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The temporal and spatial variability in the quality and quantityof settling phytoplankton material in relation to concurrentprimary production was studied using sediment traps at threecoastal stations from a semi-enclosed bay (Pojo Bay) throughthe outer archipelago to the open Gulf of Finland. The fluxof settling phytoplankton was high (9.3 g C m–2period–1)in Pojo Bay, especially in spring, and lower in the archipelago(8.1 g C m–2 period–1) and open-sea area (5.2 gC m"2 period"1), although the primary production followed theopposite pattern. A large influx of allochthonous material intoPojo Bay in spring brought allochthonous phytoplankton cellsinto the traps, but limited primary production. Diatoms werethe most abundant settled phytoplankton at all stations, butthe species composition varied between Pojo Bay (Aulacoseiraspp., Rhizosolenia minima) and the outer stations (Skeletonemacostatum, Chaetoceros spp.)At the outer stations, migratingdinoflagellates (Peridiniella catenate) comprised part of thesettling material in spring. The high settling flux of the cyanophyteAphanizomenon flos-aquae is discussed. The species compositionof the phytoplankton assemblage influenced the proportion ofthe total organic carbon sedimentation that consisted of phytoplanktoncarbon.  相似文献   

From April to October 1986 abundance and vertical distributionof picocyanobacteria were studied at four stations in Kiel Fjordand Kiel Bight. Both picocyanobacteria and autotrophic, eukaryoticpicoplankton cell numbers were estimated by epifluorescencemicroscopy whereas larger phytoplankton (>3 µm) wasenumerated by the Utermöhi settling technique. Picocyanobactenacell numbers peaked in July and August near the water surface(1.4–2.6 x 108 cells l–1). Although picocyanobacteriaabundance increased from the outer Kiel Bight to the more eutrophicinner stations of Kiel Fjord, their contribution to total phytoplanktonbiomass decreased. During summer up to 52% of phytoplanktoncarbon and up to 97% of autotrophic picoplankton carbon werecontributed by picocyanobacteria. Therefore picocyanobacteriaare an important component of the summer phytoplankton communityin boreal inshore waters, too.  相似文献   

The response of phytoplankton biomass, growth rates and primaryproduction to seasonally varying physical forcing was studiedat a station southeast of Bermuda over an 18 month period. Phytoplanktongrowth rates and primary production were measured using thepigment-labeling method, and phytoplankton biomass was calculatedfrom these measurements. Phytoplankton carbon biomass variedsystematically over the year. Highest values were observed duringthe winter and spring. Seasonal variations of chlorophyll (Chi)a in the surface layer could primarily be attributed to variationsin phytoplankton biomass and secondarily to photoacclimation.During the summer period, average values of carbon (C)/Chl ratios(g C g–1 Chi) ranged from 160 at the surface to 33 atthe 1.6% light level, changes attributed to photoacclimationof the phytoplankton, consistent with the observation that phytoplanktonbiomass did not vary as a function of depth. Phytoplankton growthrates in the surface layer did not vary systematically overthe year, ranging from 0.15 to 0.45 day–1, in spite ofseasonally varying concentrations of nitrate. Growth rates variedas a function of depth from average values of 0.3 day–1in the surface layer to <0.1 day1 at the 1.6% light level.Thus, the primary response of the phytoplankton community tonutrient enrichment during the winter period was an increasein phytoplankton biomass rather than an increase in growth rates.A simple nutrient-phyto-plankton-zooplankton model was usedto explore this phenomenon. The model demonstrated that theobserved response of the phytoplankton to nutrient enrichmentis only possible when phytoplankton growth is not severely limitedby nutrients.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton sinking rates in the Rhine region of freshwater influence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
According to Stokes’ law, colony formation in phytoplanktonwould lead to enhanced sinking rates and higher sedimentationlosses if colonies had the same densities as the phytoplanktoncells they contain. In the Dutch coastal zone of the North Sea,algae settling out of the water column are subject to zoobenthosgrazing or to physical mixing into the sediment and, therefore,the formation of colonies by common diatom species and the prymnesiophytePhaeocystis globosa seems paradoxical: it would increase theprobability that sedimentation becomes a significant loss factor.However, sinking rate measurements in the Rhine region of freshwaterinfluence (ROFI) using SetCol settling columns did not reveala straightforward relationship between phytoplankton sizes (<10to >1000 µm) and sinking rates (–0.4 to >2.2m day-1) of 24 autotrophic phytoplankton species and groups.In fact, under nutrient-replete conditions, the sinking ratesof the diatoms Chaetoceros radicans, Rhizosolenia shrubsoleiand Rhizosolenia stolterfothii decreased with size. The sinkingrates of large colonies of the prymnesiophyte P. globosa werealso negatively correlated with their size and positive buoyancywas observed. Chlorophyll a sinking rates exceeded 1 m day-1periodically, which is sufficient to cause significant surfacelayer loss rates over 0.2 day-1. Under stratified conditions,both chlorophyll a concentrations and sinking rates in the bottomlayer were significantly higher (+49% and +16%, respectively)than in the surface layer. These observations are discussedin relation to Stokes’ law, together with a critical analysisof the SetCol technique. It is concluded that: (i) SetCol givesadequate results when incubations are performed at or near insitu irradiance and temperature; (ii) sinking rates are predominantlydetermined by cell or colony density rather than their size;(iii) periodic sedimentation is an important species-specificloss process for phytoplankton in the Dutch coastal zone. Itis speculated that for diatoms with low sinking rates, autolysisis an important loss factor.  相似文献   

In meso-eutrophic Lake Constance (Germany-Austria-Switzerland),phytoplankton bioraass, pigments and water transparency, aswell as primary productivity, have been followed between 1980and 1989. During this period, municipal phosphorus loading declinedsignificantly. Since 1981, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP)concentrations during deep lake mixing have decreased from 3.0to currently 1 6 mmol m3 at a rate of 7% year1.Nitrate concentrations, by contrast, continued to rise. Duringthe period of maximum phosphorus loading, flushing through theoutlet and sedimentation were about equally important sinksof phosphorus from the euphotic zone. Recently, however, sedimentationand subsequent burial of P in the bottom deposits contributedabout three-quarters to the overall P-losses from the systemMain reasons for this shift are unchanged settling fluxes ofphosphorus out of the euphotic zone and decreasing concentrationsof total phosphorus in the water. Only during spring, do concentrations of soluble reactive phosphoruswithin the euphotic zone decrease in proportion to the formationof particulate organic matter. Later during the season, euphoticSRP concentrations continue to be low but are no longer matchedby high plankton biomass because phosphorus is efficiently removedby settling of particles In spite of the observed dramatic decreasein phosphorus loading since 1980, chlorophyll concentrationsand water transparency, as well as annual phytoplankton productivity(300 g C m2), have not shown a consistent downward trend.However, the intensity of phosphorus regeneration within theeuphoric zone, which can be used as a measure of the degreeof nutrient limitation, is likely to have increased significantlyThe most probable explanation for the insensitivity of importanttrophic state indicators to reduced nutrient loading is that,in Lake Constance, biomass accumulation to a greater extentis controlled by losses, mainly grazing by zooplankton and sedimentation,than by primary resources. This is concluded from the observationthat phytoplankton biomass always falls far short of the nutrient-dependentcarrying capacity of the system.  相似文献   

In situ measurement of the growth rates of planktonic populationscan be improved by using dialysis chambers (‘cage cultures’)to avoid shifts in the chemical environment during incubation.Vertical mixing and small-scale turbulence affect the growthof planktonic populations, there fore natural mixing conditionsshould be simulated as closely as possible during the incubation.A new device is described here which combines the advantagesof a dialysis chamber with a programmable vertical mixing regime.Realistic phytoplankton growth rates can thus be measured insitu under con ditions of vertical mixing and small-scale turbulence.The chamber made of transparent, UV-transmitting acrylic glasswas fitted at both ends with permeable polycarbonate membranes.It was moved vertically through the water column by a pocket-sizedlift and rotated simultaneously on its central axis. The methodwas applied to two typos of experiments on growth and lossesof phytoplankton in the River Severn, UK. The first one comparedchanges in biovolume of phytoplankton in a water parcel flowingdownstream (6% h–1 decline) with those in a simultaneouslyincubated dialysis chamber moved between water surface and riverbottom (7% h–1 increase). The difference equates to algallosses prevented in the chamber but suffered along the river(mainly sedimentation and grazing of benthic filter feeders).Loss rate of diatoms was three times higher than those of chlorophytes.In another experiment growth of phytoplankton from the mainstream and lateral dead zone was compared under different mixingconditions. Algae from the main stream grew faster than fromthe dead zone. Only cryptophytes preferred calm conditions,all the other algal groups grew faster in chambers moved throughthe water column than in stationary ones. Further possible applicationsin both standing and flowing waters are discussed.  相似文献   

Pyrosomas are the large group of pelagic tunicates whose trophicrole in pelagic communities has not yet been sufficiently studied.We ran across a local area of high concentration of the mostwidespread and commonest species of pyrosomas, Pyrosoma atlanticum,450 miles off the Congo river mouth. The following was estimated:gut pigment content, defecation rate, organic carbon and pigmentcontent of fecal pellets, and sinking rate. Based on these dataand the measured number of pyrosomas colonies the grazing impacton phytoplankton and the fecal pellet flux were calculated.During the night swarms of 50–65 mm P.atlanticum removed53% of phytoplankton standing stock in the 0–10 m layer;sparsely distributed pyrosomas consumed only 4%. The grazingimpact in the 0–50 m layer was only 12.5 and <1% respectively.The fecal pellet flux resulting from nocturnal feeding of P.atlanticumwhile swarming made up 1.4–1.6 x 106 pellets m–210 h–1 or 305–1035 mg C m–2 10 h–1 and1.4 x 105 pellets m–2 10 h–1 or 87.4 mg C m–210 h–1 while non-swarming. Incubation experiments showedthe rapid degradation of fecal pellets at 23°C: the lossof pigment and carbon content was {small tilde}60–70%after 45 h. We believe that given the sinking rate of 70 m day–1the main part of fecal material does not leave the upper watercolumn and is retained in the trophic web of the epipelagiclayer.  相似文献   

The production of phytoplankton in the three main branches andsedimentation areas of the River Rhine in the Netherlands wasanalyzed using a simulation model describing the carbon andsilicate metabolism. This model is based on data derived froma sampling programme in which river water was followed duringdownstream transport. A ‘plug-flow model’ was developed,including sky irradiance and light attenuation in the water,and integrating photosynthetic rates determined in the laboratory.On the basis of the silicate content of diatom-dominated phytoplanktonand silicate regeneration in the river bottom, changes in silicateconcentrations were simulated and found to match observed changesin dissolved silicate. Low sìlicate concentrations wereshown to restrict the maximum population density of diatoms.Depth- and time-integrated rates of photosynthesis were shownto permit multiplication of the phytoplankton at a rate of upto one doubling day–1 In the primary production periodApril-August 1988. values of 0.48–6.33 g C m–2 day–1,close to the few values reported for highly eutrophic riversand lakes, were observed. Model runs, including phytoplanktonproduction and losses, such as respiration, sedimentation andplanktonic grazing, were carried out to simulate the downstreamdevelopment of phytoplankton biomass. These simulations confirmthe view that a substantial part of the phytoplankton biomassand production is grazed or settles in the river delta despiteresidence times of only 52–97 h.  相似文献   

As a part of the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Studies, the microphytoplanktoncell numbers. volumes and biomass from eight stations on a transect(12S–12N) on or near 140W from the cruise of the R/V‘Thomas G.Thompson’ (Cruise TT007) February-March,1992, are integrated with previously reported counts. Althoughthese large cells (>15 µm) were from a diverse population,with many species (81–137) in this size range noted fromeach station, only a few (2–7) species made up 50% ofthe cell abundance of the totals of the diatoms, dinoflagellates,coccolithophorids and other algal cells from discrete watersamples taken in the upper 200 m. Even during the 1992 El Nio,reports indicate that surface nitrate was not depleted nearthe equator, but the low numbers of cells in this size fractionindicate that an unknown factor (other than nitrate or light)limited the growth. This synthetic analysis shows high diversity(Margalef's D > 10.4 at the maxima of each station), andlow cell numbers (1.4.6–3.73 108 cells m–2) andlow biomass (42.8–97.2 µg C m–2). The integratednumbers of larger coccolithophorids and diatoms showed somereduction near the equator, but the large reduction noted inthe total phytoplankton from the equator to 2N was largelydue to the dip in dinofiagellate numbers, coupled with a shallowmixed layer. Biomass had much the same latitudinal profile.During these El Nio conditions, this integrated study acrossa total of 24 latitude shows an anomaly of low equatorial phytoplanktonbiomass.  相似文献   

The contribution of autotrophic picoplankton (APP) to phytoplanktonicprimary production, investigated during the phytoplankton growingseason (March–September) in a macrophyte-dominated backwatersystem near Vienna, showed that APP mainly consisted of rod-shapedand coccoid cyanobacteria. Two stations were examined, exhibitingsimilar seasonal patterns in the development of picocyanobacteria,although the two sites differed in picocyanobacterial cell numbersand biomass by a factor of 1.5. Cell numbers determined by epifluorescencemicroscopy varied between 0.29 x 104 and 34.5 x 104 cells ml–1at Station 1, and between 0.23 x 104 and 19.1 x 104 cells ml–1at Station 2. At both sites, the mean cell volume of picocyanobacteriawas 0.5 µm3. Carbon fixation in the planktonic communityof the Kühwörter Wasser was dominated primarily bylarger phytoplankton, although the picoplankton community sometimessupplied up to 74% (mean: 35%) of total primary production.Distinct differences in chlorophyll a concentrations and primaryproduction between the two sites refer to a greater competitionbetween phytoplankton and macrophytes at Station 2. Communityrespiration deviated greatly in time and in level at the twostations, showing a higher dynamic in community metabolism atStation 1. At this site, community respiration losses rangedbetween 12 and 100% of gross production. Hence, community metabolismcomprised net autotrophic, balanced, and net heterotrophic situationsover the investigation period, whereas at Station 2, only netautotrophic situations could be determined.  相似文献   

The standard method for counting phytoplankton requires 24–48h of settling (Utermöhl, 1931). The modified Utermöhlmethod (plunger) described here reduces settling time to 2 h.Estimates of counts for phytoplankton using the plunger methodplotted against counts from the Utermöhl method yield agood correlation (r2 = 0.97), and 95–100% of species (>2µm) recorded in the Utermöhl method were recordedwith the plunger method.  相似文献   

Dynamics of autotrophic picoplankton in Lake Constance   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The vertical distribution, biomass concentrations and growthrates of autotrophic picoplankton (APP) were investigated duringthe growing season (March-October) in Lake Constance in differentdepths. Cell numbers determined by epifluorescence microscopyvaried between 1.0 x 103 and 1.6 times; 105 cells ml–1depending on season and water depth. Highest concentrationswere recorded above the thermodine in late summer. Numerically,APP consisted almost exclusively of chroococcoid cyanobactena.During lake stratification several peaks of biomass concentrationsoccurred in epilimsietic waters at intervals of 6–8 weeks.In-situ experiments using a dilution technique and dialysisbags revealed that during summer APP population dynamics wereprimarily driven by combined changes of their growth and grazingrates, whereas temperature was less important. Gross growthrates varied between 0.006 and 0.051 h–1, grazing ratesbetween 0.002 and 0.053 h–1. On average APP productionwas completely removed by grazing within the microbial community.Ciliates, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and rotifers have beenidentified as the major consumers of APP cells. APP biomassis small compared to larger phytoplankton, ranging from ito5% of total phytoplankton biovolume. Due to its high gross growthrates, which are on the same level as those of free-living pelagicbacteria, APP contributes slightly more to overall primary productionwith maximum percentages of {small tilde}15% in late summer.  相似文献   

The role of iron and light in controlling photosynthate productionand allocation in phytoplankton populations of the Atlanticsector of the Southern Ocean was investigated in April–May1999. The 14C incorporation into five biochemical pools (glucan,amino acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides) was measuredduring iron/light perturbation experiments. The diurnal Chla-specific rates of carbon incorporation into these pools didnot change in response to iron addition, yet were decreasedat 20 µmol photons m–2 s–1, an irradiancecomparable with the one at 20–45 m in situ depth. Thissuggests that the low phytoplankton biomass encountered (0.1–0.6µg Chl a L–1) was mainly caused by light limitationin the deep wind mixed layer (>40 m). Regional differencesin Chl a-specific carbon incorporation rates were not foundin spite of differences in phytoplankton species composition:at the Antarctic Polar Front, biomass was dominated by a diatompopulation of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, whereas smaller cells,including chrysophytes, were relatively more abundant in theAntarctic Circumpolar Current beyond the influence of frontalsystems. Because mixing was often in excess of 100 m in thelatter region, diatom cells may have been unable to fulfil theircharacteristically high Fe demand at low average light conditions,and thus became co-limited by both resources. Using a modelthat describes the 14C incorporation, the consistency was shownbetween the dynamics in the glucan pool in the field experimentsand in laboratory experiments with an Antarctic diatom, Chaetocerosbrevis. The glucan respiration rate was almost twice as highduring the dark phase as during the light phase, which is consistentwith the role of glucan as a reserve supplying energy and carbonskeletons for continued protein synthesis during the night.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphorus uptake and regeneration in the OkhotskSea waters were investigated in July–August 1994 withthe use of radioisotopic techniques. The rates of PO4-P uptakeby microplankton in the upper mixed layer were between 1.5 and6.6 µg P l-1 day-1 (average 2.75) in areas of diatom dominance,and between 0.68 and 1.68 µg P l-1 day-1 (average 1.16)in areas of intense warming and summer phytoplankton minimum.The residence time of PO4-P standing stock in water at differentstations varied between 1.5 and 24 days (mean 9 days). The shareof bacterioplankton contributing to total PO4-P uptake was 50%in areas of the summer phytoplankton minimum and 20–30%in areas of diatom dominance. The PO4-P regeneration rate wasmeasured first time experimentally in the temperate sea. Itsrates varied from 0.30 to 1.65 µg P l-1 day-1. In areasof diatom dominance, it compensated with 30–60% of PO4-Puptake. In zones of summer phytoplankton minimum and in thelayers of deep chlorophyll maxima at 10–25 m depths, thePO4-P regeneration rate often exceeded its uptake. Primary phytoplanktonproduction correlated well with PO4-P uptake values in the uppermixed layer, while no correlation was found between primaryproduction and the ambient PO4-P content in water.  相似文献   

From June through August, 1985, a bloom of the cyanobacteriumMicrocyslis aeruginosa was observed in the upper Potomac Riverreaching densities of 193 x 106 cells 1–1 and 83% of totalcells in the surface mixed layer. However, in regions typifiedby salinities of 1–2 p.p.t. immediately down-river, thealga disappeared from the phytoplankton assemblage, never contributing>17% of total phytoplankton numbers. In an attempt to determinethe effect of increasing salinity on limiting horizontal distributionsof cyanobacteria blooms in the Potomac River estuary, threelaboratory experiments were conducted. Bloom samples collectedfrom the river were exposed to daily salinity increases of 1–2p.p.t. through the addition of NaCl or a complement of fullsea salts. Relative to samples receiving no salt supplement,densities of Microcyslis spp. declined in salinity-stressedsamples. However, total cyanobacteria remained constant or increaseddue to rapid growth of Aphanizomenon. The addition of a mixtureof full sea salts favored aggregation of cyanobacteria, yieldingan average of 132 cells colony–1; 36 cells colony–1were observed in populations maintained in river water and NaCl-supplementedsamples. Chlorophyll concentrations declined slightly relativeto assemblages receiving no salt additions while carbon fixationwas reduced in salinity-stressed assemblages. These resultssuggest that salinities from 0.5 to 7 p.p.t., typical of theoligohaline region of the Potomac River, could limit the distributionof Microcystis-dominated blooms down-estuary. In addition, increasingsalinities should result in the aggregation of photosyntheticallyinhibited cells and, through prolonged exposure to increasingosmotic stress, produce large, rapidly sinking detrital particlessupporting microbial decomposition in oligohaline and mesohalineregions of the lower Potomac River estuary, perhaps perpetuatinghigh microbial oxygen demand and anoxia in this portion of theriver/estuary.  相似文献   

Sinking rates of heterogeneous, temperate phytoplankton populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Throughout the summer of 1978, the sinking rates of phytoplanktonwithin the Controlled Experimental Ecosystems (CEE's) were monitoredusing a technique based upon measurement of the transit timeof radioactively (14C) labeled cells. The experimental frameworkof FOODWEB 1 offered an unprecedented opportunity to documentthe sinking rates of heterogeneous phytoplankton of diversetaxonomic composition, growing under a variety of nutrient regimes;the absence of advective exchange in the CEE's provided knowledgeof the preconditioning history of the phytoplankton sampledat any given time. Sinking rates of whole phytoplankton assemblages (not size-fractioned)ranged from 0.32 – 1.69 m·day–1; the averagerate (± s.d.) observed was 0.64 ± 0.31 m·day–1.The most notable deviations from the mean value occurred whenthe population size distribution and taxonomic composition shifteddue to blooms. The relationship between phytoplankton sinkingand ambient nutrient levels was studied by following the ratesof a given size fraction (8–53 µm) for ten daysfollowing nutrient enrichment of a CEE. Over this time sinkingrates ranged from 1.08– 1.53 m·day–1; decreasedrates occurred after nutrification, yet over the course of theentire trial sinking rates were not significantly (p >0.05)correlated to the ambient levels of any single nutrient species. The sinking rate implications of spore formation were also studied,and showed that sinking rates of Chaetoceros constrictus andC. socialis spores (2.75 ± 0.61 m·day–1)were ca 5-fold greater than rates measured when the vegetativestages of these species dominated the population, reflectingthe influence of physiological mechanisms in controlling phytoplanktonbuoyancy. An example of the potential influence of colony formation uponbuoyancy was noted in observations of C. socialis which occasionallywas found to exist in large spherical configurations made ofcoiled cell chains and having low (0.40 m·day–1)sinking rates. A hydrodynamic rationale is presented to showhow such a colony together with enveloped water may behave asa unit particle having lower excess density, and therefore lowobserved sinking rate, despite its conspicuously large size. Overall, sinking rates were not significantly correlated withany of the measured nutrient or photic parameters. There were,however, trials and comparisons which showed evidence for: (1)higher sinking rates in populations dominated by large cells,(2) decreased sinking rates after nutrient enrichment, and (3)buoyancy response to light levels. It is suggested that correlationof sinking rates with synoptic environmental measurements atany given time is not explicit because the associations mayinvoke lag times of physiological response. The interpretationmade from these findings is that the preconditioning historyof the population, rather than the prevailing conditions atthe time of a given measurement, is most closely associatedwith population buoyancy modifications.  相似文献   

Enclosing phytoplankton in bottles to measure photosynthesisimposes an artificial environment on the sample that can influencerate processes. The absence of turbulence inside incubationbottles can affect productivity measurements by altering boththe irradiance level and sedimentation rates of confined cellsand particles. In Fourleague Bay, LA, a turbid lagoon-estuary,we compared productivity measurements in motionless bottlesto those in bottles that were continuously rotated at 15 r.p.m.to prevent the sedimentation of bottle contents. Productivitydiffered significantly in rotating and non-rotating treatments.At low light levels, rotation often enhanced production, probablydue to increased average irradiance. At high light levels, rotationreduced productivity by 10–83%, probably due to increasedphotoinhibition because the average position of the planktonwas closer to the light source than those in non-rotated bottles.Furthermore, in non-rotated bottles a greater proportion ofsediment particles and cells settled to the bottom, potentiallyshielding cells from photoinhibition. Cell density of the 8µm fraction was nearly 100% higher at the bottom of non-rotatedbottles (2.5+108 cells l–1) than at the surface aftera 3.5 h incubation. In quiescent water samples, light increasedby >35% in 20 min as a result of rapid particle settlingwhen stirring ceased. Integrated production rates were overestimatedin non-rotated samples by up to 95%, demonstrating the importanceof maintaining a cell-particle suspension which approximatesthat in situ when measuring productivity in turbid systems.  相似文献   

Why are there about 5000 species of phytoplankton in the sea?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relative abundances of phytoplankton taxa conform approximatelyto a finite geometric series in which there are 20–25species per decade of ranked abundance. Such series can contain160–400 species between the commonest (1022–1026cells) and the rarest (1010–1014 cells). Thus, between12 and 31 such series are needed to explain the observed diversity,5x103 species, of marine phytoplankton. The number of seriesis similar to the number (20–25) of upper-ocean watermasses defined by dilution time scale of order 101–102years. Interpretations of this coincidence are discussed.  相似文献   

Seventeen size-fractionation experiments were carried out duringthe summer of 1979 to compare biomass and productivity in the< 10, <8 and <5 µm size fractions with that ofthe total phytoplankton community in surface waters of NarragansettBay. Flagellates and non-motile ultra-plankton passing 8 µmpolycarbonate filters dominated early summer phytoplankton populations,while diatoms and dinoflagellates retained by 10 µm nylonnetting dominated during the late summer. A significant numberof small diatoms and dinoflagellates were found in the 10–8µm size fraction. The > 10 µm size fraction accountedfor 50% of the chlorophyll a standing crop and 38% of surfaceproduction. The <8 µm fraction accounted for 39 and18% of the surface biomass and production. Production by the< 8 µm fraction exceeded half of the total communityproduction only during a mid-summer bloom of microflagellates.Mean assimilation numbers and calculated carbon doubling ratesin the <8 µm (2.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 0.9day–1)and<5 µm(1.7 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 0.5day–1)size fractions were consistently lower than those of the totalpopulation (4.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 1.3 day–1)and the <10 µm size fraction (5.8 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 1.4 day –1). The results indicate that smalldiatoms and dinoflagellates in fractionated phytoplankton populationscan influence productivity out of proportion to their numbersor biomass. 1Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B.No. 3, Townsville M.S.O., Qld. 4810, Australia.  相似文献   

The abundance, frequency of dividing cells and growth ratesof the planktonic cyano bacteria Synechococcus sp. during thesummer of 1995 and 1996 were estimated in the Northwest MediterraneanSea to test whether depth-dependent growth rates of this speciesexplain its dominance in the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM)layer formed during summer thermal stratification in the NWMediterranean, compared to the surface layer. Abundance at theDCM layer (50–70 m) was up to two orders of magnitudegreater than that at the surface, with values ranging from 1.7to 13x106 cells I-1 and from 4 to 175 x 106 cells I-1 at thesurface and in DCM waters, respectively. Gross growth rates,however, were much higher at the surface than in the DCM layer(surface: 0.76–1.07 day DCM: 0.30–0.47 day-1 Thehigher gross growth rates at the surface layer were supportedby a higher frequency of dividing cells (surface: 0.09–0.24;DCM: 0.01–0.12). The negative correlation between theabundance or standing stock and growth rates of these planktonicpicocyanobacteria points to losses, and not growth rate, asthe main control on the abundance of Synechococcus. Althoughwe provide some evidence that grazing alone may be able to accountfor these losses, further, direct determinations are clearlyneeded to elucidate the regulation of the abundance of Synechococcusin the NW Mediterranean.  相似文献   

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