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Certain signaling events that promote L-type Ca2+ channel (LCC) phosphorylation, such as beta-adrenergic stimulation or an increased expression of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, promote mode 2 gating of LCCs. Experimental data suggest the hypothesis that these events increase the likelihood of early after-depolarizations (EADs). We test this hypothesis using an ionic model of the canine ventricular myocyte incorporating stochastic gating of LCCs and ryanodine-sensitive calcium release channels. The model is extended to describe myocyte responses to the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol. Results demonstrate that in the presence of isoproterenol the random opening of a small number of LCCs gating in mode 2 during the plateau phase of the action potential (AP) can trigger EADs. EADs occur randomly, where the likelihood of these events increases as a function of the fraction of LCCs gating in mode 2. Fluctuations of the L-type Ca2+ current during the AP plateau lead to variability in AP duration. Consequently, prolonged APs are occasionally observed and exhibit an increased likelihood of EAD formation. These results suggest a novel stochastic mechanism, whereby phosphorylation-induced changes in LCC gating properties contribute to EAD generation.  相似文献   

Mode 2 gating of L-type Ca channels is characterized by highchannel open probability(NPo) and longopenings. In cardiac myocytes, this mode is evoked physiologically intwo apparently different circumstances: membrane depolarization(prepulse facilitation) and activation of protein kinase A. To examinewhether the phosphorylation mechanism is involved duringprepulse-induced facilitation of cardiac L-type Ca channels, we usedisolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes to analyzedepolarization-induced modal gating behavior under different basallevels of phosphorylation. In control,NPo measured at 0 mV was augmented as the duration of prepulse to +100 mV was prolongedfrom 50 to 400 ms. This was due to the induction of mode 2 gatingbehavior clustered at the beginning of test pulses. Analysis of opentime distribution revealed that the prepulse evoked an extra component,the time constant of which is not dependent on prepulse duration. Whenisoproterenol (1 µM) was applied to keep Ca channels at an enhancedlevel of phosphorylation, basal NPo withoutprepulse was increased by a factor of 3.6 ± 2.2 (n = 6). Under these conditions,prepulse further increasedNPo by promotinglong openings with the same kinetics of transition to mode 2 gating(  200 ms at +100 mV). Likewise, recovery from mode 2 gating, asestimated by the decay of averaged unitary current, was not affectedafter -stimulation (  25 ms at 0 mV). The kinetic behaviorindependent from the basal level of phosphorylation or activity ofcAMP-dependent protein kinase suggests that prepulse facilitation ofthe cardiac Ca channel involves a mechanism directly related tovoltage-dependent conformational change rather than voltage-dependent phosphorylation.


Coexpression of the beta subunit (KV,Cabeta) with the alpha subunit of mammalian large conductance Ca2+- activated K+ (BK) channels greatly increases the apparent Ca2+ sensitivity of the channel. Using single-channel analysis to investigate the mechanism for this increase, we found that the beta subunit increased open probability (Po) by increasing burst duration 20-100-fold, while having little effect on the durations of the gaps (closed intervals) between bursts or on the numbers of detected open and closed states entered during gating. The effect of the beta subunit was not equivalent to raising intracellular Ca2+ in the absence of the beta subunit, suggesting that the beta subunit does not act by increasing all the Ca2+ binding rates proportionally. The beta subunit also inhibited transitions to subconductance levels. It is the retention of the BK channel in the bursting states by the beta subunit that increases the apparent Ca2+ sensitivity of the channel. In the presence of the beta subunit, each burst of openings is greatly amplified in duration through increases in both the numbers of openings per burst and in the mean open times. Native BK channels from cultured rat skeletal muscle were found to have bursting kinetics similar to channels expressed from alpha subunits alone.  相似文献   

The contraction of adult mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes is triggered by the influx of Ca2+ ions through sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels (LCCs). However, the gating properties of unitary LCCs under physiologic conditions have remained elusive. Towards this end, we investigated the voltage-dependence of the gating kinetics of unitary LCCs, with a physiologic concentration of Ca2+ ions permeating the channel. Unitary LCC currents were recorded with 2 mM external Ca2+ ions (in the absence of LCC agonists), using cell-attached patches on K-depolarized adult rat ventricular myocytes. The voltage-dependence of the peak probability of channel opening (Po vs. Vm) displayed a maximum value of 0.3, a midpoint of −12 mV, and a slope factor of 8.5. The maximum value for Po of the unitary LCC was significantly higher than previously assumed, under physiologic conditions. We also found that the mean open dwell time of the unitary LCC increased twofold with depolarization, ranging from 0.53 ± 0.02 ms at −30 mV to 1.08 ± 0.03 ms at 0 mV. The increase in mean LCC open time with depolarization counterbalanced the decrease in the single LCC current amplitude; the latter due to the decrease in driving force for Ca2+ ion entry. Thus, the average amount of Ca2+ ions entering through an individual LCC opening (∼300-400 ions) remained relatively constant over this range of potentials. These novel results establish the voltage-dependence of unitary LCC gating kinetics using a physiologic Ca2+ ion concentration. Moreover, they provide insight into local Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and a more accurate basis for mathematical modeling of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified a growing diversity of splice variants of auxiliary Ca2+ channel Ca(v)beta subunits. The Ca(v)beta(1d) isoform encodes a putative protein composed of the amino-terminal half of the full-length Ca(v)beta(1) isoform and thus lacks the known high-affinity binding site that recognizes the Ca2+ channel alpha1-subunit, the alpha-binding pocket. The present study investigated whether the Ca(v)beta(1d) subunit is expressed at the protein level in heart, and whether it exhibits any of the functional properties typical of full-length Ca(v)beta subunits. On Western blots, an antibody directed against the unique carboxyl terminus of Ca(v)beta(1d) identified a protein of the predicted molecular mass of 23 kDa from canine and human hearts. Immunocytochemistry and surface-membrane biotinylation experiments in transfected HEK-293 cells revealed that the full-length Ca(v)beta(1b) subunit promoted membrane trafficking of the pore-forming alpha1C (Ca(v)1.2)-subunit to the surface membrane, whereas the Ca(v)beta(1d) subunit did not. Whole cell patch-clamp analysis of transfected HEK-293 cells demonstrated no effect of coexpression of the Ca(v)beta(1d) with the alpha1C-subunit compared with the 15-fold larger currents and leftward shift in voltage-dependent activation induced by full-length Ca(v)beta(1b) coexpression. In contrast, cell-attached patch single-channel studies demonstrated that coexpression of either Ca(v)beta(1b) or Ca(v)beta(1d) significantly increased mean open probability four- to fivefold relative to the alpha1C-channels alone, but only Ca(v)beta(1b) coexpression increased the number of channels observed per patch. In conclusion, the Ca(v)beta(1d) isoform is expressed in heart and can modulate the gating of L-type Ca2+ channels, but it does not promote membrane trafficking of the channel complex.  相似文献   

The regulation of L-type Ca2+ current in isolated rat cardiac cells was studied using the perforated patch-clamp technique. A dual effect of the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation activator, isoproterenol, at different holding potentials (V(h)) was shown. The currents increased at V(h) = -50 mV and decreased at V(h) = -30 mV. A dihydropyridine agonist, BAY K 8644, and isoproterenol had an additive effect on the activation of Ca2+ channels at holding potentials close to the resting potential. The additivity was disturbed at more positive V(h). The activating effect of BAY K 8644 did not virtually change in the presence of a protein kinase blocker, H8, and a phosphatase activator, acetylcholine. The results were interpreted within the framework of a two-site phosphorylation model with two independent pathways of Ca2+ current regulation.  相似文献   

High threshold L-type Ca2+ channels of skeletal muscle are thought to consist of a complex of alpha 1, alpha 2 delta, beta, and gamma subunits. Expression of the cloned alpha 1 subunit from skeletal and cardiac muscle has established that this protein is the dihydropyridine-sensitive ion-conducting subunit. However, the kinetics of the skeletal muscle alpha 1 alone expressed in mouse L-cells were abnormally slow and were accelerated to within the normal range by coexpression with the skeletal muscle beta subunit. The kinetics of cardiac muscle alpha 1 were also slowed but to a lesser extent and were not altered by coexpression with skeletal muscle alpha 2. We show here that coexpression of the skeletal muscle beta subunit with the cardiac alpha 1 subunit in Xenopus laevis oocytes produced: 1) an increase in the peak voltage-sensitive current, 2) a shift of the peak current-voltage relationship to more hyperpolarized potentials, and 3) an increase in the rate of activation. Coexpression of the skeletal muscle gamma subunit did not have a significant effect on currents elicited by alpha 1. However, when gamma was coexpressed with beta and alpha 1, both peak currents and rates of activation at more negative potentials were increased. These results indicate that rather than simply amplifying expression of alpha 1, heterologous skeletal muscle beta and gamma subunits can modulate the biophysical properties of cardiac alpha 1.  相似文献   

The beta subunits of voltage-dependent calcium channels are known to modify calcium channel currents through pore-forming alpha1 subunits. Of the four beta subunits reported to date, the beta3 subunit is highly expressed in smooth muscle cells and is thought to consist of L-type calcium channels. To determine the role of the beta3 subunit in the voltage-dependent calcium channels of the cardiovascular system in situ, we performed a series of experiments in beta3-null mice. Western blot analysis indicated a significant reduction in expression of the alpha1 subunit in the plasma membrane of beta3-null mice. Dihydropyridine binding experiments also revealed a significant decrease in the calcium channel population in the aorta. Electrophysiological analyses indicated a 30% reduction in Ca2+ channel current density, a slower inactivation rate, and a decreased dihydropyridine-sensitive current in beta3-null mice. The reductions in the peak current density and inactivation rate were reproduced in vitro by co-expression of the calcium channel subunits in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Despite the reduced channel population, beta3-null mice showed normal blood pressure, whereas a significant reduction in dihydropyridine responsiveness was observed. A high salt diet significantly elevated blood pressure only in the beta3-null mice and resulted in hypertrophic changes in the aortic smooth muscle layer and cardiac enlargement. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the involvement and importance of the beta3 subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels in the cardiovascular system and in regulating channel populations and channel properties in vascular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Xu Y  Li G  Du B  Zhang P  Xiao L  Sirois P  Li K 《Regulatory peptides》2011,172(1-3):58-61
Hepcidin is a key player in the regulation of iron homeostasis. Several pathological conditions associated with iron overload are attributed to the depressed expression of hepcidin and are often associated with bone diseases including osteoporosis. Hepcidin was suggested to have anti-osteoporosis effects by preventing iron overload. We recently observed that hepcidin could increase intracellular calcium concentration in cultured osteoblast cells. The present study was designed to elucidate the source of the increased intracellular calcium following hepcidin activation. Cultured hFOB1.19 cells were used to test whether there was a dose dependent effect of hepcidin on increasing intracellular calcium. After finding the optimal concentration in increasing intracellular calcium, Cultured hFOB1.19 cells were then divided into three groups: (1) control group, (2) and (3) groups pretreated with either nimodipine (2 × 10(-5)mol/L) or EDTA (2 × 10(-3)mol/L) for 10 min before incubation with hepcidin (100 nmol/L). All cells were stimulated with hepcidin for 60 min and then stained with fluo-3/AM for 40 min before the intracellular calcium was observed using flow cytometry (FCM). As compared with controls, hepcidin treatment significantly increased intracellular calcium concentration. This effect was blocked by nimodipine and EDTA pretreatments which suggested that hepcidin-mediated calcium inflow was mainly through L-type Ca(2+) channels and that the release of intracellular calcium store was not significant. Hepcidin increases of intracellular calcium may be related to its anti-osteoporosis effect but this hypothesis needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Regulation of ionic channels plays a pivotal role in controlling cardiac function. Here we show that the Rho family of small G proteins regulates L-type Ca2+ currents in ventricular cardiomyocytes. Ventricular myocytes isolated from transgenic (TG) mice that overexpress the specific GDP dissociation inhibitor Rho GDI-alpha exhibited significantly decreased basal L-type Ca2+ current density (approximately 40%) compared with myocytes from nontransgenic (NTG) mice. The Ca2+ channel agonist BAY K 8644 and the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol increased Ca2+ currents in both NTG and TG myocytes to a similar maximal level, and no changes in mRNA or protein levels were observed in the Ca2+ channel alpha1-subunits. These results suggest that the channel activity but not the expression level was altered in TG myocytes. In addition, the densities of inward rectifier and transient outward K+ currents were unchanged in TG myocytes. The amplitudes and rates of basal twitches and Ca2+ transients were also similar between the two groups. When the protein was delivered directly into adult ventricular myocytes via TAT-mediated protein transduction, Rho GDI-alpha significantly decreased Ca2+ current density, which supports the idea that the defective Ca2+ channel activity in TG myocytes was a primary effect of the transgene. In addition, expression of a dominant-negative RhoA but not a dominant-negative Rac-1 or Cdc42 also significantly decreased Ca2+ current density, which indicates that inhibition of Ca2+ channel activity by overexpression of Rho GDI-alpha is mediated by inhibition of RhoA. This study points to the L-type Ca2+ channel activity as a novel downstream target of the RhoA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

L-type Ca2+ channels in Ca2+ channelopathies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) mediate depolarization-induced Ca2+ entry in electrically excitable cells, including muscle cells, neurons, and endocrine and sensory cells. In this review we summarize the role of LTCCs for human diseases caused by genetic Ca2+ channel defects (channelopathies). LTCC dysfunction can result from structural aberrations within pore-forming alpha1 subunits causing incomplete congenital stationary night blindness, malignant hyperthermia sensitivity or hypokalemic periodic paralysis. However, studies in mice revealed that LTCC dysfunction also contributes to neurological symptoms in Ca2+ channelopathies affecting non-LTCCs, such as Ca(v)2.1 alpha1 in tottering mice. Ca2+ channelopathies provide exciting molecular tools to elucidate the contribution of different LTCC isoforms to human diseases.  相似文献   

We have studied Ca2+ currents in ascidian eggs using the whole-cell clamp technique. T and L components, as observed in somatic cells, are present and the L-type current predominates. Since the IV relationship for these inward currents overlap at -30 mV, separation of the two components using different voltage regimes is not feasible. Increasing external Ca2+ results in larger currents. The L-type current decreases in a dose-dependent fashion in the presence of Mn2+ and Nifedipine, while the T-type current is inhibited in Ni2+. When Ba2+ was used as the carrier ion, channel kinetics and conductance were completely altered. Considering the density and kinetics of L-type channels in unfertilized eggs it is probable they play an important role in regulating cytosolic Ca2+ during early developmental processes.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was employed to investigate the response of single L-type Ca2+ channels to the protease trypsin applied to the intracellular face of excised membrane patches from guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Calpastatin and ATP were used to prevent run-down of Ca2+ channel activity monitored with 96 mM Ba2+ as charge carrier in the presence of 2.5 microM (-)-BAYK 8644. Upon application of trypsin (100 micrograms/ml) channel activity was enhanced fourfold and remained elevated upon removal of trypsin, as expected of a proteolytic, irreversible modification. The trypsin effect was not mediated by a proteolytic activation of protein kinases, as evidenced by the insensitivity of this effect to protein kinase inhibitors. Trypsin-modified Ca2+ channels exhibited the usual run-down phanomenon upon removal of calpastatin and ATP. In ensemble average currents trypsin-induced changes of channel function are apparent as a threefold increase in peak current and a reduction in current inactivation. At the single channel level these effects were based on about a twofold increase in both Ca2+ channels' availability and open probability. Neither the actual number of channels in the patch nor their unitary conductance as well as reversal potential was changed by trypsin. The Ca(2+)-induced inactivation was not impaired, as judged by a comparable sensitivity of trypsin-modified Ca2+ channels to intracellular Ca2+. Similarly, trypsin treatment did not affect the sensitivity of Ca2+ channels to phenylalkylmine inhibition. The observed alterations in channel function are discussed in terms of possible structural correlates.  相似文献   

The action of isoproterenol and BAY K 8644 on voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents in isolated ground squirrel cardiac myocytes was studied in two (active and hibernating) states of the animal. In cardiac myocytes of active animals the effect of both drugs was shown to depend on the holding potential. At Vh of about -50 mV both isoproterenol and BAY K 8644 increased the Ca2+ current and their action was additive. At Vh of about -20 mV, both drugs inhibited the Ca2+ current. In cardiac myocytes from hibernating animals, isoproterenol increased the Ca2+ current at any holding potentials, while the effect of BAY K 8644 did not differ significantly from its effect on active animals. The combined action of the two drugs caused the inhibition of the Ca2+ current at high holding potentials. In terms of the two-site Ca2+ channel model, this means that one of the two pathways of channel phosphorylation is blocked in hibernating animal cardiac cells, and BAY K 8644 restores this pathway.  相似文献   

L-type calcium currents (ICa) were recorded from isolated ventricular myocytes by using standard patch-clamp methods. In the absence of agonist, photorelease of GTP by flash photolysis of intracellularly applied caged-GTP rapidly increased the amplitude of ICa over a wide range of membrane potentials. Control experiments clearly demonstrated that this effect was not due to either the release of photolytic by-products or to the light flash itself. The timecourse for activation of ICa by photolysis of caged-GTP was markedly altered by intracellular application of either GDP beta S or GTP gamma S. Upon maximal stimulation of ICa by intracellular dialysis with cAMP, photoreleased GTP induced a small, rapid increase in ICa followed by a gradual inhibition. The presence of Rp-cAMPS intracellularly reduced both the magnitude of the response to photoreleased GTP and its time to peak. Similar effects were observed when protein kinase inhibitor dialysed the cell interior, suggesting that both cAMP-dependent and independent processes were involved in this effect. We conclude that rapid release of GTP within ventricular myocytes, in the absence of agonist, causes rapid activation of L-type Ca2+ current. Mechanisms underlying this effect include stimulation of adenylate cyclase, together with other, as yet uncharacterized, GTP-dependent pathways for increasing ICa in the heart.  相似文献   

Various beta subunit isoforms stabilize different gating properties of voltage-gated L-type Ca(2+) channels. We therefore investigated the expression of Ca(2+) channel beta subunit isoforms in different smooth muscle types on the protein level by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation employing beta subunit-selective sequence-directed antibodies. From the four known beta subunit isoforms only beta2 and beta3 were detected in porcine uterus, bovine trachea and bovine aorta membranes. Multiple immunoreactive beta2 bands were detected in a tissue-selective manner indicating structural heterogeneity of beta2. Immunoprecipitation of (+)-[(3)H]isradipine-prelabeled channels revealed that beta2 and beta3 participate in Ca(2+) channel formation in uterus and trachea, and beta3 in aortic smooth muscle. We conclude that beta2 and beta3 subunits form L-type Ca(2+) channels in smooth muscle tissues. This subunit heterogeneity may be important to fine-tune channel function.  相似文献   

Strong depolarization and dihydropyridine agonists potentiate inward currents through native L-type Ca2+ channels, but the effect on outward currents is less clear due to the small size of these currents. Here, we examined potentiation of wild-type alpha1C and two constructs bearing mutations in conserved glutamates in the pore regions of repeats II and IV (E2A/E4A-alpha1C) or repeat III (E3K-alpha1C). With 10 mM Ca2+ in the bath and 110 mM Cs+ in the pipette, these mutated channels, expressed in dysgenic myotubes, produced both inward and outward currents of substantial amplitude. For both the wild-type and mutated channels, we observed strong inward rectification of potentiation: strong depolarization had little effect on outward tail currents but caused the inward tail currents to be larger and to decay more slowly. Similarly, exposure to DHP agonist increased the amplitude of inward currents and decreased the amplitude of outward currents through both E2A/E4A-alpha1C and E3K-alpha1C. As in the absence of drug, strong depolarization in the presence of dihydropyridine agonist had little effect on outward tail currents but increased the amplitude and slowed the decay of inward tail currents. We tested whether cytoplasmic Mg2+ functions as the blocking particle responsible for the rectification of potentiated L-type Ca2+ channels. However, even after complete removal of cytoplasmic Mg2+, (-)BayK 8644 still potentiated inward current and partially blocked outward current via E2A/E4A-alpha1C. Although zero Mg2+ did not reveal potentiation of outward current by DHP agonist, it did have two striking effects, (a) a strong suppression of decay of both inward and outward currents via E2A/E4A-alpha1C and (b) a nearly complete elimination of depolarization-induced potentiation of inward tail currents. These results can be explained by postulating that potentiation exposes a binding site in the pore to which an intracellular blocking particle can bind and produce inward rectification of the potentiated channels.  相似文献   

We examined the concentration-dependent blocking effects of intracellular Mg2+ on L-type Ca2+ channels in cardiac myocytes using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. The increase of L-type Ca2+ channel current (I(Ca)) (due to relief of Mg2+ block) occurred in two temporal phases. The rapid phase (runup) transiently appeared early (<5 min) in dialysis of the low-Mg2+ solution; the slow phase began later in dialysis (>10 min). Runup was not blocked by intracellular GTP (GTP(i)). The late phase of the I(Ca) increase (late I(Ca)) was suppressed by GTP(i) (0.4 mM) and was observed in myocytes of the guinea pig or frog at higher (32 or 24 degrees C, respectively) rather than lower temperatures (24 or 17.5 degrees C, respectively). At pMg = 6.0, raising the temperature from 24 to 32 degrees C evoked late I(Ca) with a Q10 of 14.5. Restoring the temperature to 24 degrees C decreased I(Ca) with a Q10 of only 2.4. The marked difference in the Q10 values indicated that late I(Ca) (pMg = 5-6) is an irreversible phenomenon. Phosphorylation suppressed the intracellular [Mg2+] dependency of late I(Ca). This effect of phosphorylation together with the inhibitory action of GTP(i) on Mg2+-dependent blocking of I(Ca) are common properties of mammalian and amphibian cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ currents, charge movements, and intracellular Ca2+ transients of mouse dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) beta 1-null myotubes expressing a mouse DHPR beta 1 cDNA have been characterized. In beta 1-null myotubes maintained in culture for 10-15 days, the density of the L-type current was approximately 7-fold lower than in normal cells of the same age (Imax was 0.65 +/- 0.05 pA/pF in mutant versus 4.5 +/- 0.8 pA/pF in normal), activation of the L-type current was significantly faster (tau activation at +40 mV was 28 +/- 7 ms in mutant versus 57 +/- 8 ms in normal), charge movements were approximately 2.5-fold lower (Qmax was 2.5 +/- 0.2 nC/microF in mutant versus 6.3 +/- 0.7 nC/microF in normal), Ca2+ transients were not elicited by depolarization, and spontaneous or evoked contractions were absent. Transfection of beta 1-null cells by lipofection with beta 1 cDNA reestablished spontaneous or evoked contractions in approximately 10% of cells after 6 days and approximately 30% of cells after 13 days. In contracting beta 1-transfected myotubes there was a complete recovery of the L-type current density (Imax was 4 +/- 0.9 pA/pF), the kinetics of activation (tau activation at +40 mV was 64 +/- 5 ms), the magnitude of charge movements (Qmax was 6.7 +/- 0.4 nC/microF), and the amplitude and voltage dependence of Ca2+ transients evoked by depolarizations. Ca2+ transients of transfected cells were unaltered by the removal of external Ca2+ or by the block of the L-type Ca2+ current, demonstrating that a skeletal-type excitation-contraction coupling was restored. The recovery of the normal skeletal muscle phenotype in beta 1-transfected beta-null myotubes shows that the beta 1 subunit is essential for the functional expression of the DHPR complex.  相似文献   

P Lory  G Varadi    A Schwartz 《Biophysical journal》1992,63(5):1421-1424
The skeletal muscle (SKM) L-type Ca2+ channel is composed of a central subunit designated alpha 1, which contains the pore and the dihydropyridine (DHP) binding domains and three associated subunits, alpha 2/delta, beta, and gamma, which influence the activity of the SKM alpha 1. Coexpression of SKM alpha 1 and SKM beta in stably transfected mouse L cells results in a dramatic increase in DHP binding accompanied by fast gated Ba2+ currents. We report here that this "SKM alpha 1 beta-related phenotype" can be converted upon intracellular trypsin treatment into a slowly inactivating, DHP sensitive "SKM alpha 1 phenotype." These observations indicate that current amplitude, fast inactivation, and DHP sensitivity are modulated by an interaction of SKM alpha 1 and SKM beta on the internal side of the membrane.  相似文献   

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