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Up-to-date results of taxonomic and phytogeographic studies ofOenothera subsect.Oenothera in the eastern part of the Czech Republic (Moravia and Silesia) are presented. A new hybridogenous species,Oe. moravica Jehlík etRostański (=Oe. fallax × Oe. victorini), is described from S Moravia. Several taxa and hybrids are reported for the first time for the Czech Republic:Oe. victorini Gates etCatcheside (=Oe. rostanskii Jehlík),Oe. × wienii Renner exRostański,Oe. acutifolia × Oe. victorini. Other taxa are recorded from the eastern part of the Czech Republic for the first time:Oe. acutifolia Rostański,Oe. hoelscheri Renner exRostański,Oe. parviflora L.,Oe. subterminalis Gates. The taxonomy ofOe. pycnocarpa Atkinson etBartlett is discussed. A survey of species and hybrids ofOenothera subsect.Oenothera in the Czech Republic is added.  相似文献   

The present study deals with five genera of hepatics in Africa, Isotachis Mitt., Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph., Tritomaria Schiffn. ex Loeske, Gymnocoleopsis (Schust.) Schust. and Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. All African populations of the genus Isotachis Mitt. are considered to be one species, I. aubertii (Schwaegr.) Mitt. Four species of Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (s.l.), A. auritum (Lehm.) Steph., A. piligerum (Nees) Spruce, A. subcomplicatum (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Steph. and A. minutum (Schreb.) Schust., and two species of Tritomaria Schiffn. et Loeske, T. camerunensis S. Arnell and T. exsecta (Schrad.) Schiffn. ex Loeske occur in Africa. Gymmocoleopsis multiflora (Steph.) Schust. represents a genus and species hitherto unreported for the African flora. Finally, five Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. species, L. argentina (Steph.) Schust., L. capensis S. Arnell, L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph., L. hedbergii S. Arnell and L. tristaniana (S. Arnell) Váňa, are reported from central and southern Africa; two of these (L. argentina (Steph.) Schust. and L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph.) represent the first reports from Africa.  相似文献   

Three hybrids are described whose common parent wasPyrus spinosa Forsk.: 1.Pyrus × bardoënsis Dostálek (P.elaeagrifolia Pall. ×P. spinosa Forsk.).—2.Pyrus × velenovskyi Dostálek (P.pyraster Burgsd. ×P. spinosa Forsk.).—3.Pyrus × jordanovii Dostálek (P. communis L. ×P. spinosa,Forsk.). Notes are given about five other hybrids whose existence has not been conclusively confirmed or which are less important.  相似文献   

On the basis of allozyme and cultivation data, and of additional herbarium material, a taxonomic and nomenclatural revision ofTaraxacum sect.Piesis A.J. Richards exKirschner et?těpánek is provided. The section is made up of halophilous, sexually reproducing taxa. InT. stenocephalum Boiss. etKotschy,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., andT. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid chromosome number has been recorded, representing the only known case of sexuality at the tetraploid level in the genus. The complex ofT. stenocephalum, includes some geographically and morphologically extreme populations treated as subspecies: subsp.gumusanicum (Soest)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov., subsp.magnum Kirschner et?těpánek, subsp. nov., and subsp.daralagesicum (Schischk.)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov. In addition toT. bessarabicum (Hornem.)Hand.-Mazz., a widely distributed Eurasian species,T. stenocephalum, a complex centred in Transcaucasia and Anatolia, andT. pachypodum H. Lindb., a North African endemic, four new species are described:T. salsum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a diploid endemic confined to E Crimea,T. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid sexual species known only from SW Crimea,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a remarkable tetraploid endemic to the Pindos Mts., Greece, andT. salsitatis Kirschner, ?těpänek etYirdirimli, sp. nov., an Anatolian diploid species. Furthermore, a hybrid betweenT. salsum andT. bessarabicum from Crimea (documented on the basis of allozyme data elsewhere) is given a binomial,T. xmesohalobium Kirschner et?těpánek, nothosp. nov.  相似文献   

In the years 1976–1981 we studied chromosome counts and karyotypic formulae of the following 29 species of plants from 41 localities (of these 6 from Bohemia, 32 from Moravia, 3 from Slovakia):Batrachium baudotii (Godron) F. W. Schultz,Chenopodium rubrum L.,C. polyspermum L.,C. murale L.,C. ficifolium Sm.,C. opulifolium Schrader ex DC. inLam. et DC.,C. strictum Roth [subsp.strictum, subsp.glaucophyllum (Aellen)Aellen inJust etAellen, subsp.striatiforme Uotila],Arenaria grandiflora L.,Illecebrum verticillatum L.,Spergula morisonii Boreau inDuchartre,Spergularia marginata (DC. inLam. et DC.)Kittel S. marina (L.)Griseb.,S. rubra (L.) J. etC. Presl,Silene conica L.,Sisymbrium loeselii L.,S. volgense Bieb. exE. Fourn.,S. orientale L. [subsp. orientale, subsp.macroloma (A. Pomel)Dvo?ák],S. officinale (L.)Scop.,Descurainia sophia (L.)Webb exPrantl inEngler etPrantl,Nasturtium officinale R. Br. inAiton,Barbarea arcuata (Opiz inPresl J. et C.)Reichenb.,Lunaria annua L.,Soldanella montana Willd.,S. carpatica Vierh. inUrban etGraebner,Lotus tenuis Waldst. etKit. exWilld.,L. uliginosus Schkuhr,Trigonella monspeliaca L.,Geranium sibiricum L.,Lactuca tatarica (L.)C. A. Meyer.  相似文献   

Dersechste Beitrag aus der Serie der vorbereiteten Studien über die SubfamilieJungermannioideae (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) enthält die taxonomische Bearbeitung des Subg.Solenostoma (Mitt.)Amak. (GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum.) in Europa (inkl. Kaukasus und Kleinasien) und Nordamerika. Im genannten Gebiet kommen 10 Arten vor, u. zw.J. caespiticia Lindenb.,J. caucasica Váňa,J. confertissima Nees,J. gracillima Sm.,J. handelii (Schiffn.)Amak.,J. jenseniana Grolle,J. lignicola (Schiffn.)Grolle,J. pyriflora Steph.,J. rubra Gott. exUnd. undJ. sphaerocarpa Hook. Die ArtJ. confertissima Nees (bisher alsSolenostoma levieri (Steph.)Steph. bezeichnet) gehört zu der SektionDesmorhiza Amak., alle anderen Arten gehören zu der SektionSolenostoma.  相似文献   

The anamorphs in cultures ofLepista nuda (Bull.:Fr.)Cooke,Coprinus comatus (Müll.:Fr.)S.F. Gray,Fistulina hepatica Sohaeff.:Fr.,Pholiota adiposa (Fr.)Kumm. andAsterophora lycoperdoides (Bull.)S.F. Gray, an imperfect state ofNyctalis lycoperdoides (Bull.)Schroet., were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Arthroconidia were described inLepista nuda for the first time. Examination of the fine structure of dendroid forms inCoprinus comatus revealed why those structures were not propagative.  相似文献   

Two new hybrids in the genusThymus, Th. × indalicus Blanca et al., nothosp. nov. [=Th. baeticus Boiss. exLacaita ×Th. hyemalis Lange subsp.hyemalis] andTh. × enicensis Blanca et al., nothosp. nov. [=Th. hyemalis Lange subsp.hyemalis × Th. zygis Loefl. ex L. subsp.gracilis (Boiss.)R. Morales] are described. Until now no hybrids ofTh. hyemalis have been described, due to its early period of flowering and because it hybridizes with closely related species, making rather difficult the detection of such hybrids.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the following three mountainOxytropis species:Oxytropis urumovii Jáv. inUrumov, an endemic species of the Pirin (Bulgaria);O. dinarica (Murb.) Wettst. distributed predominantly in Yugoslavia, andO. campestris which is common in the East Alps, but very rare in the Balkans. Three subspecies ofO. dinarica were distinguished: subsp.dinarica, subsp.weberi Chrtek etChrtková, and subsp.velebitica Chrtek etChrtková. In addition, a new combinationO. halleri Bunge exKoch subsp.korabensis (Kümmerle etJáv.)Chrtek etChrtková is given.  相似文献   

On the basis of taxonomic and nomenclatural revisions of various plant groups 37 new nomenclatural combinations are proposed mostly for European phanerogamous taxa (21 for species, 14 for subspecies, 2 for hybrids.)Medicula Medicus,Pseudofumaria Medicus andThlasidia Rafin. are accepted as taxonomically justified genera and correct generic names.Dactylorhiza longebracteata (F. W. Schmidt)Holub is proposed instead ofD. fuchsii (Druce) Soó, andHylotelephium triphyllum (Haworth) Holub isstead ofH. purpureum (L.)Holub.  相似文献   

Die achte Studie über die SubfamilieJungermannioideae (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) ist dén Arten der GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum., die in Australien, Neuseeland und Ozeanien vorkommen, gewidmet. Die meist endemischen Arten, die auf Hawaii vorkommen, werden als eine selbständige (neunte) Studie bearbeitet. Im genannten Gebiet wurden 13 Arten der GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum. festgestellt.J. (P.) hasskarliana (Nees) Steph.,J. (P.) obliquifolia (Schiffn.) Váňa,J. (P.) tetragona Lindenb.,J. (P.) hirticalyx Steph.,J. (P.) minutiverrucosa Amak.,J. (P.) wattsiana Steph.,J. (S.) ariadne Tayl.,J. (S.) totipapillosa Hodgs.,J. (S.) inundata Hook. fil. etTayl. emend.Mitt. undJ. (S.) orbiculata (Col.) Grolle sind eingehend taxonomisch bearbeitet,J. (P.) micrantha (Mitt.) Steph. wird in die nächste Studie eingereiht.J. (P.) boninensis (Horik.) Inoue wurde vonInoue (Inoue etIwatsuki 1969) eingehend beschrieben und abgebildet,Haplozia comptonii Pears. wurde schon im 2. Teil diskutiert. Die anderen aus dem Gebiet bekannten Arten sind mit den obenerwähnten Arten synonymisiert oder zu anderen Gattungen gestellt.  相似文献   

Nyananyo B. L. (1988): The systematic significance of seed morphology and anatomy in thePortulacaceae (Centrospermae).—Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Praha, 23: 275–279.—The seeds of 115 species in eighteen genera of the familyPortulacaceae were examined with the scanning electron microscope. Longitudinal sections of seeds of representatives of all the genera were examined with the light microscope. Two broad groups based on shape of the seeds, ornamentation of the external surface of their testa, and the position of the embryo relative to the endosperm were recognised. The first group comprising three genera:Anacampseros L.,Grahamia Gillies andTalinopsis A. Gray, have seeds which are pyriform with wings and trichomes, and an embryo that is more or less parallel to the endosperm, while the second of fifteen genera:Calandrinia H.B.K.,Calyptridium Nuttall,Calyptrotheca Gilg,Ceraria Pearson etStephens,Claytonia L.,Lenzia Philippi,Lewisia Pursh,Lyallia Hooker fil.,Montia L.,Portulaca L.,Portulacaria Jacquin,Silvaea Philippi,Talinella Baillon,Talinum Adanson, andWangerinia Franz, are reniform without wings and with an embryo that is horse-shoe shaped around the endosperm.  相似文献   

Six species of the genusBactrodesmium M. C. Cooke are described in this paper from Czechoslovakia:B. betulicola M.B. Ellis,B. obovatum (Oudemans) M.B. Ellis,B. spilomeum (Berk. etBr.)Mason etHughes including three new speciesB. globosum Hol.-Jech.,B. pyriforme Hol.-Jech. andB. submoniliforme Hol.-Jech.  相似文献   

The species of three genera—Sporoschisma Berk. etBr.,Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. etHennebert andCatenularia Grove are treated in this paper from Czechoslovakia:Sporoschisma juvenile Boudier,S. mirabile Berk. etBr.,Sporoschismopsis moravica Hol.-Jech. etHennebert andCatenularia cuneiformis (Richon) Mason. The studied fungi produce the conidia in basipetal succession, endogenously or subendogenously, quite internally in large phialides or only inside open swollen collarettes.  相似文献   

Die zweite Studie aus der Serie der vorbereiteten Studien über die Subfam.Jungermannioideae (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) enthält eine taxonomische Bearbeitung des Subg.Jungermannia. Nach dem Verfasser gehören zu diesem Subg. nur 7 Arten:J. atrovirens Dum. (identisch mitJ. tristis Nees),J. exsertifolia Steph.,J. gollanii Steph.,J. karl-muelleri Grolle,J. ovato-trigona (Steph. inHerz.) Grolle,J. polaris Lindb. undJ. pumila With. Die anderen, zu diesem Subg. gestellten Arten gehören teilweise zu den anderen Subgenera (J. grossitexta sensuAmak.,J. kuwaharae Amak., undJ. laetevirens (Spruce) K. Müll. inGrolle), teilweise als Synonyma nova zu den obenerwähnten Arten (J. nipponica (Sak. etTakah.) Hatt.,J. tenerrima Steph. (hom. illeg.) undJ. towadensis (Okam.) Hatt., sowie auchJ. tristis Nees).  相似文献   

The paper deals with some problems of distribution and variability of the speciesL. angustissimus L.,L. halophilus Boiss. etSprun.,L. laricus Rech. fil.,Aellen etEsfandiari, L.,schimperi Steud.,L. compactus Chrtková-?ertová,L. garcinii DC.  相似文献   

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