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Laminin-5 is an important constituent of the basal lamina. The receptors for laminin-5, the integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, have been associated with epithelial wound migration and carcinoma invasion. The signal transduction mechanisms that regulate these integrins are not well understood. We report here that the small GTPase Rap1 regulates the adhesion of a number of cell lines to various extracellular matrix proteins including laminin-5. cAMP also mediates cell adhesion and spreading on laminin-5, a process that is independent of protein kinase A but rather dependent on Epac1, a cAMP-dependent exchange factor for Rap. Interestingly, although both alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 mediate adhesion to laminin-5, only alpha3beta1-dependent adhesion is dependent on Rap1. These results provide evidence for a function of the cAMP-Epac-Rap1 pathway in cell adhesion and spreading on different extracellular matrix proteins. They also define different roles for the laminin-binding integrins in regulated cell adhesion and subsequent cell spreading.  相似文献   

A point mutation in a highly conserved region of the beta 1 subunit, Asp130 to Ala (D130A) substitution, abrogates the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-dependent binding of alpha 5 beta 1 to fibronectin (FN) without disrupting gross structure or heterodimer assembly. The D130A mutation also interferes with binding to invasin, a ligand that lacks RGD sequence. In spite of the lack of detectable FN binding by alpha 5 beta 1(D130A), it was recruited to adhesion plaques formed on FN by endogenous hamster receptors. Thus, intact ligand binding function is not required for recruitment of alpha 5 beta 1 to adhesion plaques. Overexpression of beta 1(D130A) partially interfered with endogenous alpha 5 beta 1 function, thus defining a dominant negative beta 1 integrin mutation.  相似文献   

Arrest of circulating tumor cells in distant organs is required for hematogenous metastasis, but the tumor cell surface molecules responsible have not been identified. Here, we show that the tumor cell alpha3beta1 integrin makes an important contribution to arrest in the lung and to early colony formation. These analyses indicated that pulmonary arrest does not occur merely due to size restriction, and raised the question of how the tumor cell alpha3beta1 integrin contacts its best-defined ligand, laminin (LN)-5, a basement membrane (BM) component. Further analyses revealed that LN-5 is available to the tumor cell in preexisting patches of exposed BM in the pulmonary vasculature. The early arrest of tumor cells in the pulmonary vasculature through interaction of alpha3beta1 integrin with LN-5 in exposed BM provides both a molecular and a structural basis for cell arrest during pulmonary metastasis.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 regulates various cellular functions, including cell adhesion, spreading, and motility. Here, we expressed the five human laminin alpha3 chain globular (LG) domains as monomeric, soluble fusion proteins, and examined their biological functions and signaling. Recombinant LG3 (rLG3) protein, unlike rLG1, rLG2, rLG4, and rLG5, played roles in cell adhesion, spreading, and integrin alpha3beta1 binding. More significantly, we identified a novel motif (PPFLMLLKGSTR) in the LG3 domain that is crucial for these responses. Studies with the synthetic peptides delineated the PPFLMLLKGSTR peptide within LG3 domain as a major site for both integrin alpha3beta1 binding and cell adhesion. Substitution mutation experiments suggest that the Arg residue is important for these activities. rLG3 protein- and PPFLMLLKGSTR peptide-induced keratinocyte adhesion triggered cell signaling through FAK phosphorylation at tyrosine-397 and -577. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating that the PPFLMLLKGSTR peptide within the LG3 domain is a novel motif that is capable of supporting integrin alpha3beta1-dependent cell adhesion and spreading.  相似文献   

Galectins are a taxonomically widespread family of galactose-binding proteins of which galectin-3 is known to modulate cell adhesion. Using single cell force spectroscopy, the contribution of galectin-3 to the adhesion of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells to different extracellular matrix proteins was investigated. When adhering to collagen-I or -IV, some cells rapidly entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Galectin-3-depleted cells had an increased probability of entering the enhanced adhesion state. Adhesion enhancement was specific to integrin alpha(2)beta(1), as it was not observed when cells adhered to extracellular matrix substrates by other integrins. The adhesion phenotype of galectin-3-depleted cells was mimicked in a galactoside-deficient MDCK cell line and could be complemented by the addition of recombinant galectin-3. We propose that galectin-3 influences integrin alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering.  相似文献   

The basement membrane protein laminin-5 supports tumor cell adhesion and motility and is implicated at multiple steps of the metastatic cascade. Tetraspanin CD151 engages in lateral, cell surface complexes with both of the major laminin-5 receptors, integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4. To determine the role of CD151 in tumor cell responses to laminin-5, we used retroviral RNA interference to efficiently silence CD151 expression in epidermal carcinoma cells. Near total loss of CD151 had no effect on steady state cell surface expression of alpha3beta1, alpha6beta4, or other integrins with which CD151 associates. However, CD151-silenced carcinoma cells displayed markedly impaired motility on laminin-5, accompanied by unusually persistent lateral and trailing edge adhesive contacts. CD151 silencing disrupted alpha3beta1 integrin association with tetraspanin-enriched microdomains, reduced the bulk detergent extractability of alpha3beta1, and impaired alpha3beta1 internalization in cells migrating on laminin-5. Both alpha3beta1- and alpha6beta4-dependent cell adhesion to laminin-5 were also impaired in CD151-silenced cells. Reexpressing CD151 in CD151-silenced cells reversed the adhesion and motility defects. Finally, loss of CD151 also impaired migration but not adhesion on substrates other than laminin-5. These data show that CD151 plays a critical role in tumor cell responses to laminin-5 and reveal promotion of integrin recycling as a novel potential mechanism whereby CD151 regulates tumor cell migration.  相似文献   

The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to invade mammalian cells may explain its capacity to colonize mucosa and to persist in tissues after bacteraemia. To date, the underlying molecular mechanisms of cellular invasion by S. aureus are unknown, despite its high prevalence and difficulties in treatment. Here, we show cellular invasion as a novel function for an S. aureus adhesin, previously implicated solely in attachment. S. aureus , but not S. epidermidis , invaded epithelial 293 cells in a temperature- and F-actin-dependent manner. Formaldehyde-fixed and live bacteria were equally invasive, suggesting that no active bacterial process was involved. All clinical S. aureus isolates analysed, but only a subset of laboratory strains, were invasive. Fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs) acted as S. aureus invasins, because: (i) FnBP deletion mutants of invasive laboratory strains lost invasiveness; (ii) expression of FnBPs in non-invasive strains conferred invasiveness; and (iii) the soluble isolated fibronectin-binding domain of FnBP (D1–D4) completely blocked invasion. Integrin α5β1 served as host cell receptor, which interacted with staphylococcal FnBPs through cellular or soluble fibronectin. FnBP-deficient mutants lost invasiveness for epithelial cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Thus, fibronectin-dependent bridging between S. aureus FnBPs and host cell integrin α5β1 is a conserved mechanism for S. aureus invasion of human cells. This may prove useful in developing new therapeutic and vaccine strategies for S. aureus infections.  相似文献   

Analyses of mice with targeted deletions in the genes for alpha3 and beta1 integrin suggest that the alpha3beta1 integrin heterodimer likely determines the organization of the extracellular matrix within the basement membrane of skin. Here we tested this hypothesis using keratinocytes derived from alpha3 integrin-null mice. We have compared the organizational state of laminin-5, a ligand of alpha3beta1 integrin, in the matrix of wild-type keratinocytes with that of laminin-5 in the matrix of alpha3 integrin-null cells. Laminin-5 distributes diffusely in arc structures in the matrix of wild-type mouse keratinocytes, whereas laminin-5 is organized into linear, spike-like arrays by the alpha3 integrin-null cells. The fact that alpha3 integrin-null cells are deficient in their ability to assemble a proper laminin-5 matrix is also shown by their failure to remodel laminin-5 when plated onto surfaces coated with purified laminin-5 protein. In sharp contrast, wild-type keratinocytes organize exogenously added laminin-5 into discrete ring-like organizations. These findings led us next to assess whether differences in laminin-5 organization in the matrix of the wild-type and alpha3 integrin-null cells impact cell behavior. Our results indicate that alpha3 integrin-null cells are more motile than their wild-type counterparts and leave extensive trails of laminin-5 over the surface on which they move. Moreover, HEK 293 cells migrate significantly more on the laminin-5-rich matrix derived from the alpha3 integrin-null cells than on the wild-type keratinocyte laminin-5 matrix. In addition, alpha3 integrin-null cells show low strength of adhesion to surfaces coated with purified laminin-5 compared to wild-type cells although both the wild type and the alpha3 integrin-null keratinocytes adhere equally strongly to laminin-5 that has been organized into arrays by other epithelial cells. These data suggest: (1) that alpha3beta1 integrin plays an important role in determining the incorporation of laminin-5 into its proper higher-order structure within the extracellular matrix of keratinocytes and (2) that the organizational state of laminin-5 has an influence on laminin-5 matrix function.  相似文献   

Modulation of integrin affinity and/or avidity provides a regulatory mechanism by which leukocyte adhesion to endothelium is strengthened or weakened at different stages of emigration. In this study, we demonstrate that binding of high-affinity alpha 4 beta 1 integrins to VCAM-1 strengthens alpha L beta 2 integrin-mediated adhesion. The strength of adhesion of Jurkat cells, a human leukemia T cell line, or MnCl2-treated peripheral blood T cells to immobilized chimeric human VCAM-1/Fc, ICAM-1/Fc, or both was quantified using parallel plate flow chamber leukocyte detachment assays in which shear stress was increased incrementally (0.5-30 dynes/cm2). The strength of adhesion to VCAM-1 plus ICAM-1, or to a 40-kDa fragment of fibronectin containing the CS-1 exon plus ICAM-1, was greater than the sum of adhesion to each molecule alone. Treatment of Jurkat or blood T cells with soluble cross-linked VCAM-1/Fc or HP2/1, a mAb to alpha 4, significantly increased adhesion to ICAM-1. These treatments induced clustering of alpha L beta 2 integrins, but not the high-affinity beta 2 integrin epitope recognized by mAb 24. Up-regulated adhesion to ICAM-1 was abolished by cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of cytoskeletal rearrangement. Taken together, our data suggest that the binding of VCAM-1 or fibronectin to alpha 4 beta 1 integrins initiates a signaling pathway that increases beta 2 integrin avidity but not affinity. A role for the cytoskeleton is implicated in this process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Functional adaptation of skeletal muscle is a requirement for different muscle groups (e.g. craniofacial, ocular and limb) to undergo site-specific changes. Such tissue remodelling depends on dynamic interactions between muscle cells and their extracellular matrix, via participation of multifunctional molecules such as integrins. In view of data suggesting a role in fundamental muscle biology and muscle development in other systems, the present study has focused on expression and function of alpha v integrins, in cultured adult human craniofacial muscle (masseter) precursor cells and myotubes, and the predominantly fibroblastic IC (interstitial cells) population. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Flow-cytometric phenotyping and immunofluorescence phenotyping show that alpha v, alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 are expressed in all mononuclear cells (muscle precursors and IC) seeded on muscle extracellular molecules such as gelatin, VN (vitronectin) and FN (fibronectin). In this system, blockade of alpha v activity using a function-perturbing antibody abrogates cell migration on VN and FN. alpha v integrins act predominantly as VN receptors as cell-substrate attachment is diminished when alpha v neutralizing agents are introduced into cultures seeded on VN, and this inhibition is reversible; these integrins also appear to be minor FN receptors. These results demonstrate that the alpha v subset of integrins present on both myogenic precursors and IC is an essential cohort of VN and, to a lesser extent, FN receptors mediating cell adhesion and, either directly or indirectly, arbiters of cell motility.  相似文献   

EWI-2, a cell surface immunoglobulin SF protein of unknown function, associates with tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 with high stoichiometry. Overexpression of EWI-2 in A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells did not alter cell adhesion or spreading on laminin-5, and had no effect on reaggregation of cells plated on collagen I (alpha2beta1 integrin ligand). However, on laminin-5 (alpha3beta1 integrin ligand), A431 cell reaggregation and motility functions were markedly impaired. Immunodepletion and reexpression experiments revealed that tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 physically link EWI-2 to alpha3beta1 integrin, but not to other integrins. CD81 also controlled EWI-2 maturation and cell surface localization. EWI-2 overexpression not only suppressed cell migration, but also redirected CD81 to cell filopodia and enhanced alpha3beta1-CD81 complex formation. In contrast, an EWI-2 chimeric mutant failed to suppress cell migration, redirect CD81 to filopodia, or enhance alpha3beta1-CD81 complex formation. These results show how laterally associated EWI-2 might regulate alpha3beta1 function in disease and development, and demonstrate how tetraspanin proteins can assemble multiple nontetraspanin proteins into functional complexes.  相似文献   

Laminins, a family of heterotrimeric proteins with cell adhesive/signaling properties, are characteristic components of basement membranes of vasculature and tissues. In the present study, permeabilized platelets were found to react with a monoclonal antibody to laminin gamma1 chain by immunofluorescence. In Western blot analysis of platelet lysates, several monoclonal antibodies to gamma1 and beta1 laminin chains recognized 220- to 230-kDa polypeptides, under reducing conditions, and a structure with much slower electrophoretic mobility under nonreducing conditions. Immunoaffinity purification on a laminin beta1 antibody-Sepharose column yielded polypeptides of 230, 220, 200, and 180 kDa from platelet lysates. In the purified material, mAbs to beta1 and gamma1 reacted with the two larger polypeptides, while affinity-purified rabbit antibodies to laminin alpha4 chain recognized the smallest polypeptide. Identity of the polypeptides was confirmed by microsequencing. One million platelets contained on average 1 ng of laminin (approximately 700 molecules per cell), of which 20-35% was secreted within minutes after stimulation with either thrombin or phorbol ester. Platelets adhered to plastic surfaces coated with the purified platelet laminin, and this process was largely inhibited by antibodies to beta1 and alpha6 integrin chains. We conclude that platelets contain and, following activation, secrete laminin-8 (alpha4beta1gamma1) and that the cells adhere to the protein by using alpha6beta1 integrin.  相似文献   

The colocalization of integrins alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1 at intercellular contact sites of keratinocytes in culture and in epidermis suggests that these integrins may mediate intercellular adhesion (ICA). P1B5, an anti-alpha 3 beta 1 mAb previously reported to inhibit keratinocyte adhesion to epiligrin, was also found to induce ICA. Evidence that P1B5-induced ICA was mediated by alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1 was obtained using both ICA assays and assays with purified, mAb-immobilized integrins. Selective binding of alpha 2 beta 1-coated beads to epidermal cells or plate-bound alpha 3 beta 1 was observed. This binding was inhibited by mAbs to integrin alpha 3, alpha 2, or beta 1 subunits and could be stimulated by P1B5. We also demonstrate a selective and inhibitable interaction between affinity- purified integrins alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1. Finally, we show that expression of alpha 2 beta 1 by CHO fibroblasts results in the acquisition of collagen and alpha 3 beta 1 binding. Binding to both of these ligands is inhibited by P1H5, an anti-alpha 2 beta 1 specific mAb. Results of these in vitro experiments suggest that integrins alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1 can interact and may do so to mediate ICA in vivo. Thus, alpha 3 beta 1 mediates keratinocyte adhesion to epiligrin and plays a second role in ICA via alpha 2 beta 1.  相似文献   

Laminins are a family of extracellular matrix glycoproteins involved in cell adhesion and migration. A major obstacle to understanding their structure-function relationships is the lack of small laminin domains capable of replicating integrin-binding, cell-adhesive, and migratory functions of the intact molecule. Here, we show that the recombinant LG3 (rLG3) module (26 kDa) of laminin-5 (Ln-5) alpha(3) chain replicated key Ln-5 activities. rLG3 but not rLG1 or rLG2 supported cell adhesion and migration of at least two distinct cell lines, in an integrin alpha(3)beta(1)-dependent manner. Cell adhesion to rLG3 was regulated by divalent cations and accompanied by cell spreading and tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK focal adhesion kinase. The integrin binding activity of rLG3 was confirmed by rLG3 affinity chromatography of detergent cell lysates, which resulted in specific purification of integrin alpha(3)beta(1). To our knowledge, this is the first report directly demonstrating that a recombinant laminin LG module is an active domain capable of supporting integrin-dependent cell adhesion and migration.  相似文献   

Cooperative action of inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules orchestrates eosinophil recruitment during allergic inflammation in the airways. This study investigated the mechanisms involved in increasing eosinophil adhesion to human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) following priming and activation of eosinophils with TNF-alpha and complement protein C5a, respectively. Under primed conditions, eosinophil adhesion increased 3-fold from basal (16%), and the effect was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the increase following stimulation with C5a alone (2-fold). Eosinophil contact with HBEC was essential for priming. In contrast to C5a, adhesion of eotaxin-stimulated eosinophils to HBEC was not primed with TNF-alpha nor IL-5, a known eosinophil-priming agent. Priming caused activation of alpha(M)beta(2) integrin; mAb against either the common beta(2) integrin subunit or its ICAM-1 ligand reduced the primed component of adhesion. Using mAbs against beta(1) or alpha(5), but not alpha(4) integrin subunit, together with anti-beta(2) integrin mAb, reduced stimulated adhesion to basal levels. Cross-linking alpha(5)beta(1) integrin increased alpha(M)beta(2) integrin-dependent adhesion of eosinophils. There are no known adhesion molecule ligands of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin expressed on HBEC; however, fibronectin, the major matrix protein ligand for alpha(5)beta(1) integrin, was detected in association with HBEC monolayers. A mAb against fibronectin, in combination with anti-beta(2) integrin mAb, reduced adhesion to basal levels. In conclusion, alpha(5)beta(1) integrin may provide a contact-dependent costimulus for eosinophil priming that, together with TNF-alpha, potentiated C5a activation of alpha(M)beta(2) integrin and increased eosinophil adhesion to ICAM-1. Fibronectin, associated with HBEC, may act as a ligand for alpha(5)beta(1) integrin. Dual regulation of eosinophil priming may prevent inappropriate activation of eosinophils in the circulation.  相似文献   

Integrin-mediated interactions between the basement membrane and epithelial cells control the differentiation of epithelia. We characterized the modulation of adhesive behaviors to basement membrane proteins and of integrin function in the human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line, which differentiates into enterocytes after the substitution of galactose for glucose in the medium. We demonstrate an increased capability of these cells to adhere to collagen type IV during the early stage of differentiation. This effect occurs without any changes in integrin cell surface expression but rather results from an alpha2beta1/alpha3beta1 integrin switch, alpha3beta1 integrin becoming the major collagen receptor. The increase in laminin-5 secretion and deposit on the matrix is a key factor in the mechanism regulating cell adhesion, because it is responsible for the activation of alpha3beta1 integrin. Furthermore, down-regulation of RhoA GTPase activity occurs during HT-29 cell differentiation and correlates with the activation of the integrin alpha3beta1. Indeed, C3 transferase, a RhoA GTPase inhibitor, induces a similar alpha2beta1/alpha3beta1 switch in undifferentiated HT-29 cells. These results indicate that the decrease in RhoA activation is the biochemical mechanism underlying this integrin switch observed during cell differentiation. The physiological relevance of such modulation of integrin activity in the functioning of the crypt-villus axis is discussed.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix protein osteopontin (OPN) interacts with a number of integrins, namely alphavbeta1, alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, alpha9beta1, alpha8beta1, and alpha4beta1. We have investigated the interaction of alpha5beta1 integrin with OPN using K562 cells, which only express alpha5beta1. alpha5beta1 is in a low activation state in this cell line, but can be stimulated to a higher activation state by the phorbol ester TPA. Treating K562 wild-type cells (K562-WT) with TPA stimulated an interaction between alpha5beta1 and OPN. No interaction was seen in the absence of TPA. alpha5beta1 selectively interacted with a GST fusion protein of the N-terminal fragment of OPN (aa17-168), which is generated in vivo by thrombin cleavage of OPN. Expression of the alpha4 integrin in K562 cells (K562-alpha4beta1) stimulated alpha5beta1-dependent binding to aa17-168 in the absence of TPA, suggesting that alpha4beta1 activates alpha5beta1 in K562 cells. Adhesion via alpha5beta1 is mediated by the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif of OPN, as mutating this sequence to Arg-Ala-Asp (RAD) blocked binding of both cell types. These data demonstrate that thrombin cleavage regulates the adhesive properties of OPN and that alpha5beta1 integrin can interact with thrombin-cleaved osteopontin when in a high activation state.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated a direct association between alpha5beta1 integrin and caspase 3, both pro- and mature enzyme, in various sub-cellular compartments of rat fibroblasts undergoing anoikis. Integrin associated caspase 3 showed high activity in the plasma membranes, whereas in the cytosol and microsomal fraction it showed little or no activity. Our results suggest a possible role for recycled un-ligated alpha5beta1 integrin molecules between cytosol and plasma membrane, in regulation of caspase-3 activity and induction of cell death in adhesion-deprived cells.  相似文献   

The Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein promotes bacterial penetration into mammalian cells by binding to several beta 1 chain integrins. We show here that proteins containing the cell-binding domain of invasin bind to the fibronectin receptor alpha 5 beta 1 isolated from human placenta and immobilized on a filter membrane. Two forms of the receptor, each having a molecular weight of about 290,000, were immunodepleted by monoclonal antibodies specific for the beta 1 subunit or the alpha 5 beta 1 heterodimer. The binding of invasin to the receptor immobolized on the filter, or to whole JAR cells, reaches saturation after 90 min and has an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of 5.0 x 10(-9) M. Invasin binding to alpha 5 beta 1 is inhibited by the 120-kDa chymotryptic fragment of fibronectin in a competitive manner with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 7.5 x 10(-7) M. Furthermore, invasin-receptor binding is also inhibited by the hexapeptide GRGDSP, and monoclonal antibodies that block cell attachment to invasin-coated surfaces also block cell attachment to fibronectin-coated surfaces. These results indicate that invasin and fibronectin bind to the same, or closely located sites on alpha 5 beta 1, although invasin binds with a much higher affinity than does fibronectin.  相似文献   

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