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Summary Blood vessels of the perioesophageal nerve ganglia (brain) of Octopus vulgaris and the stellate ganglia of Sepia officinalis are described. The vessels have an incomplete endothelium, a complete basement membrane and a complete investment of pericytes. The pericytes are joined by specialised membrane junctions but these are not tight junctions. The main type of neuron/vessel arrangement is one where there is a collagen-filled space between the pericytes and the surrounding glial cells. Axons or neurons are sometimes applied directly to the vessel pericytes and in the neuropil, pericytes contact glial cells that ensheath bundles of axons. Blood spaces between neurons are also present.We would like thank Professor J. Z. Young and Dr. E. G. Gray for encouragement and advice, Mrs. Jane Astafiev for drawing Fig. 11, Mr. S. Waterman for photographic assistance and Miss Cheryl Martin for secretarial and other assistance.  相似文献   

Synopsis The distribution of acetylcholinesterase-containing blood vessels in the ovary has been investigated histochemically during the reproductive cycle of the guinea-pig. Whole mounts as well as frozen sections have been studied. Stained vessels were found in the stroma throughout the oestrous cycle and pregnancy. In the corpus luteum the vascular reaction varied at different stages of the oestrous cycle; while never very pronounced it was more marked in lactating than in non-lactating animals. A few vessels in the corpus luteum of early pregnancy showed some reaction but as pregnancy advanced an increasing number of vessels were strongly stained. At the end of pregnancy, stained vessels were less prominent.acetylcholinesterase appeared to be localized principally in the vessels themselves (possibly in muscle cells) rather than is associated nerves. Experiments in which ovaries were injected, via their arterial or venous supply, with starch or coloured gelatine suggested that most stained vessels were arterioles but a reaction also occurred in some vessels which were probably arteries and others which could have been the postulated arterio-venous shunts. Capillaries were unstained; whether the veins were also totally unreactive could not be established.The significance of the changes in acetylcholinesterase staining in varying functional states remains obscure; they may or may not reflect the emergence of certain types of vessel at different stages.  相似文献   

An in-vitro bioassay for inhibin based on FSH content or release by rat pituitary cells was validated for measuring inhibin activity in ovine plasma and lymph. Dose-dependent increases in inhibin activity were detected in peripheral plasma of 4 ovariectomized ewes 1 min after i.v. injections of ovine follicular fluid, and the half-life of inhibin in plasma for 2 ewes was 45 and 50 min, respectively. Inhibin was detected in ovarian lymph but not in ovarian or jugular venous plasma, even after treatment of ewes with PMSG to induce folliculogenesis. Destruction of visible follicles (greater than 0.5 mm diameter) on the ovaries of 4 PMSG-treated ewes by electrocautery was followed by a rapid and sustained decline in secretion of inhibin in ovarian lymph for up to 4 h. Ovarian lymph flow rates were either unchanged or slightly increased after cautery. Oestrogen concentrations in peripheral venous plasma declined within 15-30 min of cautery, but concentrations remained well above baseline. There was a significant decrease in peripheral progesterone concentrations in these same samples, but not until 2-3 h after cautery. FSH in peripheral plasma was depressed or non-detectable in PMSG-treated ewes and neither FSH nor LH concentrations in peripheral plasma were significantly altered up to 4 h after cautery of ovarian follicles. It is concluded that (a) antral follicles (greater than 0.5 mm) are the source of inhibin present in ovarian lymph, and (b) the ovarian lymphatic system is a route by which inhibin could reach the peripheral circulation, particularly in the luteal phase when ovarian lymph flow rates are high.  相似文献   

F J Haddy 《Life sciences》1975,16(10):1489-1497
Intraarterial infusion of potassium causes vasodilation whereas reduction of the potassium concentration in the inflowing blood causes vasoconstriction. These responses have always been puzzling since the predicted effects from the Nernst equation are just the reverse. Recent evidence suggests that they result form effects on the activity of sarcolemmal Na, K ATPase in the vascular smooth muscle cell which influence the electrogenic NaK pump. The possible relevance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Growing better blood vessels.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The hemangioblast is a bipotential cell that gives rise to hematopoietic and endothelial cells. Although the existence of the hemangioblast was first postulated early last century, a cell with this activity has yet to be unequivocally identified in mammals. In the last decade, gene targeting experiments in the mouse have uncovered genes which are required for development of both the hematopoietic and endothelial lineages, and this, together with increasing recognition that the two cell types share gene expression patterns, has renewed interest in the hemangioblast. The murine embryonic stem cell differentiation system has been used to demonstrate the existence of a Fft-1 positive progenitor cell, called the BL-CFC, which has the properties of the hemangioblast and this system is now being used to dissect the molecular regulation of hemangioblast development and differentiation.  相似文献   

As an attempt to investigate the different pathways followed by the blood into the spleen and to analyse their functional significance, a technique was used mainly based on the intraarterial perfusion of a Prussian blue "solution" added of some chemical mediators and vasoactive substances. Such technique provides results which may be analysed taking into account the effect of the anaesthetic used, that may influence the findings. From the anaesthetic used, the sulfuric ether and the barbital sodium produce vasoconstriction of the white pulp blood vessels, whereas the chlorpromazine-promethazine doesn't have this effect, and so the Prussian blue appears inside these vessels. The vasodilator drugs, such as succinonitrile and papaverine hydrochloride, show a general vasodilator effect on the splenic arterial system. Teh arterial vessels of the white and the red pulp, including those placed at the subcapsular areas, become enlarged; into the white pulp, either the central or the peripheral blood vessel plexus of the lymphatic follicle becomes evident. The latter readily constitutes the perifollicular and the pericolumnar plexus. The blood vessels of this plexus become permeable to the Prussian blue "solution" by the heparin sodium effect, and so the dye particles enter the marginal zone and the splenic sinuses. In addition, from the white pulp arteries arise 2 types of anastomotic arterioles which appear enlarged after succinonitrile treatment: The short anastomotic arterioles that crosses the marginal zone entering the red pulp near the white pulp; the long anastomotic arterioles which enter the red pulp and after a long course end up into or around a collector sinus. The addition of histamine dihydrochloride to the perfusion solutions shows a slight vasodilator effect mainly on the subcapsular penicillar arterioles, including the helicine arterioles. The adrenergic stimulation of the splenic blood vessels induces a generalized arterial constriction, except of the anastomotic arterioles, that becomes open; in such way, the blood pathway follows the course of the anastomotic arterioles and the collector arterioles also become constricted. The adrenergic vasoconstrictor effect is inhibited by the phenoxy-benzamine hydrochloride. The addition of acetylcholine chloride, in the dosage, used, induces a generalized arterial vessel constriction, mainly of the perifollicular plexus. This effect is inhibited by atropine sulfate which, on the other hand, produces evident enlargement of the perifollicular and pericolumnar arterial plexus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study in sheep ovaries was to determine the total number of granulosa cells in primordial follicles and at subsequent stages of growth to early antrum formation. The second aim was to examine the interrelationships among the total number of granulosa cells in the follicles, the number of granulosa cells in the section through the oocyte nucleolus, and the diameter of the oocyte. A third aim was to examine whether proliferating cell nuclear antigen labelling occurred in flattened granulosa cells in primordial follicles or was confined to follicles containing cuboidal granulosa cells. The follicles were classified using the section through the oocyte nucleolus by the configuration of granulosa cells around the oocyte as type 1 (primordial), type 1a (transitory), type 2 (primary), type 3 (small preantral), type 4 (large preantral), and type 5 (small antral). In type 1 follicles, the number of granulosa cells and oocyte diameter were highly variable in both fetal and adult ovaries. Each type of follicle was significantly different from the others (all P < 0.05) with respect to oocyte diameter, number of granulosa cells in the section through the oocyte nucleolus and total number of granulosa cells. Follicles classified as type 2, 3, 4 or 5 each corresponded to two doublings of the total granulosa cell population. The relationships between oocyte diameter and the number of granulosa cells (that is, in the section through the oocyte nucleous or total population per follicle) could all be described by the regression equation loge chi = a + b loge gamma with the correlation coefficients R always > 0.93. For each pair of variables the slopes (b) for each type of follicle were not different from the overall slope for all types of follicle pooled. Immunostaining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen was observed in granulosa cells in type 1 follicles, as well as in the other types of follicle. These findings indicate that 'flattened' granulosa cells in type 1 follicles express an essential nuclear protein involved in cell proliferation before assuming the cuboidal shape. Thus, when considering factors that regulate specific phases of early follicular growth, it is important to consider: (i) the follicle classification system used; (ii) the animal model studied; (iii) whether type 1 follicles are all quiescent; and (iv) the likelihood that each follicle type represents more than one doubling of the population of granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue aims to assist young women who require treatments that may lead to sterility or infertility. Cryopreservation procedures should therefore be as simple and efficient as possible. This study investigates rapid cooling outcomes for whole sheep ovaries. Ovaries were perfused with VS4 via the ovarian artery, and cooled by quenching in liquid nitrogen in less than a minute (estimated cooling rate above 300 °C/min till the vitreous transition temperature). The ovaries were rewarmed in two stages: slow warming (12–16 °C/min from −196 to −133 °C) in liquid nitrogen vapour, followed by rapid thawing in a 45 °C water bath at about 200 °C/min. DSC measurements showed that under these cryopreservation conditions VS4 would vitrify, but that VS4 perfused ovarian cortex fragments did not vitrify, but formed ice (around 18.4%). Immediately following rewarming, a dye exclusion test indicated that 61.4 ± 2.2% of small follicles were viable while histological analysis showed that 48 ± 3.8% of the primordial follicles were normal. It remains to be clarified whether follicle survival rates will increase if conditions allowing complete tissue vitrification were used.  相似文献   

Towards whole sheep ovary cryopreservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue aims to assist young women who require treatments that may lead to sterility or infertility. Cryopreservation procedures should therefore be as simple and efficient as possible. This study investigates rapid cooling outcomes for whole sheep ovaries. Ovaries were perfused with VS4 via the ovarian artery, and cooled by quenching in liquid nitrogen in less than a minute (estimated cooling rate above 300 °C/min till the vitreous transition temperature). The ovaries were rewarmed in two stages: slow warming (12–16 °C/min from −196 to −133 °C) in liquid nitrogen vapour, followed by rapid thawing in a 45 °C water bath at about 200 °C/min. DSC measurements showed that under these cryopreservation conditions VS4 would vitrify, but that VS4 perfused ovarian cortex fragments did not vitrify, but formed ice (around 18.4%). Immediately following rewarming, a dye exclusion test indicated that 61.4 ± 2.2% of small follicles were viable while histological analysis showed that 48 ± 3.8% of the primordial follicles were normal. It remains to be clarified whether follicle survival rates will increase if conditions allowing complete tissue vitrification were used.  相似文献   

Measurements of venoarterial concentration differences across the ovary in anesthetized sheep have demonstrated that the ovary secretes ovine neurophysin I/II (oNP I/II) and that this process is stimulated by the prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, cloprostenol. A parallel increase in the secretion of oxytocin (OT) was observed in response to cloprostenol, and the mean molar ratio of oNP I/II to OT secreted was 1.2. There was no detectable ovarian secretion of oNP III. Secretion of oNP I/II and OT was absent after hysterectomy. The data support other evidence indicating that the corpus luteum synthesizes OT, and confirm that the neurophysin associated with OT in the sheep is oNP I/II.  相似文献   

The activity of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase has been shown to be high in both mesenteric arteries and veins; the present study suggests that it may be responsible for the inactivation of prostacyclin (PGI2). The cytoplasmic fractions of bovine mesenteric arteries and veins were incubated with radiolabeled PGI2 in the presence of NAD+ or NADP+. The substrate was rapidly converted to a product, which was isolated and identified as 6,15-diketo prostaglandin F1alpha, (6,15-diketo-PGF1alpha) by thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The initial reaction rate began to level off after less than 1 min of incubation at 37 degrees C. When radiolabeled 6-keto-PGF1alpha, the stable hydrolysis product of PGI2, was used as substrate under the same conditions, 97% was recovered unmetabolized after 2 min of incubation. Catabolism of PGI2 may be a major determinant of its levels in blood vessels and, therefore, may be of crucial importance to regulating the action of PGI2. Further, estimation of PGI2 generation by either tissues or organs may be misleading if only 6-keto-PGF1alpha is measured.  相似文献   

Summary The cephalic aorta of Octopus vulgaris has a fairly complete endothelium lining the lumen, a thick complete basement membrane, a layer of circularly orientated and a layer of longitudinally orientated muscle fibres. Presumptive synaptic endings are of two types. In the circular muscle, axons containing vesicles, contact club-shaped projections of the muscle. The gap between the pre- and postsynaptic membranes is less than 100 Å and in some places apparently forms a tight junction. The second type of ending has been found in the longitudinal muscle; here axons full of vesicles end on the muscle. The ending is enclosed by a mesaxon of muscle and the synaptic gap is approximately 100 Å. In the smaller blood vessels, axons end on myofilament-containing pericytes of blood vessels (equivalent to small arterioles). The endings contain vesicles and have a synaptic gap of 100 Å. Only some of the pericytes seem to be innervated and transmission between one pericyte to another may be mediated by specialized junctions between the cells. The smaller non-myofilament containing vessels (equivalent to capillaries) are not thought to be innervated.We would like to thank Professor J. Z. Young and Dr. E. G. Gray for advice and encouragement, Mrs. Jane Astafiev for drawing Figs. 1 and 12, Mr. S. Waterman for photography, and Miss Cheryl Martin for secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

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