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The role of homologues in the establishment of the pattern of axonal projections of identified segmentally homologous neurons was investigated by means of selective cell ablation and dye injection. The cells studied were the bilateral pairs of heart accessory (HA) neurons found in the fifth and sixth segmental ganglia of the leech ventral nerve cord. Homologues start their morphological differentiation with identical axonal projections, and segmental differences are manifested later, when specific branches stop growing and disappear. The deletion of single HA cells at early stages, however, permits these branches to survive in their ipsilateral homologues and to grow and take over the projections of the deleted neurons. In addition, if both HA homologues on the same side of the nerve cord, or three of the four HA cells, are deleted in an animal, the remaining HA cells often extend novel projections. These observations suggest that either competition for targets, inputs or growth factors, or direct interactions among homologous cells may play a role in the differentiation of segment specific patterns of axonal projections.  相似文献   

W Q Gao  E R Macagno 《Neuron》1988,1(4):269-277
During leech embryogenesis, interactions between homologous neurons in neighboring segments lead to the selective retraction of longitudinal axonal projections by midbody AP and AE neurons, which maintain lateral axonal projections to the periphery. Results of experiments reported here show that disconnecting the lateral projections from the periphery rescues the projections normally fated to retract. We propose that these neurons normally progress through two states during early development, one in which they are insensitive to interactions with their homologs (state A) and a second in which they are sensitive (state B). Establishment of lateral connections with their targets triggers the switch from state A to state B; cutting these projections puts neurons back to state A.  相似文献   

In leech, the central annulus of each midbody segment possesses seven pairs of sensilla, which are mixed clusters of primary peripheral sensory neurons that extend their axons into the CNS where they segregate into distinct fascicles. Pathway selection by individual afferent growth cones of sensillar neurons was examined by double labeling using intracellular dye-filling with anitobody labeling in early Hirudo medicinalis embryos. The monoclonal antibody Lan3–2 was used because sensillar neuronal tracts are specifically labeled by this antibody. Examining 68 individually filled neurons we found that sensillar neuron growth cones bifurcate within the CNS, that they project long filopodia capable to sampling the local environment, and that all of them appeared to choose a single particular CNS fascicle without apparent retraction or realignment of growth cones. Furthermore, each side of the bifurcating afferent growth cones always chose the same fascicle, implying a specific choice of a distinct labeled pathway. By dye-filling individual central neurons (P-cells), we show that there are centrally projecting axons present at the time sensillar afferents enter the ganglionic primordia and select a particular fascicle, and we confirm that at least the dorsal peripheral nerve is likely to be pioneered by central neurons, not by the peripheral afferent. In the sensillum studied here, we sound examples of sensory neurons extending axons into one of all the avilable fascicles. Thus, an individual embryonic sensillum possesses a heterogeneous population of afferents with respect to the central fascicle chosen. This is consistent with the idea that segregation into distinct axon fascicles may be based upon functional differences between individual afferent neurons. Our findings argue strongly in favor of specific pathway selection by afferents in this system and are consistent with previous suggestions that there exists a hierarchy of cues, including surface glycoconjugates that mediate navigation of the sensillar growth cones and the fasciculation of their axons. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

C A Baptista  E R Macagno 《Neuron》1988,1(10):949-962
The sixth segmental ganglion in the ventral nerve cord of the leech H. medicinalis contains a bilateral pair of rostral penile evertor motor neurons (RPEs) that in the adult innervate the male genitalia. During embryogenesis, the RPEs extend numerous extraganglionic projections. Only two of these innervate the target and are normally retained in the adult, while the others retract. Early, but not late, removal of the male genitalia results in the indefinite retention and continued growth of projections that would normally retract. Any of these projections can innervate targets transplanted to ectopic locations. We conclude that an RPE motor neuron requires a signal, provided by its interaction with the target organ during a critical period, in order to stop extending axons, stabilize those axons that contact the target, and retract those that do not.  相似文献   

Rodriguez I  Feinstein P  Mombaerts P 《Cell》1999,97(2):199-208
The vomeronasal system mediates pheromonal effects in mammals. We have employed gene targeting technology to introduce mutations in a putative pheromone receptor gene, VR2, in the germline of mice. By generating alleles differentially tagged with the histological markers taulacZ and tauGFP, we show that VR2 is monoallelically expressed in a given neuron. Axons of VR2-expressing neurons converge onto numerous glomeruli in the accessory olfactory bulb. The pattern of axonal projections is complex and variable. This wiring diagram is substantially different from that of the main olfactory system. The projection pattern is disrupted by deleting the coding region of VR2, but an unrelated seven-transmembrane protein, the odorant receptor M71, can partially substitute for VR2.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a crucial role in human obesity. Yet, the neural circuitry supporting the BDNF-mediated control of energy homeostasis remains largely undefined. To map key regions that might provide inputs to or receive inputs from the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) BDNF neurons, a key type of cells in regulating feeding and thermogenesis, we used rabies virus-based transsynaptic labeling and adeno-associated virus based anterograde tracing techniques to reveal their whole-brain distributions. We found that dozens of brain regions provide dense inputs to or receive dense inputs from PVN BDNF neurons, including several known weight control regions and several novel regions that might be functionally important for the BDNF-mediated regulation of energy homeostasis.Interestingly, several regions show very dense reciprocal connections with PVN BDNF neurons, including the lateral septum, the preoptic area, the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, the paraventricular thalamic nucleus, the zona incerta, the lateral parabrachial nucleus, the subiculum, the raphe magnus nucleus, and the raphe pallidus nucleus. These strong anatomical connections might be indicative of important functional connections. Therefore, we provide an outline of potential neural circuitry mediated by PVN BDNF neurons, which might be helpful to resolve the complex obesity network.  相似文献   

The development of a population of cerebrospinal-fluid-contacting neurons in the spinal cord of the Xenopus embryo ('Kolmer-Agduhr' cells) has been followed by using an immunocytochemical procedure that identifies GABA in fixed nervous tissue. Stained Kolmer-Agduhr cells containing GABA first appeared at stage 25 and their numbers increased steadily with the developmental age of the embryo. The Kolmer-Agduhr neurons had ascending ipsilateral axons that often terminated in growth cones. These axons and growth cones could be stained by the GABA antiserum from the earliest stages of outgrowth from the Kolmer-Agduhr cell body. We measured the angle of the earliest axons' outgrowth relative to the rostrocaudal axis of the spinal cord. The initial outgrowth of axons was always rostral over a narrow range of angles. This observation is inconsistent with the hypothesis of random initial outgrowth followed by later selection of the correct orientation, which would predict that axons would initially grow out over a wide range of angles. Instead, it suggests that, even from the earliest moments, axon outgrowth from the Kolmer-Agduhr cells is directed rostrally in a specific stereotyped manner.  相似文献   

The mammalian vomeronasal system is specialized in pheromone detection. The neural circuitry of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) provides an anatomical substrate for the coding of pheromone information. Here, we describe the axonal projection pattern of vomeronasal sensory neurons to the AOB and the dendritic connectivity pattern of second-order neurons. Genetically traced sensory neurons expressing a given gene of the V2R class of vomeronasal receptors project their axons to six to ten glomeruli distributed in globally conserved areas of the AOB, a theme similar to V1R-expressing neurons. Surprisingly, second-order neurons tend to project their dendrites to glomeruli innervated by axons of sensory neurons expressing the same V1R or the same V2R gene. Convergence of receptor type information in the olfactory bulb may represent a common design in olfactory systems.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans provides an excellent model system in which to study the mechanisms involved in the development of the nervous system. Mutation analyses have now identified several genes that appear to be important in the interaction of neuroblasts and axons with both guidance cues and their target cells.  相似文献   

An identified neuron of unknown function in the CNS of the leech, the anterior pagoda (AP) cell, receives multiple synaptic inputs from mechanosensory neurons that innervate the skin. Impulses in touch (T), pressure (P) and nociceptive (N) sensory cells on both sides of the ganglion produced electrical coupling potentials on both AP cells. Sensory cells with receptive fields contralateral to the cell body of the AP neuron always gave rise to larger synaptic potentials. In addition sensory cells supplying dorsal skin gave rise to larger synaptic potentials than those with lateral or ventral fields. It is suggested that integration by the AP cell can provide information about the position of mechanical stimuli impinging on the body wall of the animal.  相似文献   

Single-channel recordings were used to study the modulation of stretch-activated channels (SACs) by intracellular adenosine nucleotides in identified leech neurons. These channels exhibited two activity modes, spike-like (SL) and multiconductance (MC), displaying different polymodal activation. In the absence of mechanical stimulation, internal perfusion of excised patches with ATP induced robust and reversible activation of the MC but not of the SL mode. The ATP effect on channel activity was dose-dependent within a range of 1 microM-1 mM and was induced at different values of intracellular pH and Ca2+. The non-hydrolyzable ATP analog AMP-PNP, ATP without Mg2+ or ADP also effectively enhanced MC activity. Adenosine mimicked the effect of its nucleotides. At negative membrane potentials, both ATP and adenosine activated the channel. Moreover, ATP but not adenosine induced a flickering block. Addition of cAMP during maximal ATP activation completely and reversibly inhibited the channel, with activation and deactivation times of minutes. However, cAMP alone only induced a weak and rapid channel activation, without inhibitory effects. The expression of these channels in the growth cones of leech neurons, their permeability to Ca2+ and their sensitivity to intracellular cAMP are consistent with a role in the Ca2+ oscillations associated with cell growth.  相似文献   

Single-channel recordings were used to study the modulation of stretch-activated channels (SACs) by intracellular adenosine nucleotides in identified leech neurons. These channels exhibited two activity modes, spike-like (SL) and multiconductance (MC), displaying different polymodal activation. In the absence of mechanical stimulation, internal perfusion of excised patches with ATP induced robust and reversible activation of the MC but not of the SL mode. The ATP effect on channel activity was dose-dependent within a range of 1 μM-1 mM and was induced at different values of intracellular pH and Ca2+. The non-hydrolyzable ATP analog AMP-PNP, ATP without Mg2+ or ADP also effectively enhanced MC activity. Adenosine mimicked the effect of its nucleotides. At negative membrane potentials, both ATP and adenosine activated the channel. Moreover, ATP but not adenosine induced a flickering block. Addition of cAMP during maximal ATP activation completely and reversibly inhibited the channel, with activation and deactivation times of minutes. However, cAMP alone only induced a weak and rapid channel activation, without inhibitory effects. The expression of these channels in the growth cones of leech neurons, their permeability to Ca2+ and their sensitivity to intracellular cAMP are consistent with a role in the Ca2+ oscillations associated with cell growth.  相似文献   

In papers I and II of this series, we described two pairs of interneurons, Tr1 and Tr2, in the leech subesophageal ganglion which can trigger swimming activity in the isolated central nervous system (CNS). In this paper, we describe sensory inputs to these trigger neurons from previously identified mechanosensory neurons. We found that: Weak mechanical stimulation (stroking) of a body wall flap attached to a segmental ganglion in an otherwise isolated CNS excites the contralateral Tr1 slightly. Strong mechanical stimulation (pinching) of a mid-body wall flap evokes a burst of impulses in the contralateral Tr1. For both means of stimulation the effects on the ipsilateral Tr1 and on the Tr2 cell pair were much weaker. Stroking a body wall flap attached to the head ganglion (supra- and subesophageal ganglia) in an otherwise isolated CNS excites both Tr1s and both Tr2s, although the effect is weaker for the Tr2s. Pinching strongly excites both trigger neurons bilaterally. Pressure and nociceptive mechanosensory neurons (P and N cells) in the subesophageal ganglion and the first segmental ganglion appear to make direct excitatory synapses with the contralateral Tr1 and Tr2. Mechanosensory interactions with the ipsilateral trigger neurons appear to be indirect. Functional inactivation of Tr1 by hyperpolarization does not prevent swim initiation either by weak mechanical stimulation of a body-wall flap or by intracellular stimulation of P cells.2+ We conclude that the trigger neurons, Tr1 and Tr2, provide an excitatory pathway by which mechanosensory stimulation can initiate leech swimming activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify neurons in the subesophageal ganglion of the medicinal leech which initiate swimming activity and to determine their output connections. We found two bilaterally symmetrical pairs of interneurons, Tr1 and Tr2, located in the first division of the subesophageal ganglion which initiate swimming activity in the isolated nervous system when depolarized with brief (1-3 s) current pulses. Tr1 and Tr2 are considered trigger neurons because elicited swimming episodes outlast the stimulus duration, and because the length of elicited swim episodes is nearly independent of the intensity with which Tr1 and Tr2 are stimulated. Tr1 and Tr2 have similar morphologies. The neurites of both cells cross contralaterally in the subesophageal ganglion, project posteriorly, and exit the subesophageal ganglion in the contralateral connective. The axons of Tr1 and Tr2 extend as far posterior as segmental ganglion 18 of the ventral nerve cord. Tr1 provides direct excitatory drive to three groups of segmental neurons which are capable of initiating swimming: swim-initiating interneurons (cells 204 and 205), serotonin-containing interneurons (cells 61 and 21), and the serotonergic Retzius cells. In addition, all Retzius cells in the subesophageal ganglion are excited directly by Tr1. These three groups of neurons are excited even if Tr1 stimulation is subthreshold for swim initiation. In contrast to Tr1, Tr2 stimulation evokes transient inhibition in swim-initiating and serotonin-containing interneurons, and has little immediate effect on Retzius cells. In addition, Tr2 indirectly inhibits several oscillator neurons, including cells 208, 33, and 60. When Tr1 is stimulated during a swimming episode the swim period decreases for several cycles, while stimulation of Tr2 during swimming episodes reliably resets the ongoing swimming rhythm. Our findings indicate that Tr1 and Tr2 are trigger neurons which initiate swimming activity by different pathways. These neurons also have functional interactions with the swim oscillator network since either Tr1 or Tr2 stimulation during swimming can modulate the ongoing swimming rhythm.  相似文献   

Staining adult and embryonic leech ventral nerve cords with antibodies raised against the molluscan neuropeptides small cardioactive peptide B (SCP) and FMRFamide results in segment-specific and bilaterally asymmetric patterns of cell staining. One immunoreactive neuron, the RAS interneuron, is present in only four rostral segmental ganglia, while another, the CAS interneuron, is restricted to the four most caudal abdominal ganglia and tail. In addition to their segment-specific distributions, only one RAS or CAS cell is found in each segmental ganglion, and they alternate sides between adjacent ganglia (either L-R-L-R or R-L-R-L) with a fidelity of about 95%. This paper utilizes cell deletion techniques to investigate the determination of the asymmetric and alternating pattern of RAS and CAS neurons. We show that developmentally equivalent RAS and CAS homologs are present on both sides of the appropriate ganglia, and that within each ganglion one of the initially paired homologs loses the ability to assume the immunoreactive RAS or CAS fate 2-3 days after axonogenesis has begun. These experiments suggest that there is a competitive interaction between bilateral homologs which ensures that only one mature RAS/CAS neuron is formed per ganglion, and that contralateral RAS/CAS neurons are not required in the same or adjacent ganglia for the determination of the RAS or CAS developmental pathways. Nerve cord transections between ganglia in the CAS domain can alter the spatial pattern of CAS neuron determination, confirming that both bilateral homologs retain the ability to express neuropeptide until late embryonic stages, and suggesting that the alternating pattern of RAS/CAS cells requires communication between adjacent ganglia through the longitudinal connectives.  相似文献   

Using immunocytochemistry, NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry and electron microscopy, the appearance of nitrergic enteric neurons in different digestive tract regions of the embryonic, neonatal and adult quail was studied in whole mounts and sections. NADPHd was first expressed by embryonic day 4–5 in two distinct locations, namely the mesenchyme of the gizzard primordium and at the caeco-colonic junction. At embryonic day 6, nitrergic neurons had already begun to form a myenteric nerve network in the wall of the proventriculus, gizzard and proximal part of the large intestine and by embryonic day 9, a myenteric network was visualized along the entire digestive tract of the quail. At the level of the stomach, this network was confined to the area covered by the intermediate muscles. By embryonic day 12–13, the NADPHd-positive myenteric neurons in the wall of the distal parts of the blind-ending paired caeca also became organized into ganglia. From this developmental stage on, a submucous nitrergic nerve network, sandwiched between the lamina muscularis mucosae and the luminal side of the outer muscle layer, became prominent in the proventriculus and intestinal walls. In the adult quail, only a minority of the NADPHd-positive neurons stained for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) along the intestine. VIP-immunoreactive (IR) cell bodies were frequent in the myenteric plexus but not in the submucous plexus, whereas there were considerable numbers of NADPHd-positive neurons in both these plexuses. Nitrergic fibres were also observed in the outer muscle layer, but were almost absent from the lamina muscularis mucosa and lamina propria, in contrast to the dense VIP-ergic innervation encircling the bases of the intestinal crypts.  相似文献   

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