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Binding of bovine asialofetuin by rat liver plasma membranes was studied using different techniques for the separation of the free and bound forms of the glycoprotein and also different approaches to measure nonspecific binding. The membrane preparations had the electron microscopic appearance of a mixture of lamellae and vesicles and their lipid:protein ratios and marker enzyme profiles fell within the range of values available from the literature. The binding capacity was approximately 15 pmol of asialofetuin per milligram of membrane protein. Scatchard plots of the values obtained over a wide range of concentrations (4.8--12.6 micrograms asialofetuin per 30 micrograms membrane protein) after incubation at 22 degrees C showed pronounced nonlinearity which, in combination with evaluations according to other theoretical models, was referable to heterogeneity of binding. In sharp contrast, after incubation at 4 degrees C the Scatchard plot was linear. This difference is interpreted as the expression of a functional, rather than a chemical, heterogeneity in asialofetuin binding. The underlying mechanism is thought to be competition of galactose groups for binding sites with the result that the number of bonds varies between the galactose groups of a bound asialofetuin molecular and the hepatic lectin, depending on the concentration of the glycoprotein in the incubation mixture.  相似文献   

1. Normally fed and cholestyramine-treated rats were injected through the superior mesenteric vein with different amounts of radiolabelled glycoholic acid and the appearance of radioactivity in bile was measured. 2. In normally fed rats radioactivity appeared in bile within 30 s of injection and reached a maximum after 2 1/2 min; in the cholestyramine-treated animals the appearance of radioactivity was slower and less of the injected material was excreted into bile. 3. At 10 min after injection, livers were removed and the amounts of radioactive glycoholic acid and endogenous cholic acid conjugates in nuclei and cytosol were determined; most of the bile acid was found in the cytosol, only small amounts being found in nuclei. 4. Nuclear preparations from both normally fed and cholestyramine-fed rats were extracted with KCl (0.4 M) in an attempt to identify a putative bile acid receptor, but no such receptor was found. 5. Regulation of bile acid synthesis does not involve nuclear binding of bile acids.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid (in its normal and oxidised forms) enhances the mechanical and thermal stability of rat tail tendon. Its effectiveness increases with the concentration but levels off at a value approximately 5 times normal physiological concentration (1–2 mg/100 ml). An analogue, D-isoascorbic acid is also effective, but to a lesser extent.There is some evidence that it reduces reducible aldimine links, especially in young tissues. However, for the most part, its effects are reversible.  相似文献   

The isolated perfused rat liver was used to examine the hepatic extraction, biliary secretion and effect on bile flow of the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugates of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid. The naturally occurring taurine and glycine conjugates of these bile acids were used for comparisons. The 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugates were extracted by the liver to a similar extent as the taurine and glycine conjugates. The biliary secretion rate and increase in bile flow were similar for all the cholic acid conjugates. On the other hand, the maximal biliary secretion rate of the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugate of chenodeoxycholate was similar to that of the glycochenodeoxycholate, but 47% lower than that of taurochenodeoxycholate. In addition, the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugate of chenodeoxycholate produced a decrease in bile flow that was comparable to that observed with the glycochenodeoxycholate (54% vs. 74%), but which was greater than that produced by the taurochenodeoxycholate (12%). In summary, these data demonstrate that the biological properties of the 2-fluoro-beta-alanine conjugates of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are not markedly different from those of the naturally occurring taurine and glycine conjugates. These data also suggest that the amino acid moiety can influence the biliary secretion and cholestatic properties of chenodeoxycholic acid conjugates.  相似文献   

Two proteins, in previous work labeled by affinity markers derived from taurocholic acid, were purified and partially sequenced. Antibodies were raised against purified proteins, and cross-reactions were carefully checked. The influence of these antibodies upon taurocholic acid import into vesicles from rat liver plasma membranes was measured, and showed a distinct inhibition of transport in the case of the 54 kD protein.  相似文献   

Investigations on the cholic acid CoA ligase activity of rat liver microsomes were made possible by the development of a rapid, sensitive radiochemical assay based on the conversion of [3H]choloyl-CoA. More than 70% of the rat liver cholic acid CoA ligase activity was associated with the microsomal subcellular fraction. The dependencies of cholic acid CoA ligase activity on pH, ATP, CoA, Triton WR-1339, acetone, ethanol, magnesium, and salts were investigated. The hypothesis that the long chain fatty acid CoA ligase activity and the cholic acid CoA ligase activity are catalyzed by a single microsomal enzyme was investigated. The ATP, CoA, and cholic (palmitic) acid kinetics neither supported nor negated the hypothesis. Cholic acid was not an inhibitor of the fatty acid CoA ligase and palmitic acid was not a competitive inhibitor of the cholic acid CoA ligase. The cholic acid CoA ligase activity utilized dATP as a substrate more effectively than did the fatty acid CoA ligase activity. The cholic acid and fatty acid CoA ligase activities appeared to have different pH dependencies, differed in thermolability at 41 degrees, and were differentially inactivated by phospholipase C. Moreover, fatty acid CoA ligase activity was present in microsomal fractions from all rat organs tested while cholic acid CoA ligase activity was detected only in liver microsomes. The data suggest that separate microsomal enzymes are responsible for the cholic acid and the fatty acid CoA ligase activities in liver.  相似文献   

In a previous study, it was shown that the peroxisomal fraction of rat liver, isolated by Percoll gradient centrifugation of a light mitochondrial fraction, was able to catalyze conversion of 3 alpha, 7 alpha, 12 alpha-trihydroxy-5 beta-cholestanoic acid (THCA) into cholic acid (Pedersen, J. I., and J. Gustafsson, 1980. FEBS Lett. 121: 345-348). In the present work, this peroxisomal THCA-oxidizing system has been studied in more detail. The peroxisomes were prepared by sucrose gradient centrifugation. By use of different marker enzymes, it was confirmed that the major part of the activity in the light mitochondrial fraction was located in the peroxisomes. The reaction was absolutely dependent on the presence of Mg2+, CoA, ATP, and NAD+ in the reaction medium. In addition to cholic acid, small amounts of 3 alpha, 7 alpha, 12 alpha, 24-tetrahydroxy-5 beta-cholestanoic acid were detected as product. Provided the peroxisomes were preincubated with ATP and CoA, the reaction was linear with time up to 75 min. It was linear with peroxisomal protein and the pH optimum was 8. The reaction was stimulated by FAD (ca. 50%), by cytosolic protein (about twofold), by microsomal protein (about twofold), bovine serum albumin (about sevenfold), and by KCN (75% at 1 mM). In the absence of bovine serum albumin in the medium the K'm for the overall reaction was 1.4 X 10(-6) M and the maximum rate was 4.3 nmol X mg-1 X hr-1. In the presence of bovine serum albumin, the K'm increased to 6.3 X 10(-6) M and the maximum rate to about 32 nmol X mg-1 X hr-1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The metabolism of aflatoxin B1 in vitro was examined in rat liver microsomal preparations. 2. H.p.l.c. (high-performance liquid-chromatographic) systems were used. A silica column was used to separate non-polar metabolites. A system utilizing a reversed-phase column which separates both poar and non-polar metabolites was also developed. 3. The principal metabolites of aflatoxin B1 found were aflatoxin M1, aflatoxin Q1 and a compound which co-chromatographed with a degradation product of aflatoxin B1 2,3-dihydrodiol. 4. The time course of metabolism of aflatoxin B1 by microsomal preparations isolated from control and phenobarbitone-pretreated rats was examined. The rate and extent of metabolism was greater with microsomal preparations from the latter. The formation of aflatoxin Q1 was enhanced 4--5-fold by phenobarbitone pretreatment, whereas the production of aflatoxin M1 was only increased 1--2-fold. The formation of the degradation product of aflatoxin B1 2,3-dihydrodiol was increased 4--5-fold by the pretreatment with phenobarbitone. 5. The microsomal metabolism of aflatoxins M1, P1 and Q1 was examined. Aflatoxin M1 apparently underwent very limited microsomal metabolism to more polar compounds. Aflatoxin P1 was not metabolized. The situation with aflatoxin Q1 was complicated in that it was metabolized in the absence of NADPH to an unidentified metabolite. Aflatoxin B1 appeared as a metabolite of aflatoxin Q1 only when NADPH was present, and the formation of more polar metabolites was also then observed.  相似文献   

A method of preparing rat liver mitochondria with low residual contamination by lysosomal proteases is described. Preparations of mitochondria are divided into two equal portions, one of which is supplemented with a lysosomal fraction. The addition of the lysosomal fraction causes an increase in proteolysis of between 26- and 56-fold at pH 5.0 in four similar experiments. This increase matches the increase in the lysosomal marker beta-glucuronidase and indicates that all proteolysis at pH 5.0 is due to enzymes of the lysosomal fraction. Above pH 7.0, the addition of a lysosomal supplement increases proteolysis by 1.5- to 5-fold only, suggesting that in the absence of a lysosomal supplement very little of the observed proteolysis is due to enzymes of lysosomal origin. A method of calculating the contribution to total proteolysis of enzymes of the lysosomal fraction or of the mitochondrial fraction is described. The calculations show that at pH 7.0 and above, more than 93% of the observed proteolysis is due to enzymes originating in the mitochondrial fraction. The results support the view of other workers that rat liver mitochondria contain an endogenous neutral proteolytic system capable of degrading mitochondrial proteins to acid-soluble products.  相似文献   

Binding sites for prolactin were identified in a plasma-membrane-enriched fraction isolated from livers of mature female rats. 125I-labelled sheep prolactin prepared by the lactoperoxidase procedure retained the same molecular integrity and binding affinity as the native hormone at physiological pH. The receptors bound prolactin from different species, whereas non-lactogenic hormones were not bound. The binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin was activated equally by bivalent and univalent cations, bivalent cations exerting their maximal effect at much lower concentrations. The association of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin with the receptor was a time- and temperature-dependent process. Partial dissociation was detected. The binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin was strongly influenced by pH, with an optimum observed at pH 6.5. Receptor activity was destroyed by Pronase and phospholipase C, whereas neuraminidase increased binding. Treatment of the membranes by ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease did not affect the binding. Binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin was inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, dithiothreitol and by brief exposure to high temperatures. Scatchard analysis of the binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin to receptors indicated that prolactin has a high affinity for its receptor. Binding of prolactin to liver membranes showed some properties different from those observed with mammary cells. Binding by these tissues differed in pH optimum, in effects of ions, and in response to neuraminidase.  相似文献   

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