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用单细胞阳离子测定系统研究了SeO2-3对巨噬细胞内游离Ca2+和Mg2+的影响.实验结果表明:SeO2-3高于10-4mol/L时,有显著的细胞毒性.SeO2-3对细胞的毒性作用使细胞内游离Ca2+和Mg2+的浓度升高但Ca2+浓度的升高速率比Mg2+快.还有,高于10-4mol/L的SeO2-3对红细胞膜上的Ca2+-ATP酶活性有明显抑制作用.  相似文献   

以能源植物杂交狼尾草(Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum)为实验材料,在NaCl胁迫条件下用外源IBA(100 mg/L),CaCl_2(浓度分别为0、1、2、5 mmol/L)处理杂交狼尾草幼苗,处理3周后测定植物的存活率、鲜重、干重、株高、生根数和地上部分、地下部分的离子含量。结果表明,经过IBA溶液预处理的杂交狼尾草幼苗的存活率、鲜重、干重、株高、生根数明显高于未处理的幼苗;在NaCl胁迫下,随着外源Ca~(2+)浓度的升高,杂交狼尾草幼苗的存活率、鲜重、干重、株高、生根数以及Ca~(2+)含量都明显升高并在CaCl_2浓度为2 mmol/L时达到最大值;随着外源Ca~(2+)浓度的升高,Na~+含量、Na~+/K~+降低,当CaCl_2的浓度为2mmol/L时,Na~+含量、Na~+/K~+最低。以上结果表明外源Ca~(2+)和IBA对NaCl胁迫下杂交狼尾草幼苗生长有促进作用,可以缓解NaCl胁迫对杂交狼尾草幼苗生长的抑制作用,提高杂交狼尾草幼苗在NaCl胁迫下的成活率;缓解盐害的最适的Ca~(2+)浓度为2mmol/L。  相似文献   

采用正交实验研究了外加Ca2+和La3+对酿酒酵母生长的影响。结果表明:外加Ca2+和La3+对酿酒酵母的生长均有显著的影响,都呈现出低浓度时正效应和高浓度时负效应,当Ca2+浓度为1mmol/L及La3+浓度为15μmol/L时酿酒酵母生长最好。  相似文献   

以‘博辣红牛’辣椒为材料,研究外源Ca~(2+)连续喷施不同天数对淹水胁迫下辣椒幼苗农艺性状和生理指标的影响,探讨Ca~(2+)对辣椒淹水胁迫伤害的缓解作用和适宜的喷施处理天数。结果显示:(1)辣椒幼苗生物量、壮苗指数、叶绿素、根系活力、脯氨酸、可溶性糖以及CAT和SOD活性随施Ca~(2+)天数的增加呈先升高后下降的趋势,MDA含量随施Ca~(2+)天数的增加呈先下降后上升的趋势。(2)施Ca~(2+)1d(T1d)处理对辣椒淹水胁迫伤害无明显缓解作用,连续施Ca~(2+)3d(T3d)和6d(T6d)处理的缓解效果不断增强,至连续施Ca~(2+)9d(T9d)时缓解效果达到最佳,随后连续施Ca~(2+)12d(T12d)和20d(T20d)处理的缓解效果又逐渐减弱,但仍显著优于T1d处理。研究表明,外源Ca~(2+)可以诱导增加淹水胁迫下辣椒幼苗渗透调节物质含量,上调抗氧化酶活性,降低叶绿素的降解,大幅提高根系活力,从而缓解淹水胁迫所造成的各种伤害,增强其忍耐淹水胁迫能力,并以连续施钙9d对淹水胁迫的缓解效果最佳。  相似文献   

为研究金属离子诱导下感受态细胞形成的机理及揭示转化发生的机制,分别用Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)(0~140mmol/L)制备大肠埃希菌感受态细胞并转化。研究结果表明,不同浓度的Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)诱导的感受态细胞的效价不同,两种金属离子对大肠埃希菌细胞内外膜的通透性均有较大影响,但细胞内外膜的改变程度与转化率无直接关系;电镜结果显示,未处理的细胞呈簇聚集发生粘连现象,感受态细胞整体呈分散状态,局部发生聚集,而转化后的细胞独立存在,边缘异常清晰。  相似文献   

利用不同浓度Cd^2+、Hg^2+处理菱幼苗,研究重金属离子对菱生长、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响,比较了Cd^2+、Hg^2+对同一植物的毒性差异,Cd^2+、Hg^^2+各处理浓度与均抑制菱幼苗生长,使叶绿素含量下降,Cd^2+的抑制作用比Hg^2+的作用明显。Cd^2+、Hg^2+对SOD、POD活性有不同的影响效果;Cd^2+处理最艉地SOD、POD活性升高,但  相似文献   

钙和钙离子载体A23187对水稻早期胚胎离体发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不同浓度的钙(Ca^2 )和钙离子载体A23187对水稻早期胚胎离体发育的影响。结果表明:(1)Ca^2 对授粉后3~5d水稻胚胎离体发育的调控具有时间和浓度效应。培养基中不含Ca^2 或Ca^2 浓度较高(10^-1mol/L)时,3d原胚离体分裂和生长完全受到抑制;4~5d早期分化胚受到一定程度的影响;而Ca^2 浓度为10^-3mol/L时,不同时期的水稻胚胎均表现出最佳的生长速度和最高的离体胚胎发生频率;在相同的钙浓度条件下,胚龄越大,胚胎发生频率及总诱导频率越大。(2)A23187影响水稻胚胎的离体生长和形态发生:胚胎越小,影响越大;浓度越高,抑制作用越强。  相似文献   

ATP和ADP能激活多型核白细胞引起细胞内[Ca2+i的明显升高,AMP则无此作用.多型核白细胞对ATP和ADP具有不同的浓度依赖性.当细胞外的钙离子被螯合后,ATP和ADP仍能引起细胞内游离钙浓度的升高.结果表明多形核白细胞存在着对ATP和ADP敏感的P2型嘌呤受体,并且属于P2型受体中的P2Y亚类.  相似文献   

薯蓣皂素对油菜种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薯蓣皂素对油菜种子萌发及幼苗生长的作用随处理浓度的不同而有差别。0.5mg/L对种子萌发和幼苗生长有明显的促进作用,处理后的油菜幼苗下胚轴伸长,干鲜重增加,并且子叶中可溶性蛋白、可溶性总糖、过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶、Ca2 -ATP酶的活性都高于对照,这表明适度的薯蓣皂素有利于油菜生长和代谢。  相似文献   

Summary Calcium signaling systems in nonexcitable cells involve activation of Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane and release from intracellular stores as well as activation of Ca2+ pumps and inhibition of passive Ca2+ pathways to ensure exact regulation of free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ). A431 cells loaded with fura-2 cells were used as a model system to examine regulation of Ca2+ entry and intracellular release. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-) both stimulated Ca2+ entry and release while bradykinin appeared only to release Ca2+ from intracellular stores. The possible role of protein kinase C (PKC) in modulating the [Ca2+] i response to these agonists was examined by four methods. Low concentrations of TPA (2×10–10 m) had no effect on Ca2+ release due to EGF, TGR- or bradykinin but resulted in a rapid return of [Ca2+] i to baseline levels for EGF or TGF-. Addition of the PKC inhibitor staurosporine (1 and 10nm)_completely inhibited the action of TPA on EGF-induced [Ca2+] i changes. An inhibitor of diglyceride kinase (R59022) mimicked the action of TPA. Down-regulation of PKC by overnight incubation with 0.1 or 1 m TPA produced the converse effect, namely prolonged Ca2+ entry following stimulation with EGF or TGF-. To show that one effect of TPA was on Ca2+ entry, fura-2 loaded cells were suspended in Mn2+ rather than Ca2+ buffers. Addition of EGF or TGF- resulted in Ca2+ release and Mn2+ entry. TPA but not the inactive phorbol ester, 4--phorbol-12,13-didecanoate, inhibited the Mn2+ influx. Thus, PKC is able to regulate Ca2+ entry due to EGF or TGF- in this cell type. A431 cells treated with higher concentrations of TPA (5×10–8 m) inhibited not only Ca2+ entry but also Ca2+ release due to EGF/TGF- but had no effect on bradykinin-mediated Ca2+ release, suggesting differences in the regulation of the intracellular stores responsive to these two classes of agonists. Furthermore, sequential addition of EGF or TGF- gave a single transient of [Ca2+] i , showing a common pool of Ca2+ for these agonists. In contrast, sequential addition of EGF (or TGF-) and bradykinin resulted in two [Ca2+] i transients equal in size to those obtained with a single agonist. Ionomycin alone was able to fully deplete intracellular Ca2+ stores, whereas ionomycin following either EGF (or TGF-) or bradykinin gave an elevation of the [Ca2+] i signal equal to that of the second agonist. These data indicate that there are separate pools of intracellular Ca2+ for EGF-mediated Ca2+ release which also respond differently to TPA.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ transport ATPase (SERCA) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) plays an important role in muscle cytosolic signaling, as it stores Ca2+ in intracellular membrane bound compartments, thereby lowering cytosolic Ca2+ to induce relaxation. The stored Ca2+ is in turn released upon membrane excitation to trigger muscle contraction. SERCA is activated by high affinity binding of cytosolic Ca2+, whereupon ATP is utilized by formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate, which undergoes protein conformational transitions yielding reduced affinity and vectorial translocation of bound Ca2+. We review here biochemical and biophysical evidence demonstrating that release of bound Ca2+ into the lumen of SR requires Ca2+/H+ exchange at the low affinity Ca2+ sites. Rise of lumenal Ca2+ above its dissociation constant from low affinity sites, or reduction of the H+ concentration by high pH, prevent Ca2+/H+ exchange. Under these conditions Ca2+ release into the lumen of SR is bypassed, and hydrolytic cleavage of phosphoenzyme may yield uncoupled ATPase cycles. We clarify how such Ca2+pump slippage does not occur within the time length of muscle twitches, but under special conditions and in special cells may contribute to thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The roles that Ca2+, calmodulin, and ATP play in the redistribution of conconavalin A (Con A) binding sites on the surface of mouse T-lymphoma cells were examined. Membranes of cells labeled with fluorescein-conjugated Con A (Fl-Con A) were made permeable (skinned) to ions and proteins by incubation in a solution containing no added Ca2+, 7mm EGTA, and ATP. The intracellular ionic and protein concentrations could then be varied, and the degree of Con A receptor capping monitored simultaneously. A graded increase (9.0 to 30%) was found in the number of capped cells with increasing Ca2+ concentration from 10–6–10–4.9 m. Increasing concentrations of trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, and promethazine (1.5×10–6 to 1.0×10–4 m) in cell suspensions containing 10–4 m Ca2+ produced graded inhibition of capping in the same order that the drugs bind to calmodulin. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ dissociated (reversed) some of the caps into patches, thus reducing their number (12%). ATP was required for either capping or cap dissociation to occur. Addition of calmodulin (3.9×10–8–6.3×10–7 m) to the cell suspension increased the Ca2+ sensitivity. These results provide direct evidence that capping of Con A receptors is a reversible process (i) regulated by intracellular Ca2+ concentration, (ii) requiring ATP as an energy source, and (iii) susceptible to the influence of calmodulin. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the collection of surface receptor patches into cap structures is controlled by the interaction of actomyosin filaments, which in turn is regulated by a Ca2+-calmodulin-activated control system.  相似文献   

Although cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) is a potent anticancer drug, clinical use of this agent is highly limited predominantly because of its strong side effects on the kidney and gastrointestinal tracts. We found that cisplatin impaired respiratory function and DNA of mitochondria in renal proximal tubules and small intestinal mucosal cells, thereby inducing apoptosis of epithelial cells. Cisplatin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and DNA (mtDNA) injury, lipid peroxidation, and apoptosis of epithelial cells in the kidney and small intestine were strongly inhibited by L-carnitine. However, carnitine had no appreciable effect on the tumoricidal action of cisplatin against cancer cells inoculated in the peritoneal cavity. These results indicate that L-carnitine may have therapeutic potential for inhibiting the side effects of cisplatin and other anticancer agents in the kidney and small intestine.  相似文献   

Relevant Ca2+ pools and fluxes in H9c2 cells have been studied using fluorescent indicators and Ca2+-mobilizing agents. Vasopressin produced a cytoplasmic Ca2+ peak with half-maximal effective concentration of 6 nM, whereas thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ increase showed half-maximal effect at 3 nM. Depolarization of the mitochondrial inner membrane by protonophore was also associated with an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+. Ionomycin induced a small and sustained depolarization, while thapsigargin had a small but transient effect. The thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ pool was also sensitive to ionomycin, whereas the protonophore-sensitive Ca2+ pool was not. The vasopressin-induced cytoplasmic Ca2+ signal, which caused a reversible discharge of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pool, was sensed as a mitochondrial Ca2+ peak but was unaffected by the permeability transition pore inhibitor cyclosporin A. The mitochondrial Ca2+ peak was affected by cyclosporin A when the Ca2+ signal was induced by irreversible discharge of the intracellular Ca2+ pool, i.e., adding thapsigargin. These observations indicate that the mitochondria interpret the cytoplasmic Ca2+ signals generated in the reticular store.  相似文献   

Two membrane fractions, one enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum and the other enriched in sarcolemma, were isolated from the myocardium of young (3–4-months-old) and aged (24–25-months old) rats. ATP-supported Ca2+ binding and accumulating activities as well as (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activities of these membrane fractions were studied in an effort to determine the influence of age on the Ca2+ pump function of the two myocardial membrane systems. Sarcoplasmic reticulum from aged hearts showed significantly reduced (approx. 50%) rates of ATP-supported (oxalate-facilitated) Ca2+ accumulation compared to sarcoplasmic reticulum from young hearts; the amount of Ca2+ accumulated by this membrane of aged heart at steady state was also lower. On the other hand, sarcolemma from aged hearts displayed 2-fold higher rates of ATP-supported Ca2+ accumulation compared to sarcolemma from young hearts; at steady state, sarcolemma from aged hearts accumulated significantly higher amounts of Ca2+ than did sarcolemma from young hearts. Similar age-related differences were also observed in the ATP-dependent Ca2+ binding activities of the two membranes, determined in the absence of oxalate. The divergent age-associated changes in Ca2+ binding and accumulating activities of sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma were seen at varying Ca2+ concentrations (0.24–39.1 μM).With either membrane, kinetic analysis showed 2-fold age-related differences in the V values for ATP-supported Ca2+ accumulation (V (nmol Ca2+/mg protein per min): sarcoplasmic reticulum — young, 119 ± 8; aged, 59 ± 5; sarcolemma — young, 11 ± 2; aged, 21 ± 3); the concentrations of Ca2+ required for half-maximal velocities did not differ significantly with age (K0.5 for Ca2+ (μM): sarcoplasmic reticulum — young, 2.5 ± 0.20; aged, 2.9 ± 0.25; sarcolemma — yount, 2.7 ± 0.25; aged, 3.2 ± 0.30). Kinetic parameters of ATP-dependent Ca2+ binding also indicated that the velocity of Ca2+ binding but not the concentration of Ca2+ required for half-maximal binding was altered due to aging. At identical Ca2+ concentrations, the combined Ca2+ accumulating activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma from aged hearts was significantly lower (38–47%) than the combined Ca2+ accumulating activity of the two membranes from young hearts. No significant age-related differences were observed in the ATP-independent (passive) Ca2+ binding (or accumulation) by sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma, the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activities of these membranes, their polypeptide composition or relative purity. These results indicate that differential alterations occur in the ATP-supported Ca2+ pump activities of sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma in aging myocardium and such alterations may be due to age-associated changes in the efficacy of coupling ATP hydrolysis to Ca2+ transport. Further, the age-related increment in the Ca2+ pump activity of sarcolemma is inadequate to fully compensate for the diminished Ca2+ pump activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. It is, therefore, suggested that deterioration of the Ca2+ pump function of sarcoplasmic reticulum may contribute to the increased relaxation time observed in aging heart.  相似文献   

The Mg2+-dependency of Ca2+-induced ATP hydrolysis is studied in basolateral plasma membrane vesicles from rat kidney cortex in the presence of CDTA and EGTA as Mg2+- and Ca2+-buffering ligands. ATP hydrolysis is strongly stimulated by Mg2+ with a Km of 13 μ M in the absence or presence of 1 μ M free Ca2+. At free Mg2+ concentrations of 1 μ M and lower, ATP hydrolysis is Mg2+ -independent, but is strongly stimulated by submicromolar Ca2+ concentrations Km = 0.25 μM, Vmax = 24 μmol Pi/h per mg protein). The Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis strongly decreases at higher Mg2+ concentrations. The Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-independent ATP hydrolysis is not affected by calmodulin or trifluoperazine and shows no specificity for ATP over ADP, ITP and GTP. In contrast, at high Mg2+ concentrations calmodulin and trifluoperazine affect the high affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity significantly and ATP is the preferred substrate. Control studies on ATP-dependent Ca2+-pumping in renal basolaterals and on Ca2+-ATPase in erythrocyte ghosts suggest that the Ca2+-pumping enzyme requires Mg2+. In contrast, a role of the Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-independent ATP hydrolysis in active Ca2+ transport across basolateral membranes is rather unlikely.  相似文献   

Activation of the human red cell calcium ATPase by calcium pretreatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some kinetic parameters of the human red cell Ca2+-ATPase were studied on calmodulin-free membrane fragments following preincubation at 37°C. After 30 min treatment with EGTA(1 mm) plus dithioerythritol (1 mm), a V max of about 0.4 μmol Pi/mg × hr and a K s of 0.3 μm Ca2+ were found. When Mg2+ (10 mm) or Ca2+(10 μm) were also added during preincubation, V maxbut not Kwas altered. Ca2+ was more effective than Mg2+, thus increasing V max to about 1.3 μmol Pi/mg × hr. The presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ during pretreatment decreasedKto 0.15 μm, while having no apparent effect on V max. Conversely, addition of ATP (2 mm) with either Ca2+ or Ca2+ plus Mg2+increased Vmax without affecting K. Preincubation with Ca2+ for periods longer than 30 min further increased Vmaxand reduced Kto levels as low as found with calmodulin treatment. The Ca2+ activation was not prevented by adding proteinase inhibitors (iodoacetamide, 10 mm; leupeptin, 200 μm; pepstatinA, 100 μm; phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, 100 μm). The electrophoretic pattern of membranes preincubated with or without Mg2+, Ca2+ or Ca2+ plus Mg2+ did not differ significantly from each other. Moreover, immunodetection of Ca2+-ATPase by means of polyclonal antibodiesrevealed no mobility change after the various treatments. The above stimulation was not altered by neomycin (200 μm), washing with EGTA (5 mm) or by both incubating and washing with delipidized serum albumin (1 mg/ml), or omitting dithioerythritol from the preincubation medium. On the other hand, the activation elicited by Ca2+ plus ATP in the presence of Mg2+ was reduced 25–30% by acridine orange (100 μm), compound 48/80 (100 μm) or leupeptin (200 μm) but not by dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid (1 mm). The fluorescence depolarization of 1,6-diphenyl-and l-(4-trimethylammonium phenyl)-6-phenyl 1,3,5-hexatriene incorporated into membrane fragments was not affected after preincubating under the different conditions. The results show that proteolysis, fatty acid production, an increased phospholipid metabolism or alteration of membrane fluidity are not involved in the Ca2+ effect. Ca2+ preincubation may stimulate the Ca2+-ATPase activity by stabilizing or promoting the E1 conformation.  相似文献   

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