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A large series of protein pathway components have been shown to be dysregulated in Down syndrome (DS) brain. No information about pathomechanisms linked to the trisomic state can be obtained from adult DS brain, however, as neurodegeneration occurs from the fourth decade. The aim of the study was to search for protein dysregulation in fetal DS brain before neurodegenerative changes are observed. Proteins were extracted from fetal DS and control frontal cortex, run on 2-DE, followed by quantification of protein spots with subsequent nano-ESI-LC-MS/MS analysis using an ion trap. Aberrant expression of proteins tropomodulin-2, tubulin alpha 1A chain, and alpha-internexin may indicate disturbed synaptic plasticity; fatty acid binding protein 7 suggests impaired maintenance of neuroepithelial cells; and creatine kinase B may reflect defective energy metabolism. RNA binding protein 4B derangement may represent impaired splicing, altered retrotransposon gag domain-containing protein 1 levels may be pointing to altered retrotransposition, and level changes of the potassium-chloride transporter solute carrier family 12 member 7 may lead to impaired ion fluxes with electrophysiological consequences. Taken together, aberrant protein levels from several pathways in fetal DS are challenging as well as fertilizing the area of research and providing the basis for additional neurochemical and functional studies.  相似文献   

We report a global proteomic approach for analyzing brain tissue and for the first time a comprehensive characterization of the whole mouse brain proteome. Preparation of the whole brain sample incorporated a highly efficient cysteinyl-peptide enrichment (CPE) technique to complement a global enzymatic digestion method. Both the global and the cysteinyl-enriched peptide samples were analyzed by SCX fractionation coupled with reversed phase LC-MS/MS analysis. A total of 48,328 different peptides were confidently identified (>98% confidence level), covering 7792 nonredundant proteins ( approximately 34% of the predicted mouse proteome). A total of 1564 and 1859 proteins were identified exclusively from the cysteinyl-peptide and the global peptide samples, respectively, corresponding to 25% and 31% improvements in proteome coverage compared to analysis of only the global peptide or cysteinyl-peptide samples. The identified proteins provide a broad representation of the mouse proteome with little bias evident due to protein pI, molecular weight, and/or cellular localization. Approximately 26% of the identified proteins with gene ontology (GO) annotations were membrane proteins, with 1447 proteins predicted to have transmembrane domains, and many of the membrane proteins were found to be involved in transport and cell signaling. The MS/MS spectrum count information for the identified proteins was used to provide a measure of relative protein abundances. The mouse brain peptide/protein database generated from this study represents the most comprehensive proteome coverage for the mammalian brain to date, and the basis for future quantitative brain proteomic studies using mouse models. The proteomic approach presented here may have broad applications for rapid proteomic analyses of various mouse models of human brain diseases.  相似文献   

A population study of heteroplasmy in the hypervariable region 1 (HV1) portion of the human mtDNA control region was performed. Blood samples from 253 randomly chosen individuals were examined using a sensitive denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis (DGGE) system. This method is capable of detecting heteroplasmic proportions as low as 1% and virtually all heteroplasmy where the minor component is > or = 5%. Heteroplasmy was observed in 35 individuals (13.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 9.6-18.0). Of these individuals, 33 were heteroplasmic at one nucleotide position, whereas 2 were heteroplasmic at two different positions (a condition known as "triplasmy"). Although heteroplasmy occurred at a total of 16 different positions throughout HV1, it was most frequently observed at positions 16093 (n=13) and 16129 (n=6). In addition, the majority of heteroplasmic variants occurred at low proportions and could not be detected by direct sequencing of PCR products. This study indicates that low-level heteroplasmy in HV1 is relatively common and that it occurs at a broad spectrum of sites. Our results corroborate those of other recent reports indicating that heteroplasmy in the control region is more common than was previously believed-a finding that is of potential importance to evolutionary studies and forensic applications that are based on mtDNA variation.  相似文献   

This study compares 16 different extraction methods for the comprehensive extraction of mouse brain proteome in combination with "shotgun"-based mass spectrometry (MS). Membrane proteins (MPs) are responsible for a large part of the regulatory functions of the cell and are therefore of great interest to extract and analyze. Sixteen protein extraction protocols were evaluated in regards to protein yield and number of identified proteins with emphasis on MPs. The extracted proteins were delipidated, on-filter digested, and analyzed by reversed phase nanoliquid chromatography (RP-nanoLC) in combination with electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using a 7 T hybrid LTQ-FT mass spectrometer. Detergent-based lysis buffers showed higher efficiencies and yields in the extraction of proteins from the brain tissue compared to solubilization with organic solvents or organic acids. The detergent octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside gave the highest number of identified proteins (541) as well as numbers and percentages of identified MPs (29%). Detergent-based protocols are the best sample preparation tools for central nervous system (CNS) tissue and can readily be applied to screen for candidate biomarkers of neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that many genomes have been decoded, proteome chips comprising individually purified proteins have been reported only for budding yeast, mainly because of the complexity and difficulty of high-throughput protein purification. To facilitate proteomics studies in prokaryotes, we have developed a high-throughput protein purification protocol that allowed us to purify 4,256 proteins encoded by the Escherichia coli K12 strain within 10 h. The purified proteins were then spotted onto glass slides to create E. coli proteome chips. We used these chips to develop assays for identifying proteins involved in the recognition of potential base damage in DNA. By using a group of DNA probes, each containing a mismatched base pair or an abasic site, we found a small number of proteins that could recognize each type of probe with high affinity and specificity. We further evaluated two of these proteins, YbaZ and YbcN, by biochemical analyses. The assembly of libraries containing DNA probes with specific modifications and the availability of E. coli proteome chips have the potential to reveal important interactions between proteins and nucleic acids that are time-consuming and difficult to detect using other techniques.  相似文献   

Assessment of post-mortem-induced changes to the mouse brain proteome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study was designed to assess the influence of high-energy head-focused microwave irradiation and the post-mortem interval on measurements of the mouse brain proteome. Difference gel electrophoresis was used to compare mouse brain protein levels in animals killed by decapitation, where the tissue was held at 25°C for selected time intervals post-mortem, and by high-energy head-focused microwave irradiation followed by immediate resection. Microwave-mediated killing was used because it comprehensively snap-inactivates enzymes while largely retaining brain cytoarchitecture. Of the 912 protein spots common to at least eight of 10 gels analyzed, 35 (3.8%) showed significant differences in levels ( t -test; p  < 0.05) depending on whether animals were killed by microwave irradiation or decapitation. When animals were killed by decapitation, 43 protein spots (4.7%) showed changes in levels over the post-mortem interval ( anova ; p  < 0.05). The vast majority of the near 1000 proteins evident on a 2D gel were stable for up to 4 h. These data have important implications for studies of proteins in the brain, whether based on analysis of tissue derived from animal models or from humans.  相似文献   

神经肽在参与调控人体各种生理功能上发挥着重要的作用,如痛觉、睡眠、情绪、学习与记忆等生理活动都受到神经肽的影响。神经肽主要存在于机体的神经组织内,其他体液和器官中也有少量的分布。目前对全脑组织神经肽高通量鉴定的研究仍不足,高通量检测这些神经肽对了解神经肽的组成和功能具有重要的意义。本研究通过对小鼠全脑组织内源性肽段的萃取,运用液相串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)技术对全脑组织的神经肽进行检测,共鉴定到1 830条内源性肽段和99条预测神经肽肽段。这些内源性肽段的鉴定在疾病的治疗和机制研究以及药物的研发方面提供了参考价值,也为研究新的神经肽及其功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Analysis of the mouse liver proteome using advanced mass spectrometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report a large-scale analysis of mouse liver tissue comprising a novel fractionation approach and high-accuracy mass spectrometry techniques. Two fractions enriched for soluble and membrane proteins from 20 mg of frozen tissue were separated by one-dimensional electrophoresis followed by LC-MS/MS on the hybrid linear ion trap (LTQ)-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. Confident identification of 2210 proteins relied on at least two peptides. We combined this proteome with our previously reported organellar map (Foster et al. Cell 2006, 125, 187-199) to generate a very high confidence mouse liver proteome of 3244 proteins. The identified proteins represent the liver proteome with no discernible bias due to protein physicochemical properties, subcellular distribution, or biological function. Forty-seven percent of identified proteins were annotated as membrane-bound, and for 35.3%, transmembrane domains were predicted. For potential application in toxicology or clinical studies, we demonstrate that it is possible to consistently identify more than 1000 proteins in a single run.  相似文献   

Glycolipids synthesized in a cell-free system prepared from the free-living protozoan Paramecium primaurelia and labelled with [3H]mannose and [3H]glucosamine using GDP-[3H]mannose and UDP-[3H]N-acetyl glucosamine, respectively, were identified and structurally characterized as glycosylinositol-phosphoceramides (GIP-ceramides). The ceramide-based lipid was also found in the GIP membrane anchor of the G surface antigen of P.primaurelia, strain 156. Using a combination of in vitro labelling with GDP-[3H]mannose and in vivo labelling with 33P, we found that the core glycans of the P.primaurelia GIP-ceramides were substituted with an acid-labile modification identified as mannosyl phosphate. The modification of the glycosylinositol-phospholipid core glycan by mannosyl phosphate has not been described to date in other organisms. The biosynthesis of GIP-ceramide intermediates in P.primaurelia was studied by a pulse-chase analysis. Their structural characterization is reported. We propose the following structure for the putative GIP-ceramide membrane anchor precursor of P.primaurelia surface proteins: ethanolamine phosphate-6Man-alpha 1-2Man-alpha 1-6Man-(mannosyl phosphate)-alpha 1-4glucosamine-inositol-phosphoceramide.  相似文献   

Neuroproteomics is aimed to study the molecular organisation of the nervous system at the protein level. Two-dimensional electrophoresis is the most frequently used technique in quantitative proteomics. The aim of this study was to assess the experimental and biological variations on this proteomic platform using mouse brain tissue. Mice are the most generally used lab animals for modelling human disease or investigating the effect of a drug-candidate or a treatment. Experimental design plays a crucial role in quantitative proteomics, hence understanding and minimizing the variables is essential. Our results indicate that the technical variance dominantly contributes to the total variance in mouse brain and the genetic background has a negligible effect on the total variation. The results also characterise the anticipated variation using mouse brain for proteomic study hence they should be useful for future experimental design in other proteomics laboratories.  相似文献   

Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) contains proteins derived from various pulmonary cell types, secretions and blood. As the characterization of the BALF proteome will be instrumental in establishing potential biomarkers of pathophysiology in the lungs, the objective of this study was to contribute to the comprehensive collection of Mus musculus BALF proteins using high resolution and highly sensitive micro-capillary liquid chromatography (microLC) combined with state-of-the-art high resolution mass spectrometry (MS). BALF was collected from ICR and C57BL/6 male mice exposed to nose-only inhalation to either air or cigarette smoke. The tandem mass spectra were analyzed by SEQUEST for peptide identifications with the subsequent application of accurate mass and time tags resulting in the identification of 1797 peptides with high confidence by high resolution MS. These peptides covered 959 individual proteins constituting the largest collection of BALF proteins to date. High throughput monitoring profiles of this extensive collection of BALF proteins will facilitate the discovery and validation of biomarkers that would elucidate pathogenic or adaptive responses of the lungs upon toxic insults.  相似文献   

2-DE remains the most popular and versatile protein separation method among a rapidly growing array of various proteomics technologies. However, variability in sample processing, experimental design and data analyses results in a limited cross-validation between studies performed in different laboratories. One of the goals of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) is to establish standards and guidelines for proteomics studies. We contributed to the HUPO Brain Proteome Project by analyzing brains from neonatal and adult mice using 2-DE. Here we propose a standard workflow to analyze 2-DE images and extract statistically significant differences. After differential analysis and identification by MALDI-TOF/TOF, dihydropyrimidinase-related proteins, brain FABP, stathmin, isocitrate dehydrogenase, gamma enolase, annexin V, glutamine synthetase, creatine kinase B chain, triosephosphate dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase were found differentially expressed between the two groups. The functions and potential mechanisms underlying the variation observed for these proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Xylem plays a major role in plant development and is considered part of the apoplast. Here, we studied the proteome of Brassica oleracea cv Bartolo and compared it to the plant cell wall proteome of another Brassicaceae, the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. B. oleracea was chosen because it is technically difficult to harvest enough A. thaliana xylem sap for proteomic analysis. We studied the whole proteome and an N-glycoproteome obtained after Concanavalin A affinity chromatography. Altogether, 189 proteins were identified by LC-MS/MS using Brassica EST and cDNA sequences. A predicted signal peptide was found in 164 proteins suggesting that most proteins of the xylem sap are secreted. Eighty-one proteins were identified in the N-glycoproteome, with 25 of them specific of this fraction, suggesting that they were concentrated during the chromatography step. All the protein families identified in this study were found in the cell wall proteomes. However, proteases and oxido-reductases were more numerous in the xylem sap proteome, whereas enzyme inhibitors were rare. The origin of xylem sap proteins is discussed. All the experimental data including the MS/MS data were made available in the WallProtDB cell wall proteomic database.  相似文献   

We have utilized a highly sensitive approach based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and β-lactamase (BLA), which we adapted for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii secreted proteins. This assay revealed that the actin-binding protein toxofilin appears to be secreted into host cells during invasion. To determine the function of toxofilin during infection, we engineered a type I (RH strain) parasite with a targeted deletion of the toxofilin gene and compared the phenotypes of control and toxofilin knockout (Δ txf ) parasites in several in vitro assays, including invasion, growth, gliding motility, and egress of the Δ txf parasites, as well as F-actin staining, phagocytosis and migration of cells infected with Δ txf parasites or wild-type controls. Despite its apparent secretion into host cells and its ability to bind to and modulate host actin, we observed that toxofilin does not appear to play a role in these processes, under the conditions we examined, and we report these findings here.  相似文献   

Hsu KL  Mahal LK 《Nature protocols》2006,1(2):543-549
Rapid evaluation of microbial cell-surface carbohydrates is essential to understanding the mechanisms by which bacteria use glycans to establish pathogenic or symbiotic relationships. Microbial glycan analysis is complicated both by the vast diversity of possible carbohydrate structures and by their dynamic nature. Bacteria can rapidly alter their glycan coats by switching the genes that are involved on and off in a phase-variable manner. Currently, there is a lack of appropriate tools for studying dynamic carbohydrate alterations. Here, we present a lectin microarray protocol for the high-throughput evaluation of cell-surface microbial sugars. The binding patterns of fluorescent bacteria to these arrays provide a simple means to fingerprint bacteria based on their surface carbohydrates. In addition, this method provides a rapid, parallel evaluation of glycans from multiple bacterial samples, allowing dynamic changes in carbohydrate structures to be studied. The entire procedure takes approximately 12 h but the printing of the microarray can be performed in advance.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the regulation of histamine levels in mouse brain   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:7  
Abstract— The intraperitoneal administration of L-histidine in a dose of 1000 mg/kg increased threefold the whole brain levels of histamine in the mouse. This increase was evident in all brain regions except the medulla oblongata-pons. The subcellular localization of histamine and histidine was the same in mice administered bhistidine as in salinetreated animals. Cold exposure and restraint further augmented the elevation of histamine elicited by histidine treatment. a-Hydrazino-histidine and 4-bromo-3-hydroxybenzyloxyamine (NSD-1055) but not a-methyl-DOPA inhibited histidine decarboxylase [EC activity in mouse brain homogenates and prevented the increase in brain histamine after histidine administration. NSD-1055 and a-hydrazino-histidine also lowered brain levels of histamine by 50 per cent. NSD-1055 lowered whole brain levels of histamine rapidly, with a half-life for the depletable histamine pool of about 5 min. Assuming that inhibition of histidine decarboxylase accounted for the reduction in histamine, then the rate of histamine decline reflects the rate of histamine turnover, and our results suggest that a portion of mouse brain histamine turns over quite rapidly. Reserpine lowered brain levels of histamine by about 50 per cent, whereas the antihistaminic agent, dexbrompheniramine, and sodium pentobarbital elevated histamine levels.  相似文献   

Neurosteroids, pregnenolone (Preg), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and their sulfates (PregS and DHEAS) are reported to exert their modulatory effects of neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity via amino acid receptors, which affect and regulate the learning and memory process, mood, and depression. Although the brain levels of these steroids have been reported in rodents, the strain differences of the levels of these steroids have not been demonstrated. We examined the concentrations of Preg, 17-OH-Preg, DHEA, androstenediol (ADIOL) and their sulfates in whole brains from DBA/2, C57BL/6, BALB/c, ddY and ICR mice, the genetic backgrounds of which are different. No differences in the brain levels of Preg and DHEA were found among the strains. In contrast, PregS levels in DBA/2 were significantly lower than in the others, while DHEAS concentrations in DBA/2 were significantly higher than those in other strains. Strain differences were found in 17-OH-Preg, ADIOL and 17-OH-PregS but not in ADIOLS levels. The ranges of Preg and PregS levels were the highest among the steroids studied. Further, we measured serum these steroid levels. Although strain differences were also found in serum steroids, correlation study between brain and serum levels revealed that brain neurosteroids studied may not come from peripheral circulation. In conclusion, this is the first report of demonstrating mammalian brain levels of 17-OH-Preg, ADIOL, 17-OH-PregS and ADIOLS and the strain differences in neurosteroid levels in mice brains. The differences in levels may involve the strain differences in their behavior, e.g. aggression, adaptation to stress or learning, in mice.  相似文献   

The ambition of systems biology to understand complex biological systems at the molecular level implies that we need to have a concrete and correct understanding of each molecular entity and its function. However, even for the best-studied organism, Escherichia coli, a large number of proteins have never been identified and characterised from wild-type cells, and/or await unravelling of their biological role. Instead, the ORF models for these proteins have been predicted by suitable algorithms and/or through comparison with known, homologous proteins from other organisms, approaches which may be prone to error. In the present study, we used a combination of 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS and PMF to identify 1151 different proteins in E. coli K12 JM109. Comparison of the experimental with the theoretical Mr and pI values (4000 experimental values each) allowed the identification of numerous proteins with incorrect or incomplete ORF annotations in the current E. coli genome databases. Several inconsistencies in genome annotation were verified experimentally, and up to 55 candidates await further investigation. Our findings demonstrate how an up-to-date 2-D gel-based proteomics approach can be used for improving the annotation of prokaryotic genomes. They also highlight the need for harmonization among the different E. coli genome databases.  相似文献   

Polysialylation of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is known to destabilize cell-cell adhesion and to promote plasticity in cell-cell interactions. To gain more insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating the selective expression of polysialic acid on distinct glycan chains, the underlying core structures of polysialylated N-CAM glycans from newborn mouse brain were examined. Starting from low picomolar amounts of oligosaccharides, a multistep approach was used that was based on various mass spectrometric techniques with minimized sample consumption. Evidence could be provided that polysialylated murine N-CAM glycans comprise diantennary, triantennary and tetraantennary core structures carrying, in part, type-1 N-acetyllactosamine antennae, sulfate groups linked to terminal galactose or subterminal N-acetylglucosamine residues and, as a characteristic feature, a sulfated glucuronic acid unit which was bound exclusively to C3 of terminal galactose in Manalpha3-linked type-2 antennae. Hence, our results reveal that part of the murine N-CAM carbohydrates are modified within a single oligosaccharide by polysialic acid plus a HSO3-GlcA-moiety, which is likely to represent a HNK1-epitope. As HNK1-carbohydrates are also known to modulate cell-cell interactions, the simultaneous presence of both carbohydrate epitopes may reflect a new mechanism involved in the fine-tuning of N-CAM functions.  相似文献   

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