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The diversity of bacterial species in the human oral cavity is well recognized, but a high proportion of them are presently uncultivable. Candidate division TM7 bacteria are almost always detected in metagenomic studies but have not yet been cultivated. In this paper, we identified candidate division TM7 bacterial phylotypes in mature plaque samples from around orthodontic bonds in subjects undergoing orthodontic treatment. Successive rounds of enrichment in laboratory media led to the isolation of a pure culture of one of these candidate division TM7 phylotypes. The bacteria formed filaments of 20 to 200 μm in length within agar plate colonies and in monospecies biofilms on salivary pellicle and exhibited some unusual morphological characteristics by transmission electron microscopy, including a trilaminated cell surface layer and dense cytoplasmic deposits. Proteomic analyses of cell wall protein extracts identified abundant polypeptides predicted from the TM7 partial genomic sequence. Pleiomorphic phenotypes were observed when the candidate division TM7 bacterium was grown in dual-species biofilms with representatives of six different oral bacterial genera. The TM7 bacterium formed long filaments in dual-species biofilm communities with Actinomyces oris or Fusobacterium nucleatum. However, the TM7 isolate grew as short rods or cocci in dual-species biofilms with Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Parvimonas micra, or Streptococcus gordonii, forming notably robust biofilms with the latter two species. The ability to cultivate TM7 axenically should majorly advance understanding of the physiology, genetics, and virulence properties of this novel candidate division oral bacterium.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor‐like domain 7 (Egfl7) expression in the developing embryo is largely restricted to sites of mesodermal progenitors of angioblasts/hemangioblasts and the vascular endothelium. We hypothesize that Egfl7 marks the endothelial lineage during embryonic development, and can be used to define the emergence of endothelial progenitor cells, as well as to visualize newly‐forming vasculature in the embryo and during the processes of physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis in the adult. We have generated a transgenic mouse strain that expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) under the control of a minimal Egfl7 regulatory sequence (Egfl7:eGFP). Expression of the transgene recapitulated that of endogenous Egfl7 at sites of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in the allantois, yolk sac, and in the embryo proper. The transgene was not expressed in the quiescent endothelium of most adult organs. However, the uterus and ovary, which undergo vascular growth and remodeling throughout the estrus cycle, expressed high levels of Egfl7:eGFP. Importantly, expression of the Egfl7:eGFP transgene was induced in adult neovasculature. We also found that increased Egfl7 expression contributed to pathologic revascularization in the mouse retina. To our knowledge, this is the first mouse model that enables monitoring of endothelial cells at sites of active vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. This model also facilitated the isolation and characterization of EGFL7+ endothelial cell populations by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). Together, our results demonstrate that the Egfl7:eGFP reporter mouse is a valuable tool that can be used to elucidate the mechanisms by which blood vessels form during development and under pathologic circumstances. genesis 52:657–670, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The emergence of angiosperm‐dominated tropical forests in the Cretaceous led to major shifts in the composition of biodiversity on Earth. Among these was the rise to prominence of epiphytic plant lineages, which today comprise an estimated one‐quarter of tropical vascular plant diversity. Among the most successful epiphytic groups is the Polypodiaceae, which comprises an estimated 1500 species and displays a remarkable breadth of morphological and ecological diversity. Using a time‐calibrated phylogeny for 417 species, we characterized macroevolutionary patterns in the family, identified shifts in diversification rate, and identified traits that are potential drivers of diversification. We find high diversification rates throughout the family, evidence for a radiation in a large clade of Paleotropical species, and support for increased rates of diversification associated with traits including chlorophyllous spores and noncordiform gametophytes. Contrary to previous hypotheses, our results indicate epiphytic species and groups with humus‐collecting leaves diversify at lower rates than the family as a whole. We find that diversification rates in the Polypodiaceae are positively correlated with changes in elevation. Repeated successful exploration of novel habitat types, rather than morphological innovation, appears to be the primary driver of diversification in this group.  相似文献   

Equine arteritis virus (EAV) is an enveloped plus-strand RNA virus of the family Arteriviridae (order Nidovirales) that causes respiratory and reproductive disease in equids. Protective, virus-neutralizing antibodies (VNAb) elicited by infection are directed predominantly against an immunodominant region in the membrane-proximal domain of the viral envelope glycoprotein G(L), allowing recently the establishment of a sensitive peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on this particular domain (J. Nugent et al., J. Virol. Methods 90:167-183, 2000). By using an infectious cDNA we have now generated, in the controlled background of a nonvirulent virus, a mutant EAV from which this immunodominant domain was deleted. This virus, EAV-G(L)Delta, replicated to normal titers in culture cells, although at a slower rate than wild-type EAV, and caused an asymptomatic infection in ponies. The antibodies induced neutralized the mutant virus efficiently in vitro but reacted poorly to wild-type EAV strains. Nevertheless, when inoculated subsequently with virulent EAV, the immunized animals, in contrast to nonvaccinated controls, were fully protected against disease; replication of the challenge virus occurred briefly at low though detectable levels. The levels of protection achieved suggest that an immune effector mechanism other than VNAb plays an important role in protection against infection. As expected, infection with EAV-G(L)Delta did not induce a measurable response in our G(L)-peptide ELISA while the challenge infection of the animals clearly did. EAV-G(L)Delta or similar mutants are therefore attractive marker vaccine candidates, enabling serological discrimination between vaccinated and wild-type virus-infected animals.  相似文献   

The vacuolar (H+)-ATPase (or V-ATPase) is an ATP-dependent proton pump which couples the energy released upon ATP hydrolysis to rotational movement of a ring of proteolipid subunits (c, c', and c') relative to the integral subunit a. The proteolipid subunits each contain a single buried acidic residue that is essential for proton transport, with this residue located in TM4 of subunits c and c' and TM2 of subunit c'. Subunit c' contains an additional buried acidic residue in TM4 that is not required for proton transport. The buried acidic residues of the proteolipid subunits are believed to interact with an essential arginine residue (Arg735) in TM7 of subunit a during proton translocation. We have previously shown that the helical face of TM7 of subunit a containing Arg735 interacts with the helical face of TM4 of subunit c' bordered by Glu145 and Leu147 (Kawasaki-Nishi et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 41908-41913). We have now analyzed interaction of subunits a and c' using disulfide-mediated cross-linking. The results indicate that the helical face of TM7 of subunit a containing Arg735 interacts with the helical face of TM2 of subunit c' centered on Ile105, with the essential glutamic acid residue (Glu108) located near the opposite border of this face compared with TM4 of subunit c'. By contrast, TM4 of subunit c' does not form strong cross-links with TM7 of subunit a, suggesting that these transmembrane segments are not normally in close proximity. These results are discussed in terms of a model involving rotation of interacting helices in subunit a and the proteolipid subunits relative to each other.  相似文献   

The mammalian bladder epithelium elaborates, as a terminal differentiation product, a specialized plasma membrane called asymmetric unit membrane (AUM) which is believed to play a role in strengthening and stabilizing the urothelial apical surface through its interactions with an underlying cytoskeleton. Previous studies indicate that the outer leaflet of AUM is composed of crystalline patches of 12- nm protein particles, and that bovine AUMs contain three major proteins: the 27- to 28-kD uroplakin I, the 15-kD uroplakin II and the 47-kD uroplakin III. As a step towards elucidating the AUM structure and function, we have cloned the cDNAs of bovine uroplakin I (UPI). Our results established the existence of two isoforms of bovine uroplakin I: a 27-kD uroplakin Ia and a 28-kD uroplakin Ib. These two glycoproteins are closely related with 39% identity in their amino acid sequences. Hydropathy plot revealed that both have four potential transmembrane domains (TMDs) with connecting loops of similar length. Proteolytic digestion of UPIa inserted in vitro into microsomal vesicles suggested that its two main hydrophilic loops are exposed to the luminal space, possibly involved in interacting with the luminal domains of other uroplakins to form the 12-nm protein particles. The larger loop connecting TMD3 and TMD4 of both UPIa and UPIb contains six highly conserved cysteine residues; at least one centrally located cysteine doublet in UPIa is involved in forming intramolecular disulfide bridges. The sequences of UPIa and UPIb (the latter is almost identical to a hypothetical, TGF beta-inducible, TI-1 protein of mink lung epithelial cells) are homologous to members of a recently described family all possessing four transmembrane domains (the "4TM family"); members of this family include many important leukocyte differentiation markers such as CD9, CD37, CD53, and CD63. The tissue- specific and differentiation-dependent expression as well as the naturally occurring crystalline state of uroplakin I molecules make them uniquely suitable, as prototype members of the 4TM family, for studying the structure and function of these integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Biogeographical studies of lichens used to be complicated because of the large distribution ranges of many species. Molecular systematics has revitalized lichen biogeography by improving species delimitation and providing better information about species range limitations. This study focuses on the major clade of tropical parmelioid lichens, which share a chemical feature, the presence of isolichenan in the cell wall, and a morphological feature, microscopic pores in the uppermost layer. Our previous phylogenetic studies revealed that the largest genus in this clade, Hypotrachyna, is polyphyletic with a clade mainly distributed in South and East Asia clustering distant from the core of the genus. To divide the Hypotrachyna clade into monophyletic groups and to reevaluate morphological and chemical characters in a phylogenetic context, we sampled ITS, nuclear large subunit (nuLSU) and mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA sequences from 77 species. We are erecting the new genus Remototrachyna for a core group of 15 former Hypotrachyna species. The segregation of Remototrachyna from Hypotrachyna receives support from morphological and chemical data, as well from maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of the DNA. We used a likelihood approach to study the geographic range evolution of Remototrachyna and Bulbothrix, which are sister groups. This analysis suggests that the ancestral range of Remototrachyna was restricted to India and that subsequent long-distance dispersal is responsible for the pantropical occurrence of two species of Remototrachyna.  相似文献   

Binary fission is the ultimate step of the prokaryotic cell cycle. In Gram‐negative bacteria like Escherichia coli, this step implies the invagination of three biological layers (cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan and outer membrane), biosynthesis of the new poles and eventually, daughter cells separation. The latter requires the coordinated action of the N‐acetylmuramyl‐L‐alanine amidases AmiA/B/C and their LytM activators EnvC and NlpD to cleave the septal peptidoglycan. We present here the 2.5 Å crystal structure of AmiC which includes the first report of an AMIN domain structure, a β‐sandwich of two symmetrical four‐stranded β‐sheets exposing highly conserved motifs on the two outer faces. We show that this N‐terminal domain, involved in the localization of AmiC at the division site, is a new peptidoglycan‐binding domain. The C‐terminal catalytic domain shows an auto‐inhibitory alpha helix obstructing the active site. AmiC lacking this helix exhibits by itself an activity comparable to that of the wild type AmiC activated by NlpD. We also demonstrate the interaction between AmiC and NlpD by microscale thermophoresis and confirm the importance of the active site blocking alpha helix in the regulation of the amidase activity.  相似文献   

We have characterized ADAMTS7B, the authentic full-length protein product of the ADAMTS7 gene. ADAMTS7B has a domain organization similar to that of ADAMTS12, with a total of eight thrombospondin type 1 repeats in its ancillary domain. Of these, seven are arranged in two distinct clusters that are separated by a mucin domain. Unique to the ADAMTS family, ADAMTS7B is modified by attachment of the glycosaminoglycan chondroitin sulfate within the mucin domain, thus rendering it a proteoglycan. Glycosaminoglycan addition has potentially important implications for ADAMTS7B cellular localization and for substrate recognition. Although not an integral membrane protein, ADAMTS7B is retained near the cell surface of HEK293F cells via interactions involving both the ancillary domain and the prodomain. ADAMTS7B undergoes removal of the prodomain by a multistep furin-dependent mechanism. At least part of the final processing event, i.e. cleavage following Arg(220) (mouse sequence annotation), occurs at the cell surface. ADAMTS7B is an active metalloproteinase as shown by its ability to cleave alpha(2)-macroglobulin, but it does not cleave specific peptide bonds in versican and aggrecan attacked by ADAMTS proteases. Together with ADAMTS12, whose primary structure also predicts a mucin domain, ADAMTS7B constitutes a unique subgroup of the ADAMTS family.  相似文献   

Previously, we cloned a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cDNA encoding a 45-kD protein, 21D7, located in the nuclei of proliferating cells. The 21D7 protein is similar to the partial sequence of a regulatory subunit of the bovine 26S proteasome, p58 (G. DeMartino, C.R. Moomaw, O.P. Zagnitko, R.J. Proske, M. Chu-Ping, S.J. Afendis, J.C. Swaffield, C.A. Slaughter [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 20878-20884) and to the deduced sequence encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene SUN2 (M. Kawamura, K. Kominami, J. Takeuchi, A. Toh-e [1996] Mol Gen Genet 251: [146-152]). In our work, the expression of plant 21D7 cDNA rescued the yeast sun2 mutant. Fractionation of carrot and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) crude extracts showed that the 21D7 protein sedimented with the active 26S proteasomes. The cessation of cell proliferation in carrot suspensions at the stationary phase caused 26S proteasome dissociation and, correspondingly, the 21D7 protein sedimented together with the free regulatory complexes of the 26s proteasomes. Large-scale purification of carrot 26s proteasomes resulted in co-isolation of the 21D7 protein. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions showed that the 21D7 protein had the same mobility as the 26S proteasome and that proteasome dissociation changed the mobility of the 21D7 protein accordingly. We conclude that the 21D7 protein is a subunit of the plant 26S proteasome and that it probably belongs to the proteasome regulatory complex.  相似文献   

Megagametogenesis, the development of a megaspore into an embryo sac, has been identified in the seagrass Halophila johnsonii, a threatened species with no known sexual reproduction or seeds. Megagametogenesis in H. johnsonii was compared with megagametophyte development in Halophila decipiens, a related species known to readily produce viable seeds. In both species, ovules were structurally similar, megaspore mother cells were seen in premeiotic ovules, and linear tetrads and megagametophytes with two to eight nuclei were present in postmeiotic ovules. However, H. decipiens postmeiotic ovules had a chalazal pouch that was absent in the postmeiotic ovules of H. johnsonii. Late-stage H. decipiens ovules also contained embryos, indicating that they had been fertilized, whereas all late-stage H. johnsonii ovules were degrading and showed no signs of fertilization. These observations suggest that meiosis does occur in H. johnsonii megasporocytes, leading to the formation of viable megagametophytes and egg cells that could be fertilized if pollination occurred. Thus, the lack of seed set is due to a lack of pollination rather than any loss of capacity to produce seeds in this species.  相似文献   

The nitrogen regulatory circuit of Neurospora crassa consists of a set of unlinked structural genes which specify various nitrogen catabolic enzymes plus control genes and metabolic effectors which regulate their expression. The positive-acting nit-2 regulatory gene is required to turn on the expression of the nitrogen catabolic enzymes during conditions of nitrogen limitation. The complete nucleotide sequence of the nit-2 gene was determined. The nit-2 mRNA is 4.3 kilobases long and has a long nontranslated sequence at both its 5' and 3' ends. The nit-2 gene nucleotide sequence can be translated to yield a protein containing 1,036 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of approximately 110,000. Deletion analyses demonstrated that approximately 21% of the NIT2 protein at its carboxy terminus can be removed without loss of function. The nit-2 protein contains a single putative Cys2/Cys2 zinc finger domain which appears to function in DNA binding and which has striking homology to a mammalian trans-acting factor, GF-1.  相似文献   

The Lck tyrosine kinase molecule plays an essential role in T cell activation and T cell development. Using the expression cloning technique, we have isolated a gene that encodes a molecule, LckBP1, able to associate with murine Lck. Analysis of full-length LckBP1 cDNA indicates at least four potentially important segments: a four tandem 37 amino acid repeat motif with a potential helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif; a proline-rich region; a proline-glutamate repeat; and an SH3 domain. These four regions are very similar to the human haematopoietic-specific protein 1 (HS1). Deletion mutant analysis of LckBP1 revealed two proline-rich regions that permit association with Lck SH3. One region contains prolines conserved among HS1 and cortactin, and the other region contains a potential MAP kinase recognition site. In vivo association between Lck and LckBP1 was confirmed by immunoprecipitation of lysates from a pre-T cell line and adult thymocytes using antibodies specific for Lck and LckBP1. LckBP1 is tyrosine phosphorylated after T-cell receptor stimulation. The SH3 domain and the potential helix-turn-helix motif in LckBP1 suggest that this molecule may associate with various molecules and function as a DNA binding molecule. The data also suggest that LckBP1 mediates intracellular signalling through Lck in T cells.  相似文献   

Ole e 9 is an olive pollen allergen belonging to group 2 of pathogenesis-related proteins. The protein is composed of two immunological independent domains: an N-terminal domain (NtD) with 1,3-beta-glucanase activity, and a C-terminal domain (CtD) that binds 1,3-beta-glucans. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of CtD-Ole e 9 (101 amino acids), which consists of two parallel alpha-helices forming an angle of approximately 55 degrees , a small antiparallel beta-sheet with two short strands, and a 3-10 helix turn, all connected by long coil segments, resembling a novel type of folding among allergens. Two regions surrounded by aromatic residues (F49, Y60, F96, Y91 and Y31, H68, Y65, F78) have been localized on the protein surface, and a role for sugar binding is suggested. The epitope mapping of CtD-Ole e 9 shows that B-cell epitopes are mainly located on loops, although some of them are contained in secondary structural elements. Interestingly, the IgG and IgE epitopes are contiguous or overlapped, rather than coincident. The three-dimensional structure of CtD-Ole e 9 might help to understand the underlying mechanism of its biochemical function and to determine possible structure-allergenicity relationships.  相似文献   

The CarS antirepressor activates a photo-inducible promoter in Myxococcus xanthus by physically interacting with the CarA repressor and eliminating the latter’s binding to operator DNA. Interestingly, interactions with both CarS and operator are crucially dependent on the DNA recognition helix of the CarA winged-helix DNA-binding domain. The CarA–CarS and the CarA-operator interfaces therefore overlap, and CarS may have structural features that mimic operator DNA. CarS has no known sequence homologues and its Gly and Pro contents are unusually high. Here, we report 1H, 13C and 15N backbone and side chain assignments of CarS1, an 86-residue truncated yet fully functional variant of CarS. Secondary structural elements inferred from these data differ from those predicted from sequence.  相似文献   

The dominant bacterium responsible for carbon uptake from toluene in an agricultural soil was identified by stable isotope probing. Samples were amended with unlabeled toluene or labeled [ring-13C6]toluene, and DNA was extracted over time. Sequencing indicated that the organism involved belongs to the candidate phylum TM7. Microorganisms in this candidate phylum are of particular interest because although they have been found in a variety of habitats, no stable culture of any species exists, so their general metabolic capabilities are largely unknown.The application of PCR technology has uncovered the impressive diversity of the microbial world. It has been estimated that less than half of the recognized bacterial phyla include cultured representatives (14). Here, stable isotope probing (SIP) (a method that links function to identity in mixed microbial samples) was used to identify dominant toluene degraders in an environment previously unexposed to the contaminant but likely containing a diverse microbial community of previously undiscovered toluene degraders.Soil samples were collected from a field in Michigan previously under corn production. This field received biosolids from a wastewater treatment plant 2 to 3 years before sample collection. Following collection, soils were homogenized, sieved (4-mm screen), and stored at 4°C until use (<1 year). The microcosms consisted of phosphate-buffered mineral medium (20 ml) (10) and soil (6 g [wet weight]) in serum bottles (150 ml). The bottles were sealed with rubber stoppers and an aluminum seal. The treatment groups included no-toluene controls, autoclaved controls, and samples amended with unlabeled (1 μl, 99%; Chem Service) or labeled (1 μl, ring-13C6, 99%; Cambridge Isotope Laboratories) toluene. Eight samples for each treatment (two for each time point) were incubated at room temperature (∼20°C) with reciprocal shaking. The concentrations of toluene in headspace samples (200 μl) after toluene addition (∼2 h) and at each time point were determined with a gas chromatograph (Perkin Elmer) equipped with a flame ionization detector and a capillary column (DB-624 [diameter, 0.53 mm]; J&W Scientific). The injector and detector temperatures were set at 200°C, and the column temperature was 80°C.At four time points (3, 5, 6, and 8 days after toluene addition), two samples from the labeled and unlabeled treatment groups were sacrificed for soil DNA extraction using a Powersoil DNA extraction kit (MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., Carlsbad, CA). At each time point, DNAs from two microcosms were pooled, and SIP involved terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis of all fractions (labeled and unlabeled). Approximately 10 μg DNA (quantified with an ND-1000 spectrometer; Nanodrop) was added to Quick-Seal polyallomer tubes (13 by 51 mm, 5.1 ml; Beckman Coulter), along with a Tris-EDTA (pH 8.0)-CsCl solution. Before the tubes were sealed (Quick-Seal tube topper; Beckman Coulter), buoyant density (BD) was determined (∼1.77 g ml−1) with a model AR200 digital refractometer (Leica Microsystems, Inc.) and adjusted by adding CsCl solution or Tris-EDTA buffer. The tubes were centrifuged at 178,000 × g (20°C) for 48 h in a Stepsaver 70 V6 vertical titanium rotor (eight tubes, 5.1-ml capacity each) within a Sorvall WX 80 Ultra Series centrifuge (Thermo Scientific). Following centrifugation, a fraction recovery system (Beckman Coulter) was used for fraction (150 μl) collection. The BD of each fraction was measured, and CsCl was removed by glycogen-assisted ethanol precipitation.The fractions were PCR amplified using 27F-FAM (5′-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG [5′ end labeled with carboxyfluorescein]) and 1492R (5′-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT) (Operon Biotechnologies) as previously described (4). Briefly, this involved the following conditions: 94°C (5 min); 30 cycles at 94°C (30 s), 55°C (30 s), and 72°C (1.5 min); and 72°C (5 min). The presence of PCR products was confirmed by gel electrophoresis. PCR products were purified with a QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen, Inc.) (∼150 ng) and digested with HaeIII (New England Biolabs). In addition, three other enzymes (MspI, MseI, and HincII; New England Biolabs) were used for digestion of a number of heavy fractions. DNA fragments were separated by capillary electrophoresis (ABI Prism 3100 genetic analyzer; Applied Biosystems) at the Research Technology Support Facility at Michigan State University. Data were analyzed with GeneScan software (Applied Biosystems), and the percent abundance of each fragment was determined (18). Heavy-fraction 13C-labeled DNAs (day 8 fractions with BD values of 1.744 g ml−1) were amplified, as described above, with unlabeled primers and cloned into Escherichia coli TOP10 by using a TOPO TA cloning kit (Invitrogen Corporation). E. coli clones were grown on Luria-Bertani medium solidified with 15 g agar liter−1 in the presence of 50 μg ampicillin liter−1 for 16 h at 37°C. Colonies with inserts were verified by PCR with primers M13 forward (5′-TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-3′) and M13 reverse (5′-AACAGCTATGACCATG-3′), plasmids were extracted from the positive clones with a QIAprep miniprep system (Qiagen, Inc.), and the insertions were sequenced (using primers M13 forward and M13 reverse) at the Research Technology Support Facility at Michigan State University. The partial 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained were aligned and edited with Chromas Pro (Technelysium, Pty. Ltd.). The Ribosomal Database Project (Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University) analysis tool “classifier” (16) was utilized to assign taxonomic identity. In addition, the Ribosomal Database Project classifier checked the deposited sequence for chimeras.Toluene removal occurred rapidly, starting after 3 days and reaching completion after 8 days (Table (Table1).1). The low percentage of recoveries was likely caused by toluene sorption to the soil; however, the difference between the controls and samples clearly illustrates a biological removal mechanism. DNAs extracted over time (on days 3, 5, 6, and 8) from both labeled and unlabeled samples were subjected to ultracentrifugation, fractionation, and TRFLP on every fraction. TRFLP analyses indicated that one fragment (394 bp) was highly enriched in the heavy fractions (>1.732 g ml−1) obtained from [13C]toluene microcosms but not in fractions with similar BD values obtained from the unlabeled controls, and further, the level of enrichment increased with time (Fig. (Fig.1).1). At day 3, the fragment was present in only one fraction TRFLP profile, indicating a low natural relative abundance of this organism. The peak TRFLP relative abundance values for the 394-bp fragment were 11.3%, 41.5%, and 62.1% on days 5, 6, and 8, respectively (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Consistent with this trend, the BD of this fragment also increased with time, with the peak relative abundances being found at BD values of 1.732 g ml−1, 1.740 g ml−1, and 1.744 g ml−1 on days 5, 6, and 8, respectively (Fig. (Fig.2).2). These trends indicate that the organism represented by this fragment is directly involved in toluene transformation. A number of other TRFLP peaks were found in the heavy 13C fractions; however, because they were also present in the heavy 12C fractions, they were excluded from further analysis.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Dominance of the 394-bp fragment over time in TRFLP profiles from heavy fractions of soil samples amended with unlabeled (12C) or labeled (13C) toluene. The pattern is representative of other heavy-fraction samples at these time points. The BD values are given in the lower-right corners of the profiles.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Relative abundances of the dominant 394-bp fragment over a range of BD values from DNA extracted after 5 days (a), 6 days (b), or 8 days (c) from soil amended with either labeled (13C) or unlabeled (12C) toluene.


Ranges for percentages of toluene remaining in soil-liquid slurries over time
Time (days)Range of % toluene in:
Sterile controlsSamples treated with toluene
Open in a separate windowThe microorganism represented by the 394-bp TRFLP fragment was determined both by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing of cloned DNA and by TRFLP analysis with additional restriction enzymes. TRFLP analysis with the restriction enzymes MspI, MseI, and HincII on 13C-enriched heavy fractions resulted in a unique dominant peak for each enzyme (Fig. (Fig.3).3). The fragment lengths of these dominant peaks were compared to those obtained from sequence data for in silico digests of cloned 16S rRNA genes. Of 20 clones sequenced, 17 contained restriction enzyme-cut sites that matched the TRFLP results (Table (Table2).2). The slight difference (2 or 3 bases) between the TRFLP fragment lengths and those predicted using sequence data has also been noted by others (2, 4, 11). The partial 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from 17 clones (∼1,300 bp for each) were all highly similar (>99%) and classified as belonging to the candidate phylum TM7. The three most similar (95%) sequences in GenBank (EU431823.1, EU431720.1, and EU431818.1) represented uncultured clones originating from calcium carbonate muds in Italy. The TM7 toluene degrader identified here could have originated from a wastewater treatment plant or could be a member of the soil community. Others have also found TM7 organisms in soils (13) and wastewater-associated samples (15, 17).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.TRFLP profiles from heavy fractions (1.732 to 1.751 g ml−1) of labeled toluene-amended soil samples with three different restriction enzymes (digestion with HincII contained a lower mass of DNA).


Comparison of dominant fragments in heavy-fraction TRFLP profiles to those in clone restriction enzyme-cut sites, as predicted by sequence analyses
Restriction enzymeFragment length (bp)
Open in a separate windowMicroorganisms belonging to the candidate phylum TM7 have been referred to as biology''s “dark matter” problem (9), being a focus of study because although they have been identified (via clone sequences) in a wide variety of habitats, from hydrothermal sediments and chlorinated solvent sites to the human mouth (1, 3, 5-8, 12), researchers have yet to obtain a stable culture of any isolate. A number of novel approaches have been used to investigate TM7 organisms, including the use of microfluidic devices (9) and cell separation by fluorescent in situ hybridization and flow cytometry (13) to obtain single cells for genetic analysis. The data presented here contribute to the limited pool of information on the functional abilities of TM7 bacteria and provide the first report directly linking toluene removal to this phylum.  相似文献   

Candida parapsilosis species complex comprises three important pathogenic species: Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto, Candida orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis. The majority of C. orthopsilosis and all C. metapsilosis isolates sequenced thus far are hybrids, and most of the parental lineages remain unidentified. This led to the hypothesis that hybrids with pathogenic potential were formed by the hybridization of non-pathogenic lineages that thrive in the environment. In a search for the missing hybrid parentals, and aiming to get a better understanding of the evolution of the species complex, we sequenced, assembled and analysed the genome of five close relatives isolated from the environment: Candida jiufengensis, Candida pseudojiufengensis, Candida oxycetoniae, Candida margitis and Candida theae. We found that the linear conformation of mitochondrial genomes in Candida species emerged multiple times independently. Furthermore, our analyses discarded the possible involvement of these species in the mentioned hybridizations, but identified C. theae as an additional hybrid in the species complex. Importantly, C. theae was recently associated with a case of infection, and we also uncovered the hybrid nature of this clinical isolate. Altogether, our results reinforce the hypothesis that hybridization is widespread among Candida species, and potentially contributes to the emergence of lineages with opportunistic pathogenic behaviour.  相似文献   

Rice stripe disease, caused by rice stripe virus (RSV) is a serious constraint to rice production in subtropical regions of East Asia. We performed fine mapping of a RSV resistance QTL on chromosome 11, qSTV11 ( SG ), using near-isogenic lines (NILs, BC(6)F(4)) derived from a cross between the highly resistant variety, Shingwang, and the highly susceptible variety, Ilpum, using 11 insertion and deletion (InDel) markers. qSTV11 ( SG ) was localized to a 150-kb region between InDel 11 (17.86 Mbp) and InDel 5 (18.01?Mbp). Among the two markers in this region, InDel 7 is diagnostic of RSV resistance in 55 Korean japonica and indica rice varieties. InDel 7 could also distinguish the allele type of Nagdong, Shingwang, Mudgo, and Pe-bi-hun from Zenith harboring the Stv-b ( i ) allele. As a result, qSTV11 ( SG ) is likely to be the Stv-b ( i ) allele. There were 21 genes in the 150-kb region harboring the qSTV11 ( SG ) locus. Three of these genes, LOC_Os11g31430, LOC_Os11g31450, and LOC_Os11g31470, were exclusively expressed in the susceptible variety. These expression profiles were consistent with the quantitative nature along with incomplete dominance of RSV resistance. Sequencing of these genes showed that there were several amino acid substitutions between susceptible and resistant varieties. Putative functions of these candidate genes for qSTV11 ( SG ) are discussed.  相似文献   

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