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采自海南省文昌市文昌镇一个蓼科蓼属植物新变种,与火炭母(Polygonum chinenseLinn.var.chinense)相比较,其主要特点是茎匍匐,叶具大斑点,命名为铺地火炭母(Polygonum chinenseLinn.var.procumbensZ.E.Zhao et J.R.Zhao)。  相似文献   

卡泼林氏大头蚁的新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卡泼林氏大头蚁的新异名ANEWSYNONYMOFPHEIDOLECAPELLINIIEMERY(HYMENOPTERA:FORMICIDAE)关键词膜翅目蚁科大头蚁属新异名中图分类号Q969.554.2卡泼林氏大头蚁PheidolecapeliniE...  相似文献   

火炭母化学成分的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对火炭母的化学成分进行研究,为选择控制其质量的指标性成分提供依据。运用硅胶、葡聚糖凝胶Sephadex LH-20等手段进行分离纯化得到9个化合物,并通过NMR、MS等波谱方法鉴定其结构分别为:正三十二烷醇(1)、β-谷甾醇(2)、没食子酸甲酯(3)、胡萝卜苷(4)、没食子酸(5)、槲皮素(6)、槲皮苷(7)、金丝桃苷(8)和3-甲氧基-4-鼠李糖鞣花酸(9),其中化合物1和9首次从该属植物中分得,4和8首次从该植物中分得。  相似文献   

在比较研究标本馆馆藏标本的基础上,确认Dalbergia esquirolii H. L関. 与滇黔黄檀(D. yunnanensis Franch.); 西盟黄檀(D. ximengensis Y. Y. Qian)与多裂黄檀(D.rimosa Roxb.)分别为同种植物,因此予以归并。  相似文献   

通过对野生植物及馆藏标本的观察比较,确认伞花野丁香(Leptodermis umbellata Batalin)与文水野丁香(L.diffusa Batalin)为同种植物,故予以归并。  相似文献   

苍耳的一个新异名   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将一室苍耳Xanthium sibiricum var. jingyuanense处理为苍耳Xanthium sibiricum的一个异名。  相似文献   

基于trnL-F序列探讨杠板归Polygonum perfoliatum的系统位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杠板归(Polygonum perfoliatum L.)的系统位置一直存在争议,文中以塔黄为外类群,采用最大简约法对杠板归及其近缘类群的trnL-F序列进行了系统发育分析,结果表明:(1)杠板归和刺蓼为姊妹群,自展分析的支持率为99%,分子证据支持杠板归归入刺蓼组,而没有必要单立组或属.(2)刺蓼组、春蓼组和头状蓼组植物聚在一起,自展支持率为100%,说明它们之间有很近的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

海桐花属一些种类的新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为对英文版“Flora of China”海桐花科的分类学修订结果,提出了海桐花属6个种的8个新异名,并分别进行了讨论。  相似文献   

重楼属的四个新异名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将小重楼Paris polyphylla Smith var.minora S.F.Wang、长药隔重楼P.polyhylla Smith var.pseudothibetica H.Li处理为金线重楼P.delavayi Franch.的异名;将广东重楼P.polyphylla Smith var.kwantungensis(R.H.Miau)S.C.Chen&S.Y.Liang处理为多叶重楼P.polyphylla Smith的异名;将文县重楼P.wenxianensis Z.X.Peng&R.N.Zhao处理为黑籽重楼P.thibetica Franch.的异名。  相似文献   

杠板归(Polygonum perfoliatum L.)的系统位置一直存在争议,文中以塔黄为外类群,采用最大简约法对杠板归及其近缘类群的trnL-F序列进行了系统发育分析,结果表明:(1)杠板归和刺蓼为姊妹群,自展分析的支持率为99%,分子证据支持杠板归归人刺蓼组,而没有必要单立组或属。(2)刺蓼组、春蓼组和头状蓼组植物聚在一起,自展支持率为100%,说明它们之间有很近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

报道了中国春蓼属一新归化植物:香辣蓼[Persicaria odorata(Lour.) Soják],并对其形态学特征进行了详细描述,提供了形态照片,同时分析了其用途。该种原产于中南半岛,被作为香料植物在云南、广西、广东及江西等地的傣族或客家人聚居区广泛栽培,现在云南西双版纳傣族自治州及德宏傣族景颇族自治州发现大量归化居群。香辣蓼与特产于中国江西的武功山春蓼(P.wugongshanensis B.Li)最为近似,二者叶片均具有强烈的气味,叶片及花被片具腺点,二型花柱,花序基部间断,花梗长于苞片,区别在于本种为多年生草本植物,具发达的根状茎,叶片披针形至狭披针形,果实表面光滑有光泽。  相似文献   

2017年,印度学者Joe等基于采自中国藏东南地区的植物标本,发表了合萼吊石苣苔的一新变种Lysionotus gamosepalus W. T. Wang var.biflorus A. Joe, Hareesh&M. Sabu,并且认为该新变种与原变种的主要区分特征包括叶缘稍具锯齿、每个腋生花序仅有2朵花、花冠被毛、具2枚卷曲的退化雄蕊。然而,近年来,笔者基于查阅大量标本和野外考察工作,认为所谓变种的形态特征是在合萼吊石苣苔(Lysionotus gamosepalus W. T. Wang)的变异范围之内,加之分布区完全重叠,生长环境类似,物候期一致,不宜作为变种等级处理。故在此将该变种处理为合萼吊石苣苔的异名。  相似文献   

蔡磊  BORAH Dipankar  刀志灵  温放 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1402-1408
通过查阅相关文献和标本,作者发现近期发表的苦苣苔科吊石苣苔属植物一新种——Lysionotus bijantiae D. Borah & A. Joe实为鉴定错误,应是汉克苣苔属的长圆叶汉克苣苔[Henckelia oblongifolia(Roxb.)D. J. Middleton & Mich. Möller] [原长圆叶唇柱苣苔Chirita oblongifolia(Roxb.)Sinclair]。Lysionotus bijantiae的模式标本采集于中国西藏东南部地区的喜马拉雅南坡,该地区苦苣苔植物多样性较为丰富。作者因其花具2枚发育雄蕊而将其归于吊石苣苔属,花萼分裂不达基部而与吊石苣苔属其他相关种类比较,而忽略了其种子先端不具附属物的特征。通过电镜扫描观察到,该种在墨脱境内居群以及其模式产地居群的种子均无附属物,从而证实了该种不是吊石苣苔属的物种,而是属于汉克苣苔属。因此,作者将Lysionotus bijantiae处理为Henckelia oblongifolia的新异名,同时提供了长圆叶汉克苣苔的彩色图片(含种子扫描图)、选定模式标本,并给出了吊石苣苔属和汉克苣苔属的区分方法和主要识别特征,不仅为这两个属的物种鉴定提供了参考,而且避免更多的物种分类混淆问题出现。  相似文献   

The pollen of 30 taxa (27 species, one subspecies and two varieties) in two genera, viz Polygonum s. str. and Polygonella was investigated with LM and SEM, and some selected taxa with TEM. In all genera investigated the pollen is prolate to spheroidal, and the aperture is mostly tricolporate, rarely panto-hexacolporate (especially Polygonum section Polygonum). The exine sculpturing pattern is the most variable feature. Three types of exine can be recognized. Type 1 (Avicularia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - All species of section Polygonum and section Tephis share the smooth tectate exine with spinules, sometimes the surface is more or less rough (Polygonum afromontanum in section Tephis). Type 2 (Pseudomollia-Type, sensu Hong) - Pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) has the exine, which is verrucose on both poles and nearby the mesocolpium, and mostly psilate around the ectoaperture. Type 3 (Duravia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - Pollen grains of Polygonum section Duravia and Polygonella have the exine which is semitectate-reticulate at the mesocolpium and the poles, and rugulate/reticulate or sometimes foveolate with microspinules around the ectoapertures. The pollen grains in four taxa (viz Polygonum section Pseudomollia, P. section Duravia and genus Polygonella) have a well-marked dimorphism of the ektexine, which is considered to be a synapomorphic condition. The differences of pollen grain between the genus Polygonella and Polygonum section Duravia are almost non existent and clearly interrelated. It is therefore postulated that the similarity in pollen of both taxa is not the result of convergency, but is interpreted as a homology. It is noteworthy that the pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) appears as intermediate between the Avicularia-type and the Duravia-type, and is well supported the value of separated section for its own. Additionally, in TEM, some exine ultrastructures (e.g. columellae, foot layer, endexine) appear to be valuable characters for comparison between/among taxa. The systematic potentialities of the pollen data of the studied taxa at various systematic levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross (Polygonaceae), is an annual vine from Asia that has invaded the eastern US where it can form dense monocultures and outcompete other vegetation in a variety of habitats. The host-specific Asian weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was first released in the US in 2004 as part of a classical biological control program. The weevil was intensively monitored in three release arrays over 4 years, and field cages at each site were used to determine the number of generations produced. The weevil established at all three sites and produced three to four generations before entering a reproductive diapause in late summer. Weevils dispersed at an average rate of 1.5–2.9 m wk−1 through the 50 m diameter arrays, which had fairly contiguous mile-a-minute cover. Weevils dispersing in the broader, more variable landscape located both large monocultures and small isolated patches of mile-a-minute 600–760 m from the release within 14 months. Weevil density ranged from fewer than 10 to nearly 200 weevils m−2 mile-a-minute weed. Mile-a-minute cover decreased at the site with the highest weevil density. The production of P. perfoliata seed clusters decreased with increasing weevil populations at two sites, and seedling production declined over time at two sites by 75% and 87%. The ability of the weevil to establish, produce multiple generations per season, disperse to new patches, and likelihood of having an impact on plants in the field suggests that R. latipes has the potential to be a successful biological control agent.  相似文献   

西畴重楼(Paris cronquistii var.xichouensis)为云南省特有物种,野外调查发现了广西(田林、那坡)的省级新分布,针对该新分布居群,观测并描述西畴重楼植物形态学特征,记录物候学特征,野外观测其地理分布特征,综上对其生物学特性进行补述,并结合前人基于细胞核ITS、叶绿体psbA-trnH和trnL-trnF等序列的分子系统学研究结果探讨其系统关系。结果表明:西畴重楼叶背面无紫色斑块,花瓣较宽而显著区别于凌云重楼(P.cromquistii var.cromquistii),但西畴重楼部分植株沿叶脉有紫色斑纹,表明与凌云重楼存在形态过渡,二者雄蕊数量均以3轮为主,而且变化范围一致;西畴重楼的物候期与同域分布的凌云重楼相近,同南重楼(P.vietnamensis)差异显著;西畴重楼多条序列的分子系统学研究显示西畴重楼和凌云重楼始终聚为一支,证实二者高度的亲缘关系。该研究结果完善了西畴重楼的生物学特性描述,首次报道了西畴重楼与凌云重楼形态特征存在过渡类型,物候学特征较一致,地理分布中心重叠,分子系统学位置相邻,仍支持李恒系统将西畴重楼作为凌云重楼的一变种。  相似文献   

Mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross, is an invasive annual vine of Asian origin that has developed extensive monocultures, especially in disturbed open areas in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. A host-specific Asian weevil, Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev, was approved for release in North America in 2004, and weevils have been reared at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Beneficial Insect Laboratory since then. By the end of 2007 more than 53,000 weevils had been reared and released, mostly in New Jersey, but also in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. The beetles established at 63 out of 65 sites (96.9%) where they were released between 2004 and 2007, with successful releases consisting of as few as 200 weevils. Weevils were recorded at 30 additional non-release sites in New Jersey, where they had dispersed at an average rate of 4.3 km/year. Standardized monitoring of fixed quadrats was conducted in paired release and control sites at eight locations. Significant differences in mile-a-minute weed populations in the presence and absence of weevils were found at three locations, with reduction in spring densities to 25% or less of what they had been at the start within 2–3 years at release sites, while weed densities at control sites were largely unchanged. Mile-a-minute weed populations at a fourth site were similarly reduced at the release site, but without control data for comparison due to rapid colonization of the paired control site. At the other four locations, all on islands, mile-a-minute weed populations were reduced at both release and control sites without large weevil populations developing, apparently due to environmental conditions such as late frost and extreme drought.  相似文献   

Polygonum sect.Tovara includes three controversial species;P. virginianum, P. filiforme, andP. neofiliforme. The flavonoid chemistry of these was examined to provide additional information on their delimitation and levels of differentiation. Eight flavonoid compounds were isolated and identified, all of which were 3-O-glycosides of the flavonols kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin, and their acylated derivatives. Although they exhibit relatively simple flavonoid profiles, the three taxa are readily distinguished by their flavonoid constituents. In addition, they show fundamental differences in flavonol types and glycosylation patterns. These results, in conjunction with evidence from the morphology, strongly suggest thatP. virginianum, P. filiforme, andP. neofiliforme are closely allied but distinct species.  相似文献   

Polygonum sect.Tovara comprises three morphologically very similar species;P. virginianum,P. filiforme, andP. neofiliforme. Sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) of nuclear ribosomal DNA of these were determined to examine phylogenetic relationships and the levels of differentiation among them. The size of ITS 1 was 241 bp inP. filiforme andP. neofiliforme, and 242 bp inP. virginianum. The size of ITS 2 was 243 bp, and that of the 5.8S rRNA coding region was 163 bp. The ITS sequences clearly separate North AmericanP. virginianum from the eastern Asian species. Nucleotide divergence between them ranges from 3.3% to 3.8% for ITS 1 and from 9.3% to 10.7% for ITS 2. The molecular data also revealed that two eastern Asian species are closely related but should be treated as distinct species.  相似文献   

研究欧洲和中国的标本后发现,室翅长蝽科Heterogastridae的小异腹长蝽Heterogaster minimusZou&Zheng,1981是地长蝽科Rhyparochromidae的红足点胸长蝽Acompus rufipes(Wolff,1804)的新异名。文中还提供了红足点胸长蝽Acompus rufipes的整体图和雄性生殖器特征图。  相似文献   

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