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从氨基酸序列预测蛋白质折叠速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质折叠速率预测是当今生物物理学最具挑战性的课题之一.近年来,许多科研工作者开展了大量的研究工作来探索折叠速率的决定因素,许多参数和方法被相继提出.但氨基酸残基间的相互作用、氨基酸的序列顺序等信息对折叠速率的影响从未被提及.采用伪氨基酸组成的方法提取氨基酸的序列顺序信息,利用蒙特卡洛方法选择最佳特征因子,建立线性回归模型进行折叠速率预测.该方法能在不需要任何(显示)结构信息的情况下,直接从蛋白质的氨基酸序列出发对折叠速率进行预测.在Jackknife交互检验方法的验证下,对含有99个蛋白质的数据集,发现折叠速率的预测值与实验值有很好的相关性,相关系数能达到0.81,预测误差仅为2.54.这一精度明显优于其他基于序列的方法,充分说明蛋白质的序列顺序信息是影响蛋白质折叠速率的重要因素.  相似文献   

近年来,随着高精度的蛋白质折叠速率实验数据的不断积累,使得从蛋白质折叠速率角度研究蛋白质折叠机制的理论工作者,迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。然而,却有约100多个蛋白质的折叠速率实验数据散落在2个数据库和若干文献中。为了方便今后的理论工作分析,作者将这些散落数据汇集整理出来,构建了一个包含109个非冗余单体野生型蛋白质的折叠速率数据集,称为PFRD109(protein folding rate dataset 109)。PFRD109所包含的109个蛋白质中,有69个二态蛋白和40个多态蛋白,折叠速率从10-4到106s-1,跨度为10个数量级。链长最短的为16 aa,最长为390 aa,二态蛋白平均长度为78 aa,多态蛋白平均长度为137 aa。当前,生物信息学对蛋白质折叠速率的研究,主要集中于寻找与折叠速率和折叠动力学相关的各种生化参数或拓扑参数,进而实现对蛋白质折叠速率和蛋白质折叠动力学类型的预测。因此,本文还针对PFRD109数据集,就这两个方面进行了一些参数的统计分析。  相似文献   

鉴于蛋白质折叠速率预测对研究其蛋白质功能的重要性,许多的科研工作者都开始对影响蛋白质折叠速率的因素进行研究。各种预测参数和方法被提出。利用蛋白质编码序列的不同特征参数,不同的二级结构及不同的折叠类的蛋白质对折叠速率的不同影响,我们选取蛋白质编码序列的新的特征值,即选取蛋白质序列的LZ复杂度,等电点等特征值。然后把这些特征值与20种氨基酸的属性αc、Cα、K0、Pβ、Ra、ΔASA、PI、ΔGhD、Nm、LZ、Mu、El融合,建立多元线性回归模型,并利用回归模型计算了13个全α类蛋白质、18个全β类蛋白质、13个混合类蛋白质和39个未分类蛋白质的ln(kf)与预测值之间的相关系数分别达到0.89、0.93、0.98、0.86。在Jack-knife方法的验证下发现在不同的结构中混合特征值与相应折叠速率有很好的相关性。结果表明,在蛋白质折叠过程中,蛋白质序列的LZ复杂度、等电点等特征值可能影响蛋白质的折叠速率及其结构。  相似文献   

理解蛋白质折叠速率是探明蛋白质结构和折叠机制物理基础的关键.蛋白质折叠速率的温度依赖关系是当前一个未解决的难题.假定蛋白质折叠是一个分子构象间的量子跃迁,导出了一个蛋白质折叠速率的解析公式.由此公式出发,计算了资料库中二态蛋白质的折叠速率和研究了它们的温度依赖性.从第一性原理出发,对实验给出的16个二态蛋白质折叠速率的非阿列尼乌斯(non-Arrhenius)温度关系给予成功解释,进而预测了这些蛋白质解折叠速率的温度依赖关系.依据量子折叠理论,给出了一个预测二态蛋白质折叠速率的统计公式,用于65个蛋白的资料库,理论和实验比较的相关系数为0.73.此外,理论还给出了与实验结果一致的最大和最小折叠速率估计.  相似文献   

利用蛋白质主链的极性分数及主链二面角为参量,构建了一种基于蛋白质结构数据库的势函数。将该势函数应用于蛋白质反向折叠研究中,发现该函数可成功地将蛋白质分子的天然构象从构建的构象库中识别出来;将一目标序列与构象库的每一可能的构象匹配,并用该势函数计算相应的能量,结果表明对绝大多数蛋白质分子来说,天然的构象的能量值总是最低。此外,该函数还将一些序列相似性较低,而结构相似性较高的蛋白质分子识别出来。我们认  相似文献   

把蛋白质折叠看成多肽链上扭转态间的量子跃迁, 依据构象动力学的量子理论, 提出用接触残基间多肽链转动惯量和扭转势能来表征接触特性的动力学接触序, 从而能定量地从动力学角度研究蛋白质折叠速率. 在80个蛋白的数据集上实验, 证实了构象量子跃迁观点的合理性并得到以下结论: (1) 折叠速率与接触转动惯量之间存在显著相关性; (2) 多态蛋白的折叠可以看成在同样转动惯量、温度等条件下的二态蛋白折叠基础上的中间态延迟, 并估计了延迟时间的数量级; (3) 折叠可以分为释能和吸能两类, 蛋白质折叠速率上限由释能折叠决定, 并导出大多数折叠速率大的二态蛋白的量子跃迁过程为释能反应, 而折叠速率小的多态蛋白为吸能反应.  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠速率的正确预测对理解蛋白质的折叠机理非常重要。本文从伪氨基酸组成的方法出发,提出利用序列疏水值震荡的方法来提取蛋白质氨基酸的序列顺序信息,建立线性回归模型进行折叠速率预测。该方法不需要蛋白质的任何二级结构、三级结构信息或结构类信息,可直接从序列对蛋白质折叠速率进行预测。对含有62个蛋白质的数据集,经过Jack.knife交互检验验证,相关系数达到0.804,表示折叠速率预测值与实验值有很好的相关性,说明了氨基酸序列信息对蛋白质折叠速率影响重要。同其他方法相比,本文的方法具有计算简单,输入参数少等特点。  相似文献   

蛋白质一级结构决定着高级结构。蛋白质肽链在适宜条件下会自动卷曲形成其相应的高级结构,即自动发生蛋白质折叠,其自动发生的原因和过程仍不十分清楚,但是随着蛋白质工程的日益兴起,这些与折叠有关的问题也愈显重要,就此已有文章进行过讨论[1,2]。反之,如把新兴的蛋白质工程手段(尤其是基因定点诱变技术)应用来研究这些折叠问题,必将推动蛋白质折叠的研究。本文将就蛋白质折叠与蛋白质工程相互影响的一些例子进行讨论。  相似文献   

前期的相关研究发现mRNA二级结构中存在对蛋白质折叠速率的重要影响因素.而mRNA二级结构中普遍存在着各种复杂的环结构,这些环结构是否对蛋白质折叠速率也有重要的影响呢?不同的环结构对蛋白质折叠速率的影响是否相同呢?基于此想法,建立了一个包含mRNA内部环、发夹环、膨胀环和多分支环等环结构信息和相应蛋白质折叠速率的数据库.对于数据库中的每一个蛋白质,计算了mRNA二级结构中各种环结构碱基含量、配对碱基含量及单链碱基含量等参量,分析了各参量与相应蛋白质折叠速率的相关性.结果显示,各种环结构碱基含量与蛋白质折叠速率均呈极显著或显著正相关.说明mRNA环结构对蛋白质折叠速率有重要的影响.进一步,把蛋白质按照不同折叠类型或不同二级结构类型分组后,对每一组蛋白质重复上述的分析工作.结果表明,对不同类蛋白质,mRNA的各种环结构对其相应蛋白质折叠速率的影响存在着显著差异.上述研究将为进一步开展有关mRNA和蛋白质折叠速率的研究奠定理论基础.  相似文献   


A set of software tools designed to study protein structure and kinetics has been developed. The core of these tools is a program called Folding Machine (FM) which is able to generate low resolution folding pathways using modest computational resources. The FM is based on a coarse-grained kinetic ab initio Monte-Carlo sampler that can optionally use information extracted from secondary structure prediction servers or from fragment libraries of local structure. The model underpinning this algorithm contains two novel elements: (a) the conformational space is discretized using the Ramachandran basins defined in the local φ-ψ energy maps; and (b) the solvent is treated implicitly by rescaling the pairwise terms of the non-bonded energy function according to the local solvent environments. The purpose of this hybrid ab initio/knowledge-based approach is threefold: to cover the long time scales of folding, to generate useful 3-dimensional models of protein structures, and to gain insight on the protein folding kinetics. Even though the algorithm is not yet fully developed, it has been used in a recent blind test of protein structure prediction (CASP5). The FM generated models within 6 Å backbone rmsd for fragments of about 60–70 residues of a-helical proteins. For a CASP5 target that turned out to be natively unfolded, the trajectory obtained for this sequence uniquely failed to converge. Also, a new measure to evaluate structure predictions is presented and used along the standard CASP assessment methods. Finally, recent improvements in the prediction of β-sheet structures are briefly described.  相似文献   

蛋白质的折叠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点介绍了蛋白质折叠的热力学控制学说和动力学控制学说,简单介绍了几种蛋白质折叠模型并分析了多肽链在体内进行快速折叠的原因。  相似文献   

We have been studying chaperonins these past twenty years through an initial discovery of an action in protein folding, analysis of structure, and elucidation of mechanism. Some of the highlights of these studies were presented recently upon sharing the honor of the 2013 Herbert Tabor Award with my early collaborator, Ulrich Hartl, at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Boston. Here, some of the major findings are recounted, particularly recognizing my collaborators, describing how I met them and how our great times together propelled our thinking and experiments.  相似文献   


It is widely believed that the prediction of the three-dimensional structures of proteins from the first principles is impossible. This view is based on the fact that the number of possible structures for each protein is astronomically large. The question is then why a protein folds into its native structure with the proper biological functions in the time scale of milliseconds to minutes, and this is called Levinthal's paradox. In this article I will discuss our strategy for attacking the protein folding problem. Our approach consists of two elements: the inclusion of accurate solvent effects and the development of powerful simulation algorithms that can avoid getting trapped in states of energy local minima. For the former, we discuss several models varying in nature from crude (distance-dependent dielectric function) to rigorous (reference interaction site model). For the latter, we show the effectiveness of Monte Carlo simulated annealing and generalized-ensemble algorithms.  相似文献   

张天驰  张菁 《生物信息学》2011,9(2):142-145
蛋白质折叠过程模拟是当前蛋白质研究领域的一个难点问题。针对这一问题,提出了一个描述蛋白质折叠过程的算法-拟蛇算法,并且从分子振荡和分子动力学理论两个方面来证明该算法的核心函数是可行和正确的。经过实验总结出所有蛋白质空间结构都可以通过两种类型函数构造出来,提出了描述蛋白质折叠过程模型。与其它蛋白质折叠过程模拟算法的实验结果比较表明,拟蛇算法所构造的空间结构能量值最小、相似度最好。进而说明拟蛇算法和蛋白质折叠过程模型在描述蛋白质折叠过程方面具有明显优势。  相似文献   

The bacteriophage P22 coat protein has the common HK97-like fold but with a genetically inserted domain (I-domain). The role of the I-domain, positioned at the outermost surface of the capsid, is unknown. We hypothesize that the I-domain may act as an intramolecular chaperone because the coat protein folds independently, and many folding mutants are localized to the I-domain. The function of the I-domain was investigated by generating the coat protein core without its I-domain and the isolated I-domain. The core coat protein shows a pronounced folding defect. The isolated I-domain folds autonomously and has a high thermodynamic stability and fast folding kinetics in the presence of a peptidyl prolyl isomerase. Thus, the I-domain provides thermodynamic stability to the full-length coat protein so that it can fold reasonably efficiently while still allowing the HK97-like core to retain the flexibility required for conformational switching during procapsid assembly and maturation.  相似文献   

以6种不同的方式来定义蛋白质内存在的接触,进而运用分子动力学模拟等不同方法,对10个小蛋白进行分析,研究了不同的接触定义及不同的拓扑参数计算方法下,蛋白质的折叠速度与其拓扑参数的关系.结果表明,用含主链重原子的方式定义接触,所计算的拓扑参数与蛋白质折叠速度的相关性较好;用含侧链原子的方式定义接触,得到的拓扑参数与β型蛋白质的折叠速度的相关性较好.对不同的蛋白质,其拓扑结构与相应折叠速度间的相关程度不同。  相似文献   

Proteins fold up by coordinating the different segments of their polypeptide chain through a network of weak cooperative interactions. Such cooperativity results in unfolding curves that are typically sigmoidal. However, we still do not know what factors modulate folding cooperativity or the minimal amount that ensures folding into specific three-dimensional structures. Here, we address these issues on BBL, a small helical protein that folds in microseconds via a marginally cooperative downhill process (Li, P., Oliva, F. Y., Naganathan, A. N., and Muñoz, V. (2009) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106, 103–108). Particularly, we explore the effects of salt-induced screening of the electrostatic interactions in BBL at neutral pH and in acid-denatured BBL. Our results show that electrostatic screening stabilizes the native state of the neutral and protonated forms, inducing complete refolding of acid-denatured BBL. Furthermore, without net electrostatic interactions, the unfolding process becomes much less cooperative, as judged by the broadness of the equilibrium unfolding curve and the relaxation rate. Our experiments show that the marginally cooperative unfolding of BBL can still be made twice as broad while the protein retains its ability to fold into the native three-dimensional structure in microseconds. This result demonstrates experimentally that efficient folding does not require cooperativity, confirming predictions from theory and computer simulations and challenging the conventional biochemical paradigm. Furthermore, we conclude that electrostatic interactions are an important factor in determining folding cooperativity. Thus, electrostatic modulation by pH-salt and/or mutagenesis of charged residues emerges as an attractive tool for tuning folding cooperativity.  相似文献   

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