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Direct evidence for a xylose metabolic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xylose transport, xylose reductase, and xylitol dehydrogenase activities are demonstrated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The enzymes in the xylose catabolic pathway necessary for the conversion of xylose to xylulose are present, although S. cerevisiae cannot grow on xylose as a sole carbon source. Xylose transport is less efficient than glucose transport, and its rate is dependent upon aeration. Xylose reductase appears to be a xylose inducible enzyme and xylitol dehydrogenase activity is constitutive, although both are repressed by glucose. Both xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase activities are five- to tenfold lower in S. cerevisiae as compared to Candida utilis. In vivo conversion of (14)C-xylose in S. cerevisiae is demonstrated and xylitol is detected, although no significant levels of any other (14)C-labeled metabolites (e. g., ethanol) are observed.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical model for studying mechanism-based inhibitors (MBIs) is presented. The mathematical equations are deduced for an experimental protocol consisting of a first incubation of the enzyme in the presence of MBI followed by a washing protocol to eliminate free MBI. Finally enzyme activity (initial velocity) is measured with specific substrate. The representation of the final equation obtained is a straight line, and the MBI-specific association constant of velocity (k) can be calculated from its slope. The mathematical model was then challenged with the effect of 18-ethynyl-11-deoxycorticosterone (18-EtDOC) as an MBI on aldosterone biosynthesis from 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) in rat adrenal mitochondria. The last step of the mitochondrial biosynthesis of aldosterone consists of the conversion of DOC into corticosterone (B) or 18-hydroxy-11-deoxycorticosterone (18-OHDOC), and both steroids can then be transformed into aldosterone. The k (mM(-1) x min(-1)) values obtained for 18-EtDOC were: 451 +/- 36 for DOC to aldosterone; 177 +/- 16 for B to aldosterone; 175 +/- 15 for 18-OHDOC to aldosterone; and 2.7 +/- 0.2 for DOC to B. These results show that this MBI practically does not affect the metabolism of DOC to B in our enzyme preparation and that conversions of B and 18-OHDOC into aldosterone are catalyzed by the same enzyme.  相似文献   

Mononephrectomized rats were given 1% NaCl solution to drink; half of them received 1 mg/day of 19-oxo-11 deoxycorticosterone acetate (19-oxo-DOCA) in sesame oil subcutaneously and half received only the oil for a period of four weeks. The steroid had no effect upon saline intake, systolic blood pressure, growth or the size of adrenals, hearts or kidneys, although it did produce hypernatremia and hypokalemia. The discrepancy between a demonstrable mineralocorticoid effect without blood pressure elevation awaits elucidation.  相似文献   

In vitro oxidation of diethylstilbestrol (DES) by peroxidase preparations from horse radish or mouse uterus in the presence of hydrogen peroxide yields β-dienestrol, which is also a major in vivo metabolite of DES in several mammalian species. The oxidation reaction appears to involve reactive intermediates, presumably the semiquinone and quinone of DES, since nonextractable binding to salmon sperm deoxyribonucleic acid and bovine serum albumin was found. The peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of DES to reactive metabolites in estrogen target organs may be related to the organ toxicity of this synthetic estrogen.  相似文献   

When the cytochrome-mediated mitochondrial electron transport chain of Neurospora crassa is disrupted, an alternative oxidase encoded by the nuclear aod-1 gene is induced. The alternative oxidase donates electrons directly to oxygen from the ubiquininol pool and is insensitive to chemicals such as antimycin A and KCN that affect the standard electron transport chain. To facilitate isolation of mutants affecting regulation of aod-1, a reporter system containing the region upstream of the aod-1 coding sequence fused to the coding sequence of the N. crassa tyrosinase gene (T) was transformed into a strain carrying a null allele of the endogenous T gene. In the resulting reporter strain, growth in the presence of chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of mitochondrial translation whose action decreases the level of mitochondrial translation products resulting in impaired cytochrome-mediated respiration, caused induction of both alternative oxidase and tyrosinase. Conidia from the reporter strain were mutagenized, plated on medium containing chloramphenicol, and colonies that did not express tyrosinase were identified as potential regulatory mutants. After further characterization, 15 strains were found that were unable to induce both the reporter and the alternative oxidase. Complementation analysis revealed that four novel loci involved in aod-1 regulation had been isolated. The discovery that several genes are required for regulation of aod-1 suggests the existence of a complex pathway for signaling from the mitochondria to the nucleus and/or for expression of the gene.  相似文献   

To evaluate the peroxisomal requirement for beta-oxidation of hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETES), we tested 5-, 12- and 15-HETE oxidation in wild-type and mutant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Mutant CHO cells contain peroxisomal ghosts, have random cytosolic localization of catalase and lack two of the enzymes necessary for peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Reverse-phase HPLC indicated that 33% of 12-HETE radioactivity was converted by wild-type CHO cells during a 2 h incubation to one major and several minor polar metabolites. Wild-type CHO cells also converted 15-HETE to one major and several minor polar metabolites. Neither 12- nor 15-HETE were converted to any metabolites by the mutant CHO cell lines, despite appreciable cellular uptake of these hydroxyeicosanoids. 5-HETE was not converted to any metabolic products by either the wild-type or the mutant CHO cells. Docosahexaenoic acid beta-oxidation was substantially reduced in the mutants as compared to the wild-type cells, palmitic acid beta-oxidation was reduced to an intermediate extent in the mutants, but octanoate beta-oxidation and citrate synthase activity were not impaired. Protein immunoblotting for mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase indicated a single band of identity at 20 kDa in both wild-type and mutant CHO cells. Since mutant CHO cells fail to convert 12- and 15-HETE to oxidative metabolites but contain normal mitochondrial enzymatic activities, intact peroxisomes appear to be the organelle responsible for HETE oxidation.  相似文献   

A series of seven monoclonal antibodies was produced against the T-lineage-specific 50 kd T11 sheep erythrocyte rosette (SRBC) receptor protein in order to define the function of the molecule. Three distinct epitopes were detected: T111, the SRBC binding site expressed on all T lymphocytes and thymocytes; T112, an epitope unrelated to the SRBC binding site but with a similar distribution; and T113, a neo-epitope expressed only upon T-cell activation. Simultaneous triggering of T112 and T113 epitopes by monoclonal antibodies induces T lymphocytes to proliferate and mediate their functional programs in the absence of antigen and/or antigen-presenting cells. This antigen-independent mode of triggering is distinct from that involving the T3-Ti antigen receptor complex and represents an alternate pathway of T-cell activation. Given that T11 is the earliest T-lineage surface glycoprotein to appear in thymic ontogeny and is thus expressed before T3-Ti, the former may be involved in clonal expansion and/or differentiation during early development.  相似文献   

Rat adrenal gland preparations were incubated with radioactive cholesterol and 23,24-dinor-5-cholen-3 beta-ol. Steroids were isolated, purified by thin-layer and high performance liquid chromatography and crystallised to constant specific activity. It was found that the rat adrenal gland can utilise 23,24-dinor-5-cholen-3 beta-ol to produce corticosterone. Also, in contrast to the conversion of cholesterol to corticosterone which occurs in the mitochondrial fraction, the conversion of 23,24-dinor-5-cholen-3 beta-ol to corticosterone occurs in the microsomal fraction. It was concluded that the sesterterpene pathway for steroid biosynthesis can function in the rat adrenal gland and that the intermediates are converted to steroid hormones in the microsomal fraction.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange carrier was purified from bovine cardiac tissue by a new procedure which relies principally upon anion-exchange chromatography. The purified protein exhibited two major bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, at 120 and 160 kDa. The relative intensities of the two bands could be altered by variations in the procedures used for preparing the samples for electrophoresis, suggesting that they represent two different conformational states of the same protein. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequences of the 120- and 160-kDa bands were identical and agreed closely with a region of the deduced amino acid sequence of the recently cloned canine cardiac exchanger. The NH2-terminal sequence was preceded in the deduced sequence by a 32-residue segment that exhibited the characteristics of a signal sequence; the initial amino acid in the NH2-terminal sequence followed immediately after the predicted cleavage site for the signal sequence. The Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger appears to be unique among membrane transport carriers in encoding a cleaved signal sequence. The characteristics of the sequences flanking the first putative transmembrane segment of the mature exchanger suggest that the signal sequence is necessary to ensure the correct topological orientation of the exchanger in the membrane.  相似文献   

Methods für the determination of urinary free corticosterone, free aldosterone and free 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) in rats are described. The free corticosteroids were measured in urine samples of 0.1–0.5 (2.0) ml by radioimmunoassay after purification by column chromatography. The validity of the methods is demonstrated by the data of the free urinary corticoids under basal conditions and after adrenal suppression and various forms of adrenal stimulation. The basal excretion of free corticosterone, free aldosterone and free DOC was 123.71 ± 15.31 (x? ± SD), 3.87 ± 1.29 and 10.61 ± 2.24 ng/day, respectively, exhibiting a decrease to 26.20 ± 5.21, 1.05 ± 0.47 and 1.35 ± 1.20 ng/day after adrenal suppression by dexamethasone. Irrespective of the mode of adrenal stimulation i.e., synthetic ACTH and systemic (cold, hunger) or neurotrophic (ether, reserpine) stress stimuli free corticosterone increased to about 450 ng/day, while free aldosterone excretion decreased during hunger and cold and was strongly enhanced after the application of reserpine. Furthermore, determination of urinary free DOC, which increased by a factor of 4, may be applied in the metyrapone test. There was a good correlation between the excretion of free corticosterone and that of free aldosterone and free DOC under basal conditions and after ACTH application, demonstrating that ACTH is responsible for the secretion of all the 3 corticoids measured. It is concluded, that the measurement of the urinary excretion of corticosterone, aldosterone and DOC is a valuable parameter of adrenal function in rats. Furthermore, in small laboratory animals like rats steroid measurements in urine are often more advantageous than Measurements in plasma.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) was readily converted into Chl-d under mild conditions without any enzymes. Treatment of Chl-a dissolved in dry tetrahydrofuran (THF) with thiophenol and acetic acid at room temperature successfully produced Chl-d in 31% yield. During the acidic oxidation, removal of the central magnesium, pheophytinization, was sufficiently suppressed. This mild pathway can give insights into the yet unidentified Chl-d biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A specific and sensitive assay has been established for measurement of endothelin converting activity in a tissue extract. This assay is based on measuring endothelin-1 generated from big endothelin-1 by endothelin converting enzyme (ECE) with radioimmunoassay using an endothelin C-terminal specific antibody. By using this assay, we purified and characterized ECE in bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin granules ECE was purified over 3,000 times by a combination of DEAE, hydrophobic and gel filtration chromatography. A molecular weight of ECE was estimated to be approximately 30,000 by gel filtration. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that ECE had three major components with estimated molecular weights of 45,000, 30,000 and 15,000 like bovine spleen cathepsin D. ECE had a pH optimum at 3.5 and was inhibited by pepstatin. These results strongly suggest that ECE is a cathepsin D-like aspartic protease.  相似文献   

[14C4]GA53, [14C4]GA44, and [2H2/14C4]GA19 were injected separately into seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa) using a dwarf mutant (d35) that has low levels of endogenous gibberellins (GAs). After 8 h incubation, the shoots were extracted and the labeled metabolites were identified by full-scan gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and Kovats retention indices (KRIs). Our results document the metabolic sequence, GA53-->GA44-->GA19-->GA20 and the presence of endogenous GA53, GA44, GA19, GA20 and GA1. Previous metabolic studies have shown the presence of the step, GA20-->GA1 in rice. Taken together, the data establish in vegetative shoots of rice the presence of the early 13-hydroxylation pathway, a pathway that originates from GA12 and leads to bioactive GA1.  相似文献   

In vitro embryo production has been used extensively in research and is now offered as a commercial service, yet the hazards of introducing specific infectious agents into in vitro embryo production systems have not been completely defined. The introduction of noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a special concern. One objective of this study was to determine if noncytopathic BVDV-infected uterine tubal cells in IVF and IVC systems affected the rate of cleavage and development. An additional objective was to determine if either degenerated ova or embryos produced in the presence of the infected cells had virus associated with them after washing. Follicular oocytes (n = 645) collected from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured and fertilized in vitro, and presumptive zygotes were cultured for 7 d. Primary cultures of uterine tubal cells for use during IVF and IVC were divided into 2 groups. One-half of the cultures was infected with noncytopathic BVDV while the other half was not exposed to the virus. Approximately equal groups of mature oocytes were inseminated, and the presumptive zygotes were cultured with infected or noninfected uterine tubal cells. After 7 d in IVC, zona pellucida-intact (ZP-I) morulae and blastocysts and degenerated ova were washed and assayed for the presence of infectious virus. Infections of uterine tubal cells were not apparent and did not reduce rates of cleavage and development (P > 0.05; Chi-square test for heterogeneity). After washing, BVDV was isolated at a significantly higher rate from groups of virus-exposed degenerated ova (79%) than from individual virus-exposed morulae and blastocysts (37%; P = 0.0002; Mantel-Haenszel summary, Chi-square).  相似文献   

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