specific intercellular communication with potential relevance in pathological conditions. We searched for the presence in plasma from coronary artery disease (CAD) patients of EV containing the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR), a signalling receptor associated with myocardial ischaemia and whose expression is related to homocysteine (HCy) metabolism. Using protein organic solvent precipitation for plasma EV preparation and Western blotting for protein identification, we found that plasma from CAD patients contained various amounts of EV with ubiquitin bound to A2AR. Interestingly, the presence of ubiquitinated A2AR in EV from patients was dependent on hyperhomocysteinemia, the amount being inversely proportional to A2AR expression in peripheral mononuclear cells in patients with the highest levels of HCy. CEM, a human T cell line, was also found to released EV containing various amounts of ubiquitinated A2AR in stimulated conditions depending on the hypoxic status and HCy level of culture medium. Together, these data show that ubiquitinated A2AR‐containing EV circulate in the plasma of CAD patients and that this presence is related to hyperhomocysteinemia. A2AR in plasma EV could be a useful tool for diagnosis and a promising drug for the treatment of CAD.  相似文献   

Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM) is a frequent cause of heart transplantation. Potentially valuable blood markers are being sought, and low‐density lipoprotein receptor‐related protein 1 (LRP1) has been linked to the underlying molecular basis of the disease. This study compared circulating levels of soluble LRP1 (sLRP1) in IDCM patients and healthy controls and elucidated whether sLRP1 is exported out of the myocardium through extracellular vesicles (EVs) to gain a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease. LRP1 α chain expression was analysed in samples collected from the left ventricles of explanted hearts using immunohistochemistry. sLRP1 concentrations were determined in platelet‐free plasma by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Plasma‐derived EVs were extracted by size‐exclusion chromatography (SEC) and characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis and cryo‐transmission electron microscopy. The distributions of vesicular (CD9, CD81) and myocardial (caveolin‐3) proteins and LRP1 α chain were assessed in SEC fractions by flow cytometry. LRP1 α chain was preferably localized to blood vessels in IDCM compared to control myocardium. Circulating sLRP1 was increased in IDCM patients. CD9‐ and CD81‐positive fractions enriched with membrane vesicles with the expected size and morphology were isolated from both groups. The LRP1 α chain was not present in these SEC fractions, which were also positive for caveolin‐3. The increase in circulating sLRP1 in IDCM patients may be clinically valuable. Although EVs do not contribute to higher sLRP1 levels in IDCM, a comprehensive analysis of EV content would provide further insights into the search for novel blood markers.  相似文献   

By the method of indirect immunohistochemistry, distribution of transferrin and of transferrin receptor of the type 1 (TFR1) was studied in the formed rat eye retina at the period of early postnatal ontogenesis (from birth to opening of eyelids). It has been established that the character of distribution of these proteins and intensity of specific staining change dependent on the retina formation stage. Retina of the newborn rat is characterized by diffuse transferrin distribution in nuclear retina layer (in the neuroblast layer-NBL) and in the ganglionic cell layer (GCL) as well as in the eye pigment epithelium (PE); relative immunoreactivity to transferrin is not high. At the 5th postnatal day, immunoreactivity to transferrin is maximal and is revealed both in nuclear and in plexiform layers of retina and in the eye PE, the greatest signal being characteristic of NBL. At the 10th postnatal day the transferrin signal intensity in retina decreases, specific staining is revealed in GCL, PE, and in the area of formed outer segments of photoreceptors. At the 15th postnatal day, transferrin is revealed in GCL, in outer and inner photoreceptor segments and in the eye PE. TFR1 is present in all retina layers at all stages of the retina formation; the relative immunoreactivity to TFR1 sharply rises beginning from the 10th postnatal day; correlation between distribution of transferrin and TFR1 is detected in the entire retina of newborn rats as well as in the external retina area at subsequent stages of its development. A possible role of transferrin at various stages of formation of retina is discussed.  相似文献   

Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and hyperleptinemia are associated with aging and age‐associated diseases including prostate cancer. One experimental approach to inhibit tumor growth is to reduce dietary protein intake and hence levels of circulating amino acids. Dietary protein restriction (PR) increases insulin sensitivity and suppresses prostate cancer cell tumor growth in animal models, providing a rationale for clinical trials. We sought to demonstrate that biomarkers derived from plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs) reflect systemic leptin and insulin signaling and respond to dietary interventions. We studied plasma samples from men with prostate cancer awaiting prostatectomy who participated in a randomized trial of one month of PR or control diet. We found increased levels of leptin receptor in the PR group in total plasma EVs and in a subpopulation of plasma EVs expressing the neuronal marker L1CAM. Protein restriction also shifted the phosphorylation status of the insulin receptor signal transducer protein IRS1 in L1CAM+ EVs in a manner suggestive of improved insulin sensitivity. Dietary PR modifies indicators of leptin and insulin signaling in circulating EVs. These findings are consistent with improved insulin and leptin sensitivity in response to PR and open a new window for following physiologic responses to dietary interventions in humans.  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor has been immunohistochemically localized in the seminiferous epithelium of the rat with a monoclonal antibody, MRC OX26, which recognizes the transferrin receptor glycoprotein. The receptor was detectable on mitotically and meiotically dividing germ cells and, less abundantly, on round spermatids. It was lost from germ cells during spermatid elongation and was undetectable on immature spermatozoa. The transferrin receptor was also present on Sertoli cells in the testes of immature animals and on Sertoli cells in the testes of aspermatogenic animals that had been irradiated in utero. It was not detectable on Sertoli cells in the testes of cryptorchid animals. These studies demonstrate that the transferrin receptor is abundant on dividing germ cells as well as dividing somatic cells.  相似文献   

Iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) functions as translational regulator that plays a central role in coordinating the cellular iron metabolism by binding to the mRNA of target genes such as the transferrin receptor (TfR)—the major iron uptake protein. Reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 and that are both co-released by inflammatory cells modulate IRP1 in opposing directions. While H2O2—similar to iron depletion—strongly induces IRP1 via a signalling cascade, inactivates the mRNA binding activity by a direct chemical attack. These findings have raised the question of whether compartmentalization may be an important mechanism for isolating these biological reactants when released from inflammatory cells during the oxygen burst cascade. To address this question, we studied cytosolic IRP1 and its downstream target TfR in conjunction with a tightly controlled biochemical modulation of extracellular and H2O2 levels mimicking the oxygen burst cascade of inflammatory cells. We here demonstrate that IRP1 activity and expression of TfR are solely dependent on H2O2 when co-released with from xanthine oxidase. Our findings confirm that extracellular H2O2 determines the functionality of the IRP1 cluster and its downstream targets while the reactivity of is limited to its compartment of origin.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(8):112866
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Pancreatic tumors are highly desmoplastic and poorly-vascularized, and therefore must develop adaptive mechanisms to sustain their survival under hypoxic condition. Extracellular vesicles (EV) play vital roles in pancreatic tumor pathobiology by facilitating intercellular communication. Here we studied the effect of hypoxia on the release of EVs and examined their role in adaptive survival of pancreatic cancer (PC) cells. Hypoxia promoted the release of EV in PC cell lines, MiaPaCa and AsPC1, wherein former exhibited a far greater induction. Moreover, a time-dependent, measurable and significant increase was recorded for small EV (SEV) in both the cell lines with only minimal induction observed for medium (MEV) and large EVs (LEV). Similarly, noticeable changes in size distribution of SEV were also recorded with a shift toward smaller average size under extreme hypoxia. Thrombospondin (apoptotic bodies marker) was exclusively detected on LEVs, while Arf6 (microvesicles marker) was mostly present on MEV with some expression in LEV as well. However, CD9 and CD63 (exosome markers) were expressed in both SEV and MEVs with a decreased expression recorded under hypoxia. Among all subfractions, SEV was the most bioactive in promoting the survival of hypoxic PC cells and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α stabilization was involved in heightened EV release under hypoxia and for their potency to promote hypoxic cell survival. Altogether, our findings provide a novel mechanism for the adaptive hypoxic survival of PC cells and should serve as the basis for future investigations on broader functional implications of EV.  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptors (DDR1 and DDR2) are widely expressed cell-surface receptors, which bind to and are activated by collagens, including collagen type 1. Activation of DDRs and the resulting downstream signaling is known to regulate the extracellular matrix. However, little is known about how DDRs interact with collagen and its direct impact on collagen regulation. Here, we have established that by binding to collagen, the extracellular domain (ECD) of DDR2 inhibits collagen fibrillogenesis and alters the morphology of collagen type 1 fibers. Our in vitro assays utilized DDR2-Fc fusion proteins, which contain only the ECD of DDR2. Using surface plasmon resonance, we confirmed that further oligomerization of DDR2-Fc (by means of anti-Fc antibody) greatly enhances its binding to immobilized collagen type 1. Collagen turbidity measurements and biochemical assays indicated that DDR2 delays the formation of collagen fibrils. Atomic force microscopy of soluble collagen revealed that a predominately monomeric state of collagen was present with DDR2, while control solutions had an abundance of polymeric collagen. Transmission electron microscopy of collagen fibers, showed that the native periodic banded structure of collagen fibers was weakened and nearly absent in the presence of DDR2. Further, using a cell-based assay we demonstrate that overexpression of full length DDR2 inhibits fibrillogenesis of collagen type 1. Our results demonstrate a novel and important functional role of the DDR2 ECD that may contribute to collagen regulation via modulation of fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the isolation and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against human serum transferrin (Tf) and the cloning and sequencing of its cDNA. The antibody competes with the transferrin receptor (TR) for binding to human Tf and is therefore expected to bind at or very close to a region of interaction between Tf and its receptor. From the deduced amino acid sequence, we constructed a 3-dimensional model of the variable domains of the antibody based on the canonical structure model for the hypervariable loops. The proposed structure of the antibody is a first step toward a more detailed characterization of the antibody-Tf complex and possibly toward a better understanding of the Tf interaction with its receptor. The model might prove useful in guiding site-directed mutagenesis studies, simplifying the experimental elucidation of the antibody structure, and in the use of automatic procedures to dock the interacting molecules as soon as structural information about the structure of the human Tf molecule will be available.  相似文献   

A majority of cells obtain of transferrin (Tf) bound iron via transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) or by transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2) in hepatocytes. Our study establishes that cells are capable of acquiring transferrin iron by an alternate pathway via GAPDH.These findings demonstrate that upon iron depletion, GAPDH functions as a preferred receptor for transferrin rather than TfR1 in some but not all cell types. We utilized CHO-TRVb cells that do not express TfR1 or TfR2 as a model system. A knockdown of GAPDH in these cells resulted in a decrease of not only transferrin binding but also associated iron uptake. The current study also demonstrates that, unlike TfR1 and TfR2 which are localized to a specific membrane fraction, GAPDH is located in both the detergent soluble and lipid raft fractions of the cell membrane. Further, transferrin uptake by GAPDH occurs by more than one mechanism namely clathrin mediated endocytosis, lipid raft endocytosis and macropinocytosis. By determining the kinetics of this pathway it appears that GAPDH-Tf uptake is a low affinity, high capacity, recycling pathway wherein transferrin is catabolised. Our findings provide an explanation for the detailed role of GAPDH mediated transferrin uptake as an alternate route by which cells acquire iron.  相似文献   

Exosomes are tiny vesicles (30–150 nm) constantly secreted by all healthy and abnormal cells, and found in abundance in all body fluids. These vesicles, loaded with unique RNA and protein cargo, have a wide range of biological functions, including cell-to-cell communication and signalling. As such, exosomes hold tremendous potential as biomarkers and could lead to the development of minimally invasive diagnostics and next generation therapies within the next few years. Here, we describe the strategies for isolation of exosomes from human blood serum and urine, characterization of their RNA cargo by sequencing, and present the initial data on exosome labelling and uptake tracing in a cell culture model. The value of exosomes for clinical applications is discussed with an emphasis on their potential for diagnosing and treating neurodegenerative diseases and brain cancer.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) is considered to have a primary role in the formation and maintenance of the myelin sheath. Many studies using artificial vesicle systems of simple lipid composition, and generally small size, have shown that MBP can elicit vesicle fusion, aggregation, or even fragmentation under different conditions. Here, we have studied the effects of increasing concentrations of bovine MBP charge isomer C1 (MBP/C1) on large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (92:8 molar ratio), or with a lipid composition similar to that of the myelin membrane in vivo (Cyt-LUVs). Using absorbance spectrophotometry, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy, we have shown that vesicle aggregation and some vesicle fusion occurred upon addition of MBP/C1, and as the molar protein-lipid ratio increased. Fragmentation of Cyt-LUVs was observed at very high protein concentrations. These results showed that the phenomena of vesicle fusion, aggregation, and fragmentation can all be observed in one in vitro system, but were dependent on lipid composition and on the relative proportions of protein and lipid.  相似文献   

Transferrin (Tf) is an iron carrier protein that consists of two lobes, the N- and C-lobes, which can each bind a Fe3+ ion. Tf binds to its receptor (TfR), which mediates iron delivery to cells through an endocytotic pathway. Receptor binding facilitates iron release from the Tf C-lobe, but impedes iron release from the N-lobe. An atomic model of the Tf-TfR complex based on single particle electron microscopy (EM) indicated that receptor binding is indeed likely to hinder opening of the N-lobe, thus interfering with its iron release. The atomic model also suggested that the TfR stalks could form additional contacts with the Tf N-lobes, thus potentially further slowing down its iron release. Here, we show that the TfR stalks are unlikely to make strong interactions with the Tf N-lobes and that the stalks have no effect on iron release from the N-lobes of receptor-bound Tf.  相似文献   

Proteins involved in the organizing of lipid rafts can be found in exosomes, as shown for caveolin‐1, and they could contribute to exosomal cargo sorting, as shown for flotillins. Stomatin belongs to the same stomatin/prohibitin/flotillin/HflK/C family of lipid rafts proteins, but it has never been studied in exosomes except for extracellular vesicles (EVs) originating from blood cells. Here we first show the presence of stomatin in exosomes produced by epithelial cancer cells (non–small cell lung cancer, breast, and ovarian cancer cells) as well as in EVs from biological fluids, including blood plasma, ascitic fluids, and uterine flushings. A high abundance of stomatin in EVs of various origins and its enrichment in exosomes make stomatin a promising exosomal marker. Comparison with other lipid raft proteins and exosomal markers showed that the level of stomatin protein in exosomes from different sources corresponds well to that of CD9, while it differs essentially from flotillin‐1 and flotillin‐2 homologs, which in turn are present in exosomes in nearly equal proportions. In contrast, the level of vesicular caveolin‐1 as well as its EV‐to‐cellular ratio vary drastically depending on cell type.  相似文献   

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