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The origin of rat urinary epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been investigated. Unilateral nephrectomy decreased the concentration, total output of EGF and EGF/creatinine ratio by approximately 50%, while the output of creatinine was unchanged. Removal of the submandibular glands and duodenal Brunner's glands, organs known to produce EGF, had no influence on the output of EGF in urine. Renal clearance of EGF exceeded that of creatinine, and after bilateral nephrectomy or bilateral ligation of the ureters, the concentration of creatinine in serum increased, while the concentration of EGF was below the detection limit of the assay. Renal production of EGF was confirmed by immunohistochemistry demonstrating EGF immunoreactivity in the afferent arteriole of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. EGF in the submandibular glands and in urine was found to differ with chromatofocusing and reverse-phase HPLC. At isoelectric focusing the pI of submandibular EGF was 4.8 and 5.4 while that of urinary EGF was 5.3 and 6.4.In conclusion, this study demonstrates that urinary EGF mainly originates from the kidneys and is localized to the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been first isolated from the submandibular glands of the male mouse and recently from human urine. Despite its potent mitogenic effect in a variety of tissues, the physiological functions of EGF in human still remain undetermined. In order to study the effect of age on urinary human EGF (hEGF), we have evaluated urinary excretion of hEGF in normal subjects over a wide range of age (20–79 yr.) using homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) for hEGF. Urinary excretion of hEGF expressed as a function of creatinine significantly decreased with increasing age, age, while females excreted significantly more hEGF than males. These data suggest that urinary excretion of hEGF decreases with age in normal subjects which may be due to reduced synthesis and/or secretion of hEGF.  相似文献   

To clarify the source of human urine EGF, we studied EGF renal clearance in 20 healthy, young adult subjects. Immunoreactive EGF was measured hourly in EDTA plasma, heparin plasma, serum and urine of 12 males and 8 females during a 3 h study period. Plasma and urine creatinine and creatinine clearance were measured and calculated hourly. Mean (and SEM) creatinine clearance was similar in males and females (118 +/- 12 vs 105 +/- 6 ml/min). EGF was not detectable in plasma, whereas relatively high levels were measured in serum (2.5 +/- 0.25 vs 1.5 +/- 0.18 ng/ml in males and females respectively p less than 0.05). Urine EGF excretion averaged 1641 +/- 233 ng/h in males and 1507 +/- 191 ng/h in females (p greater than 0.05). A significant correlation was observed between urine creatinine and urine EGF concentrations in both male (r = 0.98, p less than 0.01) and female (r = 0.94, p less than 0.01) subjects. EGF immunoreactivity in urine and serum eluted from G-75 sephadex columns similarly to recombinant 6000 Mr hEGF. Urine excretion of EGF approximated 1.5 micrograms/h or 25 ng/mg creatine. The high concentrations of EGF found in urine in the face of non-detectable levels of EGF in plasma favor the hypothesis that EGF in urine is derived from kidney synthesis and secretion. The significant positive correlation between urine creatinine and urine EGF suggests a functional correlation between glomerular filtration and the process of tubular EGF excretion.  相似文献   

Nuclear-magnetic-resonance studies of human epidermal growth factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 1H-NMR spectra of native human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and a derivative lacking the final five residues have been assigned by two-dimensional methods, enabling their structures to be compared. The same structural features are observed for each protein, although the final five residues of native human EGF interact with residues earlier in the sequence. Comparison of the resonance shifts of human, rat and mouse EGF and human transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) enables shifts characteristic of the EGF conformation to be identified, providing standards by which the structures of related proteins may be assessed.  相似文献   

人表皮生长因子是激活表皮生长因子受体的生长因子家族的典型成员,由人体的多个组织器官合成与分泌,通过结合受体激活一系列信号途径,调控细胞的增殖、分化和迁移等。近年来,有关人表皮生长因子的研究已扩展到其在人类生理和病理作用的领域,尤其在组织再生和伤口愈合方面成为研究热点。文中综述了人表皮生长因子的研究进展,简要描述了其基因和蛋白的结构与特点、作用机制与生物学效应,重点介绍该生长因子在胃肠溃疡愈合、皮肤伤口修复和肿瘤病理过程中的作用与影响,从而为相关研究提供辅助信息。  相似文献   

Cellular localisation of human epidermal growth factor receptor   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We show here, using immunohistological techniques and a monoclonal antibody to the receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGFR) (Waterfield et al. 1982) that EGFR is present on a wide range of normal epithelial tissues and tumours arising from those sites. The distribution of the receptor suggests that EGF may be involved in the control of proliferation and possibly differentiation of surface epithelia. The strong tumour cell staining suggests an increased expression of the receptor in certain carcinomas.  相似文献   

重组人表皮生长因子的稳定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
考察了不同条件下重组人表皮生长因子(rhEGF)的稳定性。结果表明,不同的保存条件(物理状态、温度、pH、浓度等)对rhEGF的稳定性有显影响,使用适当的添加剂(保护剂、抗氧剂、抑菌等)可以提高rhEGF的稳定性。上述结果为rhEGF的制剂学研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

Human seleno-epidermal growth factor (seleno-EGF), a 53-residue peptide where all six cysteine residues of the parent human EGF sequence were replaced by selenocysteines, was synthesized and the oxidative folding of a polypeptide containing three diselenide bonds was compared to that of the parent cysteine peptide. The crude high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) profiles clearly showed that both the native EGF and its selenocysteine-analogue fold smoothly, yielding a single sharp peak, proving that even in the case of three disulfide-bonded polypeptides the disulfide-to-diselenide bond substitution is highly isomorphous, as confirmed by conformational circular dichroism measurements and particularly by the biological assays.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for human epidermal growth factor receptor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The development of a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the human epidermal growth factor receptor solubilized with nonionic detergents which employs iodinated epidermal growth factor (125I-EGF) as the specific ligand is described. A monoclonal antibody (R1) that binds specifically to human EGF receptors [Waterfield, M. D., et al. (1982) J. Cell Biochem. 20, 149-161] was used to separate solubilized receptors saturated with 125I-EGF from free ligand by absorption to protein A-Sepharose, and the bound radioactivity was determined. The RIA was linear when increasing amounts of solubilized membrane protein were added and, when compared to the standard polyethylene glycol assay, was more reproducible. In addition, the background nonspecific binding obtained in the presence of a hundred-fold excess of unlabeled EGF was less in the RIA. Substitution of normal mouse serum for the monoclonal antibody gave very low nonspecific background ligand binding and avoided the use of large amounts of unlabeled EGF in the assay. Two major classes of binding sites for EGF were observed in membrane preparations from the cervical carcinoma cell line A431 or from normal human placental tissue. These were present in approximately equal amounts, with apparent dissociation constants of 4 X 10(-10) and 4 X 10(-9) M. Upon solubilization with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, only one class of EGF binding sites was detected in both cases, with a dissociation constant of 3 X 10(-8) M. The RIA can be used to monitor receptor purification and for quantitation of receptor number and affinity in various cell types.  相似文献   

Human, rat and mouse epidermal growth factors (EGF) bind to the same receptor on human placenta, but the binding characteristics differ. The apparent affinity constant (KA) for human EGF is higher (15 X 10(9) l/mol) than KA for rat EGF (10 X 10(9) l/mol). Mouse EGF binds with the lowest KA (5 X 10(9) l/mol). The pH optimum differs so that human and rat EGF bind with a pH optimum of 8.0, whereas mouse EGF binds with an optimum of pH 7.4. Half maximal dissociation is 130, 50 and 25 min for human, rat and mouse EGF, respectively. The structures of human, rat and mouse EGF differ somewhat. At least 11 of the first 24 residues differ. The N-terminal sequence of rat EGF is: Ala/Ser-Gly-X-Pro-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Asp-Gly-Tyr-X-Lys-Asp-Gly-Gly-Val-X-Met-Ty r-Val -Glu.  相似文献   

Three site-directed mutants of human epidermal growth factor, Leu-26----Gly, Leu-47----Ala, and Ile-23----Thr, were examined for their ability to stimulate the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor. The receptor binding affinities of the mutant growth factors were 20- to 50-fold lower, as compared to wild-type growth factor. At saturating concentrations of growth factor, the velocities of the phosphorylation of exogenously added substrate and receptor autophosphorylation were significantly lower with the mutant analogs, suggesting a partial 'uncoupling' of signal transduction. The mutant analogs were shown to compete directly with the binding of wild-type, resulting in a decrease in growth factor-stimulated kinase activity.  相似文献   

Human whole blood serum reduces the binding of [125I]labeled mouse epidermal growth factor to cultured human fibroblasts as well as does 70-100 ng/ml mouse epidermal growth factor. However, at most 1-2% of the binding inhibitor detected in human whole blood serum is related to epidermal growth factor--the remaining consists of other factors released during preparation of serum, predominantly the platelet-derived growth factor, which are capable of altering the binding properties of the epidermal growth factor receptor. This accounts for much of the differences between values reported for epidermal growth factor concentration in blood by investigators using different assay procedures.  相似文献   

Topography of human placental receptors for epidermal growth factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
These studies were undertaken to determine whether term human placental microvillus plasma membranes, which are exposed to maternal blood, and basolateral plasma membranes, which are in close proximity to fetal blood capillaries, contain receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF). These two highly purified membranes bound 125I-EGF with similar affinity (apparent dissociation constants, 0.07-0.12 nM, but the total number of available receptors was greater in microvillus (8.2 pmol/mg protein) compared to basolateral (4.9 pmol/mg protein) plasma membranes. Detailed characterization of 125I-EGF binding to these membranes revealed numerous similarities as well as differences. The two membranes contained two major (155 and 140 kDa) and at least three minor (115, 175, and 210 kDa) specific 125I-EGF binding proteins. The 115-kDa protein was only found in basolateral plasma membranes. The 155-kDa protein was predominantly labeled in microvillus, whereas the 140-kDa protein was labeled predominantly in basolateral plasma membranes. The addition of protease inhibitors did not alter the multiple 125I-EGF binding proteins pattern found in these membranes. EGF stimulated phosphorylation of 140- and 155-kDa proteins in both microvillus and basolateral plasma membranes. However, the 155-kDa protein was phosphorylated to a greater extent in microvillus, whereas both 140- and 155-kDa proteins were phosphorylated equally in basolateral plasma membranes. Light and electron microscope autoradiographic studies revealed that 125I-EGF preferentially associated with microvillus plasma membranes. The data demonstrates the presence of EGF receptors in outer cell membranes of syncytiotrophoblasts and suggests that maternal EGF may influence syncytiotrophoblast function by binding to receptors in microvillus plasma membranes, while fetal EGF may also influence syncytiotrophoblast function but via receptors in basolateral plasma membranes.  相似文献   

To study the source of immunoreactive epidermal growth factor (ir-EGF) released by thrombin formation we removed 99.9% of the leukocytes normally present in platelet-rich plasma and induced coagulation with 30 mM of Ca2+. The absence of leukocytes did not reduce the amount of ir-EGF released; thus platelets are most likely the only source of the ir-EGF released during aggregation. To identify the site of ir-EGF in platelets we exposed washed platelets to collagen or thrombin and compared the kinetics of releases of ir-EGF, beta-thromboglobulin (bTG, an alfa-granule marker), ATP (dense granule marker), N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAGA, a lysosome marker) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, a cytoplasmic marker). Release of ir-EGF started immediately and continued linearly. The process differed clearly from the releases of the granule markers, which occurred readily, and were completed in a few minutes. The release of ir-EGF also differed from the leakage of LDH, the start of which was delayed greater than 5 min, but then proceeded linearly. Cytochalasin B inhibited the release of hEGF, but demecolcine had no effect. We conclude that the ir-EGF released from platelets during aggregation derives neither from the granules nor the cytoplasma. The assembly of cytoskeleton is needed for its release.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the secretion of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) by Corynebacterium glutamicum. METHODS AND RESULTS: We recently showed that a novel protein-secretion system in C. glutamicum could produce Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase. In the present study, the industrially important protein hEGF was secreted into the culture medium in a fully active form by C. glutamicum and accumulated at a rate of up to 156 mg l(-1) day(-1). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrated that the hEGF protein could be secreted in an active form by C. glutamicum. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our data confirmed that the pharmaceutically important human protein hEGF could be efficiently secreted in an active form by the C. glutamicum protein-expression system. Moreover, we demonstrated that this bacterium has potential as a host for the industrial-scale production of human proteins.  相似文献   

Four different forms of human epidermal growth factor (h-EGF) are found in the culture medium of a recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These forms were characterized after purification using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The most abundant form of secreted recombinant h-EGF has leucine at the carboxyl terminus and is identical with gamma-urogastrone. A second species is identical with the most abundant form except that it lacks the carboxyl-terminal leucine. This form appears to be the product of a carboxypeptidase found in the growth medium. The other two forms of recombinant h-EGF are the respective oxidation products of the above where the single methionine residue has been converted to methionine sulfoxide. These four forms of recombinant h-EGF are fully active; they bind to the EGF receptor of A431 cells as well as stimulate mitotic activity of human foreskin fibroblasts with equal specific activity. The location of the disulfide bonds in the predominant form of recombinant h-EGF was determined following digestion with thermolysin. The amino acid compositions of the resulting peptides showed that the placement of disulfide bonds in recombinant h-EGF is identical with that in murine EGF.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of epidermal growth factor from human milk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been purified from human milk. The purification was monitored with a human placental membrane radioreceptor assay using murine salivary epidermal growth factor I (mEGF I) as a competitive ligand and was achieved exclusively by the use of reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). The sequential use of preparative, semipreparative and analytical RPLC on an octylsilica support with solvent systems of different solute selectivity such as pyridine formate, triethylammonnium phosphate or perfluorocarbonic acids in the presence of n-propanol or acetonitrile allowed purification to homogeneity with 5 consecutive runs. The molecular mass, amino acid composition and NH2-terminal sequence of human EGF were determined. Gas-phase microsequencing of residues 1-17 revealed the following sequence: Asn-Ser-Asp-Ser-Glu-X-Pro-Leu-Ser-His-Asp-Gly-Tyr-X-Leu-X-Asp which is identical with the NH2-terminof urogastrone from human urine. The purified polypeptide competes with mEGF for the placental membrane receptor with a ki of 1 ng. Furthermore, it stimulates the anchorage-dependent as well as -independent proliferation of human and rat indicator cells with half-maximal stimulation at 1 and 2.5 ng/ml, respectively. Although human epidermal growth factor has been unequivocally identified in human milk and -for the first time-shown to be identical with urogastrone from human urine, the high-resolution techniques employed have also revealed the presence of EGF-related molecules which await further characterization. It is possible that EGF and the EGF-related growth factors possess important regulatory functions in normal growth of the human breast during pregnancy and lactation as well as in abnormal growth during mammary tumor formation and progression.  相似文献   

Size heterogeneity of epidermal growth factor in human body fluids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We measured the concentration of immunoreactive (IR) hEGF in various body fluids by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and evaluated its size heterogeneity by size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography combined with RIA or with time-resolved immunoflurometric assay (TR-IFMA). Mean concentration was 80 ng/ml in urine, 65 ng/ml in milk, 50 ng/ml in seminal plasma, 25 ng/ml in armpit sweat, 1 ng/ml in breast sweat, 0.3 ng/ml in third-trimester amniotic fluid, 3 ng/ml in saliva, 1.5 ng/ml in tears and 0.3 ng/ml in gastric juice.

All the fluids except armpit sweat and gastric juice contained two to five molecular sizes of IR-hEGF. As well as the 6200-dalton (6.2kDa) hEGF we found at least four other different molecular sizes with approximate weights of 300, 150, 70 and 20kDa. The authentic 6.2kDa form made up >90% of the total IR-hEGF in all except the amniotic fluid where its proportion was 71%, and the seminal plasma where the proportion could not be determined.  相似文献   

Anesthetized mice were infused into the tail vein with 7.5% mannitol in saline (0.1 ml/min for 60 min) alone or with EGF at 0.5 microgram/min. Urine was collected every 10 min starting 20 min after the beginning of the infusion and ending 20 min after its termination. EGF concentration in the serum of mice infused with EGF increased from the baseline level of 0.6 +/- 0.4 to 70.7 +/- 16.0 ng/ml at 80 min. Total excretion of EGF for 80 min was 117 +/- 49 ng with mannitol alone and 1916 +/- 420 ng (6.4% of the EGF infused) after mannitol with EGF. Serum and urine EGF was indistinguishable from the native mouse EGF by its radioimmunoassay and HPLC characteristics. Intact labeled EGF was also found in urine when mice were infused with 125I-EGF (1 x 10(6) cpm/ml) in mannitol. After 5 min infusion with 125I-EGF (6 x 10(6) cpm/ml in saline), more than 80% of the label was found in the liver and kidneys and more than 90% of it was intact EGF. However, 30 min after infusion more than 95% of the labeled EGF was degraded. We conclude that at least part of the urinary EGF in mice originates in blood and that liver and kidneys are the main organs of EGF degradation.  相似文献   

The effect of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF), a 5,400 molecular weight polypeptide isolated from human urine, on the growth of human foreskin fibroblasts (HF cells) was studied by measuring cell numbers and the incorporation of labeled thymidine. The addition of hEGF to HF cells growing in a medium containing 10% calf serum resulted in a 4-fold increase in the final density. The presence of hEGF also promoted the growth of HF cells in media containing either 1% calf serum or 10% gamma globulin-free serum. The addition of hEGF to quiescent confluent monolayers of HF cells, maintained in a medium with 1% calf serum for 48 hours, resulted in a 10- to 20-fold increase in the amount of 3H-thymidine incorporation after 20–24 hours. The stimulation of thymidine incorporation was maximal at an hEGF concentration of 2 ng/ml, was dependent on the presence of serum, and was enhanced by the addition of ascorbic acid. In confluent cultures of HF cells, subject to density dependent inhibition of growth, hEGF was able to stimulate DNA synthesis more effectively than fresh calf serum. Human EGF stimulated DNA synthesis in quiescent cultures, however, regardless of cell density. The addition of rabbit anti-hEGF inhibited all effects of this growth factor on HF cells.  相似文献   

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