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1. The presumptive cortical cells of hair in the undifferentiated matrix of the bulb contain mitochondria, agranular vesicles, and many small dense R.N.P. particles, but no keratin, pigment granules, or endoplasmic reticulum. 2. In the mid-bulb region intercellular adhesion is limited to small localised areas. Intercellular gaps are common and the cell surfaces are irregularly convoluted. The melanocyte processes penetrate the cell gaps. The relation between their pigment-bearing tips and the involutions of the cell membranes suggests an active phagocytosis of the tips. 3. Fibrous keratin first appears in loose parallel strands of fine filaments (ca. 60 A diameter) in the mid-bulb. The filaments, the long mitochondria, and elongated nucleus are all parallel to the long axis of the cell and the axis of the follicle. 4. At the level of the constriction of the bulb and above, a dense amorphous substance appears between the fine filaments and apparently acts as adhesive cement. The bundles of filaments now form well defined fibrils. The packing of the filaments within the fibrils is in places hexagonal and elsewhere in the form of "whorls." 5. At higher levels further filaments and interfilamentous cement are added together and the whole cytoplasmic space becomes packed with fibrils which finally condense to massive blocks of keratin. The residual cellular material occupies the interstices. 6. The addition of the interfilamentous substance is regarded as an essential factor in keratinisation. Keratin is considered to be a complex made of fine filaments (α-filaments) embedded in an amorphous substance (γ-keratin) which has the higher cystine content. 7. The wide-angle fibre-type x-ray pattern is thought to be due to scattering by the fine α-filaments and some low angle lateral spacings to the filament-plus-cement structure.  相似文献   

1. The three cylinders of cells, each one cell thick, which together constitute the inner root sheath, arise from the peripheral portions of the undifferentiated matrix. These cells, like the hair cuticle, are stabilised by the spread of adhesive contacts between their plasma membranes which occurs in the mid-bulb and upper bulb of the hair follicle. 2. The characteristic intracellular product of all three cell layers is trichohyaline. This substance is formed in the first place as amorphous droplets which subsequently transform into a birefringent form. 3. This transformation, involving the formation of a birefringent product from an amorphous precursor, is in contrast to the formation in the cortex of keratin which originates in a fibrous form. 4. Trichohyaline appears first and transforms first in the cells of Henle which are nearest the outer sheath and the dermal supply vessels. This transformation occurs at the level of the neck of the follicle. Synthesis and transformation in the cells of Huxley and the sheath cuticle lag behind the similar events in the cells of Henle. The transformation does not begin until the lower prekeratinous zone in the Huxley and cuticle cells. 5. The amorpous-fibrous transformation occurs rapidly cell by cell and involves the conversion of all the trichohyaline droplets. In longitudinal sections the birefringent modification can be seen extending from the droplets in both directions parallel to the axis of the hair. In cross-sections the images of the transformed material are difficult to interpret. They may be seen as sections of corrugated sheets (~100 A thick) or condensed fibrils ~100 A in width. 6. At the same time that the trichohyaline transforms, the spacing between the cell membranes increases and a dark deposit appears centrally between them. This membrane complex, and the similar complex of the hair cuticle cells described in Part 2, may be specialised formations whose purpose is to hold the hardened cells together.  相似文献   

The structure of the lining cells at the surface of the synovial membrane facing the joint cavity has been studied by electron microscopy. The long cytoplasmic processes of these cells appear to be oriented toward the surface of the membrane, where they overlap and intertwine. The matrix of the lining cells contains dense material but no fibers with the periodicity of collagen. The lining cells are divided into two cell types or states of activity on the basis of their cytoplasmic contents. Type A is more numerous and contains a prominent Golgi apparatus, numerous vacuoles (0.4 to 1.5 microns in diameter) containing varying amounts of a dense granular material, many filopodia, mitochondria, intracellular fibrils, and micropinocytotic-like vesicles. Type B contains large amounts of ergastoplasm with fewer large vacuoles, micropinocytotic-like vesicles, and mitochondria. The probable functions of these cells are discussed in the light of current knowledge of the metabolism and function of the synovial membrane.  相似文献   

人体蠕形螨爬行的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢禾秀  徐业华 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):382-383
蠕形螨为一永久性寄生螨类,寄生于人体及家畜、哺乳类动物,种类繁多,目前报道的有120余种,常见的有40余种,寄生人体的有毛囊蠕形螨(Demodex folliculorum)、皮脂蠕形螨(Demodex brevis)、毛囊蠕形螨中华亚种(Demodex folliculorum sinensis)等,分别寄生于毛囊及皮脂腺内。可引起酒渣鼻、痤疮、眼睑炎等皮肤病,在人群中感染甚为普遍,同时也证实了其感染途径是通过直接接触而传播。为此,对蠕形螨活动力的研究是进一步探索其传病机制及防治的重要环节。人体蠕形螨在不同温度、湿度及酸碱度条件下生活能力的观察曾有报道(Spickett,1961;陈国定,1985)。但对其爬行规律及速度至今尚未见报道,为此我们对蠕形螨在不同温度条件下的爬行规律及速度作了系统的观察。今将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

人体病理组织中细菌L型的电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对9例细菌L型感染的人体病理组织进行透射电镜观察。结果显示:(1)L型可分布于组织间质或进入吞噬细胞、上皮细胞和癌细胞等细胞胞质;(2)L型具有多形态、大小不等、胞壁缺陷、电子密度低等特点,细胞胞质内的细菌L型尚有A、B两种形态区别;(3)L型在组织中形成了不完全箍缩分裂;(4)宿主细胞超微结构仅出现轻微改变。本结果与文献报道基本一致,提出了透射电镜下病理组织中细菌L型的形态特征及分布;并对L型感染与慢性炎症的关系等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1. The choroid plexus of the rat has been studied in detail by electron microscopy. Samples from the frog, rabbit, and cat have also been examined without noting significant differences. 2. The surface of the ependymal epithelium is covered by pedicels of variable size. There is reason for thinking of these structures as labile. They may actually pinch off and contribute to the secretory product. In any case, the surface area is vastly increased by their presence. Polypoid border seems an apt term to apply to this type of surface. 3. There is also a great expansion of the basal surface of ependymal cells. In the vicinity of cell junctions this surface is deeply infolded, and continuous with elaborate interdigitations of the lateral intercellular surfaces. Analogous infolding of the basal cell surface is known to exist in other epithelia also noted for their water transport (kidney tubules, salivary gland, and ciliary body). 4. Pretreatment of rats with diamox, an agent known to block cerebro-spinal fluid production, did not produce an important morphological change in the features of the ependyma, or any other part of the choroid plexus. 5. Capillaries of the choroid plexus have a very attenuated endothelium. This is seen to be fenestrated. It is thought this probably represents the condition in life, and is not simply a fixation artefact. 6. Pial cells tend to interpose sheets of cytoplasm between the capillaries and ependyma. The sheets are not continuous, however, and so would not constitute a serious diffusion barrier. These cells belong to the reticuloendothelial system, and undergo shape changes, and probably increase in number, when the system is stimulated by the repeated injection of trypan blue.  相似文献   

The Pacinian corpuscle has a framework of cytoplasmic lamellae arranged concentrically in the outer zone, and bilaterally in the core. Between these is an intermediate growth zone. The inner core shows an unexpected complexity in that its component lamellae are arranged in two symmetrical groups of nested cytoplasmic sheets. Longitudinal tissue spaces form clefts separating the two groups. The perikarya of the core lamellae lie in or near the intermediate growth zone, and send arms into the clefts. The arms then branch and terminate as lamellae which interdigitate with those of neighboring cells. The single nerve fiber loses its myelin sheath just before it reaches the inner core but retains its Schwann cell cytoplasmic covering for a short additional distance. The Schwann sheath is not continuous with the lamellae of the inner core. Inside the core the fiber contains a striking circumferential palisade of radially disposed mitochondria. The fiber does not arborize. Vascular capillaries penetrate the hilar region of the corpuscle only as far as the myelinated sheath of the nerve, and they have not been seen elsewhere in the corpuscle. There is direct continuity between the clefts of the core and tissue spaces in the vicinity of the capillaries. It is likely that this provides a route whereby metabolites reach the active nerve ending, as well as the cells of the growth zone. The outer zone consists of at least 30 flattened concentric cytoplasmic lamellae separated from one another by relatively wide fluid-filled spaces. Collagenous fibrils are present, particularly on the outer surface of lamellae, and tend to be oriented circularly. The girdle of proliferating cells constituting the growth zone, which is prominent in corpuscles from young animals, is the layer from which the outer lamellae are derived. Osmotic forces probably elevate the lamellae, and maintain turgor pressure.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of sections of chicken glomeruli shows them to possess a large central cell mass, occupying the hilum and the centre of the glomerulus, and continuous with the adventitia of the afferent and efferent arterioles. The glomerular capillaries form a much simpler system than in mammals and are spread over the surface of the central cell mass. Between the capillaries the mass is limited externally by the major component of the glomerular capillary basement membrane, which continues over the surface of the mass from one capillary to the next. Projections of the central cell mass characteristically form the support for glomerular capillaries, and smaller knobs of the central mass may project actually into the lumen of the capillaries, but always carry a layer of endothelial cytoplasm before them. They are never in direct contact with blood. The basement membrane of the glomerular capillary loop has a central dense layer and two lateral less dense layers as in mammals. The central dense layer is continuous with similar appearing dense material in the intercellular spaces of the adventitiae of the arterioles, and also with that of the central cell mass. The two less dense layers can also be traced into direct continuity with the less dense regions of this intercellular substance. The endothelial cytoplasm is spread as a thin sheet over the inner surface of the capillary basement membrane, and shows scattered "pores" resembling those described in mammals. Epithelial cells with interlacing pedicels are at least as prominent as those in mammals. Bowman's capsular membrane also possesses three layers similar to but less wide than those of the capillary basement membrane, and all three layers can be traced into continuity with the dark and light regions of the intercellular material of the adventitial cells of the arterioles, and beyond them with that of the central cell mass. At the hilum Bowman's capsular membrane also fuses with the capillary basement membrane.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was carried out on sections through tissue mast cells from the peritoneal fluid of rats and hamsters, either untreated, x-irradiated, or injected with toluidine blue, protamine sulfate, or stilbamidine. Mast cells from untreated animals have large nuclei and are filled with densely packed, cytoplasmic granules. The latter possess a distinct boundary and an internal structure which is reticular or vacuolar in nature. Between the granules are found elongate mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria often appear also in groups in granule-free areas adjacent to the nucleus. Nuclear and cell membranes of an apparent double nature are found. After treatment with toluidine blue, protamine sulfate, and stilbamidine the granules are surrounded by clear areas and are widely separated from one another; the endoplasmic reticulum is more conspicuous. The internal structure of the granule is unchanged. In the mast cells from x-irradiated animals there is an apparent coalescence of granules which is attented by a loss of intragranular structure. The findings are discussed in relation to other work on the structure and function of mast cells.  相似文献   

Lang, Norma J. (U. Texas, Austin.) Electron microscopy of the Volvocaceae and Astrephomenaceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(3): 280-300. Illus. 1963.—Clonal cultures of Gonium sociale, G. pectorale, Pandorina morum, Eudorina elegans, Eudorina sp., Volvulina steinii, V. pringsheimii, Platydorina caudata, Pleodorina illinoisensis, P. californica, Volvox aureus, V. tertius, V. globator, V. barberi, and Astrephomene gubernaculifera representing the Volvocaceae and Astrephomenaceae in the Volvocales were examined with the electron microscope and their ultrastructure compared. The ultrastructure of the various organelles is basically similar in the species studied and no increase in cellular complexity is found to accompany the evolutionary trends evidenced in the Volvocaceae. The ultrastructure of a colonial cell is basically that of Chlamydotnonas. A cytoplasmic membrane having a unit membrane structure encompasses a cell and is continuous with the double-membraned flagellar sheaths. The flagella contain the typical 9 + 2 fibril arrangement with the 2 axial fibrils terminating in a cylinder at the flagellar base and the 9 peripheral pairs continuing into the cytoplasm as a basal body. The organelles comprising the cytoplasm are: mitochondria with plate-like cristae; dictyosomes composed of stacks of agranular cisternae; small, rough or smooth-surfaced vesicles; an endoplasmic reticulum of granule-bearing and agranular tubules, lamellae and broad cisternae; vacuoles which are either contractile, contain fine granular and fibrillar material, or have dense contents probably representing polyphosphate; lipid bodies; and dense granules 100–150 A which have been called ribosomes. The finely granular nucleoplasm is surrounded by a porous, double-membraned nuclear envelope and contains a centric nucleolus composed of dense, spherical granules. The outer membrane of the nuclear envelope bears granules and may have granular extensions into the perinuclear cytoplasm. Each extension appears to encompass one or several dictyosomes and has been termed an “amplexus.” The amplexi are agranular on the surface contiguous to a dictyosome. A double-membraned chloroplast envelope is continuous around the single, cup-shaped chloroplast. The basic chloroplast units are discs closed at each end, occurring in stacks of varying number parallel to the envelope. The presumed proteinaceous matrix of the basal pyrenoid is penetrated by elongated, tubular elements which connect with the lamellar discs. Multiple rows of granules, associated with individual discs, form the anterior stigma within the chloroplast envelope. The colonial matrix is not a structureless, mucilaginous material uniting the cells in colonies, but it has rather a highly complex structure especially around the periphery of the colony and the flagellar channels. The apparent substitution of a fibrillar layer of the colonial matrix for the discrete compact cell wall, such as is found in Chlamydomonas, implies a greater degree of complexity in the evolution of these colonial genera than is generally assumed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the uterine epithelium has been studied in estrous, ovariectomized, pregnant, and pseudopregnant rabbits. Tissue for light microscopy was fixed in Bouin''s solution and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, by the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) method, and with methylene blue. Tissue for electron microscopy was fixed in 1 per cent osmium tetroxide in White''s saline and embedded in Araldite. The uterine epithelium in estrus is comprised of ciliated and non-ciliated cells. After ovariectomy the epithelium becomes reduced in height and PAS-positive material disappears. Multinucleated cells are formed in the epithelium in pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and in the non-pregnant horn in unilateral pregnancy. They degenerate during the 3rd week of pseudopregnancy and during the 4th week of pregnancy in the non-pregnant horn. The formation of multinucleated cells is believed to be under hormonal control. The uterine epithelium in contact with the blastocyst changes into a "symplasma," presumably under the influence of a local (chemical?) effect produced by the blastocyst. This change is not seen in pseudopregnancy nor in the non-pregnant horn in unilateral pregnancy. A complex infolding of the basal cell membrane of the epithelium accompanies the "symplasmic" change. The remaining uterine epithelium in pregnancy shows a well developed ergastoplasm suggesting a production of secretion materials, some of which may be available for absorption by the fetus through the yolk sac or paraplacental chorion.  相似文献   

为了研究毛囊外根鞘(outer root sheath,ORS)细胞尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物(urokinase plasmino-gen activator,uPA)的表达与其细胞周期的关系,并探讨uPA对毛囊生长的调控作用,本文应用流式细胞仪对不同代龄的ORS细胞的细胞周期进行了 检测,并用免疫细胞化学和RT-PCR手段对相应代龄ORS细胞的uPA mRNA及蛋白质的表达进行了检测。结果显示,原代ORS细胞增殖旺盛,而3代ORS细胞增殖水平显著下降,增殖旺盛的ORS细胞uPA mRNA及蛋白表达较强,而增殖缓慢的ORS细胞uPA mRNA及蛋白的表达明显下降或不表达。说明ORS细胞的增殖水平与其uPA mRNA及蛋白的表达密切相关,uPA在毛囊生长早期的表达可以促进毛囊细胞增殖,利于毛囊发育。  相似文献   

An electron microscope study of the nuclear membrane of Amoeba proteus by thin sectioning techniques has revealed an ultrastructure in the outer layer of the membrane that is homologous to the pores and annuli observed in the nuclear membranes of many other cell types studied by these techniques. An inner honeycombed layer apparently unique to Amoeba proteus is also described.  相似文献   

蚤类感觉板的细微结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用扫描电镜观察了4科18属26种蚤的感觉板.通过对其内、外表面及横断面细微结构的详细观察,发现前人称之为杯陷的结构,实为一中空的圆丘,分内、外两层,各具若干小室,作者称其为感觉室.该室在感觉板上具有一定的分布型.感觉毛着生于内室底部,通过中央孔及外室顶孔向外伸出.蚤类成虫具有坚韧的外骨骼,因此,在制备扫描电镜标本时可不经特殊处理直接进行观察.此外,对感觉室的功能及在分类上的意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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