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Changes in water flux (Jv) across detopped, 7-d-old, maize rootswere characterized during the initial 24 h of being made anoxicby exposure to an anaerobic nutrient solution. Suction (50 kPa)was applied to the xylem and samples of the xylem sap were collectedat intervals and the osmolality and ionic content were measured. Values of Jv through anoxic roots fell below those of aerobiccontrols 1 h after the equilibrium oxygen partial pressure inthe bathing medium dropped below 20 kPa (air = 20.6 kPa). Thereduction in Jv was due primarily to a nullification of thediurnal rhythm in hydraulic conductivity (Lp) that was measuredin aerobic roots. However, about one-quarter of the reductionin Jv could be accounted for by a smaller osmotic componentof the driving force () on water movement. The significance of changes in Jv in anoxic roots is discussedin terms of the reliability of estimates of Lp, the reflectioncoefficient () and . Key words: Anaerobiosis, hydraulic conductivity, osmotic potential, water  相似文献   

In developing mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings continuousred light acting via the agency of phytochrome stimulates therate of expansion of cotyledons. Although phytochrome actionon cotyledon expansion is evident only after 36 h from sowing,the photoresponse escapes from reversibility at about 15 h fromsowing. The time lag of 21 h between loss of photoreversibilityand the onset of photoregulated cotyledon expansion indicatesthe existence of long-lived components in the phytochrome-triggeredsignal chain. Phytochrome-regulated cotyledon expansion doesnot require the involvement of photosynthesis, as applicationof SAN 9789, an inhibitor of chloroplast biogenesis, did notaffect cotyledon expansion. The role of turgor pressure-relatedcellular parameters such as osmotic potential () cell wall extensibility(m), hydraulic conductivity (L) and yield threshold (Y) forcell expansion were examined during photoregulated cotyledonexpansion. Using the general equation of cell growth dv/dt =[Lm/(L+m)]( - Y), where dv/dt is the rate of volumetric growth,it was demonstrated that the light-mediated cotyledon expansionresults from an increase in cell wall extensibility (m). Theseresults are discussed in relation to the photoregulation ofcotyledon expansion. Key words: Cell wall extensibility, growth, Sinapis alba L., phytochrome  相似文献   

The effects of oxygen deficiency on suction-induced water flux(Jv) through detached roots of hydroponically-grown sunflowerwere investigated over a period of up to 6 d. Jv was reducedby the time the oxygen partial pressure in the solution, spargedwith oxygen-free N2, had fallen below 2 kPa (air – 20.6kPa). This reduction resulted from a decline in the hydraulicconductivity of the radial pathway for water movement (Lp),although up to 46% of the decline was attributable to changesin the osmotic component of the driving force (). Lp (mm s–1MPa–1), for aerobic roots was 2.23 ? 10–5 and foranaerobic roots during the initial 16 h, 1.21 ? 10–5. At 22 h after the onset of anaerobic treatments, Jv and Lp increased,with Lp values becoming 3 times greater than those measuredbetween 4 h and 16 h of treatment and 1.4 times greater thanin aerated roots. However, Lp increased a further 15-fold whenroots were killed by immersion in boiling water for 2 min. Duringand up to 6 d of anaerobic treatment, some roots retained Lpvalues similar to those at 22 h, while others displayed characteristicstypical of dead roots. At no time was there any indication ofreduced axial conductivity due to xylem vessel blockage. The results are discussed in terms of possible energy sourcesfor the maintenance of root integrity and their importance toplant survival during long periods of severe oxygen shortage. Key words: Anaerobiosis, oxygen deficiency, hydraulic conductivity, osmotic potential, water  相似文献   

This study explores the mechanisms of osmotic adjustment bycomparing the growth of spring wheat and sudangrass, which exhibitdifferent degrees of osmotic adjustment, under soil water andtemperature stresses. Leaf water potential ( 1), osmotic potential(), and rate of leaf area growth of spring wheat and sudangrassseedlings were measured at combinations of five soil water potentials,from -0·03 to -0·25 MPa, and six root temperatures,from 14 to 36°C. Spring wheat exhibit little osmotic adjustment.The leaf osmotic potential was not affected by either soil wateror root temperature stress. Osmotic potential of sudangrassdecreased in parallel with the decreasing leaf water potentialas a result of osmotic adjustment. As soil water potential decreasedfrom -0·03 to -0·25 MPa, the rates of growth andphotosynthesis of spring wheat both decreased by about 30%.For sudangrass with the same range of soil water potential,the photosynthesis rate decreased by only 10% while the leafarea growth rate decreased by 49%. We introduce a dimensionlessindex (R) to quantify the degree to which environmental stressesalter the balance between production of photosynthates and theiruse for growth. The index, R, is equal to 1 when stress reducesgrowth and photosynthesis by the same degree, i.e. the balancebetween production and consumption of photosynthate is not disturbed.R is smaller than 1 when growth is reduced more than photosynthesis.R was equal to 1 for spring wheat where there was no osmoticadjustment. For sudangrass, R decreased from 1 to 0·25as osmotic potential decreased from -1·10 to -1·63MPa. These findings lead to the hypothesis that osmotic adjustmentcould result from an imbalance between production, consumptionand translocation of photosynthates under stressed conditions.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Osmotic adjustment, water stress, root temperature  相似文献   

The investigations were designed to test osmotic adjustment,cell wall bulk elastic modulus and stomatal behaviour duringand after water stress and rewatering in the primary and firsttrifoliolate leaf of Phaseolus vulgaris. Leaf water relationsquantities fully recovered after rewatering within a few hours;diffusion resistance to vapour flow, however, required 6 h.Leaf growth recovery was considerably delayed. Osmotic adjustmentwas absent during water stress in both the primary and the firsttrifoliolate leaf. The bulk elastic modulus (v), however, waslower for the primary leaf (higher elasticity) than for thetrifoliolate leaves. These two types of leaves differed in theirdrought resistance in that the primary leaf exhibited wiltingat the end of the stress period (7 d) while the trifoliolateleaf remained relatively turgid. The bulk elastic modulus ofthe cell wall changed almost proportionally with the turgorpressure (p). The structure coefficient (), an indicator forthe intensity of change of the bulk elastic modulus with turgorwas higher for the primary than for the first trifoliolate leaf.The leaf diffusion resistance (r), below the turgor loss point,changed proportionally with the solute potential with very similarregression lines for the relation of (r) versus RWC 1. The datasuggest that greater drought resistance of the first trifoliolateleaf is related to a decreased bulk elastic modulus, but notto osmotic adjustment nor to differences in stomatal resistanceduring water stress. Key words: Phaseolus vulguris, Water stress, Recovery, Cell wall elasticity  相似文献   

Water Transport in Isolated Maize Roots   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple model has been devised which predicts the concentration,Cxs, of salt (e.g. KCl) in the exudate from isolated roots asa function of the salt concentration, C0s, in the medium. Thechief assumption, made in deriving the relationship betweenCxs and C05, is that the exudation of water, J, from the rootsconsists of two components (one being osmotic, Ø, inorigin and the other, Ø0, flowing in the absence of anosmotic gradient). The exudation of salt, Js, calculated asJ Cxs, was found to be dependent on C0s. Our investigationson maize roots were concerned with estimations of Lp and Øvand determinations of Cxs as a function of C0s. Satisfactoryagreement between prediction and experiment was found in thesepreliminary studies. It is considered that water movement inisolated roots can be explained by a simple osmotic model withthe additional possibility that a relatively small non-osmoticwater flow occurs.  相似文献   

Addition of 6 per cent mannitol or sorbitol to liquid culturemedium decreased the water potential (w) by –0.93 MPa( 382 ± 7 mOsm kg–1 water). Sycamore cells grownto exponential phase in such media exhibited increased levelsof total and soluble protein and respiratory activity, but decreasedamounts of free proline. Soybean cells showed increased respiratoryactivity and free proline levels, but total protein levels remainedunaffected. Soluble protein levels were reduced under sorbitol-inducedstress. In both species osmotic stress had little effect oncell dry weight. Water relation studies indicate that sycamore cells are capableof much greater osmotic adjustment than soybean cells, and thatmannitol uptake does not contribute significantly to that adjustment. Acer pseudoplatanus L., sycamore, Glycine max L. var. Biloxi, soybean, suspension culture cells, osmotic stress, water relations, metabolism  相似文献   

The water content and osmotic potential (2) of the differentparts of the pea fruit have been measured during developmentof the seed in two lines near-isogenic except for the r locus.During the early development of both genotypes, the testa possesseda more negative 2 than either embryo, endosperm or pod while,at stages when liquid endosperm was present, the embryo alwaysmaintained 2, more negative than the endosperm. A clear effectof the r locus on water content and 2 was only observed in embryotissue — wrinkled (rr) embryos possessing more water andmaintaining a more negative 2 than round (RR) for most of thedevelopmental period studied. The more negative 2 of wrinkledembryos correlated with their greater uptake of water in vivo. When cultured in vitro, the embryos of both genotypes showedmaximum growth (fresh or dry weight) if 10 per cent sucrosewas added to the medium (equivalent to about — 1.2 MPa).Round embryos, however, increased in weight more than wrinkledat all sucrose concentrations examined. Cultured embryos maintaineda similar or more negative 2 than their surrounding medium;wrinkled more negative than round. Embryo culture, osmotic potential, Pisum sativum, pea, r locus, seed development, tissue culture, water content  相似文献   

Haskell, Andrew, Ethan R. Nadel, Nina S. Stachenfeld, KeiNagashima, and Gary W. Mack. Transcapillary escape rate of albuminin humans during exercise-induced hypervolemia. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 407-413, 1997.To test thehypotheses that plasma volume (PV) expansion 24 h after intenseexercise is associated with reduced transcapillary escape rate ofalbumin (TERalb) and that localchanges in transcapillary forces in the previously active tissues favorretention of protein in the vascular space, we measured PV,TERalb, plasma colloid osmoticpressure (COPp), interstitialfluid hydrostatic pressure (Pi), and colloid osmotic pressure in legmuscle and skin and capillary filtration coefficient (CFC) in the armand leg in seven men and women before and 24 h after intense uprightcycle ergometer exercise. Exercise expanded PV by 6.4% at 24 h (43.9 ± 0.8 to 46.8 ± 1.2 ml/kg, P < 0.05) and decreased total protein concentration (6.5 ± 0.1 to6.3 ± 0.1 g/dl, P < 0.05) andCOPp (26.1 ± 0.8 to 24.3 ± 0.9 mmHg, P < 0.05), although plasmaalbumin concentration was unchanged. TERalb tended to decline (8.4 ± 0.5 to 6.5 ± 0.7%/h, P = 0.11) and was correlated with the increase in PV(r = 0.69,P < 0.05). CFC increased in the leg(3.2 ± 0.2 to 4.3 ± 0.5 µl · 100 g1 · min1 · mmHg1,P < 0.05), and Pi showed a trend toincrease in the leg muscle (2.8 ± 0.7 to 3.8 ± 0.3 mmHg, P = 0.08). These datademonstrate that TERalb isassociated with PV regulation and that local transcapillary forcesin the leg muscle may favor retention of albumin in the vascular spaceafter exercise.


Water-relations parameters were measured on sections of secondaryphloem from red oak (Quercus borealis michx. f.) and white ash(Fraxinus americana var. biltmoreana [Beadle] J. Wright) usinga linear displacement transducer. Changes in tissue thicknessin response to changes in the osmotic pressure of the bathingsolution were used to calculate the volumetric elastic modulusplus osmotic pressure (v + ) of the tissue, and an applied forcemethod was used to estimate the time constant for water equilibration(T). The hydraulic conductivity of the cell membranes (Lp) wascalculated utilizing v + and r values. The time-dependent behaviour of the tissue was much more complexthan originally expected. A correction for a time-dependentprocess that we call ‘drift’ was required to obtainnumbers for v + . Furthermore, v + was calculated on two assumptionsin order to relate changes in tissue dimensions to sieve elementparameters. In the first case, a lower limit for v + of thesieve elements was determined by attributing all changes intissue dimensions to these cells. For red oak the average v+ on this assumption is 72 bars. Assuming that all cell typeswere equally responsible for the changes in tissue dimensionsresulted in an v + value of 192 bars for oak. If v + and rare the same for all cells in the tissue, Lp for the sieve elementsof oak is 9.6 x 10–8 cm s–1 bar–1. Exudationfrom the sieve elements of white ash during excision of thephloem led to artificially high values of v + for that species. Quercus borealis michx. f., Fraxinus americana var, biltmoreana (Beadle) J. Wright, red oak, white ash, water relations, phloem, volumetric elastic modulus, membrane hydraulic conductivity  相似文献   

The notochord can play an important mechanical role in shapechanges during early morphogenesis of vertebrates. For example,osmotic inflation of notochords elongates and straightens theaxis of frog early tail-bud embryos. In Xenopus laevis, thesheath of cross-helically arranged fibers around the notochordlimits the shape changes it undergoes when inflating, causingthe notochord to stiffen and straighten (Adams et al., 1990;Koehl et al., 1990). We used physical models of stage 24 X.laevis notochords to explore the mechanical consequences ofdifferent arrangements of the sheath fibers on the behaviorof such curved hydraulic cylinders. All the models straightenedupon inflation regardless of initial fiber angle ( = angle ofthe fibers to long axis of the cylinder). Notochord models with > 54° lengthened and narrowed as they straightened;although they could push, the forces they exerted were limitedby their tendency to buckle, which increased the greater the. In contrast, models with < 54° shortened and widenedas they straightened and showed pronounced increases in flexuralstiffness. The mean of X. laevis early tail-bud notochordsis 54°, a fiber angle that permits an increase in the end-to-enddistance of the model (along the anterior-posterior axis ofthe embryo) as it straightens and pushes when pressurized, butthat is less prone to Euler and local buckling than are modelswith higher 's. Nonetheless, a of 54° in notochords maysimply be the result of osmotic swelling.  相似文献   

The stationary radial volume flows across maize (Zea mays L.) root segments without steles (sleeves) were measured under isobaric conditions. The driving force of the volume flow is an osmotic difference between the internal and external compartment of the root preparations. It is generated by differences in the concentrations of sucrose, raffinose or polyethylene glycol. The flows are linear functions of the corresponding osmotic differences ( ) up to osmotic values which cause plasmolysis. The straight lines obtained pass through the origin. No asymmetry of the osmotic barrier could be detected within the range of driving forces applied ( =±0.5 MPa), corresponding to volume-flow densities of jv, s=±7·10–8 m·s–1. Using the literature values for the reflection coefficients of sucrose and polyethylene glycol in intact roots (E. Steudle et al. (1987) Plant Physiol.84, 1220–1234), values for the sleeve hydraulic conductivity of about 1·10–7 m·s–1 MPa–1 were calculated. They are of the same order of magnitude as those reported in the literature for the hydraulic conductivity of intact root segments when hydrostatic pressure is applied.Abbreviations and symbols a s outer surface of sleeve segment - c concentration of osmotically active solute - j v, s radial volume flow density across sleeve segment - Lps hydraulic conductivity of sleeves - Lpr hydraulic conductivity of intact roots - N thickness of Nernst diffusion layer - reflection coefficient of root for solute - osmotic value of bulk phase - osmotic coefficient  相似文献   

The components of leaf water potential (l) and relative watercontent (RWC) were measured for stands of bambara groundnut(Vigna subterranea) exposed to three soil moisture regimes incontrolled-environment glasshouses at the Tropical Crops ResearchUnit, Sutton Bonington Campus. Treatments ranged from fullyirrigated (wet) to no irrigation from 35 days after sowing (DAS)(dry). RWC values varied between 92–96% for the wet treatment,but declined from 93% to 83% in the dry treatment as the seasonprogressed. l at midday decreased in both the wet and dry treatments,but the seasonal decline was more pronounced in the latter:seasonal minimum values were –1.19 and –2.08 MPa,respectively. Plants in the wet treatment maintained turgor(p) at about 0.5 MPa throughout the season, whereas values inthe dry treatment approached zero towards the end of the season.There was a linear relationship between p and l9 with p approachingzero at a l of –2.0 MPa. Mean daily leaf conductance wasconsistently higher in the wet treatment (0.46–0.79 cm-1)than in the intermediate and dry treatments (0.13–0.48cm s-1 Conductances in the intermediate and dry treatments weresimilar, and the lower evapotranspirational water losses inthe latter were attributable to its consistently lower leafarea indices (L): L at final harvest was 3.3, 3.3 and 1.9 forthe wet, intermediate and dry treatments. Bambara groundnutwas apparently able to maintain turgor through a combinationof osmotic adjustment, reductions in leaf area index and effectivestomatal regulation of water loss. Key words: Vigna subterranea, water relations, soil moisture  相似文献   

KAUL  R.; REISENER  H. J. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(3):335-338
Winter wheat and winter barley were tested for their photochemicaland osmotic potentials during the course of one growth cyclein the field. Prolonged winter conditions induced an absolutehigh in potential net photosynthesis (PN) of winter wheat. Barleyexhibited relatively low PN rates, which may explain the inferiorfrost hardiness of this species. Osmotic potentials () in bothspecies were quite similar, followed rather uniform trends andwere never extreme. There are doubts, however, whether the assessments truly reflected the osmotic stress on cell membranesin frost-hardened leaves. Increased deposition of cryoprotective assimilates in wheatas the cause of continued frost hardiness is discussed. Triticum aestivum, Hordeum sativum, wheat, barley, potential photosynthesis, winter hardiness  相似文献   

Yield stress threshold (Y) and volumetric extensibility () arethe rheological properties that appear to control root growth.In this study they were measured in wheat roots by means ofparallel measurement of the growth rate (r) of intact wheatroots and of the turgor pressures (P) of individual cells withinthe expansion zone. Growth and turgor pressure were manipulatedby immersion in graded osmoticum (mannitol) solutions. Turgorwas measured with a pressure probe and growth rate by visualobservation. The influence of various growth conditions on Yand was investigated; (a) At 27 °C.In 0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2 r, P, Y and were20.7±4.6 µm min–1, 0.77±0.05 MPa,0.07±0.03 MPa and 26±1.9 µm min–1MPa–1 (expressed as increase in length), respectively.Following 24 h growth in 10 mol m–3 KC1 these parametersbecame 12.3±3.5 µm min–1, 0.72±0.04MPa, 0.13±0.01 MPa and 21±0.7 µm min–1MPa–1. After 24 h osmotic adjustment in 150 mol m–3mannitol/0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2 r= 19.6±4.2 µmmin–1, P = 0.68±0.05 MPa and Y and were 0.07±0.04MPa and 30±0.2 µm min–1 MPa–01, respectively.After 24 h growth in 350 mol m–3 mannitol/0.5 mol m–3CaCl2 r= 13.3±4.1 µm min–1, P= 0.58±0.07MPa, Y=0.12±0.01 MPa and ø 32±0.2 tim min–1MPa–1. During osmotic adjustment in 200 mol m–3mannitol/0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2, with or without KCl, the recoveryof growth rate corresponded to turgor pressure recovery (t1/2approximately 3 h). (b) At 15 °C. Lowered temperature dramatically influencedthe growth parameters which became r= 8.3±2.8 um min–1,P=0.78 MPa, r=<0.2 MPa and =15±0.1 µm min–1MPa–1. Therefore, Y and are influenced by 10 mol m–3 K+ ionsand low temperature. In each case the effective pressure forgrowth (P-Y) was large indicating that small fluctuations ofsoil water potential will not stop root elongation. Key words: Yield threshold, cell wall extensibility, wheat root growth, temperature, turgor pressur  相似文献   

In recent years alternative ways have been proposed to transformmeasurements of leaf water potential, , and relative water content,R*, in order to derive values of osmotic pressure at full turgidityin leaves and shoots, o(when 0). Two types of transformationsare usually considered: 1/ versus R* and versus 1/R*, and linearregression is used to fit the data in the region where turgoris thought to be zero. It appears that when o is estimated bylinear extrapolation of 1/Psi; versus R* then apoplastic watermight not influence the accuracy of o but when the versus \/R*transformation is used apoplastic water causes an underestimateof o. We examine the accuracy of the estimate of o obtainedfrom the two transformations when there are random errors in, systematic errors in , and when the osmotic solutions arenon-ideal. The 1/ versus R* transformation generally producesthe best estimate of 0 by linear extrapolation.  相似文献   

A calcein fluorescence quenching method was applied to measure osmotic water permeability in highly differentiated primary cultures of brain astrocytes from wild-type and aquaporin-4 (AQP-4)-deficient mice. Cells grown on coverglasses were loaded with calcein for measurement of volume changes after osmotic challenge. Hypotonic shock producing twofold cell swelling resulted in a reversible 12% increase in calcein fluorescence, which was independent of cytosolic calcein concentration at levels well below where calcein self-quenching occurs. Calcein fluorescence was quenched in <200 ms in response to addition of cytosol in vitro, indicating that the fluorescence signal arises from changes in cytosol concentration. In astrocytes from wild-type CD1 mice, calcein fluorescence increased reversibly in response to hypotonic challenge with a half-time of 0.92 ± 0.05 s at 23°C, corresponding to an osmotic water permeability (Pf) of 0.05 cm/s. Pf was reduced 7.1-fold in astrocytes from AQP-4-deficient mice. Temperature dependence studies indicated an increased Arrhenius activation energy for water transport in AQP-4-deficient astrocytes (11.3 ± 0.5 vs. 5.5 ± 0.4 kcal/mol). Our studies establish a calcein quenching method for measurement of cell membrane water permeability and indicate that AQP-4 provides the principal route for water transport in astrocytes. water transport; aquaporin-4; fluorescence quenching; brain swelling; cerebral edema  相似文献   

Seed priming (imbibition in water or osmotic solutions followedby redrying) generally accelerates germination rates upon subsequentre-imbibition, but the response to priming treatments can varyboth within and among seed lots. Seed maturity could influenceresponsiveness to priming, perhaps explaining variable primingeffects among developmentally heterogeneous seed lots. In thecurrent study, muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds at two stagesof development, maturing (40 d after anthesis (DAA)) and fullymature (60 DAA), were primed in 0?3 M KNO3 for 48 h at 30 ?C,dried, and imbibed in polyethylene glycol 8000 solutions of0 to –1?2 MPa at 15, 20, 25, and 30 ?C. Germination sensitivitiesto temperature and water potential () were quantified as indicatorsof the influence of seed maturity and priming on seed vigour.Germination percentages of 40 and 60 DAA control seeds weresimilar in water at 30 ?C, but the mean germination rate (inverseof time to germination) of 40 DAA seeds was 50% less than thatof 60 DAA seeds. Germination percentages and rates of both 40and 60 DAA seeds decreased at temperatures below 25 ?C. Reductionsin also delayed and inhibited germination, with the 40 DAAseeds being more sensitive to low than the 60 DAA seeds. Primingsignificantly improved the performance of 40 DAA seeds at lowtemperatures and reduced , but had less effect on 60 DAA seeds.Priming lowered both the minimum temperature (Tb) and the minimum (b) at which germination occurred. Overall, priming of 40 DAAseeds improved their germination performance under stress conditionsto equal or exceed that of control 60 DAA seeds, while 60 DAAseeds exhibited only modest improvements due to priming. Asthe osmotic environment inside mature fruits approximates thatof a priming solution, muskmelon seeds may be ‘primed’in situ during the late stage of development after maximum dryweight accumulation. Key words: Cucumis melo L., seed priming, germination, vigour, development, temperature  相似文献   

Previous single-cell studies on the upper epidermis of barleyleaves have shown that cells differ systematically in theirsolute concentrations depending on their location relative tostomatal pores and veins and that during NaCl stress, gradientsin osmotic pressure () develop (Fricke et al., 1995, 1996; Hinde,1994). The objective of the present study was to address thequestion to which degree these intercellular differences insolute concentrations and it are associated with intercellulardifferences in turgor or water potential (). Epidermal cellsanalysed were located at various positions within the ridgeregions overlying large lateral or intermediate veins, in thetrough regions between those veins or in between stomata (i.e.interstomatal cells). Turgor pressure of cells was measuredusing a cell pressure probe, and of extracted cell sap wasdetermined by picolitre osmometry. For both large and intermediatelateral veins, there were no systematic differences in turgorbetween cells located at the base, mid or top of ridges, regardlessof whether plants were analysed at low or high PAR (10 or 300–400µmol photons m–2 s–1). However, turgor withina ridge region was not necessarily uniform, but could vary byup to 0.14 MPa (1.4 bar) between adjacent cells. In 60 out of63 plants, turgor of ridge cells was either slightly or significantlyhigher than turgor of trough (lowest turgor) or interstomatalcells (intermediate turgor). The significance and magnitudeof turgor differences was higher in plants analysed under highPAR or local air flow than in plants analysed under low PAR.The largest (up to 0.41 MPa) and consistently significant differencesin turgor were found in plants treated for 3–9 d priorto analysis with 100 mM NaCl. For both NaCl-treated and non-treated(control) plants, differences in turgor between cell types weremainly due to differences in since differences in were negligible(0.01–0.04 MPa). Epidermal cell , in NaCl-treated plantswas about 0.38 MPa more negative than in control plants dueto higher . Turgor pressures were similar. Following a suddenchange in rooting-medium or air humidity, turgor of both ridgeand trough cells responded within seconds and followed the sametime-course of relaxation. The half time (T1/2) of turgor relaxationwas not limited by the cell's T1/2 for water exchange. Key words: Barley leaf epidermis, cell turgor, heterogeneity, NaCl stress, osmotic pressure, water potential  相似文献   

To examine the effects of chronic cyclichypoxia on neuronal excitability and function in mice, we exposed miceto cyclic hypoxia for 8 h daily (9 cycles/h) for ~2 wk (startingat 2-3 days of age) and examined the properties of freshlydissociated hippocampal neurons obtained from slices. Compared withcontrol (Con) hippocampal CA1 neurons, exposed neurons (CYC) hadsimilar resting membrane potentials (Vm) andaction potentials (AP). CYC neurons, however, had a lower rheobase thanCon neurons. There was also an upregulation of the Na+current density (333 ± 84 pA/pF, n = 18) in CYCcompared with that of Con neurons (193 ± 20 pA/pF,n = 27, P < 0.03). Na+channel characteristics were significantly altered by hypoxia. Forexample, the steady-state inactivation curve was significantly morepositive in CYC than in Con (60 ± 6 mV, n = 8, for CYC and 71 ± 3 mV, n = 14, for Con,P < 0.04). The time constant for deactivation(d) was much shorter in CYC than in Con (at 100 mV,d=0.83 ± 0.23 ms in CYC neurons and 2.29 ± 0.38 ms in Con neurons, P = 0.004). We conclude thatthe increased neuronal excitability in mice neurons treated with cyclichypoxia is due to alterations in Na+ channelcharacteristics and/or Na+ channel expression. Wehypothesize from these and previous data from our laboratory (Gu XQ andHaddad GG. J Appl Physiol 91: 1245-1250, 2001) that thisincreased excitability is a reflection of an enhanced central nervoussystem maturation when exposed to low O2 conditions inearly postnatal life.


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