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We compared the habitat preferences of the alien raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides (Gray, 1834) and the native badger Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758) in two areas (Ruissalo and Tuulos) in southern Finland by radio-tracking the animals during summer from 2005 to 2008. We assumed that the habitat preferences of these two medium-sized carnivores differ to some extent (ie they are able to share the resources), because they have been sympatric for more than 50 years in southern Finland and populations of both species have increased during that period. The results indicated that the habitat preferences of these species are indeed different: raccoon dogs favoured meadows, gardens and open woodlands with tall and abundant undergrowth, whereas badgers favoured both pine forests and deciduous and mixed forests with thick canopy but sparse undergrowth. However, fields were favoured by both species in one study area (Tuulos). The results show that although both species are flexible in their habitat use and share some habitat preferences, the most favoured habitats differ between the species.  相似文献   

K. Kauhala    E. Helle    K. Taskinen 《Journal of Zoology》1993,231(1):95-106
Home ranges, relationships between individuals and dispersal among raccoon dogs ( Nyctereutes procyonoides ) were studied in southern Finland in 1989-91. The average maximum home range, calculated by the harmonic mean method. was 9·5 km2 and the core area (85% utilization) 3·4 km2. There were no statistically significant annual. seasonal or sexual differences in the size of the average core area of adults, but the home ranges of juveniles in autumn were larger than those of adults. However. the maximum home ranges of adults were larger in autumn than in summer, especially those of males, which were conspicuously small in summer and large in autumn. The core areas of adjacent pairs did not usually overlap in the pup-rearing season. but in autumn some home ranges shifted and there was much more overlap. The home ranges of the male and female of a pair overlapped almost totally, and a male and a female sharing the same home range also travelled together or close to each other, thus supporting the idea that the raccoon dog is monogamous in Finland. None of the adults left the study area, but 38% of the juveniles were recovered further than 10 km from the marking place during the first autumn.  相似文献   

Diets of raccoon dog, red fox and badger were studied in southern Finland from 1990 to 1996 by collecting faeces from dens and latrines during May-July of each year. The frequency of occurrence and relative volume of each food item in the faeces were calculated. The raccoon dog was the most and the red fox the least omnivorous of these carnivores, according to the diversity index. Diet composition of all these species varied among areas, indicating that they are opportunistic feeders. Mammals and birds constituted the bulk of the fox diet, while invertebrates, frogs and plants were most frequently eaten by the badger. The frequency of earthworms in badger faeces varied between 16 and 77%, according to area. Voles and shrews were important to the raccoon dog, but it also frequently consumed other food items. The food niches of the badger and the raccoon dog overlapped more than that of the red fox and other species. The red fox was more carnivorous and fed on larger prey items than the others, but the food composition of the red fox in the present study reflects the prey carried to the den for the pups; thus, the diet of adult foxes may be more similar to that of the raccoon dog. In conclusion, these 3 carnivores share many resources, suggesting that competition may occur among them: however, their diets also differ to some extent, which helps them to avoid competition. Furthermore, the badger and the raccoon dog are dormant during winter, when food is scarcest, which may be the reason why all these species can coexist in rather unproductive boreal forests.  相似文献   

Activity patterns and movements of raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) were studied in Virolahti, southeast Finland, in 2000–2003. Activity data were compared to those collected from Evo, south-central Finland, in 1990–1993. Activity in winter was compared to weather (temperature and snow depth), day length and moon. Also circadian activity rhythm was studied in Evo. Raccoon dogs moved fastest in late winter after winter dormancy and slowest in autumn before settling in their winter dens. In March, males were moving more often than females. Raccoon dogs stayed usually in their dens in mid-winter (December–February) but were sometimes wandering around also during the harshest months of the year and changed their winter den on average three times. Both day length and weather affected the activity of raccoon dogs in winter. Animals usually stayed in their dens, when temperature was below –10 °C, snow depth >35 cm and day length <7 h and were moving around, when temperature was >0 °C, there was no snow and day length was >10 h. Day length and snow depth together predicted rather well the probability of animals being active during winter. Although raccoon dogs were more often active at night than during the light hours, they also showed rather much diurnal activity.  相似文献   

In farmed raccoon dogs and blue foxes, the hepatic content of cytochrome P-450 and the activity of polysubstrate mono-oxygenase with benzo(a)pyrene and 7-ethoxycoumarin as substrates, as well as activity of UDP glucuronosyltransferase were of the same order of magnitude as those in the laboratory rat. The amount of reduced glutathione tended to be higher in canids. There existed differences in the biotransformation activities between raccoon dogs from different farms. These cannot, however, be systematically related to the quality of food, body composition and succinate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

In the raccoon dog,Nyctereutes procyonoides, utilization of latrines (defecation and urination sites), and olfactory recognition and memorization of latrine feces were studied in captivity. All individuals living within a cage utilized 1 communal latrine. The continuous and communal utilization of the latrine was based on a behavioural trait to deposit their excrement on the dung pile which was already present. They were attracted not only by their own dung pile but also by that of strange conspecifics. However, raccoon dogs could olfactorily recognize and memorize both their own feces and that of strange conspecifics individually. These results indicate that, in the raccoon dog, latrines serve as a place of information exchange about conspecific individuals, and olfactory memorization of the feces adjusts their social behaviour when they acutually encounter each other.  相似文献   

我们于1964年从曼耗周边山林中感染的病人分离得一株称为L60株的钩端螺旋体,现已被国际上列为新基因种亚历山大钩端螺旋体(L.alexanderi)的型株(Type strain)。但它的血清变种名称国内外不一致(国内称曼耗、国外称曼耗3),国外还认为其来源不明。因此,撰写本文以解决这些问题。本文详细描述了L60株的发现、筛选过程。从其分类学研究历史,阐明其命名不一致的原因。鉴于史籍已载有曼耗血清变种(Serovar manhao,reference stran Manhao),L60不应再名为曼耗,而且曼耗3这一名称不符合国际规定,故有必要再予重新命名。我们建议将L60株重新命名为廷祚血清变种(Serovar Ting-zuo),用以纪念陈廷祚氏对我国钩端螺旋体和钩端螺旋体病研究的贡献。  相似文献   

The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is a canid omnivore with autumnal fattening and winter sleep. Farmraised raccoon dogs have elevated plasma leptin and growth hormone levels in the winter and depressed plasma cortisol and insulin concentrations during wintertime food deprivation. However, these parameters were not previously tested in the wild population. In the present study 37 wild raccoon dogs were sampled at different seasons and diverse biochemical variables were determined. The results mostly confirmed previous observations on farmraised raccoon dogs. The liver glycogen stores increased during the autumnal fattening period but were low in the winter. The liver glycogen phosphorylase activity decreased but lipase activity increased in the winter indicating the use of fat as the principal metabolic fuel. The plasma insulin concentrations were low in the winter allowing the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. Low wintertime cortisol and thyroid hormone levels could contribute to protein sparing. Unlike on farms, wild raccoon dogs did not show seasonal fluctuations in their plasma ghrelin or growth hormone levels. The observed physiological phenomena emphasise the adaptation of the species to long periods of food scarcity in the winter.  相似文献   

Monogamous canid home range size is often negatively correlated with population density. Home range size, in turn, may be affected by the habitat. Here we examined landscape features that may affect home range size of the invasive raccoon dogNyctereutes procyonoides (Gray, 1834), an important vector of diseases and parasites in Europe. The aim was thus to reveal the habitats where population density and the risk for epizootics is highest. We radio tracked 42 raccoon dogs in three areas in southern Finland between 2001 and 2007. There was an inverse relationship between home range size and the proportions of meadows and gardens, as well as habitat richness. Also mixed forests were more common in areas where home ranges were small. The risk for epizootics, such as rabies, is thus highest in areas which constitute of a mosaic of small patches of meadows, gardens and mixed forests. The preventive measures, such as bait vaccinations, against epizootics should therefore be concentrated in these areas which are mainly in and around villages.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides, an East Asian canid species, was introduced into the European part of the former USSR since 1928. Within 50 years (1935–1984), it colonised a territory of 1.4 million km2 in Europe. A telemetry study took place in Southern Brandenburg in a 60 km2 sized study area with a typical mosaic structured East German agricultural landscape. For catching raccoon dogs, 20 trap boxes were set there in an area of 46 km2, and between February 2001 and July 2004, 15 (5 males, 10 females) adult and 46 (25 males, 21 females) juvenile raccoon dogs were eartagged and adults additionally fitted with radio collars (Biotrack, 150–151 MHz). Data on dispersal behaviour was collected by the relocation points of 11 juveniles (6 males, 5 females). Four juvenile males dispersed even more than 40 km from their trapping places. Additionally, dispersal of two adult males could be documented. This behaviour probably indicates that the German raccoon dog population still is in a process of colonising. This canid’s ability for colonising spacious and distant areas during comparative short periods of time and its preference for habitats with richness of water possibly make this species to be an important vector of fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis—a very dangerous zoonosis.  相似文献   

Estimation of the dietary habits of extinct species using morphological traits has been attempted in numerous studies; however, previous methods have encountered several difficulties, such as requiring specialized equipment. In this study, we describe an easy quantitative method for estimating the dietary habits, and apply it to extinct raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes) species (Carnivora, Mammalia). The method is based on the lower molar ratios (M2/M1 size) that reflect the species diet (carnivorous and omnivorous tendencies) in Canidae. Among the species statistically compared, Nyctereutes sinensis showed a lower M2/M1 score similar to that of Nyctereutes procyonoides albus (Hokkaido, Japan), whereas Nyctereutes tingi had a higher M2/M1 score similar to that of Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus (Honshu and Kyushu, Japan). These scores suggest that the diets of N. sinensis and N. tingi were similar to those of N. p. albus (relatively carnivorous) and N. p. viverrinus (relatively omnivorous), respectively. Other extinct raccoon dogs also showed varied M2/M1 score, suggesting dietary difference. These results suggest that raccoon dogs underwent dietary transitions or exhibited dietary plasticity during evolution, while their range of diets might have remained the same as those of different populations of extant species Nyctereutes procyonoides.  相似文献   

In total, 721 specimens from eight populations of the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides across native and colonized areas have been studied. The most polymorphic populations inhabit the European part of Russia and a part of the native area. The raccoon dog from Eastern Poland and the Primorie Far East is characterized by low intrapopulational variability. Quantitative genetic variations in the studied populations indicate a relatively higher level in the population from the Primorie Far East compared to the Southern Vologda and Eastern Poland. The pattern of morphological variability in the raccoon dog is shaped by such factors as the latest phylogenetic history of the species and the structure of the morphotype frequency in the time of the divergence of the populations on both micro-and macro-geographic levels. The influence of geographic and climatic factors forms a well-pronounced trend towards diversification in tooth morphology, which is most probably the consequence of adaptations to changes in the food niche.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (ml X kg-0.75/min) in relation to ambient temperature (Ta) in the raccoon dog whelps at the ages of 7-9 weeks and 17-19 weeks is described by equations y = 32.9-0.69x and y = 26.2-0.49x, respectively. The corresponding equations to adults in summer and winter pelages are y = 19.6-0.46x and y = 14.5-0.32x, respectively. The cooling constant (min-1) of deceased raccoon dogs decreased exponentially with increasing body mass, while M-0.75 specific heat transfer coefficient (W X kg-0.75/degrees C) regressed linearly on body mass, y = 0.124-0.00066x. Cooling rate of deceased animals were more dependent on body mass than on pelage quality.  相似文献   

貂、狐、貉群犬瘟热临床及病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对2006年6~10月山东、河北等地区的部分毛皮动物养殖场发生疑似犬瘟热的疫情进行了流行病学、临床症状以及剖检病变观察和分析,对采集的病料进行了细菌分离鉴定、病毒特异性核酸检测,并选取肝、脾、肺、心、脑、膀胱和胃进行了病理组织学检查.结果表明,这起疫情主要是由携带CDV的貉、貂调运而促进病毒传播感染引起.发病动物剖检病变以全身脏器出血性变化为特征,病情及病变严重程度依次为貉>狐狸>水貂.病理学变化特征为肺泡壁增厚,大量炎性细胞浸润,且在脱落肺泡上皮细胞、膀胱上皮细胞胞浆内偶见嗜酸性的球形包涵体,支气管上皮变形、坏死、脱落,淋巴细胞浸润;非化脓性脱髓鞘性脑炎;脾脏、肾脏、心脏、肝脏、胃和肠道有不同程度出血、坏死等病变.通过对发病狐、貉、貂的肺、肝、脑、膀胱等脏器病理学比较,在病变程度上水貂与狐狸、貉有差异.但是同一种动物,依病程、病型及有无并发症等因素,病理学变化也存在差异.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 39 Japanese raccoon dogs (NPV) which appeared in the literature and of 7 previously unreported specimens were examined. Thirty four individuals showed the standard karyotype 2K = 26M + 10A + (M)X + (A)Y + Bs (2n = 38 + Bs), where Bs are supernumerary chromosomes. The remaining 11 individuals had 2K = 25M + 12A + XY + Bs (2n = 39 + Bs) and one was 2K = 23M + 16A + XY + Bs (2n = 41 + Bs). The G- and C-banding analyses of both somatic and germ cells revealed that these karyotypes with odd numbers are heterozygous (M/A) for a single Robertsonian rearrangement of chromosomes 2, 5, 6, 8, or 11, and one is M/A heterozygous for three autosomes: 5, 6, and 11.  相似文献   

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