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More than just proliferation: Myc function in stem cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Adult stem cells generally reside in supporting local micro environments or niches, and intimate stem cell and niche association is critical for their long-term maintenance and function. Recent studies in model organisms especially Drosophila have started to unveil the underlying mechanisms of stem anchorage in the niche at the molecular and cellular level. Two types of cell adhesion molecules are emerging as essential players: cadherin-mediated cell adhesion for keeping stem cells within stromal niches, whereas integrin-mediated cell adhesion for keeping stem cells within epidermal niches. Further understanding stem cell anchorage and release in coupling with environmental changes should provide further insights into homeostasis control in tissues that harbor stem cells.Key words: stem cell, niche, anchorage, cell adhesion, extracellular matrix, cadherin, integrinTissue-specific adult stem cells are characterized by their prolonged self-renewal ability and potentiality to differentiate into one or more types of mature cells. These unique properties make stem cells essential for maintaining tissue homeostasis throughout life. It is generally believed that all adult stem cells reside in specific microenvironments named niches, which provide physical support and produce critical signals to maintain stem cell identity and govern their behavior.14 Consequently, intimate stem cell and niche association is a pre-requisite for stem cell''s long-term maintenance and function. How stem cells are kept within the niche is thus an important issue in stem cell biology. Characterization of a number of stem cell niches in model organisms has led to the classification of niches into two general types: stromal niches where stem cells have direct membrane contact with the niche cells and epidermal niches where stem cells are usually associated with the extracellular matrix (ECM), and do not directly contact any fixed stromal cells.1 Studies in Drosophila have led to the cellular and functional verification of the stem cell niche theory5,6 and not surprisingly, have also led to the discovery of the molecular mechanisms anchoring stem cells to the niche. Here I consider recent studies in Drosophila on types of cell adhesions used to anchor stem cells in the niches, and summarize cell adhesion molecules utilized in the most characterized niches in the mammalian tissues, and suggest that cadherin-mediated cell-to-cell adhesion and integrin-mediated cell-to-ECM adhesion are possibly two general mechanisms that function in respective stromal or epidermal niches for stem cell anchorage in diverse organisms.  相似文献   

Recently, two novel concepts have emerged in cancer biology: the role of so-called "cancer stem cells" in tumor initiation, and the involvement of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the metastatic dissemination of epithelial cancer cells. Using a mammary tumor progression model, we show that cells possessing both stem and tumorigenic characteristics of "cancer stem cells" can be derived from human mammary epithelial cells following the activation of the Ras-MAPK pathway. The acquisition of these stem and tumorigenic characters is driven by EMT induction.  相似文献   

The last decade was dominated by dissemination of the notion that postnatal "mesenchymal stem cells," found primarily in bone marrow but also in other tissues, can generate multiple skeletal and nonskeletal tissues, and thus can be exploited to regenerate a broad range of tissues and organs. The concept of "mesenchymal stem cells" and its applicative implications represent a significant departure from the solidly proven notion that skeletal stem cells are found in the bone marrow (and not in other tissues). Recent data that sharpen our understanding of the identity, nature, origin, and in vivo function of the archetypal "mesenchymal stem cells" (bone marrow skeletal stem cells) point to their microvascular location, mural cell identity, and function as organizers and regulators of the hematopoietic microenvironment/niche. These advances bring back the original concept from which the notion of "mesenchymal stem cells" evolved, and clarify a great deal of experimental data that accumulated in the past decade. As a novel paradigm emerges that accounts for many facets of the biology of skeletal stem cells, a novel paradigm independently emerges for their applicative/translational use. The two paradigms meet each other back in the future.  相似文献   

Stem cells are totipotent cells of the blastocyst (embryonal stem cells) and multipotent germinative cells of ento-, ecto-, and mesoderm that give rise to all tissues during embryogenesis. The stem cells have high proliferation activity and an unlimited capacity for self-production by symmetrical mitosis. Asymmetrical mitosis of the stem cells generates daughter cells (progenitor cells) with unlimited proliferation potential. During differentiation, the progenitor cells give rise to definitive somatic cells. The stem and progenitor cells are preserved in most tissues of adult organism and provide for the constant replacement of the cells after their physiological death and damage. At the end of last century, stem cells were found in the brain of the adult mouse and rat and later in the brain of other mammals including humans. The subependymal zone of the lateral ventricles is considered the site of stem cells localization; however, there are indications of stem cells origination from ependyma while the subependymal zone serves as a collector of the progenitor cells where these cells divide. The problem of the localization of stem cells in a mature brain has not yet been resolved and is actively discussed. The stem and progenitor cells, as well as neuro- and gliogenesis, are most explored in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb. The progenitor cells migrate to the olfactory bulb from the subependymal zone of the lateral ventricles via a rostral migratory stream formed by the astrocytes, and then they differentiate to neural and glial cells. In the hippocampus, the neurons are formed in the subgranular zone of dentate gyrus. an ongoing neuro- and gliogenesis in all periventricular sections of the brain and spinal cord during the whole animal or human lifespan. These processes proved to be related to the functional condition of CNS, and the de novoformed neural and glial cells proved to be involved in certain brain functions. Stress inhibits the proliferation of the stem cells, while certain brain pathologies (ischemia, injury, or epilepsy) can promote their division. Isolating and cultivating in vitrothe stem progenitor cells yielded their long-living clones, revealed the factors of their directed differentiation, and demonstrated the application of the native and genetically modified stem cells for the intrabrain transplantation of the cell and gene therapy of certain experimental brain pathologies, which offers a promising application of the stem cells for CNS maladies treatment. The aim of this review is to introduce the readers to the state of foreign studies on the brain stem cells by the beginning of 2001.  相似文献   

Many adult stem cells divide asymmetrically to balance self-renewal and differentiation, thereby maintaining tissue homeostasis. Asymmetric stem cell divisions depend on asymmetric cell architecture (i.e., cell polarity) within the cell and/or the cellular environment. In particular, as residents of the tissues they sustain, stem cells are inevitably placed in the context of the tissue architecture. Indeed, many stem cells are polarized within their microenvironment, or the stem cell niche, and their asymmetric division relies on their relationship with the microenvironment. Here, we review asymmetric stem cell divisions in the context of the stem cell niche with a focus on Drosophila germ line stem cells, where the nature of niche-dependent asymmetric stem cell division is well characterized.Asymmetric cell division allows stem cells to self-renew and produce another cell that undergoes differentiation, thus providing a simple method for tissue homeostasis. Stem cell self-renewal refers to the daughter(s) of stem cell division maintaining all stem cell characteristics, including proliferation capacity, maintenance of the undifferentiated state, and the capability to produce daughter cells that undergo differentiation. A failure to maintain the correct stem cell number has been speculated to lead to tumorigenesis/tissue hyperplasia via stem cell hyperproliferation or tissue degeneration/aging via a reduction in stem cell number or activity (Morrison and Kimble 2006; Rando 2006). This necessity changes during development. The stem cell pool requires expansion earlier in development, whereas maintenance is needed later to sustain tissue homeostasis.There are two major mechanisms to sustain a fixed number of adult stem cells: stem cell niche and asymmetric stem cell division, which are not mutually exclusive. Stem cell niche is a microenvironment in which stem cells reside, and provides essential signals required for stem cell identity (Fig. 1A). Physical limitation of niche “space” can therefore define stem cell number within a tissue. Within such a niche, many stem cells divide asymmetrically, giving rise to one stem cell and one differentiating cell, by placing one daughter inside and another outside of the niche, respectively (Fig. 1A). Nevertheless, some stem cells divide asymmetrically, apparently without the niche. For example, in Drosophila neuroblasts, cell-intrinsic fate determinants are polarized within a dividing cell, and subsequent partitioning of such fate determinants into daughter cells in an asymmetric manner results in asymmetric stem cell division (Fig. 1B) (see Fig. 3A and Prehoda 2009).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Mechanisms of asymmetric stem cell division. (A) Asymmetric stem cell division by extrinsic fate determinants (i.e., the stem cell niche). The two daughters of stem cell division will be placed in distinct cellular environments either inside or outside the stem cell niche, leading to asymmetric fate choice. (B) Asymmetric stem cell division by intrinsic fate determinants. Fate determinants are polarized in the dividing stem cells, which are subsequently partitioned into two daughter cells unequally, thus making the division asymmetrical. Self-renewing (red line) and/or differentiation promoting (green line) factors may be involved.In this review, we focus primarily on asymmetric stem cell divisions in the Drosophila germ line as the most intensively studied examples of niche-dependent asymmetric stem cell division. We also discuss some examples of stem cell division outside Drosophila, where stem cells are known to divide asymmetrically or in a niche-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The stem cell niches at the apex of Drosophila ovaries and testes have been viewed as distinct in two major respects. While both contain germline stem cells, the testis niche also contains "cyst progenitor" stem cells, which divide to produce somatic cells that encase developing germ cells. Moreover, while both niches utilize BMP signaling, the testis niche requires a key JAK/STAT signal. We now show, by lineage marking, that the ovarian niche also contains a second type of stem cell. These "escort stem cells" morphologically resemble testis cyst progenitor cells and their daughters encase developing cysts before undergoing apoptosis at the time of follicle formation. In addition, we show that JAK/STAT signaling also plays a critical role in ovarian niche function, and acts within escort cells. These observations reveal striking similarities in the stem cell niches of male and female gonads, and suggest that they are largely governed by common mechanisms.  相似文献   

A liquid culture system is described whereby proliferation of haemopoietic stem cells (CFU-S), production of granulocyte precursor cells (CFU-C), and extensive granulopoiesis can be maintained in vetro for several months. Such cultures consist of adherent and non-adherent populations of cells. The adherent population contains phagocytic mononuclear cells, "epithelial" cells, and "giant fat" cells. The latter appear to be particularly important for stem cell maintenance and furthermore there is a strong tendency for maturing granulocytes to selectively cluster in and around areas of "giant fat" cell aggregations. By "feeding" the cultures at weekly intervals, between 10 to 15 "population doublings" of functionally normal CFU-S regularly occurs. Increased "population doublings" may be obtained by feeding twice weekly. The cultures show initially extensive granulopoiesis followed, in a majority of cases, by an accumulation of blast cells. Eventually both blast cells and granulocytes decline and the cultures contain predominantly phagocytic mononuclear cells. Culturing at 33 degrees C leads to the development of a more profuse growth of adherent cells and these cultures show better maintenance of stem cells and increased cell density. When tested for colony stimulating activity (CSA) the cultures were uniformly negative. Addition of exogenous CSA caused a rapid decline in stem cells, reduced granulopoiesis and an accumulation of phagocytic mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

Breast epithelial stem cells are thought to be the primary targets in the etiology of breast cancer. Since breast cancers mostly express estrogen and progesterone receptor (ERalpha and PR), we examined the biology of these ERalpha/PR-positive cells and their relationship to stem cells in normal human breast epithelium. We employed several complementary approaches to identify putative stem cell markers, to characterise an isolated stem cell population and to relate these to cells expressing the steroid receptors ERalpha and PR. Using DNA radiolabelling in human tissue implanted into athymic nude mice, a population of label-retaining cells were shown to be enriched for the putative stem cell markers p21(CIP1) and Msi-1, the human homolog of Drosophila Musashi. Steroid receptor-positive cells were found to co-express these stem cell markers together with cytokeratin 19, another putative stem cell marker in the breast. Human breast epithelial cells with Hoechst dye-effluxing "side population" (SP) properties characteristic of mammary stem cells in mice were demonstrated to be undifferentiated "intermediate" cells by lack of expression of myoepithelial and luminal apical membrane markers. These SP cells were 6-fold enriched for ERalpha-positive cells and expressed several fold higher levels of the ERalpha, p21(CIP1) and Msi1 genes than non-SP cells. In contrast to non-SP cells, SP cells formed branching structures in matrigel which included cells of both luminal and myoepithelial lineages. The data suggest a model where scattered steroid receptor-positive cells are stem cells that self-renew through asymmetric cell division and generate patches of transit amplifying and differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Bone marrow contains a population of mesenchymal stem cells with the ability to differentiate into cells that form bone, cartilage, adipose, and other connective tissues. Stem cells can be isolated from bone marrow aspirates and expanded in vitro. Presently, most stem cells studies have been performed in cells obtained from "healthy" control subjects. The goal of this study was to compare the functional characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells derived from "healthy" control and osteoporotic postmenopausal women to better understand the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. Osteoporotic and control stem cells have similar morphology and size and express similar cell surface antigens as evidenced by their reactivity with cell specific monoclonal antibodies. Mesenchymal stem cells from osteoporotic women differ from controls in having a lower growth rate than control cells, being refractory to the mitogenic effect of IGF-1, and exhibiting a deficient ability to differentiate into the osteogenic linage as evidenced by the alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium phosphate deposition. We conclude that in osteoporosis stem cell growth, proliferative response and osteogenic differentiation are significantly affected. Also, the study of mesenchymal stem cells from osteoporotic postmenopausal women may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of the osteoporosis. It may also serve to test in vitro in rapid manner novel new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

We have examined the growth behavior of small numbers of interstitial stem cells transplanted into tissue of genetically unrelated strains of Hydra magnipapillata. We show that such stem cells, which are at low density following transplantation, proliferate more rapidly than the stem cells of the host, which are at normal density. The rapid proliferation is similar to the proliferation rate of stem cells transplanted into interstitial cell free tissue. The results suggest that stem cells transplanted into heterotypic tissue are unable to "sense" the presence of host stem cells and to adopt their growth rate to that of the surrounding cells. Thus, the feedback signal which negatively regulates stem cell growth as a function of stem cell density must be strain specific.  相似文献   

Stem cells have two common properties: the capacity for self-renewal and the potential to differentiate into one or more specialized cell types. In general, stem cells can be divided into two broad categories: adult (somatic) stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Recent evidence suggested that tumors may contain "cancer stem cells" with indefinite potential for self-renewal. In this review, we will focus on the molecular mechanisms regulating embryonic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, and discuss how these mechanisms may be relevant in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Limbal Stem Cells in Health and Disease   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Stem cells are present in all self-reviewing tissues and have unique properties. The ocular surface is made up of two distinct types of epithelial cells, constituting the conjunctival and the corneal epithelia. These epithelia are stratified, squamous and non-keratinized. Although anatomically continuous with each other at the corneoscleral limbus, the two cell phenotypes represent quite distinct subpopulations. The stem cells for the cornea are located at the limbus. The microenvironment of the limbus is considered to be important in maintaining stemness of the stem cells. They also act as a barrier to conjunctival epithelial cells and prevent them from migrating on to the corneal surface. In certain pathologic conditions, however, the limbal stem cells may be destroyed partially or completely resulting in varying degrees of stem cell deficiency with its characteristic clinical features. These include conjunctivalization of the cornea with vascularization, appearance of goblet cells, and an irregular and unstable epithelium. The stem cell deficiency can be managed with auto or allotransplantation of these cells. With the latter option, systemic immunosuppression is required. The stem cells can be expanded ex vivo on a processed human amniotic membrane and transplanted back to ocular surface with stem cell deficiency without the need of immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Forever young: death-defying neuroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chell JM  Brand AH 《Cell》2008,133(5):769-771
During development, many neural stem cells "age" as they sequentially generate distinct neuronal or glial cell types. In this issue, Maurange et al. (2008) now identify the temporal control factors in Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts) that regulate the fate of stem cell progeny and signal the end of stem cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Stem cells will undergo self-renewal to produce new stem cells if they are maintained in their niches. The regulatory mechanisms that recruit and maintain stem cells in their niches are not well understood. In Drosophila testes, a group of 12 nondividing somatic cells, called the hub, identifies the stem cell niche by producing the growth factor Unpaired (Upd). Here, we show that Rap-GEF/Rap signaling controls stem cell anchoring to the niche through regulating DE-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Loss of function of a Drosophila Rap-GEF (Gef26) results in loss of both germline and somatic stem cells. The Gef26 mutation specifically impairs adherens junctions at the hub-stem cell interface, which results in the stem cells "drifting away" from the niche and losing stem cell identity. Thus, the Rap signaling/E-cadherin pathway may represent one mechanism that regulates polarized niche formation and stem cell anchoring.  相似文献   



To explore the effect of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells on scar formation as well as the underlying mechanism.


The isolated placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells from mice were distributed in the wounded areas of scalded mouse models, attenuated inflammatory responses and decreased the deposition of collagens, thus performing a beneficial effect against scar formation. Hypoxia enhanced the protective effect of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α was involved in the protective effect of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells in hypoxic condition.


Hypoxia enhanced the protective effect of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells through hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and PMSCs may have a potential application in the treatment of wound.

Primary neural stem cell cultures are useful for studying the mechanisms underlying central nervous system development. Stem cell research will increase our understanding of the nervous system and may allow us to develop treatments for currently incurable brain diseases and injuries. In addition, stem cells should be used for stem cell research aimed at the detailed study of mechanisms of neural differentiation and transdifferentiation and the genetic and environmental signals that direct the specialization of the cells into particular cell types. This video demonstrates a technique used to disaggregate cells from the embryonic day 12.5 mouse dorsal forebrain. The dissection procedure includes harvesting E12.5 mouse embryos from the uterus, removing the "skin" with fine dissecting forceps and finally isolating pieces of cerebral cortex. Following the dissection, the tissue is digested and mechanically dissociated. The resuspended dissociated cells are then cultured in "stem cell" media that favors growth of neural stem cells.  相似文献   

In the human breast, stem cells give rise to myoepithelial and luminal epithelial cells that are needed during monthly estrous cycles and lactation. The mechanisms that govern mammary stem cells are hotly debated.Petersen and Polyak (2011) elegantly explain the developmental hierarchy of the human mammary gland as it is currently understood. It is amazing that the small pool of stem cells can be cyclically called on to give rise to the progenitors and more differentiated myoepithelial and luminal epithelial cells that are needed for expansion during monthly estrous cycles and in preparation for lactation. How do the stem cells respond so perfectly and repetitively throughout a woman’s childbearing years? Do stem cells harbor internal circadian clocks that work in time with similar clocks in the endocrine system and ovaries? Or are mammary stem cells able to respond to shifting physiological needs of the organism because their functions are controlled by their microenvironment, which changes with the ebb and flow of the physiological tide? That estrous cycles can vary according to life’s circumstances (e.g., changes in nutrition, exercise, or stress) and because lengths of pregnancies and lactation periods differ for each pregnancy, it seems likely that mammary stem cells are governed by an external control mechanism that interacts with systemic changes in physiology.That stem cells and all of their progeny share identical genomes, and that stem cells reside inside niche microenvironments that are completely unique as compared to those of the surrounding tissue, suggests that microenvironments exert a tremendous influence over stem cell behavior. Even mathematical models of hematopoiesis suggested that stem cell-extrinsic regulation was the best way to explain why stem cells responded to a wide variety of physiological needs (Loeffler and Roeder 2002; Roeder and Lorenz 2006). Experimentally, microenvironmental control of mammary progenitors, hematopoietic stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and neural progenitors has been shown by use of functional assays on arrayed combinatorial microenvironments (Flaim et al. 2005; Soen et al. 2006; LaBarge et al. 2009; Lutolf et al. 2009). And perhaps the grandest demonstration of the power of the microenvironment over stem cell function was shown repeatedly when adult stem cells from one tissue were shown to give rise to other tissues after they were placed in tissue-specific microenvironments different from their native ones (Blau et al. 2001; Boulanger et al. 2007; Booth et al. 2008). An important likelihood that arises from those experiments is that the phenotype of a stem cell is probably affected by its microenvironment (LaBarge et al. 2007). To completely understand the identity and control of mammary stem cells, we must meticulously define the microenvironment(s) they inhabit.As Petersen and Polyak point out, the methodology used to describe the stem cell hierarchy in adult hematopoietic systems has guided many subsequent studies aimed at identifying hierarchies in epithelial tissues. Accordingly, tissues are dissociated into suspensions of single cells, fractionated with a cell sorting technology, and the fractions are assayed for stem cell activity in a number of culture assays and in vivo when possible. Demonstration that a single cell can give rise to the tissue in question is often referred to as the “gold standard” experiment, and it is an unfortunate burden of proof held over from the hematopoietic field. Blood is an interesting tissue in that centers for hematopoiesis shift throughout development among locations that are anatomically close to the circulation, and it is thought that in adults, blood is produced from niches in marrow and vasculature (Sacchetti et al. 2007; Hooper et al. 2009; Butler et al. 2010). Thus, it makes sense that a single hematopoietic stem cell should regenerate the blood as nothing more is being asked of it than to do exactly what it was meant to, and to do it in the perfect microenvironment. Moreover, in the hematopoiesis model, where the microenvironment was essentially perfect, it stands to reason that one would only observe different activities according to the fraction from which single cells were derived. These facts may help explain why it has taken so long for acceptance of the idea that microenvironments can control stem cell activity. By comparison, adult mammary epithelial stem cells are distinct from the neonatal stem cells that made the initial mammary rudiment, and the adult stem cells evolved within an intricate epithelial architecture that was within a tissue stroma. That a single mouse mammary stem cell could give rise to an outgrowth was shown to occur at very low frequency (Shackleton et al. 2006; Stingl et al. 2006), and it has yet to be shown that a single normal human mammary stem cell can generate an outgrowth in a murine fat pad. Given the biological differences between blood and mammary epithelium, it is no surprise that the identity of human mammary stem cells and the mechanisms that govern them are still hotly debated.  相似文献   

Location, location, location: the cancer stem cell niche   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sneddon JB  Werb Z 《Cell Stem Cell》2007,1(6):607-611
The existence of a stem cell niche, or physiological microenvironment, consisting of specialized cells that directly and indirectly participate in stem cell regulation has been verified for mammalian adult stem cells in the intestinal, neural, epidermal, and hematopoietic systems. In light of these findings, it has been proposed that a "cancer stem cell niche" also exists and that interactions with this tumor niche may specify a self-renewing population of tumor cells. We discuss emerging data that support the idea of a veritable cancer stem cell niche and propose several models for the relationship between cancer cells and their niches.  相似文献   

Published and original data indicating evolutionary conservation of the morphofunctional organization of reserve stem cells providing for asexual and sexual reproduction of invertebrates are reviewed. Stem cells were studied in representatives of five animal types: archeocytes in sponge Oscarella malakhovi (Porifera), large interstitial cells in colonial hydroid Obelia longissima (Cnidaria), neoblasts in an asexual race of planarian Girardia tigrina (Platyhelmintes), stem cells in colonial rhizocephalans Peltogasterella gracilis, Polyascus polygenea, and Thylacoplethus isaevae (Arthropoda), and colonial ascidian Botryllus tuberatus (Chordata). Stem cells in animals of such diverse taxa feature the presence of germinal granules, are positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen, demonstrate alkaline phosphatase activity (a marker of embryonic stem cells and primary germ cells in vertebrates), and rhizocephalan stem cells express the vasa-like gene (such genes are expressed in germline cells of different metazoans). The self-renewing pool of stem cells is the cellular basis of the reproductive strategy including sexual and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

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