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The triclads Polycelis tenuis and Dugesia polychroa and the glossiphoniid leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Helobdella stagnalis are abundant on the stony shores of productive British lakes. All species are food limited and there is considerable overlap in the diets of these triclads and leeches. This paper investigates interactions between the two groups using field and laboratory experiments to try to identify the mechanism of their co-existence. Triclad and leech numbers were manipulated inside experimental enclosures, mathced by controls, erected on the stony shore of an eutrophic English lake. Increasing the numbers of P. tenuis and D. polychroa prior to the reproductive season in spring resulted in a significant decrease in the numbers and body size of G. complanata and H. stagnalis compared with control populations in the summer months, and vice versa. However, increases and decreases were temporary with a readjustment of numbers and body size to control levels in the autumn after reproduction had ceased. It is suggested that increasing the numbers of either group elevated the severity of both intra- and interspecific competition for food. The condition of prey may, in part, determine the strength of competition, and this was examined in laboratory experiments in which different densities and ratios of P. tenuis and H. stagnalis were offered either live of recently crushed Asellus aquaticus. In monospecific controls, growth rates of P. tenuis were greater when fed on crushed than live Asellus, but there was no significant difference in the growth of H. stagnalis fed either live or crushed prey. In mixed cultures of predators, P. tenuis and H. stagnalis were the superior competitors when fed on crushed and live Asellus, respectively. However, when competitive pressure was low, at low densities of predators, the presence of H. stagnalis in mixed cultures fed on live prey was beneficial to the growth of P. tenuis. These results are explained in terms of the greater ability of triclads to detect damaged prey, leaking body fluids, due to their sophisticated chemosensory system, and the ability of leeches to capture live prey due to the presence of suckers. It is concluded that co-existence of the two groups in British lakes is assisted by the partitioning of food on a live or damaged basis.  相似文献   

Abstract Large numbers of Gram-positive methanogenic bacteria, which morphologicallt resembled Methanobacterium formicicum , were found in the flagellated amoeba Mastigella from fresh water sapropel. A non-methanogenic Gram-positive bacterium with a characteristic axial cleft was found to live in close association with the amoebal nucleus. The similarity between the symbiotic system of Mastigella and that of the giant amoeba Pelomyxa is discussed, as well as the contribution of sapropelic amoebae to the methanogenesis of the sapropel ecosystem.  相似文献   

Although carotenoids serve important biological functions, animals are generally unable to synthesize these pigments and instead obtain them from food. However, many animals, such as sap-feeding insects, may have limited access to carotenoids in their diet, and it was recently shown that aphids have acquired the ability to produce carotenoids by lateral transfer of fungal genes. Whiteflies also contain carotenoids but show no evidence of the fungus-derived genes found in aphids. Because many sap-feeding insects harbour intracellular bacteria, it has long been hypothesized that these endosymbionts could serve as an alternative source of carotenoid biosynthesis. We sequenced the genome of the obligate bacterial endosymbiont Portiera from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The genome exhibits typical signatures of obligate endosymbionts in sap-feeding insects, including extensive size reduction (358.2 kb) and enrichment for genes involved in essential amino acid biosynthesis. Unlike other sequenced insect endosymbionts, however, Portiera has bacterial homologues of the fungal carotenoid biosynthesis genes in aphids. Therefore, related lineages of sap-feeding insects appear to have convergently acquired the same functional trait by distinct evolutionary mechanisms—bacterial endosymbiosis versus fungal lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

Abstract The marine ciliate Strombidium purpureum Kahl harbours endosymbiotic purple non-sulphur bacteria. The bacteria contain bacteriochlorophyll a and the carotenoid spirilloxanthin, and they have photosynthetic membranes and cell walls. The ciliates require light for survival and growth under anaerobic conditions; in the dark the cells prefer microaerobic conditions. The ciliates show a photosensory behaviour, and they accumulate in light at wave lenghts corresponding to the absorption spectrum of the symbionts. The findings are discussed in terms of theories on the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Structure of cytoplasmic bacterial symbionts of chlorella-free ciliate Climacostomum virens has been investigated. It is shown that ciliates are not able to support simultaneously growth and duplication of two different symbionts--bacteria and chlorella. Cells of C. virens lost bacterial symbionts after an artificial infection with chlorella by microinjection. Competitive relationships between two endopionts are discussed.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria 4.5–5.5 μm in length and 1.2 μm in diameter are found in gastrodermal cells of three stains of freshwater green hydras,Hydra viridis (Ohio and Carolina from North America, Jubilee strain from England). They are motile via single polar flagella. They were detected in live animals, Jensen stained material, and electron micrographic sections. Bacteria lose motility quickly upon release from hydra cells. Green hydras harbor strain-specific numbers of chlorellae in these cells. Other tissue types lack algae. The chlorella-hydra symbiosis can be disassociated and the partners grown separately; transfer of photosynthate from algae to hydra occurs. Here we report the presence of endocellular bacterial vesicles specifically associated with cells that contain the symbiotic chlorellae. No cells that contained algae and lacked bacteria were seen. Vesicles, especially conspicuous in sexually mature green hydras, are probably produced upon extrusion from the cell. They contain either algae and bacteria or bacteria alone and are often expelled to the surrounding medium via the coelenteron. Bacteria are absent in nerve cells, interstitial cells, nematocysts, mucous cells, sperm, and probably in most of the other cell types that lack algae. They are present in at least one cell type that lacked algae: the columnar ovarian cells. Bacteria were lost in “bleached” hydras, those induced to lose their algae by high intensity light in a solution of DCMU, a standard inhibitor of photosynthesis. They were absent in a fourth strain of green hydra (Connecticut Valley,H. viridis) and inH. fusca andH. littoralis, two freshwater nonsymbiotic hydras. All of the hydra lacking bacteria contain conspicuous lipid droplets in their cells. The presence of large numbers of bacteria has implications for interpretations of metabolic exchange between host and algal symbionts and for extrapolation of metabolic data from strain to strain ofH. viridis.  相似文献   

Endosymbiosis is a mutualistic, parasitic or commensal symbiosis in which one symbiont is living within the body of another organism. Such symbiotic relationship with free-living amoebae and arthropods has been reported with a large biodiversity of microorganisms, encompassing various bacterial clades and to a lesser extent some fungi and viruses. By contrast, current knowledge on symbionts of nematodes is still mainly restricted to Wolbachia and its interaction with filarial worms that lead to increased pathogenicity of the infected nematode. In this review article, we aim to highlight the main characteristics of symbionts in term of their ecology, host cell interactions, parasitism and co-evolution, in order to stimulate future research in a field that remains largely unexplored despite the availability of modern tools.  相似文献   

In leech embryos, segmental mesoderm and ectoderm arise from teloblasts by lineages that are already relatively well characterized. Here, we present data concerning the early divisions and the definitive fate maps of the micromeres, a group of 25 small cells that arise during the modified spiral cleavage in leech (Helobdella robusta) and contribute to most of the nonsegmental tissues of the adult. Three noteworthy results of this work are as follows. (1) The c"' and dm' clones (3d and 3c in traditional nomenclature) give rise to a hitherto undescribed network of fibers that run from one end of the embryo to the other. (2) The clones of micromeres b" and b"' (2b and 3b in traditional nomenclature) die in normal development; the b" clone can be rescued to assume the normal c" fate if micromere c" or its clone are ablated in early development. (3) Two qualitative differences in micromere fates are seen between H. robusta (Sacramento) and another Helobdella sp. (Galt). First, in Helobdella sp. (Galt), the clone of micromere b" does not normally die, and contributes a subset of the cells arising exclusively from c" in H. robusta (Sacramento). Second, in Helobdella sp. (Galt), micromere c"' makes no definitive contribution, whereas micromere dm' gives rise to cells equivalent to those arising from c"' and dm' in H. robusta (Sacramento).  相似文献   

This study investigated the endosymbiotic bacteria living inside the poultry red mite collected from five samples of one commercial farm from the UK and 16 farms from France using genus-specific PCR, PCR-TTGE and DNA sequencing. Endosymbiotic bacteria are intracellular obligate organisms that can cause several phenotypic and reproductive anomalies to their host and they are found widespread living inside arthropods. The farm sampled from the UK was positive for bacteria of the genera Cardinium sp. and Spiroplasma sp. From France, 7 farms were positive for Cardinium sp., 1 farm was positive for Spiroplasma sp., 1 farm was positive for Rickettsiella sp. and 2 farms were positive for Schineria sp. However, it was not possible to detect the presence of the genus Wolbachia sp. which has been observed in other ectoparasites. This study is the first report of the presence of endosymbionts living inside the poultry red mite. The results obtained suggest that it may be possible that these bacterial endosymbionts cause biological modifications to the poultry red mite.  相似文献   

Minerdi  D.  Bianciotto  V.  Bonfante  P. 《Plant and Soil》2002,244(1-2):211-219
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been successful in time and space thanks to a long co-evolution with their host plants. In addition to this well known interaction, they also associate with bacteria that reside in the fungal cytoplasm. The chapter mostly focusses on endosymbionts belonging to the genus Burkholderia and found in many species of Gigasporaceae. We have used morphological and genetic approaches to investigate these intracellular microrganisms. Some genes related to metabolism, cell colonization events and nitrogen fixation have been characterized and suggest a potential role in the nutritional exchanges between endobacteria, fungi and plants.  相似文献   

Wolbachia bacteria are common cytoplasmic symbionts of insects, mites and filarial nematodes. They can alter the reproduction of their hosts. The symbiont could be eliminated, transferred or used through genetic alteration to take advantage or remove their possible influences on pests and/or natural enemies. Their extensive effects on reproduction and host fitness have made Wolbachia the subject of growing attention as a potential biocontrol agent. Here, we summarize the relations of Wolbachia in the control of disease vectors and pests. Furthermore, the drawbacks of these bacteria are also discussed.  相似文献   

A unique lineage of bacteria belonging to the order Bacteroidales was identified as an intracellular endosymbiont of the protist Pseudotrichonympha grassii (Parabasalia, Hypermastigea) in the gut of the termite Coptotermes formosanus. We identified the 16S rRNA, gyrB, elongation factor Tu, and groEL gene sequences in the endosymbiont and detected a very low level of sequence divergence (<0.9% of the nucleotides) in the endosymbiont population within and among protist cells. The Bacteroidales endosymbiont sequence was affiliated with a cluster comprising only sequences from termite gut bacteria and was not closely related to sequences identified for members of the Bacteroidales attached to the cell surfaces of other gut protists. Transmission electron microscopy showed that there were numerous rod-shaped bacteria in the cytoplasm of the host protist, and we detected the endosymbiont by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with an oligonucleotide probe specific for the 16S rRNA gene identified. Quantification of the abundance of the Bacteroidales endosymbiont by sequence-specific cleavage of rRNA with RNase H and FISH cell counting revealed, surprisingly, that the endosymbiont accounted for 82% of the total bacterial rRNA and 71% of the total bacterial cells in the gut community. The genetically nearly homogeneous endosymbionts of Pseudotrichonympha were very abundant in the gut symbiotic community of the termite.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic cell interactions during development were studied by combining cell ablation and cell lineage tracing techniques in embryos of the leech Helobdella triserialis. Ablation of an identified ectodermal teloblast, or teloblast precursor blastomere, on one side of an early embryo was often found to result in the later abnormal migration of the progeny cells of the corresponding contralateral, nonablated teloblast to the ablated side of the embryo; such abnormal migration was termed “midline violation.” Two different kinds of midline violation were observed. Crossover: after ablation of an N teloblast individual stem cell progeny of the contralateral N teloblast sometimes cross the ventral midline of the germinal plate of the embryo. Switching: after ablation of an OPQ teloblast precursor bandlets of stem cells produced by the contralateral O, P, or Q teloblasts sometimes switch to the germinal band of the ablated side at the site of origin of the germinal bands. The occurrence of crossover and switching shows that the eventual site occupied by a progeny cell of a particular teloblast is not automatically determined by its lineage, but also depends on interactions with other cells. Midline violation in the leech embryo CNS does not constitute true regulation, however, since the restoration of neurons to the ablated side is accompanied by a neuron deficit on the nonablated side. The occurrence of the two distinct kinds of midline violation, crossover and switching, may be explained by the relative position of the stem cell bandlets within the germinal bands, and by the geometrical features of the formation of the germinal plate from the germinal bands.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the endosymbiosis of methanogenic archaea with anaerobic protozoa are reviewed. Special attention is payed to the role of hydrogenosomes and plastid-like organelles that seem to provide the substrates for the methanogenic endosymbionts. Evidence is presented that hydrogenosomes evolved several times in the various protoctistan taxa. Hydrogenosomes are seemingly different, and their common denominator is the production of hydrogen. The absence of nucleic acids and a protein-synthesizing machineny hampers the analysis of their divergent evolutionary history, and molecular genetic data argue not only for different but even a chimeric origin of the hydrogenosomes.  相似文献   

Understanding how complex sexual reproduction arose, and why sexual organisms have been more successful than otherwise similar asexual organisms, is a longstanding problem in evolutionary biology. Within this problem, the potential role of endosymbionts or intracellular pathogens in mediating primitive genetic transfers is a continuing theme. In recent years, several remarkable activities of mitochondria have been observed in the germline cells of complex eukaryotes, and it has been found that bacterial endosymbionts related to mitochondria are capable of manipulating diverse aspects of metazoan gametogenesis. An attempt is made here to rationalize these observations with an endosymbiotic model for the evolutionary origins of sex. It is hypothesized that the contemporary life cycle of germline cells has descended from the life cycle of the endosymbiotic ancestor of the mitochondrion. Through an actin-based motility that drove it from one cell to another, the rickettsial ancestor of mitochondria may have functioned as a primitive transducing particle, the evolutionary progenitor of sperm.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the presence in leech hemolymph of high levels of a peptide recognized by antiserum directed against bovine chromacin. The purification of the chromacin-like peptide was carried out by an acidic extraction, followed by solid phase and high pressure gel permeation chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC purification. Its sequence (GDFELPSIADPQATFESQRGPSAQQVDK) was established by a combination of techniques, including automated Edman degradation, MALDI-TOF measurement and DOT immunobinding assays with anti-chromogranin A. Mass spectrometry measurement revealed a m/z 3177Da, revealing the fact that the molecule is phosphorylated. ELISA titrations performed at each step of the purification revealed a major increase in the level of the peptide (ca. 125 nmol/microl of coelomic fluid) 15 min after LPS exposure. The increase in chromacin-like peptide levels is both time and concentration dependent. The level of this peptide decreased significantly 4 hours after LPS exposure. This report is the first discovery of a chromogranin derived like peptide in invertebrates.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Observations were made on the ultrastructure of a species of Vorticella containing endosymbiotic Chlorella. The Vorticella , which were collected from nature, bore conspicuous tubercles of irregular size and distribution on the pellicle. Each endosymbiotic algal cell was located in a separate vacuole and possessed a cell wall and cup-shaped chloroplast with a large pyrenoid. The pyrenoid was bisected by thylakoids and surrounded by starch plates. No dividing or degenerating algal cells were observed.  相似文献   

We characterized the intracellular symbiotic bacteria of the hematophagous glossiphoniid leeches Placobdelloides siamensis and a Parabdella sp. These leeches have a specialized structure called an “esophageal organ,” the cells of which harbor bacterial symbionts. From the esophageal organ of each species, a 1.5-kb eubacterial 16S rRNA gene segment was amplified by PCR, cloned, and sequenced. Diagnostic PCR detected the symbiont in the esophageal organ and intestine. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene(s) demonstrated that the symbionts from the leeches formed a monophyletic group in a well-defined clade containing endosymbiotic bacteria of plant sap-feeding insects in the γ-subdivision of the Proteobacteria. The nucleotide compositions of the 16S rRNA gene from the leech symbionts were highly AT biased (53.7%).  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic bacteria were identified in the parasitic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a common pathogen of freshwater fish. PCR amplification of DNA prepared from two isolates of I. multifiliis, using primers that bind conserved sequences in bacterial 16S rRNA genes, generated an ∼1,460-bp DNA product, which was cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis demonstrated that 16S rRNA gene sequences from three classes of bacteria were present in the PCR product. These included Alphaproteobacteria (Rickettsiales), Sphingobacteria, and Flavobacterium columnare. DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining showed endosymbionts dispersed throughout the cytoplasm of trophonts and, in most, but not all theronts. Endosymbionts were observed by transmission electron microscopy in the cytoplasm, surrounded by a prominent, electron-translucent halo characteristic of Rickettsia. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated that bacteria from the Rickettsiales and Sphingobacteriales classes are endosymbionts of I. multifiliis, found in the cytoplasm, but not in the macronucleus or micronucleus. In contrast, F. columnare was not detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. It likely adheres to I. multifiliis through association with cilia. The role that endosymbiotic bacteria play in the life history of I. multifiliis is not known.The ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is an obligate parasite of freshwater fish that infects epithelia of the skin and gills. The life cycle of I. multifiliis consists of three stages: an infective theront, a parasitic trophont, and a reproductive tomont. Infection is initiated by invasion of the skin and gills by free-swimming, 40-μm-long, pyriform-shaped theronts that burrow several cell layers deep into epithelial tissue of the skin and gills and rapidly differentiate into trophonts. Trophonts feed on epithelial cells and grow into 500- to 800-μm-diameter cells, causing extensive damage to skin and gills, which in severe infections results in mortality (10-12). After feeding for 5 to 7 days, trophonts leave the host, form encysted tomonts, and undergo up to 10 cell divisions over 18 to 24 h, producing as many as 103 daughter cells, which exit the cyst as infective theronts to reinitiate the life cycle. I. multifiliis is ciliated at all stages (9).DNA sequencing of the I. multifiliis genome at the J. Craig Venter Institute unexpectedly revealed that bacterial DNA sequences, including sequences with homology to Rickettsia, were present in the DNA preparations (R. S. Coyne, 2009 [http://www.jcvi.org/cms/research/projects/ich/overview]). The origin of these sequences was unclear, but they represented evidence for either horizontal gene transfer into the I. multifiliis genome (17, 27) or the presence of intracellular bacteria. No previous evidence suggested the presence of intracellular bacteria in I. multifiliis, even though the fine structure of I. multifiliis theronts and trophonts has been examined by transmission electron microscopy (10-12). Intracellular or endosymbiotic bacteria, however, are commonly found in protists, and about 200 ciliate species are known to harbor intracellular bacteria (13, 15). Sonneborn and Preer in their classic studies on endosymbionts in Paramecium characterized a number of different endosymbionts, including “killers,” named for their ability to kill uninfected strains of Paramecium. Cytoplasmic endosymbionts in Paramecium now include Caedibacter taeniospiralis (Gammaproteobacteria), and Pseudocaedibacter conjugates, Tectibacter vulgaris, and Lyticum flagellatum (Alphaproteobacteria). Macronuclear endosymbionts include the Alphaproteobacteria, Holospora caryophila, and Caedibacter caryophila, which can also infect the cytoplasm (4, 16, 22, 26). The roles these endosymbionts play in protists are not well understood.The presence of sequences with homology to bacterial genomes prompted us to determine if I. multifiliis contained endosymbionts, or if these sequences represented evidence for horizontal gene transfer into the I. multifiliis genome. Our identification of the same two endosymbionts, in two different isolates of I. multifiliis, suggests that endosymbionts are common in I. multifiliis. However, the physiological relationships between I. multifiliis and its resident endosymbionts are unclear. It is not known if the endosymbionts contribute to the growth of I. multifiliis, if they contribute to the severity or pathogenicity of infection, or if they provide their host with any selective advantage, as occurs with Paramecium containing killer particles (4). It has not been determined if they influence the immune response of fish infected with I. multifiliis. It is possible that they may simply be parasites of this parasitic ciliate.  相似文献   

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