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Mature squamates possess hypertrophied regions of the distal urinary ducts, the renal sexual segment (RSS). The RSS is believed to provide seminal fluid that mixes with sperm and is released into the female cloaca during coitus. This study is the first to describe ultrastructure of the RSS in a lizard collected throughout the active season. The species examined, Scincella laterale, represents the largest family (Scincidae: 1,200 species) of lizards. Although sperm are present in the posterior ductus deferens of male S. laterale throughout the year, an annual spermatogenic cycle occurs that results in spermiation in spring, coinciding with maximum development of the RSS. Female S. laterale may possess stored sperm in vaginal crypts from March-May and large oviductal eggs April-June. Thus, the correlation between mating and RSS activity observed in other squamates is also found in S. laterale. Cytologically, the active RSS consists of columnar cells with numerous apical, electron-dense secretory vacuoles which are released by an apocrine process. The granules stain positively for proteins with bromphenol blue and react with PAS for neutral carbohydrates. After the mating season the RSS undergoes recrudescence and the electron-dense granules are replaced by a mucoid secretion that characterizes more proximal portions of the nephric tubules throughout the year. Little variation in ultrastructure of the RSS occurs between S. laterale and Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Teiidae), the only other lizard in which seasonal variation of the RSS has been studied using similar methods. Females exhibit differentiation similar to that of males in the distal urinary tubules, but to a lesser degree. This is only the second such report for female squamates, and the differentiation of the region in females is proposed to result from adrenal androgens.  相似文献   

Although the events of spermiogenesis are commonly studied in amniotes, the amount of research available for lizards (Sauria) is lacking. Many studies have described the morphological characteristics of mature spermatozoa in lizards, but few detail the ultrastructural changes that occur during spermiogenesis. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the subcellular events of spermiogenesis within the temperate ground skink (Scincella laterale). The morphological data presented here represent the first complete ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis within the Scincidae clade. Samples of testes from 20 specimens were prepared using standard techniques for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the ultrastructural changes occurring during spermiogenesis within the ground skink are similar to that of other saurians. However, there were a few unique characteristics that to date have not been described during spermiogenesis in other lizards. For example, during early round spermatid development within the ground skink testis, proacrosomal granules begin to form within the acrosomal vesicle before making contact with the apex of the nucleus. Also, a prominent microtubular manchette develops during spermiogenesis; however, the circular component of the manchete is absent in this species of skink. This developmental difference in manchette formation may lead to the more robust and straight mature spermatozoa that are common within the Scincidae family. These anatomical character differences may be valuable nontraditional sources that along with more traditional sources (i.e., mitochondrial DNA) may help elucidate phylogenetic relationships, which are historically considered controversial at best, among species within Scincidae and Sauria.  相似文献   

Based on morphological and genetic evidence we evaluated the taxonomic status of a newly discovered forest-dwelling population of skink(genus Scincella)from the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia. From phylogenetic analysis of a668-bp fragment of the mt DNA COI and diagnostic morphological characters we allocate the newly discovered population to the Scincella reevesii–S.rufocaudata species complex and describe it as Scincella nigrofasciata sp. nov. The new skink species can be distinguished from all other Southeast Asian congeners by the following combination of morphological characters: snout-vent length(SVL)40.0–52.6 mm; relative tail length(TaL/SVL ratio)1.25–1.94; prefrontals in broad contact; infralabials 6;primary temporals 2; relative forelimb length(FIL/SVL ratio) 0.20–0.22; relative hindlimb length(HIL/SVL ratio) 0.30–0.33; relative forearm length(FoL/SVL ratio) 0.14–0.16; adpressed forelimbs and hind limbs either overlapping(0.4–2.2 mm) or separated(1.9–2.3 mm); midbody scale rows 32–33, paravertebral scales69–74, vertebral scales 65–69; dorsal scales between dorsolateral stripes 8; comparatively slender fingers and toes, subdigital lamellae under fourth toe 15–17;dark discontinuous regular dorsal stripes 5–7; distinct black dorsolateral stripes, narrowing to lateral sides and extending to 52%–86% of total tail length. We provide additional information on the holotype of Scincella rufocaudata(Darevsky Nguyen, 1983), and provide evidence for the species status of Scincella rupicola. Our discovery brings the number of Scincella species in Cambodia to five and emphasizes the incompleteness of knowledge on the herpetofaunal diversity of this country.  相似文献   

Isospora manchacensis n. sp. is described from ground skinks, Scincella lateralis (Say, 1823) from Louisiana. Overall prevalence at 6 sites near Lake Ponchartrain was 43.1% (59/137) and ranged from 8% (1/13) to as high as 60% (6/10). Endogenous stages develop inside the nuclei of epithelial cells in the small intestine. Infected hypertrophic nuclei migrate from the basal lamina of the host cell to the luminal striated border. Oocysts in freshly passed fecal pellets usually contain a single contracted sporont that divides to form 2 sporoblasts. These undergo a brief pyramid stage followed by sporulation within 45-50 hr. Sporulated oocysts have a single-layered wall and measure 25.0 X 22.6 (20.0-28.9 X 18.6-26.0) micron. The lemon-shaped sporocysts measure 12.8 X 10.2 (11.1-15.2 X 9.0-11.0) micron and contain a Steida body, a spherical to oval substeida body, and a dispersed, granular sporocyst residuum. Prepatent periods in skinks fed 700 and 1,400 oocysts ranged from 24 to 32 days. Experimentally infected skinks produced large numbers of oocysts continuously during the 3-4 wk they were monitored after the onset of patency, but exhibited no signs of disease. Experimental doses of 200 oocysts failed to produce infections in skinks monitored for as long as 7 wk.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was analyzed in Chalcides chalcides populations from peninsular Italy, Sardinia, Sicily and Tunisia by sequencing 400 bp at the 5' end of the mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome b (cyt b) and by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of two mitochondrial DNA segments (ND-1/2 and ND-3/4). The results of the phylogenetic analysis highlighted the presence of three main clades corresponding with three of the four main geographical areas (Tunisia, Sicily and the Italian peninsula), while Sardinia proved to be closely related to Tunisian haplotypes suggesting a colonization of this island from North Africa by human agency in historical times. On the contrary, the splitting times estimated on the basis of cyt b sequence data seem to indicate a more ancient colonization of Sicily and the Italian Peninsula, as a consequence of tectonic and climatic events that affected the Mediterranean Basin during the Pleistocene. Finally, the analysis of the genetic variability of C. chalcides populations showed a remarkable genetic homogeneity in Italian populations when compared to the Tunisian ones. This condition could be explained by a rapid post-glacial expansion from refugial populations that implied serial bottlenecking with progressive loss of haplotypes, resulting in a low genetic diversity in the populations inhabiting the more recently colonized areas.  相似文献   

Fallisia arabica n. sp. was described from peripheral blood smears of the Skink lizard, Scincus hemprichii from Jazan Province in the southwest of Saudi Arabia. Schizogony and gametogony take place within neutrophils in the peripheral blood of the host. Mature schizont is rosette shaped 17.5 ± 4.1 × 17.0 ± 3.9 μm, with a L/W ratio of 1.03(1.02–1.05) μm and produces 24(18–26) merozoites. Young gametocytes are ellipsoidal, 5.5 ± 0.8 × 3.6 ± 0.5 μm, with a L/W of 1.53(1.44–1.61) μm. Mature macrogametocytes are ellipsoidal, 9.7 ± 1.2 × 7.8 ± 1.0 μm, with a L/W of 1.24(1.21–1.34) μm and microgametocytes are ellipsoidal, 7.0 ± 1.1 × 6.8 ± 0.9 μm. with a L/W of 1.03(1.01–1.10) μm. In comparison to the described Fallisia species, this new taxon has rosette schizonts and is larger than F. dominicensis, in Hispaniola, F. bipocrati, F. poecilopi, in Panama, F. thecadactyli in Venezuela, and F. effusa, F. simplex, F. modesta, in Brazil. F. arabica has fewer merozoites than F. effusa, F. poecilopi, F. thecadactyli and F. siamense in Thailand. This new species has more merozoites than F. dominicensis and F. modesta. All of these species belong to diverse saurian families (Agamidae, Gekkonidae, Polychrotidae, Scincidae and Teiidae) parasitize only thrombocytes or lymphocytes and some species parasitize immature erythroid cells and leucocytes.  相似文献   

The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of seasonally-acclimated Mabuya brevicollis of various body masses was determined at 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 °C, using open-flow respirometry. RMR (ml g−1 h−1) decreased with increasing mass at each temperature. RMRs increaProd. Type: FTPsed as temperature increased. The highest and lowest Q10 values were obtained for the temperature ranges 20–25 °C and 30–35 °C for the summer-acclimated lizards. The exponent of mass “b” in the metabolism-body mass relation ranged from 0.41 to 0.61. b values were lower in the autumn and winter-acclimated lizards than in spring and summer-acclimated lizards. Seasonal acclimation effects were evident at all temperatures (20–40 °C) for M. brevicollis. Winter-acclimated skinks had the lowest metabolic rates at different temperatures. The pattern of acclimation exhibited by M. brevicollis may represent a useful adaptation for lizards inhabiting subtropical deserts to promote activity during their active seasons.  相似文献   

I tested several hypotheses regarding the antipredator behaviorsof ground skinks (Scincella lateralis) based on a simple-optimalitymodel for avoiding predation. Field studies demonstrated thatS. lateralis with lower body temperatures fled earlier in predatoryevents when the predator was farther away than did warmer animal.This may reflect a compensatory shift in behavior related todecreased sprint speeds observed at lower temperatures. Thesedifferences in maximum sprint speeds at five substrate temperatureswere not linked to morphological characteristics such as mass,snout-vent length, or tail length. Body temperatures of S. lateraliswere highly correlated with substrate temperatures in the field,and these environmental temperatures correlated with the dailyand seasonal activity schedules of S. lateralis. The thermoregulatorystrategy of ground skinks closely parallels theoretical predictionsfor forest-dwelling lizards based on optimum performance curves.In the laboratory, S. lateralis did not alter flight responsesbased on the availability of cover objects or tail conditionof the lizards. Escape behaviors of males and females did notdiffer. Likewise, S. lateralis. showed no differences in responseto differently sized predator models. Differences were foundbetween the reactions of adult and juvenile skinks to an approachingpredator model. Also, S. lateralis collected in Louisiana fledfrom the same predator model with greater frequency than S.lateralis collected in Oklahoma  相似文献   


We describe a new skink species (Oligosoma taumakae sp. nov.) from the Open Bay Islands, New Zealand. This species is diagnosed on the basis of several morphological characteristics, and its specific status is supported by mitochondrial sequence data (ND2, ND4). The new species appears to be most closely related to O. acrinasum, O. infra‐punctatum, O. otagense and O. waimatense. The new taxon appears to be rare and endemic to the island of Taumaka in the Open Bay Islands (off the west coast of the South Island). Predation by a flightless rail (weka, Gallirallus australis), native to New Zealand but introduced to the Open Bay Islands, is a major conservation concern.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on conventionally stained mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of two species of lizards of the Scincidae: Mabuya caissara and M. macrorhyncha.On the basis of morphological, numerical and metric data, the chromosomes were divided into three groups: two groups of macrochromosomes (A and B) and one of microchromosomes (C). The karyotypes of males and females of both species showed 2n=32 and FN=50 and no differences were detected between the species.  相似文献   

Kurilonema browni n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens found in the lungs of the scincid lizard Sphenomorphus abdictus aquilonius from Aurora Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. The new species differs from Kurilonema markovi, the only previously known species in the genus, by the presence of 2 prominent lateral pseudolabia, larger body size, shorter tail length relative to total body length, and more numerous eggs in the uteri, containing fully developed larvae. The inner surface of the buccal capsule in the new species is densely covered with rounded scales that have not been observed in K. markovi or any other rhabdiasid species. This is the first record of the genus from the Philippines.  相似文献   


We have completed a taxonomic revision of the New Zealand marbled skink (Cyclodina oliveri) species complex. Morphological analyses and mitochondrial sequence data (ND2, ND4, Cytochrome b; Total 1933 bp) are used to describe a new taxon (commonly known as the “Mokohinau” skink) and redefine C. oliveri. The morphological and molecular data indicate that C. oliveri is distributed on the Poor Knights Islands, Mercury Islands and Aldermen Islands. The new species is restricted to the Mokohinau Islands, Hen and Chickens group, Little Barrier Island and Great Barrier Island. Our data demonstrate that there is no support for the separation of the Poor Knights Islands population of C. oliveri from those on the Mercury Islands and Aldermen Islands. The genetic data indicate that C. whitakeri is part of the C. oliveri species group. Divergence time estimates indicate that the C. oliveri species complex diverged during the late‐Miocene, with further divergences among island groups in C. oliveri including the origin of the new taxon during the late‐Pliocene and mid‐Pleistocene. We present a diagnostic key for Cyclodina.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses using up to 1532 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA from 106 specimens of Neotropical Mabuya, including 18 of the 19 recognized South American and Mesoamerican species, indicate that most species of the genus are monophyletic, including M. nigropunctata that had previously been reported to be paraphyletic. The present results shows that this species includes three highly divergent and largely allopatric lineages restricted to occidental, meridional, and oriental Amazonia. Our dataset demonstrates that previous claims regarding the paraphyletic status of M. nigropunctata and the phylogenetic relationships within this species complex based on the analysis of three mitochondrial and four nuclear genes (approx. 5000 bp) were erroneous and resulted from two contaminated cytochrome b sequences.The phylogenetic results indicate that diversification in the Neotropical genus Mabuya started approximately in the Middle Miocene (15.5–13.4 Ma). The divergence dates estimated for the Mabuya nigropunctata species complex suggest that the major cladogenetic events that produced the three main groups (occidental (oriental + meridional)) occurred during the Late Miocene. These estimations show that diversification within the M. nigropunctata species complex was not triggered by the climatic changes that occurred during the Pleistocene, as has been suggested by several authors. Rather, our data support the hypothesis that the late tertiary (essentially Miocene epoch) was a period that played a very important role in the generation of biological diversity in the Amazonian forests.Speciation between Mabuya carvalhoi, endemic to the coastal mountain range of Venezuela, and M. croizati, restricted to the Guiana Shield, occurred during the Middle Miocene and may have been as the result of a vicariant event produced by the formation of the present day Orinoco river drainage basin and the consequent appearance of the Llanos del Orinoco, which acted as a barrier to dispersal between these two species. The split between M. bistriata and M. altamazonica and between the occidental and (meridional + oriental) clades of M. nigropunctata fits very well with the biogeographic split between the eastern and western Amazon basins reported for several other taxa.  相似文献   

Between February 2011 and January 2014, 75 ground skinks, Scincella lateralis (Say) were collected from 13 counties of Arkansas and McCurtain County, Oklahoma, USA, and examined for coccidia. Two (3%) and 11 (15%) S. lateralis were found to be passing oöcysts of a new choleoeimerian and isosporan, respectively. Oöcysts of Choleoeimeria ouachitensis n. sp. are ellipsoidal to cylindroidal with a smooth, colourless, bi-layered wall and measure 27.2 × 15.6 μm, and have a length/width (L/W) ratio of 1.7; both micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent, but 1–2 polar granule(s) are present. Sporocysts are ovoidal, 8.9 × 6.8 μm, L/W 1.3; neither Stieda, sub-Stieda and para-Stieda bodies are present; the walls have two valves joined by longitudinal sutures; a sporocyst residuum consisted of dispersed granules between sporozoites. Oöcysts of Isospora koberi n. sp. are ovoidal with a smooth, colourless, bi-layered wall and measure 25.1 × 20.5 μm, L/W 1.2; both micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent, but a polar granule is rarely present. Sporocysts are ovoidal, 11.4 × 8.6 μm, L/W 1.3; a nipple-like Stieda body and a sub-Stieda body are present without a para-Stieda body; a sporocyst residuum consisted of condensed granules dispersed between sporozoites. This is the second choleoeimerian and third isosporan reported from S. lateralis.  相似文献   

Sea-level fluctuations during the Pliocene and Pleistocene have shaped the landscape of the Northland region of New Zealand. We examined the comparative phylogeography of three skink species (Oligosoma moco, O. smithi, O. suteri) in northeastern New Zealand in order to investigate the impact of the historical processes that have prevailed since the Pliocene on the Northland fauna. O. moco, O. smithi and O. suteri have similar distributions across northeastern New Zealand, frequently occurring in sympatry. We obtained sequence data from across the entire range of each species, targeting the ND2 mitochondrial gene. Using Neighbor-Joining, Maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, our analysis revealed contrasting phylogeographic patterns in each species. We found substantial phylogeographic structure within O. moco, with three distinct clades identified. Similarly, deep phylogeographic divergence was evident within O. smithi, with three distinct clades present. Clade 1 included O. smithi populations from the Three Kings Islands and the western coastline of Northland, while Clade 2 encompassed the remainder of the range. However, since Clade 3 corresponded to a described species (O. microlepis), O. smithi might represent a species complex. In both O. moco and O. smithi, divergences among clades are estimated to have occurred in the Pliocene, with divergences within clades occurring during the Pleistocene. In contrast, genetic divergence among O. suteri populations was extremely limited and indicative of more recent divergences during the Pleistocene. The lack of phylogeographic structure in O. suteri might be a consequence of its oviparous reproductive mode, which restricted its distribution to warm northern refugia during glacial maxima. Differences in the ecology and biology of each species might have produced contrasting responses to the same historical processes, and ultimately diverse phylogeographic patterns. Our study reveals an absence of consistent and concordant phylogeographic patterns in the Northland biota, even within the same taxonomic group.  相似文献   

In this paper the Authors decribe the karyogram of three species of Scincidae (Chalcides chalcides chalcides, Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu, and Mabuya striata). The diploid number of these species is 2n=28. It is not possible to subdivide the chromosome set in micro- and macrochromosomes or to recognize the heterochromosomes morphologically. Ch. ocellatus and M. striata have very similar karyograms; that of Ch. ch. chalcides is different in that chromosomes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are acrocentric. Pericentric inversion is probably involved in the karyotypic evolution of these species.  相似文献   

BackgroundKnowledge of spermiogenesis in reptiles, especially in lizards, is very limited. Lizards found in Arabian deserts have not been considered for detailed studies due to many reasons and the paucity of these animals. Therefore, we designed a study on the differentiation and morphogenesis of spermiogenesis, at an ultrastructural level, in a rare lizard species, Scincus scincus.ResultsThe spermiogenesis process includes the development of an acrosomal vesicle, aggregation of acrosomal granules, formation of subacrosomal nuclear space, and nuclear elongation. A role for manchette microtubules was described in nuclear shaping and organelle movement. During head differentiation, the fine granular chromatin of the early spermatid is gradually replaced by highly condensed contents in a process called chromatin condensation. Furthermore, ultrastructural features of sperm tail differentiation in S. scincus were described in detail. The commencement was with caudal migration toward centrioles, insertion of the proximal centriole in the nuclear fossa, and extension of the distal centrioles to form the microtubular axoneme. Subsequently, tail differentiation consists of the enlargement of neck portion, middle piece, the main and end pieces.ConclusionsThis study aids in the understanding of different aspects of spermiogenesis in the lizard family and unfurls evolutionary links within and outside reptiles.  相似文献   

We compared the eye anatomy of the scotopic fossorial Acontias orientalis, Acontias rieppeli and Typhlosaurus vermis with that of the photopic surface-living Trachylepis punctatissima, with particular reference to the retina. The findings were compared with published data on gecko species (Röll, 2001), to determine whether similar trends existed. The vestigial eye of T. vermis was not comparable with that of the other three skink species. The findings in A. orientalis, A. rieppeli and T. punctatissima were as follows: (a) A. rieppeli lacked a conus papillaris, (b) A. orientalis, A. rieppeli and Tpunctatissima were pure-cone species but lacked a fovea, (c) estimated cone density in A. orientalis and A. rieppeli was lower than that in Tpunctatissima, (d) the ellipsoid cone segment was smaller and the paraboloid segment larger in A. orientalis and A. rieppeli with the reverse in Tpunctatissima, (e) VCL%, ONL%, OPL% and GCL% in A. orientalis and A. rieppeli were significantly greater than that of Tpunctatissima, (f) INL% and IPL% in T. punctatissima was significantly greater, and (g) T. punctatissima had abundant Müller cells and fibres. Findings in the gecko species were congruent with those of the three skink species of the present study.  相似文献   

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2009,248(4):273-283
The limbs of the three-toed skink Chalcides chalcides are reduced to such a degree that the three digits are too small for skeletochronology. This study, performed on animals collected near Isernia (central Italy), describes the structure of the caudal vertebrae, which are often naturally lost due to autotomy, in order to determine whether they can be used to obtain data on age and growth with skeletochronological techniques. The reliability of the autotomous caudal vertebrae for skeletochronology was verified by performing skeletochronological analyses also on femora. Although the identification of the lines of arrested growth (LAGs) was easier in femora than in autotomous caudal vertebrae, a high correspondence of the LAG count between the two bones was observed. Females were larger and lived longer than males (4 and 3 years, respectively). For both sexes, the snout vent length (SVL) was significantly correlated with age. For both sexes, sexual maturity was attained after two hibernations from birth, beginning at the 20th month of age. At first reproduction, males had an SVL of 91–106 mm and females one of 111–150 mm. Von Bertalanffy growth curves of age versus SVL showed that females had slower growth rates than males for attaining their asymptotic SVL (females: 197 mm; males: 143 mm). The results provide the first data on age and growth of C. chalcide, and show that autotomous caudal vertebrae are reliable alternatives for obtaining such data for limb-reduced reptiles, avoiding the need to sacrifice or disable animals, as occurs when long bones are used.  相似文献   

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