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PCR products were characterized by electrophoresis, blotting and hybridization. In addition to the bands of expected size, bands of slower electrophoretic mobility were often detected. The slower bands completely disappeared when the PCR products were subjected to slow cooling, treated with S1 nuclease or run on an alkaline gel, whereas the bands of expected size were unaffected. The slower bands are therefore likely to contain single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

The preparation of single-stranded DNA from double-stranded PCR products is an essential step in the identification of aptamers by Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). The most widely used method for producing single-stranded DNA is alkaline denaturation of biotinylated PCR products attached to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Recently, it has been suggested that this method may be unsuitable due to the release of interfering amounts of streptavidin and biotinylated DNA. In this article, the alkaline method is compared with a thermal method that is known to release significant amounts of streptavidin and biotinylated DNA. Results show that trace amounts of streptavidin and biotinylated DNA are released in the alkaline method, but this can be curtailed by preconditioning the beads in aqueous sodium hydroxide. The main product in the alkaline method is single-stranded DNA, which is produced in high yield.  相似文献   

Several antibiotics, netropsin, distamycin A, actinomycin D, Hoechst 33258 and olivomycin, which demonstrate base specificity in their DNA binding properties have been found to alter the electrophoretic mobility of DNA restriction fragments in native polyacrylamide gels. The antibiotics mostly reduced the migration of larger DNA fragments, but netropsin and Hoechst 33258 were observed to increase the migration rate of several DNA fragments of intermediate size. DNA fragments of similar molecular weight which comigrate as a single gel band can at times be separated as the result of differential mobility shifts promoted by antibiotic DNA complex formations.  相似文献   

A method has been developed using the SMART system for the purification of single stranded DNA from a mixture containing single- and double-stranded DNA amplified using asymmetric PCR. The asymmetric PCR product was separated into single- and double-stranded DNA using an anion exchange column which took 15 min. Compared to another method in which biotinylated symmetric PCR products were applied to an immobilized streptavidin column, this method was simple and could purify single- and double-stranded DNA. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Interactions between proteins and nucleic acids are frequently analyzed using electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs). This technique separates bound protein:nucleic acid complexes from free nucleic acids by electrophoresis, most commonly using polyacrylamide gels. The current study utilizes recent advances in agarose gel electrophoresis technology to develop a new EMSA protocol that is simpler and faster than traditional polyacrylamide methods. Agarose gels are normally run at low voltages (∼10 V/cm) to minimize heating and gel artifacts. In this study we demonstrate that EMSAs performed using agarose gels can be run at high voltages (≥20 V/cm) with 0.5 × TB (Tris-borate) buffer, allowing for short run times while simultaneously yielding high band resolution. Several parameters affecting band and image quality were optimized for the procedure, including gel thickness, agarose percentage, and applied voltage. Association of the siRNA-binding protein p19 with its target RNA was investigated using the new system. The agarose gel and conventional polyacrylamide gel methods generated similar apparent binding constants in side-by-side experiments. A particular advantage of the new approach described here is that the short run times (5–10 min) reduce opportunities for dissociation of bound complexes, an important concern in non-equilibrium nucleic acid binding experiments.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobility shift assay is a useful tool to identify proteins and nucleic acids interactions. Traditionally, the nucleic acids fragments are end-labeled with 32P. We present here the use of fluorescent methodologies for studies of RNA in place of radioactivity. The method is highly sensitive and quantitative with the use of an infrared fluorescence imaging system. Fluorescently labeled primers can be used to monitor protein–RNA interactions by fluorescent mobility shift assays. The simplicity and validity of this approach may have more advantages than that of previous methods that traditionally used hazardous radioisotopes. This method was successfully tested in the study of the interactions between MS2 Coat Protein and its RNA target.  相似文献   

Purified calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha is inactive with native DNA as template and shows little activity with denatured DNA. DNA synthesis with denatured DNA as template is greatly stimulated by the addition of a nuclease which initially copurifies with DNA polymerase but is separated from the polymerase on DEAE-cellulose chromatography. A limit digest of nuclease treated native DNA which is then denatured is replicated 80-95%; extensive replication is also obtained with native DNA partially degraded by pancreatic DNase and then denatured. The product of the reaction with calf thymus nuclease-treated DNA as template is double-stranded DNA with a hairpin (looped back) structure.  相似文献   

Adenovirus 5 DNA-protein complex is isolated from virions as a duplex DNA molecule covalently attached by the 5' termini of each strand to virion protein of unknown function. The DNA-protein complex can be digested with E. coli exonuclease III to generate molecules analogous to DNA replication intermediates in that they contain long single stranded regions ending in 5' termini bound to terminal protein. The infectivity of pronase digested Adenovirus 5 DNA is greatly diminished by exonuclease III digestion. However, the infectivity of the DNA-protein complex is not significantly altered when up to at least 2400 nucleotides are removed from the 3' ends of each strand. This indicates that the terminal protein protects 5' terminated single stranded regions from digestion by a cellular exonuclease. DNA-protein complex prepared from a host range mutant with a mutation mapping in the left 4% of the genome was digested with exonuclease III, hybridized to a wild type restriction fragment comprising the left 8% of the genome, and transfected into HeLa cells. Virus with wild type phenotype was recovered at high frequency.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a rapid preparation method for real-time PCR analysis of cyanobacteria from cultures or field samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: Field samples and cultures containing Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii or Microcystis aeruginosa were subjected to three cell disruption treatments: (i) heating during thermocycling, (ii) microwave irradiation in the presence of detergent and (iii) probe sonication. Treated samples were directly added to the PCR reaction and analysed on two different real-time devices. A statistically significant difference was evident in the cycle thresholds for each of the treatments in all but one culture and one environmental sample, sonication and microwave treatments performing better than direct addition. The microwave treatment was also compared to the Qiagen DNA Mini kit and performance was equivalent when treated samples were analysed as above. CONCLUSIONS: Whilst microwave treatment was slightly less effective than probe sonication across all samples, it was more amenable to processing multiple samples and significantly better than heat treating the sample during thermocycling. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The microwave method described here is a simple, rapid and effective preparation method for cyanobacterial DNA that can be easily deployed in the field, making the most of the speed and flexibility offered by fixed and portable real-time PCR devices.  相似文献   

Living cells survive environmentally stressful conditions by initiating a stress response. We monitored changes in the electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of single, optically trapped yeast cells under hyperosmotic stress conditions using optical tweezers combined with a position detector. We studied the dynamics of the EPM stress response for cells at different phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The yeast protein encoded by PUB1 binds T-rich single stranded DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have characterized binding activities in yeast which recognise the T-rich strand of the yeast ARS consensus element and have purified two of these to homogeneity. One (ACBP-60) is detectable in both nuclear and whole cell extracts, while the other (ACBP-67) is apparent only after fractionation of extracts by heparin-sepharose chromatography. The major binding activity detected in nuclear extracts was purified on a sequence-specific DNA affinity column as a single polypeptide with apparent mobility of 60kDa (ACBP-60). This protein co-fractionates with nuclei, is present at several thousand copies per cell and has a Kd for the T-rich single strand of the ARS consensus between 10(-9) and 10(-10) M. Competition studies with simple nucleic acid polymers show that ACBP-60 has marginally higher affinity for poly dT30 than for a 30 nt oligomer containing the T-rich strand of ARS 307, and approximately 10 fold higher affinity for poly rU. Internal sequence information of purified p60 reveals identity with the open reading frames of genes PUB1 and RNP1 which encode polyuridylate binding protein(s). The second binding activity, ACBP-67, also binds specifically to the T-rich single strand of the ARS consensus, but with considerably lower affinity than ACBP-60. Peptide sequence reveals that the 67kDa protein is identical to the major polyA binding protein in yeast, PAB1.  相似文献   

We have optimized a simple and rapid preparation procedure for mushroom DNA extraction from colonies on media or from fruiting bodies for PCR amplification. The protocol combines microwaving twice for 1 min, cooling for 10 min, and centrifuging for 5 min. By using this procedure, more than 100 samples of mushroom DNA can be prepared within 1 h. The DNA obtained can be used for (1) identifying mushroom species by PCR and subsequent sequencing, (2) amplifying low copy number genes (at least 2,000 bp), and (3) screening genetic transformants. This technique will contribute to the mycology of mushroom species.  相似文献   

Salmon eggs are common in Japanese sushi and other seafood products; however, certain fish eggs are used as counterfeit salmon eggs which are found in foods and processed products. This study develops a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for DNA extraction, filtration (FT) and dilution (DL) protocols from a single salmon egg with good DNA quality for real-time PCR amplification. The DNA amount, DNA quality, and real-time PCR performance for different dilutions and different lengths of PCR amplicons were evaluated and compared with the common Qiagen tissue kit (QTK) and Chelex-100-based (CX) protocols. The extracted DNA from a single salmon egg using the FT or DL protocol can be applied in phylogenic research, food authentication and post-marketing monitoring of genetically modified (GM) food products.  相似文献   

We have determined the gel electrophoretic behavior of closed circular plasmid pSM1 DNA (5420 bp) as a function of both temperature and of linking number (Lk). At temperatures below 37 degrees, the electrophoretic mobility first increases, then becomes constant as Lk is decreased below that of the relaxed closed DNA. As the temperature is increased above 37 degrees the electrophoretic mobility first increases as Lk decreases and then varies in a cyclic manner with further decreases in Lk. As the temperature is increased over the range 37 degrees - 65 degrees the cyclic behavior is manifested at progressively smaller decreases in Lk and the amplitude of the cycles increases. We interpret the results in terms of the early melting of superhelical DNA, in which the free energy associated with superhelix formation is progressively transferred to local denaturation. Using a two state approximation, we estimate the free energy change in the first cyclic transition to be 35 Kcal/mole DNA at 37 degrees and to decrease linearly with temperature. The free energy becomes equal to zero at a temperature of 71.6 degrees, which lies within 3 degrees of the melting temperature for the corresponding nicked circular DNA. From the slope of this relationship we estimate the apparent entropy and enthalpy of the first mobility transition to be 6.0 Kcal/mole base pair and 17.3 cal/mole base pair/degree, values consistent with duplex melting.  相似文献   

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