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Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts. These cells are appropriate for creation of animal models of human genetic diseases, the study of gene function in vivo and differentiation into specific types as potential therapeutic agents for several human diseases. We describe here, the production of new ES cell lines from blastocysts recovered from the C57BL/6 and BALB/c mouse strains by changing the concentration of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and primary culture conditions. The established cell lines were analyzed by simple karyotype, C banding, alkaline phosphatase activity, and Oct-4 expression as well as for the presence of the SRY gene. Two ES cell lines from C57BL/6 and three from the BALB/c were produced. The two C57BL/6 ES cell lines were established with either 1000 or 5000 IU LIF, whereas the BALB/c ES cell lines required 5000 IU LIF. Four of the ES cell lines had a normal karyotype. C banding and sex-determining region of Y chromosome-polymerase chain reaction showed that all cell lines had an XY sex chromosome composition. All five of the cell lines expressed alkaline phosphatase activity and Oct-4. One of the BALB/c ES cell lines, when injected into C57BL/6 blastocysts, produced high rates of chimerism as assessed by coat color, and the male chimera produced germ-line offspring when mated with BALB/c females. These results indicate that ES cells from inbred strains can be isolated using commercially available reagents and that the establishment of BALB/c ES cell lines may require different culture conditions to the 129 or C57BL/6 strains.  相似文献   

The International Mouse Knockout Consortium aims to generate a knockout mouse for every single gene on a C57BL/6 background. Our ability to generate such mice is hampered by the poor economics of producing blastocysts to achieve germline transmission of C57BL/6 embryonic stem (ES) cells. We demonstrate superior utility of (C3H x BALB/c)F1 blastocysts compared with BALB/c blastocysts, with blastocyst numbers and germline transmission from subsequent chimeras at a rate 2- to 3-fold higher than that produced with BALB/c blastocysts.  相似文献   

To identify ways to improve the efficiency of generating chimeric mice via microinjection of blastocysts with ES cells, we compared production and performance of ES-cell derived chimeric mice using blastocysts from two closely related and commonly used sub-strains of C57BL/6. Chimeras were produced by injection of the same JM8.N4 (C57BL/6NTac) derived ES cell line into blastocysts of mixed sex from either C57BL/6J (B6J) or C57BL/6NTac (B6NTac) mice. Similar efficiency of production and sex-conversion of chimeric animals was observed with each strain of blastocyst. However, B6J chimeric males had fewer developmental abnormalities involving urogenital and reproductive tissues (1/12, 8?%) compared with B6NTac chimeric males (7/9, 78?%). The low sample size did not permit determination of statistical significance for many parameters. However, in each category analyzed the B6J-derived chimeric males performed as well, or better, than their B6NTac counterparts. Twelve of 14 (86?%) B6J male chimeras were fertile compared with 6 of 11 (55?%) B6NTac male chimeras. Ten of 12 (83?%) B6J chimeric males sired more than 1 litter compared with only 3 of 6 (50?%) B6NTac chimeras. B6J male chimeras produced more litters per productive mating (3.42?±?1.73, n?=?12) compared to B6NTac chimeras (2.17?±?1.33, n?=?6). Finally, a greater ratio of germline transmitting chimeric males was obtained using B6J blastocysts (9/14; 64?%) compared with chimeras produced using B6NTac blastocysts (4/11; 36?%). Use of B6J host blastocysts for microinjection of ES cells may offer improvements over blastocysts from B6NTac and possibly other sub-strains of C57BL/6 mice.  相似文献   

C57BL/6N inbred mice are used as the genetic background for producing knockout mice in large-scale projects worldwide; however, the genetic divergence among C57BL/6N-derived substrains has not been verified. Here, we identified novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) specific to the C57BL/6NJ strain and selected useful SNPs for the genetic monitoring of C57BL/6N-derived substrains. Informative SNPs were selected from the public SNP database at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute by comparing sequence data from C57BL/6NJ and C57BL/6J mice. A total of 1,361 candidate SNPs from the SNP database could distinguish the C57BL/6NJ strain from 12 other inbred strains. We confirmed 277 C57BL/6NJ-specific SNPs including 10 nonsynonymous SNPs by direct sequencing, and selected 100 useful SNPs that cover all of the chromosomes except Y. Genotyping of 11 C57BL/6N-derived substrains at these 100 SNP loci demonstrated genetic differences among the substrains. This information will be useful for accurate genetic monitoring of mouse strains with a C57BL/6N-derived background.  相似文献   

The radiosensitivity as measured by LD50/6 or LD50/30 of the F1 hybrid B6CF1 (C57BL/6 X BALB/c) is similar to that of C57BL/6 mice but markedly different from BALB/c. The LD50/6 for BALB/c mice was about 8.8 Gy compared to 16.4 Gy for the B6CF1. The difference in LD50/6 between the parent strains or between BALB/c and the F1 hybrid could not be explained by any differences in crypt cell number, cell cycle time, or transit time. Likewise, the observed differences in the LD50/6 do not appear to result from marked differences in the radiosensitivity of marrow stem cells (CFU-S) since the D0's for the three genotypes of mice were similar. Also, there were no apparent differences in the red blood cell contents of several enzymes associated with antioxidant defenses. The microcolony assay was used to determine the D0 for the crypt clonogenic cells and the D0 values for 60Co gamma rays were about 0.8 Gy for BALB/c mice and 1.4 Gy for B6CF1 mice. However, the D0 values for JANUS fission neutrons were similar; 0.6 Gy for the BALB/c mice and 0.5 for the B6CF1 mice. A comparison of clonogenic cell kinetics, using prolonged colcemid block to distinguish between slowly and rapidly cycling cells suggest that, normally, the stem cells are slowly cycling in both the BALB/c and the B6CF1 hybrid. However, the stem cells of the B6CF1 appear to go into rapid cell cycle more rapidly than those of the BALB/c following irradiation or prolonged colcemid treatment. The more rapid recovery in intestinal epihelial cell production in the B6CF1 hybrid after irradiation may provide an increased mucosal barrier and may, in part, explain the difference in the response to radiation compared to that in the BALB/c.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori causes gastroduodenal ulcer disease in humans. T lymphocytes and their cytokines are thought to play a substantial role in the control of H. pylori infection. To determine the importance of T helper (Th) cytokines and background genes we investigated the natural course of H. pylori infection in BALB/c and C57BL/6 wild-type or mutant mice deficient for either interleukin (IL)-4 or interferon (IFN)-gamma. H. pylori SPM 326 persisted for at least six months in C57BL/6 but was cleared by BALB/c wild-type mice nine weeks postinfection. H. pylori was recovered more frequently from IFN-gamma(-/-) BALB/c and IFN-gamma( -/-) C57BL/6 mice than from the respective wild-type animals. In contrast, IL-4 deficiency had no detectable effect on H. pylori recovery rates from either strain of mice. Our data suggest a protective role of IFN-gamma by mediating inflammation in murine H. pylori infection. In addition, our data emphasize that background genes which differ between BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice regulate the clearance of H. pylori.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 is a well-characterized mouse strain that is used extensively for immunological and neurological research. The establishment of C57BL/6 ES cell lines has facilitated the study of gene-altered mice in a pure genetic background-however, relatively few such lines exist. Using a defined media supplement, knockout serum replacement (KSR) with knockout DMEM (KSR-KDMEM), we find that we can readily establish ES cell lines from blastocysts of C57BL/6J mice. Six lines were established, all of which were karyotypically normal and could be maintained in the undifferentiated state on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) feeders. One line was further tested and found to be karyotypically stable and germline competent, both prior to manipulation and after gene targeting. For this cell line, efficiencies of cell cloning and chimera generation were greater when maintained in KSR-KDMEM. Our work suggests that the use of defined serum-free media may facilitate the generation of ES cells from inbred mouse strains.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with the C57BL/6 genetic background allow the generation of knockout mice without the need to backcross to C57BL/6. However, C57BL/6 ES cells whose pluripotency after homologous recombination has been confirmed are not yet available from public cell banks. To facilitate the use of ES cells derived from C57BL/6 sublines in both biologic and medical research, we demonstrated that the use of knockout serum replacement as a medium supplement and 8-cell blastomeres as recipient embryos allowed establishment of ES cells and production of germline chimeric mice, respectively. Under effective conditions, a large number of ES cell lines were established from C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N blastocysts. The majority of ES cells in many cell lines obtained from both strains showed a normal chromosome number. Germline chimeric mice were generated from C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N ES cells. Finally, the ES cell line B6J-S1UTR, derived from C57BL/6J, was used for successful production of gene knockout mice. C57BL/6J ES (B6J-S1UTR and B6J-23UTR) and C57BL/6N ES (B6N-22UTR) cells are available from the cell bank of the BioResource Center at RIKEN Tsukuba Institute (http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/cell/english/).  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to obtain a systematic set of data along the length of the mouse aorta to study variations of morphometry (diameter, wall thickness, and curvature), strain, and stress of the mouse aorta. Five mice were imaged with a 13-MHz ultrasound probe to determine the in vivo diameter along the aorta. A cast was made of these aortas to validate the ultrasonic diameter measurements. The root mean squared and systematic errors for these measurements were 12.6% and 6.4% of the mean ultrasound diameter, respectively. The longitudinal variations of geometry, stress, and strain from the aortic valve to the common iliac bifurcation were documented. Our results show that the residual circumferential strain leads to a uniformity of transmural strain of the aorta in the loaded state along the entire length of the aorta. Furthermore, we validated the incompressibility condition along the length of the aorta. These data of normal mice will serve as a reference state for the study of disease in future knockout models.  相似文献   

Typically, embryonic stem (ES) cells derived from 129 mouse substrains are used to generate genetically altered mouse models. Resulting chimeric mice were then usually converted to a C57BL/6 background, which takes at least a year, even in the case of speed congenics. In recent years, embryonic stem cells have been derived from various mouse strains. However, 129 ES cells are still widely used partially due to poor germline transmission of ES cells derived from other strains. Availability of highly germline-competent C57BL/6 ES cells would enormously facilitate generation of genetically altered mice in a pure C57BL/6 genetic background by eliminating backcrossing time, and thus significantly reducing associated costs and efforts. Here, we describe establishment of a C57BL/6 ES cell line (LK1) and compare its efficacy to a widely used 129SvJ ES cell line (GSI-1) in generating germline chimeras. In contrast to earlier studies, our data shows that highly germline-competent C57BL/6 ES cell lines can be derived using a simple approach, and thus support broader use of C57BL/6 ES cell lines for genetically engineered mouse models. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Although monkeypox virus (MPXV) studies in wild rodents and non-human primates have generated important knowledge regarding MPXV pathogenesis and inferences about disease transmission, it might be easier to dissect the importance of virulence factors and correlates of protection to MPXV in an inbred mouse model. Herein, we compared the two clades of MPXV via two routes of infection in the BALB/c and C57BL/6 inbred mice strains. Our studies show that similar to previous animal studies, the Congo Basin strain of MPXV was more virulent than West African MPXV in both mouse strains as evidenced by clinical signs. Although animals did not develop lesions as seen in human MPX infections, localized signs were apparent with the foot pad route of inoculation, primarily in the form of edema at the site of inoculation; while the Congo Basin intranasal route of infection led to generalized symptoms, primarily weight loss. We have determined that future studies with MPXV and laboratory mice would be very beneficial in understanding the pathogenesis of MPXV, in particular if used in in vivo imaging studies. Although this mouse model may not suffice as a model of human MPX disease, with an appropriate inbred mouse model, we can unravel many unknown aspects of MPX pathogenesis, including virulence factors, disease progression in rodent hosts, and viral shedding from infected animals. In addition, such a model can be utilized to test antivirals and the next generation of orthopoxvirus vaccines for their ability to alter the course of disease.  相似文献   

To detect minor barriers to histocompatibility that might be encoded on the X chromosome in mice, we grafted reciprocal sets of (C57BL/6xBALB/c)F1, (C57BL/6xDBA/2)F1, and (BALB/cxDBA/2)F1 mice with tail skin from the respective paternal inbred strain. Our histogenic analysis suggests that, compared with the C57BL/6 mouse strain, the BALB/c strain generates X-linked antigen loss. In contrast, we detected no X-linked histogenic differences between strains C57BL/6 and DBA/2, or DBA/2 and BALB/c. To localize this X-linked barrier to histocompatibility, we produced a panel of 25 [(BALB/cxC57BL/6)F1xC57BL/6]N2 males that were grafted with C57BL/6 skin to determine which carried the BALB/c-derived component(s) necessary for graft rejection. DNA marker analysis showed one region of overlapping BALB/c-derived X-chromosomal segments among the graft rejecters, suggesting that this antigen-loss haplotype ( H-hix(c), for histoincompatibility on the X chromosome, c haplotype) may be restricted within the DXMit55 to the Xq telomere interval (which excludes only the centromeric tip of the X). Further backcrossing of H-hix(c) to C57BL/6 resulted in fewer rejecter mice than expected by the N4 generation, suggesting that a second, unlinked locus is also involved in this X-linked alloantigenicity. The vigorous rejection of male (C57BL/6xBALB)F1 and female (B6.C- H2(d)xC57BL/6)F1 skin by (BALB/cxC57BL/6)F1 males, as well as the assessment of markers on Chromosome 17 among N2 and N4 graft-recipient males, suggests that this second locus is H2, and that H-hix(b)-encoded alloantigens require both H2(b) and H2(d)-encoded presentation molecules for efficient graft rejection.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD‐MSCs) have been shown to be capable of differentiating into multiple cell type and exert immunomodulatory effects. Since the selection of ideal stem cell is apparently crucial for the outcome of experimental stem cell therapies, therefore, in this study we compared AD‐MSCs conditioned media (CM) from BALB/c, C57BL/6, and DBA mouse strains. No significant difference was found in the morphology, cell surface markers, in vitro differentiation and proliferation potentials of AD‐MSCs isolated from C57BL/6, BALB/c, and DBA mice. The immunological assays showed some variation among the strains in the cytokines, nitric oxide (NO), and indoleamine 2,3‐dioxygenase (IDO) production and immunomodulatory effects on splenocytes functions. Our results indicated a suppression of splenocytes proliferation in the presence of AD‐MSC CM from the three inbred mouse strains. However, BALB/c CM exerted a higher suppression of splenocytes proliferation. AD‐MSCs isolated from C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice produced higher levels of TGF‐β than those from DBA mice. Furthermore, IL‐17 and IDO production was higher in AD‐MSCs isolated from BALB/c mice. Our results indicated an increased production of TGF‐β, IL‐4, IL‐10, NO, and IDO by splenocytes in response to CM from BALB/c AD‐MSCs. In conclusion, our results showed that the immunomodulatory properties of mouse AD‐MSCs is strain‐dependent and this variation should be considered during selection of appropriate stem cell source for in vivo experiments and stem cell therapy strategies. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 955–965, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The C57BL/6J (B6) inbred mouse strain is commonly used in biomedical researches. However, some unexpected inconsistency was reported compared with previous studies, and in most cases, it can be attributed to environmental, epigenetic or stochastic differences. The goal of this study was to investigate the genetic stability of the B6 strain maintained in different breeders. B6 mice purchased from five Chinese commercial breeders were examined, and mitochondrial D-loop sequence and 18 microsatellite loci were genotyped. There is no difference in the D-loop sequences, but variations exist in the nucleic microsatellite markers. Combining the data from MGI_4.01, a significant divergence is observed among those mice. The present study indicates that different B6 mice share the common maternal lineage and are still inbred in each breeder, but subline divergence occurs.  相似文献   

Macrophages from prototypical Th1 strains (e.g., C57BL/6) and Th2 strains (e.g., BALB/c) are classified as M-1 and M-2 phenotypes. We investigated the different phagocytic responses between M-1 and M-2 bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAMs) under resting and two various exercise conditions. At rest, M-1 BAMs showed higher phagocytic capacity of unopsonized particles, higher expression of MARCO (macrophage receptor with collagenous structure), and higher generation of NO than M-2 BAMs. Severe exercise, but not moderate exercise, significantly enhanced both phagocytosis of unopsonized particles and expression of MARCO in M-2 BAMs. In contrast, M-1 BAMs were unaffected by either exercise protocol. The phagocytosis of unopsonized particles was largely mediated by MARCO, especially in M-1 BAMs. Secreted products from cultured M-2 BAMs isolated after severe exercise, but not those from M-1 BAMs, enhanced BAM phagocytosis. The cultured M-1 BAMs secreted phagocytosis inhibitors, and this effect could be blocked by NO antagonists. Moreover, the extent of phagocytosis suppression induced by M-1 BAM-secreted products correlated with their production of nitrite/nitrate. Exogenous NO donors as well as NO derivatives, nitrite and nitrate, suppressed the BAM phagocytosis. We propose that while the severe exercise-enhanced phagocytosis in M-2 BAMs was largely mediated by MARCO up-regulation and secretion of stimulators, the lack of exercise effect in M-1 BAMs could be partially due to the constitutive secretion of NO-related suppressors. In conclusion, genetically different mice use different strategies in regulating BAM activity under resting conditions and in response to various exercise paradigms.  相似文献   

There are significant advantages to the production of gene-knockout mice directly in mouse strains other than 129. The availability now of ES cells derived from the C57BL/6 mouse strain presents workers with a valuable alternative. A major difficulty, however, is the requirement for BALB/c blastocysts as recipients for ES cell injection. Using standard procedures, few BALB/c blastocysts can be obtained. This limitation has now been resolved by harvesting BALB/c embryos at the early morula stage and maturing these to blastocysts by in vitro culture. Of early morulae harvested and cultured, over 70% were recovered as fully expanded and injectable blastocysts. C57BL/6 ES cell injection of these blastocysts has enabled the production of a number of gene-knockout mice with a success rate similar to that reported for ES cells derived from the 129 mouse strains.  相似文献   

Hundreds of new mutant mouse lines are being produced annually using gene targeting and gene trap approaches in embryonic stem (ES) cells, and the number is expected to continue to grow as the human and mouse genome projects progress. The availability of robust ES cell lines and a simple technology for making chimeras is more attractive now than ever before. We established several new ES cell lines from 129/SvEv and C57BL/6 mice and tested their ability to contribute to the germline following blastocyst injections and/or the less expensive and easier method of morula-ES cell aggregation. Using morula aggregation to produce chimeras, five newly derived 129/SvEv and two C57BL/6 ES cell lines tested at early passages were found to contribute extensively to chimeras and produce germline-transmitting male chimeras. Furthermore, the two 129S/vEv ES cell lines that were tested and one of the C57BL/6 ES cell lines were able to maintain these characteristics after many passages in vitro. Our results indicate that the ability of ES cells to contribute strongly to chimeras following aggregation with outbred embryos is a general property of early passage ES cells and can be maintained for many passages. C56BL/6-derived ES cell lines, however, have a greater tendency than 129-derived ES cell lines to lose their ability to colonize the germline.  相似文献   

Most mature B lymphocytes express one BCR L chain, kappa or lambda, but recent work has shown that there are exceptions in that some B lymphocytes express both kappa and lambda and some even bear two different kappa L chains. Using the anti-DNA H chain-transgenic mouse, 56R, we find that B cells with pre-existing autoreactivity are especially subject to L chain inclusion. Specifically, we show that isotypic and allelic inclusion enables autoreactive B cells to bypass central tolerance giving rise to B cells that retain dangerous features. One receptor in dual receptor B cells is an editor L chain, i.e., neutralizes or alters self-reactivity of the 56R H chain transgene. We compare the 56R mouse when on the C57/BL/6 background, a strain prone to autoimmunity, with that of 56R when on the BALB/c background, a strain that resists autoimmunity. In the B6.56R mouse, polyreactive B cells with dual L chain move to the follicular B cell compartment. Their localization in the follicular compartment may explain the ease with which B cells in the B6.56R differentiate into autoantibody-producing plasma cells. Likewise, in the BALB/c.56R mouse, dual L chain B cells are found in the follicular B cell compartment. Yet, the lack of autoantibody-producing plasma cells in the BALB/c.56R suggests that postfollicular tolerance checkpoints are intact. The Jkappa usage in dual kappa L chain B cells suggests increased receptor editing activity and is consistent with the expected distribution of Jkappa genes in our computational model for random selection of Jkappa.  相似文献   

Establishment of a germ-line competent C57BL/6 embryonic stem cell line   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines have been derived from blastocysts of the inbred mouse strain C57BL/6. The highest frequencies of ES cell colonies were observed when blastocysts were explanted directly onto growth-arrested feeder layers of 5637 human bladder carcinoma cells in the presence of conditioned medium. One of the male ES cell lines tested (BL/6-III) was shown to be karyotypically stable and germ-line competent when introduced into BALB/c host blastocysts. These results demonstrate that ES cell lines from inbred mouse strains other than 129/Sv may be used as vectors to introduce selected mutations into the germ-line of mice.  相似文献   

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