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Old nest holes made by the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius were examined in two study areas in Sweden. We found a large variation in nest hole characteristics and that the height in the tree and depth of the hole were important factors in the choice of nest hole by secondary hole nesters. A large proportion of old nest holes remained unoccupied. Many holes were probably of poor quality due to shallow depth, low height or narrow entrance. Nest holes in the vicinity of farmland (<200 m from the field-forest edge) were more often occupied than nest holes deeper into the forest. This was because Jackdaws Corvus monedula , the numerically dominant species, only used nest holes near farmland. Jackdaws usually used the best nest holes, while other subordinate species had to use inferior holes near fields or nest holes in areas with less competition, deeper in the forest. Besides birds, some mammals and bees were found using old Black Woodpecker holes.  相似文献   

MANUEL SOLER  JUAN JOSE SOLER 《Ibis》1996,138(3):377-383
Two Jackdaw Corvus monedula colonies were given supplementary food before and during breeding in 1983. Breeding density and cavity use were compared with those of the same colonies in previous years, when no food was provided. Predation rate and reproductive parameters were compared with those in the same colonies in previous years and with those of two control colonies, without experimental food. Jackdaws preferred safe cavities with small minimum nest-entrance dimensions and avoided those with a high risk of nest predation. In experimental (fed) colonies, however, there was a tendency to use all cavities, which resulted in an increased breeding density. No nests were preyed upon by Ravens Corvus corax in the experimental colonies because supplemental food favoured group defence by increasing colony size and by increasing the time the Jackdaws spent in the colony. Additional food advanced laying date, increased clutch size independently of laying date and increased fledging success. Supplementary food significantly increased fledging success in less than half of all experimental studies on birds. We suggest that the key to this problem is the species' breeding strategy, and we show that supplementary food significantly increased fledging success in brood-reduction strategist species but not in species which directly adjusted their clutch size.  相似文献   

Summary An eight week old handraised cat-naive Jackdaw did not respond to a caged live cat appearing behind a blind. After a combined presentation of the cat and conspecific mobbing call of adult Jackdaws the young fled. Thereafter it avoided the cat.  相似文献   

KAREL WEIDINGER 《Ibis》2009,151(2):352-360
I used time-lapse videotaping to identify predators of open songbird nests in fragmented deciduous woodland (nine plots, 2–10 ha each) in the Czech Republic from 2002 to 2006. I documented 22 species of predators at 171 nests of 13 species (mainly Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla , Song Thrush Turdus philomelos , Common Blackbird Turdus merula , Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs ). The main predators were Pine Marten Martes martes (37% of 178 predation events), Jay Garrulus glandarius (29%), Buzzard Buteo buteo (7%) and Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major (7%); mammals accounted for 48% of total predation. At least 3% of nests were depredated by multiple predators. In spite of their local abundance, Hooded Crows Corvus cornix did not present a serious threat for shrub nesting songbirds (< 1% of total predation). No predation by mice was recorded, suggesting that their importance has been overestimated in artificial nest studies. The proportional species composition of predators depended on which species occupied the monitored nest and location (study plot), but not on the year or the time of season. Corvids and raptors accounted for a relatively larger percentage of total predation of small ('warblers') and large ('thrushes') prey species, respectively, whereas carnivores were important predators of all prey species. Active nests of thrushes were only rarely robbed by Jays (< 4% of 52 events), presumably due to parental nest defence. Predation by woodpeckers was spatially clumped, probably due to individual foraging specialization. Predation by the other major predators was documented on most/all study plots.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculusin nestboxes in farmland was studied to test for differences between artificial and natural sites. We report on the direct effect of nestbox provisioning on some life-history traits and how nestbox use affects nest predation and parasitism. Five types of nest-sites were available: nestboxes on poles and trees (artificial sites), stick nests on trees, stick nests on pylons and holes in buildings (‘natural’ sites). The Kestrel population increased from 23 pairs in 1993 (prior to nestbox installation) to 55 in 1998 as nestboxes were provided. In general, pairs breeding in trees started to lay later than those nesting in nestboxes on poles or in building holes, but this difference was probably associated with habitat quality rather than nest type. Differences in clutch size were found between nest-sites in some years, and were associated with laying date and, probably, with variation in territory quality. Using only data from successful nests, pairs breeding in nestboxes produce more fledglings than those in building holes or pylons. The frequency of nest predation was higher in natural sites than in nestboxes. The number of fledglings from pairs breeding in nestboxes was higher than from those breeding in old stick nests in trees when all nests were considered. Nestbox provisioning had no effect on the occurrence of the ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus, but chicks from nestboxes showed higher intensity of infection. Our results suggest that nestbox provisioning increases reproductive success and the frequency of nest predation or intensity of parasite infestation in Kestrels.  相似文献   


Capsule: There has been no trend in nest survival of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dryobates minor in the 70 years since the 1940s whereas the numbers of young per nesting attempt has declined. Late nests in any year are now significantly less productive than early ones.

Aims: To test whether there has been a long-term decline in the nest survival and productivity of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in Britain.

Methods: Breeding data from 331 nests over the period 1949–2019 have been analysed. There were three sources – nest records submitted to the British Trust for Ornithology, a study by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds from 2006 to 2009 and records submitted to the Woodpecker Network from 2015 to 2019. Generalized linear models were used to analyse the records for first egg date, clutch size, numbers of young fledged, and numbers of nest days for which the nest was under observation. Data were grouped into three periods reflecting population trends of the bird (pre-1980, 1980–1999, 2000–2019) and we also analysed trends with year and spring temperature.

Results: There was no trend in first egg date up to 1980 but subsequently it has advanced by 13 days. The mean clutch was 5.3 with no trend with period or year. There were no trends in nest survival during the egg stage or chick rearing. The mean number of young fledged was 2.6, with nests since 1980 fledging lower numbers of young than those pre-1980 and a decline with year. Loss of chicks, probably to starvation, was the main cause of low productivity. In the last period (2000–2019) nests started early in the season fledged more young than those started later, a trend not apparent in the earlier periods.

Conclusions: Low productivity is a widespread problem for the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker which has probably been exacerbated by the trend towards warm springs.  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal variation in reproductive timing and performance were studied in a population of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor over 10 years in southern Sweden. The median laying date of the first egg varied by up to 17 days between years, being generally larger than the variation of laying dates within years. Neither clutch size, brood size in successful nests, fledging success in successful nests nor mean nestling weight differed significantly between years. There was no trend for mean clutch size to vary between early and late years. In spite of a more than threefold variation in population size, no reproductive variable demonstrated an apparent density-dependence. Within the season, clutch size declined steeply with increasing clutch initiation date, whereas fledging success and nesting success did not, leading to a trend in brood size almost identical to the trend in clutch size. The survival prospects of fledged young declined with increasing clutch initiation date, and it is argued that the clutch size laid is a strategic adjustment to laying date. Out of 124 breeding attempts, 34% did not produce fledged young. In 9% of the breeding attempts, pairs laid no eggs. At least 20% of the breeding attempts failed after egg-laying. The most common cause of breeding failure was loss of the breeding partner followed by nest abandonment (40% of the failures). Only 16–28% of the failures were due to predation on the nest. Most complete failures, and also partial losses from nests, occurred at the early breeding stages. It is argued that the early nestling phase may be a critical stage, which the woodpeckers adjust to coincide with the seasonal food peak, explaining the strikingly late breeding season compared with other non-migrant species.  相似文献   

Capsule The breeding success of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos minor is now lower in England than previously reported and also lower than found in studies elsewhere in Europe.

Aims To quantify the breeding success and identify the causes of nest failure. To test the hypotheses that breeding success is related to aspects of food limitation and parental care, and inclement weather during the nesting period, or to interactions with Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Methods Nests were monitored in three regions of England, recording survival and causes of failure. We measured aspects of food limitation and parental care, rainfall and Great Spotted Woodpecker interactions at nests, to explore whether there was any evidence that these factors were related to breeding success. We compared results to other studies from the UK and continental Europe.

Results Nest survival was 52%. The average number of chicks produced from successful nests was 2.8. Chick-stage daily nest survival was positively related to provisioning rates, indicating that food supply may be limiting. The most common cause of nest failure was presumed starvation of chicks after the disappearance of an adult. Some females ceased visiting nests, leaving provisioning solely to the male. This behaviour has been reported elsewhere in Europe, but in the present study males were unable to compensate fully by increasing their provisioning rates, leading to poor nest survival. Provisioning rates and chick-stage daily nest survival were negatively associated with rainfall. Nest predation by Great Spotted Woodpeckers occurred but was a less frequent cause of failure. Aggressive interactions were recorded between the two woodpecker species but these were unrelated to breeding parameters.

Conclusions Low breeding success is most probably related to food shortages in the breeding period. Simple population modelling using parameters from the present study and from published work shows that if the low productivity that we have observed is replicated throughout Britain, it would be sufficient to account for the observed population decline. However, the possibility that survival rates are also low cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

黄佳亮  梁伟 《动物学杂志》2017,52(4):565-573
部分鸟类在繁殖过程中,为避免被捕食、减少繁殖投入等而选择占用其他鸟类的巢。2014~2016年每年的4~8月,在吉林向海国家级自然保护区记录到4种占用喜鹊巢进行繁殖的鸟类,其中绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)8巢,纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)4巢,长耳鸮(Aiso otus)5巢,麻雀(Passer montanus)6巢。大部分(82.6%)为利用喜鹊的废弃旧巢,而绿头鸭(1巢)、长耳鸮(2巢)和纵纹腹小鸮(1巢)少数侵占喜鹊当年新建的巢。  相似文献   

Black‐throated Sparrows (Amphispiza bilineata) are common breeding birds throughout the desert regions of North America and can be considered nest‐site generalists. Information about how spatial (e.g., vegetation) and temporal factors influence nest survival of these sparrows is lacking throughout their range. Our objective was to examine the spatial and temporal factors associated with nest survival of Black‐throated Sparrows at the nest and nest‐patch scales in the predator‐rich environment of the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. We used a logistic‐exposure model fit within a Bayesian framework to model the daily survival probability of Black‐throated Sparrow nests. Predation was the leading cause of nest failure, accounting for 86% of failed nests. We found evidence of negative associations between nest survival and both vegetative cover above nests and shrub density within 5 m of nests. We found no support for other habitat covariates, but did find strong evidence that daily survival rate was higher earlier in the breeding season and during the egg‐laying stage. A decline in nest survival later in the breeding period may be due to increased predator activity due to warmer ambient temperatures, whereas lower survival during the incubation and nestling stages could be a result of increased activity at nests. A generalist approach to nest‐site selection may be an adaptive response to the presence of a diverse assemblage of nest predators that results in the reduced influence of spatial factors on nest survival for Black‐throated Sparrows.  相似文献   

Populations of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides minor) are decreasing in size, necessitating management strategies. However, data on the reproductive biology of this species are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of timing of breeding and nestling diet on the reproductive success of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and thereby contribute to an understanding of the determinants influencing its reproductive success. During 6 study years between 1996–2003, we investigated various variables of reproductive success in a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker population in the Taunus low mountain range, Germany. We observed nestling feeding at breeding holes to assess the composition of nestling diet and how it changes during the season. Clutch size, number of fledglings as well as body mass of the nestlings declined with the start of egg laying. Pairs composed of individuals that had breed together in previous years started egg laying earlier than newly established pairs. Nestling diet consisted mainly of aphids, caterpillars, craneflies and wood-living larvae. The composition changed considerably within the breeding season in both early and late broods. However, early broods were provided with caterpillars more frequently, whereas late broods received wood-dwelling larvae more often. Our results suggest that Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers time their breeding so as to coincide with the early nestling stage with the highest availability of caterpillars, since this is the time of highest energy demand. Moreover, food availability declines during the breeding season, and the decline in reproductive performance seems to be an effect of this development.  相似文献   

The sexes’ share in parental care and the social mating system in a marked population of the single‐brooded Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor were studied in 17 woodpecker territories in southern Sweden during 10 years. The birds showed a very strong mate fidelity between years; the divorce rate was 3.4%. In monogamous pairs, the male provided more parental care than the female. The male did most of the nest building and all incubation and brooding at night. Daytime incubation and brooding were shared equally by the sexes, and biparental care at these early breeding stages is probably necessary for successful breeding. In 42% of the nests, however, though still alive the female deserted the brood the last week of the nestling period, whereas the male invariably fed until fledging and fully compensated for the absent female. Post‐fledging care could not be quantified, but was likely shared by both parents. Females who ceased feeding at the late nestling stage resumed care after fledging. We argue that the high premium on breeding with the same mate for consecutive years and the overall lower survival of females have shaped this male‐biased organisation of parental care. In the six years with best data, most social matings were monogamous, but 8.5% of the females (N=59) exhibited simultaneous multi‐nest (classical) polyandry and 2.9% of the males (N=68) exhibited multi‐nest polygyny. Polyandrous females raised 39% more young than monogamous pairs. These females invested equal amounts of parental care at all their nests, but their investment at each nest was lower than that of monogamous females. The polyandrously mated males fully compensated for this lower female investment. Polygynous males invested mainly in their primary nest and appeared to be less successful than polyandrous females. Polyandry and polygyny occurred only when the population sex ratio was biased, and due to strong intra‐sexual competition this is likely a prerequisite for polygamous mating in Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers.  相似文献   

The Siberian Tit Parus cinctus population of Finland, and probably of the whole of Fennoscandia, has declined dramatically during this century. Understanding its population dynamics is essential for its conservation. We studied annual survival rate and dispersal distance of both breeding and fledgling Siberian Tits during 1989-97 in a moderately managed forest habitat near the southern border of its range in Kuusamo, northeastern Finland. Breeding density was low, averaging 0.51 pairs/km in a nestbox area of about 42 km2. This was probably an underestimate, because we did not search for nests in natural holes. However, following its population decline, overall densities at the southern border of the range are low. The study area was, however, suitable breeding habitat as reflected by their high nesting success. Brood size at fledging averaged 7.45 young, and reproductive output was 6.16 young per breeding pair, including failed nests. Clutch size adjustment was successful among pairs producing fledglings because, on average, 92.6% of the eggs laid produced young in successful broods. Median distance between consecutive breeding attempts was 100 m for both males and females (range 0–2500 m and 0–6000 m, respectively). Natal dispersal distance was significantly longer in females than in males. We applied Cormack-Jolly-Seber modelling to estimate survival and recapture probabilities separately. Survival of breeding birds was not sex-related, averaging 0.69 annually. Some of the ringed fledglings (3.0%) were later captured as breeders in the area. This is an underestimate of local survival rate due to incomplete recapturing of breeding birds. The implications of these results with respect to the conservation status of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Woodpeckers are considered ecosystem engineers because they excavate tree cavities which are used subsequently by many species of secondary cavity nesters for breeding. Woodpeckers have the choice of excavating a new hole or reusing an existing one, and this propensity to excavate (e) may affect community dynamics but has rarely been investigated. Using 18 years of data on a population of northern flickers Colaptes auratus, I tested six hypotheses to explain the propensity to excavate (e) in a landscape which experienced two types of disturbance: pine beetles and wildfires. Woodpecker age, breeding experience and mate retention had little influence on e which varied between 13–39% annually and averaged 23% for 1843 first nests over the 18 yr. Body size and body condition of males and females were not associated with e but rates of excavation declined seasonally, suggesting time rather than energy costs limited excavation effort. Reduced cavity availability mediated through high conspecific density coupled with wildfires triggered relatively high excavation rates, up to 39% but e decreased to baseline levels three years after the landscape disturbances. Nearly 2/3 of males did not excavate in their lifetime but apparently, e is great enough to balance the average rate of cavity tree loss in this forest which is 11% annually. Excavation propensity in flickers is flexible, but the birds reduce their work levels if there is a surplus of holes available.  相似文献   

The cost of brood parasitism favors the evolution of host behaviors that reduce the risk or expense of being parasitized. Endangered Black‐capped Vireos (Vireo atricapilla) have likely coexisted with brood‐parasitic Brown‐headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) for more than 10,000 yr, so it is likely that they have evolved anti‐parasitic behaviors. We monitored naturally parasitized and non‐parasitized vireo nests to evaluate factors that might explain parasitism risk and nest desertion behavior and also assessed whether behaviors that occurred after being parasitized improved reproductive output. Vireos reduced the risk of parasitism by initiating breeding early and nesting farther from open grasslands and edges of woody thickets. Post‐laying, nest desertion was common (70% of parasitized nests) and increased with both the presence of at least one cowbird egg in nests and clutch reduction by cowbirds. After accounting for these cues, desertion was also more likely at nests located closer to cowbird foraging habitat and below potential cowbird vantage points. Despite its regularity, desertion did not appear to provide reproductive benefits to vireos. Instead, accepting cowbird eggs was a more effective strategy because 42% of cowbird eggs did not hatch. Furthermore, cowbird eggs were somehow ejected from at least three vireo nests. Our results suggest that Black‐capped Vireos can behave in a variety of ways that reduce the impact of brood parasitism, with frontline behaviors appearing to provide the greatest benefit. Our results also suggest that habitat management should focus on providing Black‐capped Vireos with adequate breeding habitat that provides access to safe nesting sites, and with high‐quality wintering habitat that allows vireos to migrate and initiate nesting early.  相似文献   

C. Fernandez  P. Azkona 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):305-313
The nesting areas of 13 pairs of Black Woodpecker (0.41 pairs/km2) and 12 pairs of White-backed Woodpecker (0.38 pairs/km2) were mapped in the Quinto Real forest (Spanish western Pyrenees). Nearest-neighbour analysis indicated a uniform spacing of Black Woodpecker territories and, as both species occupied the most developed beechwoods, White-backed and Black territories showed an aggregated distribution. The local distribution appears to be determined by forest structure. Principal components analysis indicated that forest plots occupied by the woodpeckers had a high percentage of beech in old forest (with a total basal area of tree boles above 20 m2/ha) and with many large trees (diameter at breast height, dbh, over 60 cm).  相似文献   

M. Cuadrado 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):232-235
The nest predation hypothesis predicts that clutch size should be inversely related to the risk of nest predation. In this paper we analyse data on nest predation, clutch size and fledgling production in 128 Jackdaw nests in order to test if clutches are larger in the safer sites. The predation rate was positively correlated with the minimum nest-entrance dimensions (predation is greater in nests with large entrances). Clutch size was not related to the risk of nest predation, and our data do not therefore support the nest predation hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of competition and risk of predation on secondary cavity breeders were examined between the 2008 and 2009 breeding seasons using an experimental design manipulating two nest entrance sizes (large entrances allowed Barn Owls (Tyto alba) to enter, while the small entrances excluded them). During the 2009 breeding season, the entrance sizes of nest boxes were exchanged, so that if during one year a nest box in a particular location had a small entrance, the second year it had a large entrance and vice versa. Barn Owls and Eurasian Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) occupied 67.3 and 17.3%, respectively, of large entrance nest boxes. Significantly more Jackdaws (Corvus monedula), House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Scops Owls (Otus scops) bred in nest boxes with small than with large entrances. After nest box entrance sizes were exchanged, Barn Owls and smaller species did not breed in the same nest boxes with the new entrance size. Jackdaws probably did not breed in large entrance nest boxes due both to exploitation competition (Barn Owls and Eurasian Kestrels occupied the majority of large entrance nest boxes), and may also have avoided empty nest boxes because of the risk of interference competition; whereas smaller species may have also avoided large entrance nest boxes due to risk of predation.  相似文献   

Capsule Nuthatches used holes with strong walls, typically in live trees with entrances reduced by plastering, and ‘oversized’ interiors filled with bark flakes.

Aims To describe patterns of nest-site utilization by Nuthatches in primeval conditions, to examine the influence of various hole attributes on nesting success and to consider the adaptive value of nest-site choice.

Methods Observations of birds living in undisturbed conditions in a strictly protected part of the Bia?owie?a National Park (Poland) during 27 breeding seasons coupled with measurements of hole attributes and observations of nests' fate.

Results Tree species used for breeding differed among habitats. Holes were on average 14.0 m above the ground, in trees with girth at breast height 206 cm; both parameters varied strongly among tree species. They were situated mainly in tree trunks (76%), in living trees (89%), in conical knotholes (51%); woodpecker-made holes constituted 32%. Nuthatches bred in very large (mean bottom area: 325 cm2) holes, the preferred tree species (Maple Acer platanoides, Ash Fraxinus excelsior) had larger holes than other tree species. Nuthatches reduced entrances by ‘plastering’ to a mean size of 2.9 × 3.3 cm. They made the holes substantially shallower by filling them with bark flakes (mean depth to nest level: 10 cm), eggs were laid in depressions among flakes, far from the entrance (mean distance: 21 cm), their ‘nests’ occupied only a fraction of the hole area. Broods in holes with smaller entrances were the most successful. Eggs and small young were covered with bark during the absence of the female. Larger nestlings, when endangered, moved to the rear wall of the hole, where they stayed tightly pressed. These behaviour patterns reduced the risk of predation.

Conclusion The features of holes used by Nuthatches (combination of strong walls, small entrances and large bottoms with copious filling) are probably an evolutionary solution to the need to evade predators while keeping contents of the nest dry.  相似文献   

Synopsis Three sympatric, closely related armoured catfishes showed a similar, bimodal breeding season in coastal plain swamps in Suriname (South America). The bimodal pattern of reproduction inCallichthys callichthys,Hoplosternum littorale andHoplosternum thoracatum was correlated to the annual distribution of rainfall. Floating bubble nests were constructed throughout the period of swamp inundation (rainy season). Close inspection of the timing of reproduction ofH. littorale in northern South America revealed the relationship between reproduction and rainfall, but also unexpected differences in the length of the breeding season. Strong interspecific competition among the three species was probably avoided through differentiation of nest sites with respect to water depth, distance to the nearest tree, distance to the edge of the swamp, and cover above the nest. Nests ofH. littorale were built in herbaceous swamps, whileC. callichthys andH. thoracatum build their nests in swamp-forest. Nests ofC. callichthys were observed in extremely shallow water or in holes. Few nests of the three species were observed in canals. Over large parts of their geographical rangeC. callichthys andH. thoracatum are found in small rainforest streams. Several aspects of the reproductive ecology and behaviour of both species are probably related to the unpredictability of the stream habitat.  相似文献   

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