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The S-phase checkpoint aims to prevent cells from generation of extensive single-stranded DNA that predisposes to genome instability. The S. cerevisiae complex Tof1/Csm3/Mrc1 acts to restrain the replicative MCM helicase when DNA synthesis is prohibited. Keeping the replication machinery intact allows restart of the replication fork when the block is relieved. Although the subunits of the Tof1/Csm3/Mrc1 complex are well studied, the impact of every single subunit on the triple complex formation and function needs to be established.


This work studies the cellular localization and the chromatin binding of GFP-tagged subunits when the complex is intact and when a subunit is missing. We demonstrate that the complex is formed in cell nucleus, not the cytoplasm, as Tof1, Csm3 and Mrc1 enter the nucleus independently from one another. Via in situ chromatin binding assay we show that a Tof1-Csm3 dimer formation and chromatin binding is required to ensure the attachment of Mrc1 to chromatin. Our study indicates that the translocation into the nucleus is not the process to regulate the timing of chromatin association of Mrc1. We also studied the nuclear behavior of Mrc1 subunit in the process of adaptation to the presence hydroxyurea. Our results indicate that after prolonged HU incubation, cells bypass the S-phase checkpoint and proceed throughout the cell cycle. This process is accompanied by Mrc1 chromatin detachment and Rad53 dephosphorylation.


In S. cerevisiae the subunits of the S-phase checkpoint complex Mrc1/Tof1/Csm3 independently enter the cell nucleus, where a Tof1-Csm3 dimer is formed to ensure the chromatin binding of Mrc1 and favor DNA replication and S-phase checkpoint fork arrest. In the process of adaptation to the presence of hydroxyurea Mrc1 is detached from chromatin and Rad53 checkpoint activity is diminished in order to allow S-phase checkpoint escape and completion of the cell cycle.


In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mrc1 (homolog of human Claspin and mediator of replication checkpoint) is not only a part of the replication machine, but also participates in the replication stress response when DNA replication is blocked by hydroxyurea. Since Mrc1 is expressed in a small amount in cells and has many proteins interacting with it as a mediator, it is difficult to obtain Mrc1 with high concentration and purity. This article reports the purification of a stable truncation of Mrc1 and the full length Mrc1. High concentration and high purity of Mrc1 was obtained and the three-dimensional structure of Mrc1 was analyzed, which is a ring with a hole in the center. At the same time, we found that Mrc1 has an interaction with Rad24-RFC a clamp loader in the replication checkpoint, and can form a complex with it, implying that we can assemble large replication checkpoint complexes in vitro. These results initially reveal the ring structure of Mrc1 and its interaction with Rad24-RFC in replication checkpoints in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The Ku autoantigen is a heterodimeric protein of 70- and 83-kDa subunits, endowed with duplex DNA end-binding capacity and DNA helicase activity (Human DNA Helicase II, HDH II). HDH II/Ku is well established as the DNA binding component, the regulatory subunit as well as a substrate for the DNA-dependent protein kinase DNA-PK, a complex involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in V(D)J recombination in eukaryotes. The effects of phosphorylation by this kinase on the helicase activity of Escherichia coli-produced HDH II/Ku were studied. The rate of DNA unwinding by recombinant HDH II/Ku heterodimer is stimulated at least fivefold upon phosphorylation by DNA-PKcs. This stimulation is due to the effective transfer of phosphate residues to the helicase rather than the mere presence of the complex. In vitro dephosphorylation of HeLa cellular HDH II/Ku caused a significant decrease in the DNA helicase activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance complex (MCM2-7) is the putative DNA helicase in eukaryotes, and essential for DNA replication. By applying serial extractions to mammalian cells synchronized by release from quiescence, we reveal dynamic changes to the sub-nuclear compartmentalization of MCM2 as cells pass through late G1 and early S phase, identifying a brief window when MCM2 becomes transiently attached to the nuclear-matrix. The data distinguish 3 states that correspond to loose association with chromatin prior to DNA replication, transient highly stable binding to the nuclear-matrix coincident with initiation, and a post-initiation phase when MCM2 remains tightly associated with chromatin but not the nuclear-matrix. The data suggests that functional MCM complex loading takes place at the nuclear-matrix.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance complex (MCM2-7) is the putative DNA helicase ineukaryotes, and essential for DNA replication. By applying serial extractions to mammaliancells synchronized by release from quiescence, we reveal dynamic changes to thesub-nuclear compartmentalization of MCM2 as cells pass through late G1 and early S phase,identifying a brief window when MCM2 becomes transiently attached to the nuclear-matrix.The data distinguish 3 states that correspond to loose association with chromatin prior toDNA replication, transient highly stable binding to the nuclear-matrix coincident withinitiation, and a post-initiation phase when MCM2 remains tightly associated withchromatin but not the nuclear-matrix. The data suggests that functional MCM complexloading takes place at the nuclear-matrix.  相似文献   

The Rad52 pathway has a central function in the recombinational repair of chromosome breaks and in the recovery from replication stress. Tolerance to replication stress also depends on the Mec1 kinase, which activates the DNA replication checkpoint in an Mrc1‐dependent manner in response to fork arrest. Although the Mec1 and Rad52 pathways are initiated by the same single‐strand DNA (ssDNA) intermediate, their interplay at stalled forks remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that the replication checkpoint suppresses the formation of Rad52 foci in an Mrc1‐dependent manner and prevents homologous recombination (HR) at chromosome breaks induced by the HO endonuclease. This repression operates at least in part by impeding resection of DNA ends, which is essential to generate 3′ ssDNA tails, the primary substrate of HR. Interestingly, we also observed that the Mec1 pathway does not prevent recombination at stalled forks, presumably because they already contain ssDNA. Taken together, these data indicate that the DNA replication checkpoint suppresses genomic instability in S phase by blocking recombination at chromosome breaks and permitting helpful recombination at stalled forks.  相似文献   

Kawaguchi A  Nagata K 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(21):4566-4575
By dissecting and reconstituting a cell-free influenza virus genome replication system, we have purified and identified the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex, which is thought to be a DNA replicative helicase, as one of the host factors that regulate the virus genome replication. MCM interacted with the PA subunit of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is found to be involved in the replication genetically. The virus genome replication was decreased in MCM2 knockdown cells. The viral polymerase appeared to be a nonproductive complex, that is, it was capable of initiating replication but produced only abortive short RNA chains. MCM stimulated de novo-initiated replication reaction by stabilizing a replication complex during its transition from initiation to elongation. Based on the findings, including the result that the MCM-mediated RNA replication reaction was competed with exogenously added RNA, we propose that MCM functions as a scaffold between the nascent RNA chains and the viral polymerase.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex, consisting of six subunits, Mcm2-7, is loaded onto replication origins through loading factors (origin recognition complex [ORC], Cdc6, and Cdt1) and forms an MCM double hexamer that licenses the initiation of DNA replication. Previous studies with Xenopus egg extracts showed that loading factors, especially Cdc6, dissociate from chromatin on MCM loading, but the molecular mechanism and physiological significance remain largely unknown. Using a cell-free system for MCM loading onto plasmid DNA in Xenopus egg extracts, we found that MCM loaded onto DNA prevents DNA binding of the loading factors ORC, Cdc6, and Cdt1. We further report that a peptide of the C-terminal region of MCM3 (MCM3-C), previously implicated in the initial association with ORC/Cdc6 in budding yeast, prevents ORC/Cdc6/Cdt1 binding to DNA in the absence of MCM loading. ATP-γ-S suppresses inhibitory activities of both the MCM loaded onto DNA and the MCM3-C peptide. Other soluble factors in the extract, but neither MCM nor Cdt1, are required for the activity. Conservation of the amino acid sequences of MCM3-C and its activity in vertebrates implies a novel negative autoregulatory mechanism that interferes with MCM loading in the vicinity of licensed origins to ensure proper origin licensing.  相似文献   

There are several DNA helicases involved in seemingly overlapping aspects of homologous and homoeologous recombination. Mutations of many of these helicases are directly implicated in genetic diseases including cancer, rapid aging, and infertility. MCM8/9 are recent additions to the catalog of helicases involved in recombination, and so far, the evidence is sparse, making assignment of function difficult. Mutations in MCM8/9 correlate principally with primary ovarian failure/insufficiency (POF/POI) and infertility indicating a meiotic defect. However, they also act when replication forks collapse/break shuttling products into mitotic recombination and several mutations are found in various somatic cancers. This review puts MCM8/9 in context with other replication and recombination helicases to narrow down its genomic maintenance role. We discuss the known structure/function relationship, the mutational spectrum, and dissect the available cellular and organismal data to better define its role in recombination.  相似文献   

DNA replication is a key biological process that involves different protein complexes whose assembly is rigorously regulated in a successive order. One of these complexes is a replicative hexameric helicase, the MCM complex, which is essential for the initiation and elongation phases of replication. After the assembly of a double heterohexameric MCM2-7 complex at replication origins in G1, the 2 heterohexamers separate from each other and associate with Cdc45 and GINS proteins in a CMG complex that is capable of unwinding dsDNA during S phase. Here, we have reconstituted and characterized the purified human MCM2-7 (hMCM2-7) hexameric complex by co-expression of its 6 different subunits in insect cells. The conformational variability of the complex has been analyzed by single particle electron microscopy in the presence of different nucleotide analogs and DNA. The interaction with nucleotide stabilizes the complex while DNA introduces conformational changes in the hexamer inducing a cylindrical shape. Our studies suggest that the assembly of GINS and Cdc45 to the hMCM2-7 hexamer would favor conformational changes on the hexamer bound to ssDNA shifting the cylindrical shape of the complex into a right-handed spiral conformation as observed in the CMG complex bound to DNA.  相似文献   

Formation of primed single‐stranded DNA at stalled replication forks triggers activation of the replication checkpoint signalling cascade resulting in the ATR‐mediated phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein kinase, thus preventing genomic instability. By using siRNA‐mediated depletion in human cells and immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments in Xenopus egg extracts, we report that the Y‐family translesion (TLS) DNA polymerase kappa (Pol κ) contributes to the replication checkpoint response and is required for recovery after replication stress. We found that Pol κ is implicated in the synthesis of short DNA intermediates at stalled forks, facilitating the recruitment of the 9‐1‐1 checkpoint clamp. Furthermore, we show that Pol κ interacts with the Rad9 subunit of the 9‐1‐1 complex. Finally, we show that this novel checkpoint function of Pol κ is required for the maintenance of genomic stability and cell proliferation in unstressed human cells.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is one of the nine herpesviruses that infect humans. HSV-1 encodes seven proteins to replicate its genome in the hijacked human cell. Among these are the herpes virus DNA helicase and primase that are essential components of its replication machinery. In the HSV-1 replisome, the helicase–primase complex is composed of three components including UL5 (helicase), UL52 (primase) and UL8 (non-catalytic subunit). UL5 and UL52 subunits are functionally interdependent, and the UL8 component is required for the coordination of UL5 and UL52 activities proceeding in opposite directions with respect to the viral replication fork. Anti-viral compounds currently under development target the functions of UL5 and UL52. Here, we review the structural and functional properties of the UL5/UL8/UL52 complex and highlight the gaps in knowledge to be filled to facilitate molecular characterization of the structure and function of the helicase–primase complex for development of alternative anti-viral treatments.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(1):26-42.e13
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The ChlR1 DNA helicase is mutated in Warsaw breakage syndrome characterized by developmental anomalies, chromosomal breakage, and sister chromatid cohesion defects. However, the mechanism by which ChlR1 preserves genomic integrity is largely unknown. Here, we describe the roles of ChlR1 in DNA replication recovery. We show that ChlR1 depletion renders human cells highly sensitive to cisplatin; an interstrand-crosslinking agent that causes stalled replication forks. ChlR1 depletion also causes accumulation of DNA damage in response to cisplatin, leading to a significant delay in resolution of DNA damage. We also report that ChlR1-depleted cells display defects in the repair of double-strand breaks induced by the I-PpoI endonuclease and bleomycin. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ChlR1-depeleted cells show significant delays in replication recovery after cisplatin treatment. Taken together, our results indicate that ChlR1 plays an important role in efficient DNA repair during DNA replication, which may facilitate efficient establishment of sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic replisome is a crucial determinant of genome stability, but its structure is still poorly understood. We found previously that many regulatory proteins assemble around the MCM2‐7 helicase at yeast replication forks to form the replisome progression complex (RPC), which might link MCM2‐7 to other replisome components. Here, we show that the RPC associates with DNA polymerase α that primes each Okazaki fragment during lagging strand synthesis. Our data indicate that a complex of the GINS and Ctf4 components of the RPC is crucial to couple MCM2‐7 to DNA polymerase α. Others have found recently that the Mrc1 subunit of RPCs binds DNA polymerase epsilon, which synthesises the leading strand at DNA replication forks. We show that cells lacking both Ctf4 and Mrc1 experience chronic activation of the DNA damage checkpoint during chromosome replication and do not complete the cell cycle. These findings indicate that coupling MCM2‐7 to replicative polymerases is an important feature of the regulation of chromosome replication in eukaryotes, and highlight a key role for Ctf4 in this process.  相似文献   

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