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Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) is a widely-distributed tree in seasonally dry tropical forests of South America that was classified previously as lacking nectaries. However, some studies have stated that its flowers produce nectar, while others analyzed the composition of unifloral honey produced from A. colubrina flowers, raising the question about nectar production in the species. We studied the pollination and reproductive biology of A. colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul in a natural population in the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil. Reproductive phenology, sexual system, floral biology, resource, and pollinators were investigated. We analyzed the breeding system through controlled pollinations for addressing its dependence on pollen vectors for reproduction. Anadenanthera colubrina flowered in the dry season, flower heads are heteromorphic, with staminate flowers at the base and perfect flowers at the apex of the inflorescence, characterizing andromonoecy. Anthesis is diurnal. We observed small drops of nectar at the apex of the petals of some flowers per inflorescence. Together with observations on flower visitor behavior and histochemical tests, we propose that A. colubrina produces floral nectar at the apex of the corolla, characterizing a substitutive nectary (sensu Vogel). This is the first record of substitutive nectary in the Mimosoideae and the first record of andromonoecy in the genus. Bees were the main pollinators (higher frequency), although other insects such as wasps, butterflies, and small beetles were also observed collecting nectar and/or pollen. The species is self-incompatible, thus depending on insect pollen vectors, mainly bees, for reproduction.  相似文献   

Flowers that are open for >12 h may be visited by both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. I compared the effectiveness (measured as seed production and pollen movement distance) of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators of Silene alba, a species whose flowers open in evening but close by midmorning the following day. By bagging flowers either during evening hours or during daylight hours or both day and night, I compared seed production caused by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. Flowers exposed only to nocturnal visitors (mostly sphingid and noctuid moths) produced significantly more seeds than flowers exposed only to diurnal visitors (bees, flies, and wasps). Fluorescent dye applied to anthers moved significantly further and to more stigmas at night than during the day. In both measures of pollination effectiveness, nocturnal-visiting moths are better pollinators of S. alba than are the diurnal-visiting bees, flies, and wasps. These data support the hypothesis that floral phenology is an adaptation to expose flowers to the most effective pollinators.  相似文献   

Inga species present brush‐type flower morphology allowing them to be visited by distinct groups of pollinators. Nectar features in relation to the main pollinators have seldom been studied in this genus. To test the hypothesis of floral adaptation to both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, we studied the pollination ecology of Inga sessilis, with emphasis on the nectar secretion patterns, effects of sequential removals on nectar production, sugar composition and the role of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in its reproductive success. Inga sessilis is self‐incompatible and pollinated by hummingbirds, hawkmoths and bats. Fruit set under natural conditions is very low despite the fact that most stigmas receive polyads with sufficient pollen to fertilise all ovules in a flower. Nectar secretion starts in the bud stage and flowers continually secreting nectar for a period of 8 h. Flowers actively reabsorbed the nectar a few hours before senescence. Sugar production increased after nectar removal, especially when flowers were drained during the night. Nectar sugar composition changed over flower life span, from sucrose‐dominant (just after flower opening, when hummingbirds were the main visitors) to hexose‐rich (throughout the night, when bats and hawkmoths were the main visitors). Diurnal pollinators contributed less than nocturnal ones to fruit production, but the former were more constant and reliable visitors through time. Our results indicate I. sessilis has floral adaptations, beyond the morphology, that encompass both diurnal and nocturnal pollinator requirements, suggesting a complementary and mixed pollination system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the reproductive biology of Echinopsis terscheckii, a species endemic to northwest Argentina that has nocturnal flowers. We expected that this species had a generalised pollination system, with moths and diurnal visitors as the primary pollinators. To test this, we studied the floral biology, breeding system and floral visitors of this species and the effectiveness of nocturnal and diurnal visitors. Floral biology was defined based on floral morphology, floral cycle and nectar production of the flowers. The breeding system and relative contributions of diurnal and nocturnal visitors to fruit and seed set were analysed through field experiments. E.?terscheckii flowers opened at sunset and closed the following day. The peak of nectar production occurred at midnight. Flowers were determined to be self-incompatible. Moths, bees and birds were identified as floral visitors. Moths were the most frequent visitors at night, whereas bees were the most frequent visitors during the day. Fruit production by diurnal pollinators was less than that by nocturnal pollinators; among all floral visitors, moths were the most effective pollinators. We have demonstrated for the first time that moths are the primary pollinators of columnar cacti of the genus Echinopsis. Our results suggest that moths might be important pollinators of columnar cactus species with nocturnal flowers in the extra-tropical deserts of South America.  相似文献   

Large floral displays favour pollinator attraction and the import and export of pollen. However, large floral displays also have negative effects, such as increased geitonogamy, pollen discounting and nectar/pollen robber attraction. The size of the floral display can be measured at different scales (e.g. the flower, inflorescence or entire plant) and variations in one of these scales may affect the behaviour of flower visitors in different ways. Moreover, the fragmentation of natural forests may affect flower visitation rates and flower visitor behaviour. In the present study, video recordings of the inflorescences of a tree species (Tabebuia aurea) from the tropical savannah of central Brazil were used to examine the effect of floral display size at the inflorescence and tree scales on the visitation rate of pollinators and nectar robbers to the inflorescence, the number of flowers approached per visit, the number of visits per flower of potential pollinators and nectar robbers, and the interaction of these variables with the degree of landscape disturbance. Nectar production was quantified with respect to flower age. Although large bees are responsible for most of the pollination, a great diversity of flower insects visit the inflorescences of T. aurea. Other bee and hummingbird species are highly active nectar robbers. Increases in inflorescence size increase the visitation rate of pollinators to inflorescences, whereas increases in the number of inflorescences on the tree decrease visitation rates to inflorescences and flowers. This effect has been strongly correlated with urban environments in which trees with the largest floral displays are observed. Pollinating bees (and nectar robbers) visit few flowers per inflorescence and concentrate visits to a fraction of available flowers, generating an overdispersed distribution of the number of visits per inflorescence and per flower. This behaviour reflects preferential visits to young flowers (including flower buds) with a greater nectar supply.  相似文献   

  • Bees are the most important diurnal pollinators of angiosperms. In several groups of bees a nocturnal/crepuscular habit developed, yet little is known about their role in pollination and whether some plants are adapted specifically to these bees. We used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the reproductive biology and to understand the role of nocturnal/crepuscular bees in pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly named cambuci.
  • We studied the floral biology and breeding system of C. phaea. We collected the floral visitors and tested the pollinators' effectiveness. We also determined the floral scents released at night and during daytime, and studied behavioural responses of crepuscular/nocturnal bees towards these scents.
  • The flowers of cambuci were self‐incompatible and had pollen as the only resource for flower visitors. Anthesis lasted around 14 h, beginning at 04:30 h at night. The flowers released 14 volatile compounds, mainly aliphatic and aromatic compounds. We collected 52 species of floral visitors, mainly bees. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees (four species) were among the most frequent species and the only effective pollinators. In field bioassays performed at night, nocturnal/crepuscular bees were attracted by a synthetic scent blend consisting of the six most abundant compounds.
  • This study describes the first scent‐mediated pollination system between a plant and its nocturnal bee pollinators. Further, C. phaea has several floral traits that do not allow classification into other nocturnal pollination syndromes (e.g. pollinator attraction already before sunrise, with pollen as the only reward), instead it is a plant specifically adapted to nocturnal bees.

Flowers that are pollinated both during the day and at night could exhibit two different groups of pollinators and produce two different sets of attractants and rewards. We explored the patterns of emission of flower scents and production of nectar in the cactus Echinopsis chiloensis ssp. chiloensis, in relation to the patterns of activity of its diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. We measured frequency of flower visitors, analyzed floral scents, measured nectar production and sugar concentration, and performed pollination exclusion experiments. Bees were the main visitors at daytime and hawkmoths at nighttime. Diurnal scents were dominated by several compounds that can attract a wide range of pollinators, whereas nocturnal scents were less diverse and were dominated by (E)-nerolidol, a compound eliciting antennal responses in hawkmoths. Nectar volume and sugar concentration at night were similar to those recorded in hawkmoth-pollinated flowers. Daytime nectar volume was higher than those commonly found in bee-pollinated flowers, but similar to those found in flowers pollinated by several pollinators. Daytime sugar concentration was similar to those recorded in bee-pollinated flowers. Flowers of E. chiloensis ssp. chiloensis seem morphologically adapted to hawkmoth pollination, but diurnal and nocturnal pollinators contribute to similar extents to reproductive success. Additionally, diurnal and nocturnal pollinators showed a synergic effect on the product of fruit set and seed set. The results are discussed in terms of the linkage between floral traits and perception abilities and requirements of pollinators.  相似文献   

Many columnar cacti are bat pollinated. It has been suggested that this kind of pollination would be more important in tropical than in temperate regions where flowers are open only one night. Thrichocereus pasacana produces big and resistant white flowers. We analyzed flower characteristics, floral cycle, stigmatic receptivity, nectar production, pollen presence and floral visitors in a T. pasacana population at National Park Los Cardones (Salta, Argentina) in November 1997. Flower features were constant between individuals of the population. Flowers start opening at evening and anthesis time is from 18 to 40 hs. The estigma was receptive throughout the floral cycle. Anther dehiscence occurs with flower opening. Nectar production was highest between 18 to 24 hs. Although T. pasacana are open during the night, floral visitors are diurnal. The most frequent was Xylocopa sp. In the study area, nectarivorous bats were not detected. The morphological features of T. pasacana flowers were similar but bigger compared to other columnar cacti. Anthesis time was also longer while nectar production was lower. T. pasacana pollination at National Park Los Cardones is done by bees.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chiropterophillous and ornithophillous characteristics can form part of a single reproductive strategy in plants that have flowers with diurnal and nocturnal anthesis. This broader pollination strategy can ensure seed set when pollinators are scarce or unpredictable. This appears to be true of hummingbirds, which presumably pollinate Marginatocereus marginatus, a columnar cactus with red nocturnal and diurnal flowers growing as part of dense bat-pollinated columnar cacti forests in arid regions of central Mexico. The aim of this study was to study the floral biology of M. marginatus, and evaluate the effectiveness of nocturnal vs. diurnal pollinators and the contribution of each pollinator group to overall plant fitness. METHODS: Individual flower buds were marked and followed to evaluate flower phenology and anthesis time. Flowers and nectar production were measured. An exclusion experiment was conducted to measure the relative contribution of nocturnal and diurnal pollinators to seed set. KEY RESULTS: Marginatocereus marginatus has red hermaphroditic flowers with nocturnal and diurnal anthesis. The plant cannot produce seeds by selfing and was pollinated during the day by hummingbirds and during the night by bats, demonstrating that both pollinator groups were important for plant reproduction. Strong pollen limitation was found in the absence of one of the pollinator guilds. CONCLUSIONS: Marginatocereus marginatus has an open pollination system in which both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators are needed to set seeds. This represents a fail-safe pollination system that can ensure both pollination, in a situation of low abundance of one of the pollinator groups (hummingbirds), and high competition for nocturnal pollinators with other columnar cacti that bloom synchronously with M. marginatus in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.  相似文献   

The outcomes of interactions among plants and the insects that use their flowers are likely to vary among the physical environments and the communities in which they grow. In this study we quantified floral damage of Aconitum lycoctonum in high (>2000 m) and low (c. 500 m) elevation populations in Switzerland. At high elevation, floral damage was frequent and was caused by nectar-robbing short-tongued bumblebees. Nectar robbers make a hole in the flower when they collect nectar. A nectar robber exclusion experiment showed that nectar robbery by short-tongued bumblebees had no effect on the female reproductive success of plants; robbing bees rarely damaged the nectaries, and damage to the petals probably does not decrease flower longevity. In addition, nectar robbers tended to collect pollen during about 10% of their visits. Thus, these bees may act as low-efficiency pollinators and may, at times, be mutualistic associates. At low elevation, the holes in the flowers were caused by beetles (Meligethes viridescens) and not by short-tongued bumblebees. The beetles eat pollen and might also consume nectar. Since the beetles gain access to pollen and nectar by entering the flower through its opening, and later chew holes while foraging on floral tissue, the beetles are pollen eaters rather than nectar robbers. Overall, our results show that not all floral damage is caused by nectar robbers and that there can be strong altitudinal variation in the causes and consequences of floral damage.  相似文献   

Ipomoea habeliana is an endemic, night‐flowering member of the Galápagos flora. Pollination experiments, flower‐visitor observations, nectar sampling, pollen transfer, and pollen to ovule ratio and pollen size studies were included in this project. The large, white flowers of this species set fruit via open pollination (55%), autonomous autogamy (51%), facilitated autogamy (91%), cross‐pollination (80%), diurnal open pollination (60%) and nocturnal open pollination (60%). Fruit set is pollen‐limited. Ants, beetles, crickets and hawk moths regularly visit the flowers. Ants are the most frequent visitors, but hawk moths are the only effective pollinators. Nectar is available throughout the night, but is most abundant early in the evening when hawk moth visits are most frequent. Experiments with fluorescent dust demonstrate intra‐ and inter‐plant pollen movement by hawk moths. Although this species is adapted for hawk moth pollination, it readily sets fruit via autonomous autogamy when no visits are made. Thus, it is concluded that it is facultatively xenogamous. Additional support for this conclusion is provided by the pollen to ovule ratio of 1407 and by the fact that the plants grow in a region that has few or no faithful pollinators. Conservation efforts for I. habeliana should include hand pollinations, which could significantly increase seed set. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 11–20.  相似文献   

The self-incompatible flowers of Linaria vulgaris have developed a range of mechanisms for attraction of insect visitors/pollinators and deterrence of ineffective pollinators and herbivores. These adaptive traits include the flower size and symmetry, the presence of a spur as a “secondary nectar presenter,” olfactory (secondary metabolites) and sensual (scent, flower color, nectar guide—contrasting palate) signals, and floral rewards, i.e. pollen and nectar. Histochemical tests revealed that the floral glandular trichomes produced essential oils and flavonoids, and pollen grains contained flavonoids, terpenoids, and steroids, which play a role of olfactory attractants/repellents. The nectary gland is disc-shaped and located at the base of the ovary. Nectar is secreted through numerous modified stomata. Nectar secretion began in the bud stage and lasted to the end of anthesis. The amount of produced nectar depended on the flower age and ranged from 0.21 to 3.95 mg/flower (mean?=?1.51 mg). The concentration of sugars in the nectar reached up to 57.0%. Both the nectar amount and sugar concentration demonstrated a significant year and population effect. Pollen production was variable between the years of the study. On average, a single flower of L. vulgaris produced 0.31 mg of pollen. The spectrum of insect visitors in the flowers of L. vulgaris differed significantly between populations. In the urban site, Bombus terrestris and Apis mellifera were the most common visitors, while a considerable number of visits of wasps and syrphid flies were noted in the rural site.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated selection toward larger and abundant flowers is common in naturally pollen‐limited populations. However, floral antagonists may counteract this effect, maintaining smaller‐ and few‐flowered individuals within populations. We quantified pollinator and antagonist visit rates and determined a multiplicative female fitness component from attacked and non‐attacked flowers of the Brazilian hummingbird‐pollinated shrub Collaea cipoensis to determine the selective effects of pollinators and floral antagonists on flower size and number. We predicted that floral antagonists reduce the female fitness component and thus exert negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting the positive effects of pollinators. Pollinators, mainly hummingbirds, comprised 4% of total floral visitation, whereas antagonist ants and bees accounted for 90% of visitation. Nectar‐robbers involved about 99% of floral antagonist visit rates, whereas florivores comprised the remaining 1%. Larger and abundant flowers increased both pollinator and antagonist visit rates and the female fitness component significantly decreased in flowers attacked by nectar‐robbers and florivores in comparison to non‐attacked flowers. We detected that pollinators favored larger‐ and many‐flowered individuals, whereas floral antagonists exerted negative selection on flower size and number. This study confirms that floral antagonists reduce female plant fitness and this pattern directly exerts negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting pollinator‐mediated selection on floral attractiveness traits.  相似文献   

Floral morphology, nectar secretion strategies and the contribution of pollinators to the reproductive success of plants provide important clues regarding the levels of generalization or specialization in pollination systems. Anthesis throughout the day and night allows flowers to be visited by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, promoting generalization or specialization. We studied three species in the diverse tropical genus Inga to: (1) quantify the response of flowers to successive nectar extractions and (2) determine the contribution of diurnal and nocturnal floral visitors to female reproductive success. Inga flowers could be clearly distinguished mainly on the basis of the staminal tube diameter and the quantities of filaments and pollen grains. Successive nectar removals led to a decrease of 60% in the total nectar secretion in I. vera and to increases of 20% in I. ingoides and 10% in I. striata. Despite these differences, the studied Inga spp. exhibited similar patterns of visitation rates and shared diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. Nocturnal pollinators contributed ten times more than diurnal pollinators to the female reproductive success of Inga. Floral morphology, nectar secretion patterns and pollination ecology data suggest an evolutionary trend towards specialization for nocturnal pollinators in Inga spp. with crepuscular or nocturnal flowers. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 230–245.  相似文献   

Floral visitor assemblages within plant populations are usually composed of different visitors, and the relative abundance of these visitors also varies. Therefore, identifying the relative strength of these floral visitors driving floral evolution within the population is an important step in predicting the evolutionary trajectory of floral traits. Using supplemental hand pollination and nectar-robbing exclusion treatments, we experimentally identified the relative strengths of legitimate pollinators (that visit flowers through the corolla tube entrance) and nectar robbers (that visit flowers by biting a hole in the corolla tube or using an existing hole) driving floral evolution within the Primula secundiflora population. We also estimated legitimate pollinator- and nectar robber-mediated selection separately for pin and thrum flowers. Both legitimate pollinators and nectar robbers mediated selection on pollination efficiency traits in P. secundiflora population. Legitimate pollinators mediated selection for wider corolla tubes, whereas nectar robbers mediated selection for longer corolla tubes. In addition, nectar robber-mediated selection on corolla tube length marginally varied between the pin and thrum flowers. Nectar robber mediated selection for longer corolla tube length in the pin flowers not in the thrum flowers. These results indicate that legitimate pollinators and nectar robbers within a population can drive differential evolutionary trajectories of floral traits.  相似文献   

Lilium auratum var. platyphyllum, which is endemic to the Izu Islands, has white petals and emits a strong floral scent, typical of moth‐pollinated plants. Moths might be important pollinators within the Izu Islands because swallowtail butterflies are absent or rare there. Therefore, we investigated insular var. platyphyllum and widespread L. auratum var. auratum on the mainland of Japan to clarify the relationship between floral characteristics and pollinators. Measurement of floral scent intensity using an odor sensor indicated that the intensity increased in the evening and at night in var. platyphyllum, whereas intensity increased at night in var. auratum. Total sugar weight in nectar, which was calculated by nectar volume and sugar concentration, showed that the flowers of var. platyphyllum secreted nectar abundantly both in the evening and at night, whereas those of var. auratum secreted an almost constant amount of nectar throughout the day. Flower visitor assemblages and their frequencies studied using digital cameras suggested that crepuscular and nocturnal hawkmoths are important pollinators for var. platyphyllum. In contrast, both diurnal swallowtail butterflies and nocturnal large hawkmoths are important and effective pollinators for var. auratum. These conclusions were also supported by the exclusion experiments of either diurnal or nocturnal flower visitors using mesh bags. The rates of seed sets of var. platyphyllum were significantly higher from nocturnal pollination than from diurnal pollination. Thus, this study revealed that floral traits of var. platyphyllum show more adaptation for crepuscular and nocturnal hawkmoths, which are relatively abundant in the Izu Islands, than those of var. auratum.  相似文献   

The capacity to produce seed, both by selfing and outcrossing, or mixed mating strategies, is considered a mechanism for overcoming unpredictable pollinator availability. In the present study, we investigate breeding system, insect visitations and the role of insect visitors in the pollination of five species of Oenothera subsect. Oenothera. Field experiments showed that autonomous selfing occurs at bud stage, prior to the opening of the flower. Control flowers showed similar seed set to hand-pollinated flowers, whereas emasculated flowers and those subject to open pollination set fewer seed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the investigated Oenothera exhibit a great capacity for autonomous selfing and that selfing is selected in order to provide reproductive assurance. Although flowers were visited mostly by nocturnal lepidopterans, these insects did not precipitate pollination and are thus considered nectar thieves. Conversely, analysis of pollen loads and behavior during foraging by diurnal insect visitors revealed that honeybees and bumblebees are the probable pollinators. We conclude that production of flowers capable of autonomous selfing at bud stage, followed by anthesis and opportunities for outcrossing, probably improves the invasive potential of these Oenothera in Europe, together with a rapid increase in their populations, even when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

  • Analyses of resource presentation, floral morphology and pollinator behaviour are essential for understanding specialised plant‐pollinator systems. We investigated whether foraging by individual bee pollinators fits the floral morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis, whose flowers are characterised by a nectar scale‐staminode complex and pollen release by thigmonastic stamen movements.
  • We described pollen and nectar presentation, analysed the breeding system and the foraging strategy of bee pollinators. We determined the nectar production pattern and documented variations in the longevity of floral phases and stigmatic pollen loads of pollinator‐visited and unvisited flowers.
  • Bicolletes indigoticus (Colletidae) was the sole pollinator with females revisiting flowers in staminate and pistillate phases at short intervals, guaranteeing cross‐pollen flow. Nectar stored in the nectar scale‐staminode complex had a high sugar concentration and was produced continuously in minute amounts (~0.09 μl·h?1). Pushing the scales outward, bees took up nectar, triggering stamen movements and accelerating pollen presentation. Experimental simulation of this nectar uptake increased the number of moved stamens per hour by a factor of four. Flowers visited by pollinators received six‐fold more pollen on the stigma than unvisited flowers, had shortened staminate and pistillate phases and increased fruit and seed set.
  • Flower handling and foraging by Bicolletes indigoticus were consonant with the complex flower morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis. Continuous nectar production in minute quantities but at high sugar concentration influences the pollen foraging of the bees. Partitioning of resources lead to absolute flower fidelity and stereotyped foraging behaviour by the sole effective oligolectic bee pollinator.

Myristica fatua is a dioecious specialist species restricted to the endangered, freshwater Myristica swamp forests in the Western Ghats, India. Earlier studies have alluded to pollination by deception in members of the Myristica genus, and thus we examined the pollination ecology comprising floral biology, flower production, flower visitors, and reproductive success in M. fatua and inferred the potential strategies that could permit such deception in this habitat specialist tree. Male flowers provide pollen rewards for an extended period of time while female flowers are rewardless and both sexes are visited by generalist insects, mainly by honeybees and stingless bees. Bee visits were significantly more frequent and longer on male than on female flowers as bees collected pollen from male flowers. We found that flower production patterns create a preponderance of males compared to females in the swamp populations. Using a model of honeybee color vision, we found the distance between the color loci of male and female flowers and based on minimum visual angle subtended by these flowers, we suggest that the two floral sexes cannot be discriminated by bees. Bees are likely deceived by the perceptual similarity of rewardless female flowers to pollen-offering male flowers and pollination is the consequence of foraging errors made by pollinators that encounter largely male–rarely female flower mosaics as they forage among clump-distributed M. fatua trees in the swamp habitat.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) is being increasingly planted worldwide, but questions remain regarding its pollination biology. This study examined the contribution of diurnal and nocturnal insects to the pollination of monoecious J. curcas, through its floral biology, pollination ecology, and foraging behavior of potential pollinators. Nectar production of both male and female flowers peaked in the morning, declined in the afternoon, and rapidly bottomed during the night in all of their anthesis days. The diurnal visitors to the flowers of J. curcas are bees and flies, and the nocturnal visitors are moths. Flowers received significantly more visits by diurnal insects than by nocturnal insects. Through bagging flowers during night or day or both or exclusion, we compared fruit and seed production caused by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. Both nocturnal and diurnal visitors were successful pollinators. However, flowers exposed only to nocturnal visitors produced less fruits than those exposed only to diurnal visitors. Thus, diurnal pollinators contribute more to seed production by J. curcas at the study site.  相似文献   

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